A Few Good Men (1992) Poster

John M. Jackson: Capt. West



  • Capt. West : [in West's office]  Commander Galloway, why don't you get yourself a cup of coffee.

    Galloway : Thank you, sir, I'm fine.

    Capt. West : [irritated because she didn't understand his intention]  Commander, I'd like you to leave the room so we can talk about you behind your back.

    Galloway : Certainly, sir.

  • Galloway : [in West's office]  I appreciate you seeing me on such short notice.

    Capt. West : Would you like to sit down?

    Galloway : I'm fine sir.

    Capt. West : Have a seat.

    Galloway : [embarassed]  OK.

    Capt. West : I understand we had some trouble over the weekend down in Cuba?

    Galloway : [as she hands him their files]  Yes sir. This past Friday two marines, a Lance Corporal Harold Dawson and Private Louden Downey entered the barracks room of a Pfc. William Santiago and assaulted him. Santiago died approximately an hour later. The NIS agent who took Dawson and Downey's statements maintained they were trying to prevent Santiago from naming Dawson in a fence line shooting incident. They're scheduled to have a hearing down in Cuba this afternoon at sixteen hundred. Dawson and Downey are both "recruiting poster" marines. Santiago was known to be a screw up. I was thinking it sounded a lot like a code red.

    Capt. West : Christ.

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