The Lives of a Bengal Lancer (1935) Poster

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Rousing And Well Made Indian Frontier Adventure!
sherlock-3421 November 2000
I picked this little beauty up simply because of Gary Cooper and the subject matter. Having loved Gunga Din, this seemed like a good choice. Cooper as Macgregor, the top billed hero of the piece gives a strong, warm and wry performance. The stand-out surprise of the piece though, is that he is up-staged at nearly every turn by Franchot Tone. The banter between the two is great and takes full advantage of the witty and cynical dialogue. Young Richard Cromwell on the other hand makes very little impression until the final scenes of the picture. The British institution that is C. Aubrey Smith, makes a wonderful patriotic speech from under his formidably bristling eyebrows that brings the house down.

The story-line is pretty standard stuff, three heroes in the face of overwhelming odds fight to uphold British dominance on the Indian Frontier. The strength of the film lies in the characterizations of the leads and the incredible settings and action sequences. A good deal of first rate horsemanship is also in evidence as we are treated to a full Lancer charge and scenes of tent pegging and pig sticking. The final battle is a glorious and exciting sequence that modern film makers would learn a great deal from. The script does have its goofy moments in the later torture sequences as we are treated to lines like "We have ways of making men talk" and are shown the old bamboo under the fingernails bit, but even the cliches seem fitting.

If grand adventure with an emphasis on style is your idea of a good time, you'd be hard put to find a better example than this film!
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Classic and epic adventure movie about three valiant officers in the colonial India
ma-cortes18 June 2021
Based in Northwest India, Lt. McGregor : Gary Cooper is a seasoned frontier fighter in the Bengals Lancers who befriends new officer Lt Forsythe : Franchot Tone . Also new to regiment is Donald Stone : Richard Cromwell , the son of current commanding General : Sir Guy Standing . All three will soon test their courage when the Brits encounter a vicious local revolution against colonial rule . They are gallant heroes , the Bengal Lancers , hamdsome stalwarts , often out-numbered , never out-fought . The thrill of a Kiss, the joy of combat... , these , they fought for .. dangerously , recklessly , madly ! . Night find them in the warm arms of love .. or the cold clutch of death !

One of Hollywood's greatest rousing adventures including noisy action , comradeship , heroism and spectacular final battle . A sweet plot in which predominates a sensitive friendship , great comraderie and brave feats . Being based on the novel written by Major Francis Yeats Brown and interesting script from John Balderston , Waldemar Young and Grover Jones , being remade in 1939 .Trio of protagonists : Gary Cooper , Franchot Tone , Richard Cromwell are pretty good . Well accompanied by a large and notorious support cast, such as : Guy Standing , C Aubrey Smith, Kathleen Burke , Douglas Dumbrille , Monte Blue , J. Carrol Naish , Akim Tamiroff , among others . It was shot by cameraman Charles Lang with exteriors from Lone Pine , California , and spectacular settings , in fact some sets were taken for The Crusades 1935 by Cecil B DeMille . And some years earlier, filmmaker Ernest B. Schoedsack filmed scenes on location in India that were subsequently used.

The motion picture was stunningly directed by Henry Hathaway. He was an expert on Western , such as : "Brighham Young Frontiersman" , "The Shepherd of the Hill" , "Rawhide" or "Desperate Siege" , "From Hell to Texas" , "5 Card Stud", "True Grit" and Adventure , such as : "The Black Rose" , "White Witch Doctor" , "Legend of the Lost" , "Circus World" , among others . Rating : 7/10 . Essential and fundamental seeing for classic Hollywood enthusiasts anf Gary Cooper fans .
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nearly forgotten today
blanche-230 August 2013
Directed by Henry Hathaway, The Lives of a Bengal Lancer from 1935 is an excellent film that today is not as well-known as films like Beau Geste and Gunga Din.

The film stars Gary Cooper, Franchot Tone, Richard Cromwell, Guy Standing, C. Aubrey Smith, and Douglas Dumbrille.

The story takes place in India, in the northwest frontier. The 41st Bengal Lancers have had casualties due to a rebel leader, Mohammed Khan. Replacements for the lost men appear: Lt. Forsythe (Tone) and Donald Stone (Richard Cromwell), the son of the head of the Lancers, Colonel Stone. Lt. Alan McGregor (Cooper) rooms with them, due to the fact that he's usually in trouble. Forsythe loves singing "Mother Macree" and pushing McGregor's buttons; but McGregor bonds with the young Stone. Eventually all three become friends.

When Stone's son is kidnapped by Mohammed Khan, McGregor and Forsythe want to go after him, but Stone forbids it. The two men dress as Indians and go to Khan's base to rescue Stone.

Rousing film with plenty of action, which was one of Hathaway's specialties, with all locations in California but under the hot sun, it could be India. This is the movie where the famous line "We have ways of making you talk" comes from, except that's not the line, it's "We have ways of making men talk" - somehow these famous lines are never exact.

Gary Cooper is excellent -- gorgeous as usual, energetic, and passionate. I just saw him in "Ten North Fredrick" so it was a delight to see him in this, 23 years earlier, so young and strong. Tone, who replaced Henry Wilcoxin is very good, and baby-faced Richard Cromwell is right for his role as a kid who wants to be treated like one of the Lancers and not have any special privileges. Cromwell was married to Angela Lansbury for five minutes or so, and was in and out of films, working ultimately as an artist.

Lots of action and adventure - hard to know why it isn't appreciated today because the characters are strong, with real relationships and good dialogue. I think I know why - Gunga Din is a George Stevens' film, and Beau Geste was directed by William Wellman. Since Hathaway isn't considered a director in that league, I have a feeling this film is often passed over. It's a shame; it deserves rediscovery.
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Exotic British Colinial India in the tradition of "Gunga Din"...
Doylenf8 December 2006
THE LIVES OF A BENGAL LANCER can take its place among the best of the Hollywood version of Colonial India during the 1800s where the danger and excitement is derived from tales similar to the more famous GUNGA DIN, where the British Army has its share of conflict with the Indians who think their country is being occupied.

And like GUNGA DIN, it revolves around a threesome of male buddies played by GARY COOPER, FRANCHOT TONE and RICHARD CROMWELL. Cooper is the strongest of the leads, a Lt. McGregor who has been sent to welcome two new soldiers to the military post. One of them (Cromwell) is the naively inexperienced son of the post's commander and prone to go astray without guidance from Cooper and Tone. The relationships are not without friction (usually with humorous episodes thrown in), and, of course, there's the requisite loyalty, courage and danger involved in all of their undertakings.

Much of it feels similar to other stories of courage beyond endurance and scenes of torture where the captive soldiers exhibit the bravery instilled in them by the military. GARY COOPER is at his most Gary Cooper-like persona (stoic and brave) in the role of the heroic McGregor and FRANCHOT TONE does extremely well as his humorous buddy. RICHARD CROMWELL tends to overact in melodramatic '30s style, the only weakness in the cast.


Fans of GUNGA DIN should love this one.
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from the other world
Vincentiu29 August 2014
exotic, romantic, useful for discover the old virtues and conventional India, mixture of drama, humor and noble intentions/ gestures, with a legendary cast, it is a great show. maybe , a perfect one. the old scent is its great virtue. than - the story, impeccable in each detail. and the inspired image about duty and honor. it is an useful film. not only for acting or for the heroic scenes but for the grace to do a good job who has the opportunity to seems be remarkable. because each detail, the dialog, the same ingredients for Middle East policy are impressive. a film with taste of event for many viewers. for the status of piece from a precious lost world.
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Patrolling the Northwest Frontier
bkoganbing14 September 2006
It's hard to remember sometimes when you get caught up in watching a film like Lives of a Benger Lancer that in fact the British were the occupiers and the bandits were in fact fighting against who they considered invaders.

The British didn't take over India in a classical war of armed conquest. During the 17th and 18th centuries they were among a whole series of European powers who were looking for trading rights and who gradually made deals with several of the local rulers like the ones you see portrayed in this film. A guy named Robert Clive finally defeated the French and the British were the only ones left on the subcontinent except for two Portugese enclaves on the Indian west coast.

Great Britain ruled very little of India directly. They only could run it with a LOT of collaboration which they had. They were seen as occupiers however, even by those who collaborated.

Having said that the British Army over its period in India established a great military tradition. In fact their army in India was viewed as almost a wholly separate entity.

The Lives of the Bengal Lancers is part of that tradition. True to Hollywood in order to have Americans star in a British location we make them Canadians. Well, Gary Cooper was from Montana and that's close enough to Canada. Franchot Tone with his clipped and professionally stage trained speech patterns I guess Paramount figured could pass for British. And Richard Cromwell was given an American mother.

Cooper is a frontier officer who is sent to meet two new arrivals, Tone from another regiment and Cromwell straight from Sandhurst. Cromwell is the son of the post commander a real spit and polish type played by Sir Guy Standing. Their clash is what sets off the events of this film.

Douglass Dumbrille plays a very smooth and deadly villain as bandit leader Mohammed Khan. And C. Aubrey Smith is fine as the fort's second in command.

The later and more comic Gunga Din had a lot of the same plot in it. The final battle between the British lancers and Dumbrille's forces is pretty exciting though the heroics of our three officers today's audience might find a bit much.

Still The Lives of a Bengal Lancer is a good action adventure saga and a fine tribute to the men who served in the lancers.
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Pretty good film of the British Raj
smatysia3 October 2000
Pretty good film. Surprisingly complex characters and plot elements for such an old film. Good action sequences and direction. The only criticism I can think of that I had on viewing this movie isn't even really fair, that the cobra didn't look real. I guess their computer graphics lab wasn't quite up to snuff! If you like old films, this one is worth a look.
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Forgotten Classic
Ramses_Emerson24 February 2006
You are unlikely to have heard of "The Lives of a Bengal Lancer." It has long been overshadowed by it's more popular contemporaries "Beau Geste" and "Gunga Din", though it is, in my humble opinion, a finer film then either of them. But I'm getting ahead of myself, let's start at the beginning.

"The Lives of a Bengal Lancer" is the story of a regiment of British soldiers in Imperial India. It's an adventure film first and foremost, but it is also an intimate drama about the life of a soldier in an age of Victorian honor, chivalry, and stiff upper lip stoicism. The characters are all interesting and complex and the dialogue is witty and literate.

The film holds up very well for a movie made in 1935, largely due to the lack of any melodramatic romantic subplots, which have permanently marred other adventure films of the period. This is a man's film about men in desperate situations, it's about being willing to die for your country or your friends at a moments notice. It's about a concept that most people consider outdated, honor. How many films have you seen recently about honor, loyalty, and true courage? Probably not many. The action scenes are exhilarating, and the film really does a wonderful job of establishing it's Indian setting.

The performances are all first rate, Gary Cooper stars as Lt. McGregor. I've always imagined Cooper as the quiet, serious, everyman characters he played later in his career. Here he gets to try his hand at comedy and complexity and gives arguably the most layered performance of his career. Franchot Tone is also perfectly cast, he won on Oscar the same year for his performance in Mutiny on the Bounty, but his performance in this film is equally deserving of acclaim. Tone was one of the best actors of the 1930's, though he never really hit it big as a leading man. He's wonderful here, his character exudes charm and wit, and he and Cooper bounce off each other wonderfully. Richard Cromwell is a little over the top, but he makes sense for the character. British stage actor Guy Standing plays Colonel Stone as being emotionless on the outside, and yet torn apart on the inside, having to make the impossible choice between loyalty to one's family and loyalty to one's country. It's a great performance for which he should have received an Oscar nomination. As for C. Aubrey Smith, he is wonderful as usual, the quintessential British officer, often imitated but never equaled, there is no one like the man himself. Douglas Dumbrille also gives a fine performance as the evil Muhammad Khan.

"The Lives of a Bengal Lancer" is a great film, that has been unfairly denied the classic status it so deserves. For years the only way to see it was on Turner Classic Movies, but recently it was released as one of the five films on the $25 "Gary Cooper Collection". Don't miss it.

10 out of 10

Also, though most people don't know it, this is the film in which the now famous line "We have ways of making men talk" is first uttered.
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Adolph Hitler's Favourite Movie But Then He Wasn't Scotch
Theo Robertson11 July 2013
Long before I saw this I knew a small trivia fact and that is it's reported to have been Adolph Hitler's favourite movie . It's not contradictory . The Indian sub-continent is the birth place of the swastika and is proudly displayed everywhere , well almost everywhere because I don't recall seeing any of them in Manali which is the Mecca for the Israeli stoner . Interesting too that the Nazis were very much pro Muslim and had during the war two Waffen SS divisions one of which the 13th Waffen SS division was composed of Bosnian Muslims and the other the 14th Waffen SS division being composed of Albanians . The Nazis got round the small matter of these Muslims being Slavs by categorizing them as Persians hence qualified as Indo-Ayrans

Apparently Hitler was fascinated by the fact a small island like Britain could govern and rule a large country like India with a population of over 300 million inhabitants . This is easily explained . India is a large country with massive diversity . What you do is divide and rule , just convince the people in one state are British and the people in the next state are a bunch of trouble makers saying nasty things about the royal family and need sorting out . If the people in the next state are of a different religion well that makes the task much easier . Hitler had future designs on ruling the Soviet Union along similar lines but went around it the wrong way by committing genocide against the entire Soviet population . If he only convinced people in conquered territories that they were German and the people up the road were nasty communists intent on causing nuisance then he might have won the war . He should have listened to the dialogue in the opening scene when McGregor is warned " You're far too impulsive "

Being a Hollywood movie not too much is given to facts . It's not factual that cobras are attracted to music because they have no ears and the hyponotic effect of a snake charmer on a cobra is down to body language . Neither is it correct that a Muslim falling in battle is guaranteed " forty eight maidens in paradise " The number is supposedly seventy two but the real figure is actually zero . There is also no such race as " Scotch " which is an alcoholic beverage and the correct term is Scottish which will be of no interest to anyone outside of Scotland

But Hollywood don't do documentaries . Hollywood does spectacle , action and derring do and this movie has it in abundance . This is Boys Own adventure printed on celluloid and fueled an appetite for historical adventure and being from the golden era of Hollywood it's rather more enjoyable than the long winded CGI driven stuff like we got with TITANIC and PEARL HARBOR . It does seem contrived that two of the main characters have North American accents since one is supposed to be Scotch Canadian and the other was brought up in America . It also contains the line " The Scotch are a queer race " so I guess it also influenced Pat Robertson as well as Hitler
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Tale of Friendship & Adventure on the Khyber Pass
Ron Oliver4 April 2000
British India - the Northwest Frontier. Three comrades-in-arms, officers of the elite Lancers Corps, are part of the great Army machine that protects the Raj from warring princes & rebellious tribes. Of immediate concern is the black-hearted ruler conspiring to obtain two million rounds of ammunition. If he succeeds, war is inevitable. Meanwhile, the stern old Lancers colonel has difficulties in dealing with his energetic young officers, one of whom is his own alienated son. During the trials that lie ahead they will exhibit courage, camaraderie & competition, all qualities that make up THE LIVES OF A BENGAL LANCER.

Not just a great adventure epic, this film deals with the tough questions raised by bonds fraternal & familial. What does it mean to be loyal to one's friends? What affection should a father exhibit for his son? What does one do when duty & friendship collide? Beyond all that, the movie is simply fun...

Gary Cooper, here playing a Canadian-Scots, is excellent as the veteran lieutenant, but Franchot Tone matches him in every way as the feisty new subaltern. Together they make a great pair of movie companions - their 'snake charming' scene is priceless. Richard Cromwell, as the military school graduate, is also very good. The fine supporting cast includes Douglass Dumbrille, Akim Tamiroff, Lumsden Hare, Nobel Johnson, J. Carroll Naish, Monte Blue, Mischa Auer & especially wonderful old Sir C. Aubrey Smith, as the major of the regiment.

Comment should be made of Sir Guy Standing, tremendous here as the Regimental Colonel. Sir Guy was a distinguished stage actor from London, who, like many other British theatrical performers, came to Hollywood to make a living in the movie business. At Paramount Studios he quickly established himself as a very fine character actor and from 1933 to 1937 he appeared in 18 films. Tragically, all came to an end in 1937, when he died in the Hollywood Hills, the victim of a rattlesnake bite.
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Entertaining Politically Incorrect Adventure
claudio_carvalho26 January 2008
In the Northwest Frontier of India, the 41st Bengal Lancers leaded by the harsh Colonel Tom Stone (Sir Guy Standing) are having trouble with the rebellious leader Mohammed Khan (Douglas Dumbrille). After two casualties, the experienced but insubordinate Lieutenant Alan McGregor (Gary Cooper) receives as replacement, the arrogant and cocky Lieutenant Forsythe (Franchot Tone) and the immature and naive son of Colonel Stone, Lieutenant Donald Stone (Richard Cromwell). With the intention to prove that he will not have any privilege in the troop, the reception of Colonel Stone to his son is absolutely cold, but he becomes the protégé of McGregor. When Lieutenant Stone is kidnapped by Mohammed Khan, McGregor and Forsythe disobey the direct order of their commander, disguise as Indian peddlers and go to Khan's fortress to attempt to rescue their friend.

"The Lives of a Bengal Lancer" is a great dramatic adventure that won two Oscars and was nominated in six other categories, including Best Picture and Best Director. The acting is top-notch, with delightful witty and cynical dialogs. However, like in "Gunga Din" of "The Birth of a Nation", the story is dated and politically incorrect. The British invaders are the "good guys", while those that are fighting for the freedom of their country are the "bad guys". Therefore, is spite of being a terrific and entertaining movie, its message is morally equivocated and nasty. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "Lanceiros da Índia" ("India Lancers")
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A Rousing adventure on the Northwest Frontier
d149427 June 2002
In the very place where American and British troops are searching for Bin laden, the untamed Northwest frontier of modern Pakistan, the regiments of the Imperial British Raj ruled three hundred million with a hand full of men like Guy Standing and C. Aubrey Smith, who exemplified the very best of the military tradition. There are moments of this film that even transcend the story of outnumbered British soldiers, as when C. Aubrey Smith tells a hot headed Gary Cooper the meaning of honor and duty to the regiment. He explains that sometimes there may be a higher calling than fatherly love. Excellent portrayals by Gary Cooper and Franchot Tone and precise attention to detail ensure that this movie holds up nearly 70 years after it was made. This film should be required viewing for modern day Hollywood types, actors and directors alike who think they can make an action movie! This is one of the great films, I give it a 10!
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Coop sets the Tone
Lejink19 October 2019
A vintage Hollywood actioner which throws together three British soldiers in the mutinous Victorian-era Indian Raj and examines in an entertaining way themes of camaraderie, bravery and father and son relationships in the process.

Gary Cooper is the experienced, regimental sergeant, who can read his crusty old commander, played by Guy Standing, like a book but whose routine is interrupted with the arrival of two new recruits who are put under his charge. The first one is the coolly experienced, if flippant Franchot Tone, the other, baby-faced 21 year old greenhorn Richard Cromwell, who just happens to be the son of Standing. Cromwell's character has crossed the continent to prove his manliness to his remote, career-soldier widower dad but dad is scrupulously determined not to show any favouritism to his boy.

We see these relationships play out as the film progresses through scenes both melodramatic and humorous which will determine the actions taken by the three soldiers at the film's climax. The humour principally lies in the initially testy tie-up between Cooper and the constantly irritating Tone while the melodrama comes from their witnessing the difficult father-son act being played out in front of them by Standing and Cromwell which eventually sees them rebel against the commander's dispassionate orders and seek to rescue Cromwell who has been captured by the scheming if remarkably well-spoken Indian overlord out to expel the occupying Brits.

It all builds to an explosive climax where sacrifices are made, honour restored and reconciliations effected. I don't know why Cooper's character was made to be part-Scotch (how we Scots hate that descriptive term!) or given a pencil-thin moustache but he carries the film as its moral compass and active conscience. He interacts well with Tone's more devil-may-care character although by the end they're unsurprisingly both singing from the same hymn sheet. I've read that young Cromwell was briefly a heartthrob of the day and he's fine too as the eager-to-please if wilful son, who is tested above and beyond his own limits.

I enjoyed in particular Tone's snake-charming encounter with a cobra and his and Cooper's frequent use of a coin-toss to settle their disagreements but could certainly have done without the pig-sticking sequence which is as ugly to witness as its description makes it sound.

Cooper was to return a few years later in another "brothers-three" yarn, the better-known "Beau Geste" but if you can put aside the colonial politics, this stirring movie, excitingly directed by Henry Hathaway, is well worth catching.
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It Ends On A High Note
sddavis6310 August 2018
I found it hard to watch this movie and not be reminded of "Mutiny On The Bounty." Most noticeably, the two movies were released in the same year (1935) and both included Franchot Tone as a co-star. "Mutiny" was, of course, set on a British naval ship in the South Pacific, "Lives" is set on a British Army post in India. In both movies, Tone finds himself playing alongside better known American actors (Clark Gable in the former, Gary Cooper in this.) And both movies feature a tough as nails disciplinarian as commanding officer (Capt. Bligh, of course, in "Mutiny" and Col. Stone in "Lives.") The similarities between the two was probably what kept occurring to me as I watched this.

"The Lives Of A Bengal Lancer" is essentially about a local tribal chief in India whose goal is to hijack a British munitions train as part of an uprising he's planning against the British - but this really only takes centre stage in the last half hour or so of the movie. Up to that point, I have to confess that I found this rather monotonous. The story introduced a bit of melodrama by having Col. Stone's 21 year old son, freshly graduated from military college) posted as an officer to the regiment. Really, though, there's not a great deal in this opening two thirds or so of the film that justify some of the accolades this film gets as a great action-adventure movie. I will give credit to that last third of the story, though. Once Stone's son is captured by the tribal chief's men and the inevitable attempt at rescue takes place (against Col. Stone's direct orders) the story does get pretty exciting. There's even a somewhat uneasy (although completely non-graphic, because this was 1935) torture scene in which burning bamboo shoots are driven under the captured British officer's fingernails.

The performances in this were fine. Cooper and Tone were both very good in their roles. Cooper's American accent was explained away, I guess, by having his character of Lt. McGregor be identified as a Canadian. The supporting cast was also very good. There are even a couple of prophetic hints in the movie that the British Empire may be starting to fade away (as it indeed would, after the Second World War.) The good last half hour or so of the movie raised it a bit in my estimation, but I have to admit that I can't see what would have made this a worthy nominee for seven Academy Awards. I thought it was a bit of a sleeper with a good finish. (5/10)
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Entirely enjoyable
MeYesMe17 October 1999
I wasn't sure what I was getting into when I popped this film into the VCR. I knew little about it -- just that it starred Gary Cooper (not a favorite of mine) and followed a British regiment stationed in India (Oh no! Just like "Gunga Din" -- overrated, over-acted, over-not-nearly-soon-enough movie I fidgeted through just a few months ago).

What a pleasant surprise. The dialog was quite clever, the relationships complex, and the battle scenes rousing. You know, I bet even "Gunga Din" fans would like it!
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Rollicking adventure
grantss7 May 2023
India, early-1900s. The 41st Bengal Lancers are posted to the Northwest Frontier, a key strategic position and a hotbed for rebellion. After his company commander is killed in a skirmish with guerrillas, Lieutenant Alan McGregor assumes command. He soon has to welcome two new officers into his unit, one being the fresh-out-of-training son of the regiment's commanding officer. The Colonel is determined to not give his son any favours, and policy that will tested to an extreme degree.

A good old-fashioned war-adventure film, directed by Henry Hathaway who later gave us True Grit, The Sons of Katie Elder, Kiss of Death and Rawhide (1951), amongst others. Quite the rollicking adventure, full of dash and derring-do.

The fact that it stars Gary Cooper in the lead role gives it away that the film is filled with action and adventure: that's what he does and here he is in his element. Decent supporting cast that includes C. Aubrey Smith.

Not perfect though. The plot drifts occasionally. The parts that are supposed to build our engagement with the three Lieutenants feel a bit cheesy and contrived at times. The fact that they are all played by Americans who maintain their American accents despite playing British officers also doesn't help the realism and credibility.

Overall though it's very entertaining.
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historical Fiction (small h, capital F) - OK adventure flic but dated
jamesrupert201412 August 2022
Three British soldiers (Gary Cooper, Franchot Tone, Richard Cromwell) serving in the 41st Bengal Lancers on the Afghan-Indian frontier deal with strict officers, a renegade warlord (Douglass Dumbrille), a sexy Russian agent and hordes of turban-wearing cannon fodder in this pseudo-historical actioner loosely based on the eponymous autobiography by Francis Yeats-Brown. Needless to say the basic premise (heroic colonial soldiers vs. Nefarious natives) and the speeches about the might and right of the British Raj would not pass inspection these days. The plot is essentially a sequence of opportunities for heroic bro-bonding and the melodramatic style of the film is dated but there are some spectacular set-pieces (such as the cavalry charge that begins the assault on Khan's mountain redoubt). Cooper is a pretty typical Hollywood hero (putting 'right' before 'orders', behaviour that likely would have had him promptly cashiered from a non-celluloid army). While some current viewers would be quick to condemn the film for its glorification of colonialism, 'The Lives of a Bengal Lancer' a product of its times and some consideration should be given to the attitudes that prevailed when it was made. Amusingly, American actor Cooper plays a Canadian (a standard Hollywood dodge when sneaking Yank stars into British history) while his Bengali nemesis Khan is played by a Canadian.
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High Adventure- The Lives of a Bengal Lancer
arthur_tafero24 March 2022
Although not grammatically correct ( A Bengal Lancer has only one life), The Lives of a Bengal Lancer is entertaining, nevertheless. Cary Grant makes a good dashing figure, as does Franchet Tone. Although the film lauds colonialism and outright imperialism, one must remember that at the time in the 1930s, this was acceptable behavior. Similar to early cowboy and Indian movies, where we used to root for the cowboys, we now root for the Indians. Most modern folk would root for the bandits against the English invaders as being more PC. Like baseball, root for whomever you like, but enjoy the film.
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Gary Cooper fans should know
rosinbag5 July 2003
For those of you young Gary Cooper fans out there, like myself, check out this great movie. It was filmed in the era of Gunga Din, Robin Hood, and They Died With Their Boots On and more than holds it's own with all of them. The Coop is at his best in this one, though for some reason this film is not touted as among his best. It doesn't receive the fanfare High Noon, Pride of the Yankees, or Sergeant York do, and that is a shame. This is a truly entertaining film for people of all ages---it has laughs, plenty of action, and surprising emotion. Check it out.
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The three Bengal musketeers
dbdumonteil30 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I have a warm spot in my heart for three Hathaway movies.Although there are many films made by him I like,I can watch these three again and again and again.One of them is "Niagara" .The two others were made the same year ,and,most amazing thing,they are as different as they can be:"Peter Ibettson" is a romantic fantasy film the influence of which was huge on the French Realisme Poétique of the late thirties/early forties.And there's "lives of a Bengal lancer".

I was about 13 when I saw it for the first time with two of my pals who,having already seen the film ,had warned me:" there's horrible "Chinese" torture in it".At the time ,we thought that Mohammed Khan and his men were the villains and the English were the heroes.It was the first time I had seen Gary Cooper.

I should hate the colonialism,the military spirit now ,and however I don't: I love this film.I love the story,I love the three characters (particularly Franchot Tone),I love all the supporting characters ,I love everything .

The screenplay is so absorbing,the characters are so endearing that the simple idea of blaming the writers for their chocolate box India and their praise of the British Empire does not even come to mind."It looks like the Arabian night's "says young Stone in full regalia in the emir's palace.Would you blame Alexandre Dumas for his "three musketeers" because his rendition of the French seventeenth century and his vision of the Cardinal de Richelieu are approximative and a bit naive.But after all it's true that Richelieu did use female spies;hence the Milady character...

In "lives" our milady is Tania.Played by a gorgeous actress whose career was short-lived,Kathleen Burke ,this lady has only four or five lines to say in one of the most underwritten parts of the whole cinema.So underwritten we do not even know what becomes of her when the film ends .She leaves with "a terrible headache" and that's it.How could the thirties audience accept that?"Lives" is definitely a male movie whereas the contemporary "Peter Ibbetson " is a female one.

Franchot Tone has replaced Cooper as my favorite.He is ,IMHO,the stand-out of a stellar cast .A really fabulous actor,who achieves the incredible feat to be funny even when he is on the verge of tears.His nod to Mac in the dungeon when they are in a real plight in unforgettable;and it's easy to understand why Mac's last words were "poetry".

Forsythe is the most endearing character ,and even his gaffes are sublime.When he meets a babe on the train ,Mac tells him he should know better and that there are spies everywhere."Melodrama Melodrama" he answers;little did he know his pal was right and that would happen later.And the flute which sounds like "Scottish pipe" which turns him into a reluctant snake charmer is the most hilarious scene of the American thirties.

Hathaway's genius is to have maintained a " delicate balance" between comedy and drama.There are at least as many funny scenes as dramatic ones (some are both).Dig this line :"I told you this mardi gras would be a washout!"

The Stone jr/Stone sr relationship has often been described as "devoid of humanity ,of sentimentality,of heart" .It's completely untrue :the old man desperately tries to communicate with his only son ,but he is too shy and too proud to let his feelings flow.Two admirable scenes show this frustration: the "letter" which Mac gives to Donald to take to the colonel,and the night before they learn his rapt,when the old ramrod cannot open his heart to his son's two mates who act as his "military " fathers and more .

If Mac sacrifices his life ,it's not only for defeating Khan.He mainly wants to hide Donald Stone's weakness "who has betrayed his country" as Khan points out in the dungeon.The last scene bears this out.To the accents of "God Save the King" Stone's tears begin to fall...and you feel like crying as they decorate the hero's horse.
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One of the very Best!
JohnHowardReid23 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Copyright 24 January 1935 by Paramount Productions, Inc. Presented by Adolph Zukor. New York opening at the Paramount, 11 January 1935 (ran 3 weeks). Sydney opening at the Prince Edward, 16 February 1935 (ran a staggering 8 weeks, the theater's biggest success since 1931 — and continuing so until a 10-week season of French Without Tears in 1940). 11 reels. 109 minutes.

SYNOPSIS: Two new officers of the 41st Regiment of Bengal Lancers arrive in north-west India and are placed under the wing of an old hand. (There's a mixed metaphor for you – from the movie's Press Sheet).

NOTES: Academy Award, Clem Beauchamp and Paul Wing, Assistant Directors (defeating Eric Stacey for Les Miserables, and Joseph Newman for David Copperfield).

Also nominated for Best Picture (Mutiny on the Bounty), Directing (John Ford for The Informer), Screenplay (The Informer), Art Direction (The Dark Angel), Film Editing (A Midsummer Night's Dream), and Sound Recording (Naughty Marietta).

Second only to David Copperfield in The Film Daily 1935 poll of U.S. film critics. A New York Times "Ten Best". Number 7 on the National Board of Review list.

COMMENT: Hathaway had previously directed Cooper and Shirley Temple in Now and Forever, but Lives of a Bengal Lancer was the movie that really made his reputation. Of course he had a great script to begin with, a marvelous cast, and some superb technicians. One of the most exciting adventures ever filmed, the gripping, witty script perfectly captures the India of Kipling and the British raj (much more so than movies like Gandhi and Heat and Dust).

The dialogue with its smart wise-cracking lines, and the characters so memorably and indelibly drawn, are given perfect life by an absolutely first-rate cast. Cooper never had a better role, serving as an effective stooge for Tone and a remarkable catalyst for the rest of the players, particularly Smith and Cromwell. Tone has the best of the witty lines, delivering them with such delightful ease and polished suavity as to win over even those skeptics to whom adventure films are hardly flavor-of-the-month.

Sir Guy Standing also contributes a beautifully rounded characterization. He is one of the empire breed, floundering in personal relationships, yet parrying the villainous Douglas Dumbrille with diplomatic skill. Mr. Dumbrille makes with the menacing sneer with his usual oleaginous charm, while Kathleen Burke purrs seductively as his accomplice in a small but memorably villainous role. And we cannot leave the players without singling out Akim Tamiroff for his deliciously wheezy portrait of a friendly Emir.

Directed with such flair as to make the whole exotic action and background thoroughly believable, superbly photographed (even if the masterfully lit studio material tends to show up the cruder 2nd unit and location footage), with eye-catching sets and a rousing music score, Lives of a Bengal Lancer is one of the greatest adventure movies of all time.

Using an astonishingly literate script which spoofs the romanticism of Kilpingesque narrative clichés while retaining the essence of Kipling's imperial philosophy (doubtless carried over from the autobiographical original novel), director Henry Hathaway certainly creates a solid impression of authenticity. . But Hathaway's talent is not the only one to admire in this remarkable film: The photography of Charles Lang, stunning in its deep focus shots of cavalry winding through rocky defile, breathtaking in its group shots where a skillful deployment of light and shadow give the illusion of a third dimension.

I must also commend the distinguished playing of Sir Guy Standing as Colonel Stone, — note especially those scenes in which he changes from a ramrod martinet to a stammering father, note the brief, despairing glance of his eyes; — or note their twinkle when he deals suave diplomacy under the guise of a harmless old buffer of the pukka sahib school.

C. Aubrey Smith is also a stand-out as Major Hamilton, whose resonant voice so beautifully expounds the glories of empire; and I must also commend the disarmingly relaxed, easy performance of Franchot Tone. Douglas Dumbrille as Ahmed Khan has some effective dialogue exchanges — I love the scene where he haggles over the price of rugs with Cooper and Tone, who are disguised as Indian merchants. Suddenly his face breaks into a sarcastic smile: "Come, come, gentlemen!" he says. "Is this becoming officers of the King's 41st Lancers?"
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Predictable, boring & historically inaccurate
shyMommy5 March 2002
Right. A snake is charmed by a musical instrument. There are only Moslems and Englishmen and no Hindus or Jains in India. A troop of Indians stop fighting and start praying when their commander is killed. The son of the very British captain has a distinctly American accent, and so does the Scotch-Canadian. The beautiful girl dances with anyone who walks up to her, even if they don't speak a word first. The British troop, when ambushed, doesn't run for cover or even stop chatting. This story is so full of holes I could barely watch it through to the end. If you're looking for a movie which has stood the test of time, this isn't it. Keep looking. Don't waste your time with "Lives of a Bengal Lancer."
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Rousingly pleasing.
hitchcockthelegend19 September 2008
It's the Northwest Frontier of India and we are in the company of the 41st Bengal Lancers. Led by Colonel Tom Stone , they are having mounting troubles with rebel leader Mohammed Khan. Lieutenant Alan McGregor is a tough experienced soldier who is never afraid to speak his mind or disobey orders, Stone is the complete opposite, he's a military man thru and thru. When two new recruits arrive as replacements, one of them being Colonel Stone's son, the Lancers must stop the rebels from stealing ammunition from the Emir of Gopal, all parties must put aside their problems to help the war effort.

Henry Hathaway's adaptation of Francis Yeats-Brown's novel is one of the best war films of the 30s, wonderfully scripted by Grover Jones, it's laced with army humour and tells a great story of friendships and family ties. The Indian heavy atmosphere is gorgeous, something Hathaway clearly excelled at portraying, with Charles Lang & Ernest Schoedsack's photography beautifully realising this period in history. For sure the imperialistic nature of the piece is prominent, but it is never overdone, with the rebel Indians painted more as a resourceful enemy than in other notable pictures of the time. The action sequences are adroitly handled and the acting {particularly from Gary Cooper as McGregor} is on the money, whilst the ending hits hard and quite frankly stirs the blood. The Lives Of A Bengal Lancer is a golden picture from a golden age, an adventure yarn to watch each and every year. 8/10
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Highly Entertaining
ctrout7 November 2005
Gary Cooper stars as a professional soldier opposite Franchot Tone as the cocky one and Richard Cromwell as the wide eyed new recruit. Cromwell's father happens to be the commanding officer and that puts Cooper and Tone against Cromwell for the time being. Of course, the two main leads are also at odds and that makes for some interesting situations.

Henry Hathaway gave us his best work with Gary Cooper and this is their best collaboration. It's also Franchot Tone's best film and that's saying a lot when you look at his resume. He may be fairly unknown with today's audience, but the star of Five Graves to Cairo, Dangerous, and Mutiny on the Bounty is one of the best actors of the golden age of Hollywood.

Nothing beats Gary Cooper though, and this is his film. He's the main lead and he's the one you'll probably identify with the most. His noble character is something that we see all the time from him, but this is the role that started it all and that's why he plays it so well.

This very good adventure story will keep you on the edge of your seat during most of the film. It's especially harrowing in the climactic fight scene. I definitely recommend it to any fan of Gary Cooper and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
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Hate it for the imperialism. Love it for the bromance.
topitimo-829-27045925 October 2020
"The Lives of a Bengal Lancer" (1935) is a massive adventure film that Paramount planned for a long time before finally getting it done in 1935. The film, which boasts five credited writers for the screenplay with three un-credited ones, takes its title and location from a book by Francis Yeats-Brown, though not much else remains. It was directed by Henry Hathaway and puts his outdoors-kind of style to good use. This here is a very masculine tale of heroism, bromance and the call of duty. It also paints a highly flattering portrait of British imperialism in India, due to which it was a massive hit in The United Kingdom.

Let's talk about the bad sides first, that being the historical context and the problematic way it is presented here. The film starts almost directly from a battle. The Bengal Lancers are British troops fighting (evil) Muslims in the northern regions of India. From today's perspective, "the natives" of this film are resistance fighters, people who are trying to liberate their land. The opening almost turned me away, because it gives no reason for the British to be in India. It sort of assumes that the audience is in agreement, that it is the right of the British to be there, and to give the Indians a taste of their military might. The natives are presented as either simple, or evil and it's not a good look for the film. Hitler himself was a fan of the picture, according to Wikipedia, because it presents the white race as superior to the Indian natives. This aspect of the film has not aged well at all, but then again you must remember that 1935 was a long time ago. And if you are willing to put aside the glorification of imperialism, you will get a very good action adventure film in return.

Gary Cooper plays a Scottish Canadian officer in the Bengal Lancers. He is rough and tough, but also a kind of idealist, who often gets in trouble with superior officers when they do not agree about something. Two new soldier arrive, those being the jovial Franchot Tone and the wet-behind-the-ears Richard Cromwell. The film then becomes a story of their blossoming bromance and a highly entertaining one at that. Gradually, more dramatic things, including a villain, take hold of the narrative. At that point, we are so well acquainted with our main trio, that the character build-up makes their adventures more interesting.

Though most of this was filmed nowhere near India, it has a sense of exotism to it. The plot-line is good and improves towards the ending. Mostly though, the charm of the film lies in the characters. Cooper has a part that fits him very well, he is super masculine and a born leader for his buddies. Cromwell's youthful presence is a good contrast to this, and he has a nice arc in the film. But it is Franchot Tone who walks away with the film. Tone is so likable in this, sort of a British every-man. The scene with the cobra alone makes this film a winner. Tone had a knockout year in 1935, beginning the year with this film, and closing it with "Mutiny on the Bounty".

All in all, I would recommend this to fans of classic Hollywood who can look past the racist depiction of certain people and institutions, if the film is good enough.
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