One Hit from Home (2012) Poster

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Former Pro-Baller with broken dreams returns home and is offered redemption through coaching.
gregwendland25 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Overall, I liked this movie.

The acting was little more than adequate. This was what I call a "Religious Propaganda" movie, which is evidenced by the production and distribution companies. Basically, the movie had a good plot and theme to it, but the problem with religious propaganda directors is that it seems as if they try to make every single scene in the movie to be something powerful. Unfortunately, the result of that is a disjointed movie with scenes that don't mesh well together.

It was no different with this movie. While, overall, it was a great movie, the direction was terrible and it partially came off like having "Gods Word" shoved down your throat. A couple of the most powerful scenes in the movie were diluted by following scenes that kept bringing it up as if to say, "Did you get the point?".... The result of that is that the movie (and those scenes) lost their potency because of constant reiteration.

A great movie will let the audience come to their own conclusions, but this movie like so many other religious propaganda movies didn't allow that to happen, instead, the directors made a forced point in telling us what we should have seen and/or felt. One example of this is at the end of the movie when the Jimmy Easton says, "This wasn't about baseball, was it?" and his Uncle's reply was, "No, no it wasn't."

This movie is worth the watch. There is a great message in the movie, but you sort of have no choice in the matter... you'll see the message because they beat you over the head with it.
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Bad Writing, Bad acting, Bad actors, and preachy
teslavate25 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Well lets see, Bad writing, bad acting, bad actors, preachy, stiff unnatural delivery. What more can be said about how bad this movie is. If it was between this movie and church service I would go to church. But I won't have to since I got the sermon already in this movie. Look I don't have anything against religion or religion in movies, but when you do have religion in movies you at least have to give it some camouflage or back it up with some excellent acting and this movie does neither. Very basically this movie is Pro ball player who coulda been somebody, who coulda been a contender but an accident steals it all away with an injury. Ex-pro player climbs into a bottle and does the bar circuit for a while having flash backs of his Dad consoling his boyhood losses by saying "Lets Pray." Soon Pastor Godfather shows up to offer a college coaching job that ex-pro doesn't want. Ex-pro gets busted for fighting in a bar and Pastor Godfather bails him out in collusion with the local judge who commits a felony by making ex-pro take the coaching job or go to jail (Its called collusion and Extortion). Ex-pro plays slacker coach and gets Pastor Godfather fired, feels guilty and shazaam! Ex-pro now cares and turns local team into winners, connects with old girlfriend and of course talks a lot about anything can be done through God. Suddenly ex-pro's old injury starts to disappear, team starts winning, ex-pro develops good attitude. Ex-pro takes bad attitude player under his wing and turns him into a winner with religious song and help from God. Ex-pro leads college team to championships. Big championship game ensues while ex-pro gets another pro offer, conflict, resolution, every wins through religion! If you are that kind of person who prays 20 times a day you will probably like this movie even with all its terrible flaws, but I think most people will find it a mediocre movie at VERY best. There are some EXCELLENT religious movies out there, God's Not Dead is an excellent example, but this movie is not in that category I am sorry to say.
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Good story
tennyson-mike30 July 2012
Good story to this movie, though it has been done before. The only thing making this movie a 4 instead of 8 is the acting of Jimmy Easton character (David Aaron Stone). If this movie had big names in it and better acting it would be a blockbuster! The actor playing the up and coming baseball star did a fantastic job. The ending of the movie was really well built up and I enjoyed the story of it. Having said all of that I am a big fan of the sports feel good movies! I watched it with my son who is 12 and he very enjoyed it. It's one of the few movies that you can watch without pointless swearing. I don't mind swearing in movies, in some movies it really is needed. What I don't like is when they do it just to try and get the count up!
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Don't waste your time
blevine115 April 2012
Very bad acting, poor video quality, looks like a home made movie. Could only sit through about 1/2 the movie and gave up. I am not concerned I might have missed a great ending, was not worth sitting through no matter the ending.

There was no character development. The main character gets some poorly acted motivational speech from Dad, and next thing you know he is a washed up drunk angry at the world. You just don't care about the outcome for the main character, and none of the characters seem believable nor even enjoyable to watch.

My 13 yo son and I watch every movie about baseball we can find, this is the only one that we did not sit through. Takes a lot for my son to agree to shut off a movie midstream.
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I wasted an hour and a half of my time.
dlt-320-5688324 August 2012
This movie needs a new writer and director to say the least. The spiritual message may be worthwhile, but not presented this way. I've seen better high school performances. The actors were dry and could have been cardboard cut-outs for all I knew. For those of you who are old enough, I kept waiting for the family dog, Goliath, to walk up and say, "Gee Steevie, what are you going to do now?" I stuck it out to the end to see how the story line was salvaged, but couldn't get the DVD out of the player fast enough when it finished. If the movie is recast and reworked I may give it another try, but until then, I can't recommend it.
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Religious Propaganda Film With No Purpose
buehrlefiftysix5 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
My wife rented this movie from a Redbox machine just because it was about baseball. I try to watch all of the baseball movies I can and have had some actual success with movies I have never heard of from Redbox machines. Some better ones in the past have been 'Sugar', and 'The Perfect Game'. This was not among those diamonds in the rough. This has all of the bad cinematography that you would expect from an overtly Christian-made film. I am not going to bash anyone's religion, I myself go to a Nazarene church. I just feel that Christian movies are not of good quality in script, acting or development. This film misses on all three. The story is that a star baseball player's parents die, he gets injured and ends up as a drunk guy mad at the world. He returns to his home town and people who knew him try to get him involved in a baseball coaching position, which he is forced into because he is facing jail time. The development of the story is pretty cliché to say the least. It goes just as you would expect. He plays the "coach who doesn't want to be there" character that is starting to be overdone by now. A humorous thing does happen when he signs an autograph something like "Your dad is stupid". The only other time I laughed in the whole movie was at something that I do not think was supposed to be funny. In a scene where he is drinking, the drink he is drinking is called "Josh Daniels No. 7" instead of "Jack Daniels No. 7". We found that to be hilarious, in a mocking kind of way. There really is no purpose to this film. So a guy whose life fell apart suddenly finds a new life as a coach because of a player on the team who amazingly(by the grace of God?) is exactly the same as himself. This kid's parents both die, he gets drafted by the San Francisco Gold Sox(no seriously, the Gold Sox ha-ha) #12 in the 1st round and he can't be excited for it, just like the coach! Wow! I mean, that is some great writing! At one point in the film, the coach gets an opportunity to return to the San Francisco Gold Sox to play outfield for the rest of the season. He starts to go but then turns it down for absolutely no reason whatsoever. I guess the writers wanted you to know that God wanted him to coach the team in the title game more than live his dream. What kind of moral is that? God wants what is best for us, not to give up our dreams like that. I don't think it would have been selfish for him to go to play in the Majors again. Anyway, as he's driving he stops in the middle of the road, jumps out of his car and just runs. There is really no reason for this scene. He falls down and passes out(in the middle of a highway) and has some kind of weird hallucination dream about his dad telling him he's going to be okay and that they are okay in Heaven(I assume?). Anyway, he wakes up when a hiker finds him and the hiker is not even concerned about his physical condition or trying to get him to a doctor(you find a guy passed out in the middle of the street with a still running car parked in the middle of the street and you aren't even concerned about his well-being at all?!) So the guy goes back to the hometown in Arizona and coaches the team but the kid got hurt and can't play in the title game. Women characters are thrown into the film for virtually no reason and serve almost no purpose in the story lines. This movie just makes you hate your life. I hated myself for having watched it. I can't see any positive message from this film. I mean, the kid succeeded without God(making MLB, playing, being a successful coach before he gets 'saved' in the film). The kid on the team is successful without much belief in God that is ever expressed. His dad yells at him but they eventually make up just before his dad dies(but again without the help of God). To make matters even more ridiculous, the team LOSES the Championship Game; so he gave up his dream of returning to MLB just to coach a team to a loss. This movie, which was intended to be religious propaganda, fails at even promoting the message that you need God to succeed that every other Christian movie tries to do. It fails at everything. This movie is only a 4.2 here on IMDb because I am sure a lot of blind Christians who will like ANYTHING because it is Christian rated it 10 stars. Don't waste your time & money on this one, even if you are a devout Christian and enjoy Christian entertainment.
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Christian movie with predictable, but meaningful story
honeychile-107-1829636 April 2013
My husband and I enjoyed watching this movie. It is a lower-budget production, without fancy special effects, but it's wholesome with a predictable, but meaningful storyline. If you are looking for non-stop action, you won't find it in this thoughtful film, which may surprise some who have come to expect that. But you also won't find explicit language and other themes that seem to be a routine part of hit movies. For me, that was refreshing. I was a little surprised at the vehemence of some of the reviews against this simple, straight-forward movie. If you're not interested in Christian themes, it may be a little boring, but hardly objectionable. I even enjoyed the music in the film, which I was not able to find. From me, it's a thumbs up for a sweet film for the whole family.
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Good faith sports drama
bkoganbing14 August 2016
The producing team of Davy Stone and John Meier took the two lead roles in One Hit From Home. Davy Stone plays a washed up ballplayer whose career took a nosedive after his parents were killed in a car crash. Meier who was 31 when the film was made is sadly way too old for the part of a young college baseball prodigy. In fact the only star for the Arizona State University team where Stone has returned to take a job as coach.

Both of these people and the team in general need a lot of motivation. Meier is dealing with an alcoholic father who can't cope with the death of his wife. Both of their inabilities to deal with family tragedy is the bond they share.

It's also the basis of the Christian underpinning of this sports drama. It is a Christian film but it is also suitable for mainstream audiences and has a good message to it about you never know what life will bring you around the next corner, good or bad.
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Draws from other baseball and sports flicks but still a good view, with values
inkblot1127 July 2015
Jimmie Easton (David Aaron Stone) was once a promising baseball player, with the SF Giants. But, just look at him now! After a blown knee and the auto accident death of his parents, he is drinking and drifting. Fortunately, before he hits rock bottom, he is offered a coaching job with a struggling college program. But, it requires moving back to his home town. Thus, Jimmie comes back to his roots with a bad attitude about absolutely everything. On top of it all, he believes he can just "drift" in his job, as the team has never been a winner. Meanwhile, a talented player, Brandon, on Jim's team is likewise having issues. He has a new girlfriend but thinks her parents don't like him. More important, Brandon's mother died two years ago and his father has gone a bit crazy with grief. If anything bothers him, he takes out his anger on Brandon, to the point of physical abuse. One more complication is present. A former flame of Jimmie's is still in town, teaching and looking very pretty in her single state. But, since Jimmie broke her heart once, will she be interested in seeing him again? This film draws from many other films, like The Mighty Ducks (without the humor), Hardball or League of Their Own. Its the coach on the ropes with nowhere to go but up, who still turns losers into champions. BUT, with such a winning formula, what's wrong with a new redo? As a Pureflix film, this one also has no objectionable language or sexual situations. Yet, it does have scenes of alcohol abuse, bar fighting, and family abuse, perhaps making it unsuitable for some younger viewers. Scott does a nice job as the lead and the rest of the cast, unfamiliar, do fine work in their respective roles. Good scenery, costumes, script, and direction make it nice view for an evening's entertainment.
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Good Production, Bad Actors
ibrahimmardini5 October 2013
Alrighty... So I was on Netflix field looking for an inspiring baseball movie and came upon "One Hit From Home" as I watching I began to be confused because the corny acting.. I thought maybe it was a joke and I need to just let it play out. 30 minutes into the movie...more corny acting. All the actors seemed like felt very awkward. The production and camera work was pretty spot on. Got some great shots. Sound track was ehhh okay I guess. All the actors were pretty terrible, felt like something I could produce.. I hate to be harsh on a movie but I wasted my time watching half of it and this is my honest review. Thanks for reading.
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Has Heart
ralcazar8010 March 2012
Wonderful, feel-good family picture with a lot of good heart and great sport. I like its message, that its Christian and current. Some sweet shots and awesome tunes. Friday Night Lights meets The Blind Side. Shows us that having a relationship with God, throughout the toughest moments in your life, that there is light at the end of the tunnel. I particularly enjoyed the guy who played the current baseball star, the young blonde kid. Solid, well-developed character. His subtlety in portraying 'real' truly shines. Like to see that promising actor in more pictures. Inspirational and great film overall. I'd love to see another by these guys. -R
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Solid Triple
curtoon-7480115 November 2022
A little corny but a strong baseball themed faith-based message that is still worth watching in 2022 and beyond.

Different storylines intersect throughout the movie to keep the viewer engaged. Weaving in Bible verses is also a huge plus in our crumbling world of deceit and wickedness.

This movie is worth watching if you or someone you know is struggling with depression, regrets, alcoholism, drug use, unfulfilled dreams, and/or regrets.

Once you are over the level of acting, the movie grows on you and makes you smile along the way to have faith in others.

I watched this movie on Pureflix this weeks.
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If it wasn't free I would have asked for my money back
sll2724 October 2012
The worst movie I've seen this year. Stilted, and robotic reading of the script (I wouldn't call it acting). The script was poorly written, with a plot that can straight out of a cliché factory. It was incredibly predictable. After a few minutes we started predicting the upcoming scenes and how long it would take for things to happen... we were 100 percent right. Also, this movie takes place in a world where there are almost no women and the women who do exist are all VERY blond with very big lips.. and they say very little with those puffy lips.

The funny parts were stupid and the emotional "heart wrenching" parts were funny. I saw this movie free, but had it cost a nickel I would have demanded my nickel back.

The only thing that this movie was good for was to snark on it afterward with other viewers of the movie.

If you are a fan of Mystery Science Theater 3000 and want a movie that you can rip on from start to finish then this is the movie for you. If you are interested in seeing a well made movie with a good script then stay very very far away from this piece of garbage.
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Would Not Recommend to my Enemy
eksnow9827 October 2017
This movie is so boring that I have to confess, I left before it ended. The script is so cheesy and corny and the actors can't do anything to redeem it. The plot of this film is one that has been overdone and used in many better films than this. If you want a nice family watch that uses this similar plot and has better scripting and acting, I would recommend Home Run (2013).
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Not very good
budwatson-4567024 July 2021
Script has no flow. Piano music is annoying and rest of musical soundtrack does not fit many scenes. How many times do you have to star a line with "Hey"
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