S.I.C.K. Serial Insane Clown Killer (Video 2003) Poster

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S.E.R.I.O.U.S.L.Y. S.T.U.P.I.D.
capkronos24 February 2004
Lucky me. I got a sneak peak at this pathetic little shot-in-Texas 'horror' flick from Artisan Entertainment a week before it hit video store shelves and, let me tell you, I've rarely laughed so hard in my life! This is so bad it easily steals the title of 'Worst Killer Clown Movie' from the insufferably stupid Full Moon fiasco KILLJOY. From all indications, this was shot on DV and it doesn't really 'look' all that bad quality-wise for digital, but boy does it ever fail miserably in every other area where it counts!

The story (slight and cliche as it is) goes as follows... An extremely douchey executive (Ken Hebert, who also scripted and co-produced with the director) takes skeptical co-worker Tracy (Amanda Watson) and horny married couple Mark and Susan (Hank Fields and Chris Bruck) along on a weekend getaway to a secluded cabin '12 miles' from the nearest town. On the way there, they pick up a bitchy/slutty hitchhiker (Melissa Bale) in a bar and end up at their destination where a nightly campfire tale about a murderous clown stalking the very same wooded area comes true when each of the foul-mouthed, pot-smokin' 'friends' disappears one-by-one, with only mutilated doll parts left behind to tell the tale of their fates.

The killer clown doesn't even show up in the film until near the end and it looks nothing like the demonic depiction of it on the video box aside from being morbidly obese. It basically spends an hour prancing around in the woods, chopping up wood and blabbing nursery rhymes. I cannot say enough bad things about the cast, especially the two guys and the hitchhiker chick, who either deliver their insipid dialogue with a bare minimum of enthusiasm or overact at the most inappropriate times. Doesn't really help that the dialogue is awful. I could go on for days on how inept this film is, how many continuity errors there are, how many pointless nature / animal shots are hilariously cut in at the strangest times and how amateurish the whole production is, but I'll just sign off by pointing out the whole package is quite a laugh riot in that Boy-This-Sucks kind of way.

Also noting that the film has been released here in the US as S.I.C.K. (SERIAL INSANE CLOWN KILLER). It's currently catalogued under its (original title) of GRIM WEEKEND.

Score: 1 out of 10
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This movie makes From Justin to Kelly look Oscar-worthy
islanos16 April 2005
This was, so far, the worst movie I have seen in my entire life, and I have seen some REALLY bad movies. I saw this movie at my local video store, and the cover looked like it could be a decent horror movie. Little did I know that the cover would be the best part of the movie. Where to start? The filming of the movie was scattered and boring. At one point, there is a one-minute scene of no one talking, just a car driving to a ranch on a normal sunny day. Nothing happened, they just drove in silence. The whole movie is boring, with annoying, unbelievable dialogue and basically no plot to speak of. If you rent this movie, watch it with some friends and it might make a good comedy. Otherwise, when you see this movie, run.
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there are no words
cwilliams47-125 May 2009
If this film was a comedy, I would have given it a 10. Oh my, where do I begin? Put it this way -- I've seen lots of terrible horror films, but this one makes Troll 2 look like freakin' Saving Private Ryan. It's as if a group of porn filmmakers decided to make a horror film, changed their mind in midproduction and decided to do a comedy, then went back to horror, and then decided that they should have just stuck with porno (softcore at that). Everything about this film is simply terrible: the musical score (someone shoot the guy who invented the Yamaha keyboard), the script, the directing, the cinematography, the acting. There simply are no words to describe this. Oh wait, yes there are: Holy $*%!.
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This one's as 'grim' as they come...
RareSlashersReviewed11 February 2004
I found Grim Weekend's colourful cover at my local Blockbuster Video and was intrigued as to what kind of movie it actually was. I checked with the IMDB and no one had yet posted a review, but thankfully there was a link to the film's official site, which included a small preview. From the clip I gathered that it didn't include the most talented cast in the world, but it looked plausibly tight and brimming with suspense! Believe me, if you've seen it you'll understand where I'm coming from. Keeping in mind the trailer is only two minutes long and the movie is over eighty, it's not always overly conclusive as to what's in store for you when you finally watch. I had a good feeling about this one though and went ahead and bought an ex-rental copy anyway. This is listed on most websites as a TV movie, but judging by some of the bad language – the C word, no less – I found the idea of that rather questionable. It looks more to me like a typical direct to video effort, but who am I to argue?

In the opening we see a point of view murder that proves Director Bob Willems is a big fan of Halloween and is paying his homage (or completely ripping it off? Whatever you want to call it!). An adulterous wife, or girlfriend (actually we never find out who she is and this scene has NOTHING to do with the rest of the movie!) is on the phone when someone creeps up and stabs her in the stomach. As she recoils from the wound she asks ‘what did you do', which I actually found pretty amusing! I kept expecting the killer to reply ‘what do you think I did dummy'; but the scriptwriter instead decided to try to keep things creepy… Next up we meet Brandon Walker (Ken Hebert), an office executive that's planning a weekend getaway to a remote cabin out in the woods. It'd be a pretty boring movie if he went alone, so we are soon introduced to his date Tracy (Amanda Watson) and their friends Susan (Chris Bruck) and Mark (Hank Fields). Whilst on the long journey to the previously abandoned house, they meet Diane (Melissa Bale) in a bar and she soon joins the troupe of merry campers. After they have arrived and night falls, the group sit round a fire and tell ghost stories – so far so Friday the 13th -, but we see that they are being watched by an ominous presence. The next morning when everyone wakes up, Susan has disappeared and someone has filled the area with bizarre mutilated dolls. Before long they are stranded with only a ruthless killer clown for company!

Grim Weekend is a prime example of a movie putting most of the good bits into the trailer, leaving about an hour and a half of screen time totally devoid of anything redeeming. There are only three, yes THREE on screen murders in the whole film. The first is about two minutes into the feature and the next over an hour after. They're all mostly bloodless and instantly forgettable, which makes me wonder why the BBFC rated this as an 18. The killer clown is especially obnoxious, spending most of his time singing nursery rhymes or chopping wood for what seems like an eternity before he finally gets to terrorising the campers. The performances are as horrible as you can possibly imagine and the characters are mostly unsympathetic and flat. Mark finds a gutted victim lying in the woodland struggling for breath and makes no attempt to comfort or help him. He just looks at him completely emotionlessly and then wanders off leaving him to die (?). The most likeable character of the bunch was Denise the under acted slut and I'm sure that she was meant to be the little bitch that the audience hates! I couldn't help but find myself rooting for her instead of the plain Jane that was meant to grab the viewer's vote of sympathy. When the gang enter a bar early on in the movie, they meet a prostitute called Sophia (Jamie Hartzog), who in a few lines proves to be far more attractive and talented than any of the other lame ‘actors' that plague the screen throughout. Why couldn't she have played a bigger part?

Thankfully it doesn't suffer from a lack of lighting like so many of its counterparts and the director manages a fair few decent shots. Admittedly the ending was quite unexpected, owing a sly nod perhaps to The Texas chainsaw Massacre without over using the influence. Finding strange dolls around the house started as a fairly macabre touch, but the idea gets tired very quickly, which sadly the crew failed to notice. It was a brave attempt by the director to try and extract fear without using many murders or too much gore. However an extreme lack of momentum and no apparent filling leaves Grim Weekend ultimately looking like a hollow and empty shell. The director opens the usual bag of slasher platitudes including a silly point of view shot through a clown mask; nevertheless his inexperience is far too glaring to gain any merit out of them and he doesn't even try to add anything new to the formula. I bought this on the same day that I got the 25th anniversary Halloween DVD. Watching the special features, I noticed that John Carpenter took Halloween to someone from 20th Centaury Fox without it's excellent score and surprisingly they said that ‘it just wasn't scary'. The amusing thing was, what the hell did the producers think was frightening about this rubbish? It makes you wonder about a few films, doesn't it! There really is very little to recommend about this lazy and flat lined effort. It's tedious, poorly constructed and incredibly unatmospheric. Next time I get something like this, I think I'll keep my expectations a little lower.
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The movie is bad
moliczka-117 October 2005
S.I.C.K. really stands for So Incredibly Crappy i Killed myself. There was absolutely no acting to speak of. The best part of the whole production was the art work on the cover of the box.The budgeting of this movie was sufficient. The filming was sub sesame street. The production looks like that of the underground filming for mob hits. The props used in this movie were stolen from a clothing store. The ending was so predictable you should fast forward to the last 5 minutes and laugh. If there is a book out there for this movie I'm sure it's better. I would avoid this at all costs. I did enjoy the intimate scenes they made the whole movie worth it. just kidding.
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Too funny to be scary
bfcat28 February 2005
Me and a group of friends rent horrible videos to laugh at them, trust me it has lead to some horribly spent money but also some great laughs. S.I.C.K. is one of the better horror-but-funny movie we've rented. The plot is over-done, the whole take your friends into the woods and never return thing is very old. The goriest part of the movie looks like your visiting the local butcher shop except a little dirtier and with blood on the play dough looking meat. And if anyone has ever been scared of this movie at any time they should stick to Cartoon Network for the rest of their life, it's pathetic. The good aspects of the movie are that the two girls in it are reasonably hot, one better then the other and you see them both naked during the movie. The other good aspect is that this movie is so bad at times that you will laugh till you cry. I don't like watching horrible acting or renting these horrible videos, I don't find that fun but seeing the amount of effort these people put into it and still come out so bad is hilarious and worth renting.Unless you are too mature to laugh at someone's downfalls I would recommend it.

If your renting/buying it to laugh at it I'd give it an 8.5.
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*POSSIBLE SPOILERS* The "S" actually stands for STUPID!
cdlemere9 April 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Please do not let the cover of this movie fool you. And if you're looking for a cheap horror movie to laugh at: this isn't it. Usually I will go for stupid if it's funny, but this stupid was so stupid it almost (or possibly did) make me stupid.

The film quality is better than a handheld, but not by much, and it's quite possible the music was created by pressing the Samba 2 key on a Casio keyboard. These problems should never really be a deterent from seeing a horror movie but add this amazing (weep) cast, and you have a real humdinger.

The story is about a guy who invites his friends up to his family cabin in Texas for the weekend. He also extends the invitation to his lady crush in his office. On the way there they meet a female in distress, who is then invited to come along by the other girls.

The stay at the cabin includes sex and nudity and soon everyone's panties are in a bunch when one girl disappears and odd items turn up in the house.

From there you (the audience) and the morons, um, actors, try to figure out what's going on and they soon begin to distrust one another. Overall I think I have made it sound better than it is. The main struggle with this movie is that the characters are very underdeveloped, the plot contrived, the acting bad and the motivations clueless. Once more this could be forgiveable it it was the least bit funny but alas, it is not.

The twist ending is only a twist in that no one would guess it simply because if you really thought back through the movie it would not have made sense anyway. Please don't let this review stop you from seeing the shear wonderment of this movie. (Woah, my nose just grew eight inches.)
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thilges9318 February 2004
This movie is actually called S.I.C.K. I watched this movie last night and it is worthless, terrible acting, terrible plot, terrible directing. If you see this in the video store do not rent it, you will be sorry. This movie isn't worth watching for free. Absolute crap 1/10.
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Breathtaking motion picture that deserves a place in the all time top ten....
Serial-Shagger5 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
First there was the Godfather....then came Star Wars, Apocalypse Now, Angel Heart, Goodfellas, Pulp Fiction and True Romance......Now we have a new masterpiece to sit amongst those classics from the peerlessly talented Bob Williams.

Well what else can I say? Amazing is the first word that springs to mind. All credit to the fabulous Ken Hebet, who effortlessly made method maestro Mickey Rourke look unconvincing with his powerful heartfelt performance. The actor that played the killer had obviously studied the cases of Ted Bundy, Peter Sutcliffe and all the notorious serial killers of recent years. I enjoyed Christian Bale's tremendous turn as a misunderstood psychopath in American Psycho. However this guy left Bail trailing in his wake. The way that he sung those eerie nursery rhymes and chopped wood has haunted my dreams ever since. I have not slept a wink in the days that have followed my viewing of this chef d'oeuvre. I have turned at every creek in the floorboards and have been literally terrified that the clown will come for me. I will certainly turn down any invitations to woodland cabins from mysterious work colleagues. The final twist had me chewing my fingernails to the bone. I almost had only stumps left after my gnashing marathon.

I am glad that I rented Grim Weekend. It now sits comfortably on my shelf amongst the aforementioned classics and other brilliant motion pictures like Zombi 3, The Blazing Ninja, Ballad of a Gunfighter and Motor Home Massacre.

One word summary... awe inspiring.
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K_vas261-120 July 2008
I don't know what you guys are talking about, the first time I watched this movie with two of my friends we couldn't stop crying. This is one of the funniest shits I've ever seen. That comment about the porn is so right though hahahaha.

Yeah this movie actually is the worse, but it did bring tears to my eyes due to the phony characters, poor dialog and acting. Not to mention the expensive cameras they used to film it?! It looks like one of those movies out of my drivers ed. class. The props look like they came out of a high school drama show. The music sounds like it is from an original Nintendo system game. The only thing that even came close the scaring me about this movie was that it had a killer clown which, who isn't creeped out by fat, lurking clowns? hahaha if someone were to ever watch this though, they need to look out for the actors verbal errors like lisping on words and some of their facial expressions. hahahaha I died.

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Are you Kidding
therman0771 November 2006
I watched this movie a few days ago and I don't even know where to begin... how this movie got past production is beyond me. Who in there right mind didn't stop these people who made this? How did the people that made this think these ideas were original or scary? Here are some of the classic punchlines and clichés from the movie. One of my favorites is when the car doesn't work as they are finally trying to escape. How about the choice of the scary woods setting and the crazy killer obese clown. All signs of this smart movie making. I also enjoyed how the film was shot in the daylight for every scene. Who likes it to be dark in a scary movie were people are being killed...o wait, only 2 people die in the entire movie anyway. I guess I can't be picky though considering the movie was shot with a camera one can pick up from walmart, so they did a good job with the resources they had. The acting is unbelievably sub par. Must have been the first movie for most of them. Then again anyone would look stupid trying to pull of saying some of the lines in this dialogue with a straight face, so I give them some credit. Luckily i didn't have nightmares of that psycho clown or his goolish hideout. The signing of children's nursery rhymes really pushed him over the top as far as scariness. The twist ending also implies that some forms of incest were occurring throughout the movie. so i guess thats cool now. They also do well with the dolls in places such as the fridge, who would have ever thought. I could goon for much longer. I do recommend the movie if your bored and in need of some laughs. "What did you do"
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Absolutely genius
timbryant991 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This movie absolutely left me wanting more. I thought the opening sequence with the blonde woman (whose robe was wide open) was totally a clever way to get the action moving and help foreshadow the rest of the film. The characters were all very believable as friends as well, although it appeared that even though Mark and Brandon were friends enough to go away camping together for the weekend, Brandon still had no clue how Mark met his wife. Tracey and Brandon also had great chemistry as well, and even though Brandon had sex with Denise in the middle of the same night he had sex with Tracey previously, I was totally rooting for Brandon and Tracey to get together. I could totally feel the anguish and the confusion Mark felt as he looked for his wife in the woods as well, and when he had sex with Denise on that very same expedition, I knew I was watching something truly special unfold. Whilst Densise and Mark engaged in a brief respite from searching for Susan(whom they feared missing) and had sexual intercourse on the ground, I found the wood chopping scenes, taking place at the same time, very chilling. Nothing made me gasp in fear more though than when the killer clown bellowed aloud in the woods, then appeared at the door to the house and yelled "welcome to hell (expletives)!". Very genius interchange between characters indeed. In the end, I found this movie a true cinematic work of art, filled with plot twists and suspense aplenty.
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hiei22929 October 2020
So I rented this back in 2006 and I stumbled upon it again recently and wanted to write a review.

let me go over something. I love awful so bad they are good movie. I can't get enough of em. This does not fall under that category. its just plain awful. The acting is bad. Cinematography is bad. Its all just bad. The only reason me and my friends watched the entire thing was because we had payed for it
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Concord00721 September 2004
I have lurked on IMDb for years since I never felt motivated enough to go thru the registration process in order to comment on movies. Last night my wife and I rented S.I.C.K. in keeping with a tradition of watching bad horror movies when there isn't anything else to watch. As you can see I finally felt strongly enough to register. Every movie seems to have at least *something* that you can point to that isn't a complete loss. This movie has nothing. As my title suggests - it is EXCREMENT. Totally laughable. Some high (or is it low?) lights: * The husband running from the clown. He looked like he was holding up an imaginary skirt to keep it dry as he ran. The clown walked and still caught up with him. * A "horrible" scream occurs, then we see several scenes of the forest as a reaction to the scream. One is of a pair of unconcerned deer obviously in a zoo somewhere but edited in as though they were in the same forest. * A clown killer just appears in the story - no back story to explain where he came from or his relation to the main story * Some mutilated dude is discovered in a tent in the forest. No explanation of who he is either - and he's just left to rot by the husband! * So you don't have the budget to shoot anywhere cool? Fine - use no wide shots. I think this may have been done in a Texas suburb.

Actors that can't act AT ALL. A director that couldn't compete with grade school children in directing. Music? The person that gave the idea about holding down the Samba 2 key had it pretty on target. Dialog? Vomit.

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Macheesesteak25 February 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers ahead if you want to call them that...

I would almost recommend this film just so people can truly see a 1/10. Where to begin, we'll start from the top...

THE STORY: Don't believe the premise - the movie has nothing to do with abandoned cars, and people finially understanding what the mysterious happenings are. It's a draub, basic, go to cabin movie with no intensity or "effort".

THE SCREENPLAY: I usually give credit to indie screenwriters, it's hard work when you are starting out...but this is crap. The story is flat - it leaves you emotionless the entire movie. The dialogue is extremely weak and predictable boasting lines of "Woah, you totally freaked me out" and "I was wondering if you'd uh...if you'd like to..uh, would you come to the cabin with me?". It makes me want to rip out all my hair, one strand at a time and feed it to myself.

THE CHARACTERS: HOLY CRAP!!!! Some have described the characters as flat, I want to take it one step further and say that they actually have a reverse character arch.. They actually start working on a parallel universe and almost start acting backwards...

THE ACTORS: Worse than the characters are the actors. They take already poor written characters and add in terrible high school drama acting. The "Woah you totally freaked me out" was said so monotone and slow - like it was dumbed down. I could complain for hours on the actors alone.

TECHNICAL: LIGHTING: An eight year old would be disappointed with lighting on this movie. Too shadowy in areas, too bleached in others. The director shouldn't use light as an emotion until he learns how to light a basic scene properly. Baby Steps! SOUND: How many sound guys does it take to make a really shotty sounding movie? 9. With that many sound guys this should sound amazing but quite the opposite has occured. There is one scene in particular that really sticks out, these guys are driving in a car and the sound of the car changes with every camera angle....WEAK! CAMERA: Learn to use it.

Anyway, I'm running out of complaining space.....rent it - I dare you...Rent it and learn from it...give it a 1 rating..it deserves it.

Signing off... Amanda Christmas
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Low-budget horror at it's lowest.
Ky-D17 March 2005
I can't find a good reason why this picture was made. Everything about reeks of non-talent and amateurish effort.

I feel it is a waste of time to divulge the plot, but here goes: some unlikable guy invites a bunch of unlikable friends to go to a family cabin in the woods. They pick up a drifter girl along the way who is obvious form the start not a stable human being. Bad things happen, nuff said.

The film starts out with a murder that never ties into the reminder of the film and everything is down hill from there. Early attempts at some sporadic and unfunny humor fall flat and are (thankfully) not repeated. The introduction of the killer is limply presented (why the hell is he dressed like a clown for anyways?) and most of the film's short running time is loaded with the characters yelling at each other. Not fun.

There is some gore and a couple sex scenes (they account for the 2 rating instead of a 1), but given the weakness of the whole production they are really a moot point. And don't even get me going about the 'twist' ending.

A poor product with little or no entertainment value for even the most rapid horror fans.

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Tikkin8 June 2006
God knows I've seen some awful horror films in my time but this really is the worst of the worst! I can't even begin to describe how awful it is, but I'll try. First off, the acting is dreadful. Not the worst in the world, but still dreadful. One of the strangest things is that one of the guys in this film actually looks like Ash from The Evil Dead. Perhaps this was deliberate, I don't know. About half an hour into the film and there's still no blood or gore, just loads of stupid dolls found in beds and trees. Seeing the characters arguing and whining was starting to annoy me, so I decided I'd had enough and switched the DVD off. This was obviously a no-budget film, but that's no excuse for how awful it is. It reminded me slightly of another no-budget clown film called Camp Blood, which despite it's flaws is actually entertaining.

No one should have to sit through this pile of crap, so unless you want to torture yourself or your friends, don't bother.
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a little less than OK...
jlwqqqq6 September 2006
OK i own this DVD i got it new at amazon... i mean i think its badass and a pretty cool flick and melissa bale the slutty/bitchy girl they pick up is hot as hell ..., the acting sucks and the whole polt just sucks the clown is some huge guy wearing a mask and its disgusting but its OK i wouldn't recommend it if like u wanted to rent a good entertaining flick after a hard days work but if u have nothing else to do and ur obbsessed with this stupid movies like i am, watch it sometime, and i do not know how artisan DVD has S.I.C.K. in its DVD collection , s.i.c.k. is not good enough to be owned by a half way decent movie company OK well thats all
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K_vas26112 February 2006
Well...overall, this movie was pretty much worthless, and it's basically a horror movie that ended up being more of a comedy. I just rented this movie last night when me and my friends went to blockbuster looking for a scary movie. This definitely wasn't what we were looking for, but it satisfied us for humor. The actors in this movie (especially Brandon) are so fake that it's funny. And especially that Tracy girl whenever she's in the boarded up room telling the clown to go away. They show almost no emotion and it's just so obvious that they're acting. And also when the clown is looking through that black box paper thing and grabs Mark, he doesn't even look like he's scared even though the clown like grabbed him and started attacking him. And seriously, would you just be JOGGING if you were being chased down? I'd be sprinting for my life! (Even though anyone could probably outrun that clown because he's like 300 lbs.) Not to mention that the effects aren't that great, like whenever the clown chops off Susan's head in the forest, then whenever he throws her head into the boarded up room with Denise and Tracy whenever Denise throws the head back over. Also like in the previous guy's comment, the beginning makes absolutely NO sense and I don't even see why it was even included in the movie. So what, was this movie made in 2003? The music made it sound like it was made in like the 1980's, and the camera-ing(?) doesn't even really look professional. Half of the time, it seems like the camera can't even stay steady when it's suppose to be. Overall, I'd have to say I enjoyed the movie. I wouldn't recommend it though if you're trying to find something to scare you, but if you're looking for something to maybe make fun of or get a laugh out of, I'd recommend it for sure.
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but seriously, it's butt slappin' hilarious
ianmutimer10 October 2006
It seems to me that many people think that this movie is somewhat a B-movie and is not of a high standard, my response is after a few beers, i've never seen such a 'so bad it's funny movie'. My friend and I unfortunately came across it late one night while flickin' through cable and found this piece of poopy, luckily enough the overacting at inappropriate moments cracked us up enough (3 stars for accidental comedy) to keep watching until the bitter end. Supposedly about a bunch of 'friends' going away together to relax at a 'cabin in the woods'. Only they experience a few issues which may or may not have been self induced: A girl they randomly pick up at a bar who isn't the kinda girl you'd wanna take home to meet the folks (she's a hoe), she likes to stir situations, have sex with people and act badly, OK all of them like to do the last one. Some of them get themselves killed by a rather chubby clown with some kind of breathing problem who, despite his weight issues, can shift pretty quickly when he wants to, but most of the time he walks around the woods singing nursery rhymes and chopping wood, just like any other clown really. Though, i guess his obesity problems have affected his eyesight somewhat, as occasionally he chops people instead of wood.

The dumbest parts are as follows: >after a guy stabs a woman, she observes the wound and replies 'what did you do?' >I figured out that for a real job, Brandon must be a car salesman, due to his annoying cheesy voice >one of the girls is complaining about marriage, the other one asks 'if you could take it back, would you?' and she replies 'wow, i never thought about it like that', what a genius >they are supposed to be friends but often they shout profanity at the most tranquil moments, like they all have turrets or something? >the use of a church organ for tension was as effective as 7 morris dancers >when they discover a few barbie dolls in the fridge they take it in turns to say 'what the hell?' and 'what the fu@!?' >the sentence 'we are 12 miles from civilisation!' is said as if they are 1000 miles away in a tropical rain forest or something, not in some detached surburban house in Texas >when the guy's wife goes missing he states 'we need to find wife now!' and Brandon ingeniously replies 'whats wrong?' and he answers 'this is whats wrong' and he shows a barbie doll's head?! >there are lot of unexplained dinosaur noises in the woods >a girl screams when she sees barbie dolls legs attached to tree with duct tape, ooo scary! >when the guy is out looking for his wife, he is so concerned that he gets jiggy with the slutty/mentally unstable hitcher in the woods >when they try to escape in the car, it doesn't start as, guess what's in there? that's right - 2 barbie dolls, my guess is the blond hair must have become tangled in the carburetor >Brandon suddenly remembers his uncle has a CB, the girl replies with 'great i'll check the kitchen' huh?! >the scariest scene involves the lard-ass clown walking after a young fit man who is sprinting to the sound of violins, it still remains a mystery as how he caught him so quickly and why the heck the 'terrifying' clown was wearing a clean white t-shirt?!

Once is enough to view this 'movie', there is no justified reason why i have watched it twice...but anyway before viewing please do yourself a favor - get drunk with some friends, or you could use your time more wisely acting out this movie yourself by simply getting a large friend to sing nursery rhymes while walking after you, and you can shout obscene words at your own friends at random moments.
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s.i.c.k = s.u.c.k.s.
KHayes66631 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
What did I just watch? I spent 90 minutes of my precious life watching one of the dumbest movies I've ever seen. The concept of a serial killer clown is actually quite scary seeing is there are a lot of people who are afraid of clowns....but having it be a 300 pound nursery rhyme reciting killer clown makes a mockery of the genre. I still am wondering how the character Mark wasn't able to run away from the Clown...he's 300 pounds, he's gotta get tired eventually. The whole ending made me get up and literally say aloud "What did I just watch?" Apparently Brandon is Denise's cousin.... and they had got it on near the middle of the movie meaning he had sex with his cousin.....yeah that's something people want so see *shudders*.

Another thing I found hilariously stupid was the opening scene where the clown stabs a woman and she says "What did you do?" Well bytch, what do you think he just did? The last thing that was stupidly funny was one second the main character was slapping the hitch-hiker and calling her a c*nt and then 5 minutes later saying violence isn't helping anything....did the writer of the script give the line to the wrong guy? None of this movie makes sense anyway.

The movie was more or less a dumb low budget porno which I got sucked into buying (all 3.99)and got no entertainment out of it besides the sex scenes. I'm surprised the fat clown didn't join the orgy, would have fit right in. I hoped the movie would have some entertainment value like other B movies might have, but I was wrong. This is a moronic piece of garbage that's not even worth watching.

1 out of 10
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If you want comedy, it delivers.
turbohurdo120 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This film is comedy gold! If you fancy a quick laugh with your mates, get hold of this (if you can)

Key sequences:

1. Poo on tissue right at the very beginning 2. "horrible trance"" to accompany Tracy walking in on the two blokes 3. "suck your toes until you call me daddy" 4. "mark will you settle down... SUSAN" note look at Brandon's face 5. "how much wood can a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck... could chuck WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD! 6. "OPEN THE GODDAM DOOR... I HAVE A GUN.... WELL STICK THE GUN UP YOUR ASS" ( NOTE SOUND OF MIC BEING HIT WHILST CLOWN BANGS ON DOOR) 7. "DID I GET HIM (NOTE BRANDON'S FACE)

Find these scenes, they have brought much happiness to me!

p.s Ken Hebert is the biggest "legend" in the world, lets find him and maker him appreciate this... Because i don't think he realises how much comedy he has in him.. what a great guy
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If there was an Oscar for Crap, this would lose.
james-chapman-44 November 2007
I believe that every once in a while humanity creates something that is so awful that it has no right to be around our own excrement. That, I believe, is this movie "S.I.C.K." I was told that this was the worst movie in the world, I had been told this for several years before actually sitting down and watching it. How horrible of an understatement this was. Lets just say that when I watched this, I wore safety goggles. Why did I wear these safety goggles? So I could prevent myself from scratching out my eyes.

That is how horrid of a film this is. Its so bad, its so horrible, that it is actually laughable and nauseating at the same time. I congratulate all of those involved in the making of this film in creating something that humanity can look at and say "Wow, at least I didn't make that." IF at all possible, do not watch this film. If you do, make sure that you are with a group; this is so you don't try to kill/mutilate yourself if you watch it alone.

Again, I stand by my statement-- if they gave Oscars for Crap, "S.I.C.K." could not even win that. Again, sorry for bashing this film so horribly-- wait, nope, not sorry at all.
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Bad acting, low-budget, poor quality, no suspense, not scary.
trickster984446 September 2004
This movie was unbearably horrible. I really can't explain just how bad this movie really is. No one I know likes this movie, and I think nobody in the world does. It starts out being very boring with stale acting. I can't believe I actually sat through it after seeing how low budget and poor quality it was, but I thought it would pick up or at least be scary. But it didn't get any better. It barely showed one person get killed in the movie. None of the movie was scary it all or suspenseful in the least bit, it just makes you angry to watch it. I will never know how an obese clown who is walking could catch up with a man who's running. I was very mad throughout the whole movie, but at least 70% of the time I was watching it, I wanted to pull the tape out of the VCR and smash it all over the place.

I couldn't even begin to describe how much this movie upset me or how bad it was. I wouldn't recommend watching it unless you really want to waste time and get angry. NONE of it is scary, not at all!
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Not bad...if you really like cheesy horror movies.
srleslie7716 August 2005
This is not a good movie. I gave it a 5 out of 10, which is probably far too generous. But I rented it one weekend while hanging out with some old friends from high school while drinking (heavily), and we were pleasantly surprised. If you spent your teenage years watching bad horror movies, and want to watch something you don't have to take seriously, I highly recommend it. The ending is much more clever most movies of it's kind, just keep in mind that "cheesy horror movie" means that every character is going to make lots of really, really horrible decisions (along the lines of "hey, let's all split up!").

Official Cheesy Horror Movie Rating: 7/10
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