IMDb Polls

Poll: Rooster Teeth at 20

Founded in 2003, Rooster Teeth is a multifaced production company based out of Austin, TX.

Which of the following Rooster Teeth productions* is your favorite?

Discuss your answer here.

*TV series and podcasts. No movies or short films. With a minimum average rating of 7.0.

Make Your Choice

  1. Vote!

    Red vs. Blue (2003)

  2. Vote!

    RWBY (2012)

  3. Vote!

    Tales from the Stinky Dragon (2021)

  4. Vote!

    Gen: Lock (2018)

  5. Vote!

    Camp Camp (2016)

  6. Vote!

    Day 5 (2016)

  7. Vote!

    On the Spot (2014)

  8. Vote!

    X-Ray and Vav (2014)

  9. Vote!

    Million Dollars, But... (2015)

  10. Vote!

    Nomad of Nowhere (2018)

  11. Vote!

    Heroes & Halfwits (2016)

  12. Vote!

    The Strangerhood (2004)

  13. Vote!

    Funhaus (2015)

    I prefer a Rooster Teeth production not listed above.

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