Disco Beaver from Outer Space (TV Movie 1979) Poster

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Many plot lines diverge for silliness
bunny3k10 April 2005
Granted, the last time I saw this was at a midnight movie in college, but I remember that poor, sad beaver trying to find a tree to eat - it was so funny. You haven't lived till you've seen a guy in a beaver costume dance disco. What I remember about this movie is that there are several funny scenarios that seem separate, but all the plot lines tied up into one and it all made sense at the end. This movie has spoof after spoof - I loved how in the middle of a completely different story, the disco beaver would wander through the scene. Wish I could see it again now that I'm in my 40's - might have a different take on it. If you like Airplane, Top Secret or any Abrams/Zucker movie, you'd probably like this.
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Obscure but wacky
karina-330 March 1999
Before Amazon Women on the Moon, before the Kentucky Fried Movie, before them all (I think), there was Disco Beaver from Outer Space. I watched it on HBO and my dad taped it and then I proceeded to watch the tape to death - I have never seen it in a store for rent. It's great - silly, fun, like the National Lampoon used to be. Sure, it was 1978, it's got Disco Beaver for goodness' sake - it makes fun of TV and movies, it's not politically correct, but just Dragula alone makes it worth watching.
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Classic Film definitely not Politically Correct! Funny
Rudser12816 June 2001
This movie couldn't be funnier! It shows life in front of the TV screen. The countless hours one sits in front of the TV set,watching the vast wasteland of TV programming. HBO probably wouldn't show it now, in fear of the Politically Correct Crowd. Let's face it! 23 years ago people didn't have thin skin and could laugh at life. Remember, Ben Franklin said,"All the world is Queer except thee and me -- and sometimes I wonder about Thee"
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Disco Beaver theme song makes this show.
slayer-316 February 1999
I found my tape of this long forgotten 'show'. Besides the Theme song 'DISCO BEAVER FROM OUTER SPACE'. This show is barely watchable. You will be flipping through channels,just like the couple flipping through the TV channels. This is a parody of TV.

The beaver is cool. The homosexual Dracula, the chick discussing her Peria experiences and the lady with the overly big lips discussing homosexuality show us everything that is wrong with TV. It is all BAD. Just like the beaver from outer space who seems to be lost in this new world, you will be too. *** out of *****
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Shockingly unfunny
stevenfallonnyc9 August 2006
This is truly abysmal. I just got a copy of "Disco Beaver From Outer Space" after hearing good things about it, and I have to say, this was just so incredibly unfunny and bad, it will leave you numb and mystified how this ever got made.

I mean, what was it? Is it that this is typical late 70's humor? I don't think so. This is just so bad, and believe me, I don't mean "so bad it's good" either. This is a collection of extremely unfunny skits as if you are watching cable TV. Sure enough, this was an HBO program, and to think this may have been considered groundbreaking is scary.

There is one somewhat pretty girl in it, and there is some old NHL footage of the NY Islanders hockey team, which is fun to see even though I am a lifelong NY Rangers fan. But they even mess that up, as they try to get some humor out of two hockey players scuffling on the ice as if they are "dancing" and, even worse, reverse the videotape of two hockey players fighting to make it look like they are having sex. Oh, how funny! In one slight bit of cleverness, there is an interview a hockey player named "Chico" who resembles NY Islander goalie Chico Resch, but they even blow this by having him wear a Rangers jersey! Well, maybe that was intentional, who knows.

The bottom line is, "Disco Beaver" is just so blatantly horrible, so unbelievably bad, you will definitely feel cheated after watching this and wasting almost an hour of your life. You'll wonder what possibly made the makers of this garbage think they had something funny here, and you'll also wonder why these skits can't even come close to the worst Saturday Night Night slop. Incredible. Just incredible.
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Worst Movie of All Time
lex-805-47636130 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I stayed up to 4am to catch this on HBO back in 78 when i was 14. Animal House featured bare-chested women. I just knew this Nat'l Lampoon movie would, too. Boy was I disappointed. All I remember is the gay vampire biting people on the wrist to "turn them" and the 6-foot beaver dancing (badly) in/out of scenes. I've only seen it once. It's place as #1 on the list of worst movies i've ever seen is safe and secure. Nothing i've seen comes close. My kids laugh like crazy when I tell them the plot line of a disco dancing beaver from outer space rescuing people from a gay vampire. It took awhile for me to convince them I wasn't making it up. Now they always make me describe it to their friends and are on the search for a DVD of it.
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National Lampoon at its best!
KShrew29 October 1999
A hilarious movie, actually a collection of shorts that transpire as the people in the movie watching the movie change channels. Who can forget the image of the Disco Beaver getting a little too friendly with the lady in the fur coat? Or Helping Horny Hands? Or Rocky Rococco?
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Mikelito3 February 2008
Why does this piece of film have so many raving reviews?

This is amateurish, unfunny and annoying.

The only memorable thing here is the corny title song.

The production values are low and the "comedic" (if you want to call them that) ideas are weak, they seem like leftovers of leftovers from SNL that even they would not dare to have put on the screen.

I'm beginning to thoroughly mistrust IMDb ratings.

This is light years away from Kentucky Fried Movie - not even in the same Galaxy.

It's not even possible to write 10 lines about it.

OK, another good thing: ugly street scenes and ugly people - something one doesn't get to see a lot in todays TV and Movies.
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This show deserves a lot more credit
rtanney29 May 2004
Okay, so I have a life-long crush on Alice Playten -- that's not all that sells me on this show. It has some rough spots, but the bits that work make up for them. You would recognize a few of the faces from other comedies, James Widdoes chief among them. I've been smitten by Alice Playten since the "giant dumpling" Alkaselzer commercial -- and she can sing! Peter Elbling, who was also in "Rabbit Test," is a lot of fun as "Dragula": when the program first came out on HBO, this was a side of Vampirism that had not been sufficiently explored, so Peter's over-the-top performance as a gay wrist-biter was hilarious. Lynn Redgrave (who-da-thunk-it!) played along as Professor (call me "Vanessa") von Helsing. The "Disco Beaver" song is fun. The humor is aimed at the usual late-adolescent National Lampoon audience, which I trust endures in us all. Long live the Beaver!
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LOL Funny!!
snu_grad23 September 2001
I saw this years ago when VCR's were indeed rare among my friends of 20-ish movie and TV buffs. We watched this on a regular basis and laughed our -- well, we laughed a lot. If you liked SCTV, early SNL, etc., you'll enjoy this closet classic. It's first class satire, not politically correct, and ridiculous, but most of all, it's funny. I still love that awesome theme song! If you can find it, rent it. (And remember, "if you carry your books funny...")
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Parody of Parodies !
larvae21 November 1999
This movie was a staple of entertainment for me and my group of friends in High School. While all scenarios are executed with the cutting edge/rapier wit of the late seventies' Lampoon Gang, the part that sticks in my mind is the mock "Anita Bryant" trying her ability to pitch an anti-gay drug called "Homo-Nomo". As usual with this group, nothing is sacred. What may have seemed shocking in 1978 would be considered boring or droll by today's standards. However, I love this movie and if someone has a copy they would like to sell or would make a copy of the movie for me, I would pay $$$.
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Cable TV parody is great fun
doppleganger196926 November 2008
When this program was showing on HBO, I was working in video production for the regional cable company Local Origination department, and recorded it on 3/4-inch videotape. Sadly, that is the only version I have currently, and the transfer to VHS left a great deal to be desired. Anyone who remembers the early days of cable television will enjoy this parody of channels sharing time with different programs (these were the days when ESPN showed spots, movies and children's programs - hence "Entertainment and Sports Programming Network" or ESPN), and channels with public access programs or scrolling "schedules" with insipid music. It would seem HBO told the NatLamp guys to "have at it" and they did, often to very funny effect. Though dated by today's cable and satellite offerings, I would love to see this made available as a decent comedy feature and a "how it used to be" time capsule.
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Finally found someone who saw it too
rococo6 February 2000
I can't believe I've actually found a place where other people have seen this movie too! I saw it on HBO shortly after it came out in 1978 and have been looking for it for the past ten years. I remember the title song, but not much of the movie, except for the beaver costume and his dance. Have been looking for a copy to buy, but if not available commercially, would be interested in getting a video copy. This is a great site!
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Have a copy of this.
thomas-beaulieu18 September 2009
I have a digital copy of this ***CRAZY AND HILARIOUS*** movie on my computer that I am planning to burn onto a DVD. Not top quality, mind you- it's a VHS-Rip, but still very, very watchable and actually pretty good for what it is, in my opinion. If anyone out there is desperate to get a copy of this, email me at nolimitsowner at yahoo. Not looking for money or anything like that except to cover your own postage and blank disc, just sharing- and *only* mind you, because this isn't currently available to purchase. I won't advocate anything illegal. (Well, not publicly anyway LOL) This really may be one of the most un-politically correct film I have ever seen.. and it's all the better for it! A definite must-see. :P
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laugh-out loud funny
glslpp18 November 2004
i remember seeing this when i lived with my grandparents, every night for the week if was on super-channel ... i don't remember much about it nearly 25 years later except the HOMO NO MO' part ... i tried not to laugh too loud to wake the folks up, but one night it didn't work ...

to be honest, i had never heard of national lampoon up until that point and that brought a lifetime love of their productions.

and come to think of it, i remember the homosexual Dracula now ... i didn't understand it ... THEN ... two years later i came out of the closet ...

< blush >

that is all.
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hazy remembrance from college days.
jerrydinoinokc12 December 2000
Back in the late 70's when HBO was new, I saw Disco Beaver on HBO. Best I remember, it was a rather disjointed film, but hilarious. I'd love to get a copy of it from somewhere, and it doesn't matter what medium.
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A Classic You Will Probably Never See
mercuryix10 June 2000
This is probably the best parody that National Lampoon has ever done. For anyone who remembers the 70's it is a real blast from the past on the attitudes and stupidity of that time, with some seedy comedy that is funnier than anything going on today. A collection of completely disconnected sketches that are portrayed as if the viewer is channel surfing, this is the perfect movie for a group of immature high-school kids or a group of immature older people to pop in the VCR and laugh (and reminisce) at the 70's. The title character, a dislocated alien beaver, keeps popping up during the movie. I haven't seen this movie (and neither are you likely) since the 1970's, and I can still remember the offensive/hilarious scenes clearly. Not many movies, good or bad, you can say that about.

If National Lampoon ever re-releases it, (God knows why they haven't), make it part of your Blockbuster checkout on a rainy night.
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It's not as good as I remembered it...
nhsgary-113 October 2006
My buddy and I used to watch this when it was first on HBO 100 years ago. A lot of the stuff they did then WAS cutting edge, but it looks old and blah now. The woman on the game show with her boobs hanging out? That was just unbelievable back in the 70's. Who ever saw boobs on TV before that (National Geographic specials excluded)? The part with text scrolling by down the screen mocks some of the early "channels" that cable companies had up. We got cable in 1973 and I remember watching the news wire channel where someone was typing the news as it came in and you read along. Sometimes nothing would happen for 10 minutes and I'd sit there waiting for the next story (how pathetic, huh?) Anyway, this will only be "hilarious" once you watch it 20 times and memorize the dialog. THEN some of it is truly inspired. My friends and I used to recite the cursing construction workers "Hey I got a f*ckin' lug nut in my f*ckin' work boot" over and over.

Don't expect to die laughing the first time. But maybe by the 4th or 5th you'll start to get into it.

By the way, I bought this on VHS from the National Lampoon site a couple years back, so it IS out there if you look.

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this movie kicks ass
columbusheadhunter1 September 2001
i saw this movie right after it came out back in the late 70's. soon after it disappeared and i looked everywhere for a copy of it to no avail. it took me 10 yrs to get a copy thats in pretty good shape. if you like humor then this is a great movie for you to see.
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Classic in the Realm of Kentucky Fried Movie
DanielNJ10 August 1999
I still remember when this first came on HBO and looked for it for years in the video store and on the net. Verry funny and a classic for it's time. Also includes an Oingo Boingo song "Martian Girls" which is a triple speed version of the Beach Boys "California Girls" in New Wave form. I highly recommend it if you can get it and would like a copy myself if anyone has one.
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NatLamp or FireSign?
middlenamewayne11 April 2007
KShrew from Minnesota asked: "Who can forget the image of the Disco Beaver getting too friendly with the lady in the fur coat? Or Helping Horny Hands? Or Rocky Rococo?" Um, apparently the good people of Minnesota can. Or at least KShrew forgot that Rocky Rococo and his freaky feel-up fingers are from the Firesign Theatre's "Nick Danger and the Case of the Missing Yolks" which, unlike "National Lampoon's Disco Beaver From Outer Space", has been released on VHS and is actually findable from time to time. The Firesigns also made a (considerably rarer) feature entitled "Martian Space Party" - perhaps you had that title in your mind and got mixed up - but the thing they did that's closest to "Disco Beaver" was a super-obscure HBO special with Don ("Get Smart") Adams entitled "The Madhouse of Dr. Fear". The only reason I have a copy of that is because a member of the Firesigns personally traded it to me for a tape of William Shatner music videos! - mnw
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