"The Flash" A New World, Part 3: Changes (TV Episode 2023) Poster

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Talk, talk, talk, as always
yannis_bal18 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
OK, let's say that having Eddie and the negative speed force play a significant role at the end of the series was an interesting idea. But the execution? The below are unacceptable for a series penultimate episode
  • The first 1/3 + of the episode, Barry isn't even there! Shouldn't the Flash series focus on the main character for the final episodes?

  • Talk, talk, talk... Of course the greatest superpower of the fastest man alive (when was he really?) is talk to the villain or to the antihero, to convince them not to do the wrong thing. "Eddie you can make the right choice" and "Nora, I know you re still in there".

  • And of course, on that note, where is the action? Talking about what has happened, what is about to happen, but we had so little action for this penultimate episode. And whatever action we had was not that effective or a real battle

And the cherry on top? The cast from 2023 to 2049 aged 5-10 years at most! Of course this has been done many times. And what was Eddie talking about? Did a 30 year old Eddie propose to a "60 year old" Iris? Or this would have a ripple effect throughout time and he would get a younger version of Iris to start their life together in the past.

The Arrowverse is ending in ruins, because on average. This is not how you write a shortened final season. Let's hope that the series finale is not just OK or even a bad one, but something spectacular, like episodes 9 and 10, so that the series and the arrowverse end on a high note at least.
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Could do with less Cecil but solid regardless
bardiaomega18 May 2023
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As always Eric Wallace STRIVES to make the side characters (such as Cecil which quit Literally add nothing to the show) the spotlight BUT Ignoring that and you got yourself a pretty solid episode with great action here Solid performance from Rick cosnett, Jessica Parker Kennedy and grant Gustin himself And it did it's job to set up the finally quit well with teasing the returning characters such as Zoom, Savitar and Tom cavanagh as the reverse flash And As said before I could ALWAYS do with less side characters that Robb the episodes from reaching their full potential, a clear example being episode 10 with the main focus being on Thawne and Barry.
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We've seen worse, but we've seen better
lbramson18 May 2023
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How do I put this? This episode was solid enough but far from perfect. I'd summarize it like this: a roller coaster with ups and downs! I like the speedster fight. I don't like that Cecile got a costume and a superhero name. I like Eddie and Barry's dialogue. I don't like the flashbacks. I like the opening scene and ending scene! I don't like how everyone hasn't aged in 34 years. I like seeing Nora again! I don't like the Cecile plotline. I like how finale this episode feels! I don't like how half of the episode has tho Barry. I like the entire climax of this episode! I don't like the first half of this episode! Overall, a messy but solid one. Way better than last week lol! 7/10!
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Only for the sake of Grant
gautamshub18 May 2023
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Ok this episode was better than the last one but still not better than the first of the last four episodes.

The fight scene between Nora and Flash was good. Grant trying to save this episode can be seen on his face throughout. Eddie repeating the same dialogue again and again from different angles. Iris as usual remains the queen of wall faced expressions like thought out the show. This is the second last episode of the whole show but it doesn't feel like it.

Just finish the series now. It's been a long time coming. It should have ended with a dignity after 3 seasons. But they kept on dragging and good actors keep on leaving the show after that (like Cisco and OG reverse flash).
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Half Good, Half Bad [6/10]
panagiotis199324 May 2023
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Live Reaction / Review for The Flash Season 9 Episode 12: Episode 11 was absolutely awful and I gave it a 3/10 rating, let's see if this episode is better. So we see the future (2049) and nobody looks old, what is going on? Im confused. Also no Barry, where is Barry? The structure of this episode is confusing. Their plan of using Cecile makes absolutely no sense, the writers are weird. So Cecile goes to the future, don't ask how, the writers don't know what they're doing, and she doesn't even ask Chester and Allegra why they look young?

The acting in this episode is awful (most of it). Finally Barry! Cecile gets a pep talk, even in the last episodes of the show they still overuse all the cliches and everything that is wrong with the show. I liked the conversation between Barry and Eddie. Cecile suddenly has her own suit in the future? Um.. ok. And the episode ends with Eddie accepting the power of the negative speedforce, becoming the avatar. Overall this is an ok episode, half of it is bad, half is good. I expected much more with 2 episodes left though. My rating is 6.0/10.
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Sad to see a show you love slowly turn into trash...
wongkcdavid18 May 2023
There has been so many questions since the beginning of this last season of The Flash.

We all know this is the last season, and most of the time, showrunners would end it with a bang... but with this show, it seems they just simply gave up.

The writings and directing are terrible, the story's boring, the acting... and pretty much everything... no way near what we've signed up for.

Like I said in the beginning, so many questions.. Have they changed all the writers and directors? Are they showrunners trying to ruin the show as the worst series finale in history? What's happening???

In this episode, I was so confused with the characters' age with all the present and future... They couldn't even be bothered doing proper make-ups? Only Iris had a few locks of white hair and not even wrinkles? Are they treating us viewers as stupid?

And not sure if anyone has noticed but since the beginning of this season, there has been ZERO chemistry between Iris West and Barry Allen. Are the actors in some kinds of fight in real life? Cos there has been NO hugs, kisses or even an affectionate eye contact between the two. While Iris keeps saying I love you this and that, she kept her distance and it was rather noticeable. I honestly don't know what the deal is with that. Is it the actors or is it the directing?

Just so sad the showrunners don't seem to be putting effort into it in this final season and we have to watch this trash week by week cos we've invested so much in it for the past years.

Never have I hoped a show to just end quickly and spare us the suffering. This is not the show I loved.

I don't know what I've been watching for the past weeks but I really really missed The Flash.
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Weirdly Good Episode
ewanadahlgren18 May 2023
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Upon watching this episode, I began to point out a weird pattern within the show's final act: I actually find myself genuinely interested in the show again. Like, I'm actually looking forward to each episode again. I set aside time in my morning on Thursdays to watch the new episode, and I'm coming to find myself invested in whatever the show has to offer.

As for the episode itself, it's good. The character moments (outside of Nora and Cecile) are really strong and believable, especially the dynamic between Eddie and Barry, I really felt conflicted and tense in the argument, which is pretty good for building up to a finale. I estimate that given how much material they have to wrap up, the final episode will be really, really long. And I'm looking forward to it because I'm actually invested in these characters.

The acting is on point, even for Jessica Parker Kennedy who really didn't fit her role to begin with, she did a pretty good job with the rather limited material she had, with the obvious highlight being Grant Gustin and Eddie's actor who's name I can't remember for the life of me.

This episode also left off on a really good note, I am curious as to where Barry will end up due to the fact that he's been to the past, present, and future, which begs the question of "what's next? Thawne's future?" Eddie, if you couldn't tell already has been an obvious highlight for me, I feel like his character was handled really well, and for once, the writers actually knew what to do with their material. Say, Eric... Where was all of this when we needed it? No, seriously... If he and the writing team were always capable of this, then how did they mess up that bad in times past? Who knows. Anyways, good episode. A solid 8/10. It would be a 9 if the characters were a little bit better and if the writing had a little more of a double meaning outside of Barry and Eddie's argument. I'm looking forward to how this all ends.
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The "next to last" was really bad
jp757019 May 2023
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I was hoping that somehow the final two episodes might redeem a series that has been going downhill for the past few seasons. But this next to last episode gives no reason for hope.

It is curious that the producers decided to make an early season minor character (Eddie Thawne) as the main villain in the final arc. Sure, the Thawne lineage has been a constant issue, but it was the Harrison Wells version that was the consistent thorn in the Flash's side.

As for some basic gripes, what is it with the glowing eyes? This has been a constant device across multiple Berlanti-run shows (shows like Titans and Supergirl). Can't the effects team think of something - anything - else to show that a character has gone bad or has otherwise been affected in some way? This has been overused to the point of being laughable.

Second, are we seriously supposed to believe that Chester, Allegra and Cecile in 2049 have not aged one single day? That's 26 years without any signs of aging at all. (And it cannot be due to meta-abilities because Chester is not a meta.) No, it is just another example of poor producing or just being cheap and trying to save money.

Third, the writing in this episode was awful and amateurish. Here is maybe the worst offender from Barry: "You sacrificed your life to save me. I never thanked you." What?!? How exactly do you thank someone that sacrificed their life for you? If this was a high school writing class, that line would earn a D at best.

The one redeeming part of this episode was that we finally got to see some Flash-y action, but it was very late in the episode. In fact, Grant Gustin seems to have had the least amount of screen time in these final episodes.

So here we are starting down maw of the coming final episode. Will it end with a bang, a whimper, or just limp off into the sunset. Will the final episode bring back Harrison Wells (in whatever iteration) or Cisco, or will they appear only in uncredited archive footage? Stay tuned. Or maybe don't, because the show has been a magnificent disappointment.
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A fairly good episode
stephanidhssabbas20 May 2023
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This episode had a nice plot with Eddie being manipulated by the negative Speedforce and some decent acting by the cast. However there are some plot holes because after 26 years noone but Iris seems to have aged and Cecile is still a superhero even though she is well over 70 years old. In addition I believe khione ruins the entire show just with her presence; she is such an annoying character.

All in all the episode wasn't that bad especially in comparison to what we have been accustomed to watching in the past 4-5 seasons , but it could still use some improvements . And lastly I suggest the show find a way to get rid of khione because she is one of the main reasons this season isn't as good as it could have been.
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Penultimate problems
ossie8519 May 2023
The third part of "A New World" is supposed to be the penultimate episode of The Flash; however, it felt like it was stalling for time. The episode was filled with clichés, bad dialogue, and cringeworthy acting performances, especially by Rick Cosnett (I'm sorry, but I don't feel he can lead an episode). Barry surprisingly absent for a large chunk also, when he should be front and centre.

The storyline itself felt like it was dragging on for far too long, and was very predictable

It's a shame that the penultimate episode had to be such a letdown, but hopefully the finale will make up for it. I have doubts though.
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Epic cringe
ignatov-4391617 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The penultimate episode of the series and what do we get? An incredibly overplayed Eddie Thawne, horrible drawn faces from Thor 4, useless scenes with Chester and company (the best episodes of recent seasons are the ones without them) and yet another drag on the plot for drag's sake.

Rewound every scene where Barry isn't there. Grant is the only actor on the show who cares about his role and the legacy of the series. If I got paid $10 for every emotion on Iris' face in this episode, I'd be a beggar.

If the last series is going to have a cringe-worthy crew as well, it can officially be stated that the series producer is the most incompetent person in the TV series industry.

How could all this have been fixed?

Bring Barry back for 4 episodes in 2013, run a parallel line up with Eddie, bring in the whole old cast and everything would have been fine.
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Sad to see it end this way
sbuhrman-7479822 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Who knew people don't age in central city after 10 years or so!? As the dialogue CONTINUES to be repetitive, dramatic, and carry no weight, it is comforting to know that the premise of this episode was a little bit better. Using season 1 Eddie to become the reverse flash in the future is honestly really fun. It just hurts to watch it when the words that people say mean almost nothing. I played better make believe games as a child than these writers can come up with today.

Chester's pep talk to Cecile literally consisted of the words "I don't care about Joe or Jenna..." ....then followed through by saying "love is all that matters" or some BS like that. This show has been writing their characters out of trouble for years now by saying Love is all that matters. Personally, I love my wife , but we don't fix problems in our household by looking at each other and saying "at least we love each other" and our emotions are just fixed. I miss the days when Joe West had an actual insightful convo with a character and boost their self esteem so they could see their potential.

Grant, once again, trying his hardest to finish strong and prove he was the right man for the job 9 years later! I give this episode a 4 because the positive is Grant and the premise that Eddie is turning into reverse flash and coming full circle. Everything else is pointless and overplayed. Isn't it crazy that we've had three of the final 4 episodes consist of a character having the negative speed force control their mind, try to kill Barry or his team, lose, and the crystal disappears. They're literally writing the same episode three different ways and it's cheating the fans out of a quality ending. I'm sure the final episode will be cool because it would take a lot to ruin the build up, but the build up has just been boring and pointless. This show deserved better. These actors deserved better.
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Lowest point in the series
deadshyguy21 May 2023
A worn cast in the future looking like themselves but just actually exhausted from standing around and talking so much.

It's crazy to me that they considered this a good ending and it won't be crazy if the people who wrote this get surd by Disney for ripping of Days of Future Past and shot for shot recreating the No Way Home Dr Strange pushing Spiderman out of his body. One would say it's a "homage" but they've poked at ripping off Endgame as well for Crisis. I can't believe I watched this entire series. I feel like the creators are liable for the damages caused to my mental health for seasons 1-9. This show was a mistake.
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An actually decent flash episode
Supersmashbro6942018 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So this episode is made up of two storylines. The first one is the unoriginal team flash (cecile, allegra, chester, khione and mark) trying to get cecile to take over 2049 cecile's body to find 2023 barry, who is stuck in 2049. This is sometimes a LITTLE cringe, and since it's character development for characters I don't even care about it's not really that good, but the idea of their plan is actually quite interesting.

And we have the second storyline. This is an extremely good storyline and I genuinely loved watching through all of it. It was basically Eddie asking Little Nora for help but Little Nora got possessed by the negative speed force but Barry came and had a speedster chase with Nora and then the two storylines in this episode intersected when Cecile and removed the negative speed force in Little Nora. Also, Barry and Eddie had an argument about the negative speed force and then Eddie decided to meet 2049 Iris and Eddie realized Iris loves Barry and the ending scene was literally Eddie deciding to become the avatar and on the blue crystal you could see Savitar, Zoom, Godspeed and the Reverse Flash.

Overall the CGI is not that bad in the speedster chase but some of the visual effects are absolutely outstanding especially when the timeline fractures and there was red lightning in the sky.

8.1/10 would be my exact rating for this episode, might decrease once I think harder.
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I'm gonna quote a comment I saw on YouTube
theodoreippon-4273423 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm very disappointed by this episode and I'm sure the last, one as cool as the trailer looked,is going to be a let down... So I'm quoting a comment I saw on YouTube as my review and if the guy who wrote it sees this please excuse me but I agree 100%:

" R Yumad aró 16

Cecile will one shot Savitar, Chillblaine will one shot Zoom and Chester will one shot Thawne with the power of love and friendship. Then Iris will beat Eddie with that same power until he comes to his senses and sacrifices himself again. Barry will transfer over his speed to Iris and ends the series by saying "We are the Flash". " Possible leaving room for a series spin off called "The Iris" or "The team flash".
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Eric Wallace is the Main Villain This Show is the Flash Not Team Flash & not Cecile & she's so Annoying Oh God!!!!
dleemarupert29 May 2023
Again!!! Why are the writes and Eric Wallace are making Barry so week he is the Flash & he is strong to take down the Negative Speed Force Cobalt Crystal from Possessed Nora but instead they made the Main Character so Week as always & why are they focus on Cecile beaing the main Character. The show is Call the Flash not Cecile's Show or Team Flash for God sake Please Focus on the Main Character or Iris 1 Question why is Cecile, Allegra are not age except Iris in 2047 So Disappointing and so bad that the writers have copied Dr Strange move from Spiderman No way home i hope WB and DC members have to Fire Eric Wallace he has already Ruined this show so much....
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