"Star Trek: Discovery" Unification III (TV Episode 2020) Poster

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Oh, the waterworks!
ruff196927 November 2020
I want to like the show, but seriously: Why the hell does there have to be so much crying??? And dramatic whispering? I don't know if it's poor acting or poor directing, but the melodrama is getting old.
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All of the issues in one episode.
doappel27 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The T'Kal-in-ket event in this episode sums up the series perfectly.

It's initiated to convince with science and reason. And ends up being all about drama and emotions. About Michael Burnham too, of course. How could some greater event in the galaxy not be about Michael?
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braculj26 November 2020
A possibly great episode ruined by melodrama, crying, wispering and insufferable adolescent emotional speeches by Michael Burnham that replaced intelligent conversations and riveting dialogue.
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Burnham The Whisperer
ahmet_ylmaz3627 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Yet another 50 minutes of Michael Burnham whispering and lecturing and dealing with her emotional issues without any sign of this being a star trek sequel. Soooo booooring.
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Potential but too much melodrama
Hughmanity7 September 2021
I guess I'm not as down on Discovery as a lot of the reviews I read here. The storyline for Discovery is good and I'm enjoying season 3 in the future with new dynamics for the Federation, Earth, Vulcan and the new tech/CGI that ups the sci-fi level.

I do agree with many that are frustrated with the constant waterworks on the show. How many emotional scenes with Michael and/or Tilly crying do we need? Not every show has to end with some emotional support group speeches and tears all around.

Tilly's character and her promotion to first officer also completely defies logic. She's an ensign, so wouldn't any available lieutenants be considered first? Her strength is clearly in science, not leadership, so how would the ship and crew be best served by taking her out of engineering and analytics and putting her in a leadership position? She is easily flustered, worthless in combat, doubts herself constantly, doesn't speak concisely, in what world is this the makings of a good first officer??

I like the season 3 storyline of helping the Federation get back on their feet. Why the Feds don't just reconstruct the spore drive on every ship they have is beyond me, but I guess we have to keep Discovery unique so they can save the day. Let's continue on this story with plot driven challenges for Discovery, and stop the waterworks at every turn, along with Burnham's incessant whispering. If that can happen then this has the makings of a very good show.
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raybad27 November 2020
Why for the love of god is there so much crying on this show! Does not feel like a Star Trek show. It's more like that show with the pregnant teenagers or Jerry Springer. Plus you can't have one character do everything on the series, Michael is not 007. The ship has a crew and shouldn't they act as a team instead of a Bed and Breakfast for super agent 007 Michael " won't stop crying, " Burnham.
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Feels like a proper Star Trek episode.
Safcinexile27 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I quite liked this week's episode. For the first time since the start of this series it feels like proper Trek episode. It reminded me of the TNG episode Measure Of A Man. With the mention of Picard and showing us a "recording" of Spock Prime, atleast it has put The Kelvin Timeline theory finally to bed.

Still find Burnham very irritating though and grind my teeth every time she appears.

Had my doubts at first over Saru being made Captain, but he is turning out to be a very likeable Captain, although as much as I like Tilly and I really enjoy her watching her, but.... seriously!
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Another episode full of crying and speeches...
goggolya26 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
  • Vulcans only listen to reason and logic. So Michael goes there, cries a lot, and they give her what she wants for no real reason.
  • Vulcans think they caused the Burn, but we never get to know why they think this. They are the most intelligent and logical species in the galaxy. But when cavemans 930 years from the past get their hands on the same data they can figure out the real reason for the Burn? But the Vulcans couldn't???? Come on! This is just bad writing!!!
  • Time traveler scientist mom became a Qowat Milat(a monk advocate)? Yeah, no. That's just bad writing. They couldn't figure out what to do with her character so they gave her a trash plot.
  • Next episode Discovery figures out the cause of the biggest catastrophe in the history of the Federation. Goes there alone without any backup or the help from other ships. Yep, bad writing again...
  • Tilly cries in every episode because she's a weak character who can be bullied by anyone. And has less field experience than a stray street cat. So let's promote her to commanding officer, because she went through a wormhole like the rest of the crew....
  • The writers are so full of themselves that they even tried to reason that Spock's character was greatly influenced by crybaby Michael. But in reality he never even mentions her in none of the timelines or series.

Spock would be saddened how illogical soap opera Star Trek became!
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Solid basis in TNG and Picard ideas
XweAponX27 November 2020
Answers 1000 year old questions about Spock's reunification mission, with added emphasis on Romulan culture. Including Qowat Milat, which was looked at extensively in Picard. But here, we get to see exactly what a lost cause really is, and that exact point where that cause is no longer lost. More importantly we get to see what "absolute candor" actually means.

Also a necessary episode regarding clues to whatever "The Burn" was or is. Looking more like "is" at this point.

I'd rather not have the answers to every conundrum dumped all in one episode. This episode spreads that process across a more interesting landscape, so that all the details can be discovered and explored in each consecutive episode.

Finally, I don't understand the recent gripes about these last few episodes. These have been above average episodes... we have gone back to Trill, we rescued Book from a slave Labour camp, and now we see the ultimate fate of the planet Vulcan. These are important plot points, especially with the question of what exactly is going on with our Empress Georgiou? Something is finally breaking through her Terran façade, was it her short interview with David Cronenberg?
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Too tied to sentimentality
bnevs1826 November 2020
I havent been one to push the "its too weepy" thought, but time and again, Disco seems to put solid logic behind feelgoods. A much better resolution to the promotion would be for someone from Starfleet to be the "#1" but Tilly to be something as the captain's confidant and assistant (she is not competant to be the #1). A much better resolution to "make Burnham be honest" would be for her advocate to be telepathic, not shoehorn her mother into some rushed and lame narrative for "the feels". Good sci-fi cannot succeed on the basis of one character...the ensemble needs to be fleshed out, but Disco is seriously leaning too hard on Burnham.
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Words cannot describe ...
b_trought29 November 2020
... the pointless melodrama, why an Ensign with limited field experience is promoted to First Officer (is it because she cries the most???), why Burnham solves everything with minimal help from anyone. It's all so ridiculous!

It's got all the Star Trek names and places, but the ethos is way off, the handling of stories has become something not Trek, and so much more. Honestly, it'd be more accurate to call it The Crying Burnham Show 'cause it ain't anything else

Why am I still watching this ???????? Arggghhhhh
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Star Trek at it's best
djhaskin26 November 2020
A great Original Series style episode with no phaser fights or explosions, just story progression. Needed story progression in a positive direction. A must see for those who embrace always keeping an open mind in life. Live long and prosper friends
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Above Average Episode
sbulgacs27 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Not a bad episode, most of it revolving around a tribunal simile. As others have mentioned we get Burnham doing emotional monologuing again. The monologuing here actually made sense, it was a court case after all. But the emotional speech would've had much much more impact, if Burnham wasn't giving one, even two per episode. The show runners and writers must cut back on the monologuing, particularly in Burnham's case. Monologuing is defined as something bad for a reason. And crying again at the end, seriously? Criticism here won't have any effect on this season as it's wrapped production. But you never know, season 3 is receiving some of the fiercest criticism since the show started (Klingons!). Maybe they'll take notice and try and turn it into a more traditional Star Trek ensemble show in season four, with away missions and everything?

In this episode, some of the ensemble crew, namely Tilly and Saru are given something to do. Again as others have mentioned, even Stamets and Tilly in the episode, promoting an ensign to 1st Officer makes absolutely no sense! I mean seriously can you imagine ensign Nog being promoted to Kira's position on DS9? Or what about promoting Wesley Crusher to Commander Rikers? Maybe the writers were aware of how ridiculous this was so attempted to mitigate damage to viewers confidence in the show? This side story seems shoehorned in, purely to give other actors something to do. The characters wouldn't have to be shoehorned in, if their characters were being allowed to develop. In chain of command reality, having an unexperienced, even undisciplined at times ensign as 1st officer would create more problems than it solved. That is experienced qualified officers being told what to do, by someone who wouldn't have a clue what they're on about! Come to think of it though, maybe some of the more junior members of the Discovery production team could do a better job than the current senior staff. Maybe life should imitate art here? I can think of two crew members off the top of my head who would make better 1st officers than Tilly, Stamets (Lieutenant Commander) and Reno (a Commander no less! Perfect!). I also have Vulcan logic issues with Burnham declaring she's the Daughter of Sarek and Amanda, then her actual Mum turns up. If Burnham was even a fraction as logical as a Vulcan she would declare her Vulcan family as her adoptive family, to avoid confusion.

Finishing off I repeat my demands for season 4, we've stuck with this for 3 seasons now, make Discovery a more traditional Star Trek ensemble show, giving the ensemble crew their own distinct identities and backstories please. Probably the most liked character in Discovery is Saru, why? Because we know his backstory and his actions and behaviour more or less make sense, minus promoting an ensign into a position she shouldn't be capable of filling, or she would already be a lieutenant not an ensign. If one of the major criticisms of the show is the character the show is supposed to be about makes no sense and isn't gelling with most of the fanbase, i.e. Burnham, you know you have serious problems.
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Discovery's new mode of transport...the tear drive
Vandrakken27 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The spore drive is now obsolete, the Discovery has something far more superior...the tear drive. Powered by Burnham's and Tilly's constant crying, they can now sail anywhere in the galaxy on an ocean of tears \o/.

Saru "Helm engage the tear drive!" Keyla "Aye captain! Calling Burnham and Tilly to the shower room!" Ships computer "Wet Alert! Wet Alert!"

...and if the constant crying wasn't bad enough ensign Tilly got promoted to first officer because she went through a worm hole??? Lmao! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Monty Python would be proud!

....at least Leonard Nimoy saved it from being 1 star.
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Is this for real?!
rsvp32127 November 2020
I suspect the writers, directors, and actors are having a big laugh at the fans' expense.

Burnham with her whisper dialogue no matter how severe or emotional the situation is, while she slightly tilts her head and gives an idiotic "deer in the headlights" look...or is she actually trying to flirt with a bedroom voice and big-eyes? ...she's such a bad actress that it's hard to tell.

Burnham gets punished for never seen before non-Starfleet insubordination and almost mutiny-like behavior, but is still in charge of apparently *everything*! How long before she's captain of Discovery, and we see how long she tolerates her crew continually disobeying her orders?

The future civilizations are less intelligent than the ancient Discovery crew.

Since Discovery's timeline predates the Enterprise and Kirk, can we assume from the Discovery non-diverse crew that there are no hetero white males in the Federation until Kirk?

And Tilly...a joke on several levels!

This might eventually become the first Star Trek series I will abandon with disgust :(
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No talky-talky, more fighty-fighty!
wetmars27 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
While grappling with the fallout of her recent actions, and what her future might hold, Burnham agrees to represent the Federation in an intense debate about the release of politically sensitive - but highly valuable - Burn data.

I hate to sound negative, but, I just want to see some action, not boring drama full of so called "emotional" scenes, the only good thing about this when we get to see a hologram of Spock and some references to Picard!
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Ruined by whispering!
pdfletcher26 November 2020
Please, for the love of all that is holy, let Burnham speak up. The whispering is just so distracting. It just ruins the show.
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The Burnham Drama
rutger-845-63739727 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So I am not sure what to think of this. I tried to watch, but Michael kept jumping in all the camera shots. more even than normal. Forcing here big questioning sad eyes in my livingroom with her personal sad music playing string orchestra while whispering her lines, what is she always hiding?

It was a slow and uneventful episode, which is quite ok as this is Star Trek. But except the other crying character being promoted to number one (please never yell at your number one, she would not survive one episode with Picard), no other crewmen came in the picture more than a few seconds.

Also I wonder what information from the sensors she will use. If she is using the multiple sensors everywhere and if they measured something, the vulcans would also have done a triangulation. We'll see in the next episode.... wait, I said "she" didn't I? My god, I am not even thinking of this show anymore as Star Trek but the Michael Burnham show.

What I am also missing a bit is the huge alien data store... are they just ignoring it? It felt like it was quite conscious, so why not use it more? It would be a nice Star Trek addition, like the holodeck was "in the old days".
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Stop with the crying...
remko7628 November 2020
Seriously, all this crying is just too much... give it a rest.
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Problems aside, I love this show.
wesley-meirick26 November 2020
In every version of Star Trek there will be specifics we believe are in the best interest of the show or detracting factors. I could find issue in even the best of episodes and at moments can be as cynical as the rest, but this is the show I need right now. Saccharine at times but the emotional resonance is true and just. The introspection woven into the story at hand is just what Star Trek is about to me, discovery in the heart and mind of the lost self. Discovery is precisely what this show asks us all to make.
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Solid episode but far from perfect
snoozejonc20 April 2021
Discovery travels to Ni'Var to try and collect information about the cause of the burn.

This is a largely compelling episode but has a fairly implausible sub-plot and it is difficult to defend the overly emotional scene that links to it.

I enjoyed how the main story unfolds, as it does a fair bit of world building and feels like it has a strong connection to the overall Trek universe. Unfortunately the sub-plot involving Saru's choice of number one is a difficult one to swallow. That being said I love this character and if it means them being more involved in plot lines, I'm sure I'll suspend the disbelief enough to enjoy.

The highlights of the episode for me include the T'Kal-in-ket which includes some great exchanges between Burnham and various others. I also loved the scenes with young and older Spock. Things like this help tie things to the other shows and make Discovery feel part of the franchise.

I was amused yet again by the emotional scenes involving Burnham. Particularly at the thought of how angry the keyboard warriors who like to comment on IMDB must have been watching them. I had no problems with most of it as the situations largely called for emotion. However, I do think the little ceremony where new first officer is commissioned pushes the emotion way too far. What happened to discipline of service personnel?

Great production values as always and great performances all round, especially from Sonequa Martin-Green and one of the guest stars.
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Michael Burnham = Ja Ja Binks of the Star Trek Universe
mdbourke-282-89997329 November 2020
Firstly, I love this show, season 1 was awesome and 2 was great as well.I have watched every Star Trek, and although I am not a trekky, for pure escapism I have loved most of what I have seen. What can I say, that has not been said before and by others. The Michael Burnham character is the worst character I have ever seen brought to screen. Just when you think there is a hope and an above audible whisper, the writers regress and try and sell us all on stoicism. The actress is in part at fault here, her frustrating delivery and expressions are just becoming tiresome.

There is a rich tapestry of characters on the Discovery, yet we have barely discovered any of them in depth. Instead we read and re-tread the Michael Burnham story and frankly, it's not as interesting as the arrogant writers seem to think. Sorry but Michael Burnham is the Ja Ja Binks of the Star Trek universe. Helen Reddy once sang, I am WOMAN here me ROAR, not whisper speak and cry!! Michael Burnham is the Tina Yothers (Jennifer form Family Ties), if it was a Jennifer-centric episode, I would tune out.

The only way forward is to KILL OFF Michael Burnham and let us explore the galaxy with a richer tapestry of characters.
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I'm really enjoying this show
dlb120128 November 2020
It is, mind you, a show for grow ups or at least people with a little bit of emotional complexity. Its technically brilliant and in the spirit of Star Trek goes where it has not gone before. I'm getting more than a little tired of the childish adolescent whinging and complaining going on in these reviews. Frankly its tiresome, not constructive and, fortunately, does not represent more than a minority view. Why do I say that? I say it because it would be a shame if it put you off exploring a show where the crew are not just ciphers speaking implausible and wholly expositional dialogue, but where an attempt is being made to give some dimensions and depth to their personalities.
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Really good and really bad...
WKYanks26 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
There were 2 big questions/discussions this week on social media. Who will be the new #1? and was Michael going to leave?

The first one always had a comment from someone that Saru should choose Tilly. That comment was universally shot down for all the reasons Tilly clearly communicated to Saru when he offered the position to her. I've loved the Tilly character and Mary Wiseman's acting from the start. Sometimes she comes across as "to Tilly" but that is what it is. But this choice by Captain Saru and the ultimate acceptance by the crew just reenforces that this writing staff really doesn't understand military structure and rank. It's all about feelings. (family, togetherness) It's not like Saru doesn't have any options. Discovery isn't alone anymore. There has to be a commander in Star Fleet that could have served. That was my druthers. I thought bringing someone from outside the crew was probably the right choice now that Nhan was gone and Reno was basically the only choice left. An LT IMO was too junior for the #1 position, but I would have accepted the choice LONG before choosing Tilly. This is making me root for some redemption arc with Michael so she can earn back the #1 position. I guess the only light at the end of the tunnel here is that Saru asked her to be "acting" 1st officer until be can find a replacement.

Ni'var... interesting (kind of expected with the episode title). The Vulcans and Romulans have "united". One wonders if it happened as Spock foresaw, or it was kicked into gear with the destruction of Romulus. I might side with the latter as it seems Navar has many different strongly opinionated factions.

I have to admit, I was not expecting to see Michael's mother here. I liked it though. Michael probably isn't successful in gaining the SP19 data without her. I have to admit, I choked up when Michael brought up Spock speaking about his reunification efforts. This "A" story was a very good one. No technobabble answer. A real "come to Jesus" moment for Michael. I was surprised when she put the well=being of Ni'Var ahead of the needs of the Federation. I thought it played well and was in keeping with some of the finest Star Trek we have.

I'm glad Michael is staying on Discovery instead of making this search out on her own. I'm also glad it appears that Book will be remaining onboard.

One sad note that is we didn't gain any insight into Georgiou's situation.

How does one rate this episode? We have both ends of the spectrum here... an outstanding "A" story flanked by the incomprehensibly stupid Tilly promotion.

This could have easily been a 9 or 10 of 10 had they not chosen Tilly as the #1.
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What the hell is this?
philhemstock-1178228 November 2020
OK so I'm not going to go into too much depth like my previous episode reviews. A different approach...

Pros: A few seconds of Spock on screen

Cons: Another Burnham's the only one who can save the day episode Too much whispering Too much crying A Vulcan council that doesn't adhere to scientific logic Over half way through season 3 and I still don't know the names of a chunk of crew members

What have they done with Star Trek? I'm going to go watch DS9 and make myself feel better
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