IMDb Polls

Poll: Modern Films Shot in Academy Ratio

This is a list of modern films that were shot in the Academy Ratio (1:37:1 or 1:33:1) This ratio of squarer framing is rarely used for the movies in recent years.

Which of these films makes the best use of this aspect ratio?

Note: The list contains movies after 2000. Documentaries and Short films are not added.

Discuss the list here.

Make Your Choice

  1. Vote!

    The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)

  2. Vote!

    The Artist (2011)

  3. Vote!

    Ida (2013)

  4. Vote!

    Son of Saul (2015)

  5. Vote!

    American Honey (2016)

  6. Vote!

    The Assassin (2015)

  7. Vote!

    Elephant (2003)

  8. Vote!

    Fish Tank (2009)

  9. Vote!

    The Romance of Astrea and Celadon (2007)

  10. Vote!

    Meek's Cutoff (2010)

  11. Vote!

    Tabu (2012)

  12. Vote!

    Laurence Anyways (2012)

  13. Vote!

    Post Tenebras Lux (2012)

  14. Vote!

    Wuthering Heights (2011)

  15. Vote!

    Paranoid Park (2007)

  16. Vote!

    Colossal Youth (2006)

  17. Vote!

    Last Days (2005)

  18. Vote!

    Regular Lovers (2005)

  19. Vote!

    Faust (2011)

  20. Vote!

    Jauja (2014)

  21. Vote!

    Blancanieves (2012)

  22. Vote!

    Operai, contadini (2001)

  23. Vote!

    Our Music (2004)

  24. Vote!

    Evolution of a Filipino Family (2004)

  25. Vote!

    Triple agent (2004)

  26. Vote!

    Funny Ha Ha (2002)

  27. Vote!

    Open Hearts (2002)

  28. Vote!

    Horse Money (2014)

  29. Vote!

    The Blue Room (2014)

  30. Vote!

    Scarred Hearts (2016)

  31. Vote!

    Memoria (2015)

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