In This House of Brede (TV Movie 1975) Poster

(1975 TV Movie)

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A different kind of challenge
shrine-218 September 2000
Diana Rigg made a peerlessly suave secret agent. For the 60's British TV series "The Avengers," she never won a single Emmy (They always went to Martin Landau's wife-at-the-time Barbara Bain for "Mission Impossible.), but there was no one who matched the simmering confidence and shimmering elegance of Mrs. Emma Peel. No matter what the challenge put before her, Rigg remained unshaken.

"In This House of Brede" posed a much different challenge than the ones to which Rigg was accustomed: doffing the miniskirts and knee-length boots and playing a woman who had lost both husband and daughter and decides to leave her successes in the workplace for life as a Benedictine nun. Her Dame Philippa is well-schooled (She already knows Latin before entering the convent.); experienced in the business world (So she intimidates Dame Agnes (Pamela Brown), one of the senior nuns who feels her advanced age poses a serious problem at being settled in the cloister.), and very determined (although she has barely recovered from the loss of her daughter in a car accident). The superior of Brede who encouraged Philippa to consider religious life dies as she enters the postulancy. She's lucky, however, that the congregation has the good sense to elect a kind, fair-minded woman (Gwen Watford) to lead them, and help Philippa through the most trying times of her novitiate. It's the challenge to form a loving, but disinterested life at Brede that threatens to capsize Philippa's hard-earned equanimity, when a beautiful, young prospect (Judy Bowker who was equally as captivating in "The Shooting Party") arrives. Memories of her daughter well up to recall feelings she thought she had put behind her years ago.

It's easy to become impatient with this movie's prudence; the in-fighting and petulance among the nuns are dispelled without much fuss. "In This House of Brede" never makes much of these women's triumphs. To find any dramatic tension, you need to look to Rigg's pale, drawn face or Brown's wide, but tired and stricken eyes. Yet the combination of this even mindedness and struggle is simultaneously calming and tonic. The gaggle of giggling novices Dame Philippa ushers back to their native Japan bring a sense of renewed hope to the order. Even Dame Agnes with her rankled nerves, and hurt feelings, and petty jealousies finds peace in the end. It gives the rest of us cause for celebration: that, with God's help, any of us can conquer ourselves--and, we hope, as these women do--elegantly.
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Dame Is The Name Of The Game
ferbs5422 May 2009
Almost 20 years before being proclaimed a Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire, Diana Rigg was portraying a dame of a very different order--that of a fully inducted member of a Benedictine abbey--in the 1975 TV film "In This House of Brede." Perhaps I should mention here that I have not read (Margaret) Rumer Godden's 1969 source novel, and can only comment on the film that I have seen. Many of my fellow reviewers here seem to feel that this televised version cannot hold a vestal candle to its original source, and that does not surprise me; isn't the book always fuller, richer, deeper? Still, what HAS been put on screen still offers much. Here, Diana plays Philippa Talbot, a British businesswoman who has suffered some genuine tragedies in her life and who finds her current lot empty and meaningless. Thus, her application to Brede, where we follow her, over the course of nine years, as she progresses from postulant to novice to junior to dame. Her life at Brede is made complicated by the jealousy and mistrust of elderly Sister Agnes, by the arrival of a group of Japanese girls whom she must instruct, and most especially by the advent of Joanna, a young postulant (well played by Judi Bowker) who arouses Philippa's maternal instincts. Although all the actresses on display here are quite good, it is Diana Rigg, naturally, who takes top honors. How exceptional she is, especially in her emotionally conflicted scenes with Joanna, in her final moments with Agnes, and in her touching scenes with (head Mother) Catherine (again, nicely played by Gwen Watford). Dame Philippa is about as different a role as can be imagined from a certain supersexy secret agent that Rigg had popularized eight years earlier, and to the actress' great credit, she makes a very convincing job of it. Only...just one question from this Jewish reviewer: Do all cloistered nuns wear so much freakin' lipstick?!?
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But If You Haven't Read the Book . . .
whoseblues20 January 2006
I certainly can appreciate the previous review by the person who very capably compares the book to the movie. But I had not read the book when I first saw the movie years ago on the late show, and I still have not read it. What I have done is stop to watch the movie again and again every time I see that it is coming on. Freed from comparison, the movie is lovely. I have never felt the movie gives a good enough sense of the depth of emotion it seems (to me, at least) would be necessary to impel the main character to make the decision she makes to enter the convent; nonetheless, once the viewer accepts the fact of that decision, the rest of the movie is delightful. Rigg plays her role with clarity, thoughtfulness, circumspection, and elegance. The slow resolution of conflict within the cloistered community is gracefully marked. It is a masterful illustration of patience as virtue. The movie always leaves me with a sense of peace and, finally, joy, although I am not a religious person in the least. I recommend it highly.
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Spiritual Conflict - Benedictine Style
Jon Kolenchak23 December 2000
Diana Rigg has always been one of my favourite actresses, going way back to 1960's "The Avengers" television series. I had originally seen this film when it was first released to American television in the 1970's, enjoyed it, and then as the years passed, and the film went out of distribution, forgot about it.

When "Brede" was reissued on VHS, I watched the movie again, and remembered how much I enjoyed it. Coincidentally, I managed to find a copy of Rumer Godden's novel, In This House of Brede and set down to read it. There are many plot differences between the novel and the film (I spent 200 pages reading waiting for the "movie" to start), but the central themes remain intact - the quest for individual spirituality, grief, loneliness, the questioning of one's personal decisions, jealousy, envy, discipline, and most importantly, love.

The character of Dame Phillipa (Diana Rigg) is one who feels deeply, but builds up very thick walls for her own protection. What impressed me most about Rigg's performance is that she manages to express her pain, grief, and inner turmoil while holding back the tears... just as I imagine Dame Phillipa would.

Dame Agnes (Pamela Brown) is extraordinary. (Having gone to a Catholic grade school run by Benedictine nuns, I can assure you that there are a few like Dame Agnes out there!) She reminds me very much of Gladys Cooper's character, Sister Maria Therese in The Song of Bernadette. She is of the "old school", resisting change, new ideas, people of worldly experience, and terribly jealous of Dame Phillipa. In the final reel, we do understand what makes Dame Agnes tick, and with that realisation, we can forgive her uncharitable behaviour.

My complaints about the film are few. It looks very much like a dated made-for-tv film from the 1970's today. The music score, which is a symphonic-pop amalgamation, does not hold up well and is at times intrusive. There was also much left out of the book when it was transformed into the screenplay that could have been filmed with an additional 30-40 minutes running time.

The beauties of this film far outweigh its shortcomings. After viewing it, I suggest you find a copy of the novel (if you can, it's currently out of print in the United States) and enjoy the author's original, and more extensive story.
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The making of the film
rosebharrington2 January 2005
How well I remember this film! I was fifteen years of age and I had read the book. I was attending St Mary's Abbey Grammar School in Mill Hill in Londond when our headmistress gave us the exciting news that a film was to be made in the school. Since it was an all girls school there was as much excitement in the electricians, floor crew, best boys and males in general as there was in the presence of Diana Rigg. To her credit she was very kind to a bunch of tongue-tied schoolgirls and made no objection to our sitting in and watching two of the scenes being shot. I'm not sure if my memory serves me correctly but as far as I recall it was our Sister Maureen who sang for Judy Bowker when she was taking her vows. I doubt we learned much during that time, there were way too many distractions. I saw the film once, many years ago but I really must make an effort to watch it again.
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A Wonderful Depiction of Benedictine Life
andrewjv29 January 2005
As a former Benedictine monk of 15 years who has visited many cloistered Benedictine monasteries of enclosed women religious, this movie is a wonderful depiction of the the rituals and formation of nuns in Benedictine monasteries. The ceremonies are very accurately depicted and there is none of that silly nun-sense (no pun intended!) that is often depicted in Hollywood versions of movies about nuns. I highly recommend this film and the books as well! The music and the chant are also wonderful.

Does anyone know what Abbey was used for the filming of the movie?

The copy of the movie that I have does not have the credits at the end so I can not figure out where it was filmed.
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A copy of this wonderful film
simonhbailey26 January 2007
This was one of those films that remains in your mind many years after it has been watched. I saw it quite some years ago and I still think back to it fondly. I think it is because Diana Rigg is such a consummate actress and lends integrity to the role. This was a super film and I would very much like to own a copy for myself.

Can anyone please help me locate a copy of this film? I have tried on Amazon but the price is extraordinary! Is £69 used a reasonable price to pay? I think that is dreadful. How can a film such as this command such a high price (as excellent as it was)? I would really like to find a copy for a reasonable price that I can add to my DVD collection. If anyone knows where or how to find a copy I would be very grateful to hear about it.

Many thanks
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Mixed feelings...
libriarsque11 November 2007
If I had never read the novel (and loved it), and if I had never lived the cloistered religious life (which I have), I would recommend this film without reserve.

My reservations are based on the following: Having lived in a cloister for over two years, I can tell you that, even in these post-Vatican II times, a postulant or novice would never be permitted to speak freely with another sister, especially an elder, without permission from her novice mistress. Recreations are not "free time", as depicted in the film; it is a daily get-together of the community as a whole, and it is encouraged that you converse in groups of at least three (you can talk to one other sister if you feel you have to, but certainly not for the whole recreation period). Also, silence being an essential and necessary aspect of contemplative monasticism, a sister, no matter what rank, would not sing out loud whenever and wherever she felt moved to do so, and especially not during work time. I could go on... but suffice it to say that this film is not an accurate depiction of cloistered life.

However, I do have positive feelings about this film. Even though it bears little resemblance in plot to the novel, it's still a good basic story in itself and is very well acted by an ensemble of wonderful actors. And, inaccurate of the life as it is, the film still evokes in me a nostalgic longing for the monastery, and I admit that I watch it for mainly that reason.

Oh, that the BBC would produce a mini-series of Godden's wonderful novel! That would be something to see. Godden was herself a Benedictine Oblate (lay persons connected by vows to a religious order), and her book is a loving and faithful tribute to Benedictine nuns everywhere.
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Book better than the movie
subrot015 August 2006
The movie is rather softly done. It has no bold sweeping strokes. I guess the concept of a person falling in love with God is something that people have problems understanding.Other than that the movie moves well and it has the required plot lines.I really liked it and it is truly a well done movie.

The book is rather better in the sense that it handles the concept of a vocation and the belief in Christ in a very straightforward manner. This is a rarity in books and especially in cinema. The performance of Diana Rigg is very workmanlike. She is quite adept at the part. I really liked the scenery and the liturgical aspects of the movie. The set decoration was very good.
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"To try my vocation as a Benedictine...
niborskaya23 June 2007
in this House of Brede". Thirty-two years after I first saw this movie as a 15 year old, I still remember Philippa's answer to the old nun's question, "what do you seek here?" as she first enters her novitiate.

Although not Catholic and just barely Protestant, I've always been fascinated in a romantic way with nun stories. Song of Bernadette, Black Narcissus, Heaven Knows, Mr. Allison, A Change of Habit, The Trouble with Angels. (Oddly enough, I've never even been curious about A Nun's Story.) Although I don't remember this movie well, I do remember certain scenes very clearly: Dame Philippa's entrance to the order, her having to avert her eyes while bathing, the young nun singing as she dusts the choir loft, Dame Philippa absent-mindedly expressing out-loud her desire for a cigarette, and her saying good-bye to the man that loved her prior to her embracing the order.

I did attempt to read the book, years later, and found myself, as another person wrote above, "waiting for the movie to start." I've not seen this on TV in years, if ever, since the first showing back in the 70s. But I will see it again some day...So I guess I do recommend it.
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My Goodness wasn't this boring
jmvscotland5 May 2018
This is one of those reasonably rare movies where , after one's watched it, one has to ask oneself "How the Hell does this movie rate 7.9 on IMDb?" It was rated 8.1 at the time I bought it and, expecting so much more, I started watching it expecting some kind of story. Yes, there was a story of sorts with just the slightest whiff of sexual attraction and the expected scandal that would result. But, the sexual attraction really came to not very much at all and the movie lurched along from one boring cloister to another with no real resolution and no real story at all. I have rarely been so utterly bored watching any movie in the past as I was with this one. Dull, dull, dull. Perhaps my boredom for the 104 minutes of this one's length lies in my not having been born in the Catholic faith. So, it is entirely possible that I just didn't understand this as well as a Catholic might. I found myself thinking all the way through this what a waste of time and energy the monastic life appears to be where very little seems to be done to enrich the lives of others. It seems to me that the monastic life might, for most who go into it, really be nothing more than an escape from the problems and everyday events of life for the sheltered life depicted here. That kind of escape has its attractions certainly but not it seems to me for anyone who really wants to experience all that life has to offer, good and bad and indifferent. Sorry, I just didn't get it.
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Somewhat irritating to one who knows the book well
royjaruk21 July 2004
In This House of Brede is just about my favorite Rumer Godden novel. However, this adaptation shows the limitations made-for-TV movies labor under better than any other example I could name.

Granted, it's hard to take a 369 page novel spanning more than 20 years and boil it down to something that can be turned into 90 minutes of film. The secret in doing it right is not what you leave, but what you take away and why. In this case, a better job could have been done.

All right; I can see why the whole Duranski subplot went away. It's too hard to film and despite what it reveals about the nuns and their interactions, and how secular people interact with the religious, it does not really advance the plot. Likewise the subplot of Lady Abbess's pectoral cross; it does not really advance the main plot line. Ditto the whole Vatican-II-changes subplot. However, the writer and director did not stop there. In my opinion, deleting the entire Sister Kazuko-Dame Colette plot line was a major mistake; it reduces the entire Japanese novitiate subplot almost to a device. It makes me wonder if the screenwriter missed the whole point of the novel.

The core of the book is about conflicts. Conflicts of self, of want versus duty; conflicts between people; conflicts between the secular and the sacred. Very little of that came through in the final version. Indeed, many of the conflicts were eliminated by the transmogrification of characters. McTurk is gone, with some of his wisdom and understanding grafted onto Sir Richard. Dame Maura is completely eliminated; that was a bad move. The cloying, annoying Dame Veronica has likewise vanished, and with her the conflict between the fluff she writes and the weighty substance of Dame Agnes's work. Dame Agnes herself has been fused with Mother Mistress Emily Lovell in one of the odder recharacterizations I've even seen in a movie, with the result that her edge (Dame Agnes's trademark) is thoroughly blunted. We see the Scallons (Dame Johanna's parents in the movie, Dame Cecily's in the book) only for moments, scarcely long enough to figure out who they are, but not long enough for us to understand why Dame Johanna ended up as she is and where she is. Larry Bannerman, of all the minor characters, is the only one whose part actually illuminated one of the major characters and pointed up best the real conflicts of the religious life as opposed to the secular; far better even than the compare-and-contrast of Philippa Talbot versus Dame Philippa of Brede Abbey.

The best thing about this TV movie is that it points out the crying need for a theatrical feature to be made from this book. It cries for a director with clear vision and a fresco big enough to paint not merely the major portraits, but the miniatures around the edges and in the background. Oh, this 1975 version stands on its own; but it has the same sort of choppiness Cuaron brought to Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkhaban, and that does not serve the novel at all well. It requires a slower, more deliberate pace - and above all, a budget big enough that characters do not have to be combined to their detriment, and at least a couple of the plot lines that had to be cut, to be restored.

Even with all these grumbles, there are worse ways to spend an evening than in the company of the nuns of Brede. It's not a bad little movie when all is said and done; it is simply one that could, and should, be done better on the large screen.
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A bit of a Benedictine muddle
johnshea2131 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Any film that boasts Diana Rigg, Pamela Brown (my god, those eyes!), Gwen Watford, and Denis Quilley can't be all bad, but "In This House of Brede" seems to make a great effort to be just that.

I recall watching it on PBS here in New York when it first came out and enjoying it. Later, I read the book. I just reread the book and found the film on line so I could compare the two while the book was fresh in my mind. Yes, it's hard to distill a book into a 90-minute film and yes, you probably have to leave out bits and pieces to do it but these people made a real hash of the job. They muddled the plot in a big way, inventing relationships that didn't exist and leaving out crucial characters and background. For instance, the scene between Joanna and David makes no sense whatever because the writers eliminated all of the background that would have explained it.

The relationship between Dame Philippa and Dame Agnes is threaded throughout the entire book and makes sense of Agnes's coldness toward Philippa. In the film, I suppose Joanna's behavior to Philippa may explain it but since this never existed in the book we really don't know. Sir Richard barely existed in the book while another friend from Philippa's office is a larger and more welcome presence there but was completely eliminated from the film.

I suppose I am just disappointed by the way the writers treated the book. It is so rich in character and rich in the Catholic and Benedictine philosophy and none of that comes out in the film. It's like they pulled bits and pieces from the book at random and few of them relate to each other.

Still, by all means watch the film if you can find it (I found it on YouTube), those actors would be worth watching in a flea circus, but please, do yourself a favor and read Rumer Godden's book, it is marvelous.

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Music Score of "House of Brede"
s-carlton12 February 2008
A professional organist friend of mine at a major cathedral in New York City is interesting in finding out what the organ music was in this movie. Apparently, it is played in fragments, which obviously makes determining what piece it is more difficult. Does anyone have a suggestion as to how to determine the identity of this music? The Music Director, unfortunately, has passed away. I would be grateful for any suggestions as to how to research this issue, before I write directly to BBC to attempt to follow-up. BBC have been very responsive in the past but I thought I would try this forum first. Sorry for the long-winded nature of this query - trying to get in my required ten lines of text.
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