Last Breath (2010) Poster

(II) (2010)

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Unbelievably Stupid, Corny and Dull
claudio_carvalho5 April 2016
Tina Johnson (Mandy Bannon) and Michael Johnson (Ty Jones) have a son, Caleb, but they live an unhappy marriage. They are distant to each other and Michael has a love affair with his secretary Sarah (Meagan Flynn). One night, Tina and Michael buy a derelict building that Michael expects to fix to make money. While showing the large space to Tina, they are surprised by a sadistic stranger and are tortured along the night. Who might be the stranger and why is he doing this t o the couple?

"Last Breath" is another horror movie of torture in the style of the franchise "Saw". The viewer never knows the motive for the stranger to torture husband and wife. However, when it is disclosed, it is unbelievably stupid, corny and dull. In the end, after a long session of sadism, love is beautiful (lol). My vote is three.

Title (Brazil): "O Último Suspiro" ("The Last Breath")
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nogodnomasters5 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Michael (Ty Jones ) and his wife Tina (Mandy Bannon) appear to be stressed out for no other reason than they want to be. He buys an abandoned warehouse to start his own concrete business. As the unhappy couple walks it down, they are taken prisoner and tortured by a man who has apparently targeted them and knows all about their lives having recordings that are not possible.

The torture scenes are long and drawn out. There is blood, but it was boring, lay flat blood and nothing that squirts. Michael's affair seems to be at the heart of the matter.

The film is confusing as to what is going on, even with the modest slasher clue in the beginning. Once I found out, I felt major league disappointment.

Parental Guide: F-bomb. Near sex scene. No nudity.
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Avoid at all costs
ncoleby27 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I read all the reviews before I decided to watch this film. Most were 10/10, so I couldn't go wrong I thought...falsely. Let me explain. This film has a message to give. Some people find that this message is deep and beautiful. Of course there is nothing wrong with that, unless you try and disguise said message clumsily as a horror/ torture movie.

For starters no one dies! Yes there is an awful lot of blood coloured goo and a couple of very boring torture methods that almost made me fall asleep; but all seems wrong, too nice, not sick enough. Something tells me it was done by someone who uses the horror genre as a medium to reach 'certain people' that just don't want to be reached -if you know what I mean-. Real horror fans who have sat through Saw and/or Japanese gems such as Grotesque for example will not enjoy this at all. Others who have never watched any decent torture/ slasher/ gore movies might like this film because it is 'nice' and 'friendly' compared to the real thing. Before you watch this ask yourself in which category you fit and base your decision on that. I personally can only give it a 1/10 and the one point is for the actor's trying. One of the most boring films ever.
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A real contender -
francishooks18 May 2011
  • for the title Worst Film Ever Made.

I really do struggle to find a place to start here. Firstly, I should draw your attention to the plethora of suspiciously similar rave reviews this dreck has garnered. Friends, family and doubtless fellow church goers have been enlisted to mislead IMDb users as to what this is - be warned, the production company is called Ministry Machine Productions for a reason.

At best a Saw film with all new added Family Values and all the gore removed - cos thats what torture porn fans have really been crying out for. At worst it's appallingly acted, tatty looking, nonsensical garbage with an ending which will, if you were luckless enough to have paid to see it, have you pulling the disc from your DVD player and burying it 6 feet underground with a wooden stake through it just to be sure no other poor sap will waste their time with it like you did.

If you're seeing it for free the last 10 minutes might be worth a laugh. Otherwise - run, don't walk - away from this excrement.
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Last Breath
jeff_east200219 April 2011
Ty Jones poured his heart into this project and it shows on the screen! Great production value and some pretty awesome performances by Ty Jones, Aaron Laue and Mandy Bannon. Ty is a gifted story teller and has a great eye for cinema! Fun to be a part of it and happy to say I had the pleasure to work with Ty and his crew! Cutto's friend! There are some very scary moments in this film and it reminded me a little of Craven's first films and some of Hitchcock's especially with the Jimmy Stewart era! Jones tall and lonely character are what made films work in the 50's and 60's.

Jeff East p.s. East could lose some weight for his next role!
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Terribly dull
Leofwine_draca16 February 2016
Users seem to be praising this cheapo horror/thriller for its style and above-average direction, but I didn't see any of that. I just saw a cheap, home invasion style thriller mixed with slasher and torture porn elements in the tale of a married couple who are imprisoned and forced to play games by a psychotic killer.

LAST BREATH is very cheaply made with barely a script to speak of. Certainly there's little dialogue of note with most of the cast either shouting or screaming their lines. Thus the film quickly becomes a gruelling viewing experience for all the wrong reasons. This is the kind of film I forgot I watched a mere hour or so after viewing, so be warned that you're in for a disappointing time.
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Such a thought-provoking movie
andy-29-14669015 April 2011
Ty Jones and Aaron Laue have put together a film that has both mass appeal and makes a moral statement. The payoffs for so many plot elements make paying close attention totally worth it.

I thought the acting was really fine and the storyline kept me leaning forward in my chair. All three leads -- Ty Jones, Aaron Laue and Mandy Bannon brought honesty and commitment to their roles. And it's always a blast to see Jeff East on screen. There really isn't a false moment in the film.

I hope we see more from these terrific filmmakers. With so much gratuitous violence and well, crap out there, seeing an indie that carries a strong message and conveys it so cleverly is so refreshing. Keep going, Ty and Aaron!
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A couple fight for their marriage, and there lives
spencerhawken26 July 2010
The Internet is a wonderful place, and one of the more wonderful aspects is Facebook. Early one Sunday morning I received a friend request from someone called Ty Jones. I'd not heard of Ty before but looked and realised we had mutual acquaintances. Soon after accepting I became familiar very quickly with a movie called Last Breath. You see Ty is a man who's out there making films and using the power of the Internet and more notably social networking to spread the word. This is a guy who's not just sat there waiting for the world to discover his movie, he is out there making sure he tells the world about it. Last Breath is Ty's labour of love; he's written the movie, directed it and starred in it, now here he is out there promoting it.

Michael and Tina have been together a while, they have a child and are making their way through life. For Michael there is a whole new future in his business, new premises will mean great opportunities for expansion. For Tina however it's a different matter, she sees fault in everything and is constantly battling with her doubts, but then maybe she has good reason. This couple are at a crossroads in their life, its time to move forward together or go it alone, well alone for one of them anyway. A visit for the couple to Michael's new premises throws them the ultimate curve-ball, for deep within the heart of the building lies a cruel sadistic man with a point to make, have the couple walked into their worst nightmare?

If you see the trailer for Last Breath you would be very much persuaded that you are about to see the next "torture porn" and maybe this is what the producers intention was; but there is more to Last Breath than a bit of cheap horror. This is a very strange synergy of two genre types, the afternoon movie aimed squarely at the female audience, and the horror aspect aimed at the male viewer; you think as a fan of horror movies you have seen just about every genre combination but Last Breath is something very different.

While Last Breath is without a doubt very different, I won't necessarily say it's new. To be honest I saw the movies message a mile off, but then I watch too many movies for my own good. As soon as the movie enters the torture element, I saw its message loud and clear, but that does not make it a bad thing. The delivery of the movie is clear, there is a strong message of morality, and every single plot element and device is met, no stone left unturned.

For the person seeking morality there are messages here as pure as the less disturbing chapters of the Bible. For the horror film enthusiast there is a torture device on offer that's pure Saw territory.

It won't come as a surprise that Last Breath is an independent movie, a film dreamt about with passion but delivered on a tight budget. What is great is that despite the movies low budget it looks bloody good quality for the money. So many of these independent movies look hazy, almost like they have been filmed in a steamy bathroom; this is clear and crisp like any big budget offering.

Both Ty Jones and Aaron Laue deliver very convincing performances, but a quick scan of the credits makes it obvious that these are more than just actors in the movie. And this is where my issue lies, while both the male performers put their heart and soul into this, the female characters seem much less committed. I'm not sure of the relationships of the people involved in the movie, but I felt no commitment from the main female characters. Mandy Bannon reminds me so much of a young Mink Stole, and it strikes me that maybe she still has not grasped the difference between screen and theatre acting, but a newcomer to the screen she'll have time to rectify that and I look forward to her future roles.

While the movie has good and bad aspects the key thing is here is a group of people making it happen, a low budget movie is seeing film festivals across the United States and getting very good reports. And now the producers are looking at getting the movie seen across the world.

When and however you get to see the movie, and this might not be an easy task for some reading this, I really hope you take the time to see this, for while being a clear moral story, its also a lesson in self belief. Last Breath proves that dreams can come true and if you have a cinematic dream this movie will show you it really can come true.
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Infidelty gone wrong
stacypaul-113 April 2011
Ty Jones has put together an incredible cast on a shoe string budget to create a big budget type thriller/love story. I saw this film the first time at a film festival in Kansas city a year ago, and the buzz after the screening was awesome. I brought my wife along to the screening and she was so impressed that a movie like this was pulled off here in Kansas City. I don't want to give anything away but this film pulls at your heart strings and really makes you evaluate the decision we make in our lives on a daily basis.What we say and what is heard by others around us can develop a long lasting effect.I would say that Last Breath is not for the faint at heart because it is a true horror film that also has a deep message that is not seen in this genre very often. The effects are done really well, but I could only imagine what could have been done if they had a bigger budget. Good job guys, we need more lower budget films to go main stream to give the opportunities to great filmmakers like Ty.
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Bloody Beauty
dj-grigsby18 April 2011
This gory thriller sends a message which pulls at your heart after it has jumped into your throat. An American family grapples with the same things most of us hear about in our neighborhoods, marital problems. People in pain making it through another day of misunderstanding each other and blaming. Thinking daily life is hard until the day holding their last breath.

I loved the way some of the scenes were framed by the camera. Amidst screaming and sobbing are the fragile human moments captured by the camera which make the viewer connect and appreciate that what horrifies us can be beautiful to behold.
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LAST BREATH is a life-changer for audiences.
sallyjwalker14 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The Horror Genre is about making nightmares credible. Great movies are those that touch your soul, change your life, linger forever in your thoughts. In Ty Jones's relatively low-budget LAST BREATH the nightmare he depicted has such a powerful message that audience members leave the theater in silence because each and every one is forever changed.

I am not a die-hard fan of Horror, but this is one film I will watch repeatedly on DVD to milk every nuance out of it. It is such a powerful experience that you WANT to do that. LAST BREATH delivers such a profound commentary on the ripple effect of our choices that it is worthy of repeat viewing. See it in a theater near you and buy the DVD to experience it for yourself and send up prayers thanking God for Ty Jones and the team that brought this story to the screen!
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rtl-522 April 2011
Ty and Aaron put a lot of heavy thinking into this film, the result being a moral statement along with appeal to a wide audience. It's important that you pay close attention as there are some interesting statements being made.

Great job on a low budget. Good character development.

A thrilling ride for sure, one of those films that is fun to surprise your friends with, and then spend hours debating its significance and relevancy to your own being. If you don't pay close attention you'll miss the clues that appear though out.

Fine acting interesting story line. RTLove
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low budget indie with big budget bang
ryan-balock12 June 2011
If anything, Last Breath is a true testament to what independent film should be. On a shoestring budget, Ty Jones brings a crisp, well-developed story beautifully shot and confidently acted. I encourage everyone to catch the special features too look behind the scenes to get a feel for how sincerely excited the crew is to be working on this well-crafted film.

For fans of creepy movies, Last Breath delivers. For fans of couples' drama, Last Breath delivers. For fans of the thriller genre with twists and turns, Last Breath delivers.

For young directors and producers, Last Breath is an excellent how-to that can help you achieve your own dreams.
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Postmodern Horror as Allegory
civictv17 April 2011
I wasn't sure what to expect when I went to see this film at the urging of a friend. As spencerhawken said in his review, the film starts out very much like torture porn, derivative of Saw. This view is further bolster by the fact that like Jigsaw, the Dark Figure seems intent on teaching Michael and Tina some life lesson. But here is where the similarity between Saw and other similar films ends.

Through well stage scenes your are brought into the lives of Michael and Tina in a way that you never are in "horror" films, which is to say that you readily suspend disbelief and come to think of them as real people and, as a result come to feel for them and their disintegrating marriage, unlike the nameless faceless cannon fodder in Hollywood horror films. Does anyone really care about anyone in Scream 4? I think not. But to call Last Breath a horror film does not do it justice. It is more a dramatic, suspenseful allegory than a horror film. In the end it has a message, but it doesn't beat you over the head with it. The denouement is unexpected and yet, when it arrives, is completely believable and consistent with the rest of the film without a whiff of deus ex machina.

I would strongly urge anyone NOT to avoid this film just because other reviewers have labeled it a horror film. Are there suspenseful and horrific elements? Yes, but when you see the film you will realize why those horrific elements are necessary for Michael and Tina to realize just what they have lost and that, perhaps, they still have hopes for redemption.
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Horror Film with a meaning
relong-213 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I have to say, i have seen this film multiple times. Each time i see it, I keep getting more and more of the subtle elements that Director Ty Jones meant to deliver to the audience. Surely it would have been easy to deliver a much more horrific or gory ending to this film. Instead, I walked away with a thought provoking ending that reminded me how valuable all of our relationships can be from our children to our spouses.

Director Ty Jones delivers an admirable first feature job as lead actor. I think the job he laid out behind the camera is where his real talent impacts the viewer. He clearly has a message and a vision as he pulls us through this story. This film admittedly starts out slow, but invest 30 minutes and you will definitely be rewarded with an ending that makes you rethink the horror genre and what a vehicle that type of film can be.

My 5 star rating for actor goes to bad guy Aaron Laue. His character brings eeriness to the viewer from the moment he hits the screen until his "Last Breath". How this guy has escaped more and bigger roles as an actor is beyond me.

Why an 8? It's not a 20 million dollar film, so clearly the special effects don't feel expensive. Im an old school type of film buff though, give me a good story and Im a happy fan.

Im looking for Ty Jones next effort behind the camera.
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Ty Jones engages two normally mutually exclusive yet parallel existences!
ledaandtheswan22 April 2011
Ty Jones hits the mark on capturing two important (read: valuable!) demographics, a halcyon-day-dreaming, stressed-out mom and her guts-and-cuss-loving teenage son. I am talking about me and my 15 year – old. Who knew a movie could capture the passionate heart and soul-crushing pain of both? Searching for a movie we both could enjoy,I never dreamed it would be at the intersection of this blood/slasher–cum-morality flick. Ty Jones manages to engage two normally mutually exclusive yet parallel existences to show that families can live in a world that can be either heaven or hell. The choice is completely ours.
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You don't watch this movie, you experience it!
contactchrystalc16 April 2011
This is a movie you don't watch, it's one you experience. And experience it you should. See it in theaters if you can...for starters. Till then you might as well just go to Amazon or wherever you can find it on DVD and buy a copy because you will want to watch it again and again and share it/experience it with others. I have a copy already and have watched it with many different people and while everyone is affected differently by it, everyone is always profoundly affected. And every time I see it, I see another connection that I missed before. There are so many elements that come into play. The entire movie from the gripping and intense story to the camera angles, lighting, location, music, etc. are above the line in every aspect. The acting is superb by everyone on-screen, with stellar performances by all. Aaron Laue as the dark figure brings an element to the character that is rare...comparable to Owen Wilson's performance in Minus Man, which is the ultimate compliment I can give. My only other recommendation is to buy a copy of this movie on DVD as soon as it's available before the prices start going up and the backorders have you singing Jingle Bells before you get your copy.
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Excellent Movie with a Message
shmindy20 April 2011
This movie is AMAZING!!

The plot, acting & ending reminded me of M. Night movies such as Sixth Sense or The Village.

It isn't often that you can find a film with such integrity.

It it obvious that the people behind this film are clear on their message and how they want to communicate that to the audience. You feel drawn into the story from the first scene and by the final credits you feel like you are in it with them.

I am telling you, whether you are a horror genre fan or not... "Last Breath" will take your breath away and give you something to think about for days, weeks, even months to come.

To me, that is a tell-tale sign of an excellent film.

Way to go Ty Jones and crew!! Hope to see your work on the big screen again SOON!!
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atwellkcdavid19 April 2011
THIS FILM IS AWESOME !!! A Must See Film that breaks down the walls of the horror genre that makes for a Thrilling, jump out of your seat love story. I have watch it several Time on DVD & each time I take something new away with me. I Can't wait to see it again on the Big Screen !!! Last Breath takes you much beyond your expectations. a thought provoking Film that reminded me how valuable all of our relationships are. it's a Powerful Profound Commentary on the Choices we make in Life. the experience of seeing Last Breath will stay with you for a long time

I Can't wait to see what's Next from these Terrific Kansas City Filmmakers
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Film worth seeing
djones315716 April 2011
I'm not much of a horror film enthusiast but I took a chance and I was so glad that I did. The message was well worth the torture I endured watching a deranged man work though himself. I'm a social worker and I use movies to leave my world and find balance to the sickness I see. This hit very close to that world but the end made it worth sitting in my work world 90 minutes longer than I would have.

The writing was right on. It was like Ty came to work with me and observed the innate pain and suffering some mentally ill endure.

I'm not a movie critic. I'm a movie watcher. I judge acting by whether I believe the reality of the characters or not. Ty and Mandy were like many couples I have known in my 59 years. I believed them. Aaron convinced me of his sadness. I was there with them and I was very uncomfortable because like I said, I've been around all three of these characters before.

In summary, the writing, the acting, the story, the passion in this movie was more like a 20 million dollar production. But the most worthwhile thing to me was the message. Life is sometimes too short to fix our mistakes. If somehow we could figure that out, we'd have a much healthier society.
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heidibacon116 April 2011
I hate horror flicks but loved this one - I had heard it was worth seeing and first saw it at the Kansas City film festival where the entire sold out audience was sucked in emotionally. It was such a moving experience during the film, tear-jerker at the end, and in speaking to others after the film found out that each was uniquely touched by a different aspect of the film. Definitely worth going to see - hard to believe that a scary movie would have a message, but this one certainly does. I'm giving it a 9 out of 10 due to independent film budget causing a slight lack of special effects/CGI. Bottom line: Loved it and highly recommended
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Last Breath - Not Your Basic Small Budget Indie Flick
steve-hill-825-45208828 April 2011
Last Breath is not your basic small budget indie flick. This movie has a payoff any self-proclaimed film buff will recognize, appreciate and respect. Ever since the introduction of moderately priced movie making equipment people have been cranking out low budget movies as fast as the Jolly Green Giant can pick corn. But the fact is no matter how moderately priced and accessible movie making equipment becomes, it still requires talent, craft and the ability to deliver which is something most indie filmmakers can not do.

You can not boil Last Breath down to just one reason why it is a good movie. The mix of passion, talent, dedication, a little bit of chit-house-luck and just plan hard work have been stirred together to deliver a movie destine to generate a fan base well beyond anyone's expectations. It is a movie with a meaning! The more you watch Last Breath the more you get out of it. And, that is a good thing because a movie worth watching more than once… is a good movie.

I encourage you to ascertain a connection with Director Ty Jones and Producer Aaron Laue by watching the Audio Commentary found under the Extras Menu. You will discover their love for film-making and gain an insight into their passion. You will want to learn and know more about these rising stars and you will want to stay connected to both of them and their future projects.

Buy the movie, rent the movie but by all means… watch Last Breath!
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Don't usually like horror, but...
whistlethis16 April 2011
This is a very thought provoking film, in the end. I found that it took me to a place I had never expected to go in a horror film - and that is a good thing! This movie had me in such suspense throughout. It just built and built in a way that I could sense the tension in the air in the theater. If you want to see something that will challenge you, leave you thinking long afterward, this would be a great movie for you. If you are looking for purely mindless slice-fest, this might not be the perfect movie for you. I do not normally frequent the horror genre, but went to see this on a recommendation from a friend and a good review in the paper. In fact, the film was a featured feature presentation at a film festival here in town. That lent a lot of credibility to the film.
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Hold Your Breath!
strawberries3200219 April 2011
I saw it on DVD last night. This is perhaps my indie film of the last 5 year so far. It is hard to name all the reasons in such a short critique. Surely there are not too many films able to take you through the range of emotions that Last Breath does.

Going to see a movie is all about expectations to be played with, and I must say that Last Breath takes you much beyond them. I was looking forward to a good scary horror flick. Not only was I scared, but I also ended up meditating about deep issues. So I can say that I found that the purpose for this movie was far greater than just trying to scare the audience. My mind was spinning back throughout the whole film. I believe that a great movie is one that helps the viewer perceive life and the world differently. Last Breath definitely is in this category! Don't miss the fantastic ending to the indie film of the half decade.
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Scary movie with a plot
yohaves18 April 2011
What a refreshing take on the no-budget horror genre. Rarely do you come across developed and interesting characters that are put into a situation that has deeper significance than just gore. I was prepared for a thrill ride, but I wasn't prepared to be taken to a place inside myself that is normally left untapped. This is one of those films that is fun to surprise your friends with, and then spend the following couple of hours debating its significance and relevancy to your own life. Pay attention because to the clues embedded throughout, and in particular the first act, in order to experience the biggest payoff at the end. Kudos!
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