My So-Called Life (TV Series 1994–1995) Poster


A.J. Langer: Rayanne Graff



  • Rayanne : You wanna have sex with him.

    Angela : Who?

    Rayanne : Who. Jordan. Catalano. Come on, I'm not gonna tell anyone, just admit it.

    Angela : I just like how he's always leaning. Against stuff. He leans great. Well, either sex or a conversation. Ideally both.

  • Rayanne Graff : "Potential slut". Now where do people get an idea like that about me?

    Enrique (Rickie) Vasquez : Research!

  • Jordan : Here, before I finish it.

    Rayanne : Oh no, it's cool. Have as much as you want. I'm drunk.

    Jordan : Yeah, me too. But not enough. So, Graff... who you here with?

    Rayanne : If you mean where's Angela, she didn't come. Like usual.

    Jordan : Just let me ask you something.

    Rayanne : It wasn't even my idea. To audition for the stupid play. It was Angela's. And right, like I could be Emily.

    Jordan : Emily who?

    Rayanne : The part in this stupid Our Town play. It was just wishful thinking. I could never be her. Angela could be her.

    Jordan : Oh yeah?

    Rayanne : She's exactly like Angela. You know, she's so innocent but like, doesn't know she's innocent.

    Jordan : Yeah.

    Rayanne : And she always says this stuff like, "isn't the moonlight terrible?"

    Jordan : Yeah, she's always saying innocent stuff like that.

    Rayanne : No, I meant. No, nevermind.

    Jordan : So, does she like that guy I keep seeing her talking to? Cory. Or what?

    Rayanne : You know, it's hard to say.

    Jordan : Sometimes it's like, I really think I know her. And then it will be like we're total strangers.

    Rayanne : I know.

  • Rayanne : So, do you know what everyone's saying?

    Jordan : What?

    Rayanne : About you and Angela. Like, you guys had sex.

    Jordan : Who?

    Rayanne : You and Angela.

    Jordan : No. Who is saying that?

    Rayanne : I don't know, people. I mean she told me the truth, of course.

    Jordan : What truth?

    Rayanne : How far you guys went, you know.

    Jordan : Well, yeah. Cause nothing happened.

    Rayanne : Right. So, like, how come it's all over school? I mean, you're not talking it up like some lowlife derelict cretin telling everyone you did her. Are you?

    [Jordan nods no and walks away] 

    Rayanne : Just checking.

  • Shane : Hey Graff, wanna play?

    Rayanne : Ew, shut up.

    [Approaches Jordan] 

    Rayanne : You know you like her. Would it kill you to admit it? Maybe treat her halfway decent. Because, you know, she deserves it. And she's not gonna wait around for you forever.

    Shane : Man, they're like, weird. You know? Both of them.

  • Rayanne : Don't tell her I was here. I mean I guess you will because you guys are tight.

    Patty : Tight?

    Rayanne : It's not like she tells you everything, but you know...

    Patty : No.

    Rayanne : But, like, if something really horrible happened.

    Patty : Did something really horrible happen?

    Rayanne : I guess. But I didn't really think it was. She said she was totally over him.

    Patty : You mean Jordan?

    Rayanne : Otherwise, I would have never done it. Cause it's not something either of us really... it was just like, this thing that happened. It was just, like, there.

    Patty : You and Jordan?

    Rayanne : You hate my guts. I mean, I guess I would too. If I were you.

    Patty : No. No, no, I don't hate you. I guess I can certainly understand how Angela feels.

    Rayanne : I've never really hurt somebody this bad before. It's hard to believe, but I guess you can't really hurt someone this bad unless you really matter to them. Please don't tell her I was here.

  • Sharon Cherski : [inner monologues]  I resolve to never again have sex with Kyle, or anyone, ever again unless I really love and respect them.

    Kyle Vinnovich : To spend more time with the dog and Sharon.

    Brian : I resolve to stop obsessing over Angela Chase.

    Danielle Chase : To badger mom into letting me wear makeup.

    Enrique (Rickie) Vasquez : To find someplace where I, like, really belong.

    Angela : But, what if not thinking turns me into this really shallow person? I better rethink this becoming less introspective thing.

    Rayanne : To stop drinking. But this time, like, really stop.

    Patty : I resolve to be less judgmental. Less critical. To lighten up. And, above all, to be more supportive and less suspicious not matter how much it seems like he's hiding something.

    Graham : To tell Hallie Lowenthal once and for all that I'm not going into the restaurant business with her. And to stop all those long talks with her after class.

    Jordan : Wait a second. Isn't tonight New Years Eve?

    Angela : Okay, so I'll stay introspective. But I do resolve to stop doing Jordan Catalano's homework.

  • Angela : Please, can we just get really drunk or something?

    Rayanne : What the hell are you talking about? You don't drink. Excuse us.

    Angela : Get away from me.

    Rayanne : Well, I got the part. I would have never gotten it if it wasn't for you.

    Angela : Look, I don't care anymore. Okay? So just go away.

    Rayanne : You're not the only one who got hurt.

    Angela : Well forgive me if I can't feel sorry for you, Rayanne.

    Rayanne : You lost nothing, Angela! You lost a lousy, selfish friend and a guy you never really had. You lost nothing! I lost a really good friend. I lost everything.

    Enrique (Rickie) Vasquez : [Rayanne leaves]  I'm glad she got that part. She wanted that part.

    Angela : What? Who's side are you on?

    Enrique (Rickie) Vasquez : I'm on your side. It's impossible to be on Rayanne's side, even though I partly understand it.

    Angela : What do you mean?

    Enrique (Rickie) Vasquez : I mean, face it. She's always partly wanted to be you. And in a way, I think this was her screwed up way of for one night kind of pretending she was you. I mean I'm on your side, no question, but can I just ask you something? Why are you making this big play for Corey Halfrick when you know how I feel about him?

    Angela : Because, I thought. You once told me that you were over him.

    Enrique (Rickie) Vasquez : But guess how I felt when you started going after him.

    Angela : I don't have to guess.

  • Rayanne : So, come on, how long are the two of you going to keep this up?

    Enrique (Rickie) Vasquez : Keep what up?

    Rayanne : The silent treatment.

    Enrique (Rickie) Vasquez : I'm talking to you right now, aren't I?

    Rayanne : Barely.

    Enrique (Rickie) Vasquez : Yeah well, Rayanne, what exact reaction did you expect?

    Rayanne : Forget it.

    Enrique (Rickie) Vasquez : No, I mean it Rayanne. What did you expect her to feel like?

    Rayanne : She didn't even hear my side!

    [Rickie walks away] 

    Rayanne : Great, think what you want. You will anyway!

  • Rayanne : Don't tell anyone what?

    Angela : That I'm meeting Jordan Catalano in the boiler room. Just, don't tell anyone.

    Rayanne : Why?

    Angela : Because. He doesn't want people to, like, know about us yet. Or something.

    Rayanne : Angela, you're letting Jordan Catalano control you.

    Angela : What? Who says he's controlling me? I can't believe this. For months you've been trying to convince me to do all these things I'd never dream of doing. And now that I'm actually doing them you're... I mean, haven't you made out with guys in the boiler room hundreds of times?

    Rayanne : So?

    Angela : So, are they controlling you?

    Rayanne : No, because I am not you. Because as I've stated a hundred times, I don't get my emotions involved. I'm the type of person who can handle the boiler room. You are not.

  • Sharon Cherski : Okay, so what's the deal with Angela and Jordan Catalano?

    Rayanne : Here's an idea... ask her!

    Sharon Cherski : I can't. She'll think I'm checking up on her. So are they, like, a couple?

    Rayanne : From the point of view of what I believe or what she believes?

    Sharon Cherski : From the point of view of reality.

    Rayanne : What do you think?

    Sharon Cherski : I'd have to say, I think she could really get hurt.

    Rayanne : Tell me something I don't know.

  • Jordan : What I still can't figure out is why Tino even quit. That's what is so frustrating. Can you imagine what that's like? To have to sit around and try to figure out what someone else is, like, thinking?

    Rayanne : Hey, what's up?

    Angela : Oh, Rayanne. Hi. So my parents said you stopped by yesterday, but I thought you said you weren't going to.

    Rayanne : No problem. Guzzled a six pack, two hits of X, I was back to new. So, Catalano... how's it going?

    Angela : I was just saying how Frozen Embryos go in at this open mic night at Vertigo. That coffee house.

    Rayanne : I know what Vertigo is.

    Angela : Right. Well, they still don't have a lead singer. So like, should they blow it off or try to find somebody new by Thursday, or...

    Rayanne : So, Tino's still being a low life, huh?

    Jordan : Could you two, like, leave?

  • Angela : So, Rickie was really scared. I was too. So what, you're mad at me because I didn't get to hear you sing?

    Rayanne : You didn't miss much. Just me making a fool out of myself. You've seen that plenty, right? I knew you wouldn't show.


    Rayanne : I can't stand these looks.

    Angela : What looks?

    Rayanne : You and Rickie looking at me like I'm gonna lose control or, like, any minute I'm gonna go on some jag or something. I just can't stand knowing what you're thinking about me.

    Angela : What am I thinking?

    Rayanne : That I'm too messed up for you to be my friend anymore.

    Angela : Rayanne, that's not true! I never... I'm still your friend. Nothing's changed.


    Angela : But that wasn't completely true, either. And we both knew it.

    Rayanne : Maybe it was just easier, you know. When you'd come to me for advice and stuff. Like you used to before.

    Angela : I should have been there last night. I should have been there for you no matter what.

    Rayanne : I miss you.

    Angela : I know. I missed you too.

    Enrique (Rickie) Vasquez : [hugs Rayanne]  I swear to God, I'm gonna kill you.

  • Rayanne : Just so you know, I didn't drink that whiskey. I poured it back. You can ask Angela.

    Patty : You haven't had one drink since that night in the hospital?

    Rayanne : Nope. Swear to God.

    Patty : Why didn't you tell me you stopped seeing your counselor?

    Rayanne : I don't know. Just because I wanted you to think I was okay so you wouldn't mind if I stayed friends with Angela.

    Patty : I guess she means a lot to you, huh?

    Rayanne : I guess that's, like, the one think you and I have in common. Thanks for the ride, Mrs. Chase.

    Patty : Rayanne?

    Rayanne : Yo.

    Patty : Apparently you and I are in the same karass. Call me Patty.

    Rayanne : Patty... thanks. For, like, my life.

  • Jordan : Hey Graff. The Vertigo guy called. Our audition is tonight.

    Rayanne : What?

    Jordan : Yeah, so try to think of a name.

    Rayanne : Forget a name! We're not ready.

    Jordan : We'll do okay. Just wear something tight.

    Rayanne : That's your solution? Cut off my circulation? We need a real rehearsal!

    Jordan : Look, you wanted this chance. You got it. Don't blow it.

  • Rayanne : We gotta find Angela!

    Brian : We can't. We looked. Get over it.

    Rayanne : It's so dark. Why does it got to be so dark? This is all your fault! You were looking at me.

    Brian : What are you talking about?

    Rayanne : You were scoping my legs and you let the stupid door shut! You must be so hard up.

    [Brian gets up] 

    Rayanne : Where you going?

    Brian : Anywhere you're not.

    Rayanne : Brian? Brian, don't go! I'm scared. I'm scared of the dark, okay? Have fun telling all your little friends

    Brian : You are? I mean, it just doesn't seem like something you'd be.

    Rayanne : Yeah, well, I am.

    Brian : Is there a reason? Why?

    Rayanne : Because when I was a kid, my dad would come home, wigged out of his mind, and he'd lock me in the basement.

    Brian : Oh my God.

    Rayanne : I'd sleep at the foot of the stairs because if I pressed my face against the floor, I could see the light that we left on in the hallway. But if I turned around, it would be...

    [Brian hugs Rayanne] 

    Rayanne : So dark.

  • Rayanne : You know that girl Angela Chase?

    Enrique (Rickie) Vasquez : That red-headed girl?

    Rayanne : Yeah, some red-head. It's out of a bottle. Well anyway, is she avoiding us?

    Enrique (Rickie) Vasquez : I think she is. I think we make her physically ill, or something.

    Rayanne : I think so because... oh, Angela. Hi!

    Angela : Very funny.

    Rayanne : So, I guess you've heard Sharon's dad is okay.

    Angela : That's great! No, I hadn't heard. I'm obviously the last person in Pittsburgh to hear. So, you friends with Sharon now?

    Rayanne : So? You are.

    Enrique (Rickie) Vasquez : Look, we all know what's going on around here. Okay? Which is that you are jealous.

    Rayanne : What?

    Enrique (Rickie) Vasquez : And you! You are totally flipped because Rayanne finally did something nice, for once in her life.

    Rayanne : Hey!

    Enrique (Rickie) Vasquez : Which she did by taking Sharon to go visit her dad.

    Enrique (Rickie) Vasquez : And now both of you just want to be sure that both of you are still friends. Which you are. So shut up!

  • Rayanne : Look Angela, I know we're not that close right now.

    Angela : Look, I don't want to get into this right now. Alright?

    Rayanne : Get into what?

    Angela : Some big discussion about what happened between you and Jordan Catalano. Because the truth is, is that it happened, and nothing can change that. I don't want to talk about it.

    Rayanne : Neither do I.

    Angela : Oh, so why did you ask Rickie to leave?

    Rayanne : I have to go to the bathroom. I need you to get me a jar.

    Angela : I can't believe you.

  • Angela : I'm not discussing Jordan Catalano.

    Sharon Cherski : Why not? Why is he keeping you two a secret?

    Angela : How do you know he's keeping us a secret?

    Sharon Cherski : Rayanne told me.

    Rayanne : Look, the only reason we talk like this is because we care about you. When I was drinking and drugging, you wanted me to stop, as my friend.

    Angela : Wait... you're comparing me making out with Jordan Catalano to you getting your stomach pumped?

    Rayanne : You don't see the connection?

    Sharon Cherski : The connection is self-respect.

    Rayanne : Thank you!

    Sharon Cherski : Angela, the point is

    Rayanne : [interrupts]  Who is he? Who is he to treat you like this?

    Sharon Cherski : Yeah! What, you're not cool enough for him to be seen with you?

    Rayanne : Exactly. And she's not slutty enough for him to just do it with her and rag to his buds.

    Rayanne : I mean, please. You deserve so much better.

  • Rayanne : What is holding hands? I don't get it. What are hands? It's not even an erogenous zone.

    Sharon Cherski : [corrects pronunciation]  It's erogenous. And it is to me.

    Angela : You're both wrong. And if he doesn't want to be seen with me, then why did he ask me to meet him Friday night at Pike Street? To hear Buffalo Tom. Not like I can even go, I have too much geometry.

    Sharon Cherski : Maybe I'll go. I like Buffalo Tom.


    Sharon Cherski : What? I do! You know, I am sick of being perfect. I broke up with Kyle. I have a total right to screw up my midterms.

    Rayanne : More like an obligation.

  • Enrique (Rickie) Vasquez : Rayanne! It's okay!

    Rayanne : [yelling]  No, it's not okay and you know it! Now everybody knows it! And you all thought I would screw up, didn't you?

    Enrique (Rickie) Vasquez : Rayanne?

    Rayanne : Well congratulations! You were right.

    Enrique (Rickie) Vasquez : [crying]  Rayanne, wait!

    Brian : Hey, don't worry. I'm sure you've got nothing to worry about.

    Enrique (Rickie) Vasquez : No, there is.

  • Rayanne : Hey, Catalano.

    Jordan : Hey.

    Rayanne : So, what about this gun thing. Huh? I'd hate to be that soda bottle. Splat!

  • Shane : There's Rayanne Graff and that weird girl she always hangs out with.

    Angela : [after being ignored by Jordan]  He doesn't seem like he saw me. He's busy. I'm not even gonna...

    Sharon Cherski : What? Forget busy. I mean he asked you to meet him here, right?

    Rayanne : Why isn't he coming to you?

    Angela : Because he doesn't see me. He's busy.

    Rayanne : Will you go over there? Please. Just go.

    Sharon Cherski : I mean, really. Really!

    Angela : [Approaches Jordan]  Hi.

    Jordan : Hi. Uhh, you're kinda crowding me.

  • Rayanne : My head is like, pounding. I was really out of it last night.

    Jordan : Yeah, me too.

    Rayanne : I guess we both were.

    Rayanne : Okay, so.

    Jordan : Yeah, so.

  • Sharon Cherski : Excuse me, have you ever been to a class?

    Rayanne : Excuse me, I was addressing myself.

  • Richard Katimski : Would you be interested in joining drama club?

    Rayanne : Would it get me out of anything?

    Richard Katimski : I doubt it.

See also

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