Humanoids: The Real Close Encounters of the Third Kind? (2022) (2022) Poster

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Interesting, but
mariuchka1 December 2019
Why are the unidentifiable beings always blurry, everything else is clear until it comes to showing the humanoid alien being(s). I can almost believe this if the pictures were clear. Other worldlyness always fascinates me and I like this guy that narrates the show. I've seen him in so many things, so I believe he is a sincere reporter. I just said I wish the pictures were clear. I think maybe dimensions are opening up that have been closed. The day I see with my own eyes :)
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"Beyond The Spectrum-Humanoids" (2019): They sure ain't US, so what ARE Them?
jtncsmistad15 January 2021
Ever seen a skinny, pale two-legged being with big black almond eyes and ultra-long arms prancing about your proximity? No, not your brother-in-law on New Year's Eve. I'm talkin' humanoids. Kinna like "wanna be people" is the best I can do for ya on this.

The documentary "Beyond The Spectrum-Humanoids" serves up a series of purportedly plausible videos alleged to present these creepy creatures cavorting quite casually among us. There is also the notion suggested here that the world's governments are perched atop ticking time bombs of suppressed alien and UFO evidence, collectively simmering on the verge of detonation and scandalous explosion upon the unaware masses at any given moment.

Geez, man. You'd think something like...oh...I dunno...a GLOBAL PANDEMIC is plenty disruption to suffice for awhile.
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Wasted my time and money.
wescartee21 July 2022
The host to this documentary is annoying. He attacks easy cases, constantly jumping to conclusions about everything. The arrogance was dreadful every time he talked. He doesn't even talk about any of the most important encounters. Don't waste your time with this.
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jeffcook-1008020 December 2019
Some of the worst film editing and narrating I've ever seen.
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Mockumentary of a mockumentary
NewDivide170117 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
No real analysis of what's being investigated, and more of a manchild mocking anything that's being reported. Rather than stepping back and doing an in-depth analysis of both the footage and the investigative methods, he digressed to that of a 5 year old where his criticism sounds more like, "your mama wears army boots," while being both equally disrespectful and insensitive.

Poor editing, poor analysis, and why the devil is he purple?
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Unidentified celestial apparitions
wesunderwood26 October 2019
Film producer Darcy Weir presents another sequence to his series of UFO documentaries "Humanoids". With videos and interviews from people in Latin America, it is interesting to see that these strange anomalies have not been limited to the terrain of North America. Witnesses there have captured some very unusual extraterrestrial humanoid and shape shifting apparitions. One of which appears as the most unusual illuminated mechanical and motion apparatus in any previous video captures. If this thing had passed me on the street at night I would have been totally freaked beyond my spectrum..
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Thanks Amazon for yet another disappointment.
artistwriter-5470523 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Whenever I hear someone say "I'm a film maker, and work in the effects business" I honestly kind of expect them to show me their expertise and tell me how something was done if they know in fact that what they are showing me is fake.

I on the other hand, do work in film, as an effects person and I could easily tell what was real, and what was not. Just to let you know all in advance, it's all fake. Every last piece of footage that was put in front of you in this film is fake.

Whether it be the photos, or the videos, all of it, every last frame is phony. Shame on anyone who tells you that it's real. Especially Jaime Moussan.

Ryan LaPlante, is superfluous here. His commentary to be honest is unnecessary and pointless as he does nothing to point out the inherent fraud within the video. He is mostly in this because someone decided that he needed a job. An utterly ridiculous thing to do. If you read LaPlante's Bio you would get the impression he is the be all, end all actor's actor, except when you watch this, you see a covid fearing basement dweller in a nice office giving commentary on a show that did not need it at all.

All of the footage in this film has been on the internet for decades. There is nothing new, nothing jaw dropping, and if you were dumb enough to pay money to see it like me, you probably knew what you were getting into. Except I did not expect to see some asinine bearded beta male chiming in every 5 minutes.

So yeah, if you believe in this phenomena, you are going to be disappointed because all of it is fake. If you knew what you were watching was going to be phony, you're going to be disappointed at the fact that there's some guy interrupting this thing whenever the editor thought they needed an injection of idiocy. Ryan LaPlante is not funny.

I mean, just not funny at all. Someone told him at some point in his life he was funny and he decided that in that one moment to pursue a career in something that he just was not really all that good at.

His parents probably loved him and did not have the heart to tell him. So more or less if you want to blame someone for the failures of this film, it's Ryan LaPLante's parents.
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Great Sci-Fi Doc
js190624 October 2019
Beyond the Spectrum - Humanoids.... Darcy Weir has done it again. Once you think that there is no other way to tell a story of the outer space elements, he has put a different twist on how life beyond the earth is told. I would highly recommend this movie to all the Science Fiction movie lovers. The interviews are great and the answers are very informative and detailed. This definitely a must see film.
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Ripping on Jaime Maussan - What a jerk
casey-4271213 August 2022
This "critic" here, LaPLANTE is an annoyingly 'hipster" bearded knit cap wearing know it all, that simply sits in a chair, and rips on work done by Jaime Maussan over the years. Real jerk, self promoting egomaniac trying to be "a friendly skeptic".

You use, and then trash someone else's work, and call it your own film? What a fraud.
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Fascinating Doc
bohemianpirate-871-38348725 November 2019
I'm a big fan of Darcy Weir's documentaries. They are well made and incredibly compelling. The latest, Beyond the Spectrum, Humanoids is equally thought-provoking. This doc explores the proof Alien invasions through the accounts of Jaime Maussan. Journalist and oral historian, Jamie takes you through some of his finding. With photos, videos, and government plans to investigate these possibilities, Mr. Maussan makes a very good argument for the case of life outside of our common understanding of it. A must see! Bravo!!
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Is it the annoying guy all the way through?
emsky33322 December 2023
I've made it 15 minutes and can't watch the snarky guy anymore, it's like my drunk uncle that thinks he's funny and doesn't know when to stop and everyones groaning and rolling their eyes in awkwardness wishing he would just stop.

Ok, so I need to write more apparantly. Yes we get it... You're the "cool and funny" sceptic that makes himself feel more intelligent by mocking others. Unfortuately it's not intelligence, intelligence would be to approach something with an open mind and disprove/challenge with evidence; not snigger into your neck beard and say "nuh uh, you're stupid".

Not saying either of the videos that I got through was real, but after watching this... I can't say that I'm convined they're not.
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good indie doc
thejhorton4 January 2020
Interesting subject matter and good execution. Curious to see more of these beyond the spectrum documentaries.
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Makes a mockery of any serious investigation of the subject.
lenwenzellw18 January 2023
The poor editing, and the somewhat disdainful air of the film takes away from the subject. I saw nothing here that was not presented better elsewhere with better footage.

From the subliminal sound effects, underneath the main sound track I took it to mean it was a worthless waste of time, and money. Creepy sound effects of burbling noises, was that meant to suggest sinister alien voices? There is also an eerie series of musical notes that suggests a horror film. This kind of film makes a mockery of any serious investigation of the subject, while on the surface it seems to somewhat in sympathy with the subject.
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Another excellent "Beyond" film
directortim201223 October 2019
I've seen a couple of the Beyond The Spectrum movies, so I was excited to see there was a new edition to the series. (Though each film can easily be enjoyed as stand alone films.) This series has really opened my mind to the possibility of life elsewhere... and the idea that such life has visited us here. Agree or disagree, this is a very interesting exploration of the topic. My own two thumbs up very high for this movie!
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Compelling, Otherworldly Storytelling
TheAll-SeeingI24 October 2019
Don't get cocky, television; binge-watching flicks was an established pastime decades before streaming episodic TV became its evolutionary spawn. Now working the sinewy connective tissue between those two vehicles is the ever-compelling "Beyond The Spectrum" series: Acutely-focused, free-standing movies which can be consumed either as traditional one-offs, or one after the next on the strength of their engrossing continuity.

At the heart of this new film is Jaime Maussan - a Mexican journalist, ufologist, and oral historian of alien visitation accounts originating from his homeland and beyond. Maussan methodically drives the narrative to "Beyond The Spectrum - Humanoids" with impassioned conviction and incredible contextual revelations. He believes what he's telling you, and his mix of detail-orientation and intensity makes it easy to dive right into the ditch next to him.

You may ultimately wish to marginalize Maussan's testimony, but don't look for the governments of our greatest world powers to take your side: "Beyond The Spectrum - Humanoids" reaches its crescendo as Maussan enthusiastically but cautiously reminds us that leading governments are building huge-scale assessment and search tools to deep-dive life beyond our Earth. The tech set for near-term deployment is shocking; the results of its implementation could be as well. "Beyond The Spectrum - Humanoids" is a provocative slice of brain food that could serve as the precursor to something grand, real, and imminent. - Was this review of use to you? If so, let me know by clicking "Helpful". Cheers!
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Compelling and Otherworldly Storytelling
TheAll-SeeingI24 October 2019
Don't get cocky, television; binge-watching flicks was an established pastime decades before the streaming of episodic TV became its evolutionary spawn. Now working the sinewy connective tissue between those two vehicles is the ever-compelling "Beyond The Spectrum" series: Acutely-focused, free-standing movies which can be consumed either as traditional one-offs, or one after the next on the strength of their engrossing continuity.

At the heart of this new film is Jaime Maussan - a Mexican journalist, ufologist, and oral historian of alien visitation accounts originating from his homeland and beyond (it's logical that ill-behaving American tourists aren't the only ones vacationing in Mexico). Maussan methodically drives the narrative to "Beyond The Spectrum - Humanoids" with his impassioned conviction and his incredible contextual revelations. He believes what he's telling you, and his mix of detail-orientation and intensity makes it easy to dive right into the ditch next to him.

You may ultimately wish to marginalize Maussan's testimony, but don't look for the governments of our greatest world powers to take your side: "Humanoids..." reaches its crescendo as Maussan enthusiastically but cautiously reminds us that leading governments are building huge-scale assessment and search tools to deep-dive life beyond our Earth. The tech set for near-term deployment is shocking; the results of its implementation could be as well. "Beyond The Spectrum - Humanoids" is a provocative slice of brain food that could serve as the precursor to something grand, real, and imminent. - Was this review of use to you? If so, let me know by clicking "Helpful". Cheers!
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harriscalvin-110 January 2020
Beyond The Spectrum was really a fascinating film. The subjest matter is one that I myself have had an interest in for a while. Director Darcy Weir looks to answer the age old question; Are we alone in this Universe? The raw photos and videos serve to prove that there are other life forms besides humans. The interviews are compelling and all of the eye witness accounts are believable. A must see film.
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I believe it!
helgocast5 January 2020
A real look at encounters with aliens. As the moderator says in the movie "why would they lie", that is the question that keeps resonating with me. The y have no reason to. A must see!
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Some genuinely creepy footage
ILikeMovies14273 January 2020
I stumbled onto this and put it on as a time killer, honestly, but I got sucked in right away, because I love this kind of stuff. It's full of compelling video footage and some expert interviews that really hammer home the possibility of alien visitation. Am I convinced? Not quite, but it certainly kept me entertained and left me wondering. I didn't realize this was part of a series until I came here to elave this review, so now I have more to watch this weekend! Give it a watch, you won't regret it.
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Interesting Topic and DOc
thejhorton5 January 2020
This is another doc about UFOs. What makes it different is all the science and NASA footage. While it tells a convince story, nothing is concrete and the questions of alien life still remains. However, all the footage pushes me closer to a believer and it will do the same for you. Keep an open mind and think beyond your spectrum. Two thumbs up.
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Very interesting, especially the evidence captured.
theparanormalcritic7231 January 2020
I thoroughly enjoyed watching this episode. The thing that stands out the most is the figure captured on the baseball field. Looking forward to watching the other episodes in this intriguing series.
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good alien doc
williamgway1 May 2020
Good watch. I have seen Director Darcy Weir's work before and enjoyed it and found this to be the same. Nice job of telling us about real encounters. She covers some great cases and brings us an inside view. If you enjoy alien encounter documentary films, you will enjoy this. Worth a watch.
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Cool movie
big00718 January 2020
Good entertainment and though provoking. My son loves movies like this we watched This together, there is always a believer and a non believer, interesting because I just read the Navy says it can't release the UFO info because it would damage national security.
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