Marvel: Ultimate Alliance (Video Game 2006) Poster

(2006 Video Game)

Scott MacDonald: Nick Fury, Corsair, Dum Dum Dugan, Cyclops, Announcer, Dark Cyclops


  • Nick Fury : Wolverine, I'm glad you're here. It looks like we're in for a nasty fight.

    Wolverine : Wouldn't have it any other way, Fury.

  • Nick Fury : Thor, I knew I could count on you.

    Thor : Thank you, Colonel Fury. I transported us here as soon as we received your summons.

  • Cyclops : Stay focused, team!

  • Cyclops : Jean. Jean it's me. It's Scott. Try to focus on my voice, sweetheart. Arcade is something controlling you; controlling your mind.

    Jean Grey : He showed me the truth about you and all the other super heroes. You fear me, because I'm more powerful than any of you. I could turn you into a pile of ash without even trying.

    Cyclops : Jean listen to me. I know what you've been through. But Arcade is using your emotions against you. But no matter what happens here Jean, I am going to save you, even if it means sacrificing myself.

  • Cyclops : This one's out!

  • Nick Fury : The loss of Jean Grey is a tragedy; no one believed more deeply in the X-Men's struggle to promote understanding between mutants and humans. And while we may miss Jean as a friend, the world is going to miss her as the rarest type of champion there is... a champion of peace.

    Nick Fury : I wish there was additional time to mourn Miss Grey's death, but from what was heard in Mephisto's Realm, we have to get to Asgard quickly.

    Nick Fury : To go to Asgard use the Orb of Teleportation.

  • [first lines] 

    Nick Fury : What the hell is goin' on? Where's our air support? Get those forward guns going! Why aren't those rear batteries firing? Somebody get General Wilson on the horn!

    Dr. Doom : [on the screen]  Colonel Fury.

    Nick Fury : Doom! I'll have your head for this.

    Dr. Doom : I have little time for your petty threats, Colonel. Surrender your ship now, or I shall destroy it.

    Nick Fury : Not on my watch.

    [after touching some bottons on his glove; talking to a microphone on it] 

    Nick Fury : This is a priority alert to all meta-humans. U.N.N. Alpha request inmediate assistance.

  • Nick Fury : Spider-Man, I didn't expect you to be one of the first to show up.

    Spider-Man : What? And miss riding on the helicarrier? This beast has gotta be the biggest waste of tax payer money in history. Hey, you guys have any plans to make a flying Mt. Rushmore? Seriously, that would totally rock.

  • Nick Fury : Cap, it's good to see you.

    Captain America : We got here as quickly as possible, sir.

  • Cyclops : Remember the plan people!

  • Nick Fury : Why is he always late?

    [Iron Man lands on a nearby balcony] 

    Iron Man : Hello, team. Welcome to Stark Tower, my pride and joy. It's 40 stories of heaven on Earth.

    Spider-Man : Huh, it's amazing what you could do with just a few billion dollars.

    Thor : We're now a team?

    Nick Fury : Yes. I been empowered by S.H.I.E.L.D. to create a task force to stop the Masters of Evil. But the helicarrier was so badly damaged that it can't be used as a headquarters. Fortunately, Tony is willing to let us stay here for the duration. It has all the facilities we'll require.

    Iron Man : Believe me, it's no problem at all. And I called in a few old friends to help us out - feel free to walk around and meet them.

    Nick Fury : I'd suggest you meet Hank Pym first since he's in charge of equipment. The Vision is here as our information officer.

    Wolverine : Great, we got the computer to talk to the computers for us.

    Iron Man : When you're ready to leave to go on a mission, talk to Wyatt Wingfoot. He'll take you there in one of my Quinjets.

    Captain America : Speaking of that, what is our next mission, Colonel?

    Nick Fury : I recently received a radio transmission from Dum Dum Dugan requesting that I come to the Omega Base. But there was something questionable in his message.

    Captain America : You think it might be a trap?

    Nick Fury : Maybe. I can't be sure. For more information, talk to the Black Widow.

  • Nick Fury : Team, this next mission takes you to Mephisto's Realm. It's an alternate dimension that's filled with fire and brimstone.

    Spider-Man : Dah! Why can't we ever be sent to an alternate dimension filled with lonely super models?

    Wolverine : Cause we're going to save Nightcrawler. You got a problem with that?

    Spider-Man : Oh... sorry. I'll just be quiet now.

    Wolverine : Best news I heard all day.

    Elektra : Why is Nightcrawler in Mephisto's Realm?

    Nick Fury : Dr. Doom somehow forced him to teleport a group of them to that dimension.

    Storm : How is that possible? Nightcrawler's abilities were never that strong.

    Nick Fury : They used a device known as a mutant amplifier. It magnified his powers far beyond the norm.

    Storm : What's this amplifier doing to Kurt?

    Nick Fury : We estimate it's overdriven his powers to the point that it's causing physical damage. You have to move fast or it'll kill him.

    Elektra : Do you know why the Masters of Evil are going to this dimension?

    Nick Fury : No. Any knowledge you could gain would be helpful. So far we've been completely in the dark as to what Doom is up to.

    Wolverine : But Kurt comes first. We ain't risking his life. You got it, bub?

    Nick Fury : I understand, Wolverine. Nightcrawler's safety is the number one priority. So get movin'.

  • Dr. Bruce Banner : Reed Richards, am I glad to see you. What the heck is going on around here? There was a huge explosion and then I couldn't open this door.

    Mister Fantastic : The Masters of Evil have attacked the Omega Base. But first things first, Bruce. Are you alright?

    Dr. Bruce Banner : I'm fine, Reed. I just hope they didn't damage any of my work... wait a minute. Did you say the Omega is under attack?

    Mister Fantastic : Doom used a knockout gas on the Omega. That explosion must have sealed your room off from it.

    Dr. Bruce Banner : This is terrible. If Doom can lay his hands on the experiments here, there's no telling what he'd be able to do.

    Mister Fantastic : I know. There's several experiments of mine here that I hope are secure. What do you know about the giants that are running around here?

    Dr. Bruce Banner : Those are the results of the Super Soldier program. Scientists are attempting to recreate the experiment that gave Captain America his super strength. So far they haven't had much success.

    Dum Dum Dugan : Team, you muse be making the Masters of Evil nervous. My security panel shows a gamma bomb has just been activated. You've got to shut it down, or all life in a 2-mile radius will be destroyed.

    Mister Fantastic : Bruce, you're something on an expert on gamma bombs, aren't you?

    Dr. Bruce Banner : Yes, I am. Follow me to the primary lab and I'll see what I can do.

  • Storm : We've arrived at Mandarin's palace, Colonel Fury. All's quiet... let's hope it stays that way.

    Nick Fury : That's good to hear, Storm. Now all you have to do is track down Mandarin and ask him about the Masters of Evil.

    Storm : Tracking him down shouldn't be problem. But living long enough to ask him questions might be a little difficult.

    Nick Fury : Storm, I didn't think anything scared you.

    Storm : I'm not frightened, Colonel, just cautious. I've faced Mandarin's rings of power before.

    Nick Fury : I hear yo,u, Storm, but I have every confidence you'll succeed. You have to find out what's Doom's planning next. Fury, out.

    Storm : All right, my friends. You heard the Colonel. Let's see if we can locate Mandarin.

  • Nick Fury : Gentlemen, this is Colonel Nick Fury. I'm on the main bridge, but I'm not sure how long I'll last. Get here ASAP... Fury, out!

  • Nick Fury : Welcome to Valhalla, Ghost Rider. I think you'll find this to be a very interesting place.

    Ghost Rider : I've been a lot of places, Colonel Fury, but Valhalla's one of my favorites.

  • Nick Fury : Hello, Dr. Strange, Welcome to Valhalla.

    Doctor Strange : Truly an intriguing place, isn't it, Colonel?

  • [During the Omega Base mission, if the player's team includes Wolverine] 

    Dum Dum Dugan : Wolverine, never thought I'd be so glad to see your ugly face.

    Wolverine : You keep up with all this sweet talk, Dugan, and you're gonna make me blush. Now what's the story here?

    Dum Dum Dugan : A knockout gas was spread through the ventilation system of the base. I woke up to Dr. Doom demanding I bring Colonel Fury here or he'd ram the Omega into Vondrak Dam.

    Wolverine : Well the tin man must've forgotten his part of the bargain, 'cause the base is headed straight for that dam.

    Dum Dum Dugan : I should have known. It was stupid of me to believe him.

    Wolverine : Don't sweat it. If it weren't for your message, we wouldn't have come at all. Then where'd everyone be?

    Dum Dum Dugan : I suppose you're right. But our time's running out. Get me to the primary engineering control room and I'll stop the Omega before it can do any damage.

  • [after the player's team has defeated Fin Fang Foom] 

    Nick Fury : That wasn't the most graceful battle I've ever seen, but you saved the helicarrier. Thanks, team.

    Active Hero : Just doing our job, Colonel Fury.

    Nick Fury : When you're done in that area, come back to the bridge. We're moving everyone to Stark Tower before we begin our next mission.

    Active Hero : Our next mission? What are you talking about?

    Nick Fury : Come back to the bridge, and you'll find out.

  • Nick Fury : We're close to the landing zone so I'll be brief. Dum Dum Dugan recently sent a suspicious radio message requesting I meet him at the Omega Base for a report on the latest Super Soldier Serum.

    Captain America : What's so suspicious about that?

    Nick Fury : Dr. Banner was to give the report. The only thing is, Banner has been working on the Gamma Bomb project, not the Super Solider Serum. Dugan would never make a mistake like that. Something's up.

    Storm : What is the Omega Base?

    Nick Fury : It's a mobile lab that's over five stories tall. We use it for field testing experiments.

    Spider-Man : Heh oh, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s is the greatest! Flying aircraft carriers, office buildings on wheels... please, tell me you've got a tunnel that runs from New York to Tokyo?

    Storm : Spider-Man, this is serious. Colonel, is there anything onboard the Omega that would be considered dangerous?

    Nick Fury : If the contents of that vehicle were to fall into the wrong hands, it would be disastrous for all mankind.

    Iron Man : Exactly what are you developing that could threaten the entire planet?

    Nick Fury : That's classified.

    Iron Man : So it's all right for us to save the vehicle, we just can't know what's going on there?

    Nick Fury : Correct. Now if I may continue. The team's mission will be to sneak onboard the Omega and locate Dugan. He should be able to bring you up speed on the situation. Any questions? All right, good luck.

  • [During the Murderworld mission, if the player's team includes Cyclops] 

    Jean Grey : I just had the strangest dream. I was trying to kill you at a carnival.

    Cyclops : I was no dream, Jean. I thought for a moment we had lost you. Arcade was controlling you; using you. I couldn't bear to think... Are you all right?

    Jean Grey : Other than a few bumps and bruises, I'm fine.

    Cyclops : You're safe now. But we have got to stop Arcade. Jean, I'm worried about Nightcrawler.

    Jean Grey : The last time I saw Kurt, Dr. Doom had him hooked up to some kind of power amplifier.

    Cyclops : A device designed to increase mutant powers was stolen from the Omega Base.

    Jean Grey : I do remember Arcade was there with Doom. If you can find Arcade, I'm sure he can tell you where Nightcrawler is.

    Cyclops : I'll find him and I assure you he is going to talk, and then he's going to pay for what he did to you. Stay here. After what you've been through I can't have you going into harm's way again.

  • [During the Murderworld mission, if the player's team includes Cyclops] 

    Cyclops : Jean. Jean it's me. It's Scott. Try to focus on my voice, sweetheart. Arcade is somehow controlling you, controlling your mind.

    Jean Grey : He showed me the truth about you and all the other super heroes. You fear me, because I'm more powerful than any of you. I could turn you into a pile of ash without even trying.

    Cyclops : Jean listen to me. I know what you've been through. But Arcade is using your emotions against you. But no matter what happens here Jean. I am going to save you, even if it means sacrificing myself.

  • [During the Castle Doom mission, if the player's team includes Cyclops] 

    Cyclops : Peter, what are you doing here? What has Doom done to you?

    Dark Colossus : Dr. Doom merely showed me that he is the ultimate power in this universe. And now I have the privilege of being his protector.

    Cyclops : Privilege? Peter, you have always been the very best of us. You never wavered, no matter what the X-Men faced. I know I could never look myself in the mirror if I decided to side with a despot like Doom.

    Dark Colossus : I too had thought so, until I faced Dr. Doom and lost. Now look at me. Soon we will stand side by side as protectors of our Lord Doom.

    Cyclops : You know I can't let this stand, Peter. I can't let you do this. I will do what I have to do.

  • Nick Fury : That was a nice job in Murderworld. You turned a potential disaster into a successful mission.

    Active Hero : How did we wind up in Murderworld?

    Nick Fury : That dark magic Clea has sensed was Mordo's spell waiting to divert the Orb of Teleportation. But Wong's corrected the problem - it won't happen again.

    Active Hero : Any word on Nightcrawler?

    Nick Fury : Yes. Xavier's discovered that Arcade was telling the truth. Doom used the Mutant Amplifier on Nightcrawler to open a portal to Mephisto's Realm.

    Active Hero : What's Mephisto Realm?

    Nick Fury : It's a dimension of fire and brimstone and it's where you're headed next. For more information, talk to Professor Xavier or if you're ready to go now, use the Orb of Teleporation.

  • Weasel : That password you gave me into Black Widow's account was perfect. I got all the info I need to prove she's a traitor.

    Active Hero : What did you find out?

    Weasel : Well, sweet little Black Widow has traveled to Latveria several times in the last few weeks. And, get this, a large amount of cash was recently wired to her account. Now Fury's gotta believe she's working for Dr. Doom.

    Active Hero : You're right. We gonna go talk to Fury right now.

    [Fury meets with the heroes] 

    Nick Fury : All right, I'm here. What was so important that we couldn't discuss it outside?

    Storm : Colonel Fury, we think that Black Widow might be a spy for Dr. Doom.

    Invisible Woman : We found a laptop that belonged to Black Widow back on the Helicarrier. It held detailed security information on a S.H.I.E.L.D. think tank known as The Imperium.

    Storm : We also discovered that large amounts of money have been transferred to her bank account, and she has recently made trips to Latveria.

    Nick Fury : Why are spying on my personnel when you should be focusing on the Masters of Evil?

    Wolverine : What's wrong with you, Fury? Didn't you hear a word said? The Black Widow's sellin' the Imperium to Doom.

    Nick Fury : You've got it all wrong. Doom broke into The Imperium a month ago and stole some very top secret plans. Black Widow had that laptop because she'd been given the job of upgrading the security there.

    Invisible Woman : But what about the money and the trips to Latveria?

    Nick Fury : I had sent her to Latveria in hope of bribing one of Doom's people to get back a particular plan he stole.

    Storm : What is so important about this particular plan, Colonel?

    Nick Fury : Its called Operation All Father. It was developed in case of the Asgardians ever became a threat to us. It dealt with stealing Odin's power by using the Twilight Sword.

    Wolverine : So that's what Doom's been up to? He's out to become the most powerful god in Asgard? And you knew all along?

    Nick Fury : I was never completely sure.

    Invisible Woman : Well, I think you can be now. I only hope we didn't find out too late.

    Storm : Agreed. We had best get to Niffleheim quickly and save Odin before Doom is able to complete his scheme.

  • Nick Fury : Greetings, Black Panther. How are things in Wakanda?

    Black Panther : Hello, Colonel Fury, My country is doing quite well.

  • Nick Fury : Wolverine, think you're ready to battle the Masters of Evil?

    Wolverine : You know me, Fury. I'm always ready for a good scrap.

  • Nick Fury : Cap, it's good to see you. You're a welcome addition to the team.

    Captain America : Thank you, sir. It's good to be here.

  • Nick Fury : Glad your team could make it, Dr. Richards.

    Mister Fantastic : The Fantastic Four wouldn't miss this for the world, Colonel Fury.

  • Nick Fury : Look around you, team; we're standing in a land very few humans have ever seen. This is the world known as Valhalla - it's where brave Asgardian warriors go wen they die. Understand that the only reason we're allowed to make headquarters here is because Asgard has fallen and they need our help to defeat Doom.

    Active Hero : What can we do to help them?

    Nick Fury : Right now we have two possible missions. First, the gate of the Bifrost bridge has been locked and needs to be opened. Second, many of the gods are being held prisoner in Asgard. For information on freeing the prisoners, talk to Lady Sif. To find out about the Bifrost bridge, talk to Hermond. If you're ready to start now, take the path to Asgard or the portal to Bifrost.

  • Silver Surfer : This is quite an extraordinary occasion-one Galactus will not soon forget.

    Active Hero : I think it's going to stay with us a while too.

    Nick Fury : Thanks for your help, Silver Surfer. Now that you've got the Muonic Inducer, it's time we brought you people home.

  • [the heroes have freed the Destroyer armor from a block of ice] 

    Active Hero : That's it. The Destroyer Armor is free.

    Nick Fury : You did an excellent job.

    [the Fake Fury transforms into Loki] 

    Loki : Thank for you doing what I could never have accomplished alone.

    Active Hero : Loki! What just happened?

    Loki : You should know by now that deception is my greatest weapon. You never teleported back to Valhalla. You're in a land of my making.

    Active Hero : So you tricked us!

    Loki : Yes, and now I will take possession of the Destroyer Armor and crush the life from you!

  • Nick Fury : Thanks for responding to my S.O.S. so quickly.

    Active Hero : No problem, Colonel Fury. What's the situation here?

    Nick Fury : The helicarrier's under attack by a group of super villains called The Masters of Evil. And to make matters worse, they're led by Victor Von Doom.

    Active Hero : Dr. Doom is back? That means we're in for real trouble.

    Nick Fury : My thoughts exactly.

    Active Hero : But what's the helicarrier doing at this location? You're kind of a long ways from home aren't you?

    Nick Fury : It's not important.

    Active Hero : But if you told us why you're here, maybe we could figure out why they're attacking the ship.

    Nick Fury : I told you, it's not important.

    Black Widow : Colonel Fury, this is the Black Widow. The Masters of Evil have activated the launch cycle of our nuclear missiles. I need help of they are to be stopped.

    Nick Fury : Help is on its way, Black Widow. Fury, out. Team, just one of those missiles could level an entire city. Failure is not an option; you have to get to the launch bay and stop them.

    Active Hero : We're on it, Colonel.

  • Nick Fury : Iron Man.

    Iron Man : Colonel Fury.

  • Nick Fury : Hello, Black Panther. The team did an excellent job on the Omega Base.

    Black Panther : Thank you, Colonel Fury.

  • Nick Fury : Hello, Iron Man.

    Iron Man : Colonel Fury.

  • Nick Fury : Hello, Carol. It's good to see you.

    Ms. Marvel : Hello, Colonel. I'm glad to be here.

  • Nick Fury : Thor, I really wish Loki wasn't involved.

    Thor : Yes, my brother does tend to appear where he's least desired.

  • Nick Fury : Your team was outnumbered and still you saved the Omega Base. Not bad, Wolverine.

    Wolverine : Yeah, this group's got some real potential, Fury.

  • Nick Fury : Blade, are you ready for the mission to Castle Doom?

    Blade : I look forward to any chance to throw down with Dr. Doom.

  • Nick Fury : Oh, it's you, Spider-Man.

    Spider-Man : Heya, Nick. How ya doin,' pal?

  • Nick Fury : What did you think of the Omega, Mr. Richards?

    Mister Fantastic : That's quite a facility, Colonel.

  • [During the Murderworld Mission, if the player's team includes Human Torch] 

    Announcer : Prepare yourself for the Duke of Destruction, the King of Sting, the one, the only... Shocker!

    Human Torch : Dude, nice outfit. Did you get it at a rummage sale? It kinda reminds me of my Grandma's oven mits.

    Shocker : Make your jokes, Human Torch, but I'm gonna be the one who's laughing last when I hit you with vibrations that'll turn your bones to jelly.

    Human Torch : That's it? The worst you can do is vibrate me? Arcade, please you've gotta bring in somebody better than this joker.

    Shocker : That does it, big mouth. You are dead meat.

  • Nick Fury : Hello, Johnny. Are you keepin' out of trouble?

    Human Torch : I'm tryin', Colonel. But I'm not always succeedin'.

  • Nick Fury : I wish I could go to Atlantis with you, Cap. It's a fantastic sight.

    Captain America : So I hear, sir. I just hope we can be of help to Namor.

  • Nick Fury : You need something else?

  • Nick Fury : I've locked this lift down to contain Winter Soldier and Radioactive Man in that area. Let me know once you've neutralized them.

    Active Hero : Will do, Colonel Fuiry.

  • Cyclops : Stay alert, and stay alive.

  • Nick Fury : It's good to see you. Welcome to the team

    Active Hero : Hello, Colonel Fury.

  • Nick Fury : Do you need something else?

  • Active Hero : Colonel Fury, just got of the elevator.

    Nick Fury : There's no time to waste. The Masters of Evil have unleashed some huge creature that's attacking our primary engines. If it succeeds, we're all dead.

    Active Hero : Don't worry, Colonel. We'll handle it.

  • Active Hero : Colonel Fury, we defeated Winter Soldier and Radioactive Man.

    Nick Fury : Well done. I wish there was time to rest, but we got big trouble on our hands.

    Active Hero : What kind of trouble?

    Nick Fury : I'm going to activate a lift nearby you. Take it, and I'll explain the situation when you arrive.

    Active Hero : Yes, sir, we're on our way.

  • Nick Fury : When you're done here you have to get to Asgard. Use the Orb of Teleportation when you're ready to go.

  • Nick Fury : The loss of Jean Grey is a tragedy; no one believed more deeply in the X-Men's struggle to promote understanding between mutants and humans. And while we may miss Jean as a friend, the world is going to miss her as the rarest type of champion there is... a champion of peace. I wish there was additional time to mourn Miss Grey's death, but from what was heard in Mephisto's Realm, we have to get to Asgard quickly. To go to Asgard use the Orb of Teleportation.

  • Nick Fury : The loss of Nightcrawler is a tragedy; no one believed more deeply in the X-Men's struggle to promote understanding between mutants and humans. And while we may miss Kurt as a friend, the world is going to miss him as the rarest type of champion there is... a champion of peace. I wish there was additional time to mourn Nightcrawler's death, but from what was heard in Mephisto's Realm, we have to get to Asgard quickly. To go to Asgard use the Orb of Teleportation.

  • Nick Fury : Hello, Reed. I must admit I'm very impressed with the team.

    Mister Fantastic : Me too, Colonel Fury. It's surprising how well we're working together.

  • Nick Fury : Hello, Black Panther.

    Black Panther : Colonel.

  • Nick Fury : Cap, the team is working even better than I'd hoped.

    Captain America : Yes, we are Colonel. But, with these people, it's really no surprise.

  • Nick Fury : Iron Man, good luck with Mandarin. I know you two have a history.

    Iron Man : That we do, Colonel.

  • Nick Fury : Good, you have the Ultimo schematics. The eggheads are gonna spend weeks studying these.

  • Nick Fury : Hurry up. Once you're through here we need to move out. Talk to Mr. Wingfoot when you're ready to go.

  • Nick Fury : Wolverine.

    Wolverine : Fury.

  • Active Hero : Dugan, we're on a lab level. Where to now?

    Dum Dum Dugan : Before you go to the top, we got a couple of new concerns you might want to address.

    Active Hero : What do you mean?

    Dum Dum Dugan : Security shows some very sensitive labs have been broken into. One lab contains a device known as the Neural Inhibitor and another has plans that could be used to upgrade Ultron.

    Active Hero : Thanks, Dugan. We'll see if there's something we can do.

  • Dr. Bruce Banner : Am I glad to see you. What the heck is going on around here? There was a huge explosion and then I couldn't open this door.

    Active Hero : The Masters of Evil have attacked the Omega Base, Dr. Banner. Are you all right?

    Dr. Bruce Banner : I'm fine. I just hope... wait a minute, did you say the Omega is under attack?

    Active Hero : Yes, they've commandeered the base and have set it on a collision course with Vondrak dam.

    Dr. Bruce Banner : We have to stop it. If that dam is destroyed, thousands of people will be killed in the flood.

    Active Hero : We will, but what do you know about the giants that are running around here?

    Dr. Bruce Banner : Those must be the results of the Super Soldier experiment I've heard about. Scientists are attempting to recreate the experiment that gave Captain America his strength. So far, apparently all they've created are those giants you've seen.

    Dum Dum Dugan : Team, you must be making the Masters of Evil nervous. My security panel shows a gamma bomb has just been activated. You've got to shut it down, or all life in a 2-mile radius will be destroyed.

    Active Hero : We're really not trained to handle something that technical, Dugan.

    Dr. Bruce Banner : It just so happens I'm kind of a specialist on gamma bombs. Take me to the primary lab and I'll see what I can do.

  • Dum Dum Dugan : Good, they sent a team. I was afraid I'd been a little too clever with my message to the Colonel.

    Active Hero : Dugan, what happened here?

    Dum Dum Dugan : Someone used the base's ventilation system to spread a knockout gas. When I woke up, Dr. Doom demanded I bring Colonel Fury here. If I refused he was going to ram the Omega into the Vondrak Dam.

    Active Hero : Looks like he didn't' keep his end of the bargain. The Omega is still headed for the dam.

    Dum Dum Dugan : Well, then there's no time to waste. Get me to the engineering control room. From there, I'll override navigation and stop this monstrosity.

  • Nick Fury : Team, welcome to our new headquarters, the home of Dr. Stephen Strange.

    Active Hero : Why did we leave Stark Tower?

    Nick Fury : We moved because now that Loki's involved we're gonna need magic. And there's no better place on Earth for magic than the Sanctum Sanctorum.

    Active Hero : Has there been any word on the kidnapping of Nightcrawler or Jean Grey?

    Nick Fury : Professor Xavier has located one of his X-Men in Dr. Doom's castle. That means Latveria's your next stop. For more info, talk to Black Widow. You're free to explore your new H.Q. but when you're ready to start the mission, use the Orb of Teleportation near Wong.

  • [During the Murderworld Mission, if the player's team includes Venom] 

    Announcer : Get ready to meet 700 pounds of maniacal muscle... the Rhino!

    Rhino : What's your super power, loser. Being ugly?

    Venom : My powers are an intense hatred for anyone with a criminal record, and a great love of killing him.

    Rhino : Maybe you don't know who you're takin' to, Slick, but I'm the Rhino. And my feet are gonna be the last things you see in this life as I trample you.

    Venom : That sounds like fun! I don't mind a little sport before I kill my quarry.

    Rhino : I was gonna finish you off quick, but now that you're gettin' smart mouthed, I'm gonna make it last a while.

    Venom : Then give it your best shot. I look forward to watching you cry for mercy. It always makes the end that much more satisfying.

  • [During the Murderworld Mission, if the player's team includes Thing] 

    Announcer : Get ready to meet 700 pounds of maniacal muscle... the Rhino!

    Rhino : What's your super power, loser. Being ugly?

    Thing : That is pretty tough talk coming from somebody that's dressed like they belong in a zoo.

    Rhino : Maybe you don't know who you're takin' to, Slick, but I'm the Rhino. And my feet are gonna be the last things you see in this life as I trample you.

    Thing : Huh, for a minute there you had me scared. But then I realized you weren't gonna attack me with your smell.

    Rhino : I was gonna finish you off quick, but now that you're gettin' smart mouthed, I'm gonna make it last a while.

    Thing : Then bring it on, cupcake. Cause it's clobberin' time.

  • Nick Fury : No stragglers.

  • Nick Fury : You really don't want to do this.

  • Nick Fury : Think you've got what it takes?

  • Nick Fury : Go on without me?

  • Nick Fury : Form up on me?

  • Nick Fury : I'm not done, not by a long shot.

  • Nick Fury : I can't go this way.

  • Nick Fury : Give me a hand here?

  • Nick Fury : Attack my target?

  • Nick Fury : Look sharp, team.

  • Nick Fury : I need a medic.

  • Nick Fury : I need backup, now?

  • Nick Fury : Show me what you dgot?

  • Nick Fury : I have to go in another direction.

  • Nick Fury : Let's take then down.

  • Nick Fury : Clear this area, on the double.

  • Nick Fury : Lock and Load people.

  • Nick Fury : Keep close.

  • Nick Fury : Man down.

  • Nick Fury : Let's see if you can dodge a bullet.

See also

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