Grand Theft Auto IV (Video Game 2008) Poster

(2008 Video Game)

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As long as rockstar keeps making these GTA games, they will never die.
The_Light_Triton14 December 2010
GTA III on the 6th generation of consoles was a breakthrough in Gaming in 2001. back then 3-D free-roaming had not been accomplished like Rockstar and take-two interactive had done it. Pretty soon, Rockstar improved on their franchise greatly with Vice city in 2002, and then San Andreas in 2004, proving that they could push the capabilities of their game twice as far as they'd done before.

And then 2008 arrived on the calendar. Rockstar finished working on what is now a classic, Grand Theft Auto IV. Remember what I wrote before how Rockstar could push their franchise twice as hard as before? Well, GTA IV goes beyond twice. There is just So much to do. as Always, you don't even need to follow the story to have fun. You can just hotwire a 69 Charger (known in the game as a dukes) or steal a late-80's, Early 90's era Camaro (known as a Ruiner) and just go bombing through the city running people over, getting in trouble with the law, and hiring Sleazy women for their dirty services (you get to pick which one you want, and the game actually shows it happening this time! Yay!) Sure, you could do that before. but you can also play darts, pool, and go bowling with your girlfriend.

Another addition is online multiplayer, A first for the GTA series. You can gather up to 16 friends (or enemies) and go bombing around liberty city looking to kill each other. I just experienced it for the first time today, and man is it ever fun.

Now to the story. It's modern day, 2008. Niko Bellic is an immigrant from Europe (it's not clear where he's from, he could be from Bosnia, Serbia, or Russia, but the most reliable sources say he's from Serbia) and he's come to Liberty City, U.S.A. The initial Idea is that he's coming in search of the American Dream, but really, there are 2 reasons; 1, To escape the horrors of home, which include witnessing slaughtered children during a war 10 years before, and evading bad men to which he owes money. 2, During the war, He was on a mission with 14 other men. someone in his group betrayed the whole team for money. 12 men died. Niko is not guilty of betrayal, but he knows the other 2 are. and he knows one of them lives in Liberty City.

If you're over 17, and you have 20$ to spare, this game needs (that's right, Needs) to be in your game library. I'm serious. if you aren't playing GTA IV, You're not doing yourself any good.

Rated M for mature.

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The most poignant, sinister & mature GTA to date, and therefore the best of the series
TheNabOwnzz26 October 2018
Grand Theft Auto IV marks the beginning of Rockstar's HD era, where a vastly different approach was taken when compared to most previous titles.

The GTA series has mostly been about entertainment value, absurdness & well constructed missions, but GTA IV is a lot more complex and morally ambiguous. Truly, it is the only entry in the franchise that challenges the player to think about what is right and what is wrong in the world that is displayed, and poses a very subtle message about what leads man to commit violent and murderous acts. This is for the most part thanks to the fantastic addition of the protagonist Niko Bellic, who is without a doubt the greatest protagonist in the series. He is ofcourse outstandingly voice acted by Michael Hollick, who captures the Serbian accent and the many tones of Niko perfectly. His character is also an example of perfect writing, as his tragic wartime backstory in the Yugoslavian wars makes Niko a character with loads of depth and moral ambiguity. This is not a monster, but a man that has been made into what he is today due to a childhood consisting of murder and violence. He is forced to kill to survive, because it is the only thing he knows how. In a couple of conversations with his cousin Roman ( Also excellent voice acting by Jasom Zumwalt ) these morals are really put to the test, as he tries to admit that there is good in Niko. As Niko struggles with his morals and himself, he finds out that he cannot escape his past, which in the end results in quite possibly the greatest single character arc in videogame history.

There has been some criticism on GTA IV's bleak color palette, but one has to keep in mind that these visuals have to add to Niko's story and mood. This game is bleak, because the story is bleak. There is admittedly less use of varying color than the previous GTA's, but there is a feeling of social isolation and disconnection, a feeling of impending doom and desparity in these grey visuals. There are very few locations in videogames that feel as vibrant and alive as Liberty City does in GTA IV. The sinister visuals combined with the fantastic dynamics of rain, ambient noises or people talking really provide this incredibly immersive experience with an extra layer of genius. The sound effects are superb. The art design is top notch.

Generally, every GTA has had excellent voice acting, but GTA IV's voice acting is even more impressive than any other entry in the series. Largely carried by the fantastic performances of Michael Hollick & Jason Zumwalt, there is a lot of genuine emotion & poignancy in these voices. But the real difference maker here is obviously the depth and variety in which these characters have their conversations. This is ofcourse also thanks to brilliant writing. There is ofcourse still a lot of humor in GTA IV, as is standard in these series, but these moments all hide something sinister and serious, and the humor is never as absurd as it was in previous GTA's. It still, however, manages to still be a satire on everyday city life while maintaining its dark and complex plot.

The storytelling is superb. Characterization is fully fleshed out and the writing of plot events or sub plots such as the whole 'Diamond' affair result in a lot of fascinating goose chases and twists. As stated before, the narrative is far more complex and immersive than in other GTA's, which thus results in one of the greatest plots ever seen in a videogame. The character arcs, the twists, the substances of the missions.. everything is connected.

The gameplay lacks a bit of customization which therefore puts more of an emphasis on the already excellent storytelling abilities of Rockstar, and therefore this can never be seen as a con. The gameplay itself is quite simple but yet so extremely effective and gritty. The physics of cars in GTA IV are a stand out in its gameplay expertise. The cars are hard to control and do not turn as inhumanly quick as they would in other GTA's, which results in a game that is not very easy for the casual gamer to get a hold of, but all the more rewarding for the seasoned among us.

Cutscenes often times feature many complex variaties in momentum, meaning that mood changes are very frequent. This makes the cutscenes fascinating, and creates a cinematic experience that is also one of the greatest ever seen. One of the greatest examples of this is the incredible cutscene exchange between Ray Boccino & Niko during the intro of the mission 'Museum Piece'.

Niko's past, except from adding tons of depth to his character, also adds some poignancy to later events in the film. Near the end of the game there is an event where his past will come back to haunt him, and a choice is given that is probably as morally difficult for the player as it is for Niko himself, and this changes his character significantly. There is also possibly a phone call to Roman near the end where Niko will admit to 'Not knowing how much more of the killing he can take', as to say it really affects his character. Without spoiling anything, the ending ( Primarily where the ending takes place ) is really symbolic for the satirical look that Rockstar wants to convey about the 'American dream'.

Grand Theft Auto IV is loaded with superb voice acting, intelligent writing, a fantastic plot and storytelling, a lot of characterization, excellent cinematics & physics, great gameplay while also creating a fantastic study on moral ambiguity and what makes an innocent child into a murderous killing machine.
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This is unlike anything you can believe
aoadrummer176 May 2008
Perfection, or the closest thing possible is achieved with GTA IV. This may sound weird but it's hard to not think that this is a real breathing city. If one word could sum up the game I think it would be 'detail'. Every aspect of the game is as detailed as possible and it is easily the best game ever made respective of the technological possibility. For instance, the AI of the people walking down the street is almost creepy, it seems like these are living people. The dialogue is truly impressive, I believe that this game could compete with some of the best films around. Some people say that the cut-scenes have errors and other minuscule details are slightly askew, but truthfully if they are looking that close for errors they are missing the grand picture. Fantastic acting, worthy of film awards, breathtaking graphics, beyond realistic physics, and just enthralling game-play make this the first truly next-gen game that goes beyond just better graphics, pushing the limits of what I thought was possible. It's one hell of a deal for only $60, it's easily worth hundreds. Rockstar is genius for a making a game so immersive, so realistic, but yet manages to keep that funny, satiric GTA feel. Congrats Rockstar, you deserve your success.

P.S. screw off anyone that believes that video games cause people to do crimes. That's just being lazy.
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Amazing story, graphics, sound effects and physics.
EVON1TY18 June 2019
I think this is the 3rd revolution for the video-games. First one was the Half-Life at 1999 and 2nd one was the Crysis at 2007. But this game has its own cons, lots of cons. Biggest problem is the frame rate per second problem. This game runs very slowly because it is very big and it is not optimized well. But I think this is the best story and physics of GTA games. It deserves better point.
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I will Remember this game for the rest of my life
jamesarooney2 September 2019
About 11 years ago when I rented the ps3 with the game I couldn't believe it The graphics the tone it looked so real I was in love with the game the story was great and atmosphere was amazing I spent hours on it now I just bought it on steam and it like I was 15 again you have to be insane if you hate this game
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The closest thing to live in a parallel world.
insomniac_rod24 July 2009
Oh, finally a real gaming experience that allows you to be a mafia member. The setting, music, situations, and even graphics really make you a part of the whole experience.

You get to explore the sandbox world of the game while getting into dangerous missions that include mobsters, criminal missions, and you even have time for your personal life.

This is a great experience that demonstrates that new millennium systems capacity to recreate a parallel universe that will transport you in a parallel life to say something...

Maybe I'm over praising this video game but believe me, until you play it, you will understand the whole experience...
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Something truly special
wassamatter29 April 2008
I've spent several hours playing this now, all I can say is WOW this game is truly different and truly stunning the graphics are incredible, the level of detail and care taken over everything is astounding. The story is amusing and engaging and the game is very playable. Something you might find difficult especially if you have it on the PS3 is that the controls are completely different to GTA3/vice city/san andreas but after a few hours youl find your feet and get endless pleasure doing amazing handbrake turns into things. The screen has had a lot of the clutter moved away creating for a more movie like experience and the new mobile phone option adds something truly fun/helpful/original to an already groundbreaking series. I would recommend purchasing, in fact i'd near insist upon it, it's even worth paying out for a nu-gen console for it. The only downpoint is that the game isn't being released on the Wii... which would have been a lot of fun... it is shaping up like the best game ever though
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Perhaps the best video game ever.
pathighgate11 May 2008
I have never given anything a 10 out of 10. In my 33 years of life, I've thought a perfect rating was unachievable. . . until I played GTA IV.

The craftsmanship in this title is simply stunning. It is clear that it was designed and implemented by people who really wanted to produce something that was revolutionary, and without skimping on the details.

I'm not much of a gamer, so I can't compare this to other titles. But what I can say is that I have been, and continue to be surprised with what the game is offering.

It seems almost limitless. From AI cars flashing their high beams when you're driving on the wrong side of the road on a collision course with them, to the seamless integration of the radio stations with the world you influence, to . . . well, a dozen pages could be written on the details alone.

And then there's the characters. Niko is great. He's likable, despite being a murderer. As the story progresses, you find yourself empathizing with him more and more, which is something I'd never expect from a video game.

Some of the other characters are annoying, but they ultimately lend themselves to a plot that is just fantastic. I would recommend to anyone playing the game to not seek out spoilers; the story is compelling and full of surprises, to the point where a plot turn will have you sitting in your easy chair, holding your controller, dropping your jaw saying "wow", with a little bit of drool rolling down your face.

Yes. It's that good.

Players of previous iterations of the GTA franchise will be happy to know that Niko is not some dopey guy who does whatever anyone tells him without reason. Whereas CJ from GTA:SA was unquestioning in his desire to just make everyone happy, Niko is far more complex. There are times when you think he's doing things out of dumb sense of "I guess I have to do this", but then you discover it's something else. Something more believable.

It's rare that a title has this much hype surrounding it. It's even more rare when it actually delivers on that hype.

And what were seeing with this game is history. Video games are a new genre of entertainment. Until recently, they've been resigned to the domains of hard-core gamers, with developers seeing how far graphics or sound can be pushed. But it's never been seen as a legitimate art form, like cinema.

GTA IV changes that. It suggests that a video game can be, in essence, a beautiful work of art. With this as a starting point, it's likely that in another 20 years interactive entertainment will be considered just as worthy of critical praise as film, or painting, or music.
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Perfect Game
projectsgamer22 March 2021
Grand theft Auto IV Is an Amazing game all around The story is the best out of all the GTA Games The Characters are good The Antialiagst is amazing there is so much of them throughout the story the only real issue I have is the driving physics but that can be fixed my modding that Multiplayer not so good Does not really infect the review to me My fav part about this game is the weapon physics 100% that RPG all Around this game is my fav game out of the story
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The best GTA game ever
DrRedMustacho9 October 2013
This game is extraordinary, the storyline, characters, game play.EVERYTHING IN THIS GAME IS SO AMAZING You are Niko Bellic coming from Europe to wash his past, and live the American dream alongside his cousin Roman Bellic, together they will conquer liberty city.Characters are so amazing in this game, and funny too! GTA V may have new exciting things, but this one is still the best GTA ever. There are new things like, strip clubs, cellphones so you can call your friends to go to strip clubs, bowling and darts! This game will make you continue it even after you finish the actual game, trust me I have played this game 3 times and this is still fun & playable for me. Play this if you want a good storyline, game play, and extraordinary atmosphere. Liberty city feels alive in this game, it doesn't feel empty at all! So go buy this game now!
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Like a Professional Criminal, This game has made it to the top, And Then Some.
Margera44456 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
About a week after the long anticipated release of the 4th addition to this infamous family, I purchased it at the local gaming hole. The first thing I thought when I popped it into the console was, "Ok, another game with better graphics and more advanced driving...But what about gameplay?" So, I popped this baby into the disk tray, started it up, and so began my journey into the new and improved Liberty.

You're Niko Bellic, a Serbian immigrant traveling over to the states in hopes of a better, more lavish lifestyle with his estranged cousin, Roman. In numerous emails, Roman has accounted his many women, his big house and 10 or 20 cars. But, as soon as Niko gets off the boat, he learns quickly that Roman's life isn't all glam and glitz as described in the pages of lies that were emailed to him. Roman, instead of owning a lavish manor, owns a taxi service. And he has many cars, all of them smell like weeks old babaganoosh and cabbie farts and have probably had more hookers riding them then the johns themselves. Niko is furious when he finds that Roman has been lying to him for months. He soon finds that not only has Roman lied about his lifestyle, he has also failed to tell Niko about his mob troubles and pulls Niko into the betrayal, murder, and thievery that is the mob underworld. Hoping that he may be able to get Roman out of his debts and find a long lost "friend", Niko reluctantly jumps at the chance to join the mob activities and do small odd jobs for those in bloodthirsty need of his services.

GRAPHICS - 10/10 - Stellar graphics, large attention to detail, gritty back alleys and streets that overtake the beauty of this city leave us breathless. Each island has its own feel. Broker has the run down but somewhat comforting feeling, Algonquin has its lit up streets and cold alleyways, and Alderney, the equivalent of New Jersey, has its gritty industrial zones and ladies of the evening, outlined by suburban settlements. Definitely the best environment in the series hands down.

GAMEPLAY - 10/10 - Movement, Combat, and overall gameplay have been greatly improved from its ancestors.

INTERACTION - 10/10 - I don't usually do an interaction title in my reviews, but this game deserves it. Remember when they introduced CJ's ability to reply to people's comments on the street in San Andreas? Imagine that interaction, but 10x better. Beggars ask for money, Cabbies give you rides to your destination, interiors that you have visited in previous missions can be revisited, people are more intelligent, not to mention that movement affects almost everything. Damaging the environment has been added into the game(Firing rockets at buildings will NOT create massive holes or collapses), Crashing a car into another car could send you flying out the front windshield or killing the driver in the next car, and falling from a height can ACTUALLY KILL YOU. Get this, this city ACTUALLY has a TV network. No more hearing about these shows and never getting to see them. You can watch TV in your safehouse now.

SOUND - 10/10 - I was really surprised to go through the radio stations and hear songs that I know from the real world FINALLY make a breakthrough in liberty. No more Punjit Kavaskar....or w/e his name was. Another thing that you have to love, is the voice acting. I think this was probably the best voice acting I've heard in the series. Niko and Roman MAY have some accent issues, but we can excuse them.

CHARACTERS - 10/10 - The characters in this game are so cinematic. It's almost like you would see these people in a real mob movie. Development of the main character has been toned down to further the interaction with others. No more sex appeal or stamina or health upgrades. Just change your clothes and your on your way. Interaction between the characters has been revamped to usher in the new era. Your own decisions can make or break friendships, relationships and even end lives. Morality is playing a big part in this game.

STORY - 10/10 - The best story I've seen so far in a game since Half Life 2. A man comes to America in search of a better life only to get sh*t-canned and dumped on by mobsters and criminals. The greatest thing I've noticed is that the game has a more serious tone to it, with some humorous undertones. Niko Bellic is by far the most interesting character I've played, again, next to Gordon Freeman.

OVERALL - 11/10 - Ya'know, they tell me to grade it on a 1-10 scale, but I gave this game over ten, because that's just what it is, over ten. It's the best game I've played this year, and if it doesn't win GOTY, then there is something seriously wrong with people. Rockstar drags you into a world where the impossible is possible and anything can happen. A gritty underworld of crime, treachery, and betrayal. a world of sickness, greed, and despair. A sickening thud on the American Dream. When Rockstar takes chances, they go beyond the call. Thank god that this game was delayed for those 6 months, because without them, this would have been another generic mob simulator. But with those 6 months came the opportunity to witness something truly amazing, something that broke the rules and gave us the chances to live out our most daring and criminal fantasies. This is the new generation of GTA games, IV.

From the Reivewer's Square (sending a big TY to R* for the Best Game Ever) JP
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Not enough good things to say..
Y-u-n-i-e26 December 2008
This is the best game I have ever played, period. The graphics, the detail, the voice acting, everything about this game is perfect. It would be pretty damn hard to find a fault. Honestly, I've never played a game like this. At first it was just okay, then it was better than okay, and now I'm officially hooked. I never want this game to end, and I honestly believe it outshines San Andreas by many miles, which used to be my favourite game. Liberty City has never looked so good; you'd never believe it was the same city as that of the third game. Everything is polished to perfection, the lighting is just exquisite, the way the main character walks makes him look like a real living person. There are so many pedestrians I've never seen the same one twice yet. Lately games seem to forget the storyline and making a game good and focus on the graphics. This game has proved to me that gaming is not dead yet, and that good, no in this case AMAZING, games can still be made. You'll never have played anything like this. And that's a promise.
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jamster_91124 July 2008
First I'll start out saying that this is in fact a really enjoyable game.

I got this game a couple weeks after the release due to the fact that I couldn't manage to get my hands on it. But i had heard things from my friends. I had some friends claiming it was "epic" and "greatest game ever". But I also heard bad things as well.

Well, because of this, I went into this game with a kind of feeling of not sure what i was going to get out of this game. Now i did enjoy Vice City and San Andreas, so i figured i would enjoy this game.

Well that is what i got from this game. I played the story and online as well. So I'll start with the story line.

Well I absolutely loved the plot to the game. It was entertaining enough to be considered a movie or TV show. I really got a sense of connection with the characters. But when it came to the core gameplay of the story mode I found myself feeling a little empty Many missions seemed a little repetitive and there we're few missions that really stood out. It seemed like I'd seen them already. And that's because i pretty much had. Much of the game's missions were pretty much recycled from the old games. But i figured the multiplayer would make up for it.

Well the multiplayer is somewhat fun but it wasn't as fun as i hoped it would be. I was hoping for something different but it didn't have as much to offer as i thought it would. Although Halo doesn't have much variety after a while, I still find it more entertaining due to the fact the it's more of a game you just hang out on with your friends. It didn't take long before all of my friends were back playing Halo 3 or COD 4 as well.

In short I found the game entertaining for a few good weeks but after a while it gets to be the same. I still occasionally pop it in for some fun. It is a fun game, but now most of my friends are seeing it as a waste of money and are trading it in for other games. But for me I still do enjoy it and would recommend it. But it's more of a rent for me and not a buy.
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What I wanted it to be, and more
breetweaker5 May 2008
This game is is near-perfect, that game that many GTA fans have been eagerly anticipating, and I personally couldn't be happier about the result. I haven't beaten it yet, but I can still post this review, because I know that no matter how far I am from the end, I am, with the risk of sounding arrogant, completely confident that it will remain enthralling and entertaining throughout.

Something must be said about the details: I would consider this a waste of a review if I didn't mention them. Sure, the graphics may sometimes be a little rough during cut scenes, but that little quibble makes so little difference that you would be cheating yourself to pay too much attention to it. The lighting is great, the textures are awesome, and I love just looking around sometimes. Whether you see someone struggling with their groceries on a sidewalk, a car that occasionally backfires, or cops that are pursuing criminals that have nothing to do with you, the lovingly added extra touches are very satisfying. I love the driving, even though it does take a little getting used to. And the aiming system! Man, the aiming system is definitely a hundred times better. You can take cover behind virtually anything wide enough to hide your body. And while the half-press-for-free-aim-full-press-for-auto-aim is initially a little annoying, by the time I had completed the fifth or sixth gunfight in the game, I hardly noticed it.

The story is great, of course, and the voice acting is superb. There are many more things I could discuss here (comedy clubs, dating, internet, and much more) I will end my review here with these words: if you own a PS3 or an Xbox 360, and are looking for a game that can keep you occupied for up to at least 40+ hours, then BUY THIS GAME! You won't be disappointed.
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Easily the best GTA ever
morkulv_athferion17 March 2009
Since some time now I have bought GTA 4 for my XBox 360 and its is far better then I expected, but before I begin my review lets look back on the previous GTA-games and what I personally think about them.

I really enjoyed GTA 1 and 2, and even though many people have mostly forgotten about those 2D-classics, in my opinion they were still the best incarnation of GTA. GTA 3 wasn't a bad game in my opinion, but it was really over-hyped at the time. Even though it was the first true 3D-installment it never really appealed to me. The graphics were too cartoonish, you couldn't even shoot through the front window of a car, and it was just getting boring too quickly I think. Vice City I have to admit I never really played thoroughly so I can't say too much about that. When San Andreas came out it really annoyed me since it was yet another stand-alone modification of GTA 3 in disguise. The graphics were still practically the same, the characters still looked like cartoon-characters and the overall story and gameplay wasn't good enough to keep me playing.

Since San Andreas I never really thought about GTA anymore, until GTA 4 came out. It was kinda funny as well since at the time of San Andreas I read in a interview with developer Rockstar that San Andreas was going to be their last GTA-game. I guess popular demand forced them to make another GTA-game, and I have to say I'm glad they did. This game has worked out a lot of mistakes from the previous GTA-games. For the first time if a car is locked, your character will automatically smash the window in to enter the car. Weapons feel a lot more realistic this time, and the overall atmosphere is more realistic as well which was a great plus for me. Speaking of realism; the game also features ragdoll-physics for the very first time which is very cool.

The story is in my opinion the best in GTA, along with the various places you can visit to hang out with NPC's to play some darts, pool, or bowling. Even though the voice-acting gets a bit corny here and there, it still manages to impress. Overall cruising around the city is more fun as well, and where the people on the streets in previous GTA-games had only a few animations and lines, the people in GTA all react different. Sometimes somebody walks on the street with a ice-cream, or a box and if you happen to bump into him/her he/she drops it on the floor. These small details add to the overall realistic feel. The details on the cars are insane. For example if you smash your car against a road-sign, you will see a significant hole in your car. You also again have a wide selection of radio-channels available.

It goes without saying that every GTA-fan will most probably love this game. To me, the game is even better since the last GTA-games just didn't impress me that much and overall weren't really my cup of tea. Its not just the graphics that are worked out better in part 4, but the overall atmosphere and gameplay are a lot better as well. Highly recommended!
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Another Great Grand theft Auto Game
Jasonisalive13 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This game is a classic in every aspect. After spending a lot of time on this game, I finally completed it like I never thought I would. I am not the best at completing games but this one I found quite easy. The story is in every sense great, the characters are great from beginning to end. Basically the game is great. The thing so great about Grand 4 is that it pulls you right into the game. You get to know these characters and their lives, you get to make choices for these characters that are so difficult. Niko Bellic is a great character. He meets a lot of crazy people in his life in liberty city. In fact, that brings me onto the graphics and setting of the game. Right so, The graphics: In the original Grand theft Auto's, the graphics weren't really a big deal. All the games focus on is story, character and fun. Nor did they focus on realism. Like in Grand theft Auto: San Andreas where you can get a Jet Pack cheat. (Although San Andreas did however use certain elements of realism; like where CJ would be able to go to the gym and work out to increase his strength and to learn new fighting moves). In this game, you pretty much have a mixture of both. The graphics are amazing for a 2008 game. Most games now don't even compare to the graphics in Grand theft Auto IV. The streets, buildings, hospitals, cars are all well thought of. Its got amazing graphics.

Pedestrians: Another great thing about this game in its realism aspect is the way pedestrians act. They walk around, buy hot dogs from hot dog stands, talk to each other, do exercise. It focuses on real life a lot (this game).

Characters: This is probably the most best part of the game: The characters. Like Roman and Little Jacup, they are made very realistic. And even the part (SPOILERS) at the end where you can have everything but lose something close to you. It's just great stuff! So this is my conclusion: Go and buy it! Don't rent it, buy it! It's addictive and you probably would refuse to give it back when you rent it! When you get it, play it, love it, watch it, enjoy it!
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I am 8 years late but..
westen122319 October 2016
GTA IV is an excellent entrance to the GTA series, it not only provides an open world in the fictional city of Liberty City where violence and gang-related conflicts have sunken the city's reputation, it also provides a darker and more complex plot and atmosphere. I think that GTA IV is the most interesting, exciting and fun-filled GTA game out of the others. Not only does it gives us the ability to freely walk around the five borough of Liberty Coty, but it also sets a subtext which tells you to not possess drugs or weapons as it just demonstrated the consequences. Unlike GTA V, the characters in the game (like Niko) have a intriguing personality and has more sympathy.

GTA IV, the game which never disappoints.
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Warning: Spoilers
This game was a huge change and a massive step up in graphics from the games that came before this, GTA 4 introduces you to protagonist Niko Bellic, a European man arriving in Liberty City on a big boat to a criminal underworld in search for two men who have wronged him, you face antagonists and challenges throughout the game, one of the best things I think about this game is the physics whether it's driving, flying a chopper, riding a motorcycle, shooting or anything, it has that realism that they didn't quite get with GTAV, the story is amazing, progressing through the game will allow you access to more weapons, boroughs of the map and new clothes within the city stores. Side missions will be available in the game such as vigilante, import/export, dating/hanging out with friends, races and an online mode that's now full of modders but anyway, the story itself is great! An old game and a very late review I know.
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So good it makes San Andreas look like GTA 2.
Danny-Rodriguez29 April 2008
Seriously: BUY. THIS. GAME!! I've been running around all over the city trying to buy it today but they were all sold out everywhere. I finally find a copy at a kiosk where I usually buy movies. I think I bought their last copy, haha.

Anyway, so I get home and install it (it takes only a couple of minutes to install on PS3) and I start to play and the first thing that strikes me is the unbelievable freedom of movement in this game. I start driving around and speed up and hitting the brakes and running over people and so on and it's the most intense experience I have ever had playing a GTA game.

And just you wait till you get out on the street, there's no walking through other people on the street in this game, no, in this game you actually run into people, knock them over, and make the very angry with you. Hehe, I got a lot of people running after me my first time on the street. I know how that sounds, that sounds like bad AI right? Wrong! It actually felt extremely real being chased.

So go out and get this game, but the people who live in my town has to wait a week cos I bought the last copy in the entire city.

Peace out!
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So good.
martin-heron30 April 2008
Ach, what can I say? Immense, completely immense. Didn't think Niko was going to be such a likable character at first, but he's brilliant (not as good as CJ, though :P). Brucie's got to be the best character ever in the series.

The missions are great, the taxi service is brilliant, finally the tedium of driving cross-city is over, and there's nothing better than running into a guy, making him retaliate and having HIM arrested. Brilliant!

The funniest thing about GTA:SA was fat CJ, so it's a shame you can't get fat Niko. But hey, when you can play online against 7 friends, all in helicopters, fighting police copters, you tend to forgive the little things. :D
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Ignore all the haters!!!
sashank_kini-123 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This game is perhaps the best I have played till now. Its not just a game,its an experience in itself, that is utterly wondrous. The game boasts of some of the most realistic graphics in history and I affirm that it does have one of the most realistic graphics ever, period. Just look what happens when you hit a street light. Unlike previous GTA games, they don't fly in the air as if they have no weight at all, they fall down properly. The game developers have taken minute, intricate details into consideration. Another example of great graphics: Look at the cars!! I you hit a tree, your engine would surely be affected in real-life. In GTA4, what exactly happens to the car is shown.For example, if I bang the front portion of the car often, it would break down and stop functioning at all. Similarly, if someone keeps shooting my car too often and it catches fire and I take time to escape, then sometimes the car's fire catches on to me and I am on fire. Remember in previous titles where you could ditch the car in the nick of the time when it is about to blow up.

Probably one of the best stories ever, GTA too boasts of vivid characters with their eccentricities. Brucie, Packie, Niko, Roman, Michelle, Playboy X, Dwayne, ever the side characters are all different. They all have their similarities and their differences which can be unearthed through various interactions. Brucie is a show-off who maintains good relation with Niko but still tantalizes him once in a while, especially when he is taken to places that don't boast of extravagant lifestyle.

The dialogs are the best in the GTA series and one of the best ever. The cut scenes themselves are so interesting, I wanted to hug them. The language is colorful, filled with F-words and a lot many other profane words that can't be mentioned but it never put me off, since it all looked so real. I wasn't like they inserted the words because they wanted to get an M rating, but because that's how people, especially criminals talk in their daily routine. This is probably the first game in the GTA series where I have watched ALL the cut-scenes, rather than skipping some and cutting to the missions directly.

The game-play is sublime, with every motion of Niko well researched. You can take cover behind whatever you find as a shield and plan your strategy. One problem that I had was that that the cover system sometimes became annoying since I had to keep pressing R1 again to get out of cover and at times, Niko would take time getting out of cover. The guns are lesser compared to GTA San Andreas but have better effect. One problem with the aiming was that when auto aiming was turned on, I had difficulties and irritation shooting at certain people, especially when a crowd was around. Holding L2 half-down to take free aim is possible but I could hot it half-down for even a few seconds before it targeted someone.

The side-missions are certainly fewer than SA but are better. The Vigilance missions are so much fun unlike SA and previous titles where it was an ordeal. Here, I could do them whenever I wanted, not worrying about reaching certain levels. The drug run mission too were fun. Brucie's races were unbelievable easy, probably Rockstar games was compensating for the tough air missions in SA. The opponents AI in the races was pathetic. I could get out of the car, eat a hot-dog, re-enter the car and still win!

They could have included the firetruck and Ambulance mission since I enjoyed riding the fire-truck just by itself. A fewer more things could have been adding. But don't worry, the dating mission and the friend activities are certainly a hell lot of fun.

The mobile phones are so essential in the game and so are the replay missions. I am running out of the 1000 word limit and so I have to end here by saying, it is the best game I have played till now. 10 on 10.
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The most cinematic video game of all time (until GTA V)
Jdc10219 February 2013
If you have read any of my reviews, you will see that I am a fan of Grand Theft Auto. Ever since playing, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, I was hooked and I had big expectations for Grand Theft Auto IV and it didn't disappoint. In my opinion, I think GTA IV has the best story. Niko's tale about coming to America was original and made the story complex. You WANT to finish this game. Now, it's been 5 years and a new GTA is looming, and it certainly isn't perfect. After recently playing it again, I had forgotten how annoying it was when your "friends" wouldn't leave you alone and the "girlfriend" aspect really went nowhere. But other than that, GTA iv was THE game to get in 2008.

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Cars, Culture and Crime.
Guardia5 October 2009
Those looking for a revolution of the Grand Theft Auto tradition, GTAIV may not be quite for you. But for those that who crave the logical extension from GTAIII (Vice City and San Andreas included), this title is bound to satisfy. More guns, more cars, more areas, more missions, more items, more jumps and more polygons all mean more fun; and for the modern gamer, these now mean more choices, (but I'll explain those shortly).

Does all this content really qualify the 'IV' of the title, (proudly stamped across advertisements like an ominous religious relic), or would a mere subtitle after GTAIII describe the game more accurately? Well, for the most part, the 'IV is warranted. We see a new playable character, a contemporary time setting, and a set of new interactions and dealings for the player to involve himself with. The level of detail has been upped dramatically, and the city is full of a minutia of content that really does worry players like me: "What am I missing, should I stop driving here, and what can I do at this place?" These are the questions that constantly challenge my sense of direction. The distractibility of the city is phenomenal. It is a study in level-design intricacy, as well as a phenomenal example of virtual town-planning.

The missions take a 'choose-your-own-adventure' style structure in that certain jobs are optional, impact on future events, and often ask the player to choose a particular story-branch. Sadly, some missions are painfully trivial, and can force the player into virtual dates, nights-out drinking or at a vaudevillian show (the latter being the most impressive). As to how your choices affect the end result is a mystery to this player, but the idea that the game may have to be played through multiple times is a staggering thought. The replay potential may be through the roof.

Camera control is an issue for me - the price of such a living, breathing world seems to be questionable collision detection and a spasmodic, inconsistent camera. 'Fishin' Lakitu' would be quite disappointed I'm sure. But new to this iteration is the physics engine that gives not only the inanimate objects a respectable realism, but also for the carbon-based biped population (people) of Liberty City. Tossing a grenade into a traffic jam has the convincing effect of what it may do in real life (although this writer has yet to make any bench-tests on this occurrence, I suspect Rockstar have made suitable inquiries) - metal and flesh will rain upon the pavement alike.

Furthermore, arming yourself with a truly devastating selection of assault paraphernalia has never been more satisfying in the series than in 'IV. The current trend to portray a line-of-sight from behind the protagonists shoulder (3rd-person view) finds it's way into IV, and a street battle with the (strangely psychotic) LCPD feels like something from a certain Michael Mann film, (or more respectfully to this author, the battle scenes of 'Dr. Strangelove'). While the aiming system is certainly improved, it has not yet reached the standards of the other staple over-the-shoulder shooters. Arguably, this is not the focus of the game, but rather a sub-scheme of the games control. That is true, but I found myself having to reacclimatise myself to merely holding the left-trigger half-way down to 'free-aim'. Holding it down completely engages an auto lock-on scheme which admittedly, is quite handing for those far-off targets.

The 'Auto' of the title certainly makes sense in 'IV. We have a smorgasbord of four-wheeled machines, not to mention more novelty rides than you would ever care to bother to program (amazingly, Rockstar did). Gratefully, each model has its own feel and nature. Plucking a car from Liberty City's inexhaustible vine is like a lucky dip of larceny. Chryslers, Fords, Toyotas, Nissans are all absent. Yet eerily reminiscent simulacrums populate the heavily worn roads of Liberty City. That's right – auto companies are not represented in this game. I guess the licensing is either too complicated, or the prestigious mobile makers have an aversion to seeing their products involved in manslaughter on a mega-scale. So be it.

Nevertheless, the game has so much to offer that any of these side issues are really quite negligible. GTAIV is a breath-taking accomplishment, and at least a great, playful and dramatic video game experience. Certainly, the game poses all sorts of moral issues at the player, and it is often staggering how easy it is to slip into the lifestyle of a true sociopath scumbag. It's funny that the immigrant (Niko) alleviates his culture shock with such barbaric and criminal impulses, but it's even more staggering that this is vital to his assimilation.
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In retrospect, it's an excruciatingly tedious game
CuriosityKilledShawn25 August 2013
When GTA4 was released in April 2008 it was quickly regarded as the best video game ever made and sucked up thousands of positive reviews. In my judgement it was a victim to blind adoration from folks who were just unwilling, or unable, to see the numerous faults that ruin the game. Having played it upon its release, and again for the first time in 5 years only recently, I have the advantage of distance. It's a bad game people, sorry.

My main gripe is that GTA4 is soooooooo slooooooooow! For a game that sells itself on speed and thrills there's very little high horsepower to it. The missions are dull and repetitive, and go on and on for an eternity. In order to explain how joyless the missions are I'll go into a step-by-step detail for the average mission.

Go to some dude (usually miles away). To avoid spending the next 15 minutes of your life driving to this destination you will need to find a taxi. There will be no taxis nearby (although there are lots when you don't need them) meaning that you will have to go hunting for one. At the destination the person you meet tells you that you are both going to a new destination and that you need some wheels (cue, if necessary, the only instance in the game where the title is actually relevant). Another 5-10 minutes are now spent driving to this new destination while your buddy dishes out boring exposition. At the new destination a deal will go sour or a target will run away. An awkward car case in which your target will get away thanks to poor controls and difficult camera. Mission failed. You start again. ALL THE WAY BACK AT THE BEGINNING! There are no mid-mission checkpoints. Through sheer chance you manage to complete the mission. Your buddy actually has the audacity to say "take me home" before the game saves and progresses.

This is not Grand Theft Auto, this is Taxi: The Liberty City Experience.

Have you ever wanted to feel the bore and monotony of just driving, and driving, and driving, and driving, and driving, and driving, etc, etc, etc, etc? If so then this game is for you.

Nothing in this game is easy. Be it driving a car, a bike, a boat, a chopper, or even just walking around. It's all too difficult. When Niko is running about the streets (usually hunting for a taxi) there is a weird inertia which seems to pull him in all directions. You will often find yourself caught on corners, even when there is nothing to be caught on.

For a game that goes on and on and on I reckon some RPG elements would have made the grind somewhat bearable, but there none. Even your weapons are very basic with no variation. You have one hand gun, one machine gun, one automatic rifle, one sniper rifle, one rocket launcher. Even the ability to upgrade just the weapons would have kept things interesting. When using these weapons the targeting system is a joke and will often lock-on to people you don't want to aim at. Meanwhile 3 or 4 bad guys are blasting away at you. I hope you wanted to restart that mission all the way back at the start.

The main problem is that the premise just does not fit the open-world gameplay. The original GTA, with its cute, chunky, top-down graphics, worked just fine with car-jacking and reckless driving. But in an open-world game it just doesn't fit.

I actually found Sleeping Dogs, a game often accused of ripping-off GTA, to be far superior in terms of graphics and gameplay. Nothing in GTA feels refined. It debuted less than 2 years after the release of the PS3 and I do fully believe that it is too rushed and rough. Had it been delayed a year, or even just a few months, to polish away the many faults then it might have deserved the absolute mad praise that it got.

It doesn't. Plain and simple. Many were distracted by the bloody carnage and savage humor but this does not make up for everything else.

There are a total of 66 trophies, but many of them are online-based, and after 5+ years there's no way you can win them now, so don't bargain on getting that Platinum. Some of the other trophies are so torturous too. There's one that requires you to snipe about 250 pigeons hidden all over Liberty City. Anyone who dedicates the necessary amount of time for such a thankless, pathetic task should be required by law to get outside. Over 50 of the trophies are bronzes too. Believe me, this game is very stingy with rewarding the player for slogging through the breathtaking, patience-breaking tedium. I maxed-out at 54% before vowing to never, ever play GTA4 again.

Graphics B- Sound A Gameplay D Lasting Appeal D
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Online Multiplayer for the win!
tim0205071 May 2008
I picked the special edition version up at Midnight with my best friend and then I called in sick to work the next day. This game has the best story line that truly makes feel for the main character Niko. The dialogue is amazingly realistic and the missions are unique and allow you to beat them at your own pace. (very few timed missions are a plus). Bottom line on single player... detailed, humorous, engaging and dramatic.

Now to the part of the game that puts it over the top of EVERY next-gen console... Online Multiplayer! You can play with up to 16 people in a wide range of scenarios. From team deathmatch to racing, this game has it all. Its like COD4 collides with Forza 2. The graphics and city area do not change when playing online, so you have more freedom than any game out there. The multiplayer also allows you to change settings such as traffic, police, and weapons of course. (I know what you're thinking... Rocket Launcher!).

I have to stop this review now and get back into the game. If you own a next-gen console or are thinking of getting either an Xbox 360 or PS3, this needs to be at the top of your list when picking out your next game. Thank you for reading.
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