Onechanbara: The Movie (2008) Poster

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live action bikini cowgirl zombie killing! whats not to like?
ajax_magnetoface4 May 2008
Who doesn't love the vastly successful Japanese video game The Oneechanbara? You got a hot sexy bikini cowgirl killing zombies? Add some extra characters for each iteration of the game series and its gets even better. (Im sure the new Wii version makes slicing zombies heads off all the more physically exertive so as to stay in physical parity with the main character who seems quite fit.

Now the plot of the video game is pretty slim to none, so the movie expands on this by adding SOME plot. Some back-story on the characters is good, as well as a motivation to kill zombies and why of course there ARE zombies running amok. But nowhere does anyone ever bother to mention why she is always wearing a bikini and cowboy hat. Perhaps there is a vague "Fistfull of Dollars"/"Galaxy Express 999" reference here, but still, for those of us probing the sartorial functions of Oneechanbara's battle dress, I guess we should just sit back and enjoy it without asking such pointless questions.

The film action then is very much like the game action and therefore lots of fun. The fight scenes are the highlights and really shine. The pathos and drama are pretty standard but necessary. The whole picture tho is quite low budget and lacking any sort of quality acting talent. I believe the main actress was either a DVD pinup idol or a soft core porn star, so we'll just say she's got a good future if the movie turns franchise. Maybe they'll explain more in a sequel. In the meantime, hell, she's a hot zombie killing bikini girl! Take that Milla Jovovich!
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Better then most girl in a bikini killing zombies movies you're likely to see
dbborroughs22 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Girl in a cowboy hat, knee boots bikini and a feathered boa who is armed with two samurai swords tries to reverse a plague of zombies.

Over the top action film is better than the similar films I've seen- the Swimteam VS the Undead one for example, but it some how has limited spark and zest with most of the effects seeming to be CGI. The film kind of works but the cliché plot of an evil corporation being behind it all adds to the been there and done this flavor. Granted it does go beyond the idea of a girl in a bikini with a sword killing zombies, but it doesn't go far enough to make it a truly great ride.

Worth a look if you like this sort of thing....others stay away.
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Cute girl, swords and zombies - what else do you want?
whirling-darkness1 September 2008
Pacing, is the answer. This movie is terribly paced.

This movie is essentially two movies in one. Zombie flick and family drama. It could probably work, but in this movie it doesn't. The setup is terribly corny and if it strikes you as odd, and strangely familiar, that a little group of people can take down a guy that supposedly has filled the world with zombies, you're not alone.

That's not really giving away too much. There are a few predictable twists and turns you can see for yourself, but here's my list of what would have made this movie a little better:

1. Focus on either the family drama OR the zombie killing. Director/writer too inexperienced to handle both properly and the result is a messy concoction.

2. The main character wears a skimpy outfit. And to be fair, it's the main attraction of the movie. So, why isn't she showing it off more? I remarked to my friend that the movie would have been lots better if it was just her doing pole dancing for 30 minutes. Maybe with zombies :)

3. The final showdowns are too long and simply too boring. LOTS of action, to be sure, but you're bored watching them. Tighter editing and pacing would have helped some, but you really don't care about any of the characters due to poor development and pacing throughout the movie.

4. The characters in the movie are two dimensional, extremely so. Precious film time is wasted on many occasions and unfortunately that leaves less time to flesh out the leads. That includes the long winded flashback sequence that runs throughout the movie at intervals.

There's more, but you'll see all that for yourself if you watch it.

It's shot on video. While that in itself is not a problem, when everything else is amateurish, it makes you feel like you're watching something hacked together in a high school film lab. There's a lack of contrast throughout the movie that makes it drab and bland to look at.

There are two high points of the movie. The first is the fight scenes. When they're good, they resemble something out of a violent video game. The fast action actually makes the rest of the movie pale in comparison. If only the whole movie could keep that high speed and action. The second high point is, again, her skimpy outfit. It fits a crazy universe, but it also underlines that the rest of the movie is underdeveloped.

The movie deserves a 4 for being mildly entertaining, but add an extra star for the two high points.
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Bikini babes vs the zombies
chaos-rampant13 August 2008
This is probably another case of the description being better than the movie, but not for lack of trying. Chanbara Beauty is a video game adaptation of OneChanbara and another entry in the latest trend of Japanese over-the-top action/horror hybrids. If it's a win as a VG adaptation that has more to do with how low the likes of Uwe Boll and Paul WS Anderson have set the bar in the VG field than how inherently good Chanbara Beauty is.

The plot is thinly stretched and silly, with various subplots filling in the backstory of the characters. Not that it matters really cos it's all about the bikini splatter here, right? Sure the movie delivers lots of katana splatter as dozens of zombie extras in crude makeup get hacked and slashed, but everything is so CGI heavy it takes some getting used to. The action scenes are reeking of video effects: CGI blood, gun flashes, smoke, fast forwards and all kinds of live action anime silly SFX. There's probably some wire work involved as well and the choreography and swordfighting is surprisingly decent.

Chanbara Beauty is bursting apart in the seams but it's entertaining enough to warrant a view for exploitation hounds. If you can stomach the cheapo video SFX (which are becoming a staple in Japanese flicks lately), you'll probably have a good time, but not without a yawn or two in the middle. It plays like a less gory, less insane, less action-packed, less well-made version of The Machine Girl but if you want your fix of Japanese action/horror exploitation this one's OK I guess.
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Flash of the Blade
unbrokenmetal4 July 2009
I write this review 5 minutes after watching the movie, because I'm not sure I'll remember much about it in a few hours except there was a chick with a katana. Aya is on the hunt for her sister (who helped killing their father) and Doctor Sugita who created hordes of zombies. Helped by another lady with a gun, they are mowing down the zombies and then face the above mentioned for revenge - nobody could come up with a more simple story line. It wouldn't be much for a manga you could read in 30 minutes, but it is very little to fill 90 minutes of a movie. No surprise it feels a bit stretched, some fights are lasting too long.

Fortunately, it looks really good at least. I liked the digitally enhanced flash of the blade which was very comic-strip like, the little (also digitally painted) blood drops on the camera lens, the well placed flashbacks and slow motion shots, such as the moment when the girl in the white dress is shot, you see the cloud of smoke - and then, already the zombies in the background come nearer. Due to its clever style, it's fun to watch once, but regrettably not the kind of cult flick you'd want to see again and again.
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A story with potential...
johnslegers16 November 2009
... ruined by its director. Give the script to someone like Robert Rodriguez (Planet Terror) or Noboru Iguchi (Machine Girl) and you'll have yourself a very entertaining film, but this director seems to have the talent of a high school hobbyist and just couldn't manage to turn it into even a film so bad it's good. The pacing is incredibly slow, the sex is utterly out of place and awkward, the characters are too two-dimensional, the video quality is sub-par, the action is cheap, the special effects are simply pathetic, etc... As much as I love to watch an occasional Zombie film, I simply couldn't find anything worthwhile about this film... And this is coming from someone who found Blade 2, 28 Weeks Later, Zombie Diaries and Zombie Self Defense Force enjoyable in spite of their weaknesses.

Unfortunately I paid 6,5 Euro for his and even more unfortunately I figured a film with this concept couldn't really suck so I bought the sequel as well. What a waste of money, it seems now...
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Far too serious for a movie about a girl wearing a bikini killing zombies with a katana.
adamclark-0176722 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This was an adaptation of a video game (that I'm not sure ever made it's way to North America) and it was far to serious for my liking. Nowhere near enough boobs, which is really the only reason I watch these crappy movies.

Some of the fight choreography was really good but other times it got way too into far into live action video game territory. Some of the gore was better than usual but some of it was actually worse than usual. Basically it was a Japanese equivalent to a Resident Evil or later Romero movie. I like those movies but it's not what I want from Japanese horror. I ended up not really paying attention to a lot of this unless the music got tense.

Is it too much to ask that Infinite Bullet Girl just take her top off once?
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A bikini samurai squad fighting zombies. How does this not have an Oscar?
lewiskendell19 November 2010
"So, feel like killing some zombies?"

Zombies doing karate. Hot girls in bikinis (and cowboy hats) fighting school girls with samurai swords. Copious amounts of blood and gore. Yep, this must be Japanese.

Onechanbara is another entry into the quite popular ultra-gory, shock-action genre of Japanese movies. It's over-the-top in a thousand different ways, and more akin to a video game (which it's based on) than most movies. All the violence is stylized and not the least bit realistic, which fits the tone of the movie perfectly. There's lots of random slow-mo and guns that never need to be reloaded, and even the emotional moments and special effects are handled in a thoroughly cheesy way. There's lots of fighting and enough of a plot to string it all together. What more do you need?   

As for the story, there's an evil scientist with a weird eye, something about a search for a couple of sisters, and (more importantly) loads o' zombies. I have no idea how closely the plot adheres to that of the games, and I'm pretty sure that the people who made the movie probably don't, either. If you're curious about why Aya wears a bikini and has a sword that appears to be magic, or why Reiko's shotgun never runs out of ammo...well, you're watching the wrong movie. This nothing more than absurd action entertainment, and it ended up being better than I thought it would be.  If you're a fan of movies like Machine Girl, you'll be right at home, here.
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Tokyo Zombieland.
dave13-115 April 2012
For a low budget horror / girl-buddy road picture, with two pretty girls taking on zombie hordes, this could have been worse. The budget was well used, and the camera-work was enthusiastic and imaginative, including an effect where blood spatter would appear to land on the lens. The effects were below the standard of something like Tokyo Gore Police, but good enough to convince and the massed Zombie attacks actually got more elaborate as the movie went on, as if the director got more confident with his action scene staging. The actress playing the central role of the bikini wearing samurai, Eri Otoguro, is a cipher. She handles the action well enough but gives nothing in the way of a performance beyond the occasional stern look, which frankly comes off looking more confused than anything else. The secondary lead, Manami Hashimoto as a leather clad, shotgun-toting bad girl, is an older and obviously more competent actress, and she actually winds up carrying the middle part of the picture. Very watchable, but like all Japanese ultra-violence, this one is not for the squeamish.
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Chanbara Beauty review.
niallmurphy-3005117 June 2022
Sure, the plot isn't exactly award winning but if you are looking to watch a gory Japanese action horror involving a bikini clad babe slicing up zombies then look no further.
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Proof that even niche video games never translate well to film
moonmonday26 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
As a huge fan of the Oneechanbara series, I was excited to hear that it was adapted to film.

The film is low-budget, but then so are the games. The effects are good for what they are, and for what budget the film had.

It tries. But while there are elements that seem lifted directly from the games, most of the film is completely unlike them. Who did they think their audience was supposed to be? The only character resembling her basis is Aya, and that's generally because Otoguro Eri is never allowed to emote, nor is anything done with her character other than a few flashbacks that tell us nothing we couldn't have guessed.

The rest of the game characters in the film are tremendously disappointing. Saki is not the insane little bloodthirsty terror from the games, she's just a dullard. Reiko is played by the only actress allowed to do anything with her part, Hashimoto Manami, but it's a paper-thin part. While the actress is unquestionably talented, the direction and the script are only a disappointment. Since Reiko is my favourite regular character in the main series, it was especially sad to see her handled so poorly in the film. She doesn't even wear the glasses that the character is known for! The attempt at turning her into some sort of sympathetic tragic heroine completely fails and only manages to disturb the pace. After Reiko's part was done, I was through with the film. It didn't have enough in the remaining story to make me care about the rest.

So Aya and Saki are fighting...who cares? Saki is barely shown and only built up in flashbacks and incoherent, inexplicable cutscenes that have no reason for existing and do nothing for her since, like Otoguro Eri, Nakamura Chise is never allowed to emote even slightly. There is no real resolution to anything, and as it constantly diverges from the game's continuity, it's a constant exercise in frustration. The games may not be brilliant, but at the very least they are consistent in their own continuity. The film tries to be something different and manages to overcomplicate a fundamentally simple premise, while simultaneously underdeveloping it, which leads to abysmal failure.

Suwa Tarou as the superfluous Dr. Sugita is suitably despicable, but his part in the proceedings manages to give the impression that the scriptwriters didn't feel comfortable having a main antagonist be female. If Sugita had been omitted and Saki actually developed as the main antagonist, it would have at least been a stronger story and the final confrontation more satisfying.

Similarly, Waki Tomohiro is generally charismatic as Katsuji, but the part is terrible. He often acts completely illogically for anyone in his situation, and although we are almost moved to sympathy for him at one point, it quickly vanishes due to his persistent ineptitude and selfishness. That he essentially gets the only fulfilling victory of the entire film is nothing short of inexcusable; this is supposed to be about Aya and the others, not about a comic relief bumbler who ceases to be amusing less than halfway through the film.

The zombies are well made up, but they are inconsistent with the game here too. They move too quickly and too ably. In the games, excepting special types, they generally have speeds from 'shuffle' to 'shuffle a little more quickly'. I was especially disappointed that none of the special zombie types appeared in the film, not even the iconic mud creatures that present a ubiquitous challenge.

The fight choreography is fantastic, and the stunts are very good. If only there were more types of the zombies! The premise also doesn't fit with the games, as in the film the world has been ravaged by a sudden, vast zombie plague. Amusingly, this originates at the D3 Corporation, which is an inside joke: D3 Publishers are the game series' publisher.

All in all, the film is a tremendous disappointment for any fan of the series. It isn't a game series just about some random emotionless girl in a bikini and a cowboy hat, but that's exactly what the film feels like: people cosplaying as characters from the game, who are actually nothing like them, in a situation that isn't particularly similar to the game, except in a superficial way. The overall tone is one of subtle yet annoying sexism; I know it seems odd to say that, since the games can be taken as sexist. However, the games chronicle the adventures of a group of very capable, strong, decisive women who can save the world. They are often opposed by other powerful women. Certainly, there's titillation. Games need it to sell. I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't love to see a male character or two pop up in a future Oneechanbara title, or for there to be an male equivalent game, but at the same time, I wouldn't be buying it for the titillation...I'd be buying it knowing I'd have a great deal of fun fighting zombies with interesting, colourful characters in an absorbing world.

The film just did not deliver. I wanted very much to enjoy it, but it didn't happen. Perhaps if it hadn't dropped the ball on all the characters and failed to develop Aya or Saki, changed Reiko too much and ended up unsatisfying, and added token male characters who really did nothing for the plot, it would have been enjoyable. But it wasn't even watchable. It smacked of the same half-effort that marks most game-to-movie conversions: superficial similarities in some ways, a few references for fans, and an otherwise completely incomprehensible production.

With a series this much of a niche title, one would think that the makers would have made it more faithful, because mainly the only people seeing it were going to be the fans. Apparently they thought differently.

Play the games instead. They'll entertain you for much longer.
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Great Movie, for a fan!
brettyler27 September 2009
This movie can't be taken serious in any way at all, but it dosen't either. so the blood spatters on the screen, and the horrid effects, just make this film More enjoyable. The movie dosn't really follow the game, the sequel does though, but has an interesting plot, and can really be enjoyed. The actors do their job, and has some funny moments. It also had a part where my wife had cried so, this movie has a little bit of evreything. I can't wait for the sequel to be dubbed so i can watch it. So if your a fan, or someone wanting to watch bikini zombie slayer this movie is definitely for you.! 1 2 3 BIKINI ZOMBIE SLAYERS UNITE!
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Will Open Your Eyes to a World of Samurai and Bikinis
masercot26 December 2009
If you watched all of the movies involving both bikinis and samurai and took the time to absorb their message, you probably have more time on your hands than is good for you. This movie is the standard of its genre, you must remember that its genre isn't very good.

The movie seems to be shot on video tape. Instead of squibs, special effects handle most of the blood and bullets. It isn't a bad effect for such a cheap one. Since the work is based on a comic book, they might even say that they planned the effects to look somewhat gaudy. And, more power to them.

The movies starts off well, with some great magic sword effects and splatterly gunshots; however, it devolves into a wizard of oz type scenario, where each character finds who they are looking for...albeit ironically. By the end, it looks more like an episode of power rangers. The acting is sincere, but this movie is definitely one best chosen when the only other alternative is infomercials.

Not for kids. Amazingly unappealing exposed breasts...
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Scarecrow-8824 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The reanimated dead run rampant in Japan thanks to an evil scientist, Dr. Sugita(Tarô Suwa), hoping to equip himself with an army obeying his command. He'll have his hands full with a trio seeking revenge for acts towards their loved ones by his hand..a swordswoman, Aya(Eri Otoguro), in cowboy hat and bikini, her tagalong chubby partner, Katsuji(Tomohiro Waki) and a new member accompanying them, a marksman, Reiko(Manami Hashimoto), with her double barrel shotgun in tow. Aya is seeking retribution for the heinous murder of her outnumbered father, Reiko wanting vengeance for the death of her daughter, and Katsuji desiring to rescue his kidnapped sister. Sisters will be on separate sides as Aya wishes to find her sibling Saki for her involvement in the death of their father.

I guess you will like this movie if you are a fan of the video game because as an outsider this movie was really bonafide stupid. For some reason never explained Aya's sword emanates a glow when she swings and strikes her victims. Oh, and she has this power which sends off an electrical impulse which sends zombies and her enemy sister hurling through the air. No matter the amount, Aya mows through the undead with little challenge and often must assist Katsuji, a bumbling coward who services the movie as a stumblingblock for our heroines needing to saved from near death multiple times. The violence is blatantly computer animated to the point that "Onechanbara" is little more than a video game with actors. The final showdown between Aya and Saki is polluted with these effects where both have superhuman abilities, each shining with a different color as they move in the air like birds in flight, when their swords meet we can see bright sparks sending off neon light. It gets so absurd, either you accept it on pure comic terms, or, like me, just roll your eyes at this nonsense. Chise Nakamura is Saki, Aya's sisterly nemesis, whose abilities are manufactured thanks to Dr. Sugita, whose mission was to capture a pure blood Imichi so he could create the ultimate race of superior power..Sugita's ulterior motives all along were to use Saki to secure him Aya. The movie introduces a girl, Maria(Ai Hazuki)as a melodrama piece, for Reiko immediately attaches to her because of her previous loss of a daughter she had to kill due to zombie infection. Anytime Reiko shoots someone(or if anyone fires a weapon, for that matter)the bullets are computer graphically simulated and never once look authentic..pathetic. Oh, the movie gives Sugita an albino eye so he must be pure diabolical, like some James Bond madman. The director pays homage to Quentin Tarantino's Kill Bill including a zombie almost identically modeled after Go Go Yubari and her swinging spiked metal ball. Well, you do get Otoguro in a bikini for the entire picture(even though she's wearing a stickon tattoo of a rose on her shoulder!)and she does look mighty delectable swinging a katana sword, so at least this blah movie has that going for it. I imagine zombie fans will find this ultimately quite a disappointment, because the flesheating is never visible or stomach-churning which is always a no-no with that audience. I figure this works much better in the animated video game world where it belongs.
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bikini girl with samurai sword
trashgang29 September 2011
First of all, I don't know the game it is based on but just like Final Fantasy The Movie this is really a weird film. Weird isn't maybe the correct word. It contains to many effects like in games, she moves ultra fast and her sword gives her some kind of strong ability. That she moves in the air and so I don't mind that's typical Eastern. But it just didn't work out for me. Just have a look at her arm, she has a rose tattoo but you can easily see that it was that kind of tattoo that's being given in a surprise egg and you have to add with water. But not only that, some zombies look ridiculous, you just see that they have put black make-up around there eyes. Some zombies do look fine and are doing gory stuff (the one that's eating from a corpse) but most effects are pure CGI, even the gun shots are CGI and that was a let down for me. Of course the movie has to do it with the leading ladies and I must say, they all look gorgeous and sexy (leather suit and bikini's). It could have been really good but as most stories based on comics or games the fail to deliver some goods. Just have a look at the fight at the end, it's too long. Not my cup of tea, still I have to see part 2.
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Bikini Girl Rocks Zombie World
Tweetienator24 January 2022
Some mad scientist, some bikini girl wearing a cowboy hat, crushes with her blade through a zombie infected world. If this sounds right up your street, you may try this one, but be warned: the production is rather on the low budget side and this is more manga than a "serious" horror movie.
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Sexy chick in lame zombie flick
Stevieboy66619 April 2018
UK title - Chanbara Beauty. Japanese adaptation of a video game, that I am totally unfamiliar worth. Eri Otoguro plays Aya, a very sexy, scantily clad zombie killer who is pretty good with her sword. She has a sidekick in a comic fat guy. They team up with another hot, mysterious chick called Reiko and take on the evil Dr Sugito and his horde of zombies whilst searching for Aya's sister Saki (who is also pretty handy with a sword). As a zombie flick this is lame. The over the top, far fetched action is non stop but the special effects are pretty poor, not helped by poor lighting. The plot between Aya and Saki is the more interesting part of this movie, which culminates in a big showdown. The only really good thing about this film is Aya. She sure looks good doing her stuff and for that reason alone it may be worth a glance.
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Mindless babes vs zombies fun.
BA_Harrison31 December 2013
The lovely Eri Otoguro stars as Aya, a sword swinging babe who frequently discards her poncho to do battle in just her bikini; fighting at her side are her overweight male friend (Katsuji Tomohiro Waki) and buxom, leather-clad, shotgun-toting beauty Reiko (Manami Hashimoto). Between them, this trio of fearless zombie killers hack, slash and shoot a swathe through the undead in an attempt to find Aya's sexy little sister Saki (Chise Nakamura) and battle evil scientist Dr. Sugita (Tarô Suwa), the man who has been reanimating the dead.

It's amazing just how forgiving I can be when a film features several hot Japanese women in revealing attire kicking ass, as is the case with live-action manga Chanbara Beauty. The fact that the film suffers from a weak, muddled plot and unconvincing special effects certainly didn't stop me from having a pretty good time with this very silly zombie flick in which the women are as deadly as they are tasty. Otoguru looks absolutely amazing in her teeny bikini, Hashimoto's leather get-up shows off her great figure and cleavage, and Nakamura is hot in her schoolgirl outfit; none of their fighting looks all that convincing, but it doesn't really matter when there is so much eye-candy to enjoy.
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Bikini's and Zombies
Angelus225 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
A bikini wearing samurai sword wielding woman searches for her sister, the sister responsible for killing her father, along her journey she meets a leather wearing beauty and together they search for the evil doctor responsible for the zombie swarm.

It's one of the most ridiculous films I've seen...Being a fan of Asian movies I expected more, but this film is one of the worst. The fight scenes are over the top, and boring as well as long, while the zombies are not at all frightening.

The plot is your standard zombie story line, searching for someone in the desolate lands with millions of zombies walking around...The only thing that made this film enticing was the two beauty's and the bikini.
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BandSAboutMovies24 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Based on the Onechanbara series of fighting games that were part of D3 Publisher's Simple 2000 series, it's pretty amazing that this movie transcends the budget origins of the video game that inspired it.

Aya has a katana sword and a bikini and is somehow incredibly gifted when it comes to killing zombies, which have been brought back from the dead by Dr. Sugita and her sister Saki, who is responsible for killing their father. So she brings along her sidekicks Katsuji, and the gunmistress Reiko to stop the undead and kill her sister.

If this was a practical effects movie filled with spraying blood I'd probably like it even more than I do. But the CGI blood and effects wear on you after a while and you start to wonder, how can a movie with a sword-carrying bikini-clad female warrior against the living dead be so boring?
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One Woman Vs The World
yonster-602853 July 2020
Onechanbara: Aya the world's greatest warrior, this superpowered Princess would have taken out Thanos in seconds had the avengers bothered to call. In a world of Zombies created by a mad scientist and a little sister who murdered her father. Now with her trusty man servant she protects and a gun toting badass biker chick, Aya will save the world the only way she knows violence and pain! Don't get in her way, you were warned!
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Somewhat enjoyable if flawed J-zombie effort
kannibalcorpsegrinder12 April 2019
Living in an overrun wasteland, a warrior and her friend find that a fellow woman is looking for the same person she is and set out to find her amongst the horde of zombies created by a mad doctor through a series of regeneration experiments and soon discover something far more sinister at hand.

There was quite a lot to like overall here. One of the strongest aspects of the film is the impressive amount of action featured throughout here. Managing to bring martial arts skills into a zombie film, the hand-to-hand fighting that's brought into the film such as the opening battle in the pub or the battle with the zombies at the abandoned ruins. As the swordplay use borders on the mythical, the inclusion of the weapon not only in the martial arts battles but also the series of training montages of straightforward swordfighting including some skilled performers offers some nice action. That also leads to another strong factor in the emotional resonance some of the action scenes feature. Since both girls are given incredibly sympathetic backstories involving younger siblings, there are scenes for each one here that plays this up very nicely. As the connection between the young girl in the factory to her own daughter is made clear, the eventual payoff in the hospital, as a result, becomes heart-wrenching due to realizing the inevitable outcome. With the finale featuring the swordfighting encounter between the sisters that plays off their relationship interspersed with the flashbacks to their early training, there's a touching resonance here leading to an emotional resolution. Alongside the great action elsewhere as they combat the zombies, with the over-the-top battle with the zombies crawling over the hideout as the covered on multiple levels with zombies descending down to get in close quarters with the girls and begin firing off endless rounds of gunfire or big swordfighting battles that really highlight the action present, this has plenty of solid and enjoyable elements. There are some flaws that hold it back. The major issue is the complete lack of coherence regarding what's going on as so little is explained about this one. There's little here as for why her sister feels the need to stay with the doctor once he started making zombies, or even what makes him want to make zombies to begin with. He has several scenes detailing his madness and quest for power but that doesn't account for what his purpose is creating the creatures. The other flaw here is the low-budget quality CGI, swarmed over the film in way too many areas the causes the film to look incredibly cheap. Otherwise, there isn't much else to this one.

Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language and Brief Nudity.
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Bikinis and samurais and zombies! Oh, my!
Jaymz139 September 2022
Even for a cheesy Japanese samurai flick, this is lame. Don't get me wrong: it's cheesy. It's just a very bland cheese. Where's the 30 seconds of lips moving for a simple challenge of "Want fight!?" More lips moving "Fight me!" Where's the 4 solid minutes of a samurai deflecting and dodging a cloud of 50,000 arrows? I guess deflecting the gunshots was okay, but it was a poor substitute.

I was hoping for...something better. I guess the over-the-top fight scenes were okay. A bit lackluster for the genre, but passable. The infinite ammo shotgun was a nice touch, but that's probably the only thing noteworthy here. On the whole, Onechanbara lacks the charm of any of the several typical, cheesy Japanese samurai movies I've come to know and love. It feels like this has all been done before, and done better.

Oh, well... At least there's was brief nudity. Briefly.
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It maybe low but it ain't bad
emperorone-129 August 2008
Really people, should we do this the hard way? I am telling the truth. So what if its a Japanese movie? First let me compare this movie to the west. This week I saw Hellboy II and Onechanbara. I have seen too much western movies and its all the same. The heroes don't die, there is no sacrifice nor bloody and the bad guys always lose but not all western movies but most of them yes.Unlike Onechanbara is a great movie. Full of Wire-Fu Japanese Action. Similar to the game and full of zombies. The CGI effects are low but they managed to entertain the audience rather walking out or talking about the effects in the movie. The actors are good, the acting was passable and the zombies. Well, when did a zombie learn how to fight like kung fu warrior? Really people, give it a try. It would be better if you rent this movie. If you liked it, well add it in your collection. If not, return it to the store. But what about me? I loved it, so it deserves to be in my collection. I don't want to spoil the movie but there is some drama. Not strong, a bit sad. But the important thing is that I had fun watching it. Just like The Machine Girl, Wanted, The Dark Knight, Shamo, The Battle of Red Cliff, Three Kingdoms, Hellboy II and Chocoate. Can't wait for Geisha vs Ninjas, Tokyo Gore Police, Sasori, Shaolin Baba and Shaolin Girl.
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