Hidden 3D (2011) Poster


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Mediocrity At Its Worst
chicagopoetry20 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Wow. It's really hard to describe how bad Hidden 3D is. The plot is: your typical guy inherits a spooky mansion (in this case it's a monastery that was used by his mother as an addiction rehab center, and it looks like a basement from a SAW film instead of a church); the guy goes with a group of his friends (in this case an ambiguous "team" of people who we are never properly introduced to nor do we know why they are there in the first place) to spend the night (in this case, just to go inside and get plunged into the stupidness without even waiting for nightfall) during which everyone starts getting killed off.

If this rehashed plot isn't bad enough, the acting is beyond horrendous (you will actually wish the whining, helpless females would get killed already), the dialogue is so terribly written it can't even be considered funny in a camp sort of way ("Let's get out of here!" "I told you there was something wrong with this place."), the sound effects are so bad that at one point during the big climax I had to put it on mute to make sure the alarm on my clock radio wasn't going off, and basically--nothing scary happens, there's no gore (doesn't even justify a PG rating), and the monsters only appear for about a half second at a time.

There is actually a spark of an original idea here, that the monsters are the personifications of various addictions, but this film of course takes that idea nowhere. It would be really creepy if one monster smoked cigarettes while doing the dirty deed and another one killed people through some means of gambling or some other addiction, but instead, all the monster are just bad cannibalistic zombie duplicates of something I must have seen in at least half a dozen other films and that was ripped off from the original Resident Evil video game, just kids with some type of tentacles coming out of their mouths. What does that have to do with addictions? What if the characters were all suffering from addictions and that's why the monsters feed on them? What if the monsters somehow looked like their addictions, like one was really fat from being addicted to food and another one had hypodermic needles for fingers or something. Give us something. Anything.

But no. What we get instead are mysterious flying insects that probably look cool in 3D, but if you actually bother to see Hidden, it's going to be on DVD or online, so of course, Hidden 3D won't even be in 3D.

What a waste of $8,000,000. That's all I have to say about it.
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Can Be Described in One Adjective: Awful!
claudio_carvalho4 May 2012
The scientist Susan Carter (Dawn Ford) is researching the rehabilitation of addicts using an experimental drug in her rehab center. After her death, her idle son Brian Carter (Sean Clement) is forced by his friend Simon (Jason Blicker) to travel to the real state that he had inherited.

Brian and Simon travel with five other friends to the spot and they find that the center is actually an ancient monastery and they have to spend the night. Sooner they are murdered, one by one, by creepy creatures that live in the place.

"Hidden 3D" is a horror movie that can be described in only one adjective: awful! The screenplay is ridiculous without any development of characters. The situation itself of a remote monastery of the Seventeenth Century uses as a rehab center is unlikely. The group intends to spend the night in an abandoned place but does not bring any facility (meal, tent, backpack, sheets, towels etc.), only themselves to be slaughtered along the night. My vote is two.

Title (Brazil): "Filhos da Escuridão" ("Sons of the Darkness")
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Highly Forgettable
Ralphus221 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
There should be no surprises here. The film begins in a manner that suggests a tired retreading of very familiar horror ground: man inherits disgraced mother's monastery-cum-clinic in the mountains, he and a group of friends venture out there and are met by a vaguely creepy guide; whilst poking around we get some jump scares and synth stabs suggesting we should be scared...oh, and there's no cell phone reception either, surprisingly...then our band of friends discover a secret passage leading down into the bowels of the building...etc.

With that being the opening 30 minutes, we're not expecting much we haven't seen before, but, we perhaps tell ourselves, there lays ahead some creepy ghoul-kids, some gory killings and a few good old-fashioned scares - SOMETHING to give a horror fan some cheap entertainment! As you may have guessed, this film ends up giving us nothing. The creepy kids are under-utilised and usually only half-seen in shadow. The 'gore' scenes are few and far between and barely anything is shown anyway; they are far from gory. Then comes the 'twist' ending which, even if you hadn't seen it coming, feels wholly predictable and unimaginative. It succeeded only in eliciting a long groan from this viewer. Whatsmore, the CGI 'fireflies' swarming about the place are never explained and, as the other reviewer noted, most probably serve only the film's 3D aspect.

On the plus side...well, there's not much. One of the lead actors is familiar from Dario Argento's "Third Mother". Incidentally, the Argento connection goes deeper. One of the co-writers (Coralina Cataldi-Tassoni) was in "Opera", "Phantom of the Opera" and "Third Mother" as well as the Argento produced "Demoni 2". One could unkindly jibe that her involvement in the 'disappointing' half of Argento's career brings commensurate mediocrity here.

In my opinion, this was a complete dud. Only the young or easily pleased will find enjoyment here. If you consider yourself to be a horror fan and have sat through the schlockiest B-grade fare for a few smile-raising beheadings and impailings and Fulci eye gougings etc., this film will only underwhelm - AT BEST!
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Truly amazing !
rizzla99920 May 2011
Truly amazing indeed ! Amazing how terrible the actors were. Seriously, I've seen better acting in TV commercials and you get to watch them for free. I have no idea if the 'actors' have done anything before and, after watching this garbage, I won't be wasting the time it takes to look up their profiles. The plot, done a thousand times before. Just flick through 'Generic Horror Film Plots for Dummies' and that'll about cover this. Special effects ? More of those in most episodes of 'Supernatural' I'm guessing that the folks who bankrolled this movie decided to pay the absolute lowest for actors, scrips, effects and pretty much everything so they could pay for it to be shot in 3D. Trouble is, the script is so terrible that they didn't even make much use of that. Watch at your peril !
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Fun for a rainy day
buzzgreenbelt30 August 2011
Its not as bad as the reviews say it is , I am not a professional critic and don't look at the kind of things Professionals look at. I like the classic kind of scary movies that make me jump and hide behind a blanket. Now most scary movies are almost trying to be a bit too smart to claim a horror title. I think that is what is being criticized in some of these reviews, come on.... Its just a horror movie .Basically I was bored wanted to watch a scary movie and found this. It was scary, it made me jump a few times, and it had a creepy fun storyline. If a scary movie makes me jump a number of times then I like it. This scary movie did exactly its job, and its great for a rainy day.
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utterly dreadful
doorsscorpywag25 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
What happens when you take a group of actors with the collective acting ability of a plank of wood and put them in a creepy monastery. Hidden 3D The 3D effects of the title were pretty pointless in the overall movie and maybe it's time people went back to 2D. The film plot involved part of the plank of wood who is left a creepy old monastery cum concentration camp by his mum and takes the rest of the plank along to meet the caretaker woman who it turns out is head of the Brady Bunch from Hell. The plank run around aimlessly after being lured underground by a flying insect being picked off in ludicrous situations where they can entertain us with their full range of emotive acting. Which consists of looking slightly bored as the love of your life is dragged off in front of your eyes by an unseen assailant or trying to smash your way out of a barred cell by hitting it with a small wooden chair whilst screaming like a two year old having a hissy fit about dropping their lolly. Like computer games of the shooter variety videos and files keep appearing to fill you in on what exactly is going on but by then you don't really care and just want everybody to die so you can go get a burger. Money must have run out after 80 minutes as the finale is so pitifully badly played out and acted that a monkey with a broken arm could have probably written a better scene. If your idea of a good movie is a bunch of idiots who can't act running around in tunnels for no other reason than it looks cool then Hidden will be a treat. For anyone with even a semblance of movie taste this will be 80 minutes of utter torment.
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please keep it hidden
trashgang12 January 2012
What the hell is going on with releases of so-called horror flicks. I have seen so many bad flicks last year coming from the states and I can easily add this one on that list. Come on, nothing is scary or nothing works out. CGI bugs aren't scary, and just look at the scene were they discover a broken doll, oooh that was frightening. They are screaming and are really afraid by seeing that.

Not only that but all the effects were done with CGI. And it annoyed me a lot. When the children attack and bite nothing is seen, not even a bite or some red stuff. If you don't show blood be sure that it is scary like Halloween did. And the acting was mediocre too, nobody could convince me. The most creepy part were the boobs of Kim (Bjanka Murgel), will they drop out of her bra yes or no.

A waste of time for me, hope it will be hidden soon in a trash can.

Gore 0/5 Nudity 0/5 Story 1/5 Effects 0/5 Comedy 0/5
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Less than good
begob5 August 2015
Friends of a lost son convince him to visit the derelict institution he inherited from his mad scientist mother. But something supernatural awaits them in an underground labyrinth.

Best thing about this is the cinematography, with some gorgeous lighting and angles, and the editing is fairly tight. There's regular CGI, which isn't impressive. The director does an OK job, but the jump scenes are pretty lax, and the first death has a door that closes firmly rather than with a furious slam.

Two big problems. The script is lame, giving no clear reason why this group is together and delivering dull dialogue. The actors do well with what they're given, and nobody falls on their face - but it relies too much on medical gobbledegook and an over-elaborate reveal. I see IMDb lists the writers as Alan Smithy and Alana Smithy.

Second problem is the music never lets up, like in a '50s melodrama where you're told what to feel. Less is more, and silence is horror gold.

Overall, it looks pretty good but the story collapses into Scooby Doo banality. A mixed watch, so 4/10.
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Leofwine_draca29 March 2015
I was once tempted to get HIDDEN 3D on Blu-ray in order to experience the 3D excitement for myself. Something held me back, so when I saw it coming up on the Horror Channel schedules I decided to check out the 2D version instead.

Thank God I didn't waste money on the Blu, because HIDDEN 3D is a really bad film. It's no different from another trillion Z-grade movies besides, featuring as it does a band of bland, uninteresting teenagers wandering around a creepy old building and finding themselves assailed by some of the lamest CGI-faced spooks imaginable. It doesn't even have the found footage novelty of a GRAVE ENCOUNTERS going for it; this is pure bad.

It goes without saying that the acting is of the usual quality for this genre, i.e. very poor. One female wears a push-up bra in order to drag in male viewers but the effect is hardly uplifting. The CGI spooks are dull in the extreme, the script is barely noticeable, the twist ending anything but. Why a swarm of CGI bees keeps flying about the house I don't know, because scientifically this is preposterous, and even by movie logic it's complete nonsense. No, even a 3D version of this film would be just as bad; one to avoid at all costs.
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Awful Movie. Don't watch. Ever.
annie-knox6 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Hidden 3D *contains spoilers* Hidden 3D, a 2011 movie based on an old building underneath which lays a mad-woman's laboratory, although technically it should be called a torture room. Once she dies, her lucky son inherits this massive house. It seems ideal, he hasn't got much, living in a run-down room alone and suddenly out of nowhere he gets a huge, isolated house with which he can do pretty much whatever he wants. I have to be honest; none of this attracted me to the movie. What caught my attention was the fact Devon Bostick had a role in it. So I sat down and prepared to have fun watching a favourite actor of mine in my favourite film genre: horror. Sadly, I was disappointed. The opening gave me little hope. A scientific explanation of some new technical machine, an explanation none of which I understood and none of which I cared about, before moving to show the crazy lady in her natural habitat: a dark dank room in which she could freely torture young pregnant ladies as her innocent son stands by. My first question was what is with her neat hair and suit? She looks like she should be working in a travel agency, not hanging round in creepy basements.

The opening credits gave me slightly more hope, hearing creepy music and watching names of actors mainly unknown to me (except of course the lovely Devon) and a bunch of creepy pictures appear on the screen. However, as soon as that was over I quickly became bored and fed up. I watched as the lucky son who inherits the house randomly decides to invite a bunch of people to the creepy place, however we are given no explanation of who they are or why he chose them (this IS where an explanation would have been handy). Also, there is practically no character development, we learn barely a thing about the people invited and therefore as they all die I feel nothing except slight relief they are finally gone.

Then we are introduced to a janitor who dies and who seems to have absolutely no place in the movie, we see some creepy shadows and a-long comes the toilet scene which makes no sense whatsoever, it was clearly designed as a scene for a ghost movie and got mixed with the wrong papers (or so I hope, otherwise there is no hope for the writers). And then the flies. We never find out exactly what these flies are about or why they are flying everywhere and being weird. Probably, they would have looked cool in the 3D but I was not watching it in 3D and as far as I saw, there was no reason for them to be there. They were just random flies put it to make the 3D aspect mean something. And THEN when I am only just hanging by a thread they kill off my only reason to continue watching, and dear old Devbo is eaten in a scene that cannot be called either horror or gory. I was stunned by the complete lack of emotion this evoked in me and this was what brought home to me just how outstandingly rubbish this film really is. You can find better scares homemade and uploaded onto you-tube. Don't even get me started on the monsters. I could go on for hours about how bad they were. And that bull impression done by the youngest of them was just weird. I barely made it to the end, but all I can say is that it wasn't worth my making it. An awful and easily foreseeable 'twist' and a quick ending- I guess the producer and director realised what a mistake they'd made with attempting this movie and decided to put a quick finish to it. I would not recommend that you see it; any horror lover will be horrifically disappointed as I was. The only thing scary is how bad it is. Rating: 2/10 (One star is for the casting director for picking Devbo, clearly his only moment of success throughout, the other is for the setting, which was alright.)
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A movie in a new type of sub-genre that is already getting repetitive. Could have been worse but not that good. I say C
cosmo_tiger15 March 2012
"Some may see blasphemy where I see nothing short of a miracle." After the death of his mother and controversial scientist, Brian (Clement) is left to take care of the hospital where she worked. Going in with the intent to sell it, him and his friends soon discover hidden horrors that threaten not only the sale but their lives. For some reason a new sub-genre of horror movies has begun...the movie set in an insane asylum/hospital. After watching about ten of this new category in the last few years I have to wonder how long they will keep it going. While there has been a few good ones (Waking Madison & The Ward) the rest are pretty forgettable. This one falls into the later. If you are a hardcore horror fan and have to watch all of them then this is one to check out. If like me you watch them and wonder why you do then I can say skip this one. Overall, it could have been worse, but it's also not really original either. I say C.
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Good B grade horror flick
burgif14 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Although I haven't seen any of those actors before, I have to admit they did a good job except for the male leading actor who was a bit stiff, the movie fits the genre perfectly and delivers entertainment to horror audience. the cons are; the movie sticks to the cliché horror themes (the ones who have sex or drugs die first as retribution). the limited info about the main two characters (the survivors) is another weakness, otherwise it is entertaining as most of the horror flicks we watch nowadays.People nowadays complain about everything for the sake of complaining, compare this movie to more expensive flicks and judge for yourself , do not take my mere words for it. So do not worry about the bad reviews and go for it just for entertainment no more.
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Really not that bad!
judeepolds22 May 2011
I really think the reviews here so far are unfair. This is not a big budget Hollywood film! What it offers is an hour and a half of mindless horror fun. I think it's better than at least 3 of the Saw films and that's not saying much.

Yes it's been done before but it's been done again pretty well here. There is a bit too much snobbery on IMDb right now IMHO and the reviews of this film prove it.

Got a spare 90 minutes? Looking for a no brainer fun horror?, give it a try and if you like it add a review. And BTW I'm not in any way connected to the film, I just liked it!

Take it for what it is and enjoy it:-)
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Are you kidding me?
jimmerw3 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
OK, beyond the terrible acting, I am left to ask one question. It can be read in the title.

First off, there is one character who i s a short pudgy Jewish guy. And he is the greedy, money hungry guy. What asshole wrote that part??

Then we have a bunch of teenagers. The main character looks to be mid 30's. Who are these kids? I get that you need people to kill off, but we never actually even know who these kids are and why they hooked up with this older man.

Nothing in this movie even makes sense. There is a trophy girl with a big rack linked to the money hungry, chubby, Jewish guy. Really? Who decided that this movie should typecast the Jewish guy? Sure, no where in the movie does it mention he is Jewish but the actor has been cast to fill every Jewish stereotype there is.

Again, I ask, who the hell are all the teenagers? Why does this 30 something guy have all these teen friends? Is he a pedophile??

To sum up this movie, well, in my life I have seen hundreds of horror movies. The worst of which were either Bunnyman or Microwave Massacre. But sweet crap, this has taken the crown. Everything about this movie is insulting and horrible.

Money that could have fed the hungry went to making this piece of garbage. I would love to meet to writer some day and give him a piece of my mind.

I voted a 1/10, only because there was no zero option.
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Not one of the very worst, but still quite awful
adamscastlevania212 May 2015
(6%) It's films such as this that twist the knife more so than overly generic zombie pictures because this has some ambition, but the absence of any clear ability to implement the ambition into a good watch is so evident. The plot is pretty simple stuff, but it's so poorly told that this pushes tolerance levels and by the time characters start to get dropped off one by one their demise cannot come quickly enough. I'm not one to moan about limited visual effects for as long as the the rest of the film is to a decent standard, which this isn't, so for starters the green screen effects are at times dire, and the CG bees or whatever they are look as though I rendered them, which overall is odd because certain parts of the film look fine. So overall a film with an ounce of talent stretched over a barren gulf of sheer lousyness.
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fprovost-5151921 August 2020
Stupid. Bad acting, very weak script. Good camera.
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Should be on the Bottom Movie List
Getajob53897 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I went into this movie expecting it to be similar to the grudge based on the cover of the movie. I could not be more wrong. The movie is about some weird bug/flies that carry some sort of toxin that can cure or cause an addiction... what that means, I have no idea.

Basically, a group of adults go into an abandoned insane asylum/hospital and wander around for what seems an eternity. People start dying and you find out that these "kids" are killing them.

I am pretty sure this is the worst movie I have ever seen and would wish this on no one. If you are bored, or looking for something to watch, please pass on this one.
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nogodnomasters7 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I was thinking just the other day...what this world needs more than anything else is another movie with the title of "Hidden." And then lo and behold I saw this one! Although to be honest, the original title was "Hidden 3D" which for some strange reason the producers dropped the "3D" which I thought was odd considering the high quality of "Valentine's Day 3D."

There isn't much of a mystery as the beginning explains everything. Susan Carter (Dawn Ford) runs a mental institution called "Divine Sanctuary of Hope." She has created a machine called "Ventris" because Tetras was already taken. It cures mental addiction. It injects a venom into the brain from an insect that looks like a BA CG lightning bug. The addiction then manifests itself as an infant growing inside the person like a tumor, but as Arnold would say, "It's not a tumor." No womb required.

When Susan dies, her heavy drinking son Brian (Sean Clement) inherits the place in spite of the fact he disliked his own mother. He takes a crew out to the old abandoned place including crusty Chester (Allan Kolman) who is the person movies cast when Donald Sutherland won't accept the role. Considering the low quality of roles Sutherland has taken here of late, this should be a sign as to the quality of this film.

We already know there is a creature running around killing people (it shows us) and if you've ever watched a horror movie before, you know the rest of the overly predictable plot.

Brian's friend Simon (Jason Blicker) has big resort plans for this snowy isolated establishment. Brian wants to demolish the building. The mutants are MST comical and I was laughing at scenes that were supposed to scare you. On the MST scale: 3 stars. Great movie to show kids who want to catch fireflies.

No f-bombs that I recall, no sex, no nudity. Drinking, minor drug use
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Not awful just not awfully good
nickwim-983-592273 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Saw Hidden 3D last night and before watching had no idea what it was about other than it had some kind of child / monster / ghost in it. Afte watching the film (and its not very long, about 1h15 before the credits roll) I still don't have much idea what it was about nor why there were insects buzzing around randomly in the movie. As far as I could figure out after watching 45mins of it, some young folk attend a mansion that used to be used for cruel experiments on people and out of those experiments a new life form is born. Why the people go there is beyond me, they don't seem to have any reason to be there, and after a while they get killed off. And then the movie ends with the twist that isn't really a twist because we've seen it in every other horror film ever made pretty much. But did I regret watching? No. It was OK, and I agree that some of the reviews are very harsh but then again the movie could have been better and in a word was just lazy. Movies are not easy to finance, make and release and so its disappointing when something is released that just seems a lazy entry into the genre but I sat through it and if you like horror movies, creepy kids, mansions, insects or maybe just random people wandering around tunnels, this could well be for you. Don't expect an amazing movie experience, just 1h15 of head scratching, maybe a slight feeling that its 85mins that may have been stolen from you but i doubt you'll be angry for sitting through it.
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Why was this movie made?
rawiri4214 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
"Hidden 3D" is the title - but I don't have a 3D TV set or DVD player. First detractor.

Whilst the story line as set at the beginning was, in the genre of horror, believable, it wasn't very clearly explained. That is to say that the scientist lady says that her study and treatment of subjects' addictions, when treated with her experimental "wonder drug", take on personalities of their own, she doesn't quite explain how or that it is at the expense of the original addict. Not really a world-stopping treatment you must agree! Second detractor.

One thing in its favour - it doesn't waste too much time getting to the bit where scientist lady dies and her son inherits her research facility hidden away in the snow-clad mountains. However, said son isn't all that interested in inheriting the place, an old monastery, as he has memories of his childhood there witnessing some of Mum's work.

But his friends aren't about to let it go that easily and persuade him to at least go and check out his newly acquired real estate. There are even some great ideas of converting it into a luxury hotel and casino for the rich and famous. (Maybe, if the producers had taken that route and come up with a suitable story, we might have got a better movie!) But that didn't happen. Third detractor.

Reluctantly, son and friends head off to the mountains with no accommodation organised and are eventually met at the spooky monastery by a young woman who presents herself as an architect and offers to show them around.

And that's where the movie really starts. Yet again (and I've said this in several reviews on IMDb) the characters don't do what real people would do in similar circumstances which leaves the viewer wondering, "Why the hell did he/she do THAT?" Fourth detractor!

Without telling the story from beginning to end (although that might take less time and save you inflicting the movie on yourself), suffice to say that our somewhat lame troop of protagonists find a secret passageway and bravely set out to explore it. That leads to various encounters with children who have tentacles shooting out of their mouths (I know I've seen that in another movie but can't for the life of me remember which one).

There are weird contraptions laying around in various states of disrepair and some computer monitors with old footage of the scientist Mum rabbiting on about her "wonderful" discoveries BUT, even though the group of young visitors are down in the basements (dungeons?) of the place, there is always some light shining out of holes in walls - just enough to make anything that happens barely visible and spooky enough to be scary.

I guess that dyed-in-the-wool horror movie aficionados will find this a bit tame as there is virtually NO blood or gore or even dismembering - just people getting dragged out of the picture.

As with other reviewers, I couldn't quite see the point of the flying insects and assume that they were only there for the 3D until the very end. The really scary thing about that was that it seemed to leave things wide open for a sequel!
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Brian725022 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Is it possible that so many people could be involved in making a film like this and yet nobody actually bothered to watch the edited film before its release, just to see if it made any sense? It seemed as if they just shot various unrelated scenes, out of order, and just left it that way. There was something about addictions taking on a form that could be removed from their host, weird children who go for the neck but don't actually draw any blood and swarms of flying insects that didn't seem to have much to do with anything. It was like a badly constructed home movie made by a few friends who thought it would be easy to make a horror film. Awful. Budget = $8,000,000, Wasted = $8,000,000.
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Cool horror movie
Woodyanders12 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Controversial scientist Dr. Susan Carter (nicely played by Dan Ford) uses an experimental drug on addicts in her isolated rehab center. After Carter dies, her son Brian (a solid performance by Sean Clement) inherits the rehab center which turns out to be inhabited by lethal mutant creatures.

Director Antoine Thomas relates the enjoyable and engrossing story at a constant pace, ably crafts a creepy gloom-doom atmosphere, makes excellent use of the sprawling and rundown main location, and generates a good deal of tension. The sound acting by the capable cast keeps this movie humming: Simonetta Solder as the helpful Haley Gable, Jordan Hayes as the sweet Vicky, Jason Blicker as loyal pal Simon, Bjanka Murgel as the perky Kimberly, Devon Bostick as the whiny Lucas, Alessia Agrosi as foxy bad girl Rita, and Allan Kolman as the crusty Chester. The killer monster kids are genuinely scary and vicious. A nifty fright flick.
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Decent enough but still with some problems
kannibalcorpsegrinder16 July 2014
After inheriting a decrepit hospital from his mother, a man and his friends decide to investigate the area only to find it inhabited by the ghosts of her former patients and must try to get out alive.

This is a decidedly decent enough offering that does manage to overcome it's few problems. One of the biggest issues is the fact that there's never any getting around the fact that it's all-too-familiar and plays out quite much like the dozen other films that employ similar elements. The dark family secret, the isolated house, the group of friends visiting that are going to decide what to do with the rest of the property, it all feels too similar and reminds of other films quite readily, often-times making it seem like this one isn't necessarily all that important to get through. This is certainly compounded by the fact that the film's central plot comes undone by a character's speech to one of the victims whereupon the whole plot becomes unraveled and renders the entire film a moot point by doing so, forcing itself to correct this with an incredibly lame and convoluted excuse to try to save face when it really doesn't have any other choice here. That is certainly one of the biggest flaws a film can have, where a character ends up revealing a crucial plot-point that effectively renders the purpose of the entire film null and void, and it's not all that often a film can overcome that. Luckily, it does try with a truly wonderful and wholly creepy setting here that really does effectively capture the decrepit hospital look quite well with the dark, endless corridors, secret underground tunnels and blocked-off passages which give off a really unnerving feeling that entering it isn't the wisest decision in the world. That makes the ghost attacks quite chilling when they occur, with plenty of leaping out from behind doorways and walls, standing behind them unseen, blocking off escape routes or tackling someone and dragging them off-camera among others found here, so this tends to accentuate the creepy feeling of the building quite well. This also happens to give it a much bigger sense of action in the latter half so it seems quite thrilling at the right moments with he build-up to the finale, weak as it might be, but it does do enough to make it watchable if not extraordinary.

Rated R: Graphic Violence and Graphic Language.
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