Night of the Demon (1980) Poster

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Bigfoot comes knocking when the vans a rocking.
lastliberal21 June 2009
Night of the Demon is one of the infamous video nasties that was banned in Britain. It was finally released in 1994 with 1 minute and 41 seconds cut. It became most famous for its depictions of castration, dismemberment, stabbings and disemboweling.

The description tells you this is a gory version of Bigfoot. What it doesn't tell you is how funny it can be. In the second attack, two people are going at it in their van in the woods when Bigfoot pulls the man out of the van and bloodies him up. The girl (Jennifer West) is all naked and screaming at the sight of her bloodied lover. I swear her screams sounded like she was having an orgasm.

Bigfoot grabs another camper, still in his sleeping bag, and twirls him round and round before throwing him into a tree with a broken branch.

You might want to watch where you whip it out to relieve yourself. You never know what's in the bushes, and you might lose some valuable equipment.

They find Crazy Wanda (Melanie Graham), who was raped by Bigfoot, and had it's baby. Of course Bigfoot came by and the real carnage began.

Picture is fuzzy most of the time, and the acting is not that great. Music is irritating, but there is a lot of blood for the nasty fans.
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A Bigfoot Slasher-style B-movie
maxwelldrake16 March 2006
If jaws had you afraid to get into the water, this film will make you afraid to pee in the woods.

This is probably the roughest entry you'll find in the classic cinema-de-sasquatch genre. While it doesn't manage to be very creepy, or overtly scary, it does manage to be gory (if you can get your hands on the uncut version). Frankly, it is what it is, and if you like B-horror films of this time period, or are a Bigfootiphile, you'll enjoy it. however, if you are looking to truly be frightened, I'd move on.

With themes like castration and bestiality, it deserves a remake!
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Tough sell even for the genre fans...
markovd11111 August 2022
"Night of the Demon" clearly shows it's a work of passion and love. It even manages to make a good atmosphere and has some cool ideas, but sadly lack of budget and talent resulted in this mess. Acting is sometimes passable, but often atrocious to the point it becomes comic, murder scenes have to be seen to be believed, bigfoot is basically a dude with fur on his body and any kind of scares are out of the question. Some nudity is also thrown in the mix. There are pieces of a good movie scrambled throughout this hour and a half mess, so if you are a genre fan, grab a mate, some bear and enjoy the stupidity and cheese and laugh at the murder scenes. Everyone else, avoid this one. 5.5/10!
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Amusing late-night movie.
Kastore11 July 2001
"Night of the Demon" is so cheesy it's good. A college professor brings several of his students into the woods for no apparent reason other than to get killed. While out there, he shares exactly one tale each night about previous attacks of the Bigfoot, which we get to see in all their cheap special effect splendor. They find a backwoods woman who had a child with this creature (actually a somewhat interesting subplot) and end up trapped in her house when the Bigfoot finally attacks the hapless campers.

Lots of blood. Lots of hilariously bad dialogue. My favorite line involves the use of the phrase "anthropoid-like effigy". It takes everyone in this movie a day and a half to die from the creature's attacks. Lots of shots of the forest. Lots of blood. A semi-decent looking Bigfoot monster. And lots of blood. Would recommend a double-billing of this movie with "Legend of Boggy Creek", if you can find a copy of either one, that is.
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2/10 bad
pieterjanspiessens31 August 2018
It started as a cool bad movie, it was so bad it became funny and had some small gore in it but when i kept watching it became worse every minute and at one point it just wasn't 'that' funny anymore but rather a chore to make it till the end..

The gore was the reason i watched the movie and don't get me wrong, i love bad cheesy horror movies, but this was just painfully bad and i was kinda disappointed in the gore there was just to much talk and too little gore.

Making long story short: Gore was disappointing and didn't made up for the terrible acting/story/movie.
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Perfect for fans of hilariously bad movies!!
Chesna16 December 1998
I was introduced to this movie by a fellow Bigfoot buff friend of mine who had found a copy of this oh-so-rare film. When he said I was in for a treat, I had no idea. This movie screams to be massacred on MST3K. A college professor takes a few of his students out to some small island searching for Bigfoot. While there, the professor tells the kids many tales of people and their fatal encounters with Bigfoot. The flashbacks contain hilariously bad special effects and Bigfoot doing just plain silly things. I wouldn't want to ruin any points of this masterpiece for all you other "Z-Movie" fans out there. All I can say is, that you'll laugh til it hurts with this one (if you can find a copy of the movie, that it. It is rather difficult to find).
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Very strange, disturbing movie...
lodmot34728 October 2014
I'm not even sure whether I like this movie or not. It's just flat out bizarre. It's also extremely disturbing in several parts.

First of all, the movie was made in 1980, but it looks like a mid- 1970's film. There are a lot of landscape shots with 1970's-style Chicago-esque/smooth jazz/rock music playing in the background. Everyone is wearing flannel shirts for some reason. The dialog is really boring and drawn out.

But beyond all that, Bigfoot is definitely the star of the show and allows the film to entice you to finish the movie. The gore and kills are really good for the time.

There's some really disturbing scenes which went a little too far though. Some guy's dick gets ripped off and you actually SEE it... In another scene "Wanda" is on her porch getting whipped by her father for some stupid reason. Then at one point during Wanda's flashback, the movie gets VERY preachy. There's a shot in Wanda's bedroom where it just shows a bunch of pictures of Jesus Christ, the cross and Holy Mary, with like church music playing in the background. O.o For some reason, this part of the movie feels like you're no longer in the year 1980, but more like the late 1800's- early 1900's...

Then Bigfoot comes and rapes Wanda! Why? I don't know... Her father doesn't do anything, he's just like "You deserve it!" O.O

Then later, Wanda gives birth to a log of moving feces....... Literally... That's what it looked like. =w=

Anyway, I won't tell the rest of what happens... It's really strange... Like I said, I don't know whether I like it or not. I guess it's passable for the super low budget it likely had. It was able to keep me watching it till the end... o-o
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a very guilty pleasure
baumer11 March 2002
Warning: Spoilers
May contain some spoilers:

There are films that find their way into your life almost by accident. I, perhaps like everyone reading this review ( why else would you be reading a review entitled Night of the Demon?), am a horror lover. I love them all, even the ones that have Velveeta written across the video-cassette. There are inferior horror films like Idle Hands, The Haunting and a plethora of others, but somewhere inside of me there is a place for every single horror film. My reviews may say otherwise but that will never prevent me from renting the next cheeseball 70's or 80's derelict film that boasts of a low budget, no name actors and an even less reputable director. I am always on the prowl for the next diamond in the ruff. Every once in a while you will find films like Evil Dead, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Phantasm, Halloween and Night of the Living Dead. These films too had a cast and crew of no names involved and a budget that was so parsimonious that some of them couldn't even light a scene properly.

Night of the Demon is not a very well made film. It lacks in almost every area that is tantamount to making a film. The acting is passable at best, the direction is infinitesimal (at best) and the script is so laughable in some areas that just when you think there may be some momentum building, it is destroyed by the silly lines that come out of the actors mouths.

Characters appear and disappear for no explained or logical reason, the beast behaves irrationally and subsequently you can't believe half of the scenes that you see as being anything but haphazard and illogical. In short, this film is a mess. But there is something endearing about it. Just as Plan 9 from Outer Space has it's advocates and it's cynics, this film should probably have the same. That may be difficult because this is not a film that graces the shelves of many of your local Blockbuster shelves the way other neo-psycho/horror films do but if you can find it, you may be in for a small treat. As I have already stated, it is not a film that will have you aghast with it's brilliance, but there is a certain appeal to it. And perhaps that appeal is that you can see how the makers of the film tried to create something that made sense, they just didn't quite get it right.

Night of the Demon begins with a Professor Nugent laying in a hospital room with most of his face covered in bandages. As we hear the doctor tell us, he was found with half of his face burned off and he was in an extreme amount of pain. There is a local sheriff here, dressed in street clothes no less, (probably because they couldn't find a police uniform in the budget), and he wants to ask a sedated Professor Nugent a few questions. It seems that he and a few of his anthropology students set off for the woods in search of some Bigfoot tracks and to prove the legend of Bigfoot was real. His students never returned and he is the sole survivor of what took place in the woods.

When the professor awakes from his sedation, he talks clearly and lucidly, not like a man that has first degree burns to his entire face, including his mouth, but anyway, we can ignore this. It is quite funny but let's keep going.

The doctor then speaks up and asks the professor to " begin at the beginning." Not "start at the beginning," or "start at the top" but he actually asks him to begin at the beginning. Another funny point. So from here on out the professor tells his story in flash back style. We see the story that he is telling. His story also contains flashbacks inside of flashbacks. Included in these flashbacks are two kids that are making love in a van. They are attacked by the Bigfoot and one of them is killed. This has to be one of the most inept attempts at suspense or horror as all we get to see is some breasts, a bare ass, and then the door flies open and the young stud is ripped out of the woman and the next time we see him he has blood oozing from him as he is draped across the windshield, kind of like Gale's camera- man in Scream. Other flashbacks have a man getting his arm ripped off, two 20-something Girlguides that stab each other to death with Bigfoot's help, a man that gets his penis ripped off and few other disgusting events.

There is also more silly dialogue and situations that don't add anything to the story or the so called mysterious imbroglio that is brewing with our six adventurers. For instance, when their boat gets stolen, one of the crew remarks that " something big must have stolen the boat, like an elephant." This is the kind of brilliance that went into the painstaking effort of writing a script for this film.

The Bigfoot also has no logic to it. One minute he hunts each member of crew and begins to practice his winning by attrition technique that he must have learned in the Bigfoot school of Special Forces. All in all, this film is a mess. Yet I am still giving this film a 7 out of 10 and I would recommend that you see it.

The reasons for this are quite simple. The film may be a mess in every way but there are just times when you have to give marks for effort. I was very impressed with the gore in the film, especially since it seemed as though as the film got closer to the climax, the gore effects got more and more realistic. The very first scene where a man gets his arm ripped off looked a little egregious. But as the film prodded along, the rest of the effects were quite passable until the denouement where I was in awe at how they pulled off the killings in an original and truculent manner. If the rest of the film was filmed in a span of week, then the five minutes of violence that ensues had to of taken at least two weeks to film. Among some of the clever ideas were the excoriation of not only a man's skin but his intestines. They are then used as a weapon. A woman is shaken to death and another man is killed by landing on the jagged edge of glass. Another man lands on the blade of a saw, and as we already know Professor Nugent gets his face treated as though it were an Oscar Meyer wiener by having it placed in a boiling pot of water. Some very astute and meticulous work went into making this final scene as gory and realistic as possible.

I also have to mention Shane Dixon, the man responsible for playing the Bigfoot. As strange as this may sound, he was very effective. Shane Dixon is a legendary stunt man in Hollywood who has worked on more than 70 television and motion pictures productions. He may have a thankless job here of portraying a grunting and snarling beast that yearns for blood but he is very lissome with his movement and he plays the creature very effectively.

Night of the Demon is not one of the great horror films of our time. It is not even a decently produced film, but there is something intangibly intriguing about it. If all you yearn for is blood, guts and intestines, then this is a film for you. If you want an atmospheric and spine-tingling scarefest, then avoid this like you would a crack whore. But I think it is worth checking out. As many reviewers have noted, there is enough cheese in here to keep a rat satisfied, but underneath all that turbid and droll ineptitude, is an almost decent film that may just surprise you.

7 out of 10--Worth a look, if you can find it at your video store.
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Good For Unintentional Laughs
ryan-1007520 January 2019
A professor and his students trek out into the wilderness in search of Bigfoot. This movie is surprisingly much more gory than I was expecting, but mixed with at times passable acting and kills that seem to bring more laughter than fear this Bigfoot horror movie falls flat on its back. Now I must say the music by Stuart Hardy and Dennis McCarthy in the movie is actually quite good. Problem is when your theme over the opening credits uses a flute as its main instrument it doesn't bring fear. Probably would be a finalist for the happiest music in a horror film of 1980. The humour as well that the movie tries to attempt is pretty clumsy. In the end you will be laughing unintentionally. Some times though those make good bad movies (I would put this movie into that category) to watch with buddies over a couple of beers. If you do end up watching this horror flick you might see where they got the sleeping bag kill for FRIDAY THE 13TH PART VII: THE NEW BLOOD. Additionally, after Professor Nugent (Michael Cutt) tells the story about the motorcyclist I would have packed my things, ran home and NEVER hunted the Bigfoot.
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Deserves recognition for it's effort. Bigfoot with an attitude!
insomniac_rod17 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
"Night Of The Demon" is the lowest budget you can get. The gore is CHEAP, the music is plain terrible, the acting is beyond amateurish, and the direction is primitive. Still, the movie is entertaining and has a creepy atmosphere. Bigfoot was never this raw!

Before "The Blair Witch Project" came with the idea of "original footage", "Cannibal Holocaust" and "Night Of The Demon" used the same idea but with minimal budget.

This movie doesn't especulate and goes directly to the point: violent death scenes. Bigfoot is very mad and has a really bad attitude; he slashes every possible victim in the most savage manners. The opening sequence (after the Professor's testimony) shows an unhappy camper that gets his arm ripped off. Expect lots of gust, blood, stabbings, a head crushed, a man stabbed with a broken window, a scene where a couple after having sex is killed off screen (HORRIBLE acting by the woman by the way), and my favorite, a biker getting castrated. Bigfoot knew where to make damage for sure.

The plot is quite good in my opinion. The eerie atmosphere is provided by cheap music and some really creepy scenarios mainly in the woods. The testimony way of telling the story is good and does not leaves anything for the imagination. In my opinion, the highlight of the movie is the final Bigfoot massacre where he enters the cabin and slaughters every single person there. The professor survives by miracle as his face was burned completely. Great scene! a classic in the slasher genre.

Give this movie a try because it has something that modern Horror movies do not have : a heart. I mean; the producers, director, and actors try to create a scary, serious Horror movie. There is a lot of gore, violence, and creepy settings. What else can you ask for? The effort is good and the final result is a little, creepy slasher flick.
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Bad and Entertaining
tysonrowlands11 May 2022
This might have been made on the cheap, but there are several odd and perverse ideas and themes in here to make it worth watching. It also doesn't skimp on the gore, so it has to be the bloodiest Bigfoot movie out there.
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Bigfoot loves blood, babes, and RAWR!!!
Streebo2 August 2006
This film is the definition of "so bad it's good"! Night of the Demon boasts some of the most atrocious production values in the scenes with it's human characters - yet this somehow adds to the reality of the sequences featuring Bigfoot - enhancing it in an almost documentary cinema verite sort of way. If you don't ask for too much depth and pretentiousness from of your horror you could be very happy with what you find here! Unintentionally hilarious at times, gruesome at others, Night of the Demon even manages to be slightly chilling in some moments.Night of the Demon features all the things that make cheesy horror great: bad acting, slimy gore, gratuitous nudity, and BIGFOOT! Night of the Demon may mot be the greatest Bigfoot movie ever - but it is surely the most fun!
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One of the more entertaining video nasties
world_of_weird27 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
James C.Wasson's NIGHT OF THE DEMON is a strangely entertaining, even compelling (if it hits you in the right frame of mind) slice of zero-budget horror that certainly delivers the goods if you're looking for mean-spirited, violent thrills and spills. Despite the threadbare screenplay, the dull performances (save for Crazy Wanda and her father, both of whom are quite convincing) and the grimy photography, it's obvious that this film isn't the work of hapless amateurs - there are plenty of cutaways, dissolves, flashbacks and moving camera shots, marred somewhat by the hack editing, but the film manages to hold your attention nonetheless. Indeed, Wasson constructs his bloody tale with something approaching subtlety - given that the opening scene shows a bandaged man lying in a hospital bed being quizzed by the police about some missing students, it won't take a genius to work out that something bad's going to happen (and indeed already has) - and en route to the denouement, Wasson throws us plenty of juicy tidbits including Bigfoot's previous victims, a bizarre backwoods cult, religious mania, inter-species rape and even patricide. But the best is saved for last, as the hairy monster rips and snorts his way through the incompetent student anthropologists who've been tracking him through the movie. It may be a knock-off of the claustrophobic climax of NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD, but the slow motion, whining synthesiser score and surreal gore lends it all a bewildering, dream-like quality that's actually pretty disturbing and can't easily be laughed off. The film also scores heavily in its use of the forest exteriors almost in the same capacity as INteriors - the trees and bushes tower above the actors and locations, swamping any real perspective and isolating them from anything resembling civilisation, so that by the time the thoroughly depressing Crazy Wanda subplot rears its ugly head the viewer is also completely detached from the 'real' world, Wasson drawing us inexorably toward the staggeringly downbeat finale. Some twenty-five years later, this STILL isn't legally available in its uncut form here in the UK, and I can't help feeling that's due more to the skin-crawling discomfort induced by the final half hour than to the blood-spouting special effects. In spite of its surface flaws, DEMON remains a rewarding viewing experience and will certainly stay in your mind, for better or worse, for a while after the last credit has rolled.
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more interesting special features
christopher-underwood6 March 2022
There are many films with this title and many there are all excellent or very good but not this one. But, of course, because producer, writer Jim L Ball and director James C Wasson, who ever they are, went as terrible as possible and then it got the attention of the British who decided it should be banned. There are many who were on the list of 'video nasty' and this was one of the ones few people saw it and now realise how poor it is. But, looking at it now, it is clear that every thing was thrown at it and when you realise that every thing is possible that nobody could like it. As with so many we realise that if it had never been banned they would have never been watched any way. Even now the only really watching this rubbish is that there are more interesting special features of 5 1/2 hours which has to have some interest.
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Noone's mentioned the best scene!!
cjay5024418 October 2000
Find another bigfoot movie that has a guy getting his dick yanked off by a Sasquatch! I nearly pulled a hamstring running to shut the TV off when I saw that scene! The red stuff flows throughout the film. Ol' Bigfoot even uses a guy's entrails as an offensive weapon. "Legend of Boggy Creek" will always be #1 to this Bigfoot fan, but "Night of the Demon" is the Bigfoot film genre's "weird uncle that nobody likes to talk about". I suggest you haunt your local video stores until you find a copy. I believe it was last released in the US in the late 80's on the Gemstone Entertainment budget label.
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The Curse of the Bigfoot
Fernando-Rodrigues24 April 2021
A taste of the worst the '80s could offer. It is poorly executed in every sense, the kind of movie to watch high with your friends. Go ahead, do it.
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Night of the BigFoot
face_of_terror20 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
This unknown monster flick is a story about an anthropology professor who takes a group of his students and goes deep in the woods to find out truth about BigFoot. Professor believes that BigFoot is responsible for all the bloody countless deaths that occurred recently. The movie starts as we see professor lying on the table , i believe in a hospital with half of his face (with nose) covered with a blanket. His face is horribly burned, and he is trying to tell the doctor and a policeman that all the scary stories about BigFoot are true. Like it always happens, no one believes him. Professor is asked to tell what happened to him and his students in those woods. Then the flashback begins ,which allows us to see what happened in the earlier...

Well , there isn't much of acting in this movie. Music sounds creepy at times , but very annoying. Gore level is not as high as i thought it would be. However there are some nasty and brutal scenes , so i think splatter movie fans would be satisfied. There is a nice scene where BigFoot rapes a young girl. And another one where our "sweet" monster tears out a biker's penis. The movie is so cheesy that you don't even have time to pay attention to plot holes.

Sasquatch is very poorly designed , and looks kinda small for BigFoot.The monster was played by Shane Dixon who is not even an actor , but is a famous stuntman. He was a stunt coordinator , and did stunts for such movies as Blind Fury , Rambo 3 , They Live ,Maniac Cop 2-3 , Lethal Weapon 1-3-4 , Village of the Damned , Lawnmover Man 2 and so on. Shane passed away back in 1999.

Anyway , this monster flick is fun to watch , there is enough gore not to fall asleep , though it could have been much better. Check it out.
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Mostly unwatchable
Tikkin4 May 2006
Night Of The Demon is, for the most part, completely unwatchable garbage. The format used to tell the story is extremely confusing, what we get is flashback after flashback and it soon becomes unclear who is even having these flashbacks. The only remotely interesting aspect is the gore, and even that isn't very good. The effects used are extremely crude. The biker castration scene is nowhere near as spectacular as other reviewers would have you believe - all you see is the man holding his crotch as blood pours down his pants. The scene at the end where Bigfoot uses a mans intestines as a whip is also less spectacular than it sounds. The only bit I liked was when he swings a sleeping bag around his head with a man still inside.

I was thoroughly disappointed with this film. It's nowhere near as good as it sounds and is likely to induce sleep. Only recommended to those collecting the full "video nasties" list - Night Of The Demon is in the same league as Don't Go In The Woods Alone, only much much worse.
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There's some fun to be had with this early 80's gore film
Red-Barracuda4 February 2011
It would be quite funny if someone was to buy this film thinking it was the 1950's classic. Where that film was subtle and atmospheric, this 1980 film…eh…well it isn't.

This is a gore movie about Bigfoot. The Sasquatch in this film is basically a murderous maniac who goes around tearing people apart. The creature looked a bit like how I imagine 80's mullet-headed kids TV presenter Pat Sharpe would look if he ever were to suffer a stroke. All-in-all quite a scary looking beast and one who is not slow to pitch up and kill people for no discernible reason. There is a fair number of bloody slayings in Night of the Demon, many of which are pretty funny if truth be told. This isn't a film that many people will be able to take terribly seriously. But, all things considered, it isn't that bad. It never forgets that its primary purpose is to entertain us and it even ties in a back-story towards the end that is reasonably effective.

The final confrontation is a strange slow-motion massacre. With the Pat Sharpe beast rampaging around killing everyone with a different method. It's quite a strange moment. The film finished not long after that and the overall feeling I had was at least they tried with this one. It might well be trash but it was fun while it lasted.
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Big Bad Bigfoot Blood Bath
ElijahCSkuggs13 December 2006
First off, I love Bigfoot, Sasquatch, The Yeti, Abominable Snowman, whatever you want to call it. I love everything about the mystery of this gigantic ape. So when I heard about a movie that was really gory and that was about a Bigfoot gone crazy, I definitely marked this one down. Well, unfortunately this movie is pretty crappy. The worst aspect is the acting and directing. It's completely bottom of the barrel type stuff, which gives it a pretty high cheese rating. It's a cheesy Bigfoot Slasher flick...sound good? Read on.

Night of the Demon is about Professor Nugent, who travels to a secluded area of woods accompanied by a couple of his students and friends. Nugent and team are there to investigate the town and see if a Bigfoot is actually still alive and kickin. That's pretty much it, it's kind of like a crappy Scooby-Doo episode with some sex and gore thrown in. By the way, the gore itself was pretty good. But that can't make up for the ridiculously bad acting.

Night of the Demon has it's share of moments. It has more than a handful of pretty original deaths, but it also has a whole movie filled with cheesy acting and amateur directing. But if you enjoy cheese in your movies, or if you like bigfoot/slasher/gore flicks, I'd say give this baby a look. 5 outta 10
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Big Foot's gone crazy!
Smells_Like_Cheese27 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
A few years ago my mother had bought me a DVD called Night of the Demon out of the 5 dollar bin, she knew my love of horror films and thought that the cover looked cool and that I would probably like it. Weird thing is, I never checked it out until recently, years and years this DVD sat on my shelf and I don't know why I didn't check it out earlier. Because when I went onto IMDb for reviews and then onto Amazon, I couldn't believe my eyes, this same DVD that my mom bought for 5 dollars is now selling for 80 dollars on Amazon, isn't that crazy? So my mother picked a true treasure I was guessing. Well, after viewing it, I'm not so sure that treasure is the right name any more, but it certainly has something. I'm an gore fan, I have to admit, the story could be lousy but if there is good gore in the film, I just end up falling for it. Night of the Demon does that for me, while the story, acting and directing isn't up to par, this is a fun movie with the killing scenes. I know that sounds sick, but this is a fun treasure from the 80's with the great senseless nudity, sex, drugs, drinking, stereotypes and violence that I could want.

Night of the Demon tells the story of an anthropology class's all-too-successful expedition into the American wilderness to find the truth behind the Sasquatch legend. Along the way, the team learn about the creature's previous victims, uncover the squalid story of a hermit who gave birth to a mutation after being raped by the monster, and finally come face to face with the beast himself.

Eighty dollars worth of your time; no, not really, but if you're able to still find it cheap and are a horror fan like I am, I totally recommend this film. This is a crazy monster we have in the film, we go from this light hearted music that sounds like it belongs in an elevator to seeing Big Foot rip a guys hot dog off! You know what I mean, I can't write it on this website. Also this poor girl is getting beaten by her hick father after he suspects her feelings for another man, literally thrashing a belt on her back, now in most horror movies, the dad would be the one put to justice, but it's the girl that gets raped by Big Foot and gives birth to his baby! Now that's a Jerry Springer episode that I would love to see! The whole ending is in slow motion with the sickest kills you will ever see, Saw would cover it's eyes to some of these gruesome kills.

It's a very strange film, believe me, it's not for everyone. The direction is a little off and the lighting is absolutely horrible at times, however the reason I forgave this so fast is due to the fact that it seems like the cast and crew genuinely had a great time making this film. I mean there's a scene where Big Foot takes two girl scouts who happen to be carrying knives and pulls their arms towards each other stabbing each other while the whole time you're screaming "Just drop the knife! Problem solved!". But it's moments like that that make me enjoy a movie when you're just having a good time with it. This may be a twisted Big Foot, but that's just the way we are supposed to suspect him to be, why are we so afraid of him? Just like Jaws made people afraid of sharks, Night of the Demon will make you afraid of Big Foot! But like I said, don't buy it for 80 dollars, I'm sure you can find it cheaper somewhere else or it's gotta be on the net, because people are greedy and crazy.

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tommystans15 April 2012
Thanks to YouTube, I have seen 'Night of the Demon' the uncut version. Most people say 'its bad its good' but in my opinion its awful. The acting is horrible, the music is horrible and story is just plain out boring and awful. I'm glad that this movie didn't get an official DVD release. There is some on eBay and Amazon, heck, I don't care if people want to buy this and waste there money on this awful thing you call a 'cult classic' ,but the film is in such bad quality from a VHS transfer. The story is slow, Bigfoot looks like a rejected Chewbacca, the ending is in slow motion, the overuse of roars and growls and the characters are unmemorable. Even though there is gore, the gore is just unbearable to watch. There are many people who like this kind of stuff...but not me.
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Bigfoot meets a slasher and becomes amazing
BandSAboutMovies22 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The film starts with a giallo-style framing device, where several policemen are interviewing Professor Bill Nugent, an anthropology teacher who was found in the woods with his face mutilated, surrounded by the bodies of his dead students.

This is a film of unconnected narratives, where one character after another appears to tell a story about Bigfoot, then that story is reenacted. It starts with Carla Thomas, whose family was murdered by a Bigfoot. That's when Nugent initiates a flashback of his class discovering proof of the creature after it attacked a family on a picnic.

The authorities determine that all of the murders in the area that Bigfoot was involved in had to be a hoax. Carla goes one further by saying that the police tampered with the evidence in her father's case. She also tells another flashback story where we watch a couple in the throes of passion inside a van. The man is soon dragged from the vehicle and dies in bloody pain on the windshield while the woman watches.

It's at this point that I realized that this isn't really a Bigfoot movie per se. It's a slasher. A slasher that ended up on the video nasties list due to its shocking levels of gore and mayhem.

The university won't sanction Nugent's class trip to continue searching for Bigfoot, but they head out anyway. Nugent and his group plan on staying at Carlson's Landing, owned by Lou Carlson, who refuses to help the professor and students. Well, he does until they get him drunk and he reveals that a woman in the woods named Wanda has a connection with the beast.

Meanwhile, Bigfoot shoves a man into a sleeper bag, swings him around and around, then throws him into a tree where he's impaled on a tree branch.

Nugent and the kids make it to town and learn that Wanda went mute and insane after having a deformed stillbirth. Her father was a preacher named Emmet McGinty whose followers live in total isolation, inbreeding and practicing cannibalism and human sacrifices. And oh yeah - the sheriff is spying on them now.

As they reach their campsite, Nugent regales the kids about a biker who castrated and died nearby. Casual, fun conversation? Sure. You'll enjoy watching it in lurid detail, too. A few hours after they all go to sleep, they are awakened by McGinty's Satanic cult - which includes the sheriff - as they chant and perform a sex ritual with a girl who we soon learn is Wanda. Nugent panics and fires his gun, leading to complete chaos and the Bigfoot statues catching on fire.

At this point, any sane person would leave the woods. But Nugent and crew press on, despite Bigfoot following them and stealing their boat. They find Wanda's cabin and bribe her with candy. Once they show her a track of Bigfoot's prints, she goes crazy and locks herself in a room.

How would you pass the time? Oh, more stories. Nugent speaks about an outdoorsman who was cut up with his own axe and then regales us all with a little anecdote about two Girl Scouts who are walking through the woods holding knives. Why? Who knows. But Bigfoot soon shows up and girls them with their own weapons. Finally, one of the students plays top this and tells about Bigfoot slamming a man's head into a tree repeatedly until the man shoots himself. In the midst of all this, two of the kids decide to have sex, which draws out Bigfoot, who tears up the boy's back.

Somehow, Nugent's teaching abilities extend to hypnosis. He uses those on Wanda, who helps us flashback to her abusive childhood, her father interrupted her first lovemaking experience and then her rape by Bigfoot. Yep. You read that right. Convinced the father of the child was a demon, McGinty killed the beast's offspring and Wanda got her revenge by setting him on fire.

Again, at this point, anyone sane would get out of the woods. Nope. They decide to dig up the body of Wanda's child, which brings out Bigfoot who steals back his child's bones.

Everyone decides to become a cover version of Night of the Living Dead and see much of the footage in Bigfoot vision. Bigfoot breaks in while Wanda calmly watches. The monster strangles folks, rips out intestines, slices throats, shoves people's faces through glass windows like his name is Dario Argento and then shoves Nugent's face onto a hot stove. You'll cheer, trust me. This is why you watch movies.

Nugent wakes up back in the giallo framing device, where the doctors sedate him as he pleads for everyone to find Wanda and Bigfoot. The police discuss his story, declare him criminally insane and move on. Are they part of the conspiracy?

After doing some research on this, I learned that the original ending of the movie had a helicopter rescue the remaining students and the sheriff telling Wanda that Bigfoot was safe. The film's distributor felt the movie would sell better commercial if all of the students were killed.

I love this movie. Pure perfect love. From the words "those horror stories that you heard about the forest...they're all true!" to the bloody ending where nearly every single character is wiped out in graphic detail, this is a movie that shocks you at every turn. Brutal violence. Odd moments of humor. Loud blasts of synthesizer beeps, boops and squeals. Nonsensical plotting and a movie that has no idea what it truly wants to be, so it becomes all of them.

I want more people to discover this film. It's scummy filmmaking at its bloody best.
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Chewbaca's Cousin in the Oregon Woods?
theowinthrop2 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
When a horror film is done properly it grips the imagination (and secret dread) of the viewers, so that they admire the end result despite the fears it has resurrected. A good horror film can achieve these results even with the barest of film budgets (such as THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT a decade ago). One marvels at one of the most effective moments in that film - when the female is all alone in that spooky, haunted, deadly wood at night, in her tent, speaking into the video machine's recorder and holding a flashlight to her face showing the strain her isolation has left her in. The thought for that effect must have been considerable, but the expense was minimal. And it remains in our memory as effective.

NIGHT OF THE DEMON shares a similar sounding title to the American release title THE NIGHT OF THE DEMON, which was known in England as CURSE OF THE DEMON, and is one of the best horror films of the 1950s. NIGHT OF THE DEMON is an attempt to build a horror film about the question of the existence of "Big Foot", the American "Abominable Snowman" that supposedly exists in the forests of Oregon and Washington. Tall and furry with reddish hair, "Big Foot" usually is supposed to look a little like Chewbaca in the STAR WARS films. Whether or not "Big Foot" really exists is an issue I am not prepared to discuss. The creature has appeared in other films, probably most notably the comedy HARRY AND THE HENDERSONS.

Here the story is about how a group of students accompany a professor on an anthropology trek into the north-woods to see if they can find the creature. The students are made aware of the history (as it is) of "Big Foot", where he supposedly came from, whom has he terrorized and killed. We see how his father creature raped his mother (a farm-girl that was thrown out by her fanatical father), and how the father shot and killed the father of "Big Foot" after the rape.

Eventually they do meet the creature in a deserted cabin, only to be destroyed by him (only the badly burned professor survives the encounter. It is the professor that is telling the story of the creature's crimes. One is, of course, listening to his retelling these tales, of lovers being butchered, or wanderers being killed, wondering why anyone would seek to meet such a creature at all. It vaguely reminds one of the old cliché from the Universal Horror cycle films of the 1930s that there were some areas of knowledge mankind should not delve into.

The film has memorable sequences. It does give pure shock value - most notably when a motorcyclist taking a pee by the side of the road gets his penis ripped off by "Big Foot" as a result. What I find fascinating is that the shock value of this and some other really awful moments are treated as so funny by many viewers. Somehow total amputation of a sex organ is hardly humorous. Nor is the use of a person's large intestine as a whip like devise to attack other people with. But both sequences stick to the memory even if they certainly go beyond the point of good taste. A better effect is the murder of a young couple in a van having sex, particularly as the bloodied corpse of the young man is slowly dropped from the vehicle's roof.

I will give the film's creators their due in the use of music that lulls the viewer into a sense of false security, and some effects in the film (making the lens seem to be a green and red tinted eyeball at times). For it's strengths I willingly give the film a 6 out of 10. But the graphic nature of some of the effects make it less enjoyable to most viewers (I think) than other horror films are.

One sequence that I watched I will try to correct a small error in the descriptions that are given of it. Two young women are mentioned by as having been probably killed by the monster. We see what happened: they are shown walking together when they start running from "Big Foot", who catches them. They are stabbed to death. Now the sequence has been dismissed as another silly joke by some viewers. Reason: the girls are holding knives when they are walking through the woods, and continue holding them when they are running from the monster, and when caught. So that "Big Foot" (according to one reviewer) does a crazy "Hoky Koky" dance causing the two girls to stab each other to death by pushing them into each other. This is criticized as being stupid because the girls should just drop their knives.

The two young women are scout leaders, and they are holding the knives because they are protecting themselves in that dense wood. The appearance of the monster causes them to get flustered, and (even before "Big Foot" reaches them) bump into each other while holding their weapons (though without wounding each other). They don't drop the knives because they still rely on these weapons to help protect them. In doubling back to escape they run into "Big Foot", who grabs them by the arms they hold the knives in - AT THE WRISTS! They can't drop the knives. He then keeps knocking the two into each other's arms (severing blood vessels in those limbs) and then forces the girl's hands into each other's chests and necks. We watch them both gradually get fully bloodied by each other, until they both die from blood loss. It is a rather grim sequence - hardly funny at all.
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He does exist
QueenoftheGoons1 September 2022
The acting was way beyond bad. Very bad. Not sure what i expected going into this. The blood & gore looked like it was made in a dank basement in one of Hollywood's basements. I did like Big foot. I liked his mask. He was more impressive than anything else. What a face.

Not sure why it was banned unless it has to do with the love scene of he & his bride if you can call it that. They won't show that stuff today. They gonna show it, they can at least extend it and show us in detail. His bride could have showed him some more love. Its obvious he wasn't going to kill her. They should hide nothing in movies, none should be banned. Just show it all. We can take it.
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