Alien Abduction: Incident in Lake County (TV Movie 1998) Poster

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Aliens are Apparently Petty Pranksters
LanceBrave7 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Growing up in the nineties, UFOs and alien abduction were on many tongues. Obviously in pop culture since the sixties, the decade of my youth was filled with stories of little gray men and nocturnal visitations. "Communion" was recent enough to be easily found in libraries, "Fire in the Sky" hit theaters in '93, and pseudo-science "documentaries" filled cable. For many years, I considered alien abductions to be definitive proof of extraterrestrials. As a teen, I spent many nights worrying about seeing grays in my bedroom. Until I read about sleep paralysis and found it explained the majority of encounters. Anyway, it's a good thing I didn't see "Alien Abduction: Incident in Lake County" when it first aired on television. There would have been many more sleepless nights if I had.

A found footage film just predating "The Blair Witch Project," if not "Cannibal Holocaust," "Alien Abduction" depicts the McPherson family's Thanksgiving dinner, all filmed by youngest son Tommy. At first, the tensions of Thanksgiving are normal, such as mother's alcoholism, the liberal sister bringing her black boyfriend to dinner, and her racist brother reacting to it. When the power goes out, the three brothers discover a cadre of aliens mutilating some cattle. The family spends the rest of the night terrorized by the beings, Tommy catching it all on tape.

There's a reason found footage has taken a foothold in the culture. It's not just because the movies are cheap to make and speak to millennial paranoia about privacy. The best moments of "Alien Abduction" create an eerie tension. The lack of any music has the audience listening carefully for sounds off-screen. Similarly, the hand-held camera-work has the viewer watching the corners of the frame, on the look-out for half-seen aliens. The best moment in the film involves Tommy retreating to his bedroom and putting the camera down. When he picks the camera up, an alien appears in the room. Without an obnoxious score signifying the scare, the jump is allowed to breath, stretching to disturbing lengths. Another notable moment involves the men retreating outside, noticing the upstairs bedroom window is open.

Both of those awesome bits take place in the first hour. Smartly, the movie doesn't mess around, getting to the action quickly. However, the premise proves too thin to sustain a 93 minute story. The middle section involves the family dodging a red light, caring for a sick family member, experiencing burning rashes and, weirdly, deciding to continue dinner. The aliens are apparently petty pranksters, psychically manipulating their victims. The mother sees her dead husband, the black boyfriend and oldest brother's wife make out, and the little girl plays an unheard piano concerto. The movie lays down the cards concerning the little girl early. She's either possessed by aliens or being psychically controlled by them. Most annoyingly, the story is occasionally interrupted by talking head interviews. Some of the interviewees are connected to the story, like the Lake County sheriff. Others, like a Hollywood special effects technician or British rock star, have little to do with what's happening. Either way, the segments unnecessarily distract. Despite the style choices and dragging middle, "Alien Abduction" picks up at the end. The final image, the family sitting around the table, the aliens slowly coming to abduct them, is rather creepy.

The movie has a bizarre legacy. It was aired on UPN, presented as true, and heavily edited to conform to docudrama standards. Despite having end credits, many were convinced it was true. "Alien Abduction" is actually a bigger budgeted remake of the same director's first feature and probably based on the Hopskinville/Kelley incident. Weirdly, a tape of that rare, original film circulated at UFO conventions, convincing many it was true. Despite the director out right saying it's fiction, some people still believe the original McPherson tape is legit. You can't convert those who truly want to believe. Anyway, "Alien Abduction: Incident at Lake County" won't blow your socks off. The acting is sometimes sketchy and the writing occasionally rough. The premise is still fantastic and the creepy, effective moments justify the whole project.
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Takin for what it is
ian_00723 February 2005
I first saw this movie on Sky Digital here in the UK.. I am aware of it being a fake but I still liked it.. I liked the way it's made to look like a home movie.. This makes it seem more realistic and I like the way it's made to seem unscripted.. This gives it a raw genuine look and feel.. I also liked the way they had segments which cut away from the movie with people commenting on the footage.. I take this movie for what it is. A fake made to look real.. I like it none the less.. Also I have to keep commenting for up to 10 lines due to the 10 lines minimum law.. So Er yeah like I was saying I like this movie because it's a movie I enjoy and movies that I like to watch I enjoy watching...........
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The poor acting immediately betrays the fact that it isn't real, but there are some really good ideas here and it's quite well made for what it is
zetes21 October 2013
A found footage alien abduction movie that originally aired on the UPN network in January of 1998. Much like the contemporaneous Blair Witch Project, many were convinced it was real. It's very clearly not. The acting is very amateurish. The film is broken up with interviews from experts. One of them, a film director, claims that it has to be real because it has no real plot. The fact is, not only does the film have a very basic horror movie plot, it also has about half a dozen subplots, like mom's alcoholism (the woman carries a wine glass even while running from aliens) or sister's dating a black man. No matter, though. For what it is, it's actually very well done. It's quite frightening. I'm surprised it didn't lead to bigger things for the director. I suspect, given which network it aired on, that almost no one saw it at the time. This is actually the second version of the film. The first was made nine years earlier. Both versions can be found on Youtube.
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Good if you like blair witch type films
scarbrow18 June 2002
If you're like me and find that you like blair witch style horror films, you'll like this. When I say blair witch style horror, I mean it in the sense of a first person rawness. Just to defend these films, its not the fact that it makes you think it's real that makes it so appealing, it the fact that its not some high budget 'hollywood blockbuster' with a samey storyline that is only scary cos it makes you jump!!!

Back to the film, the story is about a family who are settling down for thanks giving when the power goes and the only light is a strange bright one outside. When they go to investigate, they find its an alien craft and they have been spotted by its crew. They then spend the rest of the film defending their house and family from an alien attack.
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One of the better 'real life' footage films
cosmic_quest26 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Although this film is as likely based on real events as 'Bambi' is, 'Alien Abduction: The McPherson Tape' is still a nice frightening little film. The film is supposedly based on the true story of how sixteen-year-old Tommy McPherson video-taped the night he and his two elder brothers came across an alien space craft in the fields near their home. Disturbing the aliens, the McPherson family find themselves under siege when the creatures follow them to their home and invade.

Although I found Aaron Pearl, the actor who played Kurt, quite wooden in places, the acting from the rest of the cast was convincing. You honestly did feel this was a family in fear of their lives, each coping in their own way (although the character of the annoying Linda McPherson leaves you just wanting to slap her). Kristian Ayre as Tommy probably gave the best performance as a teenage boy who starts off all brave and gung-ho only to come across as little more than a quivering child who wanted his father towards the end.

The film is atmospheric as the family, who live in a remote farmhouse, are left in virtual darkness when the aliens cut their electricity supply and they decide to split up. A nice chilling touch was how it seemed the family were perhaps in danger from the most innocent member of their own group. Ironically, it's more scarier during the scenes when you don't see the aliens because this film has gone for the little grey men approach when depicting them and it is hard to conjure up fear for creatures who are fragile and built like your average six-year-old.

Watch this film in the dark for the best effect. And those who had motion-sickness during 'The Blair Witch Project' needn't worry as this thankfully was filmed with a steadier hand!
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Great Alien Found Footage Movie
timothygartin15 March 2020
This is a simple story. The found footage format works really well. The acting is very believable for the situation. The setting and effects are good. This movie is one of the best in the alien found footage genre.
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Made to feel like the real thing.
mistorpotatomoto16 March 2006
This is the way I figure it. This movie is made to be like what people would assume a realistic abduction tape would be like. If you were to find a real tape containing footage of aliens invading someone's home and eventually abducting them, this is the way the director thinks that tape would play like.

It's not a real documentary, but a movie made about what a documentary on this topic would be like.

Get it? Anyway, I really liked it. I saw it 8 years ago when I was 10 and now I am finally seeing it again now that I can understand that it's fake. I mean, the oldest brother is from the movie Wrongfully Accused. :P The cameraman acts exactly the way I would've acted if I had a camera during that particular situation. I would never want to miss a beat because I would know that my footage could possibly change the way the people of our world think about life in our universe. The people asking him to turn off the camera were being irrational and selfish.

The effects (though cheap) are effective in that they get the job done. You know it's a ray gun as soon as you see it. The ball of light worked just fine imo. Many people say "oh but it didn't reflect or reveal any shadows". All I have to say to this is that the beings that created the light are not from our planet, and perhaps this planets rules of light does not apply to everything they have.

The ending was great, it really tied the whole thing together.

Anyway I am terrible at reviews but I am giving this a 7 out of 10. The only reason it's not getting an 8+ is because the dialogue is a bit cheesy at times, and the reactions are a bit cliché'.
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This is not the original movie that was shown on TV in 1998!
jasonbine4230 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I lived in Ontario, Canada in 1997/1998 and one day in 1998 CKCO-TV (owned by CTV) ran a special report called "Abduction in Lake County" it ran for roughly 35 mins and another 30 mins afterwards was the Sheriffs reports, expert interviews about the tape, etc.

This is not what was originally shown in 1998! This movie is clearly done by actors (I recognize them from multiple shows) and the original was terrifying, literally terrifying! This one isn't, it's a complete mockery. This is clearly a re-make of the original footage.

Anyone who saw the original would know this.

This is what happened in the original. A farming family is getting ready for a dinner, the son is playing around with the video camera, within minutes the power goes out, they think its a lightning storm, the father and 2 sons (1 has the cam with him) go to check it out outside, they notice a nearby transformer is sparking and sustained damage, they walk closer to see it, they look down under the transformer and notice 3 aliens slicing a cow with a laser, they get spotted, 1 alien fires the laser at them (no beam is seen), the other son is injured, they run back to the house, tell the family, the family immediately panics and wants to take the son to the hospital, the father and the son go to the truck (a really old beat up truck) and cant start it, they notice the engine was completely melted, they run back to the house, and they hear them upstairs, the father and son walk up the stairs and hears a alien in the bedroom (the door is closed), the alien fires a laser through the door, the father fires the shotgun, kills the alien (presumably), they run back down, the family is panicking even more, they attempt to run out of the house, an electrical bolt/laser comes through the window above the door, injures another family member, they run back to the dining room, a loud noise enters the room, they fall in pain, the sound stops, then they notice they all have nose bleeds and what appear to be radiation burns on their bodies, the little girl (no older than 5) says (in a monotone voice) that everything is going to be OK, she seemed zombified and keeps reassuring them everything will be OK and not to worry, she doesn't move or say anything else, the father finally goes out of the house to try to get the truck working or find some other transportation, they hear shots fired, they all run out and notice he's gone and the shotgun is melted, they run back to the house, the son with the camera goes upstairs to change his pants (because he peed himself) he goes back down and notices everyone is gone, he runs back upstairs in the bathroom sits on the toilet, sets the camera to point at him, he says he's scared and doesn't want to die, he starts crying and he says he doesn't know what's going on or why are they doing this, then you see a 3 fingered hand grab the camera lens, a alien grabbed it, looked at it (meanwhile the lens is facing it so you see the alien)it then puts the camera down in a different direction, and that's all you see. (all this happened in roughly 35 mins) These people were not recognizable, not actors, they were kind of ugly in fact.

This movie (Warning: Contains spoilers) was nothing like the original. This movie lasted over an hour, and it includes family arguments, bad acting and a lot of soap-opera style drama. This family sits down and eats dinner while they know aliens are outside, no one panics, the little girl is a lot older in the video and is too active and talkative. She takes shells out the gun and hides it (didn't happen in the original). This movie includes elements of racism (again which didn't happen in the original). The truck is newer. The battery is destroyed, not the engine. The eldest male person is an older brother, not a father. You see a red light hit the son. You see a ufo and 2 aliens in front of it (which look like terrible Halloween costumes) they are not under the transformer. There is no electric bolt/laser ever shown. Aliens are heard on roof, not upstairs. A alien is shot upstairs in a different room. They go through a whole ordeal with walking in the room, looking at the body, tying the door, putting a bookcase in front of it. The whole family comes upstairs (again not original). The family sits and eats some more, the mother drinks heavily and is only talking about the dinner and having dinner. Everyone is relaxed and not panicking. The African American actor is a lot taller and plays a major role in the film (in the original he was a quiet guest that was terrified and wanted to leave). There is drama where he making out with the other guys wife. The son with the camera runs upstairs to his room to change his pants and that's when he encounters a alien that seems to hypnotize him, but somehow he ends up going downstairs to eat dinner again. He places the camera on a kitchen counter, they eat dinner some more, a red light enters the room and it shows 2 aliens (obviously costumes, its awful) begin taking the family members away and then the camera slowly gets static on it and fades out, then it goes to credits.

Seriously, did they think that people who saw the original and remember it would honestly fall for this film?

The real footage is gone forever I assume!

This movie is not worth seeing because it's not the original.
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Don't look for flaws, just watch it!
savagemonkey27 July 2002
I find it rather strange how many people can find flaws with this movie.

Many people may think the little girls' acting was too calm for someone her age (if she was actually in the situation of the film). To you I would ask were you just judging the actors abilities or trying to watch the film? If you were watching, you would have seen and understood that she had some sort of connection with the aliens. I did not watch the movie from the very beginning (I missed about 20 minutes), but throughout she was telling the family how to act, as she knew what the aliens were doing. She kept running upstairs, as if by force, trying to see the alien. When Tommy put down the camera she unloaded the shotgun so that if the aliens did come within firing range, they would not get hurt. If you were watching her carefully, you would have seen her drawing aliens, even though she never saw them (correct me if I am wrong, as I said I missed the first 20 minutes). And the concluding story to her so called "calm acting" was when at the end when the aliens walked in she didn't even get drawn to the aliens like the rest, she just walked to join her flock. And if you didn't pick up on this, the choice of putting her photo last out of the whole family (when if you think about it, it should be Tommy), and giving that image more on screen time than the rest shows she had some significance.

When I was about 11 years old, at the time of Blair Witch came (not being able to see it though), I was drawn into the hype as I didn't fully understand how the world worked. For people of about 14 and upwards, you should understand even if video footage was found of a family who have been abducted (and nowhere to be found), the government would never allow it to be released for TV (at least not after many years of working with it). I think most of you already knew this. So you shouldn't watch the movie and complain about the obvious fact its a film made for entertainment! For the time you part of the movie, it is meant to seem real as it makes you emote more. But afterwards you leave the film and realise it was a movie and thought it was a great one at that. The film makers would not deny it was just a film. That phone number before the credits just helps to keep you part of the film.

I can understand how for some people the cuts in the film (where it fades to black then to an expert) can be very annoying, but it effectively heightens the suspense. Just as something creepy happens because of the aliens, the frame pauses just on a really interesting picture. After this you are on the edge of your seat trying to see the aftermath.

I never knew any of these actors when I saw the movie, so maybe I was at an advantage rather than always thinking "Thats the guy from Stargate!". I thought overall it was a great movie, and I was watching in constant suspense. So I think this movie is for any suspense seeker, especially for those who have a craving for some alien invasion.

Okay, now I would like to make the flaws of the movie that are actually important known.

The amount of the light that the camera has available is too much for any flashlight (I believe he is holding one whenever he is outside). Instead I think the night-vision capability should have been used (which is widely available on the market of DV cameras these days). This would have enhanced the element of being made by a teen with a cheap camera. Thats it. After all, again, it was a film, and not real life.

Genuinely scary and gripping from start till end, though still requesting more footage, this film gets a 9/10. A must see, but do not buy (as its one of those films you don't want to regularly watch).
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Alien Abduction: Incident in Lake County (1998)
It's official, aliens creep me the F out. They're just so damn weird and scary. After the disappointing The Fourth Kind, I decided to revisit this cheap little movie. I remembered it being campy and hokey, but apparently I was wrong. This was a lot scarier than I remembered and did have a fairly natural feel. There were some obvious attempts at character development, which got in the way, such as th forced "Oh, my sisters boyfriend is black and I'm not comfortable with this BLAH BLAH BLAH". Also some of the aliens methods were just pretty confusing, such as making two people kiss. What it does is avoid cheap jump scenes whilst gradually building to a climax of fear.
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Oh my god
baker-wuz-ere26 April 2007
when the film came out on TV around 98 or so I saw it and thought it was the best sci-fi film that was ever made.....bare in mind I was 8. Now in 2007 i watched it a second time and before seeing it i saw people on the IMDb website saying words like it's superb or excellent and and thought to myself it must be as good as I remembered.

Oh God how I was wrong. I seriously can't find one good thing about this movie. This is the perfect example of bad film making... 1) Bad Script (e.g. The Blond saying Kurt is out there more than 15 times etc) 2) Not realistic (e.g. Tommy not putting down camera....ever) 3) Terrible! acting (I seriously tried to get into the film but the bad acting from EVERYONE accept from the black guy and the one called Mel...and they were only okay) 4) Eye Sore watching all the different camera angles from the camera 5) Not Original (came out just after year after Blair witch came out)

5 great reasons to hate this film and for the love of god read this = IT IS NOT REAL, IT IS NOT BASED ON TRUE EVENTS, IT IS A STORY Written BY DIRECTOR and just found out today the film has a fan club. this is the first film i have ever said was terrible (check my records) and i can't understand why anyone over 10 would think this was real or any good at all! COP ON!
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Wow! Absolutely brilliant!
docp30 July 2003
This film is an absolutely brilliant idea executed to perfection. The actors are superbly convincing from beginning to end. I first saw it under the belief that it was supposed to be an actual incident - and this is how the film was intended to be seen. It was years later that I realised it was a film not an actual record of events. Perhaps it is because of this that I found the film so convincing, but it is well worth watching even though you have seen that it is not a record of an actual alien abduction. However, the impact of the film will be lost on you. This does not diminish the skill of the film at all and I congratulate all concerned on conceiving the film and in carrying it off so convincingly.
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Precursor to Blair Witch?
alsation728 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
A family celebrating thanksgiving are interrupted by strange goings-on: the power goes out and a strange other-worldly craft is sighted.

This film has some genuinely creepy moments as the space invaders start infiltrating the house and knocking the characters off one by one.

The camera-work is fly-on-the-wall as the situation unravels, a few people also appear as supposed analysts to the filmed event which adds another dimension of reality to it. Really none of the actors can be faulted.

At first I thought this was a blatant rip-off of Blair Witch, but then noticed it was a year older.

It's pretty creepy ... you might find yourself checking the windows and doors.
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Beer and a couple of mates help immensely.
wadechurton8 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
You know the story of this utterly bananas 'found footage' movie, so here are a few supplementary observations.

-Crouching in the woods watching the alien the three sons noisily shush each other quiet, then when the alien sees them, they run away shrieking like little girls.

-The aliens are armed with laser pointers. Guess they stopped in at an office supplies place to tool up before going a-probing and a-cow-tipping.

-Drinking game: Every time someone says 'what was that?' More hardcore drinking game: Every time the mum is seen with her wine glass.

-Tommy can't film the dead alien upstairs because older brother Kurt says it might not be dead yet. Yet it's okay for everyone else to crowd closely around the 'corpse' and obscure it from the camera?

-Why is the grand-daughter so calm? Because you can't genuinely terrify a wee kid just to make a TV movie and so the script has her 'in league with the aliens'. Or something.

-Nobody ever threatens to shove that damned video camera up Tommy's butt. Video cameras capture SOUND as well as pictures, so we didn't have to see everything. Some subtitling of conversations on a black screen would have been a welcome atmospheric touch.

-Did the editor forget to dub in the grand-daughter's 'amazing' piano playing?

-The mum is remarkably hot, even behind those silly 'old lady' glasses. Kurt was brave to leave big hunky Matthew behind with all those sexy women...
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theonearmedman17 May 2000
I actually quite liked this film...except for the aliens. They looked like crap. But it had some nice scenes in it. They just were too ambitious with the special effects. As for the guy on here complaining about the credits n stuff, so what? Its a TV movie, and as such aint gonna get the publicity Blair Witch got, so its only right the people who did it get the credit they deserve. Besides, its a movie. MOVIES HAVE CREDITS!! Sure, in the movie they're gonna say it was real, but I doubt the producers ever tried to convince anyone it was.
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7/10 opinion?
purple_haze9030 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly, I would like to say I enjoyed the film, despite the crap, sometimes laughable acting and poor effects. But the fact it was an amateur film makes it all the more unnerving. Like most people I watched this at midnight by myself, and I'm one of those people who is fascinated by alien abduction stories so I must say some of the scenes did scare me.

Obviously this film was a fake, or possibly a remaking of possibly real footage (the information box on sky digital claimed the movie was a remake BASED on real events),but I doubt this is true. What people do not realise is that if someone discovered a tape containing what seemed to be images of aliens from another world and contacted the authorities, this would be the biggest event, probably in the history of civilisation. The government would never let anyone know the existence of the tape, let alone air it on Sky One. So you people who are convinced it was real, why? The only one bit that had me confused was where it gave you an American phone number to contact if you knew the whereabouts of the family. I soon came to the conclusion that this was just adding to the 'authenticity' of the film. I was thinking of pranking it, just for fun, but apparently the number wasn't real.

Also, I know this came out before BWP but one of them must of borrowed off the other. Something else that cannot be coincidence is that there are scenes in Signs which almost exactly replicate scenes from The Macpherson Tape. The Alien on the roof, the girl asking for water and having a supernatural connection to the aliens, the whole theme of being locked in your own home, on some farm near a lake while aliens invade your home. There is no doubt that this was the basis for Signs.

Basically, this would be a good film to watch with your girlfriend (if you watched this then you probably don't have one... only joking) in the middle of the night with the lights off. Just take it for what it is. I'm more interested in finding out whether there is any truth behind the film, rather than moaning about the poor effects. Thanks for reading all of this and if anyone has any genuine information about anything real behind this movie, please contact me.
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depths_k13 April 2006
Well, I'm actually sitting here, now in 2006, actually scared more than half to death , I'm on my own, the film finished about 10 minutes ago its 1.10am, and I scared! Apart from still shaking ( I don't like horror films at the best of times ), it was a really really good film, the screenplay and acting of all the characters was too perfection ( apart from the Black guy, his performance let things down I think ) The imagination and initiative of the scrip to make it seem like it was not plotted was one to be reckoned with, a truly amazing, spine-shivering film. I still have tingles going round my body..I doubt I will sleep tonight!
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Not brilliant but good for a scary nights viewing
shadowprey21 November 2008
First lets start with stating this is NOT real - it is a TV movie with Actors based on what was meant to of happened that night , go into the film with that in mind & you'll enjoy a little more.Weather or not you believe the story of the Lake Country Abduction should really be put aside to watch this - some parts are quiet scary & it does make a good horror movie for a late Friday night.The Acting is really mixed - some good , some great ! others very bad - lol.There are a lot of parts of the movie that are stupid (like most horror movies) , such as Tommy getting EVERY important scene on the camera no matter if his holding it or just sits it down wherever .. and there's always that question of why the aliens toyed with them for so long ? but in the end i did enjoy it & say anyone going into it with a open mind may so as well.

lol - be kind , this is my first review.
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nothing more than a worst low budget sci-fi 'supposedly' homemade flick
vietkieumy201219 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
how can this movie even got qualify as a Biography ?? This is nothing but a low budget sci-fi movie. The script and all the actings was so terrible, I just lost for words. Maybe back in the 1998 people are more easier to believe in such craps but now the year is 2013 and with so many reality shows out there so with just a few minutes into the movie, I can tell this was not a genuine home made video and then a few more minutes into it, I also found that the script and all the supposedly 'genuine' actings are really really bad. I would not even want to waste my time to write a review for this movie if it is getting a 1 star on IMDb but it is rated 6.2 so I got to speak of the truth :-)
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Totally scary but amazing!
hermionegranger19798 October 2007
In 1992, BBC give us Ghostwatch which scared me and kids around the UK on Halloween. Then in 1998, I came across this film and was scared even more! I love all things about Aliens and this film wasn't a let down, in fact, it's amazing! It's pure horror and it's freaky to watch them all get taken one by one, I hid behind my pillow throughout the film! A lot of people call it cheesy and rubbish, but to me, it's great! I mean after Ghostwatch in 1992, which was a hoax too, but that doesn't matter. If it can scary you to death and make you believe it's real, it does it's job! So I hope to get this film on DVD very soon, it would be very welcome in my collection!
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good watch
advimrankhalid3 June 2020
Good movie suspenseful but not as good as many reviews here suggest but a good watch nevertheless.
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Gave me a chuckle
FriedGold124 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I almost like this film, but for all the wrong reasons. It's about a family trapped in their home during an alien siege. I stumbled across it about ten minutes in, and found it so bad I had to keep watching. I love the fact that for a supposed 'documentary' I recognised two of the actors straight off.

The overall acting is pretty dodgy, (I love the girl yelling for Kurt every five minutes, who wisely leaves very early in the film) apart from maybe the son, (who's recording the whole thing) he's not too bad.

But special mention has to go to the mother, who at no point was seen without a glass of wine in her hand, even when the family try to escape! By the time I actually got a glimpse of the aliens, tears of laughter were streaming down my face. How anyone who isn't a kid thought this film was real, I honestly can't understand. But I'll still give it a 2 out of 10, one, for making me laugh, and one also for the mum, for dealing with an alien invasion by getting completely blotto.
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A very creepy and scary film
mr_billyt24 October 2002
Now when watching this we know that its not real because it shows the aliens craft and what they look like and this would be hard evidence of the existence of aliens and this wasnt in the news. So we all know that this film isnt real but leave that and just watch a scary film. Now ive read all the reviews and they say its sh** scary and I agree, I watched it at 1am in the morning and was terrified. Now this came before blair witch so dont say its a rip off of the film. You have to see this wonderful TV Movie to experience one of the scariest movies ever.
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A good fun Friday night movie to watch alone
lee-grint3310 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I first saw this movie a few years back on sky movies. At the time I was really in to the paranormal and other stuff like that. I stayed over at a friends house and we watched this movie and I was so scared at the end I didn't even pay attention to the end credits and see they were all actors. I found out it was a fake because of the research I had done on the film when I was looking for it online. I finally got to see it again last night and it's not as scary as I remembered. Sure there were parts to it that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end but it didn't freak me out as much as it did back in the day lol.

The film itself is shot much like the Blair witch project. I.E it's all shot "amateur-ish" by Tommy McPherson at his family's thanks giving dinner. So out comes a lot of wobbly camera action as he tries to catch it all on film.

This film has all the classic abduction scenario's with the family suffering from loss of electricity, loss of time, cow mutilations in the field, nose bleeds, marks on their bodies etc. But it was all done well enough to lose yourself in this film.

If you're looking for a good fun movie to give the chills and make you think about whether or not there is life out there and are they as hostile as the ones here, then watch this movie. I guarantee after you watch this you will be a bit more hesitant to venture out at night during a power cut ;-)
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At first glance I thought of 'Funniest Home Video's'
GasPanic24 February 2009
If your after a comedy - this might be your cup of tea.

If your after a high quality 'fake-o-mentry' or mockumentry horror... this isn't one of them either. I'm not sure the footage itself even knows what it is.

In the 1970's a great 'fake horror doco' was made called "Cannibal Holocaust" - the latter is a great example of how these shows in this genre should be made.

In the 'so called' films defense it is strangely engaging - but in a bad way. In a way like when you are really bored and find yourself watching "days of our lives" just cos the 'over acting' is quite odd.

This is what it is - Odd.

If you love films - do not go out of your way to see this. It may even offend you its that bad.

If you stumble upon this on TV at 3AM and you cant sleep, then you might find yourself getting through half of it before you get bored and fall asleep.
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