Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale I (2011) Poster

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Don't take from Headhunters
asia_extreme14 September 2011
One of Taiwan's biggest ever films today, probably the most expensive ever made and looks set to be the highest earning to date. The story of Seediq Bale, based on the Wushe Incident is split into two segments, the first being entitled The Sun Flag (tai-yang qi) and the second, The Rainbow Bridge (cai-hong qiao). Seediq Bale is the best looking Taiwanese production to date, it seems on par with the majority of action films coming straight out of Hollywood. The battle scenes are impressive, they're fast paced with a lot of of excitement and thrills, there's explosions, blood splatters and much like you'd expect from headhunters, there's a few heads rolling.

Story: The story moves quickly despite the movie being close to 2 and a half hours long. There is a small bit of background and lead up to the Japanese arriving but not a great deal. When the Japanese arrive it also doesn't seem that much happens in the story, it doesn't give you complex characters or anything you must grasp or understand. It's a simple story but flows well and entertains.

Characters: Character building and general development is a problem in this movie, although it is entertaining with no boredom from start to finish it doesn't have much depth to it. You must take the characters on face value as you don't really get a sense of who they are. There is one character who can be classed as the lead but you even don't get to know who he is. Throughout the movie you're introduced to numerous characters, both on the aboriginal side and the Japanese side, yet you don't get to know more than the basics of who they are.

Directing: Te-Sheng Wei has previous had a bit hit in Taiwan with Cape No.7 which guaranteed him the funding for this movie. But still his style is not flawless, at times he comes across as still being an amateur with some very strange shots and some even more bizarre cuts. More than one scene had him building up, suspense and emotion was all there and then he suddenly cuts to something completely different. It kills the feeling but also provides a kind of shock.

Also its probably worth having a little background on headhunting traditions before watching this film, without understanding about their culture at times you might just find yourself rooting for the Japanese side.

Overall: I thoroughly enjoyed this movie, sure it could've been better but at the same time it could've been a lot worse. It's receiving a lot of praise in Taiwan with this movie smashing records and the follow up looking set to break even more. One things for sure, I'll be booking my tickets for the second instalment.
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Excellent, well-acted, brutal movie, with sub-par CGI.
zachary2810416 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
One thing any viewer of this movie needs to know before going into the movie is that their are a few ridiculously cheesy scenes such as when a hut explodes the images of the native warriors are badly added into the effects of the explosions, as well at the ending the remaining Warriors walk on a very unrealistic rainbow into their heaven. Along with that their are many scenes with fake looking rocks, jumping scenes with actors, and back drops. There are also some drawn out singing scenes, beautiful songs.... but still. Might as well add in that the ending is fairly weak.

With the negatives out of the way, the film is very well acted. The battle scenes constantly leave any viewer wanting more, if, of course, you enjoy brutal war scenes. Besides the scenes which I have listed above, the set, in most cases, is quite beautiful. The story drags on for a good four hours but I find most of the scenes necessary to bring the message of the film. Also, it would not hurt to do some research on the historical side of the film either, to know where the story derives from.

Over all it is a magnificent film, but you just have to get over the CGI.
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A epic movie from Taiwan
KineticSeoul31 January 2013
Wei Te-Sheng had this movie planned way before his hit movie "Cape No.7" which was a big hit. And his efforts really shows in this movie, it's basically a high budget epic from taiwan that is most definitely worth watching. On the exterior it might seem like another historical movie about Japanese occupation and invasion and how they mistreated, enslaved and also raped the people on the land they invaded. While also taking away their tradition, culture, language and freedom. Thus making the people rise up and throw a rebellion and fight the Japanese for justice, pride and freedom. But this movie has a lot of interior elements as well. It really does a good job of now going down a narrow rebellion movie but brings out the scars, the harshness and manly pride. Some scenes are uncomfortable to see but it shows the brutality and the length the rebels are willing to go. The movie takes place in taiwan during the 1895 and 1945 on a land where two tribes use to fight each other. but what happens when a more menacing enemy comes to enslave all of them? This movie is simply very well crafted with good pacing and editing. Wei Te-Sheng seems like a talented director and I am grateful that his vision his got from a comic book came to life on the big screen. This feels kind of like a taiwanese version of the movie "300" except with more substance and emotion with scars going for it. Highly recommended to anyone that enjoys historical movies with some realistic guerrilla battle tactics.

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do background research before going
fishbelly20027 October 2011
First of all it is better to watch the film in full 4.5 hr instead of watching as 2 parts, which is what I did in film fest.

Secondly, you have to know a little of history and tradition of Taiwan and roles of aboriginals to truly have a feeling for the movie. Just Wiki "Wushe Incident", and "Taiwanese Aboriginal" and that makes things much better as you watch.

Anyway back to the film, the selling point seems to be all the killing, the action, the big budget. However after watching it I've found out it's more about the value of "death" that the film tries to bring to us, and death weights in front of abstract values such as "tradition", "dignity", etc.

It's really an entertaining film for sure and throughout the 4.5 hrs time just flies, and you have to adjust yourself to have that desire to discover more about aboriginals believes and ways of living, much like watching documentary films mentality.

I can't stop comparing this "Civilization vs. Barbarian" plot to what is happening in middle east right now. In such sense history is repeating, and the film is definitely pointing out how pointless the loss of lives is (depends on which stand you are taking though).

Overall this is one of the best and most enjoyable films in recent years. The director is trying to lead us to think critically towards topics on death, values, tradition and how these would change when worlds collide.
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Warriors of the Rainbow delivers an emotionally violent story
rgblakey5 August 2012
If you are looking for an epic sized film look no further than the Asian film market. They have cornered the market on delivering huge scale movies on a regular basis like no other. Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale is not only an epic film it is the most expensive film to ever come out of Taiwan. Produced by John Woo, the film was originally released in Taiwan as two films running at over 4 and a half hours, but released in a single US version at about 2 and a half hours. Can this much be trimmed from a movie a still work clearly enough to keep the film's epic story in-tact and capture audiences? Warriors of the Rainbow is based on the 20th Century history of two warring tribes that not only clashed over the land they inhabited, but also a bigger war against the Japanese as they begin to colonize the island and wipe them out. Forging an alliance with the other tribes, they took the Japanese by surprise only to have to face an unstoppable force as they are attacked by aircraft and poison gas. This is not only a truly epic film; it is one that will leave you with some sort of emotional response. Whether its sadness, anger, or just awe, you cannot walk away from this movie without it affecting you in some way. This is an extremely violent and graphic movie, but is necessary to really convey this little known time in Taiwan history. At first this film feels a bit like Apocalypto then takes a turn to something like Last of the Mohicans, but with a way more violent and deep emotional story. It's hard to believe the amount of action that is crammed into this film and still have such a powerful story. This is a well-made, well-executed film that is hard to watch at times due to the content. Besides the war violence, there is a heavy amount of gore as well as suicide and children being killed that may be hard to watch for some people.

This is easily one of the most emotionally charge epic war like movies to come out in a long time. With the amount of content that is included in this film, you can only imagine what else could have been cut out for this condensed US release. If you love Asian cinema, war films, or just great filmmaking, this is a must see film. Just be warned as mentioned before that there are some pretty heavy visuals.

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voice of the native
exjor25 October 2011
I walked out of the cinema with both surprise and worry. I'm worried because maybe this is not a very good film, especially not a good "commercial film" to make both ends meet, but I'm really glad to see that Te-Sheng Wei can still insist on his idea even in such a big production.

Before going to the theater, my first concern was whether it would become a stereotypical nationalism or humanism film, because The Wushe Incident had been represented so many times in our history class in Taiwan that it seemed to be too difficult to make this film without compromising on political correctness, but Te-Sheng Wei made it!

Sàidékè balái presented a mass of killing and death, not in a humanism or Han Chinese Nationalism way, but from the aspect of the Seediq. I have heard people arguing if it is necessary to have so much violence in this film, but I have to say that the value of peace or anti-war is the main stream nowadays but not so to the traditional Seediq that time. Therefore, I think the director is not a moral relativist, he just chose not to judge the past with today's value, and resisted the mainstream that drowned the voice of the minority.

It impressed me that there was little Chinese or Taiwanese through out this film. Instead, the film is composed of Seediq language and Japanese. We should cherish it that 80 years after the The Wushe Incident, we can finally see a film which represents historical event not based on the authority opinion but on people who didn't lead the history, i.e. the native.
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WOW! I haven't seen a body count like that since Zulu.
ttrabue-106-20874220 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Sure gets the blood up. The main guy was great and the kid was better. I watched it on DVD and my subtitles were hit and miss and mostly miss and I suspect that made it better. I was captivated. It's fascinating. I was warn out. It's bloody. Too bloody? Probably but with reason, irresistible force and immovable object. I don't care for senseless violence, this isn't. I give it a seven but then I don't speak any of the languages. I just had to know if there is any truth to it. The internet says yep some. Awesome! Reminded me of Native Americans. I was pleased it's not sugar coated. These savages were savage, that's the point of view and I went with it. Only partially because I don't know the languages, I didn't get the Japanese view. That might have been nice perhaps that's in the full length version.
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A piece of history that is shocking BUT must be remembered
dj_sinbad14 July 2012
I wont say much about this film, but what I will say is this.... I am from England, but I have a huge interest in world cinema as well as action movies from the far East, I have been watching both for over 30 years, so I somewhat understand myths and traditions and folklore from that part of the world. Pretty much on all these accounts the film delivers in bundles, it wont be to everyones tastes, but considering where this film comes from, and what the Director has done it is incredible. You would not get a film like this anymore from Hollywood, the last film I can remember that it really reminded me of is GLORY (for those of you that know it), although that is Hollywood, and this is Taiwanese. They were both unrelenting though. This motion picture saga has...Great landscapes, beautiful haunting tribal folksongs in the soundtrack, and authentic wardrobe and sets, obviously some of the other comments that detract from the film might be fair, but this is a moving and unforgiving four and a half hour epic, where else are you gonna get to see a film like this ?

Red Cliff parts 1 and 2 maybe....but this is a Nobel and Splendid film.
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For foreigner audience
colinwen26 April 2012
Just finished the trailer, plan to watch the duo this weekend. I totally understand as a non-Taiwanese or non-Japenese, you wont have the feeling which the director might want to deliver.

I believe this kind of movie are everywhere around the world now. Director/writer and movie itself try to tell a story to a huge variety of audience, but what audience can feel only themselves can choose.

I have watch a lot of movie based on European history, Australian history, American history or World War I and II. I was kind of confused in the end of these movie, until I check the information from wiki or other website.

What I want to say here is its sad if this movie can not inspire you, but this kind of epic style of Taiwanese movie is a huge milestone for every Taiwanese movier.
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(Our) Disappearing Cultures
magchau1 December 2011
I agree too. I did some wiki research when I first learn about this film and it is really helpful to get a fuller sense of the theme given a basic historical context. Disclaimer: I have seen the first part only (the second part is in theaters today in HK).

Similar to previous comment, this movie reminds me of the situation in Tibet right now. How the "Han-ization" is happening when the culture and religion in Tibet is slowing disappearing. What would I do if I were one of the young men in the tribes in the movie?

And is this that much different to the change happening to our very own culture (both Eastern and Western) in the face of globalization and extreme consumerism? This is how much the film has provoked me into contemplating.

Also with all the head chopping and fighting scenes the director has successfully illustrates the values and beliefs of life of the tribes without a taint of violence. Yes it's bloody but not violent. Wonder how that is possible right? (This is refreshing in the midst of our media culture on big screens and on TV).

I would not use the word entertaining for this movie but nonetheless it is not as serious/"boring" as the topic and plot might sound. And 144 minutes just flew by without my notice and my 60+ years old parents were actually hoping to watch the second half right after the first.

Definitely a not-to-miss for this year!
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Less Than A Documentary...More Than A Commerical Movie
kevinfunk20037 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I was supposed to give a score of 7, but changed a bit after seeing the latter part of the film in theatre. Here's my own thought: It begins with Mouna being chased by another tribe's men in water and ends with almost of the dead male aboriginal characters marching together on the above, whether they're old rivalries in the woods or not. Surely the film surrounds the Wushe incident in Taiwan, but its materials are from the interviews with the remainders of Seediq and also based on a comic book...80 years have past for these people, so how many true memories can serve the elders well? At least I believed in those different men's and women's struggles posed in the film, because they are too real to make up. I was anticipating why and how the main character, Mouna Roudo, would find himself fighting the Japanese with no chance to win, and the director and plot writer, Te-Sheng Wei, did not disappoint me in the first part of the movie (namely 'The Sun Flag' of local theatrical release). But then the "comical-like" scenes start to be annoying...especially Mouna (performed by Chin-Tai Lin) always started to dance and sing before the big confrontations with the enemy, and near the end he and a little few men of his were fired by Japanese cannons on a drawbridge without any serious damages afterwards.

I discovered that the film lose some parts for a successful typical blockbuster in terms of war movies, yet more than of just that. Unfortunately I think the latter part 'The Rainbow Bridge' dwelled upon the outcome for Seediq people's belief of Gaya too much. What's worse, it really became a mess when Seediq, non-Seediq aborigines and Japanese had the fights 'within the fights' altogether during the final 30 minutes or so. You have to be very cool to follow them. I have to admit that these factors overall killed some numbers in my final rating of the film, and that's a pity for the 'biggest ever movie production cost of Taiwan'; Meaningless killings and stirring suicides may be seen within a comment of a certain number of viewers which the film tries to target with, mostly due to the vagueness of right and wrong the filmmaker wanted to convey. It's not a welcomed cliché that should be used in commercial films...only who knows how it is knows how.

The computer CG scenes I can promise you, on par with some war drama like 'Tae Guk Gi' and 'Letters from Iwo Jima'. Interestingly, they are all not the type of cinema that is all about unfolding the historical events, but with some extent of thinking of humanity mixed. However, like I said before, the comical-like scenes may not harm the authenticity of the real history for too much, but some of the untimely ones that stop me from hyperbolize how good the movie is like many locals do. Would it be a commercial success overseas? The title of this review implied a mixed, 'no answer'.
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an 'avangardiste' movie in its kind (tribes and wars)
usa-mike13 May 2012
well, for whom doesn't have time to read my full review, let's say that if you loved both LAST OF THE MOHICANS and APOCALYPTO,then i'm pretty sure you will love this movie. This is a great movie about war strategy, tribes, honor,hope.Off course there is a plenty scene of blood because it is war, but the bloody effect is not so over than Spartacus TV series. Points of view of several scene are great, many aerial, of camera-handed run... No doubt, it is a modern war movie. if you got boring during Narnia or Lord of Rings, then you will get what you want here. There is mass-fighting scene, uncut real fight, very captivating. i did not give the max evaluation because women in the movie, are very 'platonic', linear role and 'too much respected' (which was not during a real war). I guess the director wanted to keep a part of his audience (and not sexual scene either of course).
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Deeply flawed Taiwanese historical action epic
Leofwine_draca23 January 2016
WARRIORS OF THE RAINBOW: SEEDIQ BALE is a home-grown historical action epic from Taiwan, featuring the story of an Aboriginal tribe who rise up against their Japanese oppressors during the early 20th century. It starts off on a rather dodgy note, asking the viewer to be interested in and accept as protagonist a man, Mona Rudao, who is introduced to the viewer when he kills and steals from some innocent tribesmen. Thankfully things then jump forward twenty years or so, and it all becomes straightforward.

The first thing to note is that I saw the international cut of this film, in which two parts are condensed down into one whole. While I enjoyed it on a superficial level, I have to say that there were too many problems with it for me to want to seek out the full version. The main issue I had is that the main tribe of characters are completely unsympathetic. They're headhunters, and when the Japanese describe them as 'savages' you tend to agree with them. I'm afraid I was on the side of the Japanese throughout in this one.

Elsewhere, the film is ridiculously one-sided in showing the Japanese to be a cowardly and easily-beaten foe, except when the text comes up at the end you see that things were completely different to the fantasy portrayed here. I did like the look of the film, although it's variously influenced by the likes of APOCALYPTO, LAST OF THE MOHICANS, BRAVEHEART, THE LAST SAMURAI, and BANG RAJAN, without ever quite giving the viewer a flavour of its own.

The action is quite well done, however, although marred by cheap CGI as is the case with so many eastern films these days. The scene in which the tribe rises up to attack the Japanese garrison is the highlight, really bloodthirsty and hair-raising stuff. But in the end, the lack of likable characters and the sheer ridiculousness of some moments (like the bratty kid running amok with the heavy weaponry) stopped me enjoying it too much.
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An excellent movie: historical, good action, realistic, in the beautiful nature of the Republic of China
Chinesevil3 September 2021
An excellent movie: historical, good action, realistic, in the beautiful nature of the Republic of China, where one learns the raw violence of the eastern races, greater than that of the West.
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Great Movie from the Far East
johnnghome27 September 2018
I was skeptical when I first came across this Taiwanese movie. There are just too many movies from the Far East that are so Bollywoodish, so super exaggerated (such as ten thousand arrows being launched, or armies that seems like a million strong) that the directors should almost be billed for your wasted time.

This movie is none of that. It is captivating from start to finish, telling a historical story that not many would know or have seen before. It reminds me so much of the plight of the Sioux and other indigenous peoples. The CGI is good and convincing.

I look forward to seeing more talent from the Far East.
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This movie is awesome
jbbowen-553483 January 2021
This movie is an epic and emotional ridw from start to finish!
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Watch 'The Last of the Mohicans (1992)' first,
rightwingisevil1 May 2012
then try to watch this 'Warriors of The Rainbow', and tell me if you could spot the similarities of these two movies. The invasion of the British soldiers to north America vs the Japanese soldiers invaded Taiwan; then there's a great fighter among the Mohicans warriors on par with a ferocious fighter among the Taiwanese aboriginal tribes; then again, the Mohicans got feudal sworn enemy of another tribe to the similar feud of two Taiwanese aboriginal tribes....Then when i watched this movie, i suddenly realized that the whole picture is more like when the American forces invaded Iraq, there were tribes to become the collaborators helping Americans and using them to help killed their own feudal enemies... But this is the first time that I felt this movie was a very mature production since I never found anything like it out of Taiwan. Because usually, all movies from Taiwan, the dialogs were disgustingly embarrassing feminine, males whining like females. Yet this movie is absolutely masculine and this is first time that I felt the male population in Taiwan sounded and acted more like man, not just whiners. Furthermore, this is also the first time that I consider this movie is at a higher international level with great acting, directing and cinematographic achievement. And this is very rare to me and totally win my respect back to the Taiwanese movie industry. Salute!
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Fact based Taiwanese Epic
t-dooley-69-3869167 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Japan took possession of Taiwan from China when it was ceded to them after China's Qing Dynasty lost the first Sino Japanese war of 1884 – 1885 and we first pick the story up there. The Japanese were a more controlling Colonial force and did not tolerate aboriginals such as the Seediq and called them 'Seiban' or 'barbarians' and treated them as inferiors. They ruled harshly and built up resentments that led to a number of insurrections that led to The Wushe Incident of 1930 that is the central point of this film.

The indigenous tribes had also fought one another over hunting grounds and other causes for centuries and the divisions that this caused are exemplified here and indeed how the Japanese exploited such to turn tribes against each other. The chief of the Seediq was Mouna Rudau and he ha tried appeasement but one slight too many pushed him to seek to join the tribes together and make a stand against the vastly better equipped Japanese. Once the die was cast they had all foreseen where it would end.

Now this film sticks to the documented facts extremely well, the acting is all excellent and there is a ton of action. It was made in 2011 but some of the CGI is a bit obvious. Despite that this will bring you along for a great roller coaster ride of action. The fight scenes are all done extremely well and when people get hurt they really are hurt. This is a great tribute to the culture of the Seediq and their allies and to a part of history that we have not heard much about. It is also the sort of film you could easily watch again. In aboriginal, Japanese and Hokkien with pretty good subtitles and a run time of just over two and a half hours – every second of which is put to good use – completely recommended.
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A fascinating historic story in Taiwan
brad86122221 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The story is based on Taiwanese true story in japanese occupation period. The film started with the fight between different aboriginal tribes. Diversified groups wear similar costumes however leaded by different chief and were eager to protect their own hunting fields. Aborigines live by hunting. Each of them value the hunting field as much as they consider headhunting the most decent honour.

The legend was said that only the true warrior who headhunts successfully would be eligible to enter the "Taiwanese Valhalla". As the story proceed, you see those so called warriors were becoming more and more helpless and obedient as the land was reigned by japanese, who justify their colonization as civilization.

As a audience I can see through the beliefs deep inside aborigines. Residents' ancestors guard the hunting field for thousands of year, yet was lost from your hand. How can you accept it? That was how the revolution began to foment.

Recommend to those who are interested in Taiwanese history.
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a cross between Last of the Mohicans and Michael Bay
SpannersGerm66912 July 2014
The Warriors of the Rainbow takes on a story of a fight for freedom when Taiwan were getting rid of the Japanese occupation. What sets up as a classic, comes across as a big let down with confusion running through most of the film.

On one hand you have a Last of the Mohicans vibe. The underdog vs goliath, the battle for what is right. The people who feel as though their culture is being wiped out. A Tale that would usually bring inspiration, has been ruined by the action sequences. Splashed with CGI, the battle scenes resemble something of a Michael Bay film. Add to this, the melodramatic and unnecessary ghost sequences, tear the film between something of a epic tale of bravery and a mindless action film. Very disappointing.

With a better course of direction, this film could have been something. In the end, it becomes a mess and a missed opportunity!
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Excellent movie
user-899-9562617 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Wariors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale. This movie is based on "wushe incident" in central Taiwan in 1930. This is a action movie which contains various fighting scenes. The main character of this movie is named Seediq Bale which is played by the actor named "Nolay pi-ho". This movie is about the different clans which were in the Tiwan, first fighting each other to be the best. They kill the another clan member and cut their head off and bring them back to their village. The one who brings back more heads of the another clan of member used to know him by the strongest man in the village and they used to respect him. Then when the Japanese attacks them they all fight together with Japanese solders.
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reminded me of a bit of black hawk down.
justchen56328 April 2012
first things first, seediq bale came out in USA today. I'm not sure what version i watched... but it was a 2.5 hour movie without any mention of a second part. anyways throughout the movie, it kept me entertained. It kept me thinking and trying to figure out the back story, who the new characters were and etc. There were bits of the movie that was so ridiculous, it seemed almost comical... though it's not supposed to be but the theater laughed anyways. The movie is presented in the Seediq native tongue and so, translations/subtitles were necessary which kept me from fully enjoying the beauty of the shots of landscape and action / etc. It tells the whole incident and explains everything that happens perfectly. the introduction is sufficient, the building to the climax is smooth, but what i think killed it was the hour or so fighting scene... it made it seem too long and by the end of the movie, i felt as if the whole movie was basically fighting... though that IS what it's based upon, it felt... a bit too much. not that its a bad thing or anything, but all in all, i think it was a great movie... for anyone 14 or above.
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Fantastic movie base on real fact.
ahao7617 March 2019
This is a must watch movie.. It really makes my day after watching the part 1 and 2.. I was humming the ending song for days.. Its so super nice... I wanted to add in something.. There is some guy here telling people to watch 'The Last of the Mohicans 1992 first before watching this movie.. Please please don't watch that crap... It's nothing near compare to this movie.. It's about the war fighting between the french and British and involve some native tribes.. But the main thing they focus on an unconvincing love story.. In short it's just a native tribe guy in love running around chasing after an English chick.. Nothing much happens till the end.. I fell asleep few times trying hard to stay awake cos i thought it's going to happen something great near the end... But seriously nothing at all.. Just that Mohican won the love of that girl.. It's such a shallow film with high ratings tricking people to watch it... Warriors of the Rainbow is the best!!!! There are a couple of movies which are close as nice as this similar genre which i recommend.. Apocalypto and Pathfinder.
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