Krystal (2017) Poster


Parents Guide

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MPAA Rated R for language throughout, drug use, some nudity and brief sexuality

Sex & Nudity

  • A boy looks at his dad's pornographic magazines in the attic. Bare breasts are seen several times, both in photographs and in drawings. The father later has a discussion with the boy about why he has the magazines even though he is married, claiming that his sex life isn't what it once was. The father says he doesn't feel bad about looking at the magazines.
  • A large painting is seen of a topless woman. Bare breasts are seen in the painting numerous times.
  • A woman makes a young man take off his pants (he is seen in his boxers) so she can change a bandage on his leg. He gets an erection, which is briefly seen poking up underneath his boxers (no nudity).
  • A character used to be a stripper. This is referenced multiple times throughout the movie.

Violence & Gore

  • A puppy is hit by a car offscreen and we hear it yelping. The puppy then seen lying in the street with its intestines out and blood on its stomach. A young boy lies down beside the puppy and pleads with it not to die. Extremely graphic, disturbing, and upsetting - especially for animal lovers.
  • A man and a teenage boy get into a fight. The teenage boy is stabbed in the leg with a knife and has to go to the emergency room to get the knife taken out. He is seen multiple times with the knife sticking out of his thigh, and then the doctor pulls the knife out (this is seen in its entirety, as the boy yells in pain).
  • A man attacks another man with a Samurai sword, unintentionally cutting off the man's toe. The man's foot is seen with blood around it, and the woman finds the severed toe underneath a piece of furniture. She holds it up to show the others (the toe is bloody).


  • "Fuck" and its derivatives are used at some point in nearly every conversation in the film - sometimes multiple times. Other words include religious profanities (goddamn, Jesus, Christ, etc.), asshole, shit, hell, and other milder swear words.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • Several characters smoke marijuana multiple times in the film.
  • The film revolves around a woman who is in an alcoholic seeking treatment. Several scenes take place at an Alcoholics Anonymous group, where characters discuss their drinking and drug use, sometimes in frank detail.
  • A man drinks whiskey even after his wife asks him not to.
  • A character is shown to be high. We don't see her using, but she is acting unusual and her son finds drugs in her purse and confronts her about it.
  • Two different characters take prescription pills to get high. One discovers he is addicted to pharmaceuticals.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • The scene where the puppy is hit is extremely graphic and upsetting, especially for animal lovers.
  • The scene where the man's toe is cut off is somewhat shocking and unexpected.
  • We see a man, who is apparently Satan, multiple times throughout the film. He is seen with an evil smile and yellow/orange eyes. Sometimes he just pops up places. Played for odd, quirky humor, but still somewhat startling.


The Parents Guide items below may give away important plot points.

Sex & Nudity

  • We find out that the father knows the main female character from her stripping days. She states that his nickname was "Spanky" for obvious reasons that she doesn't go into detail about. Mentioned multiple times.

See also

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