Bakuman. (TV Series 2010–2013) Poster


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Awesome anime
pras66616 June 2012
This is one of the best anime I have ever watched! The story is very unique. Its made by the creators of Death Note, and I say they have made another master piece! I watched the first season and the second season, I couldn't stop so I read the manga and finished it! This is an anime about anime, the idea itself bothered me at first so I was not very enthusiastic to watch it, I am so glad I did, just the first episode was enough, you just won't stop watching! It has romance, comedy and its slice of life! The best slice of life anime I have seen. I'd give a 8 for the art, 9 for the story! Also the opening and closing song was very good! I highly recommend this anime to be watched!

Even though i finished the manga, I'm still excited to watch the third season of this anime! The story follows the lives of Moritaka Mashiro and Akito Takagi as they strive to be manga artists. I would have given this anime a 10/10 but only one problem the plot twists are pretty weak compared to Death Note but despite this it is still amazing! I highly recommend you to watch this, you won't regret this if you are an anime fan! You will learn a lot about manga. I became inspired to draw because of this series, I'm not very good but I won't give up. This anime taught me that I can always improve, even when I think I'm the best, I can still become better. Two thumbs up for this anime!!!
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Creative types will love it, action-types may find it long-winding
TankSlayer15 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
As far as the spoiler goes, I will only get into the basic premise, which will be revealed anyway in the first few episodes.

Bakuman, the manga, comes from the same manga-artists that brought you Death Note (Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata). Perhaps because Death Note was such a huge success as a manga and perhaps internationally even more as an anime, it would not seem such a bad idea to create another anime based on another work by the authors.

Bakuman itself, however, urges you to think differently. This is a slice-of-life manga/anime about what it means to become the best manga artist/author out there (even though it favors manga-elements to realism most of the time) and yeah, along the way come these offers for anime-adaptations as well. What we learn is that it is a tough competitive world out there for a Japanese mangaka to be serialized in a very popular manga-magazine like Weekly Shōnen Jump, but also to remain serialized long enough to be able to get these offers for anime productions (we are generally talking about years here).

With this in mind, Bakuman indeed carries a very interesting premise to have made it this far (all the way into an anime). We mainly follow Mashiro and Takagi from their mid-teens to their twenty-somethings as they aspire to become the most successful manga-artists out there. That is to say, successful enough for Mashiro to fulfill a promise with his youth-crush Miho to get an anime adaptation in which Miho will star as a voice-actress.

Another one of those typical Japanese "let's grow up and fulfill our promise to each-other" premises you say? Think again. This series goes to great lengths to depict all the painstaking hard work that goes into creating and publishing a successful manga and this is both its strength and it weakness. If you are a creative type, who knows about the sacrifices you are going to have to make to perfect your art, you can definitely relate to all this. Others, and maybe in particular the Death-Note anime fan-boys out there, looking for an easier emotional fix, might find Bakuman a bit long-winding after a while.

It is true that Mashiro and Takagi will fail a lot throughout the series with their mangas, but with their talents they manage to get a little better and a little closer to their dreams each time. Add to this a lot of subplots, that will involve other characters like girlfriends, rival artists, magazine-editors and families, which take up a huge chunk of time as well, and you will end up with a story that seems to progress a lot slower towards its goals than say Death-Note. Yet I gotta say, I like the ride and I find the little creative details, such as the manga-within-a-manga/anime parts very inspiring. Creating a manga like this must have been a mangaka's wet dream...

It is awesome that the anime production studio has chosen to stick very close to the manga. The main reason is perhaps because a story with this much focus on the creative processes behind a manga has rarely been done before and the studio just wasn't going to take chances with leaving too much stuff out. I also like very much how the characters are portrayed in the anime, from their personalities to their voice work, this is another strong point for the anime. Even though, considering its scope, some characters and relations will appear a little flat/stereotypical to some who are seeking a really deep story, but it is nothing the manga itself doesn't suffer from as well.

Skipping the manga makes watching the anime more fun, but ultimately the set-up is more suited for manga-form, so if you are watching season two right now and like me decided you don't want to wait for new episodes and decided on reading on in the manga, you will probably find yourself more hooked onto the manga instead. And yeah, your vote for the anime will drop just as well as mine did...

Death-note is the better anime, Bakuman is the better manga... In my humble opinion.
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Underrated anime!!
awithluv15 April 2020
At first, not gonna lie but this anime didn't really appeal to me- but I figured I should give it a chance because of all the high ratings and I'm glad I did!! The first season starts off slow, but it gets a lot better trust me!!
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Bakuman is a masterpiece and easily one of the greatest ANIME of all time!
ChandRath25 November 2015
I just finished watching the last episode..without knowing this would end up being such a wonderful ANIME that would be remembered forever. It's about 2 friends journey to become a mangaka. This ANIME has been by FAR FAR FAR one of the best ANIME i ever laid eyes on. I even feel blessed to be able to have seen this ANIME. It had everything an "OTAKU" (anime fan) wished for. It was highly motivating, it inspired me so much, it gave me messages about life, it made me cry, it made me laugh. I didn't wanted the ANIME to was like a book you didn't want to put down... simply such a creative wonderful ANIME. Truly this ANIME touched my heart. Worth watching 100%! "A Dream is not something which someone tells you to go, it's something you fulfill your own!" Bakuman
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Best Anime Ever
lorenzfronda17 November 2015
I would love to say that this is my first review here.

To be honest, i just made my account here in IMDb just to write a review for this awesome show. =)

Even though this anime was showed last 2010-2013, i just watched it last week . And i love to say that this is my favorite anime of all time.

For me, Bakuman is better than one piece, naruto and bleach.

This anime thought me a lot of things. About the world of anime and how to eagerly and determined to fulfill your dreams.

100 % recommended for all ages!!!
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Amazingly beautiful
danisbelmm11 August 2020
This anime is truly inspirational. Every character is interesting. I specially grew fan of Niizuma but every character was beautifully done and special. The character development is top notch. It's not boring at all.
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Tells a life of a manga artist/s in good detail!
Irishchatter8 June 2019
This anime series does absolutely open your eyes when it comes to becoming a manga artist and it can be tough alright! Like you're busy day and night to get a chapter done before the week ends. Also it is a lonely job when you have to be writing and drawing without going into the real world. I was shocked after watching bakuman that while researching about manga artists is that they don't get paid a lot which is ridiculous!! I mean they were the creators of that manga series in the first place so they wasted their valuable times on it? It's just so bad man, I couldn't believe it!I

I'm glad this anime was made for anime fans like myself in order to give lots of credit to the creators of their favourite animes. I do feel bad that I have criticised some animes art style from anime shows, however it's just my own personal opinion folks. I don't ever wish to defame any manga artist out there!I

If you need a sprinkle of reality in the manga/anime world, watch this anime. It's totally worth your time, it gets your head thinking too!
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Bakuman born with "mission" of explain manga industry, but the result is the same as a making-off movie: propaganda, marketing and absence of tanking a critical postion of
anti_heroi21 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Bakuman, the manga series written by Tsugumi Ohba and draw by Takeshi Obata, the same creator of Death Note, has the metalanguage as the central idea, in other words, the mangá talking about mangá, the cinema talking about cinema, the language talking about language. The main discussion that can been about this (and the positivest too) is it's not resume only in a autoavaliation like art work, with discussions about composition and narrative like citations in mangá, but a autoavaliation like media product in a big mass cultural industry (japonese editorial market, in this case), that work in a hierarquic and hard system positions and excessive quality control in all work maded. The metalanguage in Bakuman, knowing the anime serie has mangá like main theme and central approach, is caracterizated by the legacy of the biggest classics of Weekly Shounen Jump, magazine where Ohba and Obata work and other famous mangás like Naruto, One Piece and Slum Dunk was published. It's clear the Mashiro love for Ashita no Joe and Takagi for Dragon Ball, that is artistic and personal inspiration for the pair. They, working hard to produze a work that comes to the first places in Shonen Jack classifications, the ficticial magazine of the anime, search inspirations not only in the mangás, but in games, books, movies too, like when Takagi read and watch many thriller movies and books to create "Detective Trap". It's shows japaneses mangás has many influencies in other media products, main american movies of Hollywood and Walt Disney animations, and its metalanguage can be used and interpretate not only in mangas, but in all types of art.

In same time that Bakuman metalanguage shows the influencys both in own work and in characters development, it has many problems in add something to the manga creation process. It, basically, take the same clichês already worked in many classics Jump battle shounen mangás and repete all of this in Bakuman. If in the beginnig of story Ashirogi Muto was creating works like "Money and Inteligence", a which, constantly, were pointed out as differentiators compared to what is normally published in Shounen Jack (something that happen with Death Note in Shounen Jump too), the own mangá, in its development, is transformed less in a "Money and Inteligence" to be more a generic battle shounen that Shounen Jump normally publish, where Mashiro and Takagi has the same posture and behavior of any other shounen protagonist like Naruto, Luffy or Midoroya, with empty and repetitive speeches like meritocracy, "power of friendship", "fight for your dream", individualism, non-sense rivalities, family and romance as motivations, etc. The main problem of this approach in Bakuman is not the fact all of this is cliches and ready-made formulas, but the fact Bakuman was showed as something different of all this, like a work with a mission of "show to readers how is made the stories that everybody loves and what is the process behind this", but Bakuman fail with this "mission".

The story of Ashirogi Muto in mangaka career is a overcoming story with difficulties and changellens, and one of this many changellens don't only frightens PCP and Reversi creators, but editors and other artistas as Fukuda and Hatorri, which is the authoritarianism of magazine superior positions, that follows the instructions of the command of publishing company and keep all the status quo. Bakuman, however, contains a certain fear of making direct and explicit criticisms of the Japanese publishing market, trying to be the most neutral possible about it to don't displease who pain their payment, that is the biggest and most important Japan mangá magazine. It was just this fear to be subversvive that Bakuman didn't make any development to be a different mangá, transforming in a Weekly Shounen Jump generic work. To not be unfair to anime serie and say it didn't any development about it, some episodies and moments shows actors revolting against some actions and decisions of Shounen Jack magazine, like Fukuda and him group with Ashirogi and Nakai to opposite the participation of Koogy in the concourse, like when Niizuma, Fukuda, Nakai, Hiramaru, Aoki and others protest against the interruption of Detective Trap while Mashiro was in hospital, like when Ashirogi want to create a work with their preferences, when Niizuma want to finish Crow and many other examples. But all of this cases all these examples are just brief manifestations with short-term consequences, as this, at no time, changed anything in the structure and organization of the magazine. Niizuma finish Crow, but he must to produce Zombie Gun with the same requirements. Ashirogi Muto created the manga style that want, but must to made stories and characters that editor require. The "Fukuda team" to overcome with its works the mediocre work of Koogy, but nothing prevents the magazine from doing the same thing again in the future with another subcelebrity. All of this are behaviors that showed as "revolucionary" does not affect the status quo of Shounen Jack at all. The mangakas characters, in all anime serie, uttering slogans and cute little speeches such as "change Jack", "make unorthodox fight manga" and "defending the authors' position vis-à-vis the magazine/publisher", attributed to Fukuda, Ashirogi and Hattori, respectively, but which almost cause consequences serious and irreversible to itself, as in the arc where Ashirogi Muto was almost expelled from the magazine.

The scenare and context of mangá takes turn between profissional life of artists in mangaka career and their personal lifes with friends, boy/girlfriends and, mainly, as society members. Bakuman fail in show the anguish and tiredness of artistas in rotine (romantizaded every time), but it's very competent to show their personal lifes as Japaneses young adults. The main motivation of characters in mangaka career is the idead mangás are a way out of the monotonous, depressive, and boring lives imposed by conventional society careers as a lawyer, doctor, teacher, or someone who works daily in an office. Mashiro and Takagi, for example, has in beginning a dream of life besides college study or office work. Kanai-san feels like a failure without social or love life and see mangas like the only end for this. Hiramaruhe bets on mangaka's career as an alternative to his tiring and conventional work, even if his new routine as an artist is not very different from that (this disillusionment of the character is precisely the main comic relief of the work). All this examples has the idea of mangá as hope to a "better life", even the own serie shows mangaka life so stressing than any other job and Japanese editorial market is so perverse and authoritary than any other industry, but it, obvious, can't be showed explicity.

Any critic that Bakuman cound make to Japanese industry mangás (basicly it object of analysis) is totally destructed by ready-made formulas that only likes this industry and stupidies romatizations of any problem (of health, personal, psychologial, etc) of mangakas. One of the main examples of this (and possibly one of the most absurd) is how the obssesion of Niizuma Eiji for mangás is retrated like "genius trait" and, main, self effort, something saw as childish and sickly to any person in real life. Bakuman is a great experience to who wants explore varying a little visual elements and sets already wearily seen in samurai, vampire and demon stories in isekais and shounens, but not also want the approach to be different from what is put in the mainstream. It has a original and excellent idea, but thrown away when it story ins't also good. Bakuman born with "mission" of explain manga industry, but the result is the same as a making-off movie: marketing, propaganda and absence of taking a critical position on the studied object.
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In my point of view
pradeep30111 May 2021
As i see this anime as worth time and enjoyment..but I am at my limit to watch i cant just stop badmouthing this because in this anime main character must has to be Mashiro but why he keep on relying on Takagi...that sucks,and its a very very very bad because I first thought that this anime could inspire many people with hardwork for their dreams to come true and i came to realize that mc cant aim his dream come true fffffff,its frustrating even more and Mashiro started a manuscript himself but cant compete with others by himself that really really sucks......
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