Venom Coast (2021) Poster


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I have not enough venom to spit at this!
omendata17 May 2021
Once again the title and advertising pic caught my attention and I did not pay attention to the low reviews...What a divot, I should know better by now but I am always hoping to find a gem amongst the coal of movies and so subject my eyeballs to the most excruciatingly bad movie ordure!

Utterly atrocious acting from the very first word of the very first scene. Mind bendingly annoying characters, each and every one who you want to see mass murdered within the moment the girls start screeching on the boat and the men start abusing the ship by throwing cans around and uttering the worst dialogue possible, shaky camera work, feeble backstory, zero characterization but I held on in the hope there might be an iota of decent horror in there...sadly it was not to be! They could have thrown in some good looking eye candy but even that was a let down - does no one know the basics of making a horror movie these days?

Utter kerrap and I hate using bad language, I rarely do but sometimes only that simple and effective expletive will suffice to show my extreme displeasure at what movie producers throw money at these days - The current IMDB rating of 3.2 is overly generous!

Avoid this one like the plague, it is the equivalent of a cinematic dog tvrd!
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Not good but could not stop watching
amanda-616-9017725 April 2021
The acting was not great and the girls screeching would have annoyed me on holiday! Whilst not much story it was strangely mesmerising and watch out for the twist at the end!
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honeygrrl19786 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Just a slasher and a really bad one, at that. Not scary, no nuance, nothing psychological, just dumb. I mean, how can several military-trained shooters with high-powered rifles not hit the metal guy in the spots where he wasn't covered with the metal??

I gave it a 2 instead of a 1 because the rich kids were annoying and they got what they deserved (in movieland, I don't condone killing IRL!).
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Deserves a minus 10
ant36au2 May 2021
Only in the 5th month of 2021 and this one already has made it into my top three worst movies of the year, not only for the worst script, camerawork and scenario's bust most of all the absolutely atrocious acting of the entire cast. Save yourself the angst of trying to fight through this complete rubbish and give it a massive miss.
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The California Cruiseship Massacre
Aylmer24 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Several dimwitted spring breakers foolishly decide to save money on a trip down the coast by finding passage on a derelict cruise ship that apparently has no crew. While this film has an astonishing preponderance of pretty girls and a couple decent horror kills, it can't quite decide what it wants to be. It doesn't quite have the acting chops and snappy writing to successfully be a witty condemnation of classism (as much of the dialog gets mired in), and it doesn't have enough graphic nudity, violence, thrills or laughs to be much of a fun exploitation movie.

It doesn't help that this film has such rudimentary character development. Oh, this airhead gal is a nymphomaniac and doesn't care about her boyfriend, I wonder what comes from that? Next scene: Dead. This girl is a loud mouth with a violent streak? Next scene: Dead. These two frat bro's (including one who looks astoundingly like a young Buster Crabbe) turn out to be inventors of a dating app for rich peop-... dead. Up until 2 minutes prior to their deaths, they just come off as addle-brained hedonists in search of alcohol, making us not really miss any of them. Even the "final girl" gets very little to do and doesn't end up coming off relatable before getting killed off without accomplishing anything of note.

The evil family run by a "Bloody Ma" Barker style Matriarch doesn't really exude a lot of creepiness outside of the seemingly straight arrow son with anger issues. He seems to get violently triggered by any woman showing him affection but otherwise we really don't get a sense of what he wants. It felt like a scene was missing with him and his mother having some sort of Oedipal interaction to cement how he's stuck in the role of having to please his mother at all costs and that any other women in his life are a threat to him. The other members like the pervert brother, the leatherface mute, and the gibbering dad suffer from not being developed enough and not being acted convincingly enough.

Things get derailed 2/3 of the way through the movie with the arrival of a coast guard vessel, which turns this movie into an action movie and asks us to switch focus to a whole new set of undeveloped characters. If feels like this film takes a lot of easy routes toward cheap thrill when it would have been far more interesting to see some twists come into play (like the family try and use the kids' app to find more victims, to have the family play the kids off one another more and get them to fight each other, to tie in the coast guard guys better beforehand, or even to introduce a few more characters, like another group of bamboozled tourists or some crew members onboard to give the ship a little more life).

The low budget also shows by omitting any establishing shots of any ships at sea or anyone at the controls, making us believe that the entire film was shot on a stationary disused ship in need of repair. Granted, it's a neat location that gets used to its potential, but without the production design to clean it up a little or the budget to hire some crew, it just makes the group of kids seem unbelievably idiotic to board it in the first place. It's hard to connect with or care about idiotic characters, so in such a situation you may as well have more fun with them before killing them off.

That said, the film looks pretty good for the most part with atmospheric horror lighting, boasts a pretty solid musical score, and gets a couple extra stars for the eye candy cast and the unique location.
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Failed flick built around a location
anthonyender2 April 2023
I gotta appreciate a scrappy filmmaker who managed access to an interesting location, in this case a derelict cruise ship, and decided to build a micro-budget film around it. And I'll even give props for trying to make the film be about something more than just young people stalked by crazy killer family. But, sadly, despite the good intentions of the writer/director adding a veneer of wealth vs the 99%, or capitalizing on a location, he stumbles repeatedly once the actors start speaking and then fails miserably once the action gets underway. Could have used a bit more screenwriting to believably get the partiers on that particular ship - it's way too sketchy in appearance for anyone to think it could sail - and just making them stupid doesn't do the trick. But that's forgivable compared to the absolutely stupid behavior once the crazies come out. How many times do we have to see a character watch someone brutally murdered, and then see them rush back to the body (to try and wake them up?) with no idea where the killer just went. Cuz, guess what, the killer is behind them now!! Or how about hiding on each side of an open doorway while multiple crazies walk past, who - miracle of miracles - never look right or left or - I don't know - possess peripheral vision! People stop struggling the moment someone has a hard time tying them to a table (not a one-person job UNLESS the victim cooperates) and I won't even go into the Coast Guard who show up who know nothing about how the Coast Guard operates. Just so there's more potential victims. Attempts to give the crazy family some depth fails (but at least he tried), and everything remains overly familiar tropes from a hundred other Hillbilly Horror flicks. The actors range from amateurish to godawful but the characters they were given to play are one-dimensional and cartoonish. Even when they stop every once and a while to say "something serious". I'll excuse the fact we never believe the ship has put to sea, or that it could even be operated, cuz the director tries his best to shoot around it, but once everyone agrees to the set-up in the first place there's no one to root for (except to die) and no one behaves believably (not even when they die) and there is no suspense, or atmosphere, or decently staged kills to make sitting through the flick worth it. I'll give it 3/10 cuz it tried to be a little bit more, but ultimately failed.
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Just Avoid And Save Yourself From the Pain!
icocleric26 June 2023
I watch a lot of bad films, but this is awful with nothing charming about it.

Some parts of the film are like an f'd up porn, and it's extremely rapey. And when that scene happens it's looooonnngg drawn out, and frankly just painful to watch. The character is doing a lot of screaming and crying that lasts for ages, while multiple men are being creepy and worse.

The set up could have been interesting for a slasher with luring people on to the cruise ship. But it's just all round terrible, with bad acting.

The characters are all really annoying, with no character development either, and the character personalities are completely flat. Honestly it is not a good watch on any count.
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slapdog34 April 2021
Well When Looking For a Sorta-Kinda-Good Horror Flick I Mostly Lean Towards Something Like That Could Possibly Happen...Mmm, Maybe! First The Description Reads "WEALTHY"...So Why Bum a Ride On a Cruise Ship, Maybe, With a Total Stranger, Sure Of And His Family...That Mess Is NOT And Will Never Ever Happen...After She Talked Her Friends Into That Mess, My Eyes, Ears And Mind Said "NO MORE"...It May Be Entertaining To Others, But Not For This Movie Watcher!
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kelly-oxtoby21 October 2021
If I could give this movie a big fat ZERO I would. Don't waste your time on the crappy plot, crappy acting and just all around crap this movie spews throughout it's entirety.
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Hot Garbage.
stompy-982375 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Set design is terrible. None of the actors/producers/directors have ever navigated a ship before and it's painfully obvious.

Acting is so bad that I'm pretty sure they all got the script the day before.

Film looks like it was shot with an iPhone by someone with Parkinson's.

Zero character development other than "generic frat bro and girlfriend"

Coast guard is not a tactical SEAL team.

What in the hell was with the iron man knockoff? How do you miss all of the open areas???

Ending scene was ridiculous, even for this movie.

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Slasher on a Ship
Pycal21 January 2024
If you put Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Jason Takes Manhattan into a blender and added a pinch of Under Siege, Venom Coast would resemble something of the concoction that would result. As far as newer microbudget horror films go, it certainly ranks above average and features one of the most grotesque rogues' galleries of killers seen in a long time. Speaking of kills, the victims in this movie are dispatched in creative and gory ways with some very noteworthy practical effects on display.

Venom Coast is recommended for fans of the new breed of films commonly referred to as the "people of privilege suffer" genre seen in such recent movies as Infinity Pool, The Menu, and to an extent, the two as of this date produced Knives Out films. Not recommended for viewers who might have a penchant to feel superior to their material as a lot of the onscreen victims do make horrible decisions to their detriment in this film, but it's way too easy make an assertion that one would come out better than the characters from a position of seated armchair comfort. By far the biggest flaw that comes about in the film is the ending. Without saying much, things get messy for some of the characters involved in the story on account of a major mistake they make, but it comes off as a missed opportunity with how it is dealt with in the script. Instead of further addressing the moral complications of said mistake and fleshing out the ending with a bit more conflict and drama, the film takes a much easier route which is a bit of a shame. All in all though, Venom Coast is well made and highly entertaining. If you want a good old school popcorn slasher movie, it delivers.
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Voyage Of The Dummies!
bradford-6068615 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A wierd guy bumps into a woman and says he overheard her talking of plans to vacation with her friends in Mexico. The warning bells should have started ringing straight away. But no she convinces her friends that travelling with this wierdo and his family on their own cruise ship will save them money and be an adventure.

The deaths of the adventurous idiots start, no great loss they were pretty abnoxious yuppies anyway.

Amazingly there does not appear to be any crew to operate the vessel it runs with just one person at the bridge.

After frantic scenes of murder and mayhem aboard the ship the Coast Guard arrive to act like complete fools, who don't seem to know much about ships, considering the use the term room instead of cabin and floors instead of decks.

And when the "NED KELLY" lookalike appears for the final shoot out it is completely absurd.

Thank you for a waste of nearly 90 minutes of my precious time.

These are not spoilers.

This is a warning not to watch!
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Filled in an hour 30
tsvguy27 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Creepy family Screaming teenagers, I wished they got killed first. They are so annoying.

Movie has no plot. Just killing, Screaming teenagers on a boat, which was way too easy to go abroad, just like the girls Easy.

The boat looks like a fishing boat and very rough.

Buggered if I would get on.

Then another shot, it looks very flash and large like a cruise ship.

But some movies just make you wonder why they were made.

I suppose it's to give actors producers directors some work.

I also wonder if they actually made enough money to pay people.

More like a tax dodge for people with too much money.
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