The Fury of Hercules (1962) Poster

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Brad Harris almost lifts this above the routine
dinky-419 October 2005
The generic "Hercules" plot can be found here. This plot is set in a tyrannical kingdom where an evil ruler, often a queen, faces a revolt from freedom-loving rebels. Not surprisingly, the queen casts lustful eyes upon Hercules and tries to win him to her side but he's more attracted to one of the queen's handmaidens who turns out to have ties to the rebels. The queen then resorts to magic spells to temporarily cloud Hercules' mind but he soon comes to his senses and joins the revolt, usually enduring some bondage, torture, and tests-of-strength along the way. The ruler is overthrown, the rebels are victorious, crowds cheer, and Hercules gazes lovingly upon the handmaiden. There are only minor variations to this plot in "The Fury of Hercules." The queen, for instance, is more misguided than evil, and Hercules never once winds up in chains, but all this is still familiar enough to confuse with a dozen other sword-and-sandal productions. If there's a distinguishing factor here, it's Idaho-born Brad Harris who has not only the body of Hercules but also a good-looking face. His acting is adequate and his personality passable. One wishes he had better material to work with. He should, for example, have more scenes in which he's completely bare-chested. Get rid of that strap over his shoulder! Weasel-faced Serge Gainsbourg, so villainous in "Revolt of the Slaves," does the same sort of job here.
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Brad Harris and Kirk Douglas - Separated At Birth?
DarthBill7 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Big rugged manly Hercules (Brad Harris, looking like an even more pumped up version of a young Kirk Douglas) arrives in town to visit a king who was a friend of his - only to find out that the king has died and his daughter is now in charge, but the daughter queen is being manipulated by an evil counselor who is running the kingdom into the ground just for his own amusement, prompting Hercules to join forces with some heroic rebels and pitting the Herc Harris's brawn against fellow beefcake and Hercules actors Alan Steel (star of Hercules Against The Moon Men, real name Sergio Ciani) as one of the villains.

Not spectacular but decently made, above average entry in the sword & sandal/myth meets fantasy sub-genre. Dubbing be damned Brad Harris is a fine Hercules who, like so many others of his niche, dominates pretty much every scene he's in - which makes it a shame that full screen versions of the film cut out some the action.
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Routinely however effective Hercules, one' my guilty pleasure!!
elo-equipamentos19 March 2024
Peplum and Sandals always has been my guilty pleasure pictures, nobody did it better than the Italians ever, this turn the bulky Brad Harris embodies the might hero from ancient Greek, everything begins when Hercules headed to a kingdom whereof knew the old King, now ruled by his daughter Cinidia (Mara Berni) on arrival Hercules is received as honor by the gorgeous Queen, however Hercules realizes that much thing gonna change since his last visit, the wise counselors no longer were there, asking for their whereabouts the Queen gave a shallow explanation about a possible retirement on overseas.

Also Hercules figures out that a strong wall has been building surround the city, lift up by slavery which such outrageous thing never occurred when the King was alive, he saw some whispers of dissatisfaction of the citizen on extreme poverty as well, worst a strong rumors of a possible uprising over the newest advisers lead by the bleak and evil Menisto (Serge Gainsbourgh) who rules by a heavy hands over the handled and forbearing Queen, thru a spy inside the palace the eye-candy Daria (Brigitte Corey) whom provides valuable info for the rebels lead by her own father, seeing such misery and uniquity Hercules enters side by side with the bravery people in this bloody endeavor.

I've the self-called "Original" DVD come out on Brazil, due it hasn't the renewed the copyrights it caught on public domain, so they released it in a wash out copy, barely can see through the poor footage, who came to help me anyhow, the friend of all times Youtube, I've found an almost restored print, pretty decent, it gave me a complete and utter upgrade living up my garbage copy.

Thanks for reading.


First watch: 1986 / How many: 3 / Source: TV-DVD-Youtube / Rating: 5.5.
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Who Do They Call, H-e-r-c-u-l-e-s
bkoganbing4 December 2010
The Fury Of Hercules finds Brad Harris as the legendary muscle dude and son of Zeus trying to visit an old friend who was the local monarch. He was away way too long and his friend has died and his daughter is now the Queen. But she's got an evil counselor in Serge Gainsbourg who has her wrapped around his finger. He's got the population half enslaved building a wall around the city, the better to keep enemies out and he's got a few of them.

It takes a while for Hercules to figure out who the good guys and the bad guys are, but soon enough he joins up with the rebels. The Queen is miffed because she's got a thing for muscles, but Hercules can only see one of her handmaidens.

With few exceptions this is the basic plot of many peplum films, they vary only with the name of the strong man hero. Not even Serge Gainsbourg who does play an interesting villain with issues is enough to lift The Fury Of Hercules from eternal mediocrity.
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Je T'Aime Menistus. -Moi Non Plus.
dbdumonteil5 December 2009
Routine sword and sandal :it's 25 centuries before Christ ,folks,and that wicked prime minister Menistus (Serge Gainsbourg)is making rough all over:"only blood and violence can lead to power!" "reprisals! repression!" "death to the rebels!" ...

It was the third time the great singer/songwriter had appeared in a sword and sandal after "Sansone" and "La Rivolta Della Schiavi" .I'm forced to recognize,one more time,that,while a brilliant songwriter maybe the best France has ever had,Gainsbourg -Whitney Houston might remember him-was a lousy actor.

If you do not ask too much ,this Hercules (Ercole)is not worse than the others;there are even endearing characters,some "nice" people die ,which is very rare in this kind of flick,and the queen herself is ,relatively speaking,an ambiguous character,at once guilty and innocent.Hercule is strong ,that's all the director asks from him.His endeavors are business as usual:fight against a lion , a gorilla (a man dressed up as a gorilla more like)etc..Full of finer feelings ,with a finale verging on melodrama.All in all,a lesson in democracy.
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The Furious Heracles
m.mk28 July 2000
Hercules was such a nice demigod.

This actor is not bad at it tho I like the late Steve Reeves better.

Vote: 3

[where 5 = avg., 10 = perfect]
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Routine and Predictable
Uriah4326 April 2015
This movie begins with "Hercules" (Brad Harris) riding in a chariot and suddenly being ambushed by a group of men. Upon defending himself the leader recognizes that it is Hercules that they are attacking and yells for his men to withdraw. Hercules then proceeds to his destination which is the city of Arpad to pay his respects to the king. However, when he gets there he is informed that the king and all of the other counselors he knew previously have all died. The new ruler is the king's daughter "Cnidia" (Mara Berni) who he knew when she was a child and who quickly falls in love with him when they meet again. Unfortunately, although she believes that she is in control of the city the fact of the matter is that her lead adviser "Menistus" (Sergi Gainsbourg) is actually calling the shots and nothing happens without his consent. That said the one thing he doesn't want is somebody like Hercules appearing out of nowhere and disturbing the status quo. Now rather than reveal any more of the movie and risk spoiling it for those who haven't seen it I will just say that the entire movie seemed to be both routine and predictable which caused it seem rather dull. Likewise, the dialogue-which was initially in Italian and dubbed into English-seemed extremely basic which didn't necessarily help in that regard. Although it might appeal to die-hard "Sword and Sandal" fans I personally found it to be somewhat boring and therefore rate it as below average.
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Hercules And Another Evil Ruler
Rainey-Dawn20 January 2017
Here we go again, Hercules has another evil ruler to deal with. That is nothing unusual - this time is an evil queen. The queen wants Hercules but our hero is in love with a pretty and sweet milkmaid.

Standard, typical stuff. Nothing that really makes this Hercules film stand out of the crowd.

Mid to late 70s to the very early 80s I recall watching a couple, three or four of the Hercules films and I really enjoyed them. Going back to watch them all these years later I find they are not nearly as good. I guess viewing the films from the eyes of a child in those years of my life these movies seemed big, glamorous and very heroic.

These days, all I can see is a poor script - cheap bad lines and boring story, bad camera work and some not so great acting. I see some nice costumes, sets and props - sometimes some good action - and I think those are the same things I actually saw as a kid, but as an adult I can see the whole picture and it's mildly entertaining.

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Surprisingly good Hercules movie -- and Serge Gainsbourg to boot!
sos1222 April 2007
FURY OF HERCULES is a damn good Hercules film -- in fact, it's a very solid and satisfying period action film by any standards, and you have to see at least 8 - 10 Hercules movies to know the difference. The plot revolves around Hercules (Brad Harris) visiting the daughter of an old friend and forced to choose between sides in a guerrilla rebellion. Most Hercules films -- God bless 'em! -- rely on standard plot devices and stock characters to move things forward. That's true here -- but to a point. Director Gianfranco Paolini actually pays attention to detail, and includes the kind of almost-throwaway moments that distinguish a wonderful Budd Boetticher film like BUCHANAN RIDES ALONE. Again, watch closely and you'll see. The other big plus here is that the story moves forward like a runaway freight train -- a lot of Hercules films are great to look at (HERCULES VS. THE CAPTIVE WOMEN is beautiful but surprisingly stiff), but this has the propulsive movement of a good Hollywood action film. Again, it's the difference between something like Hawks's LAND OF THE PHAROAHS (great) and THE Egyptian (pretty but boring.) Brad Harris is a decent Herc -- but for my money, the best is (believe it or not) Mickey Hargitay in HERCULES VS. THE HYDRA. Wish there was a better version than the old Goodtimes VHS but it's okay. Oh, and there's legendary French crooner Serge Gainbourg - almost forgot!
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The Fury of a Peplum Star: Brad HARRIS as Hercules
ZeddaZogenau22 October 2023
Sandals film (1962) with Brad Harris - this time as Hercules

The German versions with their confusing titles are a chapter in themselves. Peplum star Brad Harris (1933-2017) and his films were particularly affected by the arbitrariness of German dubbing. In this film SAMSON, BEFREIER DER VERSKLAVTEN , called "La furia di Ercole" in the original and "The Fury of Hercules" in the American version, he is finally really the ancient demigod. The Italian-French co-production, staged as effectively as usual by his resident director Gianfranco Parolini, was shot in Zagreb and was released in West German cinemas on January 11, 1963. The cast is largely the same as its predecessor, "Sansone / Herkules im Netz der Cleopatra / Hercules in Cleopatra's Net" (1961), in which muscle man Brad Harris actually played Samson. But let's leave it alone!

This time it's about the kingdom of Nisia, which, after the king's death, is unlawfully ruled by the cruel ex-advisor Menisto (Serge Gainsbourg, who would later have some world hits as a chansonnier in a duet with Brigitte Bardot and his wife Jane Birkin). King's daughter Cnidia (Mara Berni) is completely under control. Since the people suffer a lot from this, there are repeated uprisings. Hercules/Samson (Brad Harris), who has now fallen in love with the servant Daria (Luisella Boni), takes the side of the people and helps the insurgents (including Sergio Ciani, who would soon play leading roles in his own sandal films as a muscle man). To overcome tyranny.

In terms of content, not much different happens than in the previous film. Serge Gainsbourg is once again particularly impressive as the villain, who clearly had fun with these roles. The child actor is again Gianfranco Gasparri, who as Franco Gasparri would later become the star of some Poliziotteschi. In another supporting role is the German actress Elke Arendt, who was born in 1939 and became known for the film "Schneewittchen und die sieben Zwerge / Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" (1955). In her further career she was also engaged at the Staatstheater Kassel. Until his death three months ago, Elke Arendt was married to Stephan Orlac (1931-2020), who was best known alongside Maria Sebaldt in the ZDF hit series "Die Wicherts von nebenan / The Wicherts from Next Door" (1986-1991).

Worth it for fans of the Peplum genre and Brad Harris!

RIP Stephan Orlac (1931-2020)
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The Fury of Hercules
coltras3526 January 2024
Hercules, the legendary hero with almost superhuman strength, returns to his hometown of Arpad after many years. The city is now ruled by Queen Knidia. With the wicked guidance of the domineering minister Menistos, she ends up oppressing and tormenting the people. Hercules decides to put an end to this tyranny and sides with the rebelling masses. Blinded by a hunger for power and hatred, Menistos now does everything they can to capture Hercules- dead or alive.

Brad Harris - who bears a passing resemblance to Kirk Douglas - plays Hercules in this typical peplum which, predictably, has familiar tropes. An evil villain, oppressed people, a useless Queen, dungeons, feats of strength, schemes and a test - which features a battle with a lion and a gorilla. None of these face-offs are that thrilling. The gorilla is a man in a suit and moves like he's drunk. The other action scenes are better, Brad Harris makes a good Hercules, gets a bit intense and angry towards the end, but it's Serge Gainsborg as the evil minister who steals the thunder. There's the usual bevy of beautiful women and grand schemes to overcome the bad guys. Discriminate viewers will not be too impressed, but I enjoyed it, finding its pace fairly brisk. The finale is quite rousing.
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"Without Violence, Power Gives No Satisfaction!"...
azathothpwiggins19 June 2021
In THE FURY OF HERCULES, it's Brad Harris' turn to toss grown men around like so much pizza dough, as the human boxcar of the title.

This time out, Big H saves a queen from a pirouetting pair of ballet assassins. The grateful queen takes Herc into her private chambers and into her confidence. Alas, she turns out to be a royal bossy boots, enslaving the populace! If she's not bad enough, her underlings are even worse!

Now, wearing a cream-colored, one-piece mini-dress for spring, H-Man must free the slaves. But first, it's time for the obligatory "test of strength", wherein he battles a lion and a rather sickly looking go-rilla, before tangling with another muscleman in a cage match to the death!

Soon, our gargantuan hero is moving 5-ton slabs of stone, on his way to deliver the downtrodden. All, while wearing the latest in red, beach cover-ups. When a band of hillbilly-ish cavemen attack, we get to see him go completely berserk-ules!

Harris does a decent job playing the big lug. Fans of the genre know the routine, and all of the necessary elements are in place...
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