La mansión de los Cthulhu (1992) Poster

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May both Lovecraft and Cthulu forgive the poor fools who made this mess
jay-bethke6 June 2005
Don't go into this one expecting even a remote trace of Lovecraftian horror won't find it. The only HPL connection to this screwball effort is the word Cthulu ...the word, not the idea, not the god, not the atmosphere or anything else. Just the word. One can't necessarily expect the actors of a movie like this to be top notch (though Jeffrey Combs of some other HPL-based films is certainly the exception), but in Cthulu Mansion you feel like you should be watching something recorded by teenagers on a digital camera. The film's dialog consists solely of clichés hour and a half worth of clichés: imagine that! The lead bad guy is named Hawk (which wouldn't be funny even if this were a satire of trashy horror), and the characters so lack originality and human-ness that you'll find yourself wondering aloud, "What was going through the actor's mind when he/she was performing this scene?" Seemingly absolutely nothing. The killings are mild (the blood-shower drowning was cool but too good for this film) or stupid (the 1950s monster hands coming out of the refrigerator ...come on!), and the only genuinely positive thing I can say about the entire mess was that the mansion used here would be great in a better film. I so wanted this to be a better movie. The cover at the video store, the fact that it was Spanish and claimed to be based off of Lovecraft, all pointed to something awesome ...but I was horribly deceived.
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Cthulhu Mansion: Not as bad as they say, but still not great
Platypuschow5 August 2017
I'm a big Lovecraft fan, trouble is very few movies based on his works are even remotely loyal and this right here isn't either.

In fact the movie has absolutely nothing to do with Cthulhu, at all! A gang take the wrong people hostage and all hell breaks lose, nothing original here but nothing too offensive or clichéd either.

Sadly the movie falls apart at the end which is a shame because with a decent finale it wouldn't have been "That" bad.

I was astounded how low it's IMDb rating was and can confidently say it doesn't deserve it. It's not great, but it isn't terrible either.

If you want a decent movie based on Lovecrafts works then, well you're kind of out of luck as I'm not sure I've seen one. Necronomican (1993) isn't awful I suppose.

If I were to make a Cthulhu movie you know what I'd have in it? CTHULHU! I'd make him all big and scary and resist the urge to use his tentacles inappropriately! I've watched a bit too much Japanese anime lately, if they ever make a Cthulhu movie it'll involve school girls and a definite R rating.
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One of the worst, take it from a fan...
doctorgonzo2310 October 2004
I love B horror films, so I was expecting something that would at least make me laugh or perhaps keep my interest for an hour and a half. This movie was not even close to accomplishing either of those tasks. It amazes me how a production can be so bad in so many ways. There isn't a thing about this movie that makes it worth watching. The acting is bad, and not in a funny way. The actors look bored half the time. It's total s***. Why is it that these productions fail to live up to the standard of high school theatre? The plot is also garbage. The only thing borrowed from Lovecraft is the Cthulhu nomenclature. I mean, what does this movie even have to do with the Cthulhu mythos? Answer: absolutely nothing. The dialogue is so repetitive and inane... not even a bit of humour in it. The characters are also pretty flat. There wasn't a single one I cared about by the end of this monstrosity. The F/X (all 35 seconds of them) are also pretty bad. Again, not funny bad; just plain moronic.

The bottom line: I bought this from a local movie store (used) for $1. I should have bought a can of Pepsi, or played 4 games of Space Invaders. I am fanatical about bad trash cinema, especially horror, but I can't find a use for this thing at all. Bypass with extreme prejudice.
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The World NOT According to Lovecraft
BaronBl00d14 October 2001
Well, this film tries to sell itself off as being Lovecraftian but really is more like crappion...or carrion. Really, it is not all that bad once you realize it has nothing to do with H. P. Lovecraft and is nothing more than a tale of a magician and how some hoodlums break into his home. The film goes right for your horror heart strings with a black cat, a huge mansion, lots of swirling dry ice, and other horror cliches. The house is impressive and the actors are so annoying(apart from Frank Finlay in the lead as the magician and Marcia Layton as his daughter)that you readily want something tragic to happen to them. What exactly happens...who is to say? Certainly not me as it is a very porous story, but the execution of the plot is done with some style. Despite some major, major flaws, the film is very watchable and entertaining in a bad its good vein.
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janiceflux28 February 2002
i rented this movie because i wasn't feeling well and was looking for bad yet amusing or inspiring (either/or, bad doesn't always mean awful) horror to pass the time. this movie has nothing to do with lovecraft in any way, and the only thing i found amusing was one character's over-acting of the horror movie staple line "what have you done to my brother (mother, sister, aunt, hand, etc....)." hilarious, that. for evil supernatural forces, you would do better to look at the evil dead series, for lovecraftian horror look to the reanimator, which is modernized but still excellent and retains some of ol' h.p.'s touches. leave this dog alone.
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This is NOT a Lovecraftian movie, take heed...
paul_haakonsen10 February 2021
Right, well I stumbled upon the 1992 movie "Cthulhu Mansion" (aka "La mansión de los Cthulhu") here in 2021. I had never heard about the movie before, but being a huge Lovecraft fan, of course I was instantly and immediately drawn to the movie and rushed to give it a watch.

And let me just say, perfectly clear, that this movie has nothing, and I mean that literally, nothing to do with Lovecraft or the Cthulhu mythos. Sure, it uses the name Cthulhu in the movie; it is seen on a book and over the gate leading to the house. But that is where the connection ends.

The storyline is not even remotely Lovecraftian in spirit, essence or atmosphere. This was, in all its simplicity, a mere average early 1990s horror movie, though it felt more like a late 1980s one, to be bluntly honest.

In fact the storyline was actually not all that bad, if you look at the movie with eyes that are not blinded with the hopes of it being a Lovecraftian movie. It was an archetypical horror movie from the early 1990s, for better or worse. So you know what you are getting yourself into here, if you are familiar with the horror genre from that period of time.

The acting in the movie was adequate, though you should not be expecting any grand Shakespearian performances. And taking the movie's limited script and storyline into consideration, I think the actors and actresses actually managed to fare well enough.

But for a horror movie, then "Cthulhu Mansion" was just too bland, bordering on being boring actually. Nothing scary was to be seen anywhere throughout the course of the entire movie. Or perhaps I am just jaded from a life-time exposure to the horror genre.

Visually then "Cthulhu Mansion" was actually adequate. There were some nice enough special effects in the movie, taking the age of the movie into consideration.

If you are looking for a proper Lovecraftian movie, then "Cthulhu Mansion" is not the movie you should sit down to watch.

My rating of "Cthulhu Mansion" settles on a mere three out of ten stars. Mostly because it was not a Lovecraftian movie, but also because the movie's storyline was just too scrambled, erratic and was lacking a proper red thread.
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Hilarious trash.
HumanoidOfFlesh23 August 2001
"La Mansion de los Cthulhu" is surely one of the worst horror movies ever made.On the other hand I found it to be very enjoyable.This film is never scary,but it is quite amusing.It has awful acting,pathetic special effects and some of the most annoying characters I have seen.These people are so extremely stupid that I laughed a lot while I was watching their idiotic actions.I know that Juan Piquer Simon isn't very talented director,but I enjoyed his "Pieces" and "Slugs",because they were so over the top in their gore department.This one is enjoyable,because of its outrageous stupidity.You'll laugh until it hurts with this one-you can believe me!The bloody shower scene has to be seen to be believed!
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Very mediocre horror movie regularly directed by Juán Piquer with chills , scary scenes and supernatural events
ma-cortes3 December 2021
Below average juvenile horror that claims to be based on H. P. Lovecrft stories. La mansión de los Cthulhu (1992) deals with group of drug dealing petty criminals (Luis Fernando Alvés , Brad Fisher , Melanie Shatner , Kaethe Cherney) fleeing from the cops and along the way they kidnap an aging magician (Frank Finlay) harboring an amazing occult secret and his daughter (Marcia Layton) . As they are taken as hostages in their isolated mansion by some villain scumbags . The oldest-looking juvenile delinquents you've ever seen release evil spirits when they take over the magician's state . When the captors refuse to listen to the magician's horrible warning to release him unharmed , the mansion slowly releases its nightmare of horrors on the unsuspecting invaders. Beyond evil . Beyond Terror. Beyond the gates of Hell. The final resting place. The evil is free.

This is a humdrum adaptation with abominable dialogue , being inspired by H. P. Lovecraft stories from a screenplay and lousy filmmaking by the Spanish craftsman Juan Piquer Simón . As the plot lifts some scenes from other films , concerning a gang who abducts a magician and his daughter , taking as hostages at their home ; but once the delinquents reach the mansion , all hell breaks loose , being shown with no very special effects and that's a load of dung . The script by Juán Piquer himself contains restless terror and great loads of gore , blood and usual poltergeists phenomenon caused by the usual ghastly shenanigans that result to be weird creature appearances , cracking objects throwing fire , furniture flying , a number of knifes slashing a person , wall ooze , plants manifest as attackers , doors suddenly slamming and anything else . It is produced in medium/short budget by José Gutiérrez Maesso who long time ago wrote and produced a number of Spaghetti Westerns . The FX and make-up experts : Basilio Cortijo , Emilio Ruiz del Rio and Colin Arthur recreated the eerie story with low-grade and traditional special effects that are frightening and horrifying to spectator . It's actually halfway-low terror movie that achieved little success at the box office , though it will appeal to hardcore horror aficionados , that's why it packs absurd situations and cheesy but amusing frames . Although critics do not appreciate much this picture ; however has a kind of loopy , Ed Wood quality that must be endured to be totally considered . The fable is sometimes silly and laughable , though a few naif effects and action are professionally made . Some illogical parts in plot are more than compensated for the excitement provided by the horrifing scenes .

The motion picture was middlingly directed by Juan Piquer Simón . Juan , who goes by "J. P. Simon" on foreign releases , began in films as a writer and assistant director and continued his career by making short films and documentaries . Juan produced and directed "exploitation" pictures for two decades running . He often used numerous "older technique" FX such as transparency , matte paintings , rubber-suited enemies , reverse-footage to create certain images ; all of them were made by Emilio Ruiz Del Rio , Francisco Prosper , Colin Arthur and Juan Piquer himself . He was one of the main directors of the Spanish horror boom in the 70s and 80s specially for his quartet of horror films as ¨Escalofrio¨, ¨Slugs¨ , ¨Supersonic Man¨. ¨Cthulhu Mansion¨ and his greatest success and immensely popular ¨Pieces¨ , all of them being recreated by means of traditional effects . Juan owned his own studio and created and/or designed many of the simple and primitive special effects sequences you see in any of his many imaginative undertakings . Piquer , who passed away at 2011 , was a good artisan who realized a lot of fun as well as entertaining films . Juan Piquer who was director of the Mostra of Valencia (Spain) , displayed along professional career and specialized on all kind of genres as Terror , Sci-fi (The rift , The new Extraterrestres, Supersonic man) and made some adaptations about Jules Verne novels ("Fabulous Journey to the Center of the Earth" , "Mystery on Monster Island") . While his films have been universally panned by the prestigious reviewer s, they have a kind of quality that must be endured to be utterly appreciated . Rating : 4.5/10.
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Lovecraft twirling in his grave
zombear19 September 2002
Oh my. This is far and away one of the worst movies I've ever seen. It's an affront to anyone who has ever enjoyed an H.P. Lovecraft story. I don't know what else to say, except "avoid at all costs". If you're in a Lovecraft-y kind of mood next time you're at Blockbuster, skip right over this putrid MST3K reject and rent The Reanimator or In The Mouth Of Madness instead.
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Not terrible, but just enjoy it for what it is. An 80's cheesefest
ronnievanrijswijk31 January 2020
First of all don't rent or buy this movie if you expect something that's based on the works of Lovecraft, the only thing it borrowed from Lovecraft is the fact that they used the name Cthulhu a few times on a few old scrolls and that's all. They don't even mention it through out, i'm not trying to rip on this movie since it's just an slightly enjoyable cheesefest. And i didn't hate it, in other words they only used the name Cthulhu to cash in on the works of Lovecraft which is low if you ask me. Cthulhu's Mansion is all about a gang of unlikable criminal youths who unleash an evil force inside the house of an elderly magician and his daughter and assistent which they took hostage because of an failed drug deal, and like you would expect some of the character dissapear due to all kind of eerie unexplained entities. Like a girl who gets grabbed by an unseen creature which hides in an refrigurator, if you enjoy 80's cheese this one's for you.
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I saw this movie once....ONCE!
This is the kind of movie that makes you want the hour and a half of your life back. This movie should be in every film class to show new directors what not to do. I saw this movie over a year ago, but as hard as I try, and with other reviews I've read cannot think of a single redeeming quality, other that the ability to MST3K the Hell out of it.
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Great horror movie
f.gimenez18 February 2001
Juan Piquer Simon made it again.

This Spanish director demonstrates once more that he is able to make an American type horror movie in spite of the fact of being Spanish.

After "Pieces" and "Slugs" this movie is the third Simon`s horror film and it`s as amusing as the other two.

Several young punks kidnap a magician and his two assistants after their show in a fair and make them go to the magician`s house.

First they seem to feel safe in the magician`s old mansion... But the mansion has a secret and our young delinquents couldn´t have chosen a worse place to hide...


Well you must see the movie to find out.

If you like good horror movies, you`ll enjoy this one...
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Cthulhu Mansion (1992)
jonahstewartvaughan4 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Vinegar Syndrome Cuts #14

Cthulhu Mansion (1992)

(7/10): I like it, but it's definitely a lower tier seven for me, it feels so much like a missed opportunity but it has it's moments.

Cthulhu Mansion is a gothic inspired cosmic horror movie loosely inspired from the works of the master and creator of comic horror, H. P. Lovecraft. It follows a group of teenagers/young adults who are caught up in a bit of a drug trade and are now trying to hide out away from the cops now that one of them has killed two people. They go to one of the girls fathers mansion who has had what appears to be a background in being a magician.

However, if the opening sequence was anything to go off of he wasn't just a magician.

As the film progresses we get to my biggest issue with it, it drones on quite a bit in the middle parts as it's just the group mostly bickering over what to do about their situation.

However we do get some moments here and there in the middle, small ones, but still moments of something supernatural going on.

These young adults start experiencing hallucinations, one is injured but slowly starts to become something other than human.

The dense fog helps set a heavy atmospheric tone and the mansion feels quite gothic in its design.

The acting, is what you would expect from a low budget movie, it's not good. The pacing of the film is the biggest issue, it seems to set itself up almost like a slow burn cosmic horror film but the biggest problem with attempting a slow burn is that you need to tease the viewer throughout the runtime with what you're building towards and then in your final act open the floodgates and then visually assault the viewer with your climactic sequence.

Cthulhu Mansion has all of these elements except for the satisfying climax.

While it doesn't do the greatest job alluding to the horrors of the finale it at least makes many attempts, I feel like a slow burn horror movie has to have a good grasp on what it intends to do and then does it but also it needs to have the acting ability in order to convincingly pull it off.

I really do like the gothic atmosphere of the film, the practical effects were cool, especially the giant hands coming out of the refrigerator and also the guy drowning in a shower that is showering him with blood makes no sense but I love it.

The makeup effects were nice and gooey, but as a whole it felt like a missed opportunity.

It's an okay movie in terms of VS releases but if you're going cosmic horror from them, while it's not accurate to the story it adapted, you'll have much more luck and genuine fun with From Beyond.
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No good
dementia1313 November 2009
I read somewhere that this movie had nothing to do with H.P. Lovecraft, but was given its title solely in the hopes of attracting viewers. Because there's nothing about the movie itself that would attract viewers. I'm not a fan of the "so bad it's good" idea, it's just a mask for people who can't admit to liking lowbrow or low-budget movies. But this movie isn't "lowbrow", it's just bad. It's got no acting and no thrills, and possibly may be the only movie I've seen about which I didn't like anything at all. One of the very worst I've seen, and far worse than any of the films I've seen that turn up on the IMDb "Bottom 100" list. This is not even one you'd watch for curiosity's sake.
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Very bad, but entertaining J.P. Simon stuff.
willywants14 December 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Small spoilers An aging magician harboring a terrible occult secret and his daughter are taken hostage in their isolated mansion by teenage scumbags need- ing a place to hide out. When the captors refuse to listen to the magician's dire warning to release him unharmed, the mansion slowly releases its nightmare of horrors on the unsuspecting invaders. Laughable horror film has lots bizzare scenes including a girl being eaten whole by a plant, claws coming out of a refrigerator and pulling people in, possessed people running around doing nothing.....Lots of fun! recommended.
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Not Great, Not Too Bad
Tweetienator31 October 2020
Got a certain 80s vibe and is for certain not a scary but rather an amusing one - if you don't expect something really based on one of Lovecraft's works I bet you can enjoy the feast. Anyway, if you are stuck at home because of a rainy day or (corona these days) a good choice to kill some time with mindless fun.
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Great if you love cheesy horror movies, horrible if you don't.
jjmoreta26 March 2004
Warning: Spoilers
To call this a B movie would be to give it too much credit. I was constantly reminded of Manos: Hand of Fate and similar horror movies that are lampooned by Mystery Science Theatre 3000 or shown on late-night cable television.

If you are a fan of cheesy horror movies, this is a great movie. If you're looking for decent plot, believable visual effects, or sound effects that didn't come directly from a sound effects record (the opening credits are an excellent example), you might want to try something else. Definitely pick this one up for a Halloween party. It also ends up being a great value for your rental or purchasing dollar because this movie seems twice as long as it actually is.

If you're a Lovecraft fan, you'll probably be disappointed. This is a homage movie and not based directly on any of his stories.


Despite the title, no, you don't get to see Cthulhu. He's not even really involved. They only mention evil and dark forces in general and never mention any specific demon from Lovecraft's works. There are only a few minor references to Cthulhu scattered around - the name on the gate of the mansion, the cover of a book of evil magic, and a few utterances, I think. The movie is titled as it is just to lure in Lovecraft fans.

That was honestly the only thing keeping me going through this one, though - would I get to see him? But in the end, I actually ended up relieved not to see them try to show Cthulhu. With the small budget this movie had for effects and actors, it would have been a rather sad depiction.
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Nothing "Lovecraft-ian" but the title...
Dolf5 January 1999
The write-up for this video touts "Based on the works of H.P. Lovecraft". The only thing even remotely based on H.P. Lovecraft is the name "Cthulhu" in the title. There are absolutely NO similarities between the great horror writing of H.P Lovecraft and the writer of this piece of junk.

I know some people would say that a film like this can't be taken too seriously, you have to have fun with B horror films, right? Well, this film wasn't even campy enough to make it funny. The plot is so shaky and filled with holes it should be laughable, but it is so boring and uninteresting that you can't seem to do that too often.

Oh sure, there are some fun moments - the bag of cocaine being pulled across the floor by an obvious "fishing wire", the "Candy in the kitchen" scene, but all in all there wasn't much to even laugh about.

Another problem this film had was poor editing. Some cuts are WAY too abrupt - even for fast paced horror action. Hmmm, don't let me forget to say that the death scenes are unoriginal and terribly uninteresting.

This film squeaked out a 4 rating from me because it wasn't so bad I had to turn it off, but I wouldn't recommend it to those looking for a good horror film. I also wouldn't recommend it to those looking for a B horror film to have fun with - you'll be hard pressed to do so.
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soror_yzbl22 May 2001
This is without a doubt, the worst movie I've ever seen. Back in my Lovecraft-freakish days, I would scour video stores for every Lovecraft based film I could find. Oh, I rue the day I stumbled upon this one. Horrible plot, worse acting, and just plain bad production values abound in this film. however, I gave it a two because of one moment of HPL-inspired brilliance. If you've seen the film, you know what I'm talking about; if you haven't, it's not worth sitting through the whole film just to see this one bit.
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Lovecraft sues from beyond the grave!
udar5529 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Following a drug deal at a carnival gone bad, a gang takes magician Chandu (Frank Finley) and his daughter hostage. They all head to his creepy Cthulhu (the only Lovecraft connection) Manor where strange things start to happen. Perhaps needing a break from the seriousness of CTHULHU (2007), I revisited this cheesy flick that has nothing to do with H.P. Lovecraft stories outside of Lovecraft adaptations being all the rage in the late 80s. Director J.P. Simon, sadly, makes a film that lacks the charm and insanity of his earlier PIECES or SLUGS. There are a few funny moments though (watch for a gun changing from scene to scene). The whole gang gets it in a variety of bizarre ways including death by monster in the fridge, a blood spewing shower, killer ivy and flying cutlery. The end demon is dispelled by literally turning his upside down cross right side up. Finley hit an all-time low here and Melanie Shatner is one of the gang kids.
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Interesting Lovecraftian inspired movie
tvcarsd10 February 2021
Not bad really, this movie has plenty of pro's and con's so I'm just going to cover the obvious ones to me. The biggest negative in this movie was the whole unraveling of a plot. It felt shallow, a lot of the time there is little going on that indicates the movie is moving forward to a great reveal. Viewers like to have some clues or something about what is going on. On that note, don't expect much in this movie.

Pro's. Well there are quite a few when you look at the effort in general put into this movie. There is good music, pyrotechnics, cool lighting and monster/makeup fx and these sorts of production efforts. Combined with adept directing and a lot of action there is obviously a lot of effort put into this movie but it ultimately felt very tiring by the end of it all. For the viewer, that's not a good thing.

It's no Night of the Demons but you can see the inspiration in general from movies like Demons (1985) and its sequel going by the casting and acting. Ultimately Cthulhu Mansion is predictable, lacks interesting characters and story depth. I really wanted to rate this higher.
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JP Simon....
rutt13-117 June 2001
is one of the most laughably inept film makers I've ever encountered. This movie is hilarious. I don't even remember it too well, i just remember laughing. It's slicker than a lot of Simon offerings, but just as dumb as most. It's just funnier than his earlier works. I like the part where the girl throws the sandwich, which is pretty much all I remember. If you like bad movies you'll like this...
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Don't believe the hate
buzzcutsmultimedia25 September 2021
Genuinely shocked how poorly this film is rated. Sure, it's not a sophisticated lovecraftian psychological yarn - but it is a totally entertaining over-the-top haunted house rollercoaster with more gothic atmosphere than you can shake a stick at. The great classic effects and gross-out makeup alone make it worth a watch and the legitimately excellent score pushes it along. Definitely will be rewatching this one.
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Cthulhu doesn't like cocaine
Vomitron_G21 January 2010
Why, oh why, did I watch this again after so many years, since the only thing I remembered from this movie was that it was bad. I guess I needed the laugh. This might be the worst H.P. Lovecraft adaptation I've ever seen on screen (so far, as I plan to see more). The acting's bad and so are the special effects. Not one suspenseful thing happens. It's not creepy or scary (though I must say the movie at least tries to be and somehow tries to capture Lovecraft's spirit... alas, it fails...) and the climax is pathetic. Some lowlife gangsters steal some coke and flee to a big mansion, taking a magician and his daughter hostage. Nothing happens for ages, and when some people do die, it's more of a laugh than a terrifying event really. Some rubbery claws come out of a fridge, some plants make a girl disappear and the bag of coke magically crawls into the fire by itself (!). What was that all about? I guess Cthulhu doesn't like coke. Good for him, because drugs are bad. And so is this movie. I hope film-makers have learned it by now: If you don't have the money to back up the story with decent actors and good special FX's, then don't make a Lovecraft-movie. The man must be break-dancing in his grave for quite some years now, with all those bad movies based on his stories...
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why you should save your 3 bucks at the video store
antibogosity20 November 2002
the only thing this misbegotten little fart of a movie has in common with the works of the old man of providence is the word 'cthulhu'. which, incidentally, appears all of once in the movie, on a gate over the driveway to the titular mansion. aside from that, it's just one more chance to get a bunch of oversexed 'teenage' characters in a big house/summer camp/abandoned insane asylum and kill them off in various nifty ways. no plot, special effects the nerdy kid down the street could duplicate given $50 dollars and a ride to home depot, and the disappointing tease of seeing something lovecraftian on your tv. the human bloodstream cannot hold enough thc to make this dog interesting.
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