"Outlander" The World Turned Upside Down (TV Episode 2022) Poster

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Malva is a snake but
esjacobs1 September 2022
Still liked this episode, yeah some things seemed unbelievable. Like the whole malva Jamie thing yeah that was laughable. Seemed that this season has a more soap drama edge to it than other seasons. Not sure I like that. The bringing in the whole Christie family seemed forced and weird to me. Love seeing Claire getting angry :) all in all lots of things happening and lets just say glad to see the snake has left the building.

IMDB; now I have to write 600 characters?!! What's up with that? Who has that much to say about an episode?? Do you expect people to write a whole essay on this?

Sorry, your review is too short. It needs to contain at least 600 characters.

Sorry, your review is too short. It needs to contain at least 600 characters.
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Well that escalated quickly
Rob-O-Cop12 April 2022
I didn't see that coming.

A strong episode focusing the threads that have been sewn in the previous few episodes.

Not sure I totally buy how the whole community were prepared to believe the creepy new comers over Jamie and Claire who have shown themselves again and again to be decent and honest people. Plus Jamie has zero history of being a skirt chaser, compared to many other more likely candidates.

Still, good watching. Enjoyable.
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WordsworthStone10 April 2022
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This did not play out like a murder-mystery to begin with; i'm still reeling from shock. Usually in these period dramas, it's a slow burn and unraveling of similar story direction. This played out like ncis: fraser's ridge. Next episode, motive and opportunity aye?

***edit*** i like how only 10 out of 22 found this review helpful, but the following episode directly references Perry Mason and means motive and opportunity.

Also, lot of people hating on the show writers and forget this show is based on a series of novels. Yep, i looked it up, it's in the book.
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Jaw dropping!
yoliegb28 April 2022
Never a dull moment! OMG! So much happens in this episode that you do feel that everything is being turned on its head. My eyes were glued to the screen.

This episode serves up widespread illness on the Ridge, heartache, fear, tenderness, betrayal and a shocking ending.

In addition, there is a scene between Jamie and Claire that is one of the best of the whole series. The nuances and the emotional rise and fall of their conversation is transfixing. I've watched it time and again. The Heughan/Balfe performances (which are so real) were perfectly in tune to the situation and to each other. Keep your eyes on Sam's. His body is mostly still as he actively listens but his eyes are brimming with quicksilver responses.

I've never been more engaged with a series and this episode is one I'll watch again and again.
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Suffering. Recycling. Tedium.
happysmileyface11 April 2022
So much sickness, death, and suffering. Most of the main characters have been raped. Jamie was beaten and has beaten other people more times than I can remember. Now there's the twisted Malva story soon to be revealed.

Claire is accused of witchcraft yet again and there's another younger woman after Jamie. Claire tells her to stay away from her family and slaps her face, just like before.

There are many more examples of storylines getting recycled. My mind wanders while I watch the show and I check my phone frequently. It seems like the viewers who enjoy it now are the ones who read the books.
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Compelling and dramatic as we love it!
elliottremblay12 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
As a reader of the book, and therefore knowing who is guilty of this murder, and why, I still don't understand why people say the showrunner and writers are stupid or that they messed up with season 6. Pisses because all the main plots of the season are part of the book and on the contrary, the showrunner does a great job and always respects its source material. All of these twists were chosen by Diana Gabaldon herself when the 6th book was released. Outlander is still pretty amazing with incredible character development and a surprising plot.

Yes, people are raped, beaten, sick and die, but a life in the 18th century cannot be safe, it would be boring and unrealistic. Yes, all the main characters have been raped, but saying that the plot gets recycled and repeats itself over and over again is such a low-grade thinking because there is a place, a time, a context and a whole situation that frames it. It's not bad writing or stupid choices, it's A Breath of Snow and Ashes - A Novel - bring to the screen in a stunning way. You have to stop minimizing the plot and saying that everything is the same from the start, it evolves, it changes and the motivations are all very different.

On the other hand, coming from Gabaldon, it's impressive and genius to be able to use similar dramas throughout the saga of the novels without being repetitive or boring. The framework is totally different, the consequences also and the circumstances are not at all the same. And the same goes for other similar dramas. They are similar, they are not the same!

And so, before saying that the writers are dumb and their work is bad, please take a minute to look at the source material and see what a great job they did of adapting one the most massive novel in the saga, then you know . I can't wait for the next episode full of drama!
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Sticking to the source material
angielk31619 April 2022
Y'all need to pick up the books. If you do- you'll realize that out of all the other seasons and episodes, this one has to stuck to the original material pretty much spot on.
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Amazing episode
mquenonex15 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So much hate in other reviews. This is a very dramatic episode and historically accurate. Churches really had power to change people minds. Easy way to do that was to claim someone being a witch.

They have been building up this power struggle against Jamie for the whole season so dont say that it came suddenly in this episode.
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Preacher Roger bushy beard.
FrankensteinBarbie11 April 2022
Gotta luv Preacher Rog's big mountain man beard makes him masculine and shiny. Preacher stole the show with his acting spot on but I'm worried cuz he's starting to hunch again. You can see it if you look real close. Don't let the humpback back, Mac!
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Episode 606
bobcobb30118 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Disappointing way to end Malva's run on the show, and I don't think a whodunnit was needed to conclude this season.

Still, highly dramatic. It is always good to see Claire get angry too.
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Mediocre season and worst episode
chunkylefunga2 May 2022
This whole season has just been filler, honestly they could have condensed the previous 5 hours into a 1 hour episode and even then it just be ok.

Malva's revelation is just complete and utter nonsense, after all that Jamie's done for the ridge and proven his character and loyalty time and time again, Malva would have immediately have been called out for her nonsense.

Roger would also have told Jamie about Malva's antics long before this incident.
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If this story follows the books then the books suck
travvller22 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Another reviewer commented in defense of this season and this specific episode that people complaining are wrong because it's following the source material. That's a logical fallacy that just because it's following the source material it makes it good.

In fiction there's a difference between genre and literary works. The weakest genre fiction will have plot twists that are based not on the actions of characters as you'd expect them to behave, but on the demands of a pre-determined plot. So when a character in a book or movie does something you have to ask yourself: Did they do that because that's the nature of that character? Or did they do that because the plot demanded it even though it doesn't make sense for that character?

This episode was entirely plot driven. And it's a plot we've seen before in this show. After six seasons to see Jamie's integrity so easily attacked and dismissed is just preposterous. Totally plot driven to the point where the audience knows it's being manipulated.

And if this is all because this is from the books, well, that just speaks to how badly the books were written. Because here we are on the cusp of the Revolutionary War and it's all window dressing around an idiotic soap opera plot with caricature enemies. I'm not sure I'll keep watching after this.
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Claire would never believe that.
Edwin_niwdE22 April 2022
Not for a second would Claire think that Jamie could do that with Malva. Nobody else who knew him would believe it either. This story line is rubbish. So what if it's just like the book. The show is 90% soap opera.
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Unrealistic and Unbelievable
Anna_160011 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It doesn't make sense that, except for Jamie's immediate family, everyone at Fraser's Ridge turned against him and Claire. The Scots at the Ridge knew them for years, then suddenly they take the word of weird Malva, who had just recently moved there, over Jamie's? They wouldn't turn against Jamie and Claire - the two who own the land and who protect and take care of them.

I also find it very unlikely that Malva, who was Claire's apprentice, would cut off her hair because of an old wive's tale. Without even speaking to Jamie or Brianna about it first.

It doesn't matter to me if this episode closely followed the book. It was bad.
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Ummm...Is Fonzie and the Shark Back?
michaelleone-0956616 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I understand that the show is following the novels. However, let's just leave this as a terrible direction Diana Gabaldon took the story. Totally and unfortunately unnecessary. Many people often read the books and then watch the show only to be disappointed. With this series, I have heard many people say that the show is actually much better than the books. I have not read the books and put this series in my top three of all-time. Although...I agree with some of the comments/comparisons between this and Game of Thrones.

I kept waiting the entire second half of the episode thinking that Claire was going to wake up finally from being in a coma or something and this was just a continuing hallucination/nightmare. When Jamie said Tom was still extremely ill and Claire went to his house to find that he didn't even appear to have ever been sick...did not make sense. The science behind Claire's reasoning about Tom and Claire having the same sickness that was something other than the widespread flux was a legitimate concern...that went nowhere? I have continued to wonder whether Malva was going to be revealed as a quiet serial killer (potentially as a rebellion against her father) but I guess the chances of the plot going down that path have completely ended! Those of you that HAVE read the books, hush, I don't want to know. I will obviously continue to watch because the entire production is exceptional, but I will quietly hope it changes for the better soon.
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Just plain stupid!
ayurko11 April 2022
Very disappointed how this show is going down hill after so many fantastic seasons. I guess the writers are just running out of good ideas and now have to resort to dream sequences and plot twists that make no sense.
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Eli_Elvis12 April 2022
Did they change writers? This was a terrible episode. This whole season has been trash. Has covid destroyed Hollyweird this much? Whatever is going on stop it. We are 6 seasons in to a ten season arc. Don't go the game of thrones route.
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One of the worst episodes.
JillsBis11 April 2022
There were so many things wrong with this episode. Some parts were so ridiculous they made me laugh. The writers have run out of ideas. Outlander has become a show for the simple minded.
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Maybe the worst episode yet
ahlan9416 April 2022
The episode started slow and boring. There was no red thread and the rest was unbelievable and ridiculus. The garden was clearly made by plastic and the enviroment just screamed winter or very early spring.

Did the writers write bad ideas on notes and pick randomly from a Bowl or did they roll a dice to every yes or no decision?

Again, worst episode yet. And I hated the season about Roger.
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This episode is bad, Really Bad.
brooklygirl28 April 2022
I love, love, love the Outlander series, but this 6th episode of the 6th season is so bad. I have not read any of the books therefore, my opinion of the episode is not based on the book. If this episode is true to the book, then the book must not be good reading, at least not this chapter(s). Jamie being falsely accused was so predictable and also unbelievable. I saw it coming from a hundred miles away. The scene where the false accusation happened is so bad that I fast-forwarded past most of it. Claire's reaction was even more unbelievable, so I also fast-forwarded past most of that scene. The ending of the episode is horrible.

I agree with the reviewer @happysmileyface; there are so many recycled storylines. This episode has me NOT looking forward to the remaining episodes. Just all around bad!
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bellajean-4271710 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Sam Heughan as Jamie Fraser identifies 100% with his Character. He was perfect once again in how he handle what was happening in the Fridge & with Claire. Toni the Writer always leaves out important details like the bonding of Jamie & Bree. You can tell they that cut important scenes of Jamie but Sam still carried the Ep6. Cait was okay but using Ether is the dumbest thing ever. Malva was good but Claire cutting out the baby when Malva is already Blue & absolutely dead, there is no way the baby would be alive, Toni the Writer messed up again. She is not the best writer.
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This entire season is just bad. This episode is the low key.
ikabroukman11 April 2022
Somehow the 6th season in it's entirely is completely bad. The arrival of the Christies arc story is just very bad. Too bad. In comparison to the first 5 seasons it's a failure.
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What the actual f did i just watch?
sja-awesome22 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Here they gave me hope for the season because there was actually a couple decent maybe even good episodes in a row and then all the sudden this bs? Why does Claire continue to ether herself when she's been through so much and it always made her tougher and never broke her but all of a sudden the last little while it is..huh? Why did they leave her sick and uncovered for hours or even days? So freaking strange! And they just left her unattended as well? There would have been someone with her nearly constantly wiping the sweat from her and keeping an eye on her. Where the heck was Bri this entire time? Jamie wasn't doing it? Huh? Makes no sense. There's no way in hell that Claire would even for a second believe that Jamie had done that with melva! She said it herself that they had been through things that melva couldn't even imagine but yet she had doubt in her heart right away.. What? And Claire is a surgeon in a very experienced doctor She would know that a cesarean would not work with fetus that tiny.. Not to mention the mother was already dead. Oh that is just utter ridiculous nonsense! Drama for the sake of drama. Yuck. Really bad writing. Just as bad as that magic appearing buffalo that did zero damage to Brianna lmao.
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