Unhappy (2021) Poster


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One good reason to watch this
Bernd-Ka7 April 2021
There is one good reason to watch this and that's the acting.

He is at its best AGAIN.

The guy is a creative genius when it comes to unusual parts.

Just the way he speaks is amazing. He makes you feel every word he say.

Bubu Bangalore is a magician acting-wise and he should play in bigger movies than this.

There is another guy in the movie, I never heard of, but Goerschs acting falls flat compared to Bangalore.

The rest of the film is also not that great, but if you are a Bubu fan, go watch this.
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A honest Short
jones-3016812 March 2021
Can't share the disappointment of some other reviewers. Movies and Moviemaking has always been about sharing something of yourself with the audience. Imho this is it. It's raw, it's minimalistic, It's honest. I liked it.
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A very interesting drama that feels very sincere
Rautus4 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
"Unhappy" is a very interesting drama that feels very sincere. The film has a raw and minimalist style as we see a single shot of Marc Berger (played by Thomas Goersch, who also wrote and directed the short). Marc is an actor who has decided to record himself and talk about his unhappy life and what an unhappy life it is. It's like Marc was doomed to experience one tragedy after another since childhood when his father walk out on his mother, forcing him to become the man of the house. If that wasn't hard enough, his estranged parents showed no love towards him, and his brothers were far from close to him. So, having to endure a lonely existence as he grew up, it only gets worse when he finds himself in a loveless marriage to a cold husband who he has long since divorced. The unhappiness doesn't stop there, Marc has also suffered from cancer twice alone with no support from his family who he has emancipated himself from, not to mention battling against depression and overcoming his attempts at committing suicide.

Personal problems aren't the only unhappy things in Marc's life. He's also been struggling as an actor to find success and so feels like he's a failure with no creativity, no money, and no real purpose in life.

What is fascinating about the film is that while Marc discusses his unhappy existence, he never once breaks down or cries or shows any sorrow. We get a clear picture that although the unhappiness is a heavy burden for him, he's come to accept the distressing reality that he will never come to know happiness of any kind. Love, fulfillment and success will forever be out of his reach. It's merely a dream which can never come true for him.

The performance by Thomas Goersch feels very sincere, one gets the feeling that while Marc Berger is a fictional character, he has put a lot of truth into the role and is using the film, and the character, as a means of expressing his own unhappiness onto film as a form of catharsis. And if that's not the case, he does a very convincing job of making it seem so.

Overall, Unhappy is drama in its most pure form. No hammy dialogue. No over the top performances, just a man sharing with us what will always be the greatest and most tragic drama of them all: life itself.

It's a must watch film for fans of genuine drama and minimalist art films.
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It's a winner
Gargamel1955616 February 2021
This film won a price at the TIFF. Unfortunately this is not the Toronto International Film Festival, but Tagore International Film Festival in India.

They give 47 prices EACH Month. That's over 500 per year..so you can see, it's easy to win there.
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"I'm Marc Berger and I'm a Actor!"
clark-912167 March 2021
As clear and simple as the opening words of our character may be, what you get to see in the following 17 minutes makes you think more pensive. Despite the extremely negative mood that runs through the entire film, Marc's facial expressions and gestures don't seem fake, but rather solid, authentic and yet emotional and personable. Very personal and open, the actor gives us insights into his professional, but also private and intimate life. However, you shouldn't see the whole thing as a full biography. The film is definitely too short for that. Too much attention to detail for a simple interview. "Unhappy" creates a balancing act somewhere in between and as a viewer you can feel immediately that the film is not going to be an easy walk. Nevertheless, it must be clearly stated at this point that "Unhappy" is not intended for the general public and, moreover, will not pick up and inspire everyone.

We are dealing here with a very individual and special film. As individual and special as his character himself. He neither wants to be a wake-up call, nor does he demand pity from his viewers. It can pull you down, make you think, but it can just as well raise the question of what this is all about. It is difficult to define a target group here and I don't think that the character of the film was about that either. Everyone has their own personal reasons for being unhappy. But maybe the film will manage to reach especially those who can report similar life experiences, or even find parallels. But what unmistakably distinguishes "Unhappy" is its honesty. Here, in good German, you let "the covers fall". This fact alone makes the film worth seeing and persistent, global problems are not neglected, which also deserves its respect.

Conclusion: "Unhappy" conveys something that is as simple as it is honest, but also tragic, which not everyone would reveal, but which is interlinked with each other regardless of individualism. Namely the simple fact of just being "human".
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I want my money back
DerTypMitDemDoofenHut13 February 2021
I bought this film, because the director said it is played in several festivals and also won tons of prices. That's the truth, but once you check the festivals, you find out, you never heard of them and some might only exist for collecting the entrance fee. So the filmmakers got fooled. And they are not the only ones. I got fooled for buying this. Unhappy made me unhappy and there is a reason why German festivals refuse to play this
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Unhappy.. short Movie review.
tomo-734751 March 2021
Unhappy A film by Thomas Goersch

The 17 minute short film shows Marc Berger, who gives room to his discomfort and talks about his thoughts and feelings. This is certainly not for everyone, but also no reason to downvote the film at imdb, as it is happening right now. It is an honest drama that hits the spirit of today. Especially now - when the whole world is going crazy, I think it's great that Thomas implemented this film idea. Certainly not a full-length feature film full of action and effects - but a film that makes you think. Especially because at the moment everything is idle and no one in the world can do what they want. Thank you Thomas for your openness and the courage to speak out things that many people have in their heads.
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Based on a true story
thomasg-3776319 February 2021
You feel sorry for the character, because it is known this is based on a true story. But you feel also sorry for yourself after watching this
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A movie without actors
manueldieme29 January 2021
Too bad, they didn't use any actors in this movie.

You can tell the old guy (the only guy) we see, is just playing himself. Not much to see here
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It's getting worse
a-82283-6818822 February 2021
One would think, that an actor, director or writer gets better over time, but that's not the case here. Thomas had 20 years and countless movies to improve, yet all he does, he does worse. His films won't show new skills but rather the state of his soul life, which is on the decline for years. He falls apart and so do his movies. He won't listen to critics (in his little own world they are all haters) and he hardly finds anybody to work with him. Everything can be seen here.
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mariobrenner8 February 2021
The director asked his Facebook friends to rate this movie with a 10, so you know what to expect here.
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There should be a Zero
berger-9656717 February 2021
I watched this film at a festival in India and it really is not good. It's not funny, not sad, not exciting, no good dialogue (I had trouble understanding the English), no good characters, no good camera, no good acting, While I think it's unfair to boo a movie or a person, there were some boos in the audience after it finished
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Home Video
berger-5269718 February 2021
This isn't really a movie and shouldn't be on a MOVIE database. It is more a homevideo. I might film my naked feet the next time, call it movie and show them on lousy festivals Anyway, no recommandation from me
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Tons of action
cl-5027829 January 2021
I loved how the characters interacted, how the camera moves, all the action, fast cuts...just kidding, this movie contain none of it.

The budget was probably less than your average youtube clip and talent was out of town, when this was shot via cellphone cam.

A friend gave me his copy of the DVD. Now I know why he gave it away and we're not friends anymore. I didn't know how long 17 minutes can be
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Not good = nicht gut
derschoenerobin16 February 2021
I don't know why the makers sell the dvd instead of putting it up on youtube. This film cost nothing so any $ they make is just greed. Anyway, don't spend your money for this!
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Like grandpa
berger-0884117 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
If I wanted to see a bitter old man, who regrets most of the things he has done in his life, but blames everybody else but himself, I would visit my grandpa.

That's what happens here. 20 minutes of bitterness
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Not what I like
marco333192 March 2021
Personally I didn't like it. That has nothing to do with Thomas, who I worked with and who has shown that he is not willing to improve or accept other people's opinions, I actually liked the idea. I just think it is not acting, if you only tell your personal story. It's sad to see Thomas unhappy, despite our small conflicts, but it's not helping the movie. What is the sense of this? Well if it helps Thomas to speak out how he feels, like to a psychologist, I am happy for him, but for somebody who likes movies, this did nothing for me. Sorry
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It's easy to be a star
g-7567727 February 2021
Being a star means nothing today. You can just pretend to be one. You can pretend to be an actor, you can pretend to be succesful, you can pretend to be in movies. If a movie is just to film yourself while you whine about your life, just put it on youtube, don't call it movie. This is what is going on here
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I offer help
tuetenfleisch23 February 2021
I watched this at the Trubijuka Trashcan Festival in Mali. I am a professional sea lion wrestler and would like to offer the actor some help to improve his acting. I work cheap
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gogo-574255 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I lost track on this actor after what he did at this certain shoot that never got released and am surprised he is still allowed to work. Apparently he works alone now. He didn't even hire one of these very young actors he usually likes to surround himself with and sits there all by himself in front of the camera. What he says feels realistic. He feels unhappy, I like that. The movie is a bit too long (like 15 minutes), but overall quite enjoyable
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Don't believe the hype
wurst-259368 March 2021
This film won many prizes on international festivals. How difficult is it to get in there? Most of the festivals where Unhappy won are in their first year and all have one thing in common, they are unknown. So they need movies and since they also charge an entrance fee, they take everybody they can. It may be nice to print "winner of the Supa Dupa Festival New York" on front of your DVD, but it really doesn't mean anything. A NY hobo with a cellphone could be the festivalrunner

That's the case here. Unless you are a personal friend of the director (guess where the 10 star votes come from) you won't like this film. And it's certainly not prizeworthy
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I hate critics
idontlikecritics13 March 2021
My name is Thomas and I think this is the best movie ever made. I am in a state of denial, if anybody thinks differntly. I think I speak great english, although everybody makes fun of me. I think this movie has a great story, although I just talk about my very own lousy life. I think festivals love this movie, although they make just profit with my entrance fee. I think I am an actor and I am not even playing this one right. Mostly I hate critics and everybody who doesn't like this film is a hater. Excuse me, I have to take my pills now
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Serious advice
unhappy-7390616 March 2021
Here is some serious advice for Marc: You can decide how to go on. You like acting, so you are a public person, people will critizise you. Deal with it! Sometimes they will be unfair, but you could eventually learn from it. One thing is certain. Rejecting any kind of criticism, calling critics "hater" and "stalker", while thinking of yourself that you are such a wonderful actor, is the wrong way. You need to listen, not to push people away. You can build your own castle on social media, where you pretend to be king (or an actor), but outside this bubble people will tell you the truth. Even inside your castle people will think the truth, but not tell you. Why? Because they all know, they would be blocked instantly. Your friends live in fear for saying something wrong. If you ever lost a friend for being to honest towards you, you deserve to be unhappy. But it doesn't have to stay this way!
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A non-actor pretending to be an actor
BoredomPatrol13 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This video pretends to be a movie like the guy in the video pretends to be an actor. None is true. It's 2 hours filled with pure boredom. You will hear a lot of "I" which makes sense, since the character is an unlikeable egocentric person.
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Elementary school English
dawid-977953 May 2021
I don't know if the director makes better films if there is no pandemic ... but maybe he should take a language course.
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