Dead Souls (2012) Poster


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Somewhat interesting beginning. Crashes fairly quickly.
frankblack-7996116 September 2020
Starts a decent haunted house film. About halfway through it starts becoming fairly silly. Definitely a movie for when you have absolutely nothing else to watch.
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Well, at least it had potential...
paul_haakonsen11 May 2019
There were two reasons for why I sat down to watch "Dead Souls", the first and most obvious one was the fact that it is a horror movie, given my life-long romance with the horror genre. But the most important reason was because Bill Moseley was on the cast list.

Let's get on with it then, shall we?

While the storyline had potential, I was sitting with an overwhelming sense of 'was that really it?' once the movie ended. It felt like director Colin Theys hardly utilized all the potential that the storyline had. And that was a shame because it crippled the overall viewing experience of the movie.

There wasn't much of any noteworthy or worthwhile horror elements in "Dead Souls" that haven't already been seen countless times in other movies. So for a seasoned horror veteran as myself, this was hardly an illuminating horror experience.

The acting in the movie was adequate, just keep in mind that the cast ensemble is rather small and limited, so there is a lot riding on the shoulders of the performers. They fared adequately, I would say. Nothing memorable though. And Bill Moseley, while he was in the movie, he was a mere support cast in the movie. So they made the most famous person and a horror icon nonetheless into a mere support character in the movie. No, just no. That was a blow to the movie that dragged down the enjoyment, especially since he only had a limited screen time as well.

I managed to sit through the entire movie, waiting for something extraordinary to happen or for the movie to pick up its pacing and throw something unexpected my way... It just never happened, and as such then my rating of "Dead Souls" is a less than mediocre one; four out of ten stars.

This is hardly a movie that made an impression in the horror genre. I am sure come next week, then I will already have forgotten about it. Nor is it a movie that you will watch more than once.
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What happened there?
miguel-guitarra8 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Yet again, as a horror/thriller/suspense fan: The movie starts off really well, and the first hour is very enjoyable. For those who read the plot, it's just that, and until that hour you may even be wondering about the low score on this movie. I watched it with pleasure until it crumbles down, like soufflés do sometimes. At some point, i don't know if someone ran out of ideas, the budget was downsized, or what the hell happened!!! This could have been a very cool movie (not top-notch but pleasant to watch for the genre fans), but it flopped in a really big way for the last 30 minutes. I feel sorry for this, but a movie, like a book, should be solid from page one until «THE END». So in my opinion, i'd give it a solid 6.5 until minute 60 or so, and then a solid 2.
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Dead boring...
natashabowiepinky11 October 2013
Beginning tepidly, and concluding with just about the most confusing, ridiculous climax I've seen like EVER, Dead Souls is another big FAIL of a horror film to add to my ever-growing list. It's also loaded with the cheapest scare tactics around, you know... the mysterious shadow in the corner, the girl on the swing... but when you turn round, nothing's there. Once or twice, this might be effective... but this constitutes 90% of the action, and quickly becomes an exercise in tedium.

I don't want to get into the dopey story, but I do want to highlight the last 15 minutes or so. Until then, I was ready to label it as a not very good, but relatively harmless piece. But then, the dead started coming back to life, with all other kinds of cockamamie going on... it wasn't big, it wasn't clever and didn't make one lick of sense. It could have worked I suppose if it had been well done, but this segment had more ham than a butchers. Yeesh.

Final Note: One thing I've noticed of late: The better illustrated the DVD box of a scary movie, the more rubbish it is. It's like they're saying: "Who cares if it's any good? All that matters is it looks nice on your shelf!!" 2/10
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markjosephpeek1 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Lame scares. Terrible dialog. Obviously a made for TV movie. It comes complete with an annoying teenage girl character. And, for some reason, the writer or the director hates dogs... two are savagely killed. I mean, kill as many people as you want, but leave the animals alone. The stepmother character was good and well thought out, however. And Bill Moseley never disappoints.

Maybe they decided to film a first draft... who knows.

You'd think that a Chiller original would be a little better.

I don't usually gripe about spending $10 on a DVD, but a fatty McDonalds meal would have been more worth it.

So, do yourself a favor and pass this one by.
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Promising start, terrible ending ...
peterp-450-29871626 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
A movie that comes in my list of a mediocre but "not quite good" horror movie. Things started very promising. The apostate priest who, cause of a strange reason, kills his whole family. His wife and two older children are killed in an explicit way. Of course one member of the family remains unharmed. The newborn Brian was hidden by his older brother in a drawer. Thus the ritual can not be accomplished and the priest nails his family on a cross and eventually commits suicide. What the actual ritual is, is not really clear in this film. A bit of a weird idea of the priest to connect Christianity to a primitive religion of Egypt.

The start wasn't that bad. How the priest slaughters his family gave me the impression that it would be an acceptable horror movie. I could predict that in the distant future the saved son would return to his home as a teenager and would be confronted with his mysterious past. The introduction of Brian and his kind of weird mother pointed out it was clearly a low-budget film. Once the mother goes to the hospital and the boy, now called John Petrie, goes to the town where the house is for sale of which he's the only heir, it gets a little better and even at times a little exciting. The cliché ingredients are again used such as ghosts appearing around the corner, creaking floors and doors that open by themselves. There were also moments when something appears behind someone and afterwards there is nothing anymore when that person turns around . It's all in there, and after the umpteenth time you're kind of bored of it. There's only one commendable moment in the whole film as Brian stands next to his old crib.

Then there is the introduction of Emma. A girl that came from i-don't-know-where and moved into the house, because it was already empty for some time. She wasn't very convincing and changed spontaneously from an arrogant kid to a loving and seducing teen girl. They are complete strangers for each other, but suddenly it seems as if they know each other for years. Together they come to the incoherent and incomprehensible discovery what the priest was trying to achieve and something is brought up as the "fifth nail". Then there's a senior police officer who retired after the incident who's still looking for the truth. They will organize a seance to find the solution.

And from here on it just get worse. The ghosts look abominable and the effects look very outdated. When victims return as living dead and want to finish the unfinished task, it really starts to look completely amateurish. In particular how the kids save themselves in the final scene. That looked like a really old 70's horror movie. The highlight was a zombie falling into a nail that finished him of.

A mixture of all sorts of horror genres with a strong start, but a historically bad ending

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Good Night, Little Brother!
wandernn1-81-68327413 March 2021
Like some other reviews here have said, MEH. That about sums this one up. It's not.....logical?? Can't think of the right word. Lot of cliché moments. And the end, was poor at best. Unsatisfying. 3/10
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clunky story telling
SnoopyStyle6 November 2022
Johnny Petrie (Jesse James) inherits a farm from his estranged birth family. He intends to sell the place and finds a squatter named Emma (Magda Apanowicz). Mary Petrie (Geraldine Hughes) is a disturbed patient.

The filmmaking is somewhat clunky with a few interesting horror scenes. The story is a muddle when it should be a simple telling. The premise is messy. When it gets to the reveal, it suddenly adds a bunch of stuff coming out of left field. On the other hand, the actors are fine. I've always like Apanowicz. I like Moseley. Even the bad actors are not that bad. The failure is mostly in the filmmaking.
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Better Than Anything on SyFy
gavin694214 June 2013
Upon his 18th birthday, a young man receives a mysterious phone call telling him to come out to a property he just inherited. Now, he will learn about his true past and the dark secrets of his family.

I would first like to point out that director Colin Theys is under 30, and has already accumulated a decent amount of credits. Now, they may not be big projects and he may not be the next big thing in horror. However, "Dead Souls" was better than average and I think we might be seeing Theys moving up in the world very soon.

The film as a whole has a creepy atmosphere and preys on the connection between God, faith and how far we will go for what we believe in. Other stories have told this tale with varying degrees of success. Here, I think we have a new angle -- the protagonist, despite being born into such a home, is completely unaware of it and experiencing everything for the first time. He is an outsider as much as an insider.

Not all of the acting is great, and some of the characters are a bit random and show up without reason. Even Emma seems to be thrown in there for nothing more than a romantic interest. I do have to single out Bill Moseley as doing an excellent job. He gets roles in many bad films and gives performances to match. Here, I think he gives it his all.
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Wasted potential
adeleysim13 February 2019
This movie would've been much better if the plot was more cohesive. Towards the end, I was really feeling like they lost it and was just hastily wrapping things up. The production quality was promising, so it was a bummer that it failed to keep the story tight.
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Worth the wait and the hype
spbswim15 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, for a made for TV horror film, Dead Souls really delivered. The first ten minutes of the movie were startling. I really did not expect to see such a horrific series of events. The film had some gore, but not over the the top, it had violence, creepy ghosts, zombies, and much more. I really enjoyed this film.

The story is about a crazed minister/preacher who believes that Jesus rose from the dead because he studied Egyptian magic. He attempts the ritual he finds in the bible on his own family, with disastrous results.

I am looking forward to reading some of this author's books. I will read Dead Souls, and from what I hear, The Dmeonologist is his best horror novel. Thanks Chiller for a great original film.
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Dead Good Story... Dead Average Film...
P3n-E-W1s318 August 2019
So winters heading our way and what better way to spend those cold dark nights? How about wrapped up with your beloved with a nice drink by your side and a spooky film on the picture box?

Dead Souls is one of those types of films.

From the outset, the screenwriter, John Doolan, does a good job of creating mystery while giving you tension. Everything appears fine in the Conroy family. Fathers hard at work in the barn. Mother is singing to her newborn. The teen daughter is in her bedroom listening to music. The younger brother is to-and-froing on the swing in the garden. Life seems blissful if a little impoverished. But as the minutes' tick by you notice mother is sick and father's work is darker than you expected... something isn't right in this Conroy household.

But in this little opening section, you can see where the deteriorations in the strength of the movie will come. The Direction.

Colin Theys is good at the action sequences but the building of atmosphere is not one of his strong points. The tension comes from the story and the strange happenings rather than camera and audio techniques. Though the ritual towards the end of the story is effective. Theys utilises his action style to help ramp up the tension and create a sense of urgency as the stereo chimes out the clock gongs.

The principal aspect that strengthens this film the most is the story. Which I have to say, is based on a novel by Michael Laimo. A novel that's now on my wishlist. I find screenplays from novels tend to have more power and strength, especially in horror now it's become overfilled with, "Hey! I've had a good idea for a film," writers and directors. The trouble with writer-director's is they are usually good at only one of those jobs; very seldom are they good at both. I don't know how closely the film follows the book so I'll give credit to both Laimo and Doolan for the build-up to the film's crescendo ending. I loved the ending, though I did guess the outcome, it's still expertly handled by all.

Lastly to the acting. Mostly it's above average. However, there is one person who lets the team down a little. Noah Fleiss as Mack is about as wooden as an actor can get. I get the feeling, at times, that he'd rather not be there. It's when the possessions begin that he could have come into his own by taking the mannerisms of the person possessing him. However, he just comes across as awkward.

On the whole, this is an average little ghost story nicely told. There's nothing new or exciting about the film but it is enjoyable and a nice flick to cuddle up with. Worth one watch at least - If you've already watched it then check out my lists for new ideas for your viewing pleasure...
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Would Rather Count Blades Of Grass Than Watch This Again
dfa12037419 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Johnny Petrie, a young man who's just turned 18, learns that he has inherited a farm house in a small rural town in Maine. Johnny travels to Maine (against his mother's wishes) to tie up a deal with a realtor that will allow the property to be sold off, but when he arrives, he decides to stay at the house and look into why he was left the property and why it's been deserted for so long. As the day turns into night, Johnny starts to witness strange happenings around the house, and before long, he learns of the horror that went on there 18 years prior.

Dead Souls has got to be one of the most boring movies I've seen for a good while which is a pity because it comes across as being a really decent supernatural horror. Nothing could be further from the truth, however, as the film just ambles along without any real direction, going about as slow as a snail in treacle.

The story itself isn't that bad, even if it is unoriginal, but it's the execution of it that makes it a lot less interesting that it could have been. The whole movie just lacked atmosphere, lacked any real tension, was not scary or creepy, and was pretty poorly acted in some scenes. If it had a better ending then it might have been saved, but even that ended up being a damp squib.

As for the characters, well, they were pretty much your run-of-the-mill annoyances, especially Emma who went around acting like the whole world owed her a favour or three. Actually I don't know what was more annoying...Emma's attitude when she's caught in a house that's not even hers, or Johnny for just blindly accepting her attitude and acting like it's him that's in the wrong.

The only real decent part of this movie were some of the special effects that were used, but that's obviously not enough to save this guff.

I'd only suggest watching this film if you're suffering from bouts of insomnia, otherwise it's best left well alone.
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Extremely competitive
jamesmoore-7959517 August 2021
Great competition going on in this movie to see which was worse: the acting; the script; the storyline; the direction, or; the score. Hard to pick a 'winner' as they were all awful!

Life is definitely too short to waste any of it on this dross.... Recommendation- Watch something (anything!) else.
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Inane and induces incredible rage
freecontractor16 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This movie almost made my veins pop at least twelve times in the duration of watching it. The actions and decisions made by the characters more than once made me ask the following questions: a) What is he doing? b) Why would you run there, straight into the lion's mouth when there's a whole open country around you? c) Why do the MC has such a romantic notion on ghosts? d) Why is the MC so annoyingly naive? e) Despite there being a whole lot of open country, 3 cars and a good road, your only method of escape is to run inside the vicinity of the farmhouse? f) How is that logical or even follow basic human behaviour?

And what's with everyone's obsession with picking up crow's feathers? They're crow's feather, not exactly rare like a pheonix's feather. One would simply ignore it, won't they?

Escuse me? You have vengeful ghosts trapped in limbo trying to kill you and crucify you, so you choose to summon another vengeful ghost to help you? What kind of reasoning is that? Where is your justification? Did the screenwriter drank too much whiskey and forgot to include that one part?

Unlike the other commentors, I have no problem with the ending. It's the road towards that ending which caused me to rage. All in all, it's a fine movie to watch with your family and a popcorn in hand on Friday nights, as long as you don't pay attention to it.
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No Soul
scythertitus10 September 2017
The makers of this film asked way too much of its two young leads, who aren't the most amazing actors and are required to carry nearly the entire movie with just them in an old house. Not only that but the dialogue just isn't there, so no matter what their level of talent they don't have much to work with either.

Then there is the direction, there is something very messy about most of the shots, and this usually does not seem to add anything to the theme of the film and just makes things feel confused. Also if this all wasn't enough there are also clear budget restraints that would hurt the film even if it did have decent actors, pacing, writing or editing.

There is some slivers of possibly good movie here, but it is hard to really piece them together and not really worth the effort.
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I give Emma 10+ stars. But, the movie, well..., uh... not so much. Good idea, but not very well done...
lathe-of-heaven22 July 2013
I really did honestly try to like this film. I normally do like small little low budget Indie Horror films, I really do. And, I think the premise was just fine. But, sadly, the script just ultimately took it down, I'm afraid. I don't think that the idea was developed very well; and I didn't feel that the direction was all that hot. The movie wasn't HORRIBLE by any means; there was some good camera work and a few suspenseful scenes, but all in all in my lowly and wretched opinion, I just didn't feel that it came together very well.

Now, if you handed a film like this to a director like Ti West, for example, I think someone with his talent could have shaped and improved it substantially. There is nothing specifically awful about the film; some of the performances aren't really that great, but I do think the key with this one would have been having at LEAST a far more talented director who would have seen the weaknesses in the script and corrected them in addition to directing it in a tighter, more effective way.

Now, let's get to the GOOD part...


I know, I know, I'm just being a perv guy here, BUT something about her... I thought that she was quite lovely... (sigh) Anyway, sorry... it is not very often that one of the Hollywood ladies catches my attention to this extent, but THIS one sure did!

Anyway, my humble apologies, back to the film...

So, I can't in all honestly really recommend it; it's just not that great. I was truly hoping for a much better film...
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Classical ghost story
siderite9 December 2013
I can't blame this movie for much. It is a typical horror movie for this age, where the script is a random mix of other films of the genre, the horror is done via camera angle tricks, the bloody scenes or the nudity are removed and most of the movie is people not understanding what is going on or running around like headless chickens when they do. But I've seen so many films like this that it doesn't bother me anymore. It's not scary either, though.

I loved the Osiris and Jesus angle and, while the rest of the story made no sense, the idea that modern gods are just knockoffs of the old ones seemed really funny. They could have done something with this other than a bunch of homicidal hillbillies looking for eternal life. I am sure they didn't intend it to be funny, but it was for me.

Bottom line: This film is so incredibly average that it becomes mere background noise. There were a few ideas in it that could have made an impact, but I am sure none of the creators of the film actually cared. The highlight of the movie has to be Magda Apanowicz, who is cute as hell, even if her character is a complete mess.
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Dead Souls delivers the shivers!
Horrific_Jungle31 October 2012
I thoroughly enjoyed this movie, and must admit I tend to be a bit jaded when it comes to some of the newer horror (esp. made for TV) movies. Dead Souls has a good, solid plot and it moved right along in the right direction.

The dialogue was well done, the acting great. The eerie atmosphere of the old farm was excellent. I loved this movie because I felt something for the main character, for what he was experiencing, which must have been terrifying. The connection to Osiris was well researched.

Michael Laimo, the author of the novel 'Dead Souls' upon which this movie is based, is one of my all-time favorite writers and I'm looking forward to his next book and, I hope, another movie adaption. Great job, Michael, the actors, actresses, director and film crew (make-up artists did an outstanding job as well).

Thank you all for helping make this Halloween extra scary.
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Release the dead souls.
loomis78-815-9890341 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
A few days after his 18th birthday, Johnny Petrie (James) finds out that he was adopted as an infant and has inherited the family farm in Maine. His Father had murdered the entire family in a religious sacrifice. Johnny was hidden by his brother and he survived to be adopted by his aunt (Geraldine Hughes) who raised him as her son. Once at the broken down country estate, Johnny finds Emma (Apanowicz) a stray staying in the house who agrees to help Johnny uncover his dark family history. This original production from the Chiller channel delivers a tense and gruesome opening showing the families' demise. Time is spent developing the characters even though the Emma character seems shoe horned in so Johnny has a love interest. The pace is slow but a few nice chills are sprinkled in to keep you watching. Johnny must repeat part of the ritual to release his dead families' souls and these scenes get quite tense. Certainly nothing special, this movie plays out better than it has a right to with a few scares for good measure.
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I liked this but it has two big problems.
spoken13 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
!!! SPOILERS IN POST !!! First off, the beginning is so low-grade in every aspect I can think of that I nearly stopped watching. But if you can stick it out until the mother goes to the hospital then things pick up nicely. And, too, a lot of little background facts are embedded in that awful start, so you need to listen.

Secondly, the wonderful orchestral music was not presented properly; although I did not hear any of the irritatingly loud "jump" sounds, I also couldn't hear it when it should have been a tad louder. So some of the opportunities for adding suspense went right out the window, and I felt let down.

On the other hand, I found the characters generally believable, and there wasn't one instance of awkward acting bringing me out of the movie other than in the very beginning. And you do need to remember that this is a horror movie, so it's short on artsy character development and the like.

The ghosts creeped me out, but not as much as could have been had the beautiful music been a better presence at times. And their story is something new to me, unique.

I can't say anything about the end without giving it away, but if you pay attention it has an interesting little twist on the "you won't believe me" thing.

I will buy the DVD, pre-owned, if it ever comes out, because I know I would watch it at least once per year thereafter. If something can be done to improve the volume of the background music (not the songs) for DVD then I will buy it new.

And last but not least, the soundtrack of songs should be something worth owning if you're a fan of such, which I am. But as of this writing I haven't found samples to listen to.

So sit back, pretend the beginning will be on the exam, and enjoy the rest.
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Nifty supernatural horror shocker
Woodyanders1 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Johnny Petrie (a solid and likable performance by Jesse James) learns on his 18th birthday that he was adopted after he inherits a rundown farm in Maine. Eager to start life afresh, Johnny leaves home to start over in this "new" dwelling. However, Johnny soon discovers that the house, which was been abandoned for 18 years, harbors a horrifying history about the deaths of his natural family. Director Colin Theys, working from a compact and compelling story by John Doolan, relates the engrossing story at a steady pace, makes the most out of the decrepit farmhouse location, delivers a few cool bits of grisly gore, and maintains a pleasingly spooky atmosphere throughout. The sound acting by the able cast helps a lot: Magda Apanowicz as sassy, but enigmatic squatter Emma, Geraldine Hughes as Jesse's stern and overbearing mother Mary, Noah Fleiss as pesky local bully Mack, and Jaiden Kane as smooth real estate agent Andrew Judson. Moreover, it's nice to see Bill Moseley in a welcome and refreshing change of pace good guy role as the helpful Sheriff Depford. Adrian Correia's slick and dynamic cinematography gives the picture a pleasing polished look. The shivery score by Jonathan Bartz and Matthew Llewellynn hits the spine-tingling spot. A worthwhile fright feature.
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A haunting little ghost story that has its problems, but still offers some entertaining chills and thrills
ersinkdotcom6 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
When reviewing movies, it's sometimes hard to judge them fairly by the mediums they were created for. For instance, to come down as hard on a TV-movie created on a small budget as you do a bigger one like the "A Nightmare on Elm Street" remake would be unjust. That's how I tried to look at Chiller's "Dead Souls."

Johnny Petrie (Jesse James) inherits an old farmhouse on his 18th birthday from a family he didn't even know he had. Tired of living under the thumb of his overprotective aunt (Geraldine Hughes), he decides to visit his boyhood home and solve the mystery as to who he really is. Upon arriving, he discovers his father (J.H. Torrance Downes) was a local preacher in the small Maine town. He went crazy one night and murdered his entire family, leaving the restless spirits of his mother (Elizabeth Irene) and siblings (Kyle Donnery and Bridget Megan Clark) trapped in the house for eternity.

"Dead Souls" is an effective little supernatural thriller from Chiller directing regular Colin Theys. He does as well here with the haunted house genre as he did with the zombie genre when he helmed Steve Niles' "Remains." That might not win many over, but I thought the Las Vegas-set living dead tale was an entertaining entry into the world of Saturday Night straight-to-cable B-movies.

Things tend to happen quickly in a 90-minute movie based on a 295-page novel. Yes, character development in the movie feels a bit rushed and it would have been nice to get them a little more fleshed out, but overall I thought director Theys and screenwriter John Doolan did what they could with the time they had allotted.

Just like most low-budget horror films, "Dead Souls" has one big genre actor it relies on to help bring in fans. In this case, we have Bill Moseley ("Texas Chainsaw Massacre II," "The Devil's Rejects") playing the retired town sheriff who's privy to the dark secret the old farmhouse and its property holds. Moseley adds a level of legitimacy to the movie, as I'm sure filmmakers were counting on.

"Dead Souls" is presented in 1080p High-Definition Widescreen (1.78:1) and both DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 surround sound and DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0 stereo. The picture quality is clear, clean, and easy on the eyes. Whether you watch it utilizing the 5.1 surround sound or 2.0 stereo, there are plenty of creepy bumps, screams, and jolting sound effects to keep the viewer on the edge of their seat in anticipation of jumping through the roof.

Special features on the Blu-ray release of "Dead Souls" include commentary provided by Director Colin Theys, Producer Andrew Gernhard, and Screenwriter John Doolan. There's also a tour of the set guided by Director Theys. Bloopers and TV spots round out the bonus material.

Whether it was his intentions or not, "Dead Souls" writer Michael Laimo did a great job warning audiences what happens when you lose faith in God and begin to think you need something else as a religious supplement to the Bible. I'm speaking as a movie critic who happens to be a Christian, of course. This shows the tragedy the fallen preacher's family suffered all because he didn't fully believe and rely on God to take care of them and their eternal souls. To make a long explanation short, it highlights the dangers of mixing cult and Biblical beliefs together.

I'm a sucker for ghost stories and, while not being as solid as theatrical releases like "Sinister" and others, "Dead Souls" still delivers enough scares to make it worth the viewer's time. The film does leave a little too much to the imagination sometimes when it comes to minor plot points. It relies on the audience's common sense to come into play and fill in what we don't see transpire on screen. However, if you can get past its weak points and just enjoy the movie for what it is, you'll find a decent little thriller here to keep you entertained on a Saturday night at the house.
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A Classic Ghost Story That Never Comes Together
jlthornb511 June 2015
An average, run-of-the-mill ghost story that neither succeeds or fails and only captures the imagination a few times. Director Colin Theys never really pulls the elements of the story together and fashions anything substantial from them. The cast is less than adequate for the most part with the stunning exception of the wonderful Geraldine Hughes. She gives a superb performance and gives the proceedings a touch of class. However, she isn't in enough scenes to rescue the movie from the oblivion to which it's destined to disappear. Due to the presence of Hughes, the film deserves 3 stars more than the 4 it would ordinarily receive on its own merits.
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Very good horror movie
wim-mortelmans26 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I read some negative reviews but I really liked the movie. It had some scary moments, the ghosts were well made and I finished the movie without being bored or watching my watch.

I like the fact that instead of the common cheap gore the movie actually tries to captivate its audience just by the storyline and not by blood and/or nudity. This is much more difficult to do.

The only predicable character is Emma. The way she suddenly appears in the beginning of the movie was too obvious. That could have been better.

But for the rest it is a very good movie. I will buy the Blu-Ray too...
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