IMDb Polls

Poll: Ham-to-ham combat

Which of these overacting pairs is the most entertaining to watch?

The title refers to the term ''hamming it up'', which is also called ''chewing the scenery'', or simply - overacting.

Credits to TV Tropes for an idea and to tim-xy for one suggestion

Results of 1,369 votes:

  1. 1.

    Nicolas Cage and John Travolta in Face/Off (1997)

    Sean Archer vs Castor Troy (and vice versa)
  2. 2.

    Bruce Campbell in Army of Darkness (1992)

    Ash vs Evil Ash
  3. 3.

    Johnny Depp and Geoffrey Rush in Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007)

    Captain Jack Sparrow vs Captain Hector Barbossa

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