Penetration Angst (2003) Poster

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Two-joke film falls as flat as the empty clothes...
MrGKB25 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
...left behind when the ostensible heroine's Venus flytrap makes any man whose sexual advances are forced upon her--ahem!--disappear. Fiona "This IS my career!" Horsey is an attractive enough screamqueen ingenué, although I found her acting chops to be suspect. With better direction, and a better vehicle, she might improve. Likely as not, her leading man, Paul "Mine, too!" Conway, never will, proving to be one of the most unlikeable, unattractive love interests I've seen in a film in recent memory. There's some nonsense involving Siamese twins, a frying-pan-to-the-head-obvious hot dog joke, a reasonable amount of bare boobies, production values in the low-budget-to-laughable range, scripting that would make Syd Field cry if he was still alive, acting that by and large only an Ed Wood could love, and camera-work a step above pedestrian. The vagina dentata gimmick might well have made for an interesting horror movie, but "Angst" botches the premise. Strictly for stoned-out viewing, and even then, you could do much better. Sturgeon's Law (or Revelation) still holds.
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Too lengthy for total penetration
Dick-Clark-197012 December 2003
If you are looking for something "leftfield" and not too serious, then this is the film for you. It's not going to win any awards for acting and the script is at times wayward and unnecessary but it's fun nonetheless. I probably would have enjoyed this more if they had cut the running time down to around 60-70 minutes and therefore cutting out chunks that were just padding out the film (the cellar scene and most of the last segment of film in particular). I've given this film 6 out of 10 because for me it wasn't sharp enough at times and it seemed to lose it's way towards the end. Otherwise it's a worthy watch and throws up some memorable scenes.

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A joke that went too long
bbbl6721 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The main premise for this movie is every woman's fantasy: a vagina that kills and eats men. Well at least it is a fantasy for every woman who has ever had a fight against a man. What's that, 99.9999% of women? But don't worry it's not a gory kind of eating of men. It's more like a comical slurping them in, like a drain plug. There's no blood or parts left behind. So for blood, guts & gore fans, forget about this film, not much gore here.

The two main characters of the film are somewhat unrealistic. Helen is a good girl who becomes a prostitute. Meanwhile, Dennis is a nice guy who stalks Helen.

The story is already a little silly at this point, but then they throw in two more equally silly sub-stories that just send this movie into the bad B-movie territory. The first new sub-story is about Dennis finding new love with a pair of conjoined twins; and then eventually murdering one of them, and becoming a fugitive bank-robber. The second new sub-story is about Helen finding new love with a nice policeman who rescued her from a prostitution-related bad date, and decided he wanted to marry her. Dennis and Helen eventually meet up again at the end of movie in totally unbelievable circumstances, and magically Helen's murderous vagina is cured!
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Not a bad's worse
zeter-pan27 July 2004
Am I the only one to think that this is a bad movie?

I admit that horror movies often lack things like a big story or good acting or even good special effects. But the way these deficiencies come together in this movie is surprisingly pitiful.

Miserable story: The idea of a raped vagina that takes revenge by turning into a man eater sounds quite funny, but what the writer made out of it is stupid.

Bad acting: The actors move like marionettes. They play and look like people, who really try hard but completely fail to act.

Bad FX: Especially the explosion of the Van looks unspeakably cheap.

It is surprising that a director who made some nice movies during his carrier changes over to such messy stuff.
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Not Funny.
mcw695729 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
So umm this woman has a vagina that sucks people into it when they umm do it and there's this dude who like follows her around...everywhere....and uhh is umm in love with her and she cant love him back because of her thingy. Well her thingy starts talking to her...sort just says feed me over and over and she tries to feed it hot dogs but that doesn't work because it ummmmm wants fresh meat?!?!!? So this woman heads to the red light district where she picks up tourists but only the really sleazy ones cause I guess they deserve it and after a while this dude comes looking for her and even though shes like right there he doesn't see her so eventually he gets involved with conjoined twins but he only likes one of them cause the other is a real hussy. This isn't bad good like I thought it would be cause like the novelty sort of wears off within the first 1/2 hour and it goes on for another hour. I think it killed off a few brain cells cause I sat through this whole thing and now im a little brain damaged. Either way man this is the worst man-eating vagina movie I have ever seen.
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Wow. This was a waste of 80 mins.
darkoneskip21 April 2019
Idk filmed well ,acting not great but theres no bloody gore 4 or 5 good scenes (not great) and all but one after 58 mins. Man do i hate movies that take 60 mins to have a kill. Its exactly what you expect but does NOT deliver, they tryed to hard to make this film a Hollywood film. 4 stars since it was filmed and edited well.
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The closest American equivalent would be...John Waters?
lemon_magic22 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This was an interesting little off-kilter film that seems to be equal parts heavy handed satire, absurdist fable, and trash cinema exploitation. Think John Waters with dubbing, or David Lynch with a lighter touch and a better sense of humor.

In spite of all the acres of flesh and rampant softcore porn style screwing on display here, this film manages to keep a bit of heart by cleverly casting Fiona Horsey as its lead. Love her or hate her as an actress, you have to admit that Fiona is game for anything in any scene - being sexually assaulted by her boyfriend while pinned in the passenger window of a muscle car, being sexually assaulted by her doctor while he's examining her, being tied to a bed and sexually assaulted by a mark while working as a prostitute, being tied up in a motor home on her honeymoon as crooks steal her vehicle, resignedly killing another mark (or her future father-in-law) in order to feed her 'vagina dentata'...she gives every scene her all, and never seems less than appealing and wholesome, like the girl next store...if the girl next store killed all her sexual partners by pulling them wholesale into her private parts.

It seems to me that the movie is maybe 20 minutes too long and has one too many threads/subplots. Although both the "siamese twin" subplot and the "bank robbery" subplot were twisted and funny, between the two, the movie wore out its welcome before it was finished. Also, many of the scenes themselves are too long by a minute or's as if the director and screenwriter had so many lines they wanted to include and shots they wanted to try out that they couldn't bear to abandon any of them.

More of a miss than a hit, but it does try a lot of things with a lot of enthusiasm and deserves some credit for trying to be different...and almost pulling it off.
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Another Monster to Add to the Annals of Myth and Lore
tmccull5210 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Ladies and gentlemen, the film makers present to you a new creature to add to the venerable stable of movie monsters... the vaginapire. Sort of. Kind of.

Well, the lead female character is actually more along the lines of a Dyson hermetically sealed vacuum cleaner combined with a cannibalistic womb and birth canal. Except for that the men that she becomes sexually involved with somehow physically dis-incorporate, and are molecularly consumed by her lady parts.

Now, if that's not enough to dissuade you from watching this movie, I'm really not sure what would be. If you really want to watch a movie about a woman's vagina that made men disappear, I suppose that "The Hillary Clinton Story" might be a bit more palatable than "Penetration Angst".
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A thoroughly British tale of armed robbery, Siamese twins and a woman with unusual attributes
DVD_Connoisseur31 December 2006
"Penetration Angst" is a low budget British film, made in 2003 by Wolfgang Buld. Until I stumbled across this little gem on the new UK Horror Channel a few years ago, I hadn't even been aware it existed. Now it's been catapulted to the heights of one of my low budget guilty pleasures, an area populated by the likes of "Hot Love", "Bride of Frank", etc.

This is a film that's a fine cocktail of modern horror, comedy and low-brow humour. There are some areas which plough the depths of bad taste - in short, it's thoroughly enjoyable. That's the beauty of the low budget film - no big studios that require satisfaction, just good old independent movie making with a good slice of originality and an eye for the all-night horror convention audience's tastes. Yep, I loved this film. Sat in the comfort of my armchair, I knew from the very start that this was one of those films that showed 2 big fingers to the world of Hollywood horror and instead decided to concentrate on a thoroughly British tale of armed robbery, Siamese twins and a woman with a man-eating vagina.

The star of the movie, Fiona Horsey, is very easy on the eye. In fact, she's a compete babe. A great new talent and hopefully a name to watch out for in the future.

To describe the plot details would spoil the surprises. If you have a chance, grab the film when you can and sit down with friends and a few beers and give it a go. If you're a fan of "Bad Taste", "Bride of Frank" or "Basket Case", I think you'll like this film...a lot.
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Bizarre trip in feminity
universal-soldier27 November 2003
This is not a XXX-porno but it is hard to describe this movie without using words that will be deleted from a censorship. It is a Ken Russelleque movie about every kind of sexual addiction and this is really funny!!! It is horror with a lot of fun, maybe a little bit to long, but what shells? You will see more than three scenes that you will never forget and the actress is beautiful - ACHTUNG! It is very british but nothing for the society of Merchant/Ivory-fans!!!
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Completely stupid - but fun enough - black comedy thriller
The_Void27 March 2007
I saw director Wolfgang Büld's 'Twisted Sisters' not too long ago, and thought it was a decent little twisted flick. This earlier film, however, makes Twisted Sisters look like The Sound of Music - as they don't get much weirder and completely nonsensical than Penetration Angst! The plot obviously takes its main plot point from the idea of a woman's anxiety when it comes to having sex for the first time. It could be said that this is a 'feminist' film, although personally I very much doubt that was on the director's mind...even if he does seem to have a thing men faring badly when it comes to sex (judging by the two films I've seen from him). The plot focuses on a young lady named Helen. Helen is raped one night in a car, and is surprised when her attacker disappears! It soon transpires that he has, in fact, disappeared into her; and Helen then finds herself with an insatiable thirst for men. Meanwhile, a man named Dennis, whom Helen knows, begins dating a Siamese twin...a love story with disastrous consequences.

If there's one thing that can definitely be said about this film, it's that it makes you think about things you'd never normally think about! The thought of the implications and logistics of having sex with Siamese twins never entered my head before seeing this film! There's a heavy dose of humour, and the director seems to really enjoy throwing in a barrage of ridiculous ideas. The acting is mostly atrocious, and the dubbing is even worse; but clearly the star of the show is the plot, which is always enough of a distraction. As if a (literally) hungry vagina isn't enough of a silly reason for a film; the other plot line, while somewhat more possible, is no less stupid! There are a couple of decent scenes in the movie, and one of them involves Siamese twins and an electric knife! The film isn't really all that gory, but there's plenty of slutty women and whatnot. It all boils down to a conclusion that (somehow) manages to bring everything together, and while this is the sort of film that will very much divide opinion; I'd recommend it to anyone that doesn't mind incoherency and ridiculousness so long as there's fun to be had.
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Enter at your own risk!
BA_Harrison30 December 2011
A traumatic childhood experience has left attractive brunette Helen (Fiona Horsey) with serious intimacy issues, but matters are made much worse when she is raped by her boyfriend and finds that she possesses the sexual equivalent of the Bermuda Triangle between her legs—any man who dares venture near her voracious vagina vanishes without trace! After a catastrophic visit to the gynaecologist that sees her cooch claim another victim, the distraught Helen leaves for London, with concerned love-struck loser Dennis (Paul Conway) in hot pursuit.

Not content with Penetration Angst simply exploring the age-old vagina dentata myth, writer/director Wolfgang Büld also sees fit to add several equally bizarre subplots, including Dennis's awkward relationship with Siamese twin Sylvia (Amy Steel), and a pub stripper planning an armed robbery on the Isle of Wight; the result is a chaotic, darkly humorous film full of violence and nudity (with Horsey spending much of her time naked) that delivers messed-up madness by the bucket-load, but which tries a touch too hard to accommodate every twisted idea that Büld could come up with.

At 102 minutes long, the film ultimately outstays its welcome (it could do with being at least fifteen minutes shorter) but not before delivering such delightfully deranged moments as Dennis accidentally shagging Sylvia's sister and separating the girls with an electric bread-knife, a man pulled tongue first into Helen's insatiable snatch (which moans 'Feeed meee' just like Audrey II in The Little Shop of Horrors), a newlywed Helen being humped by her father-in-law (with inevitable results), and Dennis applying yogurt to his sun-burnt bell-end.
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Funny weird, funny 'ha ha'
call_for_help31 October 2003
Good movie. Damn good movie.

Watched Wolfgang Buld's 'Punk in London' years ago and loved it so I thought I'd watch his newest movie. I was completely surprised by the difference between the two (in hindsight there is a gap of over 25 years!)

Penetration Angst is three movies in one. It's a gorefest (I think a certain surgeon in Hong Kong watched this film before separating the siamese twins this year!), a black comedy (don't go looking for food in bins!) and British crime caper in a mobile caravan!

Rumour has it that the same production team has just finished filming a new film called 'Lovesick' - can't wait to see it!
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British Black-Comedy About The Pitfalls Of The Vagina...
EVOL66627 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
PENETRATION ANGST is a far different film than what I was initially expecting. I was aware that the film was a black-comedy, but was expecting some sort of sleazy bloodbath based on what a few others have described. Though it's a bit disappointing that I didn't get the gore-fest that I was hoping for - instead I got a pretty well-made and ambitious low-budget film that is as odd as it is genuinely funny in parts.

The story surrounds Helen, a young lady who is traumatized by a childhood experience that she witnessed that has made her extremely wary about having sex. That, and the fact that whenever she DOES get laid, her puss sucks up any man who dare "enter" her, which leaves her with an insatiable hunger to bed and "retain" more men. Helen is pursued by a nerdy, bookish chap named Dennis whose advances Helen constantly denies. The two lose touch over an eight month period, after Helen turns to prostitution to feed her "cravings", and Dennis begins dating one half of a pair of Siamese twins - though Dennis never really gives up his search or his love for Helen, and the pairs lives often cross paths, unbeknownst to either of them. Things go nuts when Dennis' relationship with the twin ends in bizarre and tragic fashion - but Dennis and Helen are destined to eventually cross paths once and for all, after a botched bank-robbery involving Dennis and a stripper unknowingly throws the thieves together with Helen and her new husband...

I gotta say that for the most part, I got a kick out of PENETRATION ANGST. The storyline, though not entirely original, is quite a bit more engaging then your typical low-budget SOV film, and shows a lot of "heart" and ingenuity from director Wolfgang Buld. Part horror-film, part pitch-black comedy, part love-story - the film is able to pull of all of these elements surprisingly well. Lead actress Fiona Horsey (Helen) is also quite hot and has several nude scenes, so I'm not complaining about that either. She and the other actors/actresses all handle their roles well and show a lot more talent than would be expected from a film of this nature. My only real gripe is that the pacing starts to let up a bit towards the last third or so of the film, and feels a little "forced" towards the end. Regardless, I think fans of more "underground" and bizarre cinema will probably have a good time with this one. I've had PENETRATION ANGST in my possession for quite a while now and never bothered to give it a look, but now I'm interested in checking out Buld's other works, which I hear are equally as engaging...7.5/10
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extraordinary film
christopher-underwood5 December 2008
A quite extraordinary film about a young woman who discovers that after having sex with her men dissolve within her leaving just a pile of clothing. This is very low budget and the actors struggle a little with a sometimes awkward script but had this bold film been made say by a big budget Japanese company it would have been virtually unwatchable. Here Wolfgang also mixes in humour and so again the otherwise very bleak tale is lightened somewhat. I didn't like the way the male lead performed but imagine this was at the instigation of the director who wanted the portrayal to be of a 'sensitive' male. Unfortunately Wolfgang seems to confuse' sensitivity' with being moronic and when the character speaks of picking flowers in the park with such a spooky voice we sense true craziness. Some great moments and overall a slice of something very different.
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This will be the definitive cult movie!
pofc6 August 2003
You want blood, gore, humour, guns, explosions and false moustaches? Then this is the film for you! Wolfgang Buld directs this tour-de-force with blistering pace and with very dark humour.

I was lucky enough to see this film on the big screen, and the DVD promises so much more with the usual suspects of behind the scenes documentary, gallery and interviews.

Filmed on location on the Isle of Wight and London in 2002, Penetration Angst is a delightfully dark look into relationships, freaks, German tourists and Ford Capris! This is a wonderful film that should be given pride of place between 'Citizen Kane', 'The Godfather' and 'Weekend at Bernies'!

Buy it before it is banned!
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some sex and no gore
andrabem-127 September 2013
"Penetration Angst" is a very low-budget film directed by Wolfgang Büld. It has a promising story – there's a beautiful girl with a carnivorous vagina. She lives in London, her name is Helen (Fiona Horsey), and her good looks transform her into a lethal weapon – her way is strewn with corpses and blood. Some people will think that "Penetration Angst" is a carnival of sleaze and gore, but nothing of the sort. Fiona Horsey is very easy on the eyes, all along the film she's seen wearing scanty clothes, and some bits of nudity (body parts) are shown and that's that. As to gore, no, no, nothing - we see just the remaining clothes, the owner has disappeared. There was not enough money for the special effects. Anyway, in what concerns sex, one can't say the film is not erotic – Fiona Horsey and, sometimes other girls, take care of that.

I think that "Penetration Angst" was inspired by "Baby Blood"(France, 1990), only "Baby Blood" is a much better film. It tells the story of a pretty woman that works in a circus – one night when she's sleeping she's penetrated by a weird snake. From then on, she carries within her an alien being that will demand blood and more blood. So she will attract men to their doom – she seduces them with her beauty and she kills them. She needs blood to keep her creature alive. This is not done of her free will – her alien baby has a hold on her.

Wolfgang Büld adapted the story and transformed the "alien baby" into a carnivorous vagina – not a bad idea at all! If he had developed more his ideas and there had been more freedom (the film was made in the UK and had to be approved by the BBFC), then maybe he could have given us a genre masterpiece. As it is, the film is entertaining, with some touches of comedy, the girls are pretty and the story is ridiculous as it should be.
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Surprisingly good
TdSmth518 January 2007
Good European horror B-movie. And apparently in Britain you get more for your movie-making buck. The gore effects are pretty good, there's a lot of filming on location on an island, on the streets of London. That's always a nice deviation from the annoying in-studio filming. I have no problem with the acting. Fiona in particular does a great job, considering the outrageous things she's asked to do. She's cute and seems like a fun girl who's up for anything. Most importantly, the script is excellent. You'll see things here that you'll never see in an American movie and it's quite creepy and there are a lot of surprises. But it's not perverse or mean-spirited. In fact, there could have been more nudity. If you're looking for something different than the typical sanitized PG-13 horror, or orgies of fake-blood, this is a movie worth seeing.
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nogodnomasters10 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Wow. Interesting quirky film -- disturbing in spots.

This was filmed in England with some kind of video equipment -- which means obviously that this was never meant to be a film. For me, this was not a real problem, but I have read where others have been disturbed by it.

The disturbing aspect of this "film" for me was not the woman whose vagina inexplicably causes men to disappear but the appearance, and ultimate end, of two twins who are joined at the shoulder. The end credits reveal that these are actual sisters in real life and not Siamese twins. This combination of two joined sisters with different personalities has nothing to do with the main plot -- except for the overlapping of one male character; he becomes involved with the nicer and quieter of the two twins, only to end up having sex with the nasty, aggressive sister who interjects her body parts at the wrong moment in the semi-darkness. Curious and quite different "film."

Lines between what is good and what is bad behavior become blurred at the end, at least with regards to two of the main characters. And does the girl with over-active vagina continue to have this condition, or will she end up killing her boyfriend who has been -- or has tried to be -- protective of her since the beginning.

If you like something that is a little different and a little kinky without being overly revealing, give this DVD a shot.
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