IMDb Polls

Poll: Max Steiner's Oscar-Nominated Soundtracks

Which of Max Steiner's oscar-nominated soundtracks is your favorite?

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Make Your Choice

  1. Vote!

    The Lost Patrol (1934)

  2. Vote!

    The Gay Divorcee (1934)

  3. Vote!

    The Informer (1935)

  4. Vote!

    The Garden of Allah (1936)

  5. Vote!

    Jezebel (1938)

  6. Vote!

    Gone with the Wind (1939)

  7. Vote!

    Dark Victory (1939)

  8. Vote!

    The Letter (1940)

  9. Vote!

    Sergeant York (1941)

  10. Vote!

    Now, Voyager (1942)

  11. Vote!

    Casablanca (1942)

  12. Vote!

    The Adventures of Mark Twain (1944)

  13. Vote!

    Since You Went Away (1944)

  14. Vote!

    Rhapsody in Blue (1945)

  15. Vote!

    Night and Day (1946)

  16. Vote!

    My Wild Irish Rose (1947)

  17. Vote!

    Life with Father (1947)

  18. Vote!

    Johnny Belinda (1948)

  19. Vote!

    Beyond the Forest (1949)

  20. Vote!

    The Flame and the Arrow (1950)

  21. Vote!

    The Jazz Singer (1952)

  22. Vote!

    The Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima (1952)

  23. Vote!

    The Caine Mutiny (1954)

  24. Vote!

    Battle Cry (1955)

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