Junk (2000) Poster


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Gory zombie movie made in Japan
Splatterdome-AMH8 February 2002
In an abandoned factory on the Japanese island of Okinawa, the U.S. army secretly developed a serum called "DNX" that is able to bring the dead back to life. Something went wrong and all scientists were killed. Now meet Saki and her gang. They just robbed a jeweller and are on their way to meet some Yakuza for a big deal. Guessed their meeting point? It doesn't take long time and an army of bloodthirsty zombies is after them. Soon everybody is running and fighting for his life...

20 years after the heydays of ultra-gory Italian zombie movies, the Japanese start to produce somehow very similar movies like this one. Heavily influenced by such films as George A. Romero's zombie trilogy, Italian and Spanish shockers from the late 70's and early 80's and the 1992 Japanese film "Living Dead in Tokyo Bay", this is a fun splatter film, and as such it delivers what fans would expect. The gory special effects are done very well most of the time - if you can't stand dismemberment, heads blown into pieces and gut-munching zombies, stay far away! On the other side, splatter movie fans will have plenty of fun with this movie.
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Retro Zombies
rundbauchdodo27 January 2002
Director Atsushi Muroga does it again... after having taken parts from "Reservoir Dogs", "Natural Born Killers", "The Getaway" and numerous other action/crime films to mix it all together for his gore loaded actioner "Score" (1995) about jewelry robbers versus criminal couple versus double crossing Yakuzas, he mixes Lucio Fulci's "Zombi 2" (aka "Zombie Flesh Eaters" etc.) with George Romero's "Dawn of the Dead" and "Day of the Dead" and "Re-Animator", plus "Return of the Living Dead" 1 and 3, and, concerning the basic plot, his own "Score" (which means the film has also elements of the above mentioned American non-Zombie productions) to create a modern Zombie movie that looks like one that was made in the early 1980s: almost nostalgic.

That doesn't mean that the movie is totally unoriginal. It's the first of a recent "Zombie wave" from Japan, followed by the nonsensical "punk rock horror" movie "Wild Zero" and the best of the bunch, the stylishly but a bit too long "Versus". "Junk" delivers all a Zombie fan needs, although it's been all there before, and - at least concerning the ideas lifted from Fulci and Romero - it has been there better. But all the blood and guts, plus the relentless action Asian cinema is known for, make this film entertaining 83 minutes, best consumed with fellow Zombie freaks, enough beer (or else) and snacks.

Obviously Atsushi Muroga doesn't intend to reinvent well known genres or plots. But he wants to give the audience a good time with popcorn action and horror - and gore. And this he does very well. Rating: 6 out of 10.
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Watchable but amateurish
slake0923 January 2005
I like zombie movies, and I like Japanese movies, but this one was just too amateurish. The acting went from bad to worse, at times getting so bad you couldn't concentrate on the movie - you had to stop and marvel at a line delivered particularly badly, wondering why it wasn't edited out and if that actor was possibly a funding source for the movie. To be fair, the Japanese actors, in general, did a much better job than their American counterparts.

For a better example of the Japanese zombie movie, see Bio Zombie. That at least has a decent level of humor. Junk had little to no humor, indicating that they took the movie a little too seriously. It wasn't so bad that I couldn't finish watching, but it was so bad I knew I'd never watch it again.
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Blood, guts, guns, women, gangsters and zombies!
amesmonde25 April 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Zombie-tastic! This has blood, guts, guns, women, gangsters and zombies! What more do you want. Maybe an English dubbed version?

The story is simple, jewel thieves arrange to meet a suited bunch of gangsters for their pay. Things go haywire when the meeting place turns out to be a shut down military base used to bring the dead back to life. The movie then goes into over drive when the gangsters turn up only to be greeted by flesh hungry Zombies!

The fight for survival has begun as the thieves try to get out of the military base alive before the Zombies eat them!

* Spoiler *

What makes this movie better than most is it seems to have taken the best bits from other zombie/action movies and put them together well. There are too many to list but it does not detract from the flick at all. Also the movie turns from over drive to hyper drive when we find out not all zombie are the same, one is a fast moving intelligent kick ass female zombie!

* Spoiler End *

The bad: The movies sexist undertones are a bit over the top, there are a few needless battles of the sexes with the woman get away driver.

The good: The movie is fast paced unlike some older zombie films. Camera work and effects are good. The two leads are great, the script is witty in places, the action scenes and scenarios are entertaining. And there's also a nice little twist.

If you're expecting Oscar material stay away! If you're a zombie/action fan watch this movie!

Director Atsushi Muroga crazy? You decide...
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The important question,why do you watch zombie movies?
veganflimgeek9 April 2004
Warning: Spoilers

Before considering with you should give 91 minutes of your life to junk you need ask yourself why you watch zombie movies. If you love the Romero zombie movies for there sly commentary hidden in a nightmarish vision well don't bother. If you are a splatter fan that doesn't really mind little things like plot, acting or a budget on a film Junk is your ticket! It all comes down to what you are looking for in a zombie film.

In fangoria the director stated that From dusk til dawn was a big influence and you can see that in how the film is structured. The plot starts off with little to do with zombies but with Japanese gangsters and thieves involved in a jewelry heist. To bad they intend to sell the jewels on the site of factory where Japanese scientists and the U.S. military develop Herbert west's special sauce for undead making.

Boy this is one bad zombie movie. Of course that maybe exactly what you are looking for. I can respect what was done for the money that they had. Some moments are sorta effective.


On to the spoiler comments. Naked zombies, only the lead woman zombie. If she is intelligent enough to turn off the nuclear warhead(connected to a pretty chaeap-ass looking PC) I think she could have mastered getting some attire. When the Japanese scientist realizes the intelligent zombie is his wife I understand why the director choose to flash to pictures of them happy. I am not sure why he continued to after she started trying to eat his flesh.

The character Akira, had his foot stabbed but after 20 minutes it seems to have healed. And the American `actors'…Christ. How wooden could they make dialogue. All that being said Junk is ok considering what amount of money it was made with.
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Decent Japanese Zombie Entry
EVOL66614 October 2005
A group of jewel thieves is to meet some Yakuza members at an abandoned facility to hock the hot ice...little did anyone seem to know that this "facility" was a former military installation that was doing work on the dead, namely - bringing them back to life. Guess it worked, 'cuz now the place is crawling with the undead. The jewelry deal goes bad, and now we have some people to supply lunch for the zombies...

JUNK is a pretty cool zombie film. Nothing really ground-breaking or spectacular, and seems to be much more related to the American, Romero-type zombie films than the typically whacked-out Asian stuff. The story is pretty simple, there's plenty of gore to go around, and the film is never really self-indulgent or too serious. A fun way to spend a couple of hours, but not a "great" film either. I personally tend to like JUNK less than most others that I talk to....still would recommend a look- 7.5/10
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"I'm not waiting to be eaten." Disappointing Japanese zombie film, average at best.
poolandrews20 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Junk: Shiryo-Gari starts in an American Army laboratory where evil scientist Doctor Kinderman fills a syringe up with a bright green fluid known as DNX which he injects into a corpse of a young Japanese woman named Kyoko (Miwa Yanagizawa) who then comes back to life & bites a large chunk out of Kinderman's neck. Three men, Akira (Shu Ehara), Jun (Nobuyuki Asano) & Kabu enter a jewellery store & rob it but Akira is stabbed in the foot. They flee the store & to their getaway van driven by a woman named Saki (Kaori Shimamura) who speeds off, Jun contacts his Yakuza contact Ramon (Tate Gouta) who arrange to meet in an abandoned factory on the outskirts of the city. Meanwhile Doctor Takashi Nikada has been summoned to U.S. Army base to see Colonel McGriff who asks him to help cover up Doctor Kinderman's experiments which he help start & the Military have been carrying on. Back at the factory Jun, Akira, Kabu, Saki, Ramon & his bodyguards quickly discover that they are not as alone as they first thought when they are attacked by rotting flesh-eating zombies. They are forced to fight the zombies as they try to escape with their lives & the 100,000,000 Yen worth of stolen jewellery...

This Japanese horror film was co-written & directed by Atsushi Muroga & I was somewhat disappointed by it. The script by Muroga, J.B. Baker, Yoko Kuzuki & Emiko Terao doesn't make the most of it's promising sounding premise that tries to mix horror & action. It's quite slow to get going & the zombies are some of the worst in film history. They look poor with unconvincing make-up & they move so slowly there is simply no threat there whatsoever, I won't even call it walking because they they more shuffle & I was frustrated that the clichéd 'just have your actor stand there & scream until the zombies catch up' trick is constantly used, why don't they just RUN away? I was screaming at the screen for these idiots to just outrun these pathetic zombies. The characters are threadbare & unlikable the babe of a zombie in leather apart, the plot is full of holes that you could drive a double-decker bus through & any decent ideas Junk: Shiryo-Gari does have it rips off from better zombie films like the American Military involvement from The Return of the Living Dead (1985), the ultra slow zombies from Zombi 2 (1979) & an almost identical scene when a woman is holding a door shut with a piece of furniture & a zombies fingers poke round the door & Night of the Living Dead (1968) style intestine eating & only a bullet to the head will kill them & the bright green re-animation serum stolen from Re-Animator (1985). Junk: Shiryo-Gari feels like an American film using Japanese locations & actors & there is nothing original here. Technically the film is very basic with flat extremely grainy cinematography, mixed special effects, bland production design being set almost completely in an old factory & lacklustre unexciting direction. Director Muroga fails to film any of the films set pieces with flare, pace or originality. The gore was disappointing, a splinter of wood (Zombi 2 rip off again?) is forced through someones throat, there are a couple of intestine eating scenes, a few gory gunshot wounds, a decapitated head & ripped off hand & someone cut in half. The make up effects aren't particularly impressive & the zombies look really poor except that is Kyoko who for some reason looks perfectly human, can talk & can change the colour of her hair in the blink of an eye! She also has a nice sexy line in leather outfits & thigh high boots & is probably worth a couple of stars on her own & is quite possibly the sexiest zombie in horror film history. The acting isn't great as far as I can tell but it's all in Japanese so who can tell? There's a bit of a buzz about Asian horror at the moment with Ringu (1998), Ju-On: The Grudge (2003) & Dark Water (2002) all getting big budget Hollywood remakes but that doesn't automatically mean all Asian horror is good & Junk: Shiryo-Gari isn't, good that is. Do yourself a favour & avoid this, there are much better horror films, much better zombie films & much better Asian films worthy of your attention. The best thing I can say about it is that it provides a reasonable amount of entertainment once it gets going but ultimately it didn't impress me that much.
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A nice zombie movie
As_Cold_As_Ice1 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This was a pretty cool Asian zombie movie.

The deal is a group of thieves rob a jewelery store, and go to a remote warehouse to sell it. Unfortunately for them, the warehouse is a secret US Government experiment lab, and a re-animated corpses is on the loose inside.

One thing I did like was the amount of gore i.e a hell of a lot. There are many the shootings, disembowellings, maggots, and the red stuff spurted everywhere. The plot is also a nice way to set up the inevitable 'escape from the building" scenario.

Things I disliked included the fact that some of the special effects looked a little fake, which was a shame considering how good the gore was, and the fact that I knew exactly who would survive 20 minutes in. But hey, that's the zombie conventions fault, not mine.

Overall, this was an enjoyable zombie movie, but like most other zombie movies, seen one, seen them all.

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It was certainly `Junk', I'll give you that.
PlutonicLove22 August 2003
Throughout the late 18th century a grand Japanese-fever swept the regrettably not vaccinated western nations like a swarm of African killer bees from Irvin Allen's archetypal classic of the same name, leading, among other things, to myriad French impressionist art works and Gilbert and Sullivan's `The Mikado', which is for all intents and purposes about as Japanese as Shepard's pie - and for that we shall be forever be indebted to Mr. Gilbert's and Mr. Sullivan. Now, with many of the Japanese's recent imports, the unabashed scrounging of the other culture's art technique has come full circle. So enthralled are the pitiable, deluded fools by our lowest common denominator pop culture orts that they expend large amounts of their time and energy on plagarizing what is already watered down Tarantino, Romero, and Zimmer, by which I mean that this movie has in fact more in common with Paul Anderson's awful adaptation of the `Resident Evil' games, in themselves a tribute to Romero's classic `Living Dead' trilogy, Roger Avary's almost equally awful `Killing Zoe', needless to say a very second-rate imitation of `Reservoir Dogs', and the musical excretion of Klaus `The Uncomposer' Badelt, who has become rich and famous by simply imitating his only slightly superior and in general grossly overrated mentor Hans Zimmer.

The fundamentals that make up this movie's meager `plot' are recognizably familiar: The Avarian bank heist, the bickering gangsters, the Yakuza double-cross, the James Whalian ersatz-Frankenstein who crosses a line man was not meant to cross in order to reanimate his beloved dead wife, the Bay-esque macho military men with their Sam Elliot moustaches and Manuel Noriega-like skin, as well as the hilarity and wackiness that ensues when these forces clash. However, the imitation is not of a very high caliber, lacking the flaire and technical skill of a Tod Browning, a Romero or even, and this is particularly embarrassing, a Michael Bay or Roger Avary (I suggest the people responsible, especially the director, graciously commit harikari immediatly). Even without understanding a word of Japanese, the overacting and awkward, at times even idiotic, scripting is painfully obvious, as is the film's complete lack of original or memorable visuals. The pseudo-Badelt score is possibly the film's worst single aspect, full of hyperkinetic, depth-free, poorly synth-orchestrated, ultra-simplistic power-anthems of such a monumentally turbid, desiccated lifelessness that even if it fell off a junk, in this case not referring to the movie but to a Chinese flatbottom ship with a high poop and battened sails, it wouldn't be capable of rehydration.

Still, one does have to give credit to any movie that has the guts to call itself `Junk'.
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Junk isn't.
BA_Harrison28 December 2008
I like Junk: sure, it's extremely derivative stuff (female super-zombie aside, of course), but it has absolutely no pretensions, delivering fans of your more traditional shuffling undead all the gut-munching, brain-blasting action that they could ask for.

The plot sees a gang of amateur jewel thieves (including sexy getaway driver Saki) bite off more than they can chew when they arrange their meeting with a Yakuza fence and his men at an abandoned factory: the derelict building is, in fact, a top secret army base where experiments in raising the dead have resulted in flesh-eating zombies, and it's not long before the criminals are fighting for their lives against hordes of mouldy walking cadavers.

This weak set up is simply an excuse for a series of violent gun-fights and bloody encounters with manky zombies, so it is easy to forgive the silly script, many glaring plot-holes and terrible acting (particularly from a handful of westerners, playing US Army dudes). Director Atsushi Muroga (who also directed jewellery-heist-gone-wrong action flick Score) wisely keeps the action flowing thick and fast, and ensures that gore-hounds are kept happy with plenty of splattery effects.

Eventually, things get very daft indeed, with the aforementioned super-zombie stealing the show in the film's finale: wearing thigh high kinky boots, this surprisingly sexy corpse runs rings around the surviving gang members, before being shot in the head. Unfortunately, this only makes matters worse: the she-zombie becomes even stronger (and, inexplicably, albino!), fighting on after having been completely cut in half!!!

Cool, crazy, and covered in blood, this undemanding undead actioner is recommended to those who want to switch off their brain and simply enjoy some gory mayhem.
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All the right ingredients, not enough flavor
WisdomsHammer5 February 2021
I stumbled upon this movie and got all excited because I love Asian horror AND zombie movies and this was right up my alley.

Even though the beginning felt like a straight up ripoff of Re-animator, I didn't mind that much because I honestly wouldn't mind seeing a Japanese version of that movie so why not.

Then the movie switches gears to military talking heads with really bad monotone dubbing and the typical "something went wrong" scenario that has been in horror movies since the 50s.

Then it switches gears again to some interesting characters who end up being jewel thieves. I got really excited when a guy with spikey blond hair pulled out a samurai sword but all he did with it was smash a case with the handle. He gets stabbed in the foot with a pen, drops the sword, and we never see it again. I guess the pen really is mightier than the sword... heh heh. (Sorry.) But damn, I wanted to see that sword again.

Then they get into their getaway car and the driver seems less interested in the road than the guy with the stabbed foot and they almost crash several times because of it. Again, stuff we've all seen before but done way better.

And that, I think, is the problem with this movie - there's just nothing new here and in most cases their rehash of old material was just not as good as what most of us have seen before.

There's lots of action, gore, blood, zombies, Yakuza, an attractive cast, a decent premise (even if it isn't exactly original), and even some nudity, but I found myself bored and it felt really weird because they were ticking all these boxes I love in movies like this.

It didn't help that there was absolutely no chemistry between the blond spikey hair guy and the getaway driver when there's supposed to be. And I honestly didn't care about either of them. The more I watched them, the more I kind of wanted them to die, honestly.

I know this wasn't some huge budget production, but it just didn't do enough for me to rate it any higher than 4/10. Your results may vary.
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Very entertaining Japanese zombie film.
HumanoidOfFlesh4 October 2003
After a robbery,a group of thieves meets up with the Yakuza at an old abandoned factory in order to exchange money and jewels.However unknown to them the factory was an old military facility which was working on reanimating the dead.And they succeeded,meaning the factory is loaded with bloodthirsty zombies."Junk" is slowly getting a minor cult following,because it has creepy,old-style zombies that are a combination of Romero/Fulci/O'Bannon's zombies.The gore is plentiful and the feel of the film is very reminiscent of the Italian gut-munchers of the late 1970/early 1980 period.The film doesn't take itself too seriously and is pretty silly at times.There is plenty of gory mayhem on display-lots of headshots,zombies biting parts of their victims and eating intestines etc."Junk" is extremely entertaining,so fans of Japanese horror or zombie cinema won't be disappointed.
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Low budget Japanese zombie craziness
Leofwine_draca9 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Here's a low-budget Japanese zombie flick that delights in referencing the good old Western zombie films of old. Throughout this movie – which hasn't got even a single spot of originality – we witness references to and plot elements from such diverse films as DAWN OF THE DEAD (a gang of blue, shuffling zombies, one of whom acts like 'Flyboy' in the Romero film), RE-ANIMATOR (the bright green 'zombie serum' injected through syringes), ZOMBIE FLESH EATERS (a victim suffers a reverse-impalement on a door) and THE EVIL DEAD (a zombie spitting milk) as well as many more. The resulting concoction may not be surprising to anybody who's seen any of those previous films, but it does create a pleasing sense of nostalgia for the genre and the film is an obvious fan-pleaser.

The first half an hour is a bit disappointing, offering up a lacklustre robbery and introducing the rather uninteresting protagonists. However, at the thirty minute mark, the zombies are introduced and things never let up until the over-the-top, explosive climax. There isn't much wit or intelligence involved – it's simply a case of the anti-heroes battling zombies and being picked off one-by-one – but as is often the case with Asian cinema, the action moves swiftly along and there's plenty of fun to be had along the way. The acting is adequate, with the actors required to do little more than scream, and the presence of some Americans in the cast makes things a little unusual. The only really unique plot element is the presence of a 'super-zombie', a naked girl who possesses the ability to think and talk, thus making things very difficult for the humans opposing her. Sure enough, things get really bizarre in the last twenty minutes – this super-zombie's hair and eyes change colour at will – but it never stops being a whole lotta fun for zombie fans.

Despite the obviously low budget, director Atsushi Muroga gets the maximum from his special effects team. The rotting, bluish zombies are a frightening menace, and the gore flows freely throughout the production, with an emphasis on gut-munching, people getting bitten, heads exploding when they're shot, as well as body parts flying around for the climax. It's all very rubbery and not particularly convincing, but horror fans will have a ball. JUNK may not be the world's most original zombie film – and it may add absolutely nothing new to the genre whatsoever – but it's fun, exciting and pretty scary at the same time. I loved it.
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Enjoyable but not terribly original addition to the zombie genre
ivanm-514 December 2004
This is not one of those eerie Japanese thrillers like "Ringu" but rather a typical zombie flick. If you enjoy films like "Dawn of the Dead" and more specifically "From Dusk Till Dawn" you will undoubtedly enjoy this.

Their is definite Tarantino feel to this production about a heist that goes wrong and the meeting up in an abandoned warehouse. The twist is that the warehouse is full of zombies, inactive at first but - well you can guess the rest. Film buffs will no doubt enjoy the irony of an Asian film taking inspiration from "Reservoir Dogs" which itself was inspired by earlier Asian film.

Miwa Yanagizawa makes a very gory but sexy Zombie Queen and we don't see enough of her - no I'll rephrase that - we don't see her often enough in the film. Otherwise this is an enjoyable but not terribly original addition to the zombie genre.
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Zombie babe in Jack Boots
Dr. Gore14 February 2004
Warning: Spoilers

I bought this DVD. A bunch of thieves go to a warehouse to sell their stolen jewels to the Yakusa. It's too bad for them that the military was experimenting with zombies there. Soon everybody will have to fight for their lives as the zombies are starving for gangster brains.

Basically, "Junk" is a Japanese Blender movie. They didn't want to make just a Zombie movie. They wanted a Yakusa movie and a Heist Movie as well. So they shoved all the genres in the Blender and let it rip. It was a tasty cocktail. If you're a B-movie nut, you'll get into it. There's plenty of good gore and gut munching. If you're not a B-movie nut, you probably don't know this movie exists and are not reading this comment anyway. Either way, I say go for it.

One last thought, I love Jack Boots. All women look good in boots, especially Jack Boots. You know, the boots that go all the way up and over the knee. The kind of boots Ilsa wears, (in "Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS" among others). "Junk" has a Zombie babe attacking wearing Jack Boots. My God, it was ecstasy for me. That's how I want to go out: A Zombie babe lusting for my brains as she tears into my neck. When the darkness washes over me, I'll reach out to touch her boots one last time. Ahhhhhh....
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The Premise Was Pretty Good
Uriah436 February 2014
This movie begins with the United States Army conducting an experiment consisting of bringing a beautiful Japanese woman named "Kyoko" (Miwa) back to life. What the scientists don't count upon is the fact that they have created a zombie who cannot be controlled. Not long afterward some jewel thieves agree to meet some members of the Yakuza to sell their goods at the same abandoned warehouse where this experiment was conducted. The negotiations break down and both factions end up battling each other for the jewels which results in a chemical spill that creates even more zombies. Complete chaos soon follows. Anyway, while this is clearly a low-budget film I thought the director (Atsushi Muroga) did a fairly competent job up until about the last 20 minutes or so. Things got a bit silly after that. In any case, the premise was pretty good and I liked the presence of both Kaori Shimamura (as "Saki") along with the aforementioned Miwa. But because of the breakdown at the end I have to rate it as slightly below average.
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Entertaining tribute to the masters of Italian horror
K_Todorov20 September 2007
"Junk" is as it's own name suggests, well junk really. A low budget Japanese zombie film that can neither impress with great visual effects nor strong acting or plot. But what does do and does well in my opinion, is to recreate the feeling and entertainment value of eighties Italian zombie flicks. In other words "Junk" is trashy fun.

After successfully pulling of a jewelry heist the group of four robbers head of towards an abandoned warehouse where the supposed buyer would be. Unknowingly to both parties, that same place was the dumping ground for a failed American military experiment on bringing the dead back to life. Needless to say what happens when our heroes arrive. It's a simple well known plot that doesn't demand any form of thinking. You just sit-down with a beer-pack and some popcorn in hand and enjoy the on screen carnage. The unpretentious design is what holds "Junk's" charm and of course the violence does also help in that matter.

The acting again in the spirit of Italian horror leaves something to be desired. The Japanese actors did relatively well for this sort of film. Which basically means they didn't get on my nerves with absurd performances or just monotonic line reading. American actors on the other hand were awful, unbearable. Director Atsushi Muroga should have written their characters off plot and sticked with only Japanese actors. The reason for the bad performance does not fully fall on the actors's hands. In this case it's easy to see that the language barrier and Muroga's inability to properly direct the English speaking cast due to his own apparent lack of knowledge in that language are the true problems.

The action is fairly good. Practically most of the movie's running time is filled with shootouts, zombie attacks or both combined. Muroga keeps a fast pace and with a short running time "Junk" doesn't get boring. As any other zombie movie so is this one packed with gore. Necks bitten, legs and arms cut off, people being eaten, heads smashed it's got the needed ingredients to deliver a fun experience.

Atsushi Muroga' "Junk" makes for a delightful yet forgettable zombie film. Mainstream audience should definitely pass the chance on seeing it. But highly recommendable to fans of the trashy low-budget horror genre.
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simply watchable
movieman_kev23 March 2002
this in no way is a bad movie, yet all through it my mind kept wondering to earlier much better Zombie fare. The gore effects are pretty good and there is a high splatter quotient, but the acting is less than top notch, which would be fine if I actually cared which criminal lived or died. Speaking of the acting, when that Chinese scientist talks in undecipherable English, it took me out of the movie that much more. Despite all that it's a good film, provided you watch it at a party under the influence of alcohol.
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the best italian zombie movie in ages...made in japan!
cantthinkofname17 February 2004
Mooshing together the "Reservoir Dogs" plot with a dose of "Re-Animator" and "Dawn of the Dead", this concerns a bunch of diamond thieves who meet up with mobsters at an abandoned military base, only to be ambushed by the living dead. Gleefully fast-paced, with zombies resembling the ones featured in "City of the Walking Dead"...i.e. the zombies look like they have mud all over their faces. Good gory fun, without the hassle of a plot. Too bad there ain't more of this kind of stuff these days. Most of the zombie stuff of late (House of the Dead, Resident Evil) treat zombies as just another shoot-'em-up element. Here they are the thrust of the story...what story there is.
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very bad zombie movie
eyesofsociety30 December 2003
this movie was awful and boring, and this is said from a person who loves to watch many what other people would call 'boring' sundance films. first of all, i was expecting way more gore. there was barely any. it didn't start out to bad at the beginning since there were yakuzas acting sort of funny but then it went downhill from when the main characters went into the factory.

this movie was dull. i hate to rate a movie so low, 4/10 but i just had to. out of all the asian horror cinema i have seen, this is by far the worst.
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Fun little Zombie Movie
lovecraft2313 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
"Junk" is far from original. Mixing elements of "Zombi 2", "Re-Animator", "Return of the Living Dead 3", and others with a Tarantino-lite subplot, it's still a fun little movie.

Plot: A group of jewel thieves, Yakuza, a scientist, and some really bad American actors end up knee deep in it at an abandoned factory-where the American military did experiments on the dead, and we all know what happens in movies when people experiment with the dead. Oh, and there's a hot zombie chick who's naked much of the time.

The end result plays like the best zombie movie that Italy never made. There's bad acting(especially from the American actors-oh boy...), some nice gore (including an awesome sequence with a zombie consuming it's own flesh), gun-play, nudity, hot chicks, and more.

In the end, you've seen a movie like "Junk" before, but it's still a lot of fun, and is a nice little throwback to Italian zombie flicks. Recommended.
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From the maker of Score comes this unique zombie film.
Captain_Couth2 March 2004
Junk (2000) was one of the new wave zombie films to come from Japan during the turn of the century. Like the others it was made on the cheap but highly entertaining. This film's about an experiment gone awry (can't those scientists get anything right?). The gore level is very high and it features two very unlikely heroes and some hot Japanese ladies. Why can't they make zombie films like this in the United States instead of rubbish like Resident Evil (which parts of this movie were taken from). Junk (like Score) was partially shot in English. I love this movie and I know you will to.

Highly recommended

George A. Romero would be pleased.

Did I mention there were two hot Japanese ladies in the picture?
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SPOILERS!!! classic zombie without the painful lulls
ETCmodel0217 February 2003
Warning: Spoilers

Re-Animator meets Return of the Living Dead and just about any action Yakuza movie. Teaches the lesson of considering rejuvenating relationships with the "Ex" when "Ex" means "dead" rather than "divorced." Nice story of amateur jewel thieves meeting up with their Yakuza buyers at a factory that happens to be a secret US research hot spot in Japan where the all too familiar neon green caught syrup has a tendency to cause carnivorous appetites in the reanimated dead which of course there are a stockpile of pending use as test subjects. Well shot, excellent industrial environment and a less than painful story to boot. A few Tom Savini tricks stand out, like little obvious bits like rubber meat and replacement heads, but frankly no harm no foul there considering how juicy and tight the rest generally delivers. Though not as over the top as Versus this ends considerably better and leaves you feeling all warm and fuzzy afterwards. Liked the added twist of an intelligent zombie, no complaints about her lack of costume for much of the film either. Small grumble that she isn't developed further, relegating her to a mid-level ladder style video game boss or second string average Buffy the Vampire Slayer villain. And while the film explains where she picks up the jacket, the boots had no explanation unless thigh high female boots are standard regulation emergency gear for factories should one of two women on the premises suddenly find themselves in dire need of fetish footwear. Her sudden hair color change could have been left out as this is distracting at best. Yes, I'm nit picking. I can't help wish that she were a stronger element when structurally she is the catalyst for the zombie outbreak and an evolution above the rest of the flesh eaters. She even speaks coherently with her hubby. This was a cool idea, could have been more instead of relegating her into the typical schlock gore ghost ghoul shtick.
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A rather typical zombie film from Japan
Aaron137519 July 2005
I have seen my share of zombie movies and I can honestly say that this is one of them. I bought it so long ago because I had seen another Japanese film called, Versus that had lots of fighting and action and some zombies and I had asked if there were any more films like it in a post and this is one of the films mentioned. Well, this one was a better zombie film than that one, but it was not as fun. The action was not as good and despite a rather short running time, it tends to lag in places. Not that it was all bad, it still has its moments and it does feature one thing that makes it stand out as far as zombie films are concerned and that is a very attractive and cute zombie girl. Other than the cute one though, they are the typical slow moving horde of the living dead terrorizing like one warehouse. Yes that is right, all the action as far as the zombies are concerned takes place in one warehouse and so the scope of the film is rather small as they do not even have that many people to kill and what they do have gets killed quickly and you are just left with these two running around with the guy being particularly annoying.

The story has an experiment done by an American to resurrect the dead. He is successful, but as is typical with a zombie film, the dead comes back a little bite happy. This man is not the originator of the formula though, but rather a Japanese man who has left said project. He is summoned by the U.S. military and then we are introduced to four people performing a jewel heist. They get through it, though one guy gets stabbed and plan on selling their jewels to the Yakuza. Though their bag of jewels does not look particularly large to me. Well they pick a place to meet up and it is in the warehouse where the zombie formula is and as is typical a zombie horde is unleashed. Now the thieves must fight their way out of the warehouse, the guy who created the formula must try to blow up the facility and the cute lead zombie will try to avert the explosion!

As I said, just not as good a film as Versus as it really is just a typical zombie film that has rather slow pacing. The tag line is "Everybody Fights!", but really there is not a lot of cool action going on in this one. Just a lot of running around and screaming and things that make one scratch their head in wonder. Like why did they feel the need to have American speaking actors in this and why in the world did they have the one scientist guy trying to speak in English? Seriously, any scene where he is talking in English is almost impossible to understand. Then he is given a machine gun with a grenade launcher as he plans on going to the warehouse and detonating the bomb...I'm rather sure a scientist would not be given that particular weapon and I am pretty sure he would not be all that capable of handling it. Still, there is some good gore in this one and it is short so while not super great or anything, it is a rather fun watch...just not a film that holds up under repeat viewings I'm afraid.
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Not too bad, actually...
paul_haakonsen27 July 2012
"Junk" is actually a good enough Japanese zombie movie, compared to many of the other Japanese zombie movies that have way too much comedy in them. That being said, then "Junk" isn't really up to standards with what you'd expect from a Western zombie movie.

The storyline is about a group of jewelry thieves meeting up with the Yakuza at an old seemingly-abandoned military laboratory site for the trade. However, the military base is not entirely abandoned; it was used to conduct experiments with the DNX drug. A drug that brought life back to the dead, although they were brought back as zombies. The trade goes awry in more than one way, and it becomes a race against time to make it out of the laboratory before it blows up.

It is a fairly average storyline, though there is a good amount of blood, gore and mayhem in it, which I personally found to be one of the better aspects of the movie. But again, sadly, it wasn't up to date with Western zombie movies, but they were doing a good enough job as it were.

The concept of a smarter zombie (that was able to operate a computer) was a little bit too out of the ordinary for my personal taste. And I didn't fully understand the idea behind the sudden change of hair color (from black to paper-white) on the 'smart' zombie twice or thrice throughout the movie. That was just stupid.

Another thing that made me wonder was the DNX drug had to be injected into the vein by a syringe in order for it to take its course. But for some reason it became sufficient for the DNX material to be splashed or come into contact with a corpse for it to be reanimated. What was up with that? There was a couple of continuation errors throughout the movie, but in overall "Junk" proved to be adequate entertainment. Also, I have never grasped the concept why Japanese turn a strange shade of concrete-gray when they are dead and have recently returned as the living dead.

For a Japanese zombie movie, then "Junk" is actually in the better end of the scale. If you enjoy zombie movies and haven't already seen "Junk", it is well worth a watch and it is a good 83 minutes of entertainment.
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