Illusion Travels by Streetcar (1954) Poster

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Illusion Travels By Streetcar (Luis Bunuel, 1954) **1/2
Bunuel197615 October 2010
On first viewing – again, as part of that 2007 Bunuel/NFT retrospective – I had found this to be an enjoyable but rather insubstantial comedy; on this revisit, my opinion has not changed about this minor work from the celebrated Spanish director. Indeed, I was surprised to learn (from the opening credits) that Bunuel was not even involved in the screen writing process of this one – although, I do not think it is a coincidence that the film's comic highlight is a wonderful "Garden of Eden" pageant sequence early on (in which the three protagonists playing God, Adam and a swim-suited Eve, are tormented by a heavily-horned Lucifer wearing a shirt sporting the word "serpent"!).

The film is fairly similar to Bunuel's earlier (and superior) Mexican 'road movie' ASCENT TO HEAVEN aka Mexican BUS RIDE (1952) in that it is set, for the most part, on a means of public transportation. Besides, its plot line of an ancient vehicle being taken for one last ride before ending up in a scrapheap also harks back to such classic comedies as Harold Lloyd's SPEEDY (1928) and Ealing's practically contemporaneous THE TITFIELD THUNDERBOLT (1953). Incidentally, Bunuel's cinematic idol Fritz Lang, made his own railroad movie that same year: the noir-ish melodrama HUMAN DESIRE (which I own but have yet to watch) – itself a remake of Jean Renoir's LA BETE HUMAINE (1938).

As usual with Bunuel's films from this period, it starts with a faux-documentary narration and, in this case, amusingly concludes on a "this was just one of a thousand stories" line a' la Jules Dassin's seminal noir THE NAKED CITY (1948). The director's depiction of the downtrodden Mexican villagers' everyday life (culminating in a riot when the smuggling of corn as fertilizer is accidentally discovered by one of the bumbling protagonists) brought on comparisons with Italy's then-current Neo-realist movement – something which Bunuel readily denied. Indeed, while the story could well have been inspired by a similarly liberating ride through the streets of Paris made by the Surrealist movement in 1931, the truth is that the film was commissioned by a nascent Mexican public transport company to counter the bad press caused by an accident they had had the previous year!

Two regular actors from Bunuel's work in Mexico – the lovely Lilia Prado and the amiably rotund Fernando "Mantequilla" Soto (as a streetcar conductor named Tarrajas) – also appear here, alongside Carlos Navarro (as Prado's streetcar mechanic boyfriend) and Agustín Isunza (as Papa Pinillos, a nosy ex-railroad employee). The perennially frustrated attempts of the two company employees to take back the streetcar they stole before its absence is discovered is paralleled by Papa Pinillos' constantly dismissed claims of this very theft to his pompous former employers.

Among the commuters who inadvertently get to make use of the runaway streetcar (the film's alternate title) are: a schoolmistress with her classroom of unruly children who are, eventually, stranded on a film set (an orphan in their midst is told that the long-legged starlet being made-up is his long-lost mother!); two elderly ladies carrying a statue of Jesus Christ in "Ecce Homo" guise; a couple of 'penniless' politicians; a clueless American tourist who mistakes the protagonists' reluctance to accept fare – which would have aggravated their misdemeanor – as "Communist" behavior (possibly, former party member Bunuel's barbed comment on the "Red Scare" then currently scourging through Hollywood); and, most memorably, slaughterhouse workers carrying their slabs of meat along as 'luggage'! I cannot forget to mention that, very early on in the film, there is also a throwaway laugh-out-loud moment when a billboard reads: "Well…so what?"

P.S. Surprisingly enough, the film played without a glitch on my Philips DVD player which, usually, has a lot of trouble dealing with DivX files!
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Very amusing Mexican Bunuel!
zetes8 June 2002
Two streetcar conductors whose streetcar is set to be dismantled sneak into the station late one night to take it for one last spin. They spend all night and most of the next day having small adventured throughout Mexico City. Agustin Isunza is the film's standout as an old man, Papa Pinillos, who worked for the streetcar company most of his life. He was laid off a while back, but he does little with his time besides get on random streetcars to see if their drivers are competent. When he jumps on the 133, he quickly realizes that it's stolen and he spends the rest of the film desperately trying to get the company to believe him. It's a fun movie and very charming. Not a necessary Bunuel film, but fans should certainly catch it. 8/10.
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pixelcrash37 February 2021
Illusion Travels by Streetcar is a wild ride of situations that little by little derail to make for a fascinating mess of ridiculous situations. The film manages to be both a celebration of life, a playful retelling of the Christian mythology in a Georges Méliès-esque manner, and a criticism of capitalist companies and their ineffective operation. While neither the most meaningful, nor the most coherent Luis Buñuel movie, it nevertheless is one of the most enjoyable.
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Great Mexican Bunuel; A must see comedy
Aw-komon24 August 2000
Don't think this is a light film just because it's a comedy made with Mexican actors. There are many layers here and much clever satire not only on the Mexican society of that period but (as always with Bunuel) human behavior in general. The ironic detachment of the director is never so far as to render these characters unrealistic caricatures; far from it, they're as fully real as anything in 'Los Olvidados,' except here things are examined from a much less cynical angle. Comedy is, after all, the flipside of tragedy and if comedy sells better, you only run the risk of being misunderstood by most of the audience on a very superficial level; on a deeper level even the commonest comedy fan implicitly gets the message. This film is in many ways similar in its structure and tone (and on a deeper level even in subject matter) to Alexander Payne's 'Citizen Ruth' and 'Election' or Todd Solondz's 'Welcome to the Dollhouse.' Except here, Bunuel shows less 'cruelty' than in most of his other films; here he tries his hand at an homage to certain great American comedies of the '30s and '40s which managed to use comic misadventures to veil serious messages underneath. The difference is that Bunuel consciously planned and fully intended this result whereas the Americans may have just ended up there unexpectedly and unconsciously.
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Entertaining Mexican film in which two alcoholic workers become involved into strange situations , being well directed by the Spanish Luis Buñuel
ma-cortes3 October 2021
Warming film about an adventurous tram-ride , being competently directed by the Spanish Luis Buñuel . Confronted with the unfortunate news that their favorite Streetcar , no. 133 , is going to be decommissioned, two municipal workers , mechanic Godinez : Carlos Navarro and pilot Tarrajas : Fernando Soto. They're really get drunk and decide to take a trip for one last spin and to have fun . They take a journey tram and eventually causing distresses and discussion . Step by step several passengers hop off , resulting in mayhem and discord among the crowd of the noisy bus . As the tram passengers become into a frenzied chaos and unrest . And to further complicate things , they drive it to an uncertain destination and undertaking a race against time due to a meddling retired ex-driver by taking the bus .

La Ilusión también viaja en Tranvia 1954 is a nice picture by the great Spanish filmmaker Luis Buñuel about a thunderous streetcar-ride driven by two workers who get drunk throughout Mexico City . The movie is well worthy thanks to amusing and sympathetic performances, dealing with two good-natured but drunk Municipal Transit workers , -well-played by Carlos Navarro and Fernando Tojo- , who make up their mind to borrow the streetcar for one night , but then thing go wrong when the short-time trip ends up being an all-night . The picture features exceptional work by Lilia Prado , a similar interpretation to starred by Rosita Quintana in ¨Susana¨ (1951) , and ¨Mexican Bus Ride¨(1953) , she's magnificently charming playing the attractive girl . It bears remarkable resemblance to ¨Mexican Bus Ride¨ (1953) concerning a long journey carried out by a beautiful girl to a distant city to get his mom's will notarize , that's why the ill mummy wishes her little child inherits solace at a wealthy home, and regarding what really happened to Buñuel's friend , Spanish poet Manuel Altolaguirre , while on a bus trip . Based on a story and adaptation by Mauricio de la Serna , producer as well , and supervised by Buñuel's regular : Luis Alcoriza and Luis Buñuel himself . Furthermore, a beautifully cinematography in subdued black and white by cameraman Raúl Martínez Solares . Being shot on various locations in Mexico City, Distrito Federal . And atmospheric and appropriate musical score by Luis Bretón.

The motion picture was competently directed by Luis Buñuel , belonging to his Mexican period . Buñuel wrote his autobiography, "My Last Sigh" in which detailed his exiled trajectory in Mexico and the troublesome shootings . After filming Spanish and French films as "Un Chien Andalou" (1929) , and ¨Age of Gold¨(1930) , ¨Hurdes tierra sin pan¨ (1936) , Buñuel went on his Mexican period in which he teamed up with producer Óscar Dancigers and after a couple of unmemorable efforts shot back to international attention with the lacerating study of Mexican street urchins in ¨Los Olvidados¨ (1950) , revealing a certain critical to the hypocrisies of modern society , winning him the Best Director award at the Cannes Film Festival . But despite this new-found acclaim, Buñuel spent much of the next decade working on a variety of ultra-low-budget films, few of which made much impact outside Spanish-speaking countries , though many of them are well worth seeking out . As he went on filming "The Great Madcap" , ¨The brute¨, "Wuthering Heights", ¨El¨ , "The Criminal Life of Archibaldo De la Cruz" , ¨Robinson Crusoe¨ , ¨Death in the garden¨ and many others . And finally his second French-Spanish period , usually in collaboration with producer Serge Silberman and writer Jean-Claude Carrière with notorious as well as polemic films , such as : ¨Viridiana¨ , Tristana¨ , ¨The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie" and his last picture , "That Obscure Object of Desire" . Rating : 6.5/10 . Essential and indispensable seeing for Luis Buñuel aficionados.
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A pleasant comedy, no more
psteier16 December 2000
Ignore the title and opening and closing narration that imply that there is more here than meets the eye, which is a humorous look at life in Mexico City in the early 1950's. Very nice location shooting.

Best scene: the pageant of the fall of Satan and of Adam and Eve.

Best actor: Agustín Isunza as a retired motorman trying to report that the street car has been stolen.
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Picaresque tale of two bumbling streetcar workers
a-stukas15 July 2014
Another of Bunuel's Mexican films wherein he tells the picaresque tale of two bumbling streetcar workers who, after swiftly repairing a streetcar that had been deemed obsolete (and a few beers), decide to steal it for one last spin. Their adventures take them across Mexico City and in contact with a solid cross-section of the public, including slaughterhouse workers who gleefully (and surreally) hang huge slabs of meat (and heads) from the roof of the tram. Perhaps there is a metaphor or a moral here – certainly Bunuel takes the opportunity to poke fun at corporate capitalism – but any message takes a back seat (ahem) to the overall good time on offer. I particularly enjoyed the staging of Lucifer's banishment from Heaven and Adam and Eve's departure from Eden at the local festival, not unlike the amateur theatrical performances in Renoir's The Rules of the Game in their wacky but creepy surrealism.
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A trolley worker point of view.
laratramex17 May 2009
The newly born Servicio DE Transportes Eléctricos del D.F. had to do this film to demeaning the bad press caused by "La Venta" accident the previous year, the story and some actors come from Subida al Cielo, and show the company shops at Indianilla neighborhood in México City. Aside from Buñuel intention of a series of sit-coms, his surrealism becomes an every day fact in the Mexican way of life, such anecdotes still happen at STE, now mostly with trolleybuses and the Xochimilco LRV. When we got a VHS copy, we showed it at Tetepilco depot, amusingly the Transportation Dept. boss was also an Ingeniero Benítez, and our efforts to save rolling stock from the torch, have became a nice Traction Museum, without everyone around getting drunk, I'm the Union Historian and had to check it frame by frame to list appearing units: At the opening scene we see several types later succeeded by the first Westram trolley-coaches and a PCC in the Transfer-table, 133 real number was 378, a Brill 11 windows 2-trucker, many points of Mexico City to be checked, for example when they leave the school kids at a filming it was at Calzada de Tlalpan across the gates of CLASA-Films! and the Overhead-repair trolley that block the return to the depot is to be restored at Tetepilco Museum. must add more comments later---
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Mexico's modernization
haades-0702715 October 2021
I looked for this movie all over a few years ago when I finally watched it. Another masterpiece by Luis Buñuel even though he had very little freedom, time and budget when making it. There are a few good reviews on this movie in English (unfortunately, I don't speak Spanish). This masterpiece touches on several crucial subjects: transition of the Mexican society to "modernity" from several angles, perhaps most important ones being separating the workforce from what they make (refer to alienation by Karl Marx), aleniating people from their past, their traditions and heritage, in one word their lives, criticizing the stupid bureaucracy in the modernization process (and the upcoming modern life), showing the real aspects of the ordinary people in a surrealist movie, and the list goes on. There scene where the slaughter house workers get on the train (Min 30:59 ) is perhaps the most famous and effective scene of this not so well known Buñuel's masterpiece.
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Episodic comedy
kosmasp18 July 2008
You have to suspend your disbelief a bit to fully enjoy the comedic moments. It is mostly based or let's say feels like something "real", but of course strange things are happening, that are meant to be funny (they are) ...

Again Mr. Bunuel shows off his skills. Great direction, nice story, with a human touch. There's even the occasional obsession theme that ran through many of his films (haven't seen all of them, so maybe it's even a running theme through all his movies). But again it's a comedy so it's more lighthearted. Not that there is no villain, but suffice to say, that it's not really about that/him! :o)
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A Minor Buñuel
claudio_carvalho20 January 2008
In the 50's, in Mexico, the streetcar mechanic Juan Godinez (Carlos Navarro) and the pilot Tarrajas (Fernando Soto) become upset when they are informed by their supervisor that the streetcar number 133 will be decommissioned. They go to a party and late night, they get drunk and decide to borrow the streetcar for one last spin for fun, without charging the passengers. Completely wasted, they sleep in the streetcar and on the next morning, they get in troubled and weird situations while trying to return the vehicle to the garage.

"La Ilusión Viaja en Tranvía" is a minor movie of Buñuel. This naive comedy presents jokes with religion; criticizes the inflation, the corruption and the tough condition of the poor people in Mexico city; exposes the ridiculous behavior of henchman, represented by the retired Papa Pinillos (Agustín Isunza). Unfortunately, the comedy is not funny, with the exception of the scenes with the villain Papa Pinillos, responsible for the best and funniest moments of the film. My vote is five.

Title (Brazil): "A Ilusão Viaja de Bonde" ("The Illusion Travels by Streetcar")
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A streetcar named retire
dbdumonteil14 November 2006
A streetcar is to be dismantled and two pals are not prepared to accept it.

Bunuel's touch can be felt in the scenes dealing with religion: -The show that takes Genesis to the stage ;the grotesque actors play God,Lucifer,Adam and Eve and more ...Certainly ,the director had much fun directing these scenes -which have little to do with the main plot- -The two ladies and their Virgin Mary statuette ;while people are giving raw meat for free (even heart!)in the streetcar,they are puzzled because "normally" you've got to pay for everything.They forget that Christ gave bread and fish to His people as reported by the Gospels.

Apart from these sequences,it is a simple comedy,and in Bunuel's great filmography,it is nothing by a curio.
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An unusual Buñuel that makes you laugh at last
hawparks212 December 2000
To all Buñuel fans that haven't seen this one, let me tell you that the big laugh comes at the end and keeps you laughing for a long time.after the movie is over. Very unusual for Buñuel, but nevertheless very realistic and enjoyable. For the delightful laughing effect he produced at the end, I rated 9.5.
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