CyberWorld (2000) Poster


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One of the best movie experiences I've had in a while
Quinoa198421 May 2001
The movie Cyberworld has it's shares of flaws in it's segments and stuff. However, the sheer experience of this movie is brilliant in it;s delivery. To watch this movie in the IMAX format, and for the first time no less, (Fantasia was something that came to regular theaters after the IMAX run) is a mind blowing and head expanding experience that is one of the reasons why I go to movies. Even if the content of a movie isn't above par, if the delivery is excellent enough, as it is here, it is breathtaking.

Jenna Elfman stars as a cyberchick who gives intros to various segments of cyber animation that may or may not have 3d and 3d animation. The segments themselves vary from excellent to fair; the Antz segment is memorable and the Simpsons segment is a treasure as Homer gets locked in a 3D world and is a wonder in laughter (though that also is a flaw since the movie cuts off when Homer says one of the show's funniest lines: mmm, erotic cakes.). Short and very sweet. A
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Shiva-116 October 2000
I remember watching the psychedelic computer graphics in "Tron" (okay, so I'm dating myself) and thinking, "Wow, this is pretty cool". These days you get better graphics on a Gameboy at 1/100000th the cost. Many years later I was stunned by the cutting edge morphing technology in "Terminator 2". Now you can do the same thing to your travel video on your PC. Last night I saw the new wave of computer graphics - 3D animation. In 1998, IMAX producers Steve Hoban and Hugh Murray put out a call to computer animators around the world for submissions that would be adapted to the IMAX 3D format. They narrowed the 250 + submissions down to eight selections based on several criteria: how they looked, whether they could be readily adapted for the 3D process and suitability for the intended audience (several vivid lead-in video game segments were excluded because of their extremely violent material). The finalists range from the familiar - the 3D sequence from "The Simpsons" - to the obscure - "Monkey Brain Sushi".

In order to give the film continuity, and tie the different elements together they created Phig (voiced by Jenna Elfman) the sassy, irreverent animated host of Cyberworld. She takes the viewers on a tour of the facility and provides some comic relief. There is also a subplot involving some buggy software in the program - caused by a trio of troublesome code munching Cyber Critters - and Phig's efforts to stop them before they crash the system, but more on that later.

The animation would be amazing in its own right, but when transformed into 3D it is spectacular. While all the segments are exceptional, I did have several favorites: "The Krakken" plunges the viewer into a stunningly detailed and rendered aquatic environment, that reminded me of my trip to the Barrier reef (minus the monsters with the big, sharp, pointy teeth.). The Pet Shop Boys' "Liberation" meanwhile, could not be more different - a surreal piece, it is a cross between a Dada exhibit, an escher diagram, and one of those strange dreams you have after guzzling a twelve pack of "Jolt" and studying for 36 hours straight. Being a Simpsons fanatic I also enjoyed the "Homer3" sequence, which takes on a new dimension (no pun intended) on the big screen. The movie is also beautifully scored, taking full advantage of the IMAX 3D surround sound system. Now that I've told you a little about "the what" I will now try to explain a bit of "the how".

After reading through the fifty pages of production notes for the fourth time, I realized that any in-depth discussion of the technology would put anyone but computer science grads to sleep (and even they'd need a cup of coffee). The basic animation sequences are standard computer graphics that have been translated for stereoscopic viewing - two images projected simultaneously to mimic human vision. The Cyber Critters, however were created with SANDDE, a revolutionary new technology (created by Intel and IMAX), whereby animators don 3D goggles and draw the characters by free hand. They can immediate view the results in real time virtual space. The end-result is characters that resemble traditional cell-style animation, except they also happen to be three-dimensional.

I especially appreciated the fact that although the film is fast paced, I did not get the same queasy feeling I did at "Alien Adventure" and "Encounters in the Third Dimension", two other 3D IMAX films.

I'm not generally given to hyperbole, but Cyberworld 3D's immersive experience is hands down the best 3D movie I have ever seen (until next year of course.). Even better, it is suitable for everyone.
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Not perfect, but still great entertainment!
lawlam16 December 2000
Cyberworld is truly unique in the sense that it not only provides the animation content in 3D, but it also provides the movie experience in 3D thanks to IMAX's incredible technology.

Here's a brief synopsis of the movie: You enter into a surrealistic 3D gallery where the host guides you through several unreal samples of 3D animation. Unfortunately, the gallery is being destroyed by computer bugs and it is up to the host to stop them before the entire gallery collapses.

From the technological point of view, this movie is astounding. The animation is realistic and in some cases, surrealistic. The artists who helped to compose this movie have really pushed the limits of the software and hardware capacities available to create a movie that is stunning to the eye.

From the creative point of view, this movie has a few flaws. The galleria bridge between each sequence was very well thought out, but the transition between some of the sequences seemed a little abrupt at times. Not to mention that there was a rather heavy emphasis on the theme of bugs.

Overall though, this is a truly unique experience in movies that is well worth discovering. Never been to an IMAX movie before? Maybe it's time you find out what IMAX is all about by seeing this movie...
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More than the Simpsons
herrnet8 October 2000
Although there are a few sequences from "The Simpsons" and "Antz", this movie is so much more. The only negative thing I can say about it was that it was too short, and the sequences were too short. Some unbelievable creative computer artwork is mixed with a "plot" that involves the host and a couple of cartoon "computer viruses". The most remarkable part of the movie however was the segments of pure fantasy that, with the help of IMAX 3-D sends you to places beyond your imagination. My wife and I would have turned around and bought tickets for the next show if we had not had other commitments. We are definitely going back to see it again in the near future. It did help that we saw it at the Metreon in San Francisco, the largest IMAX screen in the US, but any IMAX would provide a great experience.
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Technology and art combine to create an emmersive experience
loshunter7 October 2000
Add two parts computer animation technology, one part dazzling 3-D special effects, and a touch of zany cartoon humor and you have the recipe for a terrific animated experience. Brought to you in beautiful IMAX quality 3-D Cyberworld is a movie that isn't just watched but experienced.

Cyberworld takes you into the Galleria, a beta test version of a new simulated art gallery for computer animated short films. Guiding you through your animated experience is Phig, the quirky and humorous host of the Galleria. Phig is brought to life by the voice of the talented actress Jenna Elfman ( Dharma & Greg, Keeping the Faith). She does a masterful job at portraying her character as an independent, and quirky animated guide. Not only does she play a major part in the overlaying plot of the film, but also helps bring a touch of humanism to a completely digital world as she guides you through the Galleria's exhibits.

The short films displayed in this feature are truly incredible. The feature not only hosts a couple classic computer animated films like The Simpsons: Homer3 (20th Century Fox Television), and the bar sequence from Antz (PDI/Dreamworks); but also displays new works from leading edge computer animation companies around the world. The innovative new films featured in this film are Monkey Brain Sushi (Sony Pictures Imageworks), KraKKen: Adventure of Future Ocean (ExMACHINA), Flipbook/Waterfall City (Satoshi Kitahara/Inertia Pictures Inc.), The Pet Shop Boy's Liberation (Eye-Animation/Pet Shop Boys), Tonight's Performance (REZN8), and Joe Fly & Sanchez-Mostly Sports (Sans and Partner). All of these film are brought beautifully to life and completely integrated by the plot that flows continuously in the Galleria. In the Galleria, Phig discovers that there are computer bugs eating away at the code which makes up the entire Galleria. It becomes a race to destroy the bugs and save the Galleria before everything gets erased out of existence.

With a humorous story line, wild and zany characters, and impressive technological breakthroughs Cyberworld is truly an incredible experience for all audiences. The film is worth seeing for the amazing IMAX 3-D alone, and the rest is just a wonderful bonus.
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Not worth the cost of admission
tts-314 April 2001
While this movie does have a lot of stunning visuals; there is absolutely no continuity. A movie of TV commercials is put together better. I suspect the creators were trying to end up with a digital Fantasia, but they were unsuccessful. Instead of creating a visual image through song, or a story through characters, they tried both and it doesn't work. There is amazing imagery in this movie, and it's quite cool to see the next level of art and science emergence, but it wasn't enough to justify the IMAX movie admission cost to me.
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A Must See!
SylvainR21 October 2000
This movie is a real treat for your eyes. Imax 3D technology is really put to good use in Cyberworld.

While visuals are a big selling point, it's not just 3D clips thrown together randomly, but there is a nice little story, hosted by a virtual hostess. Some segments are using characters you will recognize while others are, to my knowledge, exclusive to this movie. Of course, existing scenes have been re-shot and given the Imax 3D treatment. Most of this feature is done in a humorous style, which is something I always enjoy and is also expected from what is, after all, basically a cartoon.

I give this movie a 9. I was tempted in giving it a perfect 10, but I found that some segments were a bit too long, even though they were beautifully rendered.
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Expansive tech demo
briancham199424 August 2020
This short film is more like a tech demo than a traditional narrative. It strings together some CGI sequences that were quite cutting edge at the time, united by a virtual tour guide of sorts. As an introduction to the spectacles of the new millennium, nothing compares.
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Take a trip into this world
MichaelOates14 March 2004
It is not necessary to use a lot of words when analyzing a film you really like. This is the case with "CyberWorld," one of the most impressive 3D movies I've seen.

"CyberWorld" has some of the best special effects I've seen a movie use. The animation was incredible to see because it is new and fresh. I didn't know what to expect from a movie that was playing at an IMAX theater; however, upon leaving the movie I was smiling because it was an out of this world experience that I will treasure for many years to come.

Watching "CyberWorld" was like taking a trip down memory lane because I remember watching each of the movies and television shows. I can only say you do not know what you are missing from a true movie experience if you don't try the IMAX experience. The IMAX experience is among the best I've ever seen and nothing has or will come close to the experience I had. To the credit of the animators and director, they made me feel like I was inside the film as part of the cast.

I always look for a plot in every movie I see because I feel that is the crux of everything. While "CyberWorld" lacked story, it made up for it with the effects and the host voiced by Jenna Elfman. I urge everyone to see "CyberWorld" because it appeals to all ages and contains incredible special effects.

If you get the chance to "CyberWorld," take it because you won't be disappointed.
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I thought IMAX had some kind of quality control...
stevewest-116 June 2004
March 2004: I'm in Melbourne by myself, having seen the Grand Prix the day before, exploring this new museum complex in the city that had an IMAX theatre. An IMAX movie was definitely on my itinerary as I loved the IMAX films I saw back in America a decade ago on a family holiday. Thought I couldn't go wrong with whatever I chose to see, the poster for Cyberworld 3D had Antz and Simpsons characters on it, a winner no doubt I thought.

I came back an hour later when the session started, collected the well-used 3D LCD-flicker goggles and took my seat. The sequences tying the assorted 3D clips together were OK, and the clips of Antz and the bit from the Simpsons where Homer discovers the 3rd dimension behind the bookcase were great. The rest was boring, somewhat depressing filler, I thought Cyberworld 3D must have been made in the mid 90s as the rest of the clips had pretty basic and unevolved computer animation. The clip with Pet Shop Boys music was the sort of thing I would expect from a computer animation demonstration circa 1990 ("why am I seeing this up on an IMAX screen?" I was thinking to myself at this point).

Overall Cyberworld 3D is a pretty lazy effort using yesteryear's computer graphics, sucking in customers through prominently displaying Simpsons and Antz characters on their posters (when together they only make up about 10 minutes of the total runtime). Only recommended for kids age 10 and down who have never seen a 3D film before.
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Well made
mgsmoviesniper3 September 2006
"CyberWorld" is one of the most impressive 3D movies I've seen because the special effects are outstanding. The animation was incredible to see because it is new and fresh. I didn't know what to expect from a movie that was playing at an IMAX theater; however, upon leaving the movie I was smiling because it was an out of this world experience that I will treasure for many years to come.

Watching "CyberWorld" was like taking a trip down memory lane because I remember watching each of the movies and television shows. I can only say you do not know what you are missing from a true movie experience if you don't try the IMAX experience.

The IMAX experience is among the best I've ever seen and nothing has or will come close to the experience I had. To the credit of the animators and director, they made me feel like I was inside the film as part of the cast.

I always look for a plot in every movie I see because I feel that is the crux of everything. While "CyberWorld" lacked story, it made up for it with the effects and the host voiced by Jenna Elfman. I urge everyone to see "CyberWorld" because it appeals to all ages and contains incredible special effects.
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Out of this world film with incredible special effects
Jack Raab25 March 2001
"CyberWorld" is one of the most impressive 3D movies I've seen because the special effects are outstanding. The animation was incredible to see because it is new and fresh. I didn't know what to expect from a movie that was playing at an IMAX theater; however, upon leaving the movie I was smiling because it was an out of this world experience that I will treasure for many years to come.

Watching "CyberWorld" was like taking a trip down memory lane because I remember watching each of the movies and television shows. I can only say you do not know what you are missing from a true movie experience if you don't try the IMAX experience. The IMAX experience is among the best I've ever seen and nothing has or will come close to the experience I had. To the credit of the animators and director, they made me feel like I was inside the film as part of the cast.

I always look for a plot in every movie I see because I feel that is the crux of everything. While "CyberWorld" lacked story, it made up for it with the effects and the host voiced by Jenna Elfman. I urge everyone to see "CyberWorld" because it appeals to all ages and contains incredible special effects.
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A treat for every movie fan
Movie Knight16 October 2001
It is not necessary to use a lot of words when analyzing a film you really like. This is the case with "CyberWorld," one of the most impressive 3D movies I've seen. "CyberWorld" has some of the best special effects I've seen a movie has used. The animation was incredible to see because it is new and fresh. I didn't know what to expect from a movie that was playing at an IMAX theater; however, upon leaving the movie I was smiling because it was an out of this world experience that I will treasure for many years to come.

Watching "CyberWorld" was like taking a trip down memory lane because I remember watching each of the movies and television shows. I can only say you do not know what you are missing from a true movie experience if you don't try the IMAX experience. The IMAX experience is among the best I've ever seen and nothing has or will come close to the experience I had. To the credit of the animators and director, they made me feel like I was inside the film as part of the cast.

I always look for a plot in every movie I see because I feel that is the crux of everything. While "CyberWorld" lacked story, it made up for it with the effects and the host voiced by Jenna Elfman. I urge everyone to see "CyberWorld" because it appeals to all ages and contains incredible special effects.

"CyberWorld" is a 40 minute adventure nobody should miss.
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enjoy yourself in this world
michaelsibley4166 September 2004
It is not necessary to use a lot of words when analyzing a film you really like. This is the case with "CyberWorld," one of the most impressive 3D movies I've seen.

"CyberWorld" has some of the best special effects I've seen a movie use. The animation was incredible to see because it is new and fresh. I didn't know what to expect from a movie that was playing at an IMAX theater; however, upon leaving the movie I was smiling because it was an out of this world experience that I will treasure for many years to come.

Watching "CyberWorld" was like taking a trip down memory lane because I remember watching each of the movies and television shows. I can only say you do not know what you are missing from a true movie experience if you don't try the IMAX experience. The IMAX experience is among the best I've ever seen and nothing has or will come close to the experience I had. To the credit of the animators and director, they made me feel like I was inside the film as part of the cast.

I always look for a plot in every movie I see because I feel that is the crux of everything. While "CyberWorld" lacked story, it made up for it with the effects and the host voiced by Jenna Elfman. I urge everyone to see "CyberWorld" because it appeals to all ages and contains incredible special effects.

If you get the chance to watch "CyberWorld," take it because you won't be disappointed.
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Below average movie - Limp Imax experience
MovieNut-1925 November 2000
Cyberworld is an average movie. Its essentially a series of 3d computer animated sequences (many of them just surreal without any underlying narrative), linked by some corny backstory of the animation "gallery" - in which the sequences are being displayed - being invaded by computer bugs.Forget about the whole gallery idea. Its slow, dull and afetr a while quite irritating. Its the short films that make cyberworld something just about worth seeing. The only problem is that the best sequences are taken from Antz and an old simpsons halloween special, so there's not much new to look forward to. Furthermore there's absolutley no flow or common theme linking the films. Yes they are all computer animated, but so what. There's a little bit of the Simpsons, then there's something about a flying ballet dancer, the pet shop boys flying through a pyramid snow world etc. Overall this serves to break up the film and make it seem much longer than it really is.Don't get me wrong some of these pieces are beautiful to look at, but when your watching a movie (rather than an art installation) you need some sort of story structure to keep you intersted in the images - however cool eye-catching they are. To be honest, all this would be forgivable if the whole IMAX/ 3d effect had real impact (lets be honest, when you see an imax movie you should never expect Shindler's List), but it doesn't. These short animations were not originally designed for a 3d or imax experince. Yes, they do look cool in big and in 3d, but none of the pieces (excpet for the opening credits) utilise 3d imax to its full slam-bang-in-your-face effect. Essentially then Cyberworld is pretty, its slightly 'cool' to watch, but there's no flow, and as an imax experience it just doesn't pack a punch. If you can, you should try and catch Encounters in 3D (also imax - see my review) which ultimatley proves to be a much more satisfying experince.
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Eye candy, eye candy and more eye candy, nothing else.
Predator-1129 October 2000
Although I was extremely impressed with the incredible 3D effects in this movie. It seemed sort of forced. I suppose the technology is so new that the creators just wanted to see exactly what they can do. So they took a bunch of cool looking CGI sequences and made it true 3D, instead of just computer 3D. Some of these sequences I'm sure you'll recognize, Antz and a scene from The Simpsons (guess which one) are the two most likely.

The downside to Cyberworld is that it lacks anything but eye candy. There was an attempt at throwing some life into it with a stupid plot about our "cyber-host" fighting off the clumsy "code bugs" who are worse than Jar-Jar Binks, so watch out. They could have at least attempted to put in a plot that might interest someone over the age of 3, but they didn't. It's all cheeseball, poorly done G-Rated c**p. At least Disney makes it funny and entertaining, Cyberworld just makes it stupid.

But I doubt most people are going to spend $10 to see Cyberworld for it's fantastic plot. We all know that they just want to see cutting edge 3D effects that will blow them away, and there's plenty of that. That's why I saw it, and it was definitely incredible. So now that they know what they can do, maybe they can do something interesting.
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