Kill Katie Malone (2010) Poster

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Only worth a watch if you love ghost thrillers
iamwudu26 September 2011
After the first 30 minutes I knew I couldn't expect much from this movie. Almost all typical "ghost thriller" clichés are used. Nothing new or unexpected. I tried to give this movie a chance anyway, but at the end I still was disappointed. The creepy scenes aren't very creepy. The story doesn't make sense sometimes (one scene she hates him, next scene she loves him..) and as mentioned the story is just too predictable to entertain. I watched it till the end because I hoped it would get better or more thrilling at the end, but that wasn't the case. You shouldn't watch this movie if you are not a big fan of this type of films, and even if you are, you probably won't get too excited.
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The eBay gHost
NozinAroun812 March 2011
Two guys and a girl are tickled pink to discover a ghost for sale on eBay. Apparently the ghost is capable of granting wishes. One of the dudes simply can't resist placing a bid, with a little contribution from his buddy. A package soon arrives containing what seems to be nothing more than an old jewelery box with a crappy locket inside. Obviously the locket holds a photo of Katie Malone. Suddenly people on campus are mysteriously dropping like flies. It's almost as if they're possessed by some masochistic entity. Some average acting leads us through a series of mildly creepy moments... ... ... you know what? I don't even know why I watch this crap let alone review it. There's not even any boobs... except Dean Cain! Run away!

Check out my IMDb List for some better suggestions. "HORROR/THRILLER: Obscure, Overlooked & Underrated"
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A good premise wasted on yet another teen horror flick
Prior to actually switching on the movie, this had promise. The premise that somebody might buy a ghost on eBay (or the copyright friendly film version of YouBid) interested me and I was eager to see how the story unfolded.

Unfortunately, a promising idea has been sold out to the tune of yet another college/teen horror thriller where a bunch of attractive American teenagers spend half the film running around a college or dorm from some kind of terrifying something that wants to kill them. Feel free to replace terrifying something with 'murderous ghost', 'axe wielding maniac', 'Freddy Kreuger' or whatever. It doesn't matter. The play out is the same and we've all seen it a million times before.

Direction is typically brash and predictable, akin to an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer with less camp. Our protagonists make all the usual horror movie victim mistakes and the haphazard introduction of the haunting is far too over-the-top. Too much is shown too soon and the inevitable killing scenes are silly to the point of absurd.

There's really nothing new here. An original idea is squandered for the sake of a safe return on the budget (one assumes). The result is something forgettable and bland.
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A concedable ghost-in-the-box handout.
EyeAskance28 September 2011
A trio of college pals merge their funds for an unusual online auction 18th century box which houses the malevolent spirit of a murdered Irish servant girl. When the box is opened, the ghost is set free, and predictable carnage ensues.

KILL KATIE MALONE brings nothing to the table, but it's a satisfactory little product, nonetheless. Performances from the key players are a notch or two above the yardstick, and their characters are surprisingly well developed. This is pretty subtle stuff for contemporary horror, though not entirely ineffective...I actually rather liked the way it skirted explicit visual shocks for a more veiled, spectral puissance.

All in all, a higher quality production than the flat material really deserved.

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Kill Katie Malone.......please!
drdeathforpresident8 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Wow! This was a piece of crap. This is Dawson's Creek meets Poltergeist - lots of gooey "love is in the air" b.s. between the two main characters Jim & Ginger who just talk and talk and talk. The movie begins when Dean Cain's daughter brings a small box into the house and tries to destroy it. Well, Katie Malone will not have any of that, by golly, so she kills the daughter and we are now in a dormitory where Jimbo is bidding on said box; he wins and his roommate has a sh*t fit. A teacher dies, a bully dies by the screams of Ms. Malone (by the way, not bad acting by The Hulkster's son.)and a jogger explodes in a park. If anything, you need to see this ONLY for the ghost - adds a creepy feeling to this teenage lust boredom. Kudos for Sylvia Panacione as "Katie Malone." Unfortunately, two cool death scenes does not a movie make.
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Boring and generic
krachtm4 April 2013
The plot: A trio of college students buy a box with a ghost in it, not expecting the box to truly be haunted.

Kill Katie Malone is basically a combination of the Robert Louis Stevenson short story "The Bottle Imp" and some stupid eBay auctions that caught the attention of the media, when people tried to sell ghosts. Predictably, eBay wasn't very amused, and it's now against their Terms of Service to sell ghosts, haunted items, or other supernatural things.

Apparently, these kids got in before the ban, and they buy a haunted box. Ooooh, creepy. The ghost allegedly has the power to grant wishes, but it's very clingy and family-oriented. If you say anything about abandoning her or breaking up the family, it tries to kill you. The only way to get rid of it is to sell it on eBay.

This is an absolutely ridiculous idea for a movie. The Robert Louis Stevenson story was actually quite interesting, because it offered what seemed like an unsolvable paradox. Kill Katie Malone, however, is just a generic slasher with a stupid plot. I'd have trouble recommending it to anyone, even bored teenagers. If you've got nothing else to do, I suppose you could waste your time on this, but I'm not sure why you would bother, when you could memorize prime numbers or the digits of pi. Either would probably be more exciting than watching this movie.
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Make better wishes
allenarmstrong2218 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Come on. Why is it, anytime someone has wishes they never wish for 1 trillion dollars? Lame movie, lame characters, lame everything. Stay away from this movie. The wishes let you down. Give me three wishes 1.) 1 trillion dollars 2.) Immortality 3.) 3 more wishes. Why not give the ghost to a frat house or to some poor from the ghetto capitalist business student with a evil history of his own or something. No lets give it to three lame as students who wish for a rose a $40 bucks. As soon as I saw that there were going to be no 1 trillion dollar wishes I returned to browse in netflix. I am the kind of guy that reads a description of a movie where a ghost is giving college students wishes and I am all in. Then they wish for a rose and $40 bucks and it comes true and the first thing that comes to there mind to prove that it wasn't one of them pulling a prank was to wish for something without the others knowing what it is. No to prove that it wasn't a prank you wish for 1 trillion dollars. Retards.
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I'm being accused of plagiarism!!
selfdestructo5 May 2023
What will our badly-tattooed friend who can't even grow a moustache do? I watched Kill Katie Malone for one reason: Masiela Lusha was starring in a horror movie. And it was real bad (though she wasn't... but I'm biased).

Where do I begin? First, every character is obnoxious. I'm not sure why so much modern horror is populated with unlikeable characters. I suppose this had an interesting premise, which quickly devolved into another variation of The Monkey's Paw. Three college students pool their money to buy a supposed ghost trapped inside a box online (from the generic company "uBid," and, similarly, we don't see anyone dressed as a "character" all Halloween long). Hey, it grants wishes! So they let the ghost out, get terrorized, and people around them start turning up dead (only in the most comical ways).

The ghost leaves a message written on our two best buds' wall, and one guy takes a picture of it, and sends it to a friend, who is apparently the only person he knows competent enough to Google something in a foreign language. Did I mention this guy is in college? I don't know if the dialogue was poorly written, or if some actors actually botched their lines and they left them in, but this movie has some rather odd dialogue. And it is lazily written. The competing bidder (somebody's concept of a Goth) on the box is suddenly all-knowing, all-seeing? Well, she did have impeccable timing! That's a good thing she did. I laughed at the end.

The title doesn't even make any sense. Katie Malone is the ghost. She's already dead!

Masiela turns up in leather shorts, fishnet stockings, and tall high-heeled boots for the climax. I don't know who she was dressed as for the Halloween party (class skank?), but that's enough for me, and warrants an extra star. Hey, I'm easy!
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A very mediocre and uneventful ghost movie...
paul_haakonsen17 May 2017
I must admit that I had initially expected a bit more from "Kill Katie Malone" than what actually was presented on the screen. The DVD movie that I acquired was titled "The Haunting of Katie Malone", not "Kill Katie Malone", so needless to say that I had expected more in the ghost and haunting department.

"Kill Katie Malone" turned out to be a late teenage horror movie laced with elements of supernatural horror in form of an apparition. Was it scary? Far from it. Was it entertaining? Mildly so.

I don't really understand why Dean Cain was brandished as headlining on the movie cover, because he was in the movie less than 5 minutes. Sure, I know that it was because he was the most famous of all the cast in the movie, but it was so wrongfully a means of luring people in.

The story in "Kill Katie Malone" was a mediocre storyline which really didn't make much sense. It is about an ancient box which contains the malevolent spirit of Katie Malone. Anyone who buys the box will own her spirit and can set her free, but always with a deadly result. Once freed of captivity in the box, the owner can only part with the malevolent spirit by selling the box to someone else.

There were aspects of the story that were fair and interesting enough, but the overall picture was one of being less than mediocre. So don't get your hopes up for this movie.

The acting in the movie was adequate though, despite the fact that the actors and actresses were struggling with an inadequate storyline and script.

For a horror movie, then "Kill Katie Malone" was frightfully devoid of anything scary or capable of making you jump in your seat. So that was an anchor around the movie.

"Kill Katie Malone" was hardly a memorable movie in any sense, and it wasn't one that left any lasting impression in the horror genre.
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Minor Chills to be found here.
loomis78-815-9890345 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
College student Jim (Colletti), sees an on line auction selling an ancient box that is suppose to have a ghost inside it. Short on cash, he convinces his two best friends Ginger (Lusha) and Kyle (McDaniel) to lend him the rest and he purchases it. Once it arrives they open it and unknowingly release the spirit of an 18th century Irish immigrant named Katie Malone. Like a psychotic genie, Katie kills off anyone messing with her family which is the three friends who own her. Jim is the first to realize what is happening and as others start to die his friends catch on. Set at Halloween time (you can tell because the same plastic pumpkin is in the background on most shots) for no particular reason, this is a movie you want to like. The three friends are likable and the Actors treat their roles with respect. The story is timely and somewhat original but at times becomes muddled. Katie's spirit attacks anyone wanting to hurt her owners but at times attacks them as well. Why? More practical effects would have helped take out some of the downright cheesy digital ones, and all though it manages a few jump scares and moments of creepy imagery, overall it just isn't good enough to be fulfilling. Relatively bloodless and no nudity, makes one wonder why this isn't PG-13.
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Ghost bidders beware.
BA_Harrison20 July 2019
This one starts out with a reasonably fun premise - three college friends, Jim (Stephen Colletti), Dixie (Jonathan 'Lil J' McDaniel) and Ginger (Masiela Lusha), purchase a ghost in a box on an online auction, and stupidly release the spirit to wreak havoc - but the manner in which the film unfolds is so bland and unimaginative that I soon lost interest, propping open my eyelids, praying for it to all be over as soon as possible.

Director Carlos Ramos Jr. delivers mediocre spooky goings-on (CGI jump scares) and a couple of gore-free death scenes, while his cast give terrible performances, my award for worst acting going to the teacher who bites off her own tongue (she's hilariously bad!). Fortunately, Masiela Lusha is very easy on the eye and helps make the going a bit easier, but sadly doesn't go as far as getting her kit off - a shame, because if any horror film was crying out for a gratuitous shower scene to pep things up, it's this one.
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Somewhat fun and enjoyable ghost effort
kannibalcorpsegrinder25 March 2014
After thinking they've purchased a gag-gift on an internet auction, a group of friends find their new toy actually contains a malicious ghost who stops at nothing to interfere with the outside forces amongst the group, forcing them to find a way of dealing with the angry spirit.

This turned out to be a rather enjoyable entry. One of the biggest pluses here is the fairly different take on the killer-ghost genre, with the ability thrown in that ghosts can be contained into an object and then used as what amounts to genies from the legend, a unique concept that does some good work here. The fact that this tends to go for long periods of time trying to set up points where the interaction become necessary is a bit of contention, since the film's not really that interesting in those periods and not a lot goes on worth getting excited about, but the decent amount of gore in the kills and a pretty tense number of confrontations throughout the storyline definitely save it and make it pretty entertaining.

Rated R: Graphic Violence and Graphic Language.
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Interesting Rehash Of Ghost Movies
aesgaard4130 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a big fan of horror movies; probably ghost movies more so than vampire and zombie flicks. I'm mostly cruising the horror aisle of my movie rental place up and down looking for haunted houses movies and slowly realizing that all horror movies are based on a limited number of horror film archetypes, so as years go by, it gets harder and harder to find horror movies that catch my interest. Enter: "Kill Katie Malone." The title alone is enough to make me read the synopsis, and if that catches my interest, I'm seeing it. It "stars" Dean Cain from "Lois and Clark," but he's actually in less than five percent of the movie for an opening tag and end prologue. The movie itself is about three college kids at a generic college who read about a ghost box that grants wishes on E-Bay, but since E-Bay may sue, they make up a site called "U-Bid." They really don't take the object seriously, but for some reason, they follow through in buying it. The main owner is Jim Duncan, but since his friends, Ginger and Dixie (whose nick-name is never explained) chip in to help him buy it, they become part owners. After getting and opening the box, which is a big mistake in addition to getting the box, they start experiencing haunting phenomenon and in the perimeter of their lives, people start vanishing or getting killed. The whole movie has shades of "The Possession" movie with the dybbuk, which was based on a true story revealed on the TV-Series, "Paranormal Experience." Masiela Lusa, the hot daughter from "The George Lopez Show," plays Ginger, and she's smoking hot now, which makes the movie worth a see. The special effects are impressive, but not as out-standing as they would have been for a bigger motion picture, but then the best horror movies aren't about gore or special affects. They're about atmosphere and top-notch performances, and while the performances here are good, the movie itself isn't that chilling or especially scary, but it does move along very well and doesn't stray from being logical or too incredible. While it's not a great movie, I do call it a good movie for serious horror enthusiasts, but while the dead heads might like the death scenes, they're not going to like the rest of it.
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Wow so boring
fishydnb21 June 2015
Damn I'm impressed they manged to make this movie that boring. If you haven't watched already don't, you will just waste 1.5 precious hours of your life. Laughable crappy acting and boring story. I could not bare to watch the whole thing i had to turn it off, or else i might have died of boredom. I would rather watch the wall for 3 hours. What makes it even worse(if that is possible) is that f****** happy teenage American rock music at the party and other. Just like American pie type movie music, f****** terrible. It didn't give off one scare either and that woman in the hallway getting strangled with her tongue out by nothing? haha wtf. Was real comical with the Amish girl ghost standing n the street too, that's when i turned off.
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Another cheap and digital ghost story
Leofwine_draca29 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
THE HAUNTING OF KATIE MALONE is another cheap, digital ghost story with a CGI-assisted spirit menacing some unwary characters. After a hilarious overblown prologue which features a down-on-his-luck Dean Cain, we move into predictable territory as a trio of college nobodies buy a "ghost" for a gag. They soon find themselves menaced by a spirit bent on vengeance, but this is strictly laughable and never scary for a moemnt.
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Nonsense idea intended for the simple minded
jordondave-2808524 April 2023
(2010) Kill Katie Malone HORROR

Another low budget, straight to DVD movie starring Dean Cain as Robert, pleading with his daughter to not discard this small metal box, and something happens to her as a result without the movie telling viewers what. Then the movie jumps to this small group of three college teens with one of them bidding on this 'ghostly' box on-line, which runs like EBay. By the time they get the metal box, it said that it would grant some wishes. And as the movie is progressing, as it turns out, the name Katie Malone is a deathly ghostly figure who's lived a life of cruelty, and craves death to anybody connected to her. No police involve or any type of questioning. Extremely forgettable movie overall.
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TV Actors Hit the BIG SCREEN! Buy A Ghost
dhughes-63-2675669 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
When I first saw the trailer, I knew the movie would be filled with action and moments of WOW! It's not the average slice and dice, it makes you pay attention. Katie is a bad little girl but you love her. Lil J's performance is amazing! He's believable as the side kick friend. You have to watch this movie from beginning to end! Great for a low budget thriller!!! I can't wait to rent me a copy of this movie and watch it over and over at home. It's not for everyone's taste. No naked girls, just plain horror and jumping out your skin moments. Dean looks great and it was so good to know that a Hogan CAN act!!! It's one of the "must see" movies of the summer. One you will truly enjoy. American horror at it's best.
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nogodnomasters13 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I don't recall the picture on the cover being part of the movie. Three college kids purchase an Irish ghost on-line. The spirit grants them wishes, but also protects them at the cost of others. The ghost, for some reason, likes to redecorate, and is not very good at it.

The film is low budget. The gore sequences take place off camera to avoid the idiotic special effects that kill low budget productions. Instead they spent their money on a good script, some fair acting and direction. Better than an Asylum production. Makes for a fair rental.

The movie has the same scare potential as the paranormal series, without the annoyance. It sets up for a sequel with some real potential.

Some bad language, no sex, no nudity.
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