Bad Reputation (2005) Poster

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Needed Better editing...
wynonasbigbrownbeaver24 November 2008
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This is probably the lowest I've seen in budgets on film. It's not bad visually. But, man it hurts my ears throughout most of the movie. I should have brought my ear plugs. The sound technicians needed to work on those certain echoes on those certain details in each scene, and the car noises in the background suddenly changes in between takes. That got annoying, but I had to suck it up, and watch the rest of the movie with the volume turned down.

Not much blood for this slasher film as implied on the cover. But that didn't really matter to me. The movies biggest strength was the dialog and it was rather witty and intriguing to hear what the characters would say next. Character development for the teens were actually pretty darn good. Especially for the character Michelle and the guy who gang banged her with his buddy. Revenge is always stimulating as in most revenge films. But it wasn't really worth watching again.

Although original in story-line. I just felt some of the methods in Bad Reputation were a little too old school, as if it wanted to answer back to the slasher films of the 80's. Nightmare on Elm Street parts 1 through infinity and Heather's, for example.

But it does tend to reflect on current events in American schools. Kids these days get killed for less in school than what was portrayed here. But I finished this film with a sense of emptiness. I thought it was fair to give this a 4/10
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Horrible ending
andricperez19728 August 2022
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In summary, a nice girl gets horribly bullied, and she dies in the end.

Really? If I had known that the good character dies, I wouldn't have watched this monstrosity.

The evil characters who damaged her reputation die so quickly that they never knew what hit them. Viewers like to see bad people suffer, not just die a quick death. As a matter of fact, the protagonist died slower than the bad guys.

As for the acting the acting is very good, and I really like the main character's acting. However,

I don't recommend it. If you're going to make a revenge movie where bad people die, don't kill the good character too. It's common sense.
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nothing happens
trashgang28 February 2010
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Where did I go wrong, please let me know. I have seen some reviews that were very good about this movie so I ordered it straight away, but was I disappointed after watching it. It could have been a rape/revenge flick but it failed. Failed in all ways. When the gangrape takes place nothing happens, you just see the boys there faces, that's all, in this time were movies are explicit it is a major mistake to show nothing, nothing at all, no flesh, no underwear. When she's out for revenge she kills those who raped her, again, all off screen and with no blood. When the knife cuts someone's throat, well, no blood is shown, when she pulls the knife out, clean, no blood on the knife. When she hits someone with a book, blood flows around to hit the wall, man, I didn't know that a book was more lethal then a knife! The only good thing is that there isn't a good ending. Again, childish movie, never scary, never entertaining. The best part is the DVD cover...
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Shockingly unsubtle plot marred by poorly-executed terribly-written script.
craigs-sean12 April 2009
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The plot strives for shock value over the kind of brilliant sum of subtle intellectual thrills that make great movies. The sexual assault scene felt appropriately long; this is the sort of thing that should make everyone in the audience feel disgusting. The compounding events after said scene were unnecessary, and made it feel as if I were being hit over the head with the horror of the female lead's experience (the writer seems to be telling us that if we didn't think rape and being blamed for it were bad, we should feel sorry for the lead's having to ask for her purse, not being able to start her car right away, and having an utterly stupid mother-character). The lead's embrace of her reputation trivializes her horrifying experience at the hands of three evil young men. The murder-as-revenge thoroughly disrespects the lead's purported intelligence. I could go on.

The acting, editing, and directing is amateurish.

The script feels forced and unrealistic.

If you like the more ridiculous slasher movies out there or read supermarket paperbacks, go for it. If not, please don't waste your time.

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Extremely bad
pcf-25 February 2008
Another movie to be avoided. Probably shot on DV, the sound and picture is pretty low quality, along with the unrealistic dialogue, the horrible "effects", plus the amateurish directing, acting and cinematography.

Maybe they were going for some kind of "realism", but it just doesn't work. The script is tedious and boring, the scenes go on forever, the editing (and everything else really) is just so predictable that you'll end up getting thoroughly annoyed and wanting to turn it off. I know I did.

I'm sure they had great fun making this movie, but it's just not worth anyone's time actually watching it. It's not kitch, it's not camp - and if you want to see a good movie about revenge, check out "May" instead.
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It starts out promisingly...(Spoilers included)
rodneypwelch1 January 2010
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and then takes a bad turn. This is a "high-school revenge movie" that more or less follows the template established by "Carrie" and "Christine," although without the supernatural business. Still, the idea is the same: a harmless nerdy wallflower gets used and abused by the popular kids, turns the tables and wreaks vengeance on her persecutors, and then becomes so power-mad that she destroys herself. The idea has been used so many times that its become almost mythic, and a number of movies know how to use it. In the first half of the movie, writer-director Hemphill (despite the obvious limitations with acting talent) gets it mostly right: he makes you identify with sweet Michelle, the Henry Miller-reading outcast who gets raped and humiliated at a party and so badly slandered at school that even the guidance counselor hits her up. Hemphill doesn't exploit her rape the way a lot of movies in the 1970s and 1980s might have, with a lot of boob and butt shots, where the rape becomes a kind of vicarious thrill for the audience. Instead, he makes it ugly, and then further ratchets up the collective audience hatred for the perps by adding insult to injury, as both the rapists and their snotty, viciously cliquish girlfriends conspire to trash Michelle's rep at school. All fine and good, because you know there is going to be a payoff, that these jerks and bitches will pay for this sins. Unfortunately for the audience, Michelle goes overnight from being sympathetic victim to inhuman monster. Sure, you want the bad guys painfully punished, but what we get is just prolonged torture -- which is torture is sit through. It's unpleasant, disgusting, ugly, and a lot less fun than it sounds. (Although it was kinda funny to watch her bash one guy with a textbook so badly that blood spattered the walls. Was this one of those switchblade-wielding history books?) "Heathers" (from which it borrows freely) got away with a lot of the same material because it was more capably written and wickedly funny. Here you just have the increasingly unlikable Michelle wearily rampaging her bloody way through the student body, all but leaving aside any question of how she manages to get away with it. I guess part of the reason is that her town has, by my count, only two police officers, who only appear for a couple minutes and ask maybe one question. Also, Michelle is apparently an expert at cutting up and disposing of the body of a guy she kills in her own bedroom. No, I guess you shouldn't demand that much of movies as low-budget as this one. Writer-director Hemphill certainly didn't.
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One of the worst movies ever made. Insufferable
Horrorible_Horror_Films25 February 2010
Horrible movie, just plain AWFUL. This movie sucks almost worse than Titanic. Almost. Not only is the acting bad, but you quickly grow to hate the actors as well, all of them. The cinematography is also absurdly bad. The worst of all is probably the sound. Obviously the idiots that made this crap have idea what in the sam hill they're doing. The movie sounds awful! Every single person that appears in this film is obviously an idiot in real life too. If you were to find the stupidest people you could find, then hit them in the head with a hammer 20 times, then you would get close to how stupid the people are in this movie. This movie sucked a lot in many ways. Really, really, really bad and awful.
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Wost Film I Ever Seen!
FredNotGeorge18 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Wow I don't even know were to start?! Well My brother rented it and it call the worst garbage ever!! It has really bad acting, there was no good plot in the story, just about a girl who gets raped at a party and try to kill everyone who was involved! It's not even enjoyable to watch!? So I had to leave like the first 30 minutes if the film, and my brother wanted to keep on watching it so he told me what happen at the end. So she just manages to kill all the guys and girls who were involved except one cause she ended up shoot at. Don't watch it! You'll regret it! I know I had cause I wouldn't be writing this right now. If I had to rate this it be 1/10 Seriously.
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A Slasher FIlm That's Actually Worth Seeing!
scorseseisgod-123 February 2006
First-time writer/director Jim Hemphill has captured the spirit of Roger Corman's New World Pictures in this very entertaining revenge picture. Anyone who remembers Stephanie Rothman's fine work for the studio should run to check this out. Shot on a shoestring budget, the film looks and feels like a classy 'B' picture. The cast of unfamiliar faces does a great job with this tale of a virgin who suddenly finds herself branded town slut. The dialog is clever and strictly first rate and any film that depicts sports and jocktards in such a negative light is to be devoutly cherished. Arguably the most reviled genre of all, Hemphill has a ball spoofing slasher films. But this isn't simply Wes Craven warmed over - this film has loads of style and a great sense of humor to back it up. For fans of the genre as well as those of us who might normally leapfrog over this on a rental shelf.
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1Star! Only because I can't give it Zero
Worselthx29 September 2009
Do not waste your time. Anyone who gave this film more than one star was a friend of, or paid by, the makers of the film. The girls were cute but that was the only thing this film had going for it. The dialog was horrible, the acting sucked and the casting was laughable. The "Cop" and "Guidance counselor" were the same age as the rest of the "High School" cast and could have easily played those roles. This movie doesn't even have the elements that make a good "B" movie. No nudity, no gore and no suspense. I had to watch all of this movie in order to write a fair review so that you don't have to. Do not watch this film, but if you do, don't say you weren't warned.
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They showed her no shame. She will show them no mercy.
sikomike19877 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
High school can be really hard times because a lot of changes occur. It is the transformation from childhood to adulthood which is the biggest challenge of all. There are different groups that everyone hangs out with such as jocks, skaters, goth, emo kids, stoners, nerds, etc. Guys can be cruel during this period where sex is everything along with reputation. Teens usually begin drinking,smoking,drugs,and of course have more sexual intercourse. To have a bad reputation is worse than being sent to Hell because everyone wants to be accepted by people and when they aren't then they try to do whatever it takes to fit in. The film Bad Reputation took me back to those crazy four years of my life where I cared more about what other people thought about me rather than what I saw within myself.

Bad Reputation tells the story of a high school outcast named Michelle Rosen who spends her lunch breaks under a tree reading than hanging out with her classmates. One day the captain of the football team starts talking to her and invites her to his house for a kick ass party since his family is going to be out of town. She decides to attend unaware that Aaron and his friends plan to gang rape her. They give her a lot of alcohol then slip a date rape drug into her drink. Aaron acts like he is going to take her to lay down but then begins to get very rough with her as his friends come in for some of the action. Afterwards Debbi and Heather( girlfriends of Aaron & his buddy) duct tape Michelle to a tree in the backyard with the word SLUT written on her forehead to publicly humiliate her. Michelle returns to school finding posters advertising her as the school slut.

She tries to tell everyone the truth by nobody believes her including her alcoholic mother is sex crazed guidance counselor. Michelle then decides it's time to get even so she returns dressed as the school slut and luring the kids that branded her to a bloody end. This film reminded me of several movies basically Cruel Intentions meets She's All That meets I Spit on Your Grave but never ripping these films off. Debbi and Aaron remind me a lot of Katherine and Sabastian from Cruel Intentions the way they ruin Michelle's life. The rape scene was not very explicit but you knew what was going on, which made it that more effective. The murders were insane such as a guy being stabbed and the word FAG written on his head, guy getting chopped up and placed in a suit case, girl getting decapitated,and Aaron's death was the best one yet. Jim Hemphill has written a fantastic story that really makes you feel for the characters and is more realistic than anything. The actors also did a incredible job at making these characters very believable as well.

Michelle is the kinda girl that guys should watch out for because she may be sweet but she can be very deadly. I actually knew a girl who was gang raped by guys like this so it made it that much more effective to watch this film. I truly recommend this film to every horror/revenger slasher fan. Also there were a lot of other great reviews for this film and believe them folks because they know what they are talking about. I'm so glad that I've added Bad Reputation to my DVD collection and you should too! Definitely looking forward to seeing what Director/Writer Jim Hemphill comes up with next!
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Good b-movie marred by lead actress
tdeladeriere21 April 2009
A shy girl gets invited to party by a jock, just to get raped by him and his friends. The jock's girlfriends are too dumb to accept that she's a victim and start branding her as a slut at the school. There's gonna be hell to pay. Basically, this is Carrie on a budget. It would be quite good, were it not for the unsubtle interpretation of the lead actress, whose character development is too extreme and rushed to help with her already limited acting abilities. She's never believable and as a result, it's impossible to root for her and relish her murderous ploy for vengeance. The supporting players, though, are almost all uniformly good, and help carry the movie to completion. A curiosity.
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OK low budget revenge movie
TdSmth54 November 2016
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For no good reason, the school's popular hunky guy and the gang of popular girls decide to make the life of the school's nerdy virgin girl a living hell. She just minds her own business reading books. Can't have that. Her mother is barely meeting ends meet but is also one of those only-in-the-movies parent who treats her daughter as if she's a slut for no reason whatsoever and wants to keep her sheltered.

The guy invites the girl to a party at his place. She goes, he forces himself onto her. Then the gang of girls grab her, duct-tape her to a tree, drawing "slut" on her face, the usual stuff. At school, they ridicule her non-stop. She seeks help from a counselor who doesn't take her seriously. Eventually she has no choice but take action and take revenge.

That's all there is to this movie. It's a low budget movie, it has a good occasionally smart script but there just isn't much to see. Angelique Hennessy does a great job and the movie improves several notches once we get into revenge mode. Unfortunately, the low budget, and the poor visuals didn't help the movie one bit.
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nogodnomasters12 April 2019
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Michelle (Angelique Hennessy) is the new girl in school with low self-esteem. She is invited to a private party, gets slipped a drug and is forced to entertain three guys on the football team. She is immediately branded as a "slut" with her own mother not believing her. She then decides to go "I Spit on Your Grave" all over her abusers.

The film was pretty sad up until the last 15 minutes. The dialogue and acting lacked. The sound wasn't top notch.

Guide: F-bomb. Rape. No nudity
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Wow just bad
Lucky13197513 December 2020
This is so bad. The dialogue, and acting suck. Scenes are poorly framed. The script is neither smart nor funny
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Shot-on-video Carrie copy
Leofwine_draca22 April 2017
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BAD REPUTATION is nothing more than a shot-on-video copy of CARRIE, made without an ounce of that film's style or direction. Instead this is badness through and through, limited in execution from beginning to end due to budgetary constraints. It's your usual story of high school angst and violence with a little bit of murder added to the mix; it's generally very poor and the almost entire lack of content makes it a chore to watch.
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Ehhh I'll pass
pds-9305511 April 2020
Terrible filming and acting in this movie. Not at all what I heard it would be and disappointed. Another rape revenge film but this might the worst revenge plot movie I've ever seen.
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A tribute to Carrie
lastliberal15 August 2007
In the interest of full disclosure, I have to admit that I really wanted to be in California this weekend to meet the director and cast and see this on the big screen. But, I have to be satisfied with my video autographed by the director Jim Hemphill in his first effort at a horror film.

The story was basic high school revenge after a rape by Aaron (Jared Anderson) after he drugs Michelle (Angelique Hennessy). She gets blamed and duct taped to a tree by Debbie (Dakota Ferreiro and her friend, while Wendy (Danielle Noble) just watches. The whole school is ragging her the next day as a slut, and the school counselor (T.W. Porrill) is more interested in getting in her pants than helping her.

Well, that takes care of all the great people who also autographed my copy of this movie.

Revenge is sweet, as she systematically does them one by one. I won't tell you whether or not she gets away. You'll have to watch it yourself for that.

What I will say is that the acting was good for a Grade B film, the dialog was superb and the direction was great. What impressed me the most was the quality of the tape. The lighting and sour were superb, and that is rare in this type of movie.

My only complaint: It is really a PG, not an R rated horror. They missed the boat there.
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Worst Movie Ever Made
AnUnkindnessOfRavens16 January 2014
There's nothing even remotely good about this movie (and i really love independent productions and experimental films). The whole movie looks like it was shot with an old nokia phone camera, watching the actors trying to carry this excuse for a movie feels like you're watching a YouTube Parody of an already bad movie, the dialogue is so bad that i threw up a little in my mouth while watching it, the editing is a nightmare and don't even get me started on the ridiculous "death scenes". I'd really love to ask the cast, crew and director what they were thinking to make such a pathetic piece of crap. And i'd really like to know who much it cost to make this movie. (100 Bucks maybe?) Easily the worst movie ever made! Horrible, just horrible!
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Bad Reputation - thumbs up for a high school horror film
drama-hooker-take-17 March 2010
Finally, another slasher film for revenge!! I give this movie thumbs up. It's weak and strong in many areas, but it's better than most of the lame films that come out for teens for the 21st century. The acting reminds me of 80's type but more updated for the time frame it came out, yet similar to I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE and other classic horror movies. Not saying the film is perfect or a copycat ... but it's not bad for some debut film for such a hot messy topic. Rape exists everywhere: in high school and in college. The rape scene is very familiar to many girls who have undergone such traumatic experience in reality (on or off campus). The cliques of these ugly groups fits the "T" of any American typical high school group. I watched this on Hulu for the first time and was laughing yet emotional at the same time for such bad ass kids who think they truly rule. Or the fact that this girl was screwed with in many tormenting ways, that any teen can definitely relate to. Good anger and aggression! And I appreciate the fact that this film gets back at men - - especially with the penis slashing. Women are always depicted as rape victims and never fight back. Well, in this case she does. And it's great to see another cheap horror film do well in such arena with feelings & emotions. I watched the entire film and new it was cheesy. If you think back to old movies like bad acting in Halloween or any other cheese-ball slasher flick, bad acting will always exist to a degree but it wasn't all that bad in BAD REPUTATION. The characters were well developed, and I could see the points in between where during takes (laughter or humor slipped in) - - but all low budget films start out as such.

Laugher is the best medicine. So thumbs up! I laughed. Better than watching THE RING or some other gay horror flick.

If you want a cheesy film to watch with friends, then this is it. Grab your popcorn and beer and laugh. But as you watch and are drawn into the film, the topics are well picked and make you think in the end - - AND during the movie. And this is obviously what the writer / director intended and managed to show on the silver screen.

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Good low-budget effort that omits the typical teen-horror gloss
ThrownMuse13 December 2007
"Bad Repuation" is an over-ambitious but interesting hybrid of no-budget horror and after-school special. Most reviews cry "Carrie!", but I thought this was unique and provocative in its own right. Its main problem is the kill sequences. They're neat ideas, but everything is off-camera, likely due to budget constraints. The acting is decent and the dialogue bounces between witty and eyeroll-worthy. Overall, not a bad movie, and it gets kudos for not going the glossy teen-girl-bent-on-revenge horror route (I'm lookin' at you, "Tamara") and instead exploring sex double-standards and how truly horrible teenagers can be to each other.
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good low-budget rape/revenge flick
movieman_kev30 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
A shy, introverted nerd girl, Rikki Moore (Angelique Hennessy in her first leading role) gets invited to a party by a popular high school football player, whom promptly rapes her. His jealous ex-girlfriend than has poor Rikki's image tarnished within the halls of the school. But undeterred Miss Moore chooses to get even with all involved in this low-budget horror film homage to I spit on your Grave and Carrie. Well acted, good characterization, and nice effective kills put this ahead of the pack for films of the same budget. It's a slow-burner for sure, but well worth sticking around for the film's duration.

My Grade: B

DVD Extras: Trailers for "Distortion", "Death by Engagement", "Tweek City", "The Brink", "the Champagne Gang", & "Cult" (the first 2 trailers ONLY play upon putting the DVD in)
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Better than no rep at all(?)
kosmasp29 October 2022
No pun or rep intended - not sure if that makes sense. And I am not only talking about my sentence there ... but also about the movie. Well I reckon the movie might make a bit more sense ... actually it is not tough to follow, rather the opposite, using tropes and cliches you are very likely to be familiar with.

Question is how cringe you think this is or rather if it is any good at all. The main character seems too gullible to be true - but we do know that people like that exist in real life. We also know that sexual assault is not uncommon either. Unfortunately - movies like this one may be able to highlight things like that. On the other hand you could also accuse it of exploiting that and making an entertaining (?) movie out of that ... well quality wise this is not worse than other efforts of the same kind ... you either love it or hate it ... and I would hope you understand I mean the revenge part of it and not the first despicable act ... no pun intended.
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WOW! This is one MOVIE!
camarossdriver16 August 2023
I TRIED to like it..I REALLY DID. But the "acting" I SO RANCID that I couldn't get into it in the SLIGHTEST! The woman playing the mom was laughable. I'm assuming that there were ZERO auditions for these roles. There really wasn't one likeable character in the ENTIRE movie...and yes...I made it all the way through the movie...barely. Actually,this would be a GREAT flick to watch if you get together with some friends,and just want to LAUGH YOUR BUTTS OFF! There is absolutely NO WAY you can take this flick seriously. If you are in the mood for a good "Revenge Movie"...this is NOT the one. There are many MANY more that aren't good,but WAYYYYYY BETTER than this pile of garbage.'s not even SO BAD THAT IT'S's...just...bad.

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Solid B movie
daniel-kimmel10 May 2009
This is a low budget B movie, so one has to make allowances, but as a high school revenge movie it may fall short of "Heathers" but would fit in well with "Massacre at Central High" and "Teeth." High school is hell, and this movie gets it. Glad I caught it.

That's really all I have to say. I'm a professional movie critic and think IMDb is being obnoxious in insisting I have to add additional lines. You want a full length you review, you can pay me. I'm just offering this as a brief comment on a movie I caught online at HULU and though enough to recommend.

If that's not enough for IMDb, tough.
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