American Cyborg: Steel Warrior (1993) Poster

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Steel Warriors coming out to play
fmarkland3217 February 2007
Joe Lara stars as a tough martial artist who helps escort the last pregnant woman to Europe, while a cyborg (John Ryan, not John P. Ryan) is close behind in their footsteps. American Cyborg:Steel Warrior (a rather awkward title) actually got a theatrical release (And no I didn't see this in theaters) and well with all things considered it represents the last dying breath from Cannon films. (Who distributed this) Back in the 1980s, Cannon were the ones responsible for such movies as the American Ninja series, Revenge Of The Ninja, Delta Force, Invasion USA, Masters Of The Universe, Bloodsport, Kickboxer, Death Wish 2-4 and Cyborg. I listed this filmography mainly so I can point out that the type of movies that Cannon used to pedal to market. In this regard American Cyborg:Steel Warrior isn't the best or the worst production from Cannon, it is just a low budget rip off of Escape From New York with elements of Cyborg and Hell Comes To Frogtown thrown in for good measure, it really isn't so bad as it is derivative. I mean it's a, but i'm not sure this deserves a 2.2 rating on IMDb. The movie itself has a couple decent action sequences but mainly it's a rip off and I think fans of B.movies will be the ones who find this enjoyable. The movie is also respectably made with some okay production values and the story (if simplistic) makes sense. Although Lorenzo Lamas rip off, Joe Lara is a liability that the film's competence can't overcome.

* * out of 4-(Fair)
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Expected bad... but not awful.
shanfloyd31 July 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Well, this movie may not be just another piece of crap like most of this type are, but I do not see any point to praise about it either. Same old premise -- destructed wasteland, no sign of sane life, deadly cyborgs reigning, some unlucky human beings... it works on a very cheap & boring formula. It reminds me of Van Damme's Cyborg, but somehow I feel this one better. Just because it has a better story. But please do not expect a breathtaking, mind dazzling sci-fi plot. I was just comparing.

The leadman, Joe Lara, is lucky that he turned out to be a cyborg in the end. Otherwise he himself should question his acting capability. Nicole Hansen added some human touch in this robot-robot game. At least she is the only human among the lead cast. And I'm still in dark why the director chose an old-man figure as the killing cyborg. 3/10.
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Austin VS. Cyborg: Who is the REAL Steel Warrior?
tarbosh2200025 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
17 years after the apocalypse, the survivors live in destroyed cities patrolled by cyborgs. The cyborgs get their orders by sticking their fingers in ATM-like machines. A human woman named Mary (Hansen) has given birth to a baby, which is important, so the species can continue to live in utter squalor. Apparently, in Europe there is less radiation so she must get the baby safely to "the port". Unfortunately, there is an unusually-ruthless mustachioed cyborg named "Cyborg" after her. Wherever she is, he turns up and shoots everybody. You've really gotta watch out for this guy. He really hates babies (which is never explained). Luckily, Mary has some help in the heroic Austin (Lara), a valiant meathead willing to help Mary complete her journey and fight Cyborg along the way. Will she succeed in her mission? John Ryan as Cyborg has a Judas Priest-style leather outfit and mustache. He also has funny glowing eyes and grunts a lot. Almost any Judas Priest song can be applied to this villain: "Leather Rebel", "Hell Patrol", "All guns blazing", etc. I wonder if Rob Halford has ever seen this movie. Joe Lara is sans beard and looking meatheadier than ever. He has a bunch of blank expressions that complement his long hair. Hansen can't act her way out of a paper bag, but maybe the star that is Lara outshined her.

It's important to remember that in 1993 the world was in the midst of "Terminator 2 Fever" and AC: SW is a by-product of that then-current enthusiasm. Imagine a mix of Terminator 2 (1992), Neon City, Karate Cop and Omega Cop. It has all the silly trademarks of the low-budget post-apocalyptic genre, including plot points about "RZB", an anti-radiation drug, and it also might explain the characters' interest in "modems" and other computer mumbo-jumbo.

This movie isn't really as bad as you might think. Yes, it is very dumb and repetitive (Austin kills Cyborg, he regenerates and comes back, ad nauseam), and every time Cyborg shows up, he kills everyone in sight with his machine gun but not Mary, of course...but it has a decent pace and some interesting baddies such as drag queens and the dreaded "Leeches" who are, apparently, radioactive cannibals. The one standout fight scene involves Austin facing off against these mummy-like assailants. Also, most of the movie takes place in one abandoned warehouse or another.

Directed by the legendary Boaz Davidson (of the Lemon Popsicle series and co-producer of The Expendables (2010), this is a later Cannon production, so, make of that what you will.

Who is the Steel Warrior? Is it Austin or is Cyborg? Be Pro-"American" and find out tonight! For more insanity, please visit:
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terrifyingly bad movie
D3CTyrell20 February 2002
I have and will be a fan of bad movies. A bad movie can have a kitchness, grace, and humour all its own. Producers, and actors do things in bad movies they wouldn't do elsewhere. Plots go places normal movies fear to tread. It all makes for a good time.

This is not one of those bad movies.

This is a real honest to goodness, Pol Pot kind of bad movie. I say this primarily because this is not a movie that tried to do well on a tight budget or to some odd notion of what constituted entertainment. It is simply a sloppy piece of makework. Every single area of expertise in film-making is neglected.

The script takes derivative segments from a host of good movies and inexplicably fails to deliver anything that made them good in the first place. Nor are these derivations satirical or funny. The acting is so bad that even the killer robot is unconvincing - something I found suprising since the other actors were so robotically wooden. The props department spent their entire budget on a single handgun and a paper-mache foetus in a jar, something evident through the film by the gun's inexplicably reappearance. The sound fades in and out, which probably the fault of the amateur sound team who let the overhead boom into shot twice.

All in all, the primary emotion I felt while watching the supposedly gripping trials and tribulations of the heroic duo was a restless queasiness, and the urge to bolt from my chair and run shrieking into the night. On only two occasions did humour struggle into the film, the first as a consequence of the robot's infrared vision which is perfectly normal vision where certain objects have been painted bright red. The second is when the prop gun spends an entire scene floating in water next to the actors.

Without a shadow of a doubt this is the worst movie I have ever seen. Do not trust anyone who tells you to watch this movie, they are attempting to do you a psychic injury.
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Title card is unforgettable
sandrewsmith22 March 2004
I saw this movie on late night cable in high school. While I don't remember much about the movie, other than it being stupid and incomprehensible, I do recall the end title card. It's laid out in such a way that the title appears to be Steel American Cyborg Warrior. At this point, my friends and I burst out laughing. I didn't find out the movie's real name until several years later. Steel American Cyborg Warrior? Steel Ameriborg Cyior Canwar? Asteelican Borgior Mercy War? Can I Steel A Merior Cyborg War? With the level of competence on display in this picture, I wouldn't be surprised if any of the above combinations turned up at the end.
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Bringing new meaning to the term Disaster Movie
D3CTyrell15 May 2001
I would consider it a crime not to warn potential viewers that this is the worst of an extensive range of sci fi movies that I have ever seen.

Bad, doesn't even come close.

I do not think there is a single aspect of film-making that is not violated by this movie. Poor plot, corny lines, appalling music, and acting are backed up by technical handling that leaves home movies looking good. Of particular note are the special effects. Marvel at the simulations of infra-red and the dazzling array of weaponry that has been designed for the film.

I think that lastly, the cyborg deserves a special mention, for making me appreciate Schwarznegger's performance in Terminator 1. You would have thought bad acting was pretty close to a robot, but in this case it is more like the Village People.
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American Cyborg:Steel Warrior
Scarecrow-882 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
A woman must deliver a fetus to a specific location so that it can be taken to Europe, kind of a beacon of hope for human civilization, as machines have become rulers over the earth with mankind staging an uprising in the goal to take the world back. It has been 14 years since the earth was afflicted with a radioactive disaster and now the cyborgs will do whatever it takes to see mankind fail in the attempt to regain their position as ruler over the world. Joe Lara is a journeyman who becomes Nicole Hansen's protector and guide to the ocean where she must take the fetus, as John Saint Ryan's blonde headed cyborg follows close behind, in hot pursuit. Ryan is ordered to eliminate her and anyone else who gets in his way. That's pretty much the plot as Lara and Hansen continue to evade Ryan, moving through the skeletal remnants of buildings and factories. A constant is Lara and Ryan in combat, the result usually the same..Lara gains an advantage through trial and error, often taking a beating in the process. Ryan takes a licking and keeps on ticking, though. "American Cyborg:Steel Warrior" favors Jean Claude Van Damme's similar post apocalyptic action thriller "Cyborg" in that Lara serves as stoic hero to Hansen, keeping her out of harm's way as Ryan's intimidating robotic brute keeps coming. Like Van Damme, Lara is often on the receiving end of a pummeling, yet always rebounds to save the damsel in distress. The budget is low, particularly in regards to the make-up, and the fetus is laughably inauthentic. The plot, man against machines, comes right out of The Terminator, and the setting wreaks of The Road Warrior, but "American Cyborg/Steel Warrior" is made for fans of those movies, and we are a reasonable bunch who often embrace these kind of rip offs as long as they entertain. There's nothing in this movie that's either original or unpredictable, you have seen these kind of characters in a dozen different types of movies in the sci-fi(post apocalyptic)genre and the derivative plot is an assemblage of stories culled from a variety of flicks you have seen. Still, despite this, I was able to remain entertained, I guess it's because these particular movies appeal to me as I know what to expect. I think the stunts and action set pieces are the movie's best assets as Lara and Hansen avoid Ryan's machine gun fire(for a cyborg he's a lousy shot)wherever they are. As expected, Lara and Hansen run into mutant cannibals, humans whose faces and bodies were ravaged by radioactivity. Lara and Ryan engage in martial arts with each other and against those who threaten them. And, of course, what kind of post-apocalypse movie would this be if we didn't get the customary scene where our heroes escape into an underground sewer with rats scurrying about?
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silly on parts but not has bad has people say
kaefab3 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was ok until Joe character turned out to be himself a cyborg. then they tried the impossible.

How can an cyborg arm torn up get sowed back on and works better then before when all the wiring was torn off too.

Some parts are ridiculous like that.. makes it a bit hard to get in the movie.

Not a total lost its a great way to pass some time, with a semi terminator music backround.. and its very low budget settings.
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Entertainingly awful.
ecnadniar25 July 2006
Indeed, this is probably the worst movie I have ever seen- which is exactly why it kept my attention. I first saw it on a tour bus while studying in Ghana, West Africa. The driver showed it because, I think, he thought we all knew and loved it. It's intriguing, which pieces of our culture are picked up abroad. This movie, in particular, is over the top awful. It hits just about every cheesy gimmick that a low budget sci-fi-action-thriller can, and then more.

Every time you think it can't get any worse, it does so- emphatically. With gusto and over-dramatic affectation, this movie has won its way into my heart as the most entertainingly worthless bit of film imaginable. I would recommend it for the sheer entertainment value. It's probably even better drunk. Seriously- watch this movie.
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I really don't get why people dislike this so harshly
NiteOwl9413 January 2016
It's a ripoff sure, but who watches a Cannon movie from the 90's called "American Cyborg: Steel Warrior" and expects originality? Gimme a break. Good acting? Good story? Psh. Forget that nonsense. This is a movie about spin kicks, bone breaking, shootouts, and lots of running. The special effects are on par with Nemesis (1992) and as a low budget sci-fi actioner, it doesn't disappoint. It has a fast pace (thank god) and lots of action. Those two things are essential for any low budget flick like this. I hate sitting through a movie with "cyborg" or "warrior" in the title, and it's slow and boring. The filmmakers behind these kinds of movies realized that they had martial artists on their hands and not actors. So they loaded the movies up (most of them) with fighting, and action, and if we're lucky- some female nudity. I don't remember if anyone gets naked in "American Cyborg: Steel Warrior" but I do remember plenty of decently choreographed ass kicking. More than all that, the set design (while nothing over original) is fantastic. They really went all out to create a post apocalyptic world here that's more that just empty wasteland. There are makeshift cities and hideouts here that are visually impressive and alive with color. Lots of rubble, ruins, and neon signs. Just the way I like it. It makes for a perfect backdrop to all the cyborg ass-kicking in the movie. Not to mention the movie has lots of varied sets and villains. I mean, by general standards on IMDb this should be at least a 5.2 Anything less is just unfair. Even Roger Ebert understood that you have to judge a movie based on what it's intended to do, and who it's intended for. As a late-night cable actioner, this movie is supposed to keep you entertained and nothing else. I loved it.
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This movie is so bad, it's good
travel-addict26 March 2006
I watched this movie on VCD in the home of a local couple on a very remote island in Indonesia. No idea how they got a hold of it, but it's pretty typical of the type and quality of movies popular in Indonesia. We watched an original English version with Chinese subtitles. This couple spoke about twenty words of English between them, and I'm certain they don't read Chinese, so the dialog must have been lost on them, but maybe it's better that way. They laughed all the way through it, and so did I! I remember the exact title being "Steel American Cyborg Warrior." I do like the sound of it much better in Spanish though, as seen in the graphic. Guerrero de Acero has such a ring to it.
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If you like campy Sci-fi B-movies you'll love this!
cyborg204022 June 2011
If you are a fan of other B-Movies like Evil Dead, They Live, Hologram Man, etc Then you will love this movie. It's part Cyborg (Jean Claude Van Damme) part Terminator (Arnold Schwarzenegger) and all cheese, but in a good way.

Make no mistake, this is a low budget movie, but despite the budget the effects are good for the time, the acting ranges from passable to good. The story is pretty decent with a nice twist or two. Overall it is entertaining, and that's all that really matters right? Hopefully WB will release an enhanced version of this film to blu-ray one day, I would love to add this back into my collection.
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A decent and imaginative low-budget action flick
davehead33 August 2013
While this film seems to be unpopular on this site, it has several redeeming qualities for the crowd that's into B-action movies. The people who think this movie is hilariously awful or the worst movie ever made need to watch more movies, because there are far worse movies out there with far less effort put into them than this one.

Without giving too much away, I feel I should point out a few things I noticed about this film. For one thing, the plot bears a passing resemblance to Terminator, but goes in directions the first two Terminator movies did not. Second, the music is great, and suits this type of movie perfectly. In fact, the music combined with the overall feel of this film reminded me somewhat of some of the older John Carpenter movies (not that it can't be enjoyed on its own merits). Also noteworthy is that the main characters are relatively likable, which can be a rare thing in B-movies such as this.

In addition, I actually found the cyborg in this movie (John Saint Ryan) to be more intimidating and menacing than Arnold Schwarzenegger in Terminator. This is likely partially aided by his non-Austrian robotic voice, partially by the sheer acting power of John Saint Ryan (seen in his face, which is left unobstructed through most of the movie), and partially by the occasional robotic glow we see behind his human-like eyes (reminiscent of Westworld, for those who have seen it). In addition, this cyborg, unlike most other movie cyborgs, is self-healing. This aspect of the film allows for multiple gory "deaths" of the cyborg, which is great for gore and action fans alike.

So, on the whole, this movie is fun for those who like B-movies, but naturally it has flaws. However, this is far from the worst movie of this quality and genre, and it is certainly more entertaining and stimulating than many others. For those who like watching obscure, interesting, and possibly cheesy action movies, give this one a watch. For those expecting this to be their next favorite film, you might be disappointed.
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a masterpiece!!!
sperman7 April 2002
Man this movie is a pearl... of trash! Already the sub-title says it all: "The Terminator meets the last Mohican"... YEAH!!! Awful dialogues, awful settings, awful actors. This movie picks up all the bad sides from "Terminator" and from Carpenter's "1997", and the hero's Last-Mohican face fits like a punch in your stomach. I liked especially the cyborg looking like a man in his fifties, with mustaches and "evil" look in his eyes... this movie is a MUST for all trash lovers!
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murpz11 February 2002
This may very well be the worst movie I've ever seen. Watching this was comparable to running my male generative organs through a meat grinder. Low budget early 90s grungy sci-fi with a limp plot and horrible acting. The only reason I sat through the whole thing is because I was hypnotized by how much it sucked. This movie may in fact give "Plan 9 from Outer Space" a run for the title of "worst movie EVER!"
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Oh, The Humanity Of It All
bogner29 September 2000
I have to tell you, I was prejudiced against this movie from the very beginning. The thought of Joe Lara playing a character who was not Tarzan was kind of disturbing at first. But eventually, I realized that this was not just an ordinary movie. This is a movie where people walk (sometimes run). People walk (see above paranthetical reference about running) and OTHER people chase them as they walk. Without revealing TOO much of the plot, there is a fetus that Joe Lara has to protect for some reason. And protect he does. Meanwhile Joe Lara and the girl who plays Mary (in a VERY subtle reference) walk around a nightmarish vision of the future. It was...KIND OF ugly. Anyways, I voted with my conscience and gave this movie a 1 out of 10.
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Best movie ever!!!
jschafer28 September 2000
The plot twist in this movie is almost as well executed as the one in the Crying Game. The characters are gradually developed through intricate dialogue, leading up to the moment of truth for our protagonist. I especially like the way the director juxtaposes the innate goodness of the main character with the cold and inherently evil society in which he lives. This is given new meaning at the critical plot point which I described above. The Gibson-esque qualities of the setting are absolutely chilling. Anyone who claims to be a sci-fi fan must see this movie.
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We loved this one!
bennozoid117 July 2003
Me and my shlock buddy Bison Lewis just sat down to check out this turkey; and ended up enjoying the hell outta it!!!

Great villain - a rival to Vernon Welles in Commando (actually, no one can really rival Vernon in hammy villain status!)

Great terrible brilliant and awful, all in one!!

Best feature: the smiling foetus in a jar - the very future of humanity!!!

Rent and Enjoy!
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A perfect cyborg with one flaw : his stride !
cl_labi7 March 2006
Awful Terminator/Blade Runner rip-off. In fact, with a little bit of irony, the flick is highly enjoyable : the wooden acting, the hole-crippled screenplay and, yes, some nice and totally gratuitous boob shots.

In a post-apocalyptic future,a man and a woman struggle for survival against a not-so-efficient cyborg with an obvious hip malfunction and some nice mutants.

A nice trend to watch : the hero never thinks of a good weapon to fight the cyborg (makes you wait for the teapot or the shoelace), however, the villain can strike from good distance using a hub cap like a deadly Frisbee. Alas, I'm not making this up.

Once again, a moronic and boring movie, but could become with some wicked humor a moronic and funny movie.
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rather good Terminator rip-off
trashgang9 February 2012
By searching on flea markets,sell-outs and conventions for exploitation, horror and grindhouse/b-flicks sometimes you come across pictures on VHS or DVD sleeves that attracts you. This was one of those. For only 1 Euro I picked it up, the cover made me think of a bad Terminator rip-off but it wasn't that bad after all.

Boaz Davidson was the director for this flick but as a director I didn't know him but as a producer he is quite famous, The Expendables (2010) is one of them. And he surely knew his stuff, still it's a B-movie and a complete rip-off of The Terminator with some Blade Runner post- apocalyptic feeling. If I got it right I saw a sign stating the year 1999. But the way it was shot and the way it was edited was rather surprisingly good. Even the places they are running through are well done. The effects used are a bit cheesy sometimes but still did worked out. The cyborg really looked believable for a B-movie and the mummy people were also rather scary.

The acting surprised me too. Naturally there not that famous in the big productions but still the cyborg was played by John Saint Ryan, a Brit I knew from G.B.H. (1983) directed by David Kent-Watson a rather brutal flick. Still almost unfindable even on VHS. After this flick he went to Coronation Street as Charlie Whelan. The other lead was played by Joe Lara (Austin) who is known for action and post apocalyptic flicks. The female was played by good looking Nicole Hansen, she's still in the business but never made it into a big production.

I enjoyed it even as it clocked in over 90 minutes. The story is very simple and easy to follow with a lot of running, fighting, crawling, explosions and cheesy shootings a la Rambo (you know, standing in front of 40 people and never getting shot). If you can find it don't hesitate to pick it up.

Gore 1/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 3/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0/5
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stevebowtie16 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This film is unmitigated excrement! If you like watching a 94 minute brawl through a scrapyard then watch it. Otherwise avoid. I have to write at least ten lines to get this comment on the board. I don't think I can come up with that many ways to say total rubbish, but here goes. 1. Why is it that after the nuclear holocaust, every city in America turns into a car breaker's yard! I've seen so many films where this has happened. Come on, Post Nuclear Americans, have you no civic pride? 2. The guardian of humanity's future, a woman who holds the only viable fetus on Earth in a little glass bottle, is called Mary. Now that's subtlety for you. 3. The sleazy, wheeler-dealer trader in the basement is an Arab. Now there's a surprise! Actually, the more I think about this film, the poorer I realize it was. I'd better stop now.
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Great Action Movie!
ofireskao3 March 2002
This movie was pure brilliance.

First, the most noticeable thing about this movie is how the same background music repeats throughout the movie. Now, usually this would destroy a movie, but surprisingly makes this move all the better. Blake Leyh does a great job on the music.

Onto the plot, the plot was pretty good. There could have been some improvements as far as the speaking parts, but the fight scenes and the action was all too great. There was a lot of violence and blood; stuff that makes an action movie good. There were several cool weapons used as well as hi-tech features and futuristic looking structures.

Basically, this movie is Terminator 2 with some modifications. First replace the young boy in terminator 2 with a beautiful and sexy woman, Mary. 2nd replace the bad cyborg in Terminator 2 with an even more vicious looking and stronger bad guy, and finally replace Arnold Schwarzenegger with Joe Lara, and with a few plot alterations you have American Cyborg: Steel Warrior.

The action in this movie is non-stop, from the exploding of the underground lab, to the fight scenes with the cyborgs, to the cannibals, to the lesbians.

This movie is a must see for all action movie fans!
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Much better than I expected
asinyne8 November 2008
I paid a buck for a used VHS of this title and really only picked it up because I wanted to buy something at this thrift store and there wasn't much else to pick from. I actually sorta dreaded putting it into the machine but what the heck, I went for it. I was surprised that I actually enjoyed it as much as I did. The production values were surprisingly good and the pacing of the film was about perfect for this type of movie. The three leading roles were fairly well cast in my opinion. The female lead had the minimum required acting chops but she was pretty cute just the same. She looked eerily like Kirsten Powers from Fox news...really!

The plot was nothing all that original, basically it was a Terminator redo...but hey Terminator was good so maybe that's not such a terrible thing. There was a TON of action in this movie (and its a long movie) Its all pretty well staged too. Lots of climbing, falling, shooting, punching, running, hacking, etc. This flick probably falls into the B- movie category but its a good one for what it is. There are even some nice touches like the Mummy people and a live fetus carried around in a test tube by the heroine. There are some rather cheesy stuff here and when the bad Cyborg attacks a lab and wastes about 40 people despite the fact all of them were heavily armed. (He got hit one time) It was kinda like the good guys were yelling out "Hey I'm over here, shoot me please!" I guess I'm saying that scene could have used a tad less action and a bit more realism. Overall though, most everything made sense. I also think that a really good actress could have done something with the female lead role. Oh well.

This movie was well directed though, very well directed. The man took some rather standard chase and fight stuff and managed to created some real tension several times in the movie. Even though you knew what was coming I found myself squirming a bit. The editing and lighting were much better than I would have expected also. Decent sets too.

To summarize...a futuristic Terminator style B flick that delivers...especially the last 40 minutes or so. I enjoyed myself and what more can you realistically expect from a score..6.5 A could way to waste a couple hours of your life fer shure!
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America Cyborg: Steel trash
ozzjim27 December 2007
I can't believe I actually bought this movie! Someone said B-movies are good if you watch them with an open mind, but I'd have to axe mine to go through another ordeal like this one. Aaargh! Too bad IMDb doesn't believe in giving zero stars... Well, there's this lady in a futuristic time, who can save mankind as we know it, and there's this man who is constantly trying to save her from the robots that want to kill... kill... kill. But everybody remotely associated with this movie seemed to be acting robotic - the villain, the hero, the cameraman, the director (hell, I could even see the guy in a couple of frames!) That's it. I have lost it for B-movies because of American Cyborg Steel Whateva!
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Another perfect title for an excellent movie.
Laura B-327 August 1999
This movie was excellent. I loved it. This Sci-fi had me on edge. All Joe Lara's work is a must to see. It would be nice to see on tv some more. You can't find them at video rental places.
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