The Deadly Spawn (1983) Poster

Ethel Michelson: Aunt Millie


  • Aunt Millie : [looking at Bunny's ceramic animals]  I've never seen this giraffe before.

    Bunny : He's new!

    Aunt Millie : He's big!

    Bunny : Don't you just love him?

    Aunt Millie : To pieces.

    Bunny : Do you know what I've always wanted?

    Aunt Millie : What?

    Bunny : A really handsome gorilla.

    Aunt Millie : A WHAT?

    Bunny : A gorilla! But, they don't seem to make fine ceramics of the great apes, for some reason. They are our nearest relations, you know, the great apes. But they never left the proverbial Garden of Eden like we did. Did you know he's a vegetarian?

    Aunt Millie : Who is?

    Bunny : The gorilla! No eating the flesh for him, no sir. He's peace-loving, and adorable!

    Aunt Millie : Good Lord. Mother, you're crazy.

  • Aunt Millie : [the black cat in the house crossed her path]  Where did he come from?

    Pete : That cat is crazy!

    Aunt Millie : [closes the basement door]  What is with the basement this morning?

See also

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