Blue Demon (Video 2004) Poster

(2004 Video)

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Pretty dire apart from the opening scene
TheLittleSongbird1 July 2015
The only good thing about Blue Demon is the opening, which actually was suspenseful and scary, and the one scene or even component of the movie that has any kind of professionalism. The rest of Blue Demon, on the other hand, is a massive waste of potential.

It's a very badly made movie for starters, too drably lit, too obviously shot with some unfocused and headache-inducing camera work and haphazardly edited. Worst of all were the special effects which were appallingly fake (not in a long time have I seen more artificial-looking sharks), especially the shark fins. The music is completely inappropriate and out of place, being too jazzy and upbeat when it should have been a more suspenseful and subdued approach. The script is very forced and like listening to gibberish, and the flow from one piece of dialogue to another is incredibly awkward and slow. It also tries to do far too much, with elements of horror, sci-fi and action, and executes all of them badly, with a seriously muddled sensation.

Blue Demon's horror elements are neither scary nor suspenseful, apart from the opening. The shark attacks are too few and too brief, and they are also incredibly predictable that getting any surprises out of them is impossible, the cheapness of the shark effects also don't help. The sci-fi elements strains credibility to the extreme, even for the term science-fiction. The logic lapses are enough to fill a big notebook, and it was like the writers made the sci-fi elements up on the spot. The action suffers from the worst of the editing, and suffers even further with the tedious pacing and indifferent and over-silly choreography. The story is very dull, with a lot of scenes that add little, and there wasn't anywhere near enough of it to sustain the running time.

Direction ranges from flat to incompetent, with seemingly no idea to generate any suspense or tension, instead playing it far too safe and by-the-numbers. The characters are annoying or bland stereotypes, and if you have a list in front of you with the most overused clichés in the genre written on it, it is more than likely that there will be ticks besides every cliché written down. The acting is very poor, with Jeff Fahey embarrassingly over-bearing and the rest of the acting is personality-deprived.

Overall, apart from the opening scene, which prevents it from being down there with the worst shark movies ever, this is pretty dire all round. 2/10 Bethany Cox
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Not Quite the Worst but a Turkey, Yes.
czarnobog5 June 2006
Whoo. This was an overly ambitious project considering its obviously LOW budget. Five super-sharks poised to deliver Jaws-like terror. The opening credits were wonderful. Wetting the appetite for a slick movie. To be fair, the production values are decent throughout, except for the cheesy shark fins. Computer animation is above par for such a low budget flick. Unfortunately Dan Grodnick doesn't have a clue about creating suspense or delivering scares. Although his actors for the most part tried to deliver credible performances, his characters have all the depth of those found in bad 80s porn movies. A few are so far over-the-top that they deflate any pretense of this being an actual horror movie. Played for humor, their scenes are tedious to an extreme. A blundering pop-jazz soundtrack adds to the annoyance factor. The action sequences are pathetic, no doubt due to the ambitious task of compositing the animated shark action with live actors on a shoestring budget, or choreographing the plastic shark fins. For adolescent fans interested in the T'N'A factor, it is non-existent here. There are some talented babes in very minor roles. Hopefully they'll turn up in better movies with more substantial roles.
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The best genetically altered, anti-terrorist, midget staring, radio controlled killer shark film ever. Period.
poolandrews27 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Blue Demon tells the tale of six genetically altered super aggressive sharks, genetically altered by the husband & wife scientific duo of Nathan (Randall Batinkoff) & Martha Collins (Dedee Pfeiffer) together with their assistant Avery (Josh Hammond), the purpose of these sharks are seen as a weapon to defend the U.S. Nathan & Martha's boss Van Allen (Danny Woodburn) intends to sell this fantastic shark to the military & sets a meeting up with General Remora (Jeff Fahey). Unfortunately when the big moment arrives & the sharks need to do their thing it appears that they have escaped their underwater enclosure, scary eh? Nathan & Martha desperately do all they can to try & locate the killer sharks before they reach public water & start eating their way through the local Californian population, while Nathan & Martha realise what a danger their creations pose to the public there are other's who don't share their caring attitude & want to cover the problem up & get the sharks back...

Co-written, produced & directed by Daniel Grodnik Blue Demon is an awful film make no mistake about it. The script by Grodnik, Lisa Morton, Ron Oliver & Brett Thompson is meant to be a horror, sci-fi, action mix but fails miserably in it's attempts & comes across far more like a comedy as there is plenty to laugh at. Anybody with half a brain will spot the flaws in logic & sense while anyone familiar with the horror genre will spot all the clichés & stolen ideas from Jaws (1975) to Deeep Blue Sea (1999) both of which are far superior to this piece of crap. From the fact that these genetic experiments on sharks seem to be completely useless to the ridiculous notion that a shark can carry a nuclear device in it's mouth, this is really bad & poorly thought out. The ending sucks as a nuclear explosion would wipe half the coast away & the you can see the so-called twist coming a mile off. Blue Demon also features one of the most unintentionally hilarious scenes ever, at the end Martha uses a round life saver to capture the bad guy. She throws it & it lands over him & for some bizarre reason he drops his gun & is completely defeated, you have to see the scene in question to know just how funny it is. There is also a funny bit on a beach after one of these sharks has attacked, just look at everyone's reactions & facial expressions, absolutely hilarious.

Director Grodnik doesn't do anything to help matters & Blue Demon is dull to watch. There's no excitement, tension, atmosphere or scares. There is no reason to watch this film at all, it's as simple & straight forward as that. The special effects are absolutely awful, the CGI sharks are hilarious in themselves but it doesn't stop there. No, once in a while we get to see the sharks fin above water which is obviously a rubber prop which moves along at about 1 mile an hour, my Gran could probably swim faster than these guys! Very, very funny to watch. Forget about any gore either, there's a severed arm & that's it. Nowhere near enough people get eaten or attacked.

Apparently shot in about two & a half weeks I'm surprised it took them that long, Blue Demon is a poorly made, poorly thought out film that has nothing going for it. The music has that familiar Jaws sound to it. Then there's the cast, why cast a midget? Having said that the female cast members are very easy on the eye, which helps things. Fahey obviously needed money badly.

Blue Demon is a really bad film that does a passable job as a comedy but comes nowhere near as a horror or action film. This is definitely one to avoid, watch Jaws again instead. I'll give it a couple of stars because there's a few good looking babes in it & it's funny on occasion but that's by no means any kind of recommendation.
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When the the U.S. Air Force engineers killer sharks to defend America from terrorists...
amishlightening24 June 2006 know you must be watching a United Film Orginization production. Rarely does a film contain so many inappropriate elements. The score is far too jazzy, character's expressions are frequently out of place, and the spit-and-polish general is not nearly spit-and-polish enough(his name tag is lop-sided, his ribbons out of order). It is never fully explained why the air force has jurisdiction over killer sharks, although it is quite likely that the studio had surplus uniforms and decided to go with what they had to save money. In addition, there are precious few actual shark attacks. Is the movie bad? Yes, but it was at least somewhat entertaining.
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Fails On All Levels
FiendishDramaturgy15 June 2007
Once a horror (or creature feature) fan has seen Jaws, they have seen the ultimate creature feature with a shark as the antagonist. Orca was awesome in places (and is not a shark, obviously), but Jaws is the epitome of a masterpiece creature feature. It stands comfortably alongside The Creature From The Black Lagoon, and represents some phenomenal film making skills.

This work, on the other hand, attempts to bring the "mad scientist" ploy into a cheap, slip-shod version of Jaws, attempting to class with the Invisible Man, Frankenstein, or even Bats. Sadly, it does not measure up, even to Bats.

There are multiple problems with this work. The main problem I found (and there ARE many) is the simple lack of kills, on screen or off. However, a close second is the painfully wretched writing, and an even closer third is the utter lack of acting talent featured within this flick. Fahey is the best here...what does THAT tell you? Further, dialog delivery is so plastic it goes to cement somewhere after the first 20 minutes. And speaking of plastic, once you get a load of these characters, you'll completely understand the tone of this review. These characters are less than one-dimensional! Nothing about them is believable. Every single aspect of this work breaks the suspension of belief trust any good movie must engender.

More importantly, I feel, is that the believability is utterly destroyed once the premise is introduced. Sharks are not capable of being "trained and taught" as featured in this work. That's why the government used dolphins in their earlier debauchery in the first two World Wars, so the whole thing falls apart and leaves the viewer hanging there in the conundrum of a wholly unbelievable story, terrible acting, and poorly done sharks.

SO poorly done were the sharks, in fact, that even the FINS, which is basically all you see except for 3 or 4 times total, look like shiny plastic triangles. They didn't even bother to paint these things to make them look as if they had any texture whatsoever! All in all? This was pretty sad and a huge disappointment, as I love creature features! Even straight-to-video films can be entertaining, but this didn't offer a single moment of entertainment. Every single aspect of this work breaks the suspension of belief trust any good movie must engender. This film fails on all levels and really isn't worth your time.

It rates a 0.4/10 from...

the Fiend :.
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Characters not eaten early enough.
Hewer14 August 2005
This is certainly among the worst movies of the still young 21st century. Good luck making it all the way through this one, in fact I seriously think the only other people who will do so are the cast and crew, their friends and neighbors. Cardboard acting, lame plot, soundtrack straight from a 1970s XXX flick and special effects on par with a high school stage production. The writing is just awful and leaves the viewer feeling insulted by canned plot prefacing and background information.

This film bills itself as a sci-fi/action/thriller, but I actually thought it was a comedy - everything about the film is so bad I thought it was a spoof.
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No redeeming qualities.
tbear6820 January 2007
Saw this listed on a premium channel on cable and thought it could be mildly entertaining despite the over-used motif of "killer sharks." I was wrong. What a waste of time and energy...not to mention BORING. Won't say it was the worst film of all time however I've not seen any worse than this one. Poor acting, weak overall story, lame exposition and cheesy special effects. In fact the special effects were only slightly better than the graphics on a Vic-20 or TRS-80 computer (OK, that's a bit of an exaggeration).

No wonder there are no goofs listed for this one; I wouldn't know where to begin listing them.

And to think was such a fan of Jeff Fahey as The Marshal.
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NOT good
nohwan28 September 2007
OK, i'm still watching this joke as i type, but GOOD LORD, it's bad, as in 'don't watch it' bad. some lightweight extreme reasons lead to me needing/wanting to watch this. i would have left this film alone and not bothered with a comment, until one scene that made me NEED(?)to review. i won't bother explaining the scene, if you've got this far you'll understand. perhaps if you're damned enough to be in the same position you'll understand, i only hope you'll never be! this has been a movie i've kept an eye on as a 'maybe' for a few weeks and now, it seems, is the time. i've been put here on my own since nobody will take on the task with me. understand this, it's free and i still had to ENDURE it on my own. i say again, i'm STILL watching the (lack of) beast! not even for free. OK? not even for free! unless you're weird and drinking at 5am!NOT EVEN FOR FREE!
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Lame sharks do lame things
Dr. Gore8 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers

"Blue Demon" is one of the lamest straight to video shark movies I have ever seen. Beware PG-13 giant killer shark movies. They will cause you pain. But more specifically, this giant killer shark movie will cause you pain.

"Blue Demon" is about some genetically altered sharks that break out of a lab and cause havoc. Based on that description alone, you would think that this was going to be some "Deep Blue Sea" B-movie rip-off. I like B-movie rip-offs. In fact, I enjoy them immensely. But "Blue Demon" is just a rip-off in the general sense of the word. Like, "Wow! What a rip-off!" "Blue Demon" doesn't even have the common sense to know what good movie to rip-off. It's actually trying to be funny as the worst shark effects in the world bob along in the ocean. They have one cardboard fin that tears through the water at one mile an hour. Amazingly, these stupid sharks don't catch a lot of their prey. They also have another computer animated shot of the sharks swimming in a pack that looks like something I could whip together in a Power Point slide show.

Overall, "Blue Demon" is a very lame attempt at some cheap shark thrills. It must be avoided. You don't want this beast to inflict its pain on you.
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A b-rating for this flick, is an insult to b-grade films
randyw41a23 January 2007
After seeing this film, I've come to the conclusion that, Plan 9 From Outer Space, should have won an Oscar. Bad acting, bad plot, bad dialog, un-scary sharks. The list could go on and on. I actually sat through this entire film, hoping it would get better, but Noooo! Now Jeff Fahey's character was the only redeeming factor in this movie, and that was for the comedic value of his part. Poor Jeff must have needed some serious pocket cash, or he must be a close friend of the Producer's. There were several cute girls in the movie, Whitney Sloan, being one of them, but even they couldn't save this poor excuse for a horror film. If you're an Ed Wood fan, you might like this flick, but I think Ed's movies are far far better than this...
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Horrible movie
chaosdsm31 January 2008
This movie is just plain horrible, the acting sucks, even Dede Pfifer delivers a sub-par performance in a flick that makes a decent B-Movie look like a Hollywood blockbuster. The sharks look like poorly made plastic models. General Remora (come on writers, can't you come up with something better than the name of the fish that bum rides off of sharks…) seems more like a bad boy scout trying to read off of a teleprompter than a military commander, & the character of Lawrence Van Allen (the character in charge of the research/development group) is laughable at best.

Plot... what there is isn't "bad" Per Se, but it lacks depth, substance, & decent direction. It basically seems like a poor re-write of Deep Blue Sea without the star cast, sinking laboratory, or halfway decent director.

I see under the "genre" that comedy is listed... the only thing comedic about the whole thing (IMO) is in calling this steaming pile of excrement a "movie". If it were possible, I would have rated this "movie" a 0 out of 10.
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Perfect Film
jumpalot-719733 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
No words but perfection. But because I need words, this movie is truly art. I do not often cry because of the creative beauty of a film, but Blue Demon brought tears to my eyes. This film should be required by law for all Americans to watch before they turn 18. It is art. All I got. I wish that I hadn't spent the first 35 years in my life when in my heart I realize that since the moment I emerged from the womb, this movie was all I was looking for. I will make sure that my kids (if I ever get a girlfriend) will be raised on the ideals and leadership skills of the very intelligent and also extremely hot man characters of the story. Every day when I wake up and every night before I go to sleep, I pray to my Lord and savior; RED DOG. Look, I know what you're thinking. There's a reason why you are looking at the reviews. You don't know if you want to watch the movie. You want a quality movie night before you go back to the constant 9-5 rush of everyday life. Well, I can safely tell you this will not only satisfy your thirst for a movie that entertains, but it will also mature you. As a single 35 morbidly obese virgin man, I saw immediate improvement of my life after I spent those golden 89 minutes watching Blue Demon. It opened my eyes to the wonderous pieces of art that humanity is capable of creating, but also gave me a sense of nostalgia. Beautiful women with beautiful bodies, damn I wish I had a girlfriend, and beautiful midgets all are a part of the circle of life. This movie opened my eyes and my heart to how I should really be living, and loving. Therefore, for the rest of my life, I pledged myself that I would adopt a child and make sure the wonder loves on.
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Is it supposed to be funny?
bobscheese1 November 2005
A friend of mine rented this movie for her birthday party because she thought it would be scary. Well, while the scare factor was severely lacking, we were not disappointed. This movie is one of the funniest I've seen in a while!

The movie is about sharks that are programmed to protect, a corrupt government and terrorism. It's a political statement, basically. The CG stuff is pathetic, but amusing. The acting... well, we won't go there. (although Josh Hammond's character was good.) And the plot, is sketchy at best.

I recommend this movie, actually. Grab a bunch of friends that you can laugh with and pop this in. You'll have something to laugh about for ages!
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Less than mediocre shark movie...
paul_haakonsen20 June 2019
Well, with this 2004 movie "Blue Demon" being a shark movie, of course I have to watch it, because there is just something fascinating about sharks as silent predators.

Turns out that "Blue Demon" by director Daniel Grodnik was by no means the next "Jaws". But it was still actually sort of entertaining enough for what it turned out to be. You just have to keep in mind that this is not a spectacular creature feature by any means.

The concept of the storyline here is very, very generic. And I mean to the point of where it borders on being ridiculous. The government training and genetically manipulating sharks... Now haven't we seen this before? Maybe years earlier in a bigger budget movie than "Blue Demon"?

"Blue Demon" had three familiar actors and actresses on the cast list, and those were Danny Woodburn, Christina Lakin and of course Jeff Fahey. Yeah, not really the top list of celebrities, huh? But still, you know what you get when you sit down to watch a movie such a this.

The movie is also as predictable as it can possibly be. You know exactly what will happen, and director doesn't deviate from that particular predictable path, not even once. So don't expect to be surprised or blown out of the water - pardon the pun.

If you enjoy shark movies, then "Blue Demon" is a somewhat less than mediocre addition to the genre. Sure, it is watchable for what it turned out to be, just don't get your hopes up for anything grand. It is the type of movie that you watch once, then never again.
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Correction to the previous statement of 2 deaths...
tommyz-radiodj17 January 2007
While I agree with most of what has been said about this movie, the statement of 2 deaths is false. I saw three before i had to turn it off. Yes there was the two construction men, but what about the sorority bitch at the beginning? Did the commenter forget about her? that would make 3 before the explosion one. Cricket Selna was about the only good thing about this movie from what i saw. and yes i am biased cause she is a friend from college and now i am 4 step from Kevin Bacon but that is besides the point.

This movie is good to MST3K, have a laugh, if you can handle it.

That is about all i have to say about that. So yeah, if you have any problems with this comment, deal. It is difficult to make this movie recommendable to anyone, but i am trying to be good and not totally trash it.
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I felt Bad for the actors until I saw that the director produced so many big movies afterward
brontebrother3 May 2016
I wonder if this movie ruined anyone's career ?

At least the director is Dan Grodnik who is like the most powerful producer in Hollywood now by the looks of his producer credits and financing deals-- I hope he made it up to some of those actors.... They sounded awful... ADR is part of it We should check who had a career going strong After this.

And who never worked again:)


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An extremely low budget, if enjoyable, shark flick.
brookswieszczek19 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Blue Demon is a science fiction horror-comedy film directed by Daniel Grodnik. The film is about a group of scientists who have implanted computer chips into the brains of six Great White sharks, allowing them to control them. But when they are set free, they are forced to either capture, or kill them as they terrorize local beaches. The movie stars Deedee Pfeiffer, and Randall Batinkoff as the two head scientists, Marla, and Nathan Collins, who are preparing for a divorce, Danny Woodburn as the project's no-nonsense, and dwarf financer Lawrence Van Allen, Josh Hammond as Avery Dashlow, a computer technician employed by the scientists, and Jeff Fahey as General Remora, a general with a really bad haircut that is sent to check on the progress of the project.

The movie begins with a decently suspenseful, and well-directed sequence in which a group of college girls are attacked by the sharks while swimming in a lake. One of them ends up being killed, and the scene ends. This is the best scene in the movie, as it simply gets worse from here on out. The movie then cuts to Nathan, and Marla Collins who are going to Lawrence Van Allen's office to show him the progress of the project. They do their best to impress Van Allen, who is angered as a result of the death of the college girl, and the subsequent lawsuit it will cause. He is somewhat impressed by the demonstration of the sharks' abilities seen by security camera footage on a computer screen. He reminds them that General Remora, and other scientists will be visiting them in a few minutes, and they leave.

Next is a scene where Marla is attempting to feed the sharks in the enclosure. She accidentally drops her ring into the water, and falls in trying to grab it, and is knocked unconscious as a result. Nathan, and Avery eventually find her, and rescue her after she is almost eaten by the sharks. I don't expect a movie like this to have good camerawork, but the camerawork in this scene is simply ridiculous. The cinematography looks like something straight out of a news report, and the performances in the scene don't help much, either.

One month later, General Remora, and several other scientists have gathered in an underwater section of the lab. As they look out a window to see the sharks, they find that they are not there, and Nathan, Marla, Avery, and Van Allen head up to the surface to find that somebody has freed them. Next, a scene is shown in which two divers are fixing a fence that the sharks chewed through in order to escape into the lake earlier. The sharks then attack, and kill them, while, Katie, another maintenance worker, portrayed by Christine Lakin, watches in horror. Unlike the opening sequence, this scene has no suspense, or tension whatsoever, and utilizes several dizzying quick cuts in order to hide the fact that nothing is actually happening.

In the next scene, Nathan, Marla, Avery, Van Allen, and Remora have gathered in the lab, and it is discovered that a terrorist organization could've released the sharks, and that Nathan could be involved. Nathan is arrested, and taken to a police station. The film then cuts to a father and daughter fishing with another fisherman in a nearby lake. The father accidentally falls into the water, and is nearly eaten by one of the sharks, although manages to reach the dock. This scene is slightly better, and more suspenseful than the maintenance workers scene from earlier, although it still doesn't create enough tension to be scary, and a prosthetic shark fin can be seen being flipped over in one of the shots.

The film then shows Nathan being prosecuted at a police station. Marla then sneaks in, and kills the guard with a dart to the neck in one of the film's more comedic moments. The two then sneak off to warn the Coast Guard of the threat. Their attempts fail, however, as the Coast Guard hangs up on Nathan after he attempts to explain the situation. Meanwhile, Van Allen has discovered that Nathan, and Marla are on the run, and a manhunt is initiated for them. In the meantime, the sharks attack a couple on the lake, although the fisherman who was accompanying the father and daughter soon arrives, and kills one of the sharks with a harpoon gun. Now, for a shark movie, the effects early the film weren't that bad. They used prosthetic shark fins, and had real footage of sharks, and I always appreciate that when it comes to films like this. However, the producers must've decided that they had to use really crappy CGI sharks halfway through the movie, and this is where it starts. The scene where the one of the sharks is killed with a harpoon gun is absolutely atrocious, and doesn't look real in the slightest. But the effects only get worse...

Marla soon realizes that she can track the sharks using the computer chips, and the next few minutes of the movie is dedicated to the idiotic back, and forth between the bickering couple. They eventually track the sharks to a local beach, and Nathan attempts to warn people of the impending danger, although to no avail. The sharks kill several people, and Nathan is knocked unconscious while trying to get people out of the water. This scene would actually be okay for a shark attack scene if it weren't for the godawful performances from the extras. They look like they're just looking at a ship sailing in the distance, and don't look, or sound concerned at all. Meanwhile, Marla accidentally overloads the computer chips in the sharks' brains, seemingly killing all of them.

The next scene shows Nathan in a hospital bed, and wakes up to see an angel. Confused, he looks down to see that his legs are missing, causing him to scream in terror. The scene is then revealed to just be a dream, although Nathan is actually in a hospital bed. Dream scenes in movies are usually pretty unnecessary, especially in shark movies. And although the scene is very unnecessary, and only serves to lengthen the short 91-minute runtime, it does provide for a so-bad-its-good kind of laugh. Anyway, Nathan is in the hospital with only minor injuries, and is greeted by Marla, and Van Allen, who has called off the manhunt. Van Allen reveals that the alpha shark, Red Dog, is still alive, causing them to realize that he's being controlled by a different person.

Nathan, Marla, and Van Allen return to the lab, and confront Avery, whom they suspect is involved. It is soon revealed that Remora, and Avery are in cahoots on controlling Red Dog. In one of the poorest villain motivations ever, it is revealed that Remora is the head of the operation, and is doing it because he believes that America's security is too weak. As a result, in order to people more aware of terrorist dangers, he's going to place a bomb at the San Francisco Bridge using Red Dog as transportation. In the middle of his speech, Marla hilariously subdues him by throwing a life preserver over him. This somehow disables him from moving, and Nathan, and Marla begin chasing after Avery when he attempts to escape.

Nathan, and Marla follow Avery outside, and enter the back of his truck, where they discover carries the equipment used to control Red Dog. As Nathan goes outside to find Avery, Avery enters the truck, and begins driving off with Marla still inside. The next scene follows a poorly filmed, and boring so-called "car chase scene" that has Nathan attempting to catch up to Avery, despite the fact that his car is easily faster. Avery clumsily ends up crashing, and he's killed in the crash. Nathan finds Marla, and they manage to reprogram Red Dog to stray away from the CGI San Francisco Bridge. Seriously, they somehow didn't have the budget to travel to San Francisco, and get an establishing shot of the San Francisco Bridge.

Red Dog's lead direction leads him to the "default setting location": the lab. In the lab, Van Allen is holding Remora at gunpoint, and reporting him to national security. An alarm then sounds for no reason, and the camera zooms in on very poor, yet hysterical reaction shots of Van Allen, and Remora as Red Dog begins to approach the lab with the bomb in his mouth. Van Allen says one of the worst one-liners in movie history "Can you say sushi?!" before locking himself in a bomb shelter. Remora stands up smoking a cigar, and salutes before a white light meant to be an explosion engulfs the screen.

Sometime later, Nathan, and Marla are heading into court to discuss the whole incident. Marla soon reveals that she didn't file their divorce papers before they kiss awkwardly in front of Van Allen, and head inside. A voiceover of Marla explaining the incident is heard as the film ends.

Overall, the movie is obviously bad, but it is still enjoyable thanks to its light-hearted, and comedic nature. The acting is very cheesy, and cringey, but its enjoyable on a Room sort of level. The pacing is okay, and the effects are at first pretty good for a movie of this budget. At first. The first half of the movie relies on mainly prosthetic fins, and real shark footage. Unfortunately, after that, it delves into crappy CGI sharks that have no texture to them whatsoever. They even had to use a CGI San Francisco Bridge for some reason. However, the film is still enjoyable due to the aforementioned comedic nature. It knows what it is, and manages to slip in many really funny jokes as a result. However, the film's biggest flaw is that, despite the fact that it is technically a shark movie, not much of the movie focuses on the sharks, instead focusing on the annoying bickering between Nathan, and Marla, or the Remora-Avery conspiracy. Van Allen was definitely the best character in the movie, as he was funny, and kind of likeable despite his sarcasm, and serious nature. The best scene in the movie was the opening sequence, which was actually decently suspenseful, and well-directed. The film goes down from there, although still remains a perfectly tolerable shark flick that doesn't focus much on the shark. That is why I'm giving 3 out of 10 stars.
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Knowing attitude does in what could have been a decent thriller
dbborroughs18 September 2005
This movie about super-sharks on the loose is way too knowing for true enjoyment. The plot has to do with sharks from a government research facility escaping from captivity and going on the rampage. The acting isn't bad for the most part and the script is good. The problem is that the director insists on playing this with a knowing silly attitude, so if the dwarf jokes aren't bad enough you have these really dumb music cues that take the edge off any tension. This would have been so much better had they played it straight.

Given the chance of seeing this via rental or the appearance on cable, I'd wait for cable. My guess is this will show up on the SCIFI channel as one of their Saturday night premieres.
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Deep Blue Sea Lite
ghoulieguru3 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a sucker for a good shark movie. Heck, I'm a sucker for a semi-decent shark movie. JAWS obviously set the bar pretty high, but there have been some close runners up in OPEN WATER and even DEEP BLUE SEA. So, having said that, I hope that you can understand how much it pains me to say that I couldn't find a single redeeming thing about BLUE DEMON. What's so bad about it? Well, despite the fact that the shark fins are all clearly tied on to a scuba diver's head, the main problem is that BLUE DEMON flounders around in a shallow pond known as: The un-scary, un-funny PG-13 Sci-Fi Channel horror-comedy.

I wish someone would explain the recent trend behind PG-13 horror movies that are intentionally goofy to me. Like Carmen Electra's MONSTER ISLAND or even BOA VS. PYTHON. It's as if there's a whole generation of people that were brought up on Sci-Fi Original movies and R.L. Stine books. Who is the intended audience for these things? No one over the age of ten would find these movies remotely scary, and it seems like the filmmakers know that, so they make the movies intentionally quirky and self-effacing for the thirty-somethings. But the inside jokes and the sarcasm would go right over the head of the few ten year olds that were actually watching the movie to get scared. And then, just to confuse the audience even more, they have these semi-dramatic scenes where people are crying over lost friends or trying to mend their shattered marriage. The end result is a movie that's not scary, not funny and not dramatic. It's like a stew where none of the flavors work well together.

It's impossible to critique anything individually in this latest addition to the intentionally goofy wanna-be scary movie genre - the whole thing stinks. The CG sharks, the acting, the dialog... especially the music, which sounds like it came directly from Ron Jeremy's personal collection of porn scores. In defense of the actors, they all seem to know that they're in DEEP BLUE SEA LITE, and they act appropriately. In other words, they mug for the camera, they make ridiculous faces and stomp around. The only thing missing is a few fart noises. Come to think of it, maybe they should have added some, it might have made the movie better.
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Funny in places, but really the plot is weak
lordzedd-317 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I got to admit, the plot is weak in places. The CG is good, but far from perfect. The sharks look great, but there is this one scene of the camera raises up from under the water to reveal the Golden Gate Bridge, and the water looks like something out of a video game. The cast does a great job with what they were given to work with. But there is serious character issues and plot issues. There are some plot holes large enough for a great white to swim through. But I got to admit some of the dialog is funny and the chemistry between the two Doctor Collins work. But for the most part I think the movie makers could have done better, for one thing, they didn't act any smarter then any other shark in any other movie. So where is the smart part? Still, not a total waste, you can do worse then BLUE DEMON, but on the other hand, you can do better. 4 STARS.
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The General sums up the Movie!
racecar697 August 2006
They're is no technical credibility.... they didn't even try! Forget the physiology - No one contacted Sea World!

Dedee Pfeiffer aka Marla Collins drives a Hyundai Tiburon (aka nurse shark)!

Danny Woodburn aka Lawrence Van Allen stands in front his Napoleon alter.

General Remora... (bad joke - worse acting). A remora - (Echeneis naucrates) is a Sharksucker.

So the General is a 2nd rate parasitic hitchhiker making his bones on a cartilaginous predator.
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A shark delivers a bomb and a window blows up.
diehardjeffrey12 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
OK so this movie was not so bad. Shure it was a bit corny but all movies made by UFO are corny.

I think however it did need more scenes with the sharks.

First attack scene is with a bunch of college chicks that dare a girl to swim out to this light thing. Big mistake when the cops show up. While the one girl is out sitting by the light 2 girls try and make a run for it in a boat. BIG mistake. One girl falls in. Other girl trys to pull her out and *POP* there goes the arm.

2nd attack is when 2 repair men get eaten by the run away cartoon sharks.

3rd attack involves a girl and her father fishing but the only thing the sharks attack is a fake fish.

4th attack involves 2 young lovers in the water but oh yay here comes black dude in a boat to save them! shark gets shot in the mouth the end.

5th shark SIGHTING (Ha most of the attack were not attacks so I change in to sightings) involves red bull or bull dog or whatever deliver a bomb to the underwater building thing and the evil general guy blows up.

I know my spelling is not the greatest but hey it was better than the cartoon sharks and plastic fins.

If you want to see this go ahead and rent it. Its better than most movies like this. Heck its better than all the shark attack movies :)
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Sharks look for lunch
grodzilla23 August 2005
This movie was a blast. I'm so used to shark films with obvious stock footage and loads of blood shot on a shoestring. Blue Demon is in an undersea world by itself. Clever, big music, subtle acting (rare in these types of films) and big bad sharks -- 6 of them all in the great white family who can live in a fresh water lake. Watch out bathers and surfers! Danny Woodburn (from Seinfeld) delivers a delicious performance! The director didn't take the easy way out on anything. The camera always is moving creating a great pace. And there's a touch of romance between Dedee Phfhier and Randall Bantinkoff. I'm told the film shot in sunny California -- finally a movie not shot in gray Canada. Jeff Fahey plays a crazy general with style. If you are looking for a guilty pleasure, Blue Demon might be for you.
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Good......hey I've seen worse movies.
vhs199914 July 2009
I know there are a hundered and one movies out there just like this one but they are still fun to watch. Yes i know the plot line sounds corny and so does the dialogue for that matter and the movies did have some really bad special effects but hey i enjoyed this movie and the movie was fun to watch and really thats what movies are made for. the whole idea for a shark you can control and the military taking control of its usage is pretty pathetic but for me it works. this movie just goes to show that you don't need a director like Michael bay or tony Scott to make it fun all you need is your imgaination is what a lot of people lack these days. Nobody in this movie can act and in fact i don't think that any of these actors could act to save there lives but they were paid to do a job and did there best jeff fahey made a good military man even if it wasn't believable and the movie also had some great eye can for the guys and even for the girls if they swing that way. Well the only other thing i can say is that don't judge a book by its cover and see for yourself what the movies like and take a dive at it.
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This is one of those movies where you either love it or you hate it.
Mattsohot-4933114 April 2022
I give Blue Demon a 5 star rating. Sure it was corny and stupid for the most part. But I think this movie had some potential and it just got out of hand somehow. This movie pretty much looks like a film that a college student came up with. It was obvious that it was a low budget film with all of the CGI looking like cartoons. The acting needed a lot of improvement especially from the main cast. Dedee Pfeiffer (Michelle Pfeiffer's sister), Randall Batinkoff, and Josh Hammond all 3 of these actors needed a lot of improvement on their acting. Danny Woodburn did ok though with his character. Christine Lakin (who was a child star back in the 90s who was known for the TV show Step By Step) had a minor role in this movie. Her acting seemed good for the most part but it definitely wasn't like an Oscar worthy performance. I guarantee it that most of the cast who was in this movie probably knew that the movie was gonna turn out not so good at some point and that they only did it for money. Which I can understand and get that if that were the case especially if you're really desperate to pay bills or whatever. Whoever wrote the script for this film should have made a lot of changes to it. The story should have been rewrote until it was deemed perfect. Steven Spielberg should have wrote and directed the film. I consider this movie as one of those movies where you either love it or you hate it pretty much. It's an ok movie though in my opinion. I've seen way worse shark movies than Blue Demon. If this were a student film I'd grade it as a C or a D.
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