Dark Assassin (2005) Poster


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AzSumTuk11 March 2007
This is one of the worst movies I have ever seen. No, actually this is one of the worst movies ever.

Don't watch it. It is terrible. Well, I even don't want to comment it but I think I must warn you. It is the worst martial arts movie ever. The story is terrible. The acting is terrible. Well, I guess you don't need story and acting in that kind of movie. But "Dark Warrior" fails even in the action. The fights... Well, the fights are not exactly the most terrible fights ever but they are not good. The final fight is the worst I have seen.

If you want to see some good good story, don't watch this movie. If you want to see good acting, don't watch this movie. If you want some good fights... You know what to do. Don't watch this movie
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Give me those 85 minutes of my life back
user-525030 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a fan of action films with lots of martial arts, so I know how to enjoy a brainless movie from time to time. But this one is so bad it's incomparable.

The characters in this movie are typical and dull, always falling into the same pattern over and over again. The "story" can't entertain a viewer for more than 30 minutes because of the boring acting by most of the cast. If they can't even keep a straight face or tone of voice while making this, then why should I when I watch it, even though it's not meant to be comedy.

Even if you manage to look past all that and try to enjoy it for the fights, it still disappoints: no original moves, lousy stunt work and 'enemies suddenly distracting each other so the main character can get away, even though all exits are locked' are some of the things that come into mind.

Maybe in the end my expectations were too high, but then again, how low do I have to set my standards to be able to enjoy a movie? I will never see a movie written or directed by Jason Yee again.
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It was Okay
Unbreakable2722 November 2009
It wasn't the best martial arts film I've ever seen, but it was far from the worst also. It was the guy's first effort! LAy off him already! Not bad for a first timer (writer,producer director).

I think for one you all need to remember it's a MARTIAL ARTS MOVIE. Stop reveiwing it as if its great Shakespearean Theatre. If you came into this expecting to an updated ENTR THE DRAGON you would also be disappointed. Some of your expectations are too high.

I liked the fact that it didn't do stereotypical traits of the main character and they tried to 'hip' him up a little bit.

The audio was a tad bad. Bt ligthen up people. It was a martial arts flick. If you're an avid fan you owe it a watch. It will not become one of your favorites, but worthy to be in a martial art fan's DVD collection.
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A Jason Yee vehicle that needs to be impounded.
gc12351718 May 2009
Jason Yee stars in this miserable dreck. He also wrote, directed, and produced it, so all the blame falls squarely on his shoulders. Honestly, I couldn't sit through it from beginning to end. I found it so boring I fell asleep about 4 times during the film and missed about half of it (mercifully). Obviously Jason Yee is a talented martial artist and he wanted to showcase his talents in a film. Unfortunately he has no talent as a filmmaker, and he should have stayed in the ring and out of the studio. He has some good moves, but the choreography for the fight scenes is awful. Timing and position are waaaaay off. Sound quality is horrendous and every time there is dialogue it is drowned out by an unwarranted and overloud score. The acting is wooden, stiff, and heartless. The plot is ill-defined and ambiguous. One has no sense of where this story is heading, where it originates, or why it is even being told. Watching this movie is a complete waste of time, unless you happen to be suffering from insomnia.
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Decent story, good film to watch for aspiring filmmakers.
joyjoy_boy29 December 2006
I just rented this film after looking at the cover for weeks at Blockbuster. I was curious because I remember seeing Jason Yee fight on cable back in the 90's. The story is decent, about a guy just out of prison that becomes a suspect in the murders of his old gang members. It's good to see Asian-Americans like Jason Yee being proactive by producing his own movie; it's amazing what he did on a low-budget. It was refreshing to see decent hard-hitting action with no-strings or CGI but, I wish there was more. Definitely a good film to watch for aspiring filmmakers, the behind the scenes on the DVD are cool because you get an idea of how hard film-making is. I think Jason is a good actor, especially for having to direct the film at the same time and do his own action stunts. He was able to deliver decent production values with a decent story, I enjoyed it.
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It's About Time For Some Realism in Martial Arts Films.
yurshta20 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I myself am a eclectic martial art stylist who blends Wing Chung Kung Fu, Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, Professional Wrestling, and Krav Maga into a single loosely structured flexible system I call "Combat Wrestling", and of course, I like a good martial art film now and then. Prior to Bruce Lee's days, the Kung Fu and Karate Films made in the Orient cared little for realism and moved more towards fantasy. Bruce Lee brought some realism back, and other martial art actors like Chuck Norris, and Steven Seagal (sp?) also tried to keep the fight scenes realistic, often doing the fight choreography as well. However, I have been dismayed at the ridiculous scenes being filmed currently both in the East and West involving the use of cables so a fight scene includes some ridiculous sequence of guys jumping from trees to trees or backwards to a rooftop, or leaping forward and kicking like 20 time alternately with both feet. It is quite fitting that the Scary Movie series and the Austin Powers have both spoofed these absurd fight scenes.

There have been many actors in the past who have tried to step into the shoes of Bruce Lee, with 10,000 cheap imitations, only a handful possessing any talent or skill to a remarkable degree and none like the Master Bruce Lee.

However, the Kung-Fu Magazine hall-of-famer, Jason Yee, is a fellow worth watching, and may be an exception to the rule. I hope so. I'm getting tired of directors trying to foster the illusion of an actor or actress who couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag being some Master martial artist (with a little help of wires, stunt doubles, and camera angles). Of course, movie fights have to be faked or serious injury or death could result. Often the stunt men are more highly trained than the actors, and I deplore this giving a 30 day crash course in Kung Fu or Karate Weapons or hand to hand to some actor who doesn't have the real skills. It is dangerous for all concerned. I'd like to see the return of the actor/martial artist combo like Lee, Norris, Jackie Chan, Steven Seagal. Jason Yee shows real promise as a martial arts actor.

But then, many people wouldn't watch a "Karate" movie if they were paid to see it. "All that senseless violence...what shame!" I wonder sometimes what planet these guys were born on, as if John Wayne shooting up the bar in a Western is any less "senseless", and notice how the worship and adoration of firearms---the great equalizer---has turned our streets into shooting galleries. Now everybody is a potential killer, not just a highly trained fighting elite.

But the fault is not in the possession of firearms, but the tendency to go straight for the gun or other weapon and use deadly force for the slightest of problems. But then, our own government does this and sets a good example for thugs to emulate. Uncle Sam will attack with the slightest provocation with such goodies as bunker busters, and cluster bombs? Why can't I, Joe Average Citizen do the same?

Actually, some martial arts training would help REDUCE violence in the streets. Sound martial art philosophy, the Golden Mean---standing between the "Kill 'em all, let God sort 'em out" school, and the extreme and absurd nonviolence taught in some other schools, where the student is taught a skill which is forbidden to ever be used.

Frankly, I wouldn't want a man living as my neighbor who would just stand still and meditate as two thugs butchered his wife and children. Such a man is worse scum than the thugs who attack.

There is a middle path that lies between, the path of truth. Use no force greater than necessary in the given circumstances. This then is the famous Oath of Peace made famous not by Boddhidharma, but Steven R. Donaldson the fantasy writer.

It runs in part "Do not harm when words are enough...do not maim when injury is enough, do not kill when maiming is enough...".

Good cops, good soldiers, and good martial artists always follow this creed. But alas, we live in a society where the Natural right to defend oneself from aggressive human predators has been almost totally obliterated by modern governments. Do not fight back, just call the cops, and let the professionals handle it. This kind of stupidity is ominous. Often by the time the government which desires to control every facet of our lives gets to the scene, you or your loved ones are dead. Small comfort that the thugs who put you or your loved ones in their graves are apprehended and punished AFTER THE FACT.

But what is the answer? A gun on every belt? A box of Hand Grenades in every car? How about reducing this craving fear of everything and everybody! Martial arts can help here better than a million dollars worth of psycho-therapy.

How about a real martial arts training in the schools. A real martial art, not a lukewarm watered down nice and sweet claptrap with a smattering of Zen or Taoism as cream on top. The Warrior Path, paradoxically does not lead to wanton violence, but rather effectively eliminates it. But finding a real martial art, instead of a saccharine watered down version that is a total waste of time and money, is not easy! Good luck! Enjoy this film, but remember...it is only fantasy!
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Keeping It Real
blaqrain869 March 2006
I recently had the opportunity to view this movie via DVD screener from one of my friends whom is in the Industry. In consideration of the film's budget, i thought it was a well put together movie. Keep in mind, Jason Yee went from Professional Fighter to Entertainer. Jason being relatively new to the industry, i felt his efforts to achieve such goals need be commended. Thinking from a Martial Arts perspective, I very much enjoyed how he kept the fight scenes in check with reality. both Jason & Kung are True Fighting Warriors that always keep it Real! Now, if your some Hollywood peon judging movies by how much special effects can do it justice? Go watch a Hollywood Jet Li movie or WWF Raw. i enjoyed the movie for what it was & look forward to any upcoming films from Jason. I noticed other comments left by very shallow and closed minded people. if you think on those terms, you need to get together and go Bowling with Simon from American Idol. 85 minutes worth! Always keep it Real! L.A.M.F.F.S.U.T.D.
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Dark Assassin makes me feel as if everybody can be kung fu fighting again!
nico7413 February 2007
Watching Dark Assassin I was enthralled therefore, desiring more information I've watched the DVD extras, "Bonus Features/Making of" and read all that I could find on-line, related to the movie and Jason Yee. Dark Assassin is a very cool, low-budget indie action film. The $80,000 it's a minuscule sum for making a film, especially being shot on film. Comparatively, Hollywood spends millions to make a movie. The story is reality sad but compelling, peppered with surprising humor at times, intelligent twists, the driving element of love and a surprising ending that lets you wanting more. It features the sweet and wise Tony Todd (gotta love him), as the friendly, guiding ghost to Derek Wu in his nightmares. As a bonus, Dark Assassin uses topnotch, real martial arts fighters and champions such as Cung Le, Rudi Ott, Marvin Perry, and Yao Li with real combat skills devoid of wires and silly acrobatics. Camera skills and the post-production tie up the elements to deliver a product that could be a signal for new times in American martial arts movie making and style. Jason Yee who wrote, acted, directed and produced Dark Assassin, pays homage with this film to the 70's and to Bruce Lee, The Master and leading champion, who believed that anybody can be kung fu fighting. We miss you Master! Unlike a Hollywood movie, Dark Assassin is a labor of love for Jason Yee and those who believed in him. It is worth seeing and appreciated for what it has to offer in the present and for the future, while taking in consideration its meager means. By supporting Dark Assassin we might finally see some variation in the world of martial arts movie making, which are a bit stale and repetitive right now. Hurrah!
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Not bad for a low-budget film, is Jason Yee the next action star?
floorplan-furniture17 March 2007
I rented this movie because I was curious who is this, Jason Yee guy on the DVD cover. I wasn't impressed with the movie making until I saw how it was made in the DVD bonus features. An action movie made for $80 Grand!!! That's like the cost for one day of catering on a Hollywood movie. Not bad for first-time film maker, my hats off. Jason Yee did an incredible job considering he produced, wrote, directed & starred!! Who the hell does that?! Maybe Clint Eastwood but, he's a seasoned veteran with millions of dollars. I would love to see Jason Yee in a big budget action movie with a famous director. I hope Hollwood producers are paying attention because he is the next action star, just look at him!
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More of a character drama with a 70's vibe, good for a low budget.
livingspace129 December 2006
I rented this movie last night expecting a typical kung-fu film. I was happy to find it was much more of a character drama. The kung-fu action I was expecting was short but, straight to point, it left you wanting more, you could tell Jason Yee knew what he was doing as I found out later in the DVD extras he is a real kung-fu champion. The film has this cool 70's style vibe which made me feel like I was watching an old school classic. In one fight scene there is an excellent homage to the legendary Bruce Lee. Jason Yee really captured the dragon's fire in that scene. In the DVD extras is the making of 'Dark Assassin' which was cool to find out this film was made for $80,000. Wow! It made me respect the film much more as I expect all action films to cost millions of dollars. Jason Yee could be the next action star he really has what it takes. I can't wait to see his next film.
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obviously a low-budget film, but this film holds together and has heart
nachobusiness21 April 2006
I just watched a screener of this film after a friend who worked on post-production insisted I watch it. I usually don't care for action films but, I heard this was made on a shoe-string budget so, I'm always interested to see what filmmakers can pull off.

I must say, I was pleasantly surprised that there was a story!! A redemption story at that! I was told this was a kung-fu action film but, it seem to be more of a crime/ thriller, with some kung-fu action. Although, it's obviously a low-budget film and has some weak actors, this film holds together and has heart. I actually cared about the main character, and was sad at the end, which is more than I can say for most big-budget action films!! Kudos to Jason Yee, hope he keeps going because he is a star!! Where is he, what's he doing next? Viva, Your Independent Spirit, Jason!! I was looking on IMDb for more info on this film and I was compelled to write this after reading heartless comments left by immature users.
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Dark Assassin
tamaki-s23 November 2006
Finally i was able to see this film. I have been trying to rent it from Blockbuster for the past few weeks and it has always been out. The manager at the local Blockbuster told me its hardly ever on the shelf, he has wanted it for himself. The martial arts in this film is better than that in huge budget productions. No flying wires or special effects, just real deal martial arts. I found it much easier to get into the story because of the credibility that Jason Yee's martial arts portfolio adds to the mix. What these guys did with their limited resources is incredible, and it works! This film is like a metaphor for what many people go through in their everyday life - just trying to get by when it seems like the whole world is against you- you can sympathize with the Derek Wu character. Jason Yee's homage to Bruce Lee shows that he is serious about his work and has respect for a legend. Jason Yee has what it takes to be a legend himself. I can't wait to see his next film. I really enjoyed this one.
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Jason Yee a true star
TimM-4013 June 2006
I thought this movie was a good lesson to all of the viewers that when you mess with Jason Yee, you get "yee" butt kicked. As a lean and muscular man with jet black "Beatles" hair, Jason Yee is truly reminiscent of a young, agile Bruce Lee with far superior acting skills. With a plot line that ultimately lands "Derek Wu" mixing with the wrong crowd after returning from a stint in the slammer, Yee manages to steal the show. You can't help being at the edge of your seat, waiting and wanting more from this savage hero. This movie features more than a handful of well-choreographed fight scenes that leave you asking, "How'd they do that?" He is a man with many talents.

In Dark Assassin, Yee takes on a less familiar roles as Director/Producer. Yet Yee, always surprising, succeeds in all of his roles like a well-oiled veteran.
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Criminally underrated
hassanelkawam17 March 2023
This film for what it is, is a seriously underrated title. Acting is great, casting was awesome and Jason had so much potential. This film made me a fan of Jason and I wish there were more recent titles of him I could watch.

If there were any way at all for me to be involved in fun ambitious projects like this, for me it would be an honour.

Cung Le as the villain was a great join as he played his character very well. Some fight scenes should have been slowed down, I feel they were sped up way too much making a very serious movie, feel oddly comedic which was out of place.

Jason Yee, and Cung Le performs great in all their action scenes in this movie.
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