I Want Your Love (2012) Poster

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Innovative flashes but a growing sense of uncertainty about the new generation
didier-209 July 2013
I was having problems with this film. It sagged heavily half way through. However it did continue to produce flashes of originality, the main points i list below:

1. Whilst struggling to stick with the film (see below), in an attempt to scrape the bottom of the barrel, i was gratefully amused for the slogan 'lesbian bed death' - referring to the condition of the cessation of sex in long term relationships.

2. The film documents a kind of fin de siecle moment for a San Franciscan gay generation who interestingly are not particularly defined by any significant notion in the political struggle for gay rights; a detail which is startling for the fact of it's final appearance after effectively 60 years of multiple generations entirely defined by successive phases of political struggle. The film also focuses on the twilight of youth, where the protagonist, Jesse, sensing his impending maturity into full adulthood seeks to return to the place of his youth and to leave the city which has defined the first part of his young adult experience. It is a timeless right of passage and small details capture that strange sense of change and reappraisal with a quiet sophistication.

3. Characteristic of this generation's gay themed cinematic work, perhaps because of a diminishing sense of identity rooted in oppression and struggle, lies a problematic vacuum. Films such as this and also for example, The Lost Coast, also set in San Francisco, evoke a genre, which though not so much narcissistic, display a lack of capability or willingness to dream up a relationship with the future and consequently portray an intense over involvement in the experience of the present. This creates a genre which has a tendency to over dramatise what could be undeserving issues. Relatively minor events in the path of life are over magnified and their importance exaggerated with a post/adolescent preoccupation whose departure is at times long overdue. One is left with a sense of a potentially lost and tragic generation, who have been entirely defined by a profoundly conservative free-market ideology and show no sense of having engaged in any real spirit of rebellion. What we see is reassuringly quotidian, but also lacking any connectivity to a wider social context.It's essentially stuck at the inward looking. Jesse's departure offer's no sense that this wider malaise is due for a change. It's frustrating to sit through, because cinema in the past has been so much more than this. It raises the question, where are we headed as this generation comes to power ?

4. Something the new generation do offer and which is seen extensively in this film is the growing trend to show explicit sex as an extension of the cinematic language of emotional intimacy. This film raises the bar and pushes that to greater heights than the plethora of recent films which have exploded with a laid back approach to cinematic (gay) sex. However, because the last third of this film is literally saturated in sex it did raise an interesting question. As i gagged and squealed my way through the images i wondered if sex in cinema was like sex in literature; namely incredibly hard to do well. It's not enough just to show the whole ugly load. You need to do something cinematically. Certainly i would not say this is manufacturing moments of porn. But it was also uncertain what it's intention was other than to revel in a new found freedom to let it all hang out. period. That's just not enough. It's immature because as happens in this film, it detracts from the essential flow of energy in the work as a whole, especially for a film whose story is so incredibly thin on the ground. What happens is the sex becomes just another symptom of the portrait of a generation who don't really have anything to say for themselves at all and remain largely undefined and invisible as an entity.

5. Regarding the title, 'I want your love', the meaning is ambiguous on inspection. Certainly the protagonist Jesse, spends the film contemplating the cessation or diminishment of his emotional bonds in general. He may be sensing a future to come where the definition of love is going to have to be far broader than his previous assumptions. The title could also refer to the short-sightedness and frustration of emotional bonds and sex in young adult groups in general. The people we meet here stand in contrast to the old 1970s and 80s San Franciscan gay 'communities' defined by a celebration of hyped up promiscuity as a mark of liberation and also the more recent era preoccupied with AIDS and death. But either way, it remains unstable as a title. It speaks more of insecurity, of a need unfulfilled rather than a love successfully acquired. To this extent it supports the idea of a new generation who remain undefined and occupy a vacuum, despite ironically, finally inheriting the legal right to fully love in public. Is this a depiction of a generation in shock at the arrival of the 'you are now normal' identity and it's options ?

I gave this film 4 because i do remain impressed with this new breed of actor who is willing to share their body so intimately. I also gave points for the 'lesbian bed death' slogan. But i remain concerned at the appearance of yet another film which portrays an emerging generation caught in a sense of unarticulated and broody crisis about their sense of purpose.
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Well Done Considering The Budget Was About The Price of A Lexus
firstaidfilm1 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
You must consider the budget of this film and the fact most of the players are not actors and never performed in front of a camera before. This is what makes this film so amazing I think. Yes the story line is a bit weak, and we never get to know who the players really are in depth. This film is shot really well with a much higher quality look and feel for its $80K budget. Now what is it really? An Art film? A high budget Porn flick? To be honest i'm not really sure myself what slot this film fits in. I think it was the writer/directors full intention to blur the line between the two. The sex in this film is artfully filmed in low light unlike most main stream porn films, and not quite as graphic but graphic enough to give it at least an X rating nothing sexual is simulated here. It is really worth taking a look at this film if just to watch the first time players do such a good job before the cameras both acting and having sex. The other point I would like to make is the players are not your common buff porno types but real looking every day people that add to this films more realistic look and voyeuristic feel of this culture.
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I am torn about rating this movie...
RandyB20120 March 2013
If you like porn with a plot -- I do! -- then take a look at this movie. I was expecting an NC17 kind of movie, but when you include cum shots, sorry in my book that crosses over to porn. In that category, it might have been a 6 or 7 except for one small problem.

I am a typical American in very few ways, but I really, really, really do not like point in time stories with no beginning, climax or end. I think of this as a European / International genre. I always feel cheated because just when I am engaging with the characters -- oops its over.

Now, if you like this type of story and you also like porn with a plot, this movie will probably "WOW" you...

My rating system: 10-The Perfect Movie 9-I will watch it over and over again 8-Ther is something special about this movie 7-Well above average 6-slightly better than average 5-Average Movie (Worth Watching!) 4-Slightly Blow Average 3-Boring / Well Below Average 2-So Bad I Got Up and Walked Out 1-I cannot imagine anyone liking this movie
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Good actors and potentially interesting idea that goes nowhere
billy_dana10 August 2013
Young man needing to leave the city for home. 30-something/late 20-something life angst - where am I going, what am I doing? Old relationships resurfacing. All of that had great potential for some solid story-telling. This effort certainly had some decent actors. Decent production values as well.

So WHY did this story get told? It was very difficult to connect to any of the characters, with the possible exception of the older artist who is a friend of our departing lead character. Don't misunderstand me - I wanted very much to like everyone in the film - but it was hard to find any reason to relate with them, or even figure out what they were contributing to the story (again, with the exception of the older artist.) Baffled. That's what I'm left with at the end of this film. The sex in the film was for the most part equally disconnected - it was never clear WHY we needed to see these sex scenes, with the possible exception of the first.

Wanted to like this film. Watched it beginning to end. Don't know why it was made.
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Learn from some of the most successful gay films ever made and avoid explicit content
Ldnfilmfly3 August 2013
I first caught sight of this film in Time Out magazine... where it got good reviews. I was intrigued that Peccadillo Pictures, famous for LGBT film, had teamed up with Naked Sword, a pornography company to produce it.

I'm always reluctant to buy gay film... the majority of the time they bore me and depend on sex and six packs to maintain the viewers interest. 'I Want Your Love' was a surprisingly perceptive take on gay life in San Fransisco. The sex was natural and the films part improvisation made it feel like a realistic view into the characters lives. The film made no apology for its approach to explicit gay sex, but interestingly its association with Naked Sword seemed to be kept fairly low key on the film's cover. It was obvious that the film wanted to be taken seriously.

However, despite the film trying to deliver it failed to maintain my interest. The characters aren't that interesting to watch and their lives are fairly mundane. It affirms my thoughts about films that contain explicit sex. Sex generally replaces more subtle, interesting and intelligent portrayals of emotion that help us to connect with a character. Therefore sex, unless used well, acts as more of a distraction from what the film is actually about.

If you're looking for serious gay cinema learn from some of the most successful gay films ever made and avoid explicit content.
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Unrelenting bore.
gregkae21 September 2013
Pretentious!!! This beautifully shot bucket of animal muck screams pretentious from afar. I should have seen it from a mile. Shame on me.

Puh-leeeese - graphic sex scenes? Close ups, shots of happy endings, full on anal, interracial hook-ups? Come oh-n, gurl! Can we have some substance in a form different than body fluids?

Pseudo-philosophical ramblings, cool performance art kids, talking, talking, talking... On top of that the cast is purposefully unattractive, I'm going soft just at a sheer thought of their appearance. It's not even a mixed bag, they're all fugly hands down.

Plus the obligatory, early morning goodbye scene... and too-cool, hipster indie music. No, I'm not having it, nah, never. The director will most likely end up like the protagonist. Going back to his mum's basement flat or a cabin in the woods. To live with the deer.
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Once in a while you can see actual cinema - with gays
lovefaithtruth7 July 2014
A contemporary view of gay men struggling to define what real is - for themselves, their love relationships and their career. This is a story about a protagonist who is having a hard time reconciling with his life choices that form a symmetrical pattern with his art and his relationships - both lead to his restlessness and dilemma of giving up what might actually be important.

I won't say much as I don't want to spoil but the fact there are gratuitous scenes of sex in this movie actually, in my opinion, reflects the boldness of the director to take on the subject head on. Of course there is easy sex available in the life of the character and that reflects the dilemma of the main character. Male genitalia and orgasm in a movie about a gay man in Sf - and what's wrong with that?

The supporting cast is amazing in their realistic performances. It's shot almost in a documentary style and that lends a credibility to the whole aspect of story telling.

Finally a movie that does not wrap up a story of gay humans in a neatly predictable package and serve it to us.

Of course there can be improvements and yada yada but in 2012 this is a movie about an artist searching for his meaning of life. And he is gay. And he is in Sf. So prudes you've been warned.

Oh and as far the story being meaningless, no plot etc is concerned, we could have had a more dramatic fleshing out of what the existential crisis is but I don't feel it needs further explanation. But that's only my opinion.

Whatever. Watch it.
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As clueless as the characters.
moturn19 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Reportedly, this movie fleshes out the plot begun in the 2010 short film also entitled "I Want Your Love" by the same director. It centres on a going-away party for Jesse (Jesse Metzger). Jesse will be leaving his friends in Frisco and returning to the American Midwest. However, this story turned out to be about nothing of note really. There was a bunch of shallow, thirty-something grown men who were still behaving like teenagers. They were talking like silly nelly queens of the 1980s era, with their outrageously campy, sissified banter, pointless potty-mouth dialogue, and clueless lives. American sitcoms is what it reminded me of, the outdated, melodramatic caricatures and stereotypes of people and overblown clichés. Jesse is full of Angst and doesn't know what to do with himself. What am I going to do, I don't know, Oh woe is me, and so on. This was laughable, coming from a man of his age. Maybe that was the point of this movie? It was a comedy? Mr. Matthews did a better job with the 2010 short film forerunner, a snapshot of the lives of two men who up to that time had enjoyed a long platonic friendship without strings. That one had humour, drama and sex too, yet also a more meaningful story. To me, anyway.
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A melancholic journey of self-discovery
moonsinger-4242024 July 2016
If you're going to watch this movie expecting a love story, then don't, because it is not.

This is the story of a man suffering from disillusion, a man facing his own failures, regrets and wrong choices. It's the story of a man who has to admit defeat and who regrets his choices. He has to leave the city, going back to his parents because he has to go back, not because he wants to, as going on is not an option.

The last thing left to him is going out with a bang. There is a party, there is a lot of sex. He ends up taking part in neither, and there is no bang. There isn't even a sizzle. There is just a sad weariness, and it's the main feeling of the whole film. No one even notices his absence, the scene he has loved so much and has to leave behind just spits him out like an old chewing gum and forgets about him. There is nothing bittersweet about it. It's just bleak.

This movie is not a gay love story, it's a movie with gay characters. It's full of sex, heads on and no filters, but the general depressing atmosphere of failure would be the same without the sex, and the film would hardly change if the explicit sex scenes were replaced by a fade-to-black.
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Good Acting but Pointless Story with Explicit Sex
breckstewart19 April 2019
First, I have to admit my surprise at the graphic sex scenes in this movie. I really didn't expect that and although I'm not a prude by any stretch of the imagination, I felt like they detracted from the story instead of adding to it because when sex is shown in an explicit way, it becomes only about that. I should have guessed from seeing Naked Sword in the opening credits but I figured they could produce something else than adult flicks.

This felt to me like a porn disguised as an artsy movie. And there is certainly nothing wrong with that. This said, I really didn't like it at all. But first, the strong point is that the acting is quite good, surprisingly so I must say. All the while, I expected the plot to get to a higher state of interest but that was in vain which brings me to the worst trait of this film.

Without a good story, a movie can't be anything but an exercise in futility. Where is the drama? The heart of the matter? All I saw were huge closeups and inane dialogue leading nowhere. This felt like the writer/director had no idea where to go and how to get there. Nothing really made sense in terms of action because I never felt like the character were clearly defined even though as I said, the actors did a good job but with very little substance.

I would have hoped for a better story to let them shine but all we got were bland concepts and pretentious angst which were not well explained nor expressed on the screen. This felt like a waste of time just watching a bunch of characters trying to come up with the something, anything to retain our interest.

I have to say, I could only award this 2 stars and it's only because the acting worked. But as for the actual purpose of doing this movie, I see no message, no story arc or purpose. I gained nothing from viewing and I actually forgot what happened as soon as I watched because it all felt so disposable and pointless.

It's a miss in my book, not even if you like sex really explicit and in your face. There are great porn movies for that. This is like a hybrid that doesn't know what it wants to say or how it wants to show it. Huge disappointment and no, I don't recommend it to anyone.
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A movie with a plot few will get.
torynspirit1 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I knew going into this film that the sex was unsimulated, so that wasn't a surprise. What was a complete surprise is how artistic the film is. The dialogue, cinematography, and simple music definitely evoked the same feelings an indie film do. I thought the acting was very natural, and the dialogue as well. I can understand why general reviewers don't feel much of a plot, or that the plot is murky, or unfulfilling. It doesn't have a definite end. Some have commented on the plethora of sex scenes during the party, but it wasn't until the credits rolled at the sudden ending that it made sense. The first and last sexual encounters involve our protagonist, and neither time does he reach climax, or even end up feeling satisfied at all. I feel the part scenes serve to highlight the fact that everyone around him is engaging in normal human nature, but for some reason he can't relate to that. The fact that he is excited to go home, to a place where he won't be living in a gay mecca surrounded by flamboyancy, combined with some of his prior dialogue, says to me that he's lived that exciting life, and now he wants something more, something deeper. The conversations he is involved with are of a more serious, introspective nature, while the conversations around him are completely superficial. To me, this movie perfectly shows what it's like to go from the young party life to wanting something more, but not at all sure what that is or how to seek it.
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Too much padding - and I don't mean the sex scenes
euroGary25 July 2013
Supposedly expanding a short film of the same title (although there isn't much to connect the two productions apart from the leading man), 'I Want Your Love' features lots of swearing, several scenes of unsimulated homosexual sex, and talk of 'being ploughed by six dudes'. As such it represents a stark departure for Disney (joke - it's actually a production of Naked Sword, a company which makes gentlemen's films - and not very discerning gentlemen, if its website is anything to go by!) The plot follows a man in his early 30s who due to money troubles is leaving San Francisco to return to his hometown in Ohio. While he wanders around being miserable, his much-tattooed friends experience their own domestic troubles (of the lightweight variety - someone cleans his boyfriend's room without telling him) and pair - and in one case, triple - off with each other.

It's not much of a plot, and there are far too many shots of San Francisco streets, presumably in an effort to pad out the running time. As for the sex - well, it is never necessary to show sex or nudity in a production, but it *is* nice to do so - providing, that is, those shedding their clothes look good without them, which isn't always the case here! Pleasingly, many of the actors are good enough at clothes-on acting as well; but as the friend who accompanied me to the screening said, did any of them invite their mothers to the premiere?
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