Here Comes the Devil (2012) Poster

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Once again, well done Adrián García Bogliano!
Coventry10 April 2013
It only took two of his movies to make me an avid follower of Adrián García Bogliano. He's the type of cinematic artist I deeply respect and even am somewhat jealous of. We're about the same age, but at "barely" 32 years old Bogliano accomplished nearly a dozen of long feature horror films. And although I'm certainly not claiming his movies are bona fide genre masterpieces, they are definitely interesting to explore and – on a more personal note – the type of movies that I'm looking for the most. They are raw, brutal and nihilistic low-budget exploitation efforts that genuinely re-create the atmosphere of horror during the 70's and early 80's. His "Room for Tourists", for example, is one of the cruelest torture-porn flicks out there and especially his "I'll Never Die Alone" is pretty much the only modern day rape & revenge flick that truly lives up to the prototypes of the seventies, such as "I Spit on your Grave" and "Last House on the Left". Evidently I was very eager to catch his newest effort "Here Comes the Devil" when it played at the Brussels' Festival of Fantastic Films, because it allegedly concerns a homage to the devilish cult flicks of the 70's and one giant homage to "Picnic at Hanging Rock". Bogliana again didn't disappoint, although it's different from his previous work and emphasizing more on character depth and disturbing atmosphere. Our director moved up from Argentina to Mexico for this film (I sincerely hope he isn't on his way to Hollywood!) and serves a compelling cocktail of drama, occult thriller and vigilante action. During a family day trip, Felix and Sol's preteen son and daughter request to go on a hiking trip up a hill while their parents "relax" in the car. They don't come back down, though, and the parents spend a long and petrifying night in a nearby motel. But the kids suddenly show up again the next morning, unharmed and just in a minor state of shock, and they all happily return home together. Over the next few days, however, Felix and Sol witness their children behaving increasingly bizarre and asocial. They presume their offspring fell victim to a perverted child molester and promptly seek for vengeance, but in reality something far more disturbing happened to Adolfo and Sara. They seem possessed by dark forces and deliberately head back to the hillside… The slow and sinister pacing, as well as the detailed character drawings, are the main trumps that make "Here Comes the Devil" such a haunting and unsettling thriller. Felix and Sol are very identifiable characters and, especially if you're a parent yourself, you'll mildly cheer for their unlawful (and slightly inconsiderate) decisions. Bogliano masterfully mounts the tension steadily and professionally towards a nearly unbearable climax that is – admittedly – somewhat derivative and vague, but most of all harrowing. Stellar performances from the ensemble cast, gorgeous filming locations and the exact right amount of blood and violence also contribute in making this is a true gem. Please, if you love real horror, leave all the nowadays CGI ghost and zombie crap for what it is and dig into the repertoire of Adrían García Bogliano.
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almost too far
Sorpse4 May 2014
this movie wont be for everyone. I'm sure im not the only one who has a hard time with sexual horror. There is a lot of uncomfortable sexual scenes in this movie that will make it hard for some people to watch. They even get pretty damn close to crossing the line when it comes to the children yet thankfully they showed some restraint. For such a smutty type movie it did however feel intelligent. The plot was gripping and very intense and had me wondering until the end when it concludes very nicely. I liked the ending a lot and thought it wrapped things up nicely. It also left room for a sequel which would be interesting because of the unique antagonist in this movie. There isn't a lot of gore but when it shows up it was very unnerving and brutal. Here Comes The Devil is a movie that is too raw for a mainstream audience but is smart enough that it will probably find cult appreciation.
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kosmasp2 June 2014
This is a very weird movie. Almost feels like exploitation. And while this is a hard sell, the way it is portrayed and played is really great. There are some holes in the plot and you might wonder about motives and actions of the main characters (especially the mother), but it all fits into the rhythm of the movie and the way it tells the story, no matter how out there it seems.

The acting is really good and for a small budget movie this really knows how to set the mood. This is something that some other movies miss out on. If you can dig that, you will also dig the abyss this movie opens from time to time. Ending something like this, is always a fine line. And I think they did a really good job here with that too ...
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It's just a movie about the worst parents in the world
SuperKino26 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly i don't understand how it's possible that this movie at the moment got so many good reviews and a general decent response. The screenplay is just dull and the characters makes stupid things for all the time. Really. What kind of parent would leave their children go alone for a walk in the creepiest spot in the world while doing a quick bang in a car parked? Or again what kind of parent would bring their children to see who was supposed to be their harasser just after a psychologist have told them that their children needed support because they are experiencing a traumatic event? The movie is full with this kind of nonsense plot things, completely unnecessary nude scenes (like the lesbian scene at the start of the movie), plain dialogs and the ZOOMS. There are lots of zooms and all of them are really really annoying. In conclusion "Here comes the devil" it's just a mess, avoid it if you want to see a good horror movie, but if you are looking for a comedy keep it in mind because like "Manos:hands of fate" it's so bad that eventually you can even found it funny.
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The Devil, Spanish Style
gavin69421 May 2014
A married couple lose their children while on a family trip near some caves in Tijuana. The kids eventually reappear without explanation, but it becomes clear that they are not who they used to be, that something terrifying has changed them.

This is the tenth film from Spanish director Adrián García Bogliano, but likely the first one that will be widely seen by Americans (thanks to it streaming on Netflix). The only other bit we have seen of his work thus far is in the "ABCs of Death" (he had B). And yet, Bogliano is only 33, so a great many things are ahead of him -- onward and upward! Lest you thought this was going to be a fun, kid-friendly film, the opening shot is a fairly explicit lesbian sex scene. And while it never quite hits that mark again, it sets a tone that is easily maintained throughout. If this is not something you care to see, turn it off now.

When watching, keep in mind that Bogliano is influenced by 1970s and 80s exploitation and sleaze, something that ought to lend itself to excellent visuals, not unlike Ti West's embrace of the same era. He specifically has called attention to Nicolas Roeg's "Don't Look Now", a horror classic and a great film in its own right. Does Bogliano live up to his Roeg influence? Perhaps. It would not be fair to say he has become the master, but he is nothing if not an excellent pupil.

My colleague Richard Ostrom has called the film "delectably demented", as well as "moody and unapologetically graphic". Not only is he the master of the apt adjective, but he's also spot on. The film is saturated with a sexuality that dangerously walks the line between erotic and pornographic, both in its imagery and its sensuality. There is plenty of blood, too, but this actually gets overshadowed by the sex -- something not completely foreign to horror, but on a whole new level here.

Jen Chaney, writing on Roger Ebert's website, gives the opposing view, offering the film only one star. She writes that Bogliano lacks sophistication and deems the movie "a 98-minute mess with misogynistic undertones", pointing out the film's questionable obsession with female sexuality. She raises a good point, and an interesting one, but her low rating is overall unfair. With the endless parade of rubbish that passes for horror, this is more than a one star film. Love it or hate it, it is the type of film that gets people talking.
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Muddled Chaos
thelastblogontheleft7 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Felix (played by Francisco Barreiro) and Sol (played by Laura Caro) are on a family outing when they make a detour to a truck stop when their daughter, Sara (played by Michele Garcia), gets her first period. When the kids want to make a fun trek up a nearby hill, the parents spend some much needed alone time in the car and all is fun and games until the kids fail to make their way back. They are found the next day but it becomes obvious pretty quickly that they have been somehow changed by something sinister.

Honestly, this movie was just… a bit too much at once for me. I had a feeling it wouldn't sit well with me when it literally opened with a lesbian sex scene — of course nothing to do with the fact that it was lesbians and everything to do with the fact that I am not a fan of sex just for sex's sake in movies/TV. This scene would prove to be just one of several fairly graphic sex scenes over the course of the 90 minutes I spent trying to sift through the chaos of this movie (there's THREE sex scenes in the first 25 minutes which is excessive to say the least).

It was obviously paying homage to 70's psychological horror movies and I think it did that fairly well at times but it just kept missing the mark for me. The entire first scene — arguably what should be drawing viewers in and getting them engaged — relied way more on the lure of sex and naked bodies than anything truly interesting, including good acting. Really, the acting in most of the movie left much to be desired, though considering it was Caro's film debut (she's primarily a Mexican singer- songwriter) I should maybe give her some more credit.

It was obviously going for a low-tech look and feel, but I think it could have used some more oomph at some points, like the multiple levitation scenes that should have been scary but honestly just made me laugh. Literally the only scene that really freaked me out was when their babysitter, Sandra (played by Jessica Iris), is describing what happened when she was alone with the kids, and says "the devil stood on my chest" before showing Sol her bruised chest marks in the shape of footprints.

I felt like the director, Adrián García Bogliano, just took everything he could think of and threw it against a wall to see what would stick. Satanic possession? Check. Both straight and lesbian sex scenes? Check. Some kind of vague hinting at evil being tied to sexual coming-of-age? Check. Horrifically graphic gore? Check. Let's just toss that ALL in the pot and stir it around. But, really, the lack of focus on any one particular theme left this feeling like a muddled mess.
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Have you checked the children?
capkronos13 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
While out and about, married couple Felix (Francisco Barreiro) and Sol (Laura Caro) and their tween kids Sara (Michele Garcia), who's just had her first period as the film opens, and Adolfo (Alan Martinez) stop at a gas station. The kids wander off up a hill near some caves and don't show up again until the following day. They're not quite the same when they do. Now withdrawn, cold, creepy and emotionless, the children begin to retreat into their own world, form a rather unhealthy (and possibly incestuous) attachment to one another and ditch school to make return trips to the cave. A visit to a shrink reveals that the two appear to have suffered from some kind of vague "traumatic sexual experience," which leads Sol on a quest to find out what really happened the night they vanished.

Ahí va el diablo ("Here Comes the Devil") is neither terrible nor great. I was fairly engrossed in the plot - at least for awhile - but the direction (particularly excessive zoom shots) and editing annoyed me at times and the whole film has this really murky, ugly look to it. Other moments, like a sudden burst of metal music in the car when the kids are spazzing out, made me laugh out loud and I don't think that was the intended effect. I did like the loose nature of the plot and always appreciate it when a filmmaker respects our intelligence enough to allow us to fill in the blanks ourselves, which seems to be what the true intent was. However, it also doesn't capture the same haunting quality of several movies it clearly takes inspiration from like PICNIC AT HANGING ROCK and THE VANISHING. So while I was reasonably entertained, I was never once scared or even mildly creeped out by what goes down here, and I think that's what ultimately disappointed me. Like many other modern genre films, it's more unpleasant and dreary than anything else.

For what it's worth, there's are lot of nudity (including an opening girl-girl number that has nothing to do with the plot) and a few gory moments (including a nasty bit where the parents violently lash out at the neighborhood weirdo / pervert / possible child molester). The score (aside from that awful metal song) is also pretty good.
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Exactly what you expect, very gratuitously
moviefansme23 February 2014
This is a fairly straightforward story that lacks surprises but is reasonably entertaining. See it for the shock value. Even by horror standards, this is not for the easily offended; themes include: satanism and the occult, menstruation, gratuitous nudity, gory violence, graphic sex, implied pedophilia, and described incest. Probably not a good movie for a first date!

The story isn't complicated; it meets the expectations set by the title and synopsis. The characters are equally simplistic, their actions implausible, often leading nowhere. The most sympathetic character is the babysitter, who got more than she was bargaining for and doesn't know what the hell happened! (And has the boobs to prove it!)

And what's up with the frequent, jarring camera zooms? The cinematographer should be shot. It's like a technique Robert Rodriguez would use when spoofing '70's grindhouse flicks.

This is the kind of movie you find late night on cable TV. Lots of visual punch to grab the viewer's attention, nothing complicated to force you to think too much, impulsive action that shows the writers weren't having to think too much either. Enjoy it for the gonzo exploitation flick it is and don't expect anything more.
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7/10. Recommended
athanasiosze21 April 2023
It's not an easy to watch movie. It goes to some really dark places. There is a violent, gory scene but it's not just that. What comes next is even more disturbing. However, this is a good horror movie and i guess there are a lot of more disturbing and tough to watch movies. This is not a torture porn, just a good, old-fashioned horror movie. Well acted, well directed. There is a good twist, not so unpredictable but the movie does not rely on it. It's all about the atmosphere, the implications, the creepiness and the psychological journey :These characters here are falling into abyss with every step they take. It's not boring at all, however the pace is getting better by the minute and as it progresses, it became more and more interesting.

There are some intense sex scenes. If you have a problem with sex in horror movies, avoid it.

This is a low budget horror movie. It's flawed but its rawness is refreshing. Most of horror fans will enjoy it.
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Did we watch the same movie??
ladeybug19763 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I'm completely appalled at any rating above 2 stars for this movie! It was horrible all the way around.It starts off with 2 naked women grinding on each other..I know most horror films have nudity/sex, but can I at least get my soda open before I'm bombarded with breasts everywhere!?! Way too much dramatic zooming of the camera,drawn out story line & characters doing things that just don't make sense. The adult characters were OK actors for the most part, but those kids need to take some more lessons asap.So much more could have been done with this story. I've seen some bad movies in my lifetime & this is in the top 10 of worst ever. Don't waste your time, you'd be better off watching paint dry.
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A horror films from the 1970's made in 2012
jrd_7323 April 2014
Do you remember that horror film made in the 1970's that crossed Picnic at Hanging Rock with The Omen? You know, the one that someone like Jose Larraz or Jorge Grau made back in the day and that used to line VHS stores in a lurid big box?

Here Comes the Devil is a 1970's horror film made in 2012. Although not set in the 1970's, it has the feel of a 1970's horror film. For some reason, I was particularly reminded of Satan's Blood, another Spanish language exploitation movie. This is not a retro homage that winks at the viewer the way Grindhouse or Black Dynamite do. No, Here Comes the Devil is first and foremost an unnerving horror film, one without humor or irony.

The plot has two children exploring a hillside shunned by the locals as their parents take advantage of the time alone to engage in sexual play. Time passes. The children do not come back. Worried, their parents search for them and find nothing. The next day the police find the children safe and sound. All is fine . . . or maybe not. The children are different, withdrawn and having an unhealthy attachment to each other. The parents suspect their children have been sexually abused and go about searching for a suspect. In fact, the truth is much stranger.

Here Comes the Devil is a slow burn. This was more common in 1970's horror cinema than it is now (the original Texas Chain Saw Massacre for instance). Some have found the film slow. However, the film pays off with a genuinely unnerving conclusion and along the way there is an escalating sense of dread. This dread often takes the form of sexual tension, some of it involving the children. This makes the film an unlikely choice for a US remake. It also makes it feel older, from another time period. I had read about Here Comes the Devil in horror magazines like Rue Morgue and Fangoria. I was pleasantly surprised that it lived up to the hype.
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An Unintentional comedy of bad zooming and pedophile
projectk4420 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is an amazing steaming pile and an unintentional comedy.

Here's the start in a nutshell. Lesbians make out, one of them dies. Then there's like an amazing family scene. The young girl has her period. It begins to pan down. "Please don't show the goddamn period" said my room mate. They do. This is just weird. It's already spelled out, this wasn't particularly necessary. They show it and talk about it repeatedly. Anyway, they're changing in a rest room or something and lo and behold A PEDOPHILE SHOWS UP in the mirror and he spies the prize - sweet stained panties. I think they even did a zoom in on the panties or his face, and at this point everyone in the room laughed. He even looks like a real pedophile. I hope whoever played this part did not get credited. It can only go downhill from here if you did, man-MORE pedophile parts in movies!

Then parents let their kids go up a hill without watching them (parents of the year) and they decide the kids are gone so they start performing sexual acts in a service station (parents of the year) and then fall asleep and forget about their kids (parents of the year). Nobody finds their kids.

From this point, little to nothing will make sense to you. I think that's intended. The comedy is not.

Here's a word about the shots and overall directing: it is so terrible, you will laugh. There is a schlocky B grade movie zoom in effect that happens all the time. This is supposed to make things tense, but it's done so poorly that every time everyone in the room started laughing when these came up. At one point in the movie, the camera zooms on a goddamn rock that is in no way important to the story. Actually, I think this zooming in on rocks happened multiple times.

Also, everything is pretty much in focus all the time which makes it look like a daytime soap opera in terms of quality. The angles of shots are generally not dramatic and poorly chosen.

Let's get to the lighting: it's bad. Really bad. There's a reason most horror movies take place at night: it's scarier. A valley of rocks shot in bright, harsh sunlight at what looks to be midday is not scary. Not in the slightest. The lighting also accentuates the skin tones of the actors and not in a flattering way - it makes them look terrible like they have acne and also because it's the wrong colour temperature. The daytime soap operas I mentioned before? They have better lighting than this.

Early on, there is a scene where the pedophile dude is murdered. There is an incredible amount of blood and gore. My room mate yelled out "MORTAL KOMBAT!" when he had organs removed. It was hilarious. You expect just a throat cut but they go far beyond that -he explodes for over 10 seconds. Unfortunately, this is probably one of the 3 points in the movie that will stand out.

My favorite part of the movie is that it's more than implied that said man that dies is not only a filthy pedophile that steals girl's underpants but has a thing in particular for period/blood soaked panties. Later, one of the lead characters questions that "maybe he wasn't such a bad guy" and they shouldn't have killed him for stealing their daughter's panties. Oh, that wacky pedophile- let's pat you on the head, and run along you little scamp and live to be a creep another day!

The movie is entirely predictable in places, they'll introduce objects (the gun) or people for obvious intentions and come back to them later. That said, I have absolutely no idea what happened in this movie because the supernatural/horror elements are never explained particularly well.

All this is a shame because there's 3 points in the movie where you may think "wow, this part is well directed." There's an incredibly intense flashing scene that I liked (despite me towards the end of it thinking "man, is that too much flicker?"), and a few other scenes but in general you'll just groan at the terrible cinematography throughout.
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Straight-up scares
dfranzen7026 June 2014
Here Comes the Devil, despite an unwieldy title, is appropriately creepy and tense, allowing viewers to immerse themselves in the plight of a couple that temporarily loses its two children while visiting Tijuana - only to find that the kids are now exhibiting some peculiar behavior.

Felix (Francisco Barreiro) and Sol (Laura Caro), after a day of sightseeing, allow their kids Adolfo and Sara to hike up a hill and do some exploring while their weary parents wait in a gas-station parking lot. The parents fall asleep, and when they awake it's almost dark with no sign of the kids. The police are called, but because of the lack of light the search is put off until the morning. Felix and Sol blame each other and themselves and argue, suffering a sleepless night.

The next morning, though, good news: Adolfo and Sara have been found. They're returned to their parents, but it soon becomes clear that the children have changed. They're largely uncommunicative with their parents but have seemingly formed a stronger bond with each other. Around this time, Sol discovers some oddities about her daughter's entry into puberty and becomes quite suspicious.

There's a lot of atmosphere here and not an overwhelming amount of dialog (it's in Spanish, with subtitles), both of which I consider pluses. What's up with the kids? Is someone or something controlling them? Probably. Are they in danger? Very likely. Sol becomes more frantic with each revelation, and when she discovers someone who may have been on the hill with the children - she suspects molestation - she and Felix take matters into their own hands to resolve the issue. But do they have the right guy?

Caro, our protagonist, is aces high, and Barreiro is a fine match as the husband who just wants to put all of this madness behind them and be thankful his innocent children are back safe. Something's sure amiss with Adolfo and Sara, but each step down the winding rabbit hole leads further into utter madness. It's probably more serious than even molestation. Here Comes the Devil is just straight up frightening.

PS: I've seen this film compared favorably with Peter Weir's 1975 classic Picnic at Hanging Rock, and I have to agree.
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Neither scary, nor suspenseful, nor gory, nor interesting.
suite926 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Parents Felix and Sol take children Sara and Adolfo on a trip. Sara starts her first period, which is a temporary alarm. After visiting a medic, they return to their motel, and the kids want to go exploring again. While waiting, the parents get interested in each other, and the time gets away from them. The sun goes down and the children have not returned from their trek to a steep, rocky hill. The police wisely advise to restart the search in the morning. The next morning, the police return the kids.

However, not all is well. Sara draws some disturbing art. Both Sol and Felix get unexplained bruises on their bodies. Sara has an unexplained seizure when she sees a man who was around just before the kids went missing. The parents do a dastardly violent crime at night. The babysitter has an horrific blackout. That is just the beginning of the family's descent.

Is the family doomed, or will they find a way back to sanity?


Cinematography: 8/10 Good, but not great.

Sound: 7/10 The actors were well-miked, but I was paying more attention to the sub-titles. The music was only mildly helpful for setting mood.

Acting: 3/10 Some people were in front of cameras while they hit their marks and said their lines. I would not call any of this good acting, however. There was way too much time spent with the camera on Laura Caro's stone face while someone off camera spoke. Francisco Barreiro was quite unconvincing.

Screenplay: 2/10 The film does tell a story, but it is neither interesting nor well told. The SFX and the hallucinations were not convincing at all.
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Huge letdown
MisterAwesome27 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I can honestly say I was really pumped for this movie after viewing the trailer. The trailer, however, makes it look like something it just isn't. Portrayed as a horror title about the devil, but merely comes of as a boring, stretched and far from scary flick.

The pace of the movie was just very slow. It felt like I was waiting for some climax that eventually didn't even come. Sure, slow pace can be beneficial for a movie, but there has to be some sort of development, either in the story or characters which is believable. The character played by Laura Caro was so ridiculous in here decision making it was just laughable. She saw things, heard things and even experienced things but never even thought about confronting her kids with them or even talk about them with her husband. I actually never understood why the policeman was in this movie, trying to get information about the couple if they didn't even do anything whit him in the end. Slap on some random nudity and a few gory scenes and you've got this movie.

At the end I didn't even care about anything happening to the main characters, they just felt really dull and so did the two children.

I was expecting a horror movie, with an interesting story, a scary atmosphere or at least some kinds of scares. Sadly, I was really disappointed. Don't led the trailer or the hype mislead you, it's not worth one and a half hour of your time.
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I'm hoping for an American remake
mandyhawley1 June 2014
Very interesting film that reminds me of pet cemetery. There was just a little bit to much nudity for my taste but it wasn't overly excessive to the point of diminishing the movie. When I see many of the reviews for this film I have to wonder if the reviewers watch many low budget horror movies. You either understand and enjoy this kind of film or you don't. there is a whole lot of subtext in this film. The main problem for me is that it isn't in English and reading the subtitles takes me out of the film, and makes it harder to catch nuances in it too. All in all as far as b or foreign horror gives, this is well acted, shot, edited and the story isn't out in left field. The pace will be a bit slow for some viewers. A great Netflix night pick. I'd love see an American remake.
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Better than I thought it would be
aarpcats14 January 2022
On the way home to Tiajuana, Mom and Dad stop at a rest stop and their two children want to do some exploring in the nearby caves. (No one seems to consider that there are rattlesnakes and mountain lions in this part of Mexico). The children don't come back, and the parents call the police. The police find the children the next morning and return them to the parents. When the children come home, it slowly becomes obvious that something happened to them in the cave.

This movie is about dread, sex and possession, and it takes the audience down a few blind alleys before it gets to the payoff. However, when it does pay off, it is the stuff of nightmares. Creeping sense of "ick" gives way to horror in the last ten minutes.

Finally, most kids love horror movies, especially if there are kids in them. This is NOT a movie for kids.
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I loved it!
BandSAboutMovies11 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
You need to get to know Adrian Garcia Bogliano. Beyond this movie and Late Phases, he has a movie called Black Circle that's trying to get picked up in the U.S. I have no idea why it hasn't, because it has a story about possessed vinyl records and one of the first roles for They Call Her One Eye star Christina Lindberg in decades.

The thing is, just from watching this movie, I could see the films that this Spanish born director loves. I mean, he used to use the name Massaccesi, Margueritti & Pandersolli for the films he directed. If you just got happy, you're a maniac like me. After all, Aristide Massaccesi is Joe D'Amato. His company Paura Flicks takes its title from the Italian word for fright. And within the credits of his films, Bogliano credits what he refers to as the ayuda espiritual (spiritual guidance) of Nicolas Roeg, Henry James, The Exorcism of Hugh, Sergio Martino, Eloy de la Iglesia, The Centerfold Girls), David Cronenberg, Donald Cammell, Picnic at Hanging Rock, The Entity, Los Iniciados, T.E.D. Klein, Sebastián De Caro, Dust Devil, William Finley, Marilyn Burns and classic rock station KGB San Diego. He's also referenced Sorcerer, Lucio Fulci, Takeshi Miike, so he could fit in around here.

The movie starts as pure exploitation. A lesbian couple makes love and then discusses how one of them isn't sure how to tell others that she is gay. That's when a serial killer attacks, taking the hand of one of them before being beaten. He runs into the night, bleeding everywhere, into a cave where he is never seen again.

The very same cave claims brother and sister Adolfo and Sara, who enter it and never really come back. Their parents are too lost in passion to realize how long they are gone. Something is wrong from here on in their lives and nothing, not even murder, can stop what happens next.

I want you to be as surprised as me at this movie, a film that caught me within the first minutes and never let go. This is a film that understands the power of 70's horror without being a carbon copy of what has come before. And those quick zooms throughout - Fulci would be proud.

I've been reading reviews of this film that disliked the hypersexualization of the story, as well as the "out of nowhere" levitation scene. Seeing as how The Entity is referenced at the close, that's exactly where that comes from. It all felt natural and new and vital to me.
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Lots of sex in the desert
This was a very... interesting one that kind of ended up in the middle of the pack for me while still having some interesting and original elements.

It's out there, for sure. It is quite stylized with sparing horror elements and a lot of superfluous sex scenes. The stripped down plot is nothing wildly original, but the way it was executed made it feel a bit more fresh.

I'm not going to pretend to be well versed enough to know what this style was emulating, but it felt like it was referencing something. Extreme moving zoom ins, interesting angles and a general quality that felt purposeful and set it apart ( for better or for worse). I thought the acting was really quite good across the board, especially with the mother and father.

Something felt a little off or lacking with this one, there were most certainly plot holes and storylines left unanswered. As a whole I liked it and felt it was generally successful, I think it was honestly just something different that I'm not used to. I would recommend but this is most certainly not going to be for everyone.
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Engaging and effective horror
arturmachado-2958818 April 2023
Mexican production by Spanish director/screenwriter Adrián García Bogliano.

During a family trip, the couple Sol (Laura Caro) and Félix (Francisco Barreiro) lose their two children in caves in the mountains near Tijuana. The next day they reappear without explanation, but it becomes obvious that they are no longer who they were, that something terrible has happened and changed them. The parents begin to investigate what could have happened with unimaginable supernatural consequences.

The performances are very good. A film that really manages to keep the interest in unraveling the mystery, with an effective atmosphere of dread. The end is somewhat unrealistic, but the message gets through and lingers in the viewer for a while.
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This movie had potential, but boy did It fail in so so many ways
anaraguilar28 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I am giving this movie a 4 because it made me laugh out loud more than once.

Let's go over some of these laughble/confusing/ frustrating moments. These are not in any particular order and they might not make too much sense if you didn't watch the movie... but I'll try my best.

1. After hanging out at a desert for the day, the family walks over to their car to head back home. The two children ask their mother if they could play a little longer to which the mother replies " go ahead, be back in an hour and a half." Does she give them water? No. Do they have cell phones ? I don't think so. Is this a desert that they are familiar with? No.

2. While the children are in the desert playing. The parents wait in the the middle of the day.. in a public rest area. They begin to talk about the first sexual experience they ever had.. no, not as a couple themselves but their first experience ever ( the dad was like 11 and the mom was 13 ) ... they used this as dirty talk while he pleasured the mother and they went into great detail too. After this they both accidently doze off from the hard work for a few hours. When they wake up they realized their kids have been missing for hours.

3. After looking for a excruciating 10 minutes , the cops tell the parents there is nothing they can do to search because it's night time. Parents naturally agree to this, drive to a hotel and have a good night's sleep. The next morning the mother showers while the father patiently waits on the couch for her to finish getting ready for the day.

4. Children return home.. parents don't take them to hospital. Not even after the mother sees huge bruising on her sons back.

5. Daughter gets period for the first time, mother takes her to public bathroom and naturally has her take her dirty panties off and puts them on the counter top where everyone washes their hands, she leaves the bathroom door wide open for good measure. This is when she catches the janitor staring at her daughter's panties which makes mother angry.. poor guy was probably thinking "I'm gonna have to clean that up later".

6. Daughter wakes up in the middle of the night screaming and having what clearly looks like some type of seizure and mother ask father "should we call the cops?".

7. Mother follows kids to the desert.. when she gets out of the car a man magically appears next to her and nods in approval to go follow them... this was one of the weirdest interactions .. you just have to see it.

8. Parents kill a man. Blood gets all over their clothes as the kill him. In the next scene they are in their shower .. naked with blood splattered all over their chest and stomach... how did that blood get there? Did they take off their clothes before finishing the guy off?

In addition to this list , the acting was mostly bad.. and the script was pretty horrible too.. the mother was decent actress at the least.

I speak Spanish and I had trouble understanding the father because he mumbled so much.
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Excellent New Mexican Horror Film from Veteran Argentian Director
jimi_lamort16 September 2012
Perhaps we are seeing a revolution in Mexican horror cinema today. Along with Jorge Michel Grau's excellent WE ARE WHAT WE ARE (2010), a story about a family of inner city cannibals, who must also like the Mexican horror film industry face change or disappear. Argentian horror film maker Adrían García Bogliano's newest film follows in a lot similar constructs.

Neither of these two recent Mexican horror films follow the country's classic monster horror formula of the past. They are both stylistically and visually very modern horror films. There are also extremely low budget and make excellent use of Mexico's dark and dirty urban settings and focus on the strife of Mexico's lower class families.

After a jarring opening of sex and blood, HERE COMES THE DEVIL is a unnerving, taunt and tension filled tale about a family that starts coming apart after a family trip to the outskirts of Tijuana. Parked at a highway truck stop, the two kids, Sara (Michele Garcia) and Adolfo (Alan Martinez), decide they want to explore a nearby rocky hill while their parent Felix (Francisco Barreiro from We Are What We Are) and Sol (Laura Caro) "relax" in their car, waiting for their two children to return. Soon the frantic parents wake up in the car to realize their children have vanished.

The real star of this film is the direction of Bogliano. From the very opening of this film he creates an atmosphere of tight slow unwinding tension that builds to the perfect closing shot that like the master Mario Bava is a very subversive wink at the audience. Getting to the final shot is where all the fun lies. This film is classic horror film making at it's finest. With excellent storytelling and a very controlled atmosphere, Adrian draws the audience in from the opening and sustains the suspense without giving the audience a chance to catch their breath till the final reveal. The score and sound construction is muted excellence too, that Hollywood horror films sure could learn a thing or too from. Adrian never tries to scare his audience with loud sound effects. Instead he builds brooding momentum with an acoustic guitar melody layered with creepy distant background noises. In one scene he makes fantastic use of a heavy metal song playing on the car radio. As the score builds so does the editing and pacing. This film is an excellent lesson in making the best use of what you have. With minimal characters and a tight focus on a interesting plot, you don't need a lot of money to make a great dark fantasy film. That is not to say that this film didn't have a couple of eye-popping set pieces that had an afternoon TIFF audience hooting and hollering at it's world premier! This film has so many classic horror film references from Hitchcock to Fulci, but what makes this film work is the economy in which it was made.

When it comes down to it this is a smart fun horror film that recalls those classic European grindhouse films that were cheaply made in the 70's & 80's without much fanfare. Fantastic film and my pick for Horror film of the year. Dark Sky should be rewarded for producing this Spanish language film and Argentinian director Bogliano is definitely a name to watch. I know i am now looking forward to going through his back catalog of horror films he made in Argentina looking for some more gems.
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Much Better Than the Rating It Has Received
eirenboy2 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The first scene was shocking but if this were remade in America the sex would be toned down and every other word would be profanity.

Anyway, I was surprised this movie has as low a rating as it has. I really liked the portrayal of Marcia's blackout. That whole scene was hypnotizing for me. I'm glad they didn't show explicitly what the kids were doing. The implication was horrifyingly enough.

I thought the acting was really good by the parents and Marcia especially. The kis were hampered by the lack of anything for them to do because their characters didn't really have to say anything for us to know what was going on with them.

I would recommend this movie but I would warn those I told to be prepared for some pretty explicit sex scenes and that there is implied incest.
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Really bad and most of all boring!
colonel5223 March 2014
OK I see the other reviews, and they must be from someone who works for the director. this movie was so poorly made and boring I could not watch it, and rarely do I run into a movie I cannot watch. I gave it 30 minutes thinking from above reviews that it would be good. But it was just so amateurish, and that made it very boring. The story itself is awful. the directing is well not very good. I like cheap movies and foreign movies, but this one is just crap. I wonder how movies like this even get funded? So I don't know what anyone would see in this. If you go ahead and watch it remember I warned you! So now it is up to you as to who to believe, about this movie. the review before mine said the same thing, but the others seemed to think it was great. The first part of the movie the kids disappear , they just walk off and you don't see what happens to them, then they come back acting weird. it has been ahile since I tried watching this so don't remember much aside from the first 30 minutes, which is basically what I just said, nothing be that happens. I skipped through the movie at the time and it was just silly.
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The gratuitous sex and violence makes it just about bearable.
BA_Harrison4 September 2015
Married couple Felix (Francisco Barreiro) and Sol (Laura Caro) are on a road trip with their children, teenager Sara (Michele Garcia) and younger brother Adolfo (Alan Martinez), when they decide to pull over at a truck stop for a break; while the kids go off to explore a nearby hill, the father explores his wife's nether regions. Everyone's happy! But when the kids fail to return, the worried couple call the police, checking themselves into a local hotel while they wait for news. Luckily, the kids are found the next morning, but although they seem unharmed, there is something about their behaviour that doesn't seem right…

Heres Comes The Devil kicks off with two buck naked lesbians grinding their honey-pots together in a intense, sweaty embrace—a scene that has absolutely zero bearing on the plot, making it the epitome of gratuitousness. Having firmly ticked the sex box, the film quickly moves on to some equally gratuitous violence, with one of the aforementioned young women answering a knock on the door only to be met by several swift punches to the fizzog from a machete wielding maniac who, having rendered his victim unconscious, proceeds to chop off her fingers. The second lesbian fights off the attacker, who flees the scene. Neither lesbian is seen of or mentioned again.

This sensationalist approach continues throughout the film, with frequent sex and nudity for no good reason, and one grisly moment that is even more brutal than the face-thumping/finger-lopping; it's a good job too, as far as I'm concerned, because without all the bare flesh and nastiness I would have struggled to stay awake, such is the gloomy atmosphere and leaden pacing of this sombre supernatural horror from Mexican director Adrián García Bogliano (some have likened the film to the haunting classic Picnic at Hanging Rock, which I have yet to see, and probably won't for some time now thanks to the comparisons).

Bogliano touches upon several interesting themes, including sexual abuse, incest, and revenge, but in the end it all amounts to little more than a trite supernatural thriller told in a manner that is neither fresh nor interesting, with a final revelation that is as old as the hill that features so prominently.
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