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There's next-to-nil character development, but in place of that, lots and lots of people get shot with a machine gun!
tarbosh2200022 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
In the jungles of Vietnam, a group of mercenaries is on a rescue mission to save some captive American prisoners. One of which, a guy named James Brook, may have secret plans to annihilate Hanoi with an atomic bomb. Led by Aviles (Malonzo), he leads his compatriots Jo Lin, Robert Jason, Fernando, and Singh Su through many, many machine gun fights and chases. Eventually they end up at the dreaded WAR CAMP, where prisoners are kept in cages and held captive by not one, but two evil baddies. Lem Jing is the evil guy with the oversized 80's glasses, and Minh Dem is the evil guy who takes dramatic pauses in his speech, making him the Vietcong William Shatner. Will our heroes survive to shoot and stab another day?

The Vietnam War continues to rage in the Philippines in WAR CAMP, yet another addition to the waterfall of late 80's jungle shoot-em-ups. If you like lots of machine-gun shooting amidst verdant, tree-filled locations, this is the movie for you. Lots of faceless guys in those conical rice-paddy hats get filled full of lead and fall into shallow pools of water. Strangely, there are no guard-tower falls on show, but there is a lengthy (and prerequisite) torture scene that apparently tries to outdo The Deer Hunter (1978) at its own game. Literally.

Here, arm wrestling takes an even more sinister turn than it did in Over The Top (1987), wherein the competitors' wrists are each bound to a wire of some sort, and it's attached to yet another machine gun, so when the loser goes down, it yanks the cord and he goes down permanently. It really takes all the joy out of the term "wrist wrasslin'". A lot of time is spent in and around this device. Obviously, the filmmakers were really proud of it. On top of that, there are plenty of booby traps in the jungle, and we are informed one of them is called a "punji stick". You learn something new every day.

The movie is clearly influenced by other "war camp" movies such as Missing In Action (1984), Missing in Action 2: The Beginning (1985), and P.O.W. The Escape (1986). But director Jett Espiritu, as cool as his name is, did not have the resources those comparatively bigger movies had. So here we get the rough film stock, choppy editing, and funny dubbing those "third-world"-style movies all have, but it is somewhat charming. They used what they had to the best of their ability, and you can see that. Rey Malonzo from Search For Vengeance (1984) is on board, so that's something.

There's next-to-nil character development, but in place of that, lots and lots of people get shot with a machine gun, or, barring that, stabbed, tortured, or beaten up. But it's all in fairly good fun and the synthy score helps. That and the fact that it's 84 minutes. So, if you just can't get enough jungle-shootin' action, War Camp can stand alongside others in that illustrious canon.
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Mindless Filipino action, just the way we like it
Leofwine_draca12 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
WAR CAMP is another mindless war thriller made in the Philippines. The story sees a bunch of Americans taken prisoner by the Vietnamese and held in a jungle camp, where they engage in life-or-death arm wrestling bouts in scenes directly copied from THE DEER HUNTER. A squad of hard-ass soldiers are sent in to get them out, and endless action ensues. I quite liked this film, which certainly delivers plenty of bang for your buck. The shooting scenes are endless as are the bad guy deaths, and it all moves at a cracking pace. As ever, the Filipino jungle is a solid stand-in for Vietnam, and as far as RAMBO rip-offs go, this isn't bad at all.
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amagloglo23 August 2006
No script, no editing and no budget. The entire movie was probably shot on the first take. The plot: everyone in the movie has a machine gun.

There's a reason why there are no other reviews for this movie here (besides the fact that probably no-one's ever seen it): you have to write at least 10 lines in order to be able to submit your comment. THE SCRIPT OF WAR CAMP ISN'T EVEN 10 LINES LONG!!!

That said, I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. A strong contender for Best of the Worst(TM).

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A shoot em' up war movie
jhpstrydom1 February 2012
To properly sum up this film, its about mercenaries hired to rescue a few American soldiers held captive in a P.O.W camp whose plane was shot down over the Vietnam jungles and who also carry documents that are plans for dropping an H-bomb on Hoinai.

The film opens with a convoy (Of which our heroes are apart of) being attacked by the Vietcong in a very lengthy gun fight where everybody grabs a machine gun, run around the jungle and shoot each other, the second half starts to tell the story and the final act is another machine gun battle where of course everyone grabs a machine gun, runs around the jungle and shoot each other, however the gun battles are not random they do happen for a reason but otherwise this is pretty much what this film is.

The characters are basically introduced as is and are given a little bit of development to establish their role in the film but the acting wasn't great, I saw this film dubbed in English even though it sometimes appeared if this was an English language movie, the dubbing itself was a bit off, the acting ranged from average to terrible (The main villain was terrible) the dialog was really cheesy at times.

Given this came out in 1988 it actually looks and sounds older and despite its flaws it was watchable, I wasn't bored or annoyed for one moment, in terms of recommending it I'd say bare in mind it is an old film, it is clearly low budget and the dubbing isn't perfect, otherwise it does pass the time rather nicely and its one of those films you can't really spoil for anyone, you can know the whole plot and you'd still be able to watch it.
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Warcamp (1988)
mfnmbvp29 January 2012
Completely awful tripe gives a whole new meaning to the concept of a movie being so bad that it is actually good. Like the other two folks who have reviewed this movie here have stated before, the plot is basically everyone gets a machine gun and runs around the jungle shooting. It comes off as like a live action video game, cheesy as hell, action and gunshots galore. The copy of the film I watched had Greek or Russian subtitles to it, but the dialogue mainly consists of "Ahhhhh" or "Eeeaaaaghhh" the entire time. I couldn't really tell if the film was supposed to have been originally filmed in English or not, although it hardly matters at all because the majority of dialoue is screaming and gunfire. There is enough bad acting and horribly cheesy action to satisfy even the most hardcore bad film geek around. With that said, I am forced to keep with the average rating here at IMDb, and give 'Warcamp' the 7 out of 10 that it deserves.

WARCAMP ----- 7/10.
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