100 Degrees Below Zero (Video 2013) Poster

(2013 Video)

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So badly done, it's funny.
wayne-52626 November 2013
Bad acting, bad effects, bad script, bad all the way around. But I loved it. I couldn't stop laughing. The father is flying across the Atlantic in a little twin-engine plane and Air Traffic Control asks him to descend from 30,000 feet. What? There's a huge snowstorm that has shut down the airport in London and the father and new wife manage to rent a car. The steering wheel is on the wrong side for the UK. They're driving in a huge snowstorm with the temp well below freezing and rainwater is hitting their windshield along with the fake snow. An 8.4 earthquake hits Paris but many of the buildings, including the Eiffel Tower and Arc de Triomphe are still standing.

Here's a drinking game for the movie: take a drink every time the brother or sister fall down. I think I counted 30+ times. This is my new favorite "Worst Movie Ever." Invite your friends over to watch this really campy movie.
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wow - just wow
winterishere28 April 2013
I don't usually post reviews - BUT WOW. This has got to be one of the worst things I've ever seen. I've watched through all kinds of garbage, sci-fi originals, terrible found footage horror movies and pretty much everything in between. I can't even begin to summarize the worst parts of this pile of crap. This is a truly terrible experience. The "acting", the script (I'm seriously wondering if there was one), The "special effects" pretty much every aspect of this thing is laughable.

In the end I was left with the following questions: How does something of this quality makes it out of the home studio? How long does it take to make something like this, a couple weeks? There are some decent (At least I thought they were before) actors in this, what was the incentive, a trip to Europe? In the end though, really why bother?
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Save your time
hezma227 April 2013
If the point of this production was to make one of the worst movies possible, then it was a success. I've seen better directed pornography, which incidentally, also had better acting. Nothing about this movie makes sense. If it weren't for the measurements of Sara, I probably wouldn't have been able to watch it until the end. Definitely not work the cost of electricity to turn on the DVD player. This piece of amazing should have gone straight to the garbage. It's not even good enough to go to television, as cable companies would have to pay advertisers to use their commercials during this movie. If this was made by a first year film student, it still wouldn't excuse the quality, or lack thereof, of this thing.
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Pretty bad
sas3182 October 2013
The description of this movie reminded me of the movie "The Day After Tomorrow," so I watched it on Netflix. I'm sorry that I did. This could possibly be one of the worst movies I've ever watched.

The acting was utterly terrible. I liked the theme of the movie but the plot was extremely disappointing. The only good thing was that it was suspenseful - whether or not the parents and kids will make it to the Eiffel Tower.

It would've been slightly more okay with a better group of actors, a director who knows what camera angles are good, and a better script. It had potential but fell flat on its face.
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Worst acting ever.
sanmccarron19 April 2013
This film is about a man trying to rescue his children from a terrible storm. The storm is used as a prop for the family drama and some parts of it seem randomly thrown in and is inconsistent in its application. Hopefully it had a really low budget.

Don't waste your time. This was an accidental online purchase for us. The movie has horrible acting. Sara Malakul Lane and Marc McKevitt Ewins are unbelievable... so bad that their falls are almost humorous. Bad directing probably contributed to the poverty of the film. There is a random girl in film who's reason for being there is flimsy at best. There is an accident near the end that is bizarre and adds nothing. Special effects are reminiscent of special effects from the 70s.
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Oh, come on! There are lots worse than this.
innocuous12 September 2013
Yes, it's another typical Asylum film, but we saw plenty of films from the 60s, 70s, and 80s that were much worse. At least it proceeds with some sort of plot and story-line. It's silly, but coherent. You can hear all the dialogue, which is sort of unusual for recent films.

There ARE a few things you have to overlook. For one, the bargain basement FX. It's also sort of weird to have virtually no extras, even in the normally crowded streets of Paris. The best way to watch this is to play the drinking game: every time someone falls down, you take a shot. You'll also enjoy hearing every Brit speaking with some unusual accent.

Definitely not worth the scorn it receives. See it if only to hear the geese story.
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Awful movie
sheilardavis5 July 2013
This is by far the worst excuse for a movie I have ever seen. Even the bad movies on the Sci-Fi channel that usually involve fill in the blank giant creatures eating people are better. I could make a better movie with my cell phone in my basement with my neighbors as the actors. Jeff Fahey was interesting in "Lost" but could have phoned this performance in and he was the only one in the movie with a modicum of acting ability. I can't believe I paid $6.99 to watch this mess on pay- per-view. Not one redeeming quality in the whole movie. My husband and I watched in disbelief as it just went from bad to worse. The special effects were not special at all. They were just ridiculous. The girl actor kept falling down and wasn't very good at it. She should not give up her day job of modeling. The other actors were amateurish. Overall, just terrible.
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Worth watching just to watch the producer cut corners.
davcramer13 January 2014
This disaster movie was about the onset of a mini-ice age in Europe, caused when the ash from numerous volcanoes blocked the sun, cooling the planet. The volcanoes were a accompanied by numerous earthquakes.

I don't watch a lot of low-budget movies, so I found myself fascinated by how cheaply they were able to tell their story. Other movies spend millions showing the effects of an earthquake. In this movie the camera shook and the actors fell down. There were a lot of earthquakes and a lot of falls. To show they effects of the falling ash from the volcanoes, they put the actors in a car, sprinkled what appeared to be clumps of laundry detergent on the window and then sprayed the windshield with a lot of water while the windshield wipers spread the detergent back and forth. As the climate suddenly cooled the actors began rubbing their arms with their hands and remarking how cold it was. And they filmed a car in a location with a minor snow storm.

Now I watched this movie on Netflix. It cost me practically nothing, probably not much more than the movie cost to produce. And it was worth every penny I spent and more.,
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Even when you know what to expect, the movie was terrible
TheLittleSongbird11 May 2013
I wasn't expecting much from 100 Degrees Below Zero in the first place. And coming from somebody who's sat through a lot of The Asylum's movies and hated most of them with a few exceptions, I knew what to expect. Why do I keep watching The Asylum's movies if they are so bad?(a question I've come across countless times by those defending any of their movies) Because there is something compulsively watchable and (when they're not insulting your intelligence) entertaining about them. As said I knew what to expect from 100 Degrees Below Zero, but even that didn't stop me from thinking it was terrible. The scenery is quite nice, but because everything looks as though it was constructed in a haste and with no love I found that I couldn't enjoy it. The camera work indicates either inexperience or somebody who doesn't care at all about how the movie looks, while the special effects for the storm look like a very rushed last-minute job. Audibly, the movie is little better if at all, the sound mixing is murky, while the music is generic and sluggish in tempo, adding absolutely nothing to the atmosphere. Clunky is a good way of describing the dialogue though it's also too kind describing it too. It is also silly and awkward, structurally so thin you wonder sometimes whether there is even a script. There is nothing original in the story, I would forgive that if there was anything interesting in the telling of it but the complete lack of fun or thrills as well as the dull pacing indicate otherwise. The way the characters fall is also hilarious, unfortunately for 100 Degrees Below Zero I don't think that was intended. The characters are cardboard and you don't care for a single one of them. There are even some that are introduced but seem to be there for absolutely no reason. The acting is really poor too, Sara Makaul Lane is a slight bright spot but she is a long way from great and her character and dialogue shares much of the blame. Marc McKevitt Ewins is very wooden and bland in the lead role, and if you're going to use talented actors like Jeff Fahey and John Rhys-Davies at least give them something interesting to work with because they came across as wasted here. Overall, terrible, regardless of whether you're familiar with The Asylum or whether you know what to expect or not. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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Someone give them a budget!
richard-cullen9713 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The plot idea was sound enough (after all, it worked well for the blockbuster that inspired it). Sadly the execution was very sloppy - even by The Asylum standards.

The caricatures (you can't say that they were developed enough to be characters) never develop in any way that encourages the audience to care about them at all. As usual there is a mentally underdeveloped son in the family. I'm not sure why The Asylum is so keen on this feature. Surely they could either write the part for an older teen or cast a younger actor? They drive to the Channel Tunnel - which is strangely being guarded by Eastern Europeans in US-style combat gear. Some attempt has been made to show a location - by placing a still photo of a Eurostar sitting in the tunnel mouth. It would be still, of course, as there is no electrical overhead wiring and, as we soon discover, no track in the tunnel either seeing as they drive through it in the Eastern European-registered car that they somehow obtained in the UK.

Also, it seems that the storm is so bad that all the roads in France have vanished.

The RAF also now wear US uniforms and use American ranks (although, at least they used a couple of Brits to play the parts). Really, though, how hard would it have been to use the right uniforms and ranks? Not at all. It just emphasises how lazy the production were being.

Now, they chose to film in Hungary. How much extra would it have cost to film in the UK or France where they could have used actors with appropriate accents and uniforms? There is doing a film on the cheap, and then there is producing something so lazily that it really does not deserve to have been produced.

It is actually annoying that I know of local actors and directors who can produce films of higher standards than this on a four-figure budget, yet their work remains unbroadcast.
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Loved it
Crazy_Cat_Lady-Paula3 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
It's so bad it's actually a great film. The plot is a mirror of Day After Tomorrow, just with worse acting and no film continuity. Some great one liners and heartfelt (not) emotion.

There was obviously no pre-filming research done by the production team: in the UK we drive on the left, have our steering wheels on the right, and the Channel Tunnel isn't a road link; only rail. They did get the logo right though. Product placement?

What was great about this film is the awfulness. It's hysterically funny without being a made as a comedy. It's a disaster movie in every sense of the word. Fantastic. I only didn't give it 10 stars because the sets didn't wobble. That would have been worth the final two stars.

John Rhys-Davis gave a star performance as a British Officer whilst wearing an American officer's uniform. Just about sums up this film really...
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This film is great
morag-campbell17 March 2014
After checking the IMDb reviews I decided to watch this, the reviews were so terrible they made me laugh and I figured the film would do the same. I was not wrong, this is the most entertaining piece of crap I have ever watched, nothing makes sense, and the acting is like watching 5 year olds in a school play.

The script is ridiculous, people flip between panic with the world literally crumbling around them, to joking and sauntering along like nothing is happening. They are also superhuman, they can survive incredible temperatures in t-shirts, although they do rub their arms every so often and mention how cold it is.

Direction is insane, sometimes it seemed like the cameraman was just holding the camera walking backwards shaking it about, it's incredible.

The sound production is all over the place, actually I don't think there is any sound production.

I would definitely recommend watching this with low expectations and a bottle of wine. I'm giving this 6 stars because I really did enjoy watching in disbelief at how bad it was. But don't get me wrong, this is a terrible film.
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Smallest cast ever for a disaster movie!
chet1921 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Paris is a city of some 7 million people, and they all evacuated in 10 minutes, leaving the main kids the city to themselves for most of the movie. This movie begs for IMDb to re-insert its message boards, just so we can make fun of movies like this. The dwarf dude from Lord of the Rings provided the only drama when he made the plane wait an extra 10 minute before taking off. How many times could the main kid run into the girl he was checking out earlier in the film?
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elavigne78855 May 2013
When I saw the name,Asyum,I knew what to expect. To begin with,any film,this company releases,will never be shown in cinema's in Canada, United State,United Kingdom,any euro country,Australia,or New Zealand. This film,was so stupid,that I had trouble watching it. Except for a few of the Paris settings, this film was not worth viewing. The acting was stupid,the photography was bad, do not buy this film. Rest assure,actors,such as Denzel Washington, Morgan Freeman,and Matt Damon,would never appear in a Asyum,film. The salary,these actors,would be paid,would probably,bankrupt,Asyum film company. Any film,this company releases,is cheap.
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Falling down. Lots of falling down
annharste21 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The brother and sister in Paris have one job. To fall down . . . constantly. So they flail their arms around or fall flat on their backs. And they never just get up. They lay there until someone helps them up. But the sister kicks a soccer ball size hailstone out of the air with her foot with no injury. The plus side is there are lots of nice street views walking around Paris. And how does John Rhys Davies go from LOTR to this? SPOILER ALERT: How is the key to being rescued, from a Paris experiencing constant earthquakes, to climb to the top of the Eiffel Tower? Because there couldn't be a place to land a helicopter in all of Paris. They are literally surrounded by places to land. And then a tornado comes? And still, they keep falling down. And then the Eiffel Tower falls down! Onto the Arc de Triomphe, which is 2 km away.
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Asylum puts the "B" in Bad....
MennoMan3 February 2014
No redeeming value at all. Horrible effects, Soundtrack is probably the same from all Asylum films reused. Some fair actors with poor scripts ... Two things I enjoyed... 1 - The Snow on windshield that looked like Soap flakes in water.... 2 - The Generals story of why he owed Steve (Hero Father)... Canadian Geese brought down plane in war and Steve carried him to the base... LOL ... This film would be great to watch for crazy scenes.. the disappearing Embassy worker that came back to get them..... Driving across grass entering Euro Tunnel.... Massive snow falling but no snow on ground... Cast trapping girl guy can not lift the wooden case loaded with boxes, doesn't remove boxes....... Helicopter Autorotation, blades not moving..... Paris evacuated yet cars can be seen in background even at end on Eiffel tower... While at top of tower, green grass seen in background.... Oh yea the prop-plane at beginning flying at 30,000 feet....... And on and on....
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It was actually below zero? Hmmm....
paul_haakonsen4 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
First of all I have to start out by stating that this particular movie is a production from The Asylum, so any avid movie fans should by now already know what they are in for here with this movie.

And yes, it delivers as expected, just as most other productions that is spewed out by The Asylum. This movie have all the trademarks that usually comes with their movies; questionable acting, thin storyline, two-dimensional characters that you don't really get much around to actually care about, and of course horrendous CGI effects.

So why do people watch these? Well, I watch them because they are so bad that they are actually fun to watch. I like to see in just what way do they manage to come up with something even more bad than in previous movies. And they never fail to amaze.

The story in "100 Degrees Below Zero" is about the volcanic ash cloud that spread from Iceland some years back, so they take point in an actual event, but just take it a notch beyond. This cloud quickly spreads to abnormal proportions and threatens to cover most of Europe in a perpetual layer of ash, blocking out the sun and bringing about with it a new ice age. Steve (played by Jeff Fahey) and Lacey (played by Judit Fekete) have to race to get to Steve's children in time before the dreaded winter claims Europe.

Well, story-wise, then it is a fairly 'straight-from-the-script' press as far low budget disaster movies go. There is nothing innovating or breathtakingly new to be seen here.

The effects in "100 Degrees Below Zero" were bad, yes, but not actually amongst the worst I have seen in this particular type of natural disaster movies. However, you just never for a single second bought into the destruction and mayhem that was supposed to take place in Paris, where most of the movie took place. It was just not very convincing or believable.

As for the acting in the movie, then it was a rather dull experience, even with semi-famous names like Jeff Fahey and John Rhys-Davies to the cast list. And the acting by the two playing the children was just laughable, and I kid you not that they were actually spending more time rolling around on the ground than they did standing up. I was laughing so hard at this, it took no more than a mild gust of wind to knock these two over. It was so bad!

I will give the movie some thumbs up though, as it, unlike so many other disaster movies, didn't have a pathetic ending where the main characters end up saving the entire world by thwarting a natural disaster.

If you enjoy bad natural disaster movies, then you will definitely find some enjoyment in "100 Degrees Below Zero", otherwise you might want to stay clear of this and find something more enjoyable to watch.
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Sooooooo very bad
veeajera17 May 2013
I actually created an account so I could review this movie and give it one star (and quite frankly, I wish I could give it zero.) Full disclosure, I am a little bitter because I didn't check the reviews first, and actually paid (PAID!) for this movie on demand. Woe is me. Within the first thirty seconds, I wondered if somehow I'd hit the wrong button and clicked on some high school students' class project (although had I done so, I suspect the quality would have been better.) I really can't add to the other reviews, but suffice it to say that everyone is right - the acting is worse than amateur, the editing is pathetic, and I could make better special effects in my back yard. Please don't make the mistake I did. Save your money. Anything you would spend it on would be better than this movie.
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Better than the original
Leofwine_draca25 December 2014
I wasn't expecting much from The Asylum's 100 DEGREES BELOW ZERO, a Z-grade movie rip-off of the Hollywood blockbuster THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW. After all, I hated the original, finding it boring in the extreme, so what could this film do better? The answer is that it's much more entertaining purely because it's so bad. So bad it's good, in fact...

The storyline involves a macho pilot (the dependable Jeff Fahey) searching for his offspring, who are lost in Paris during a deadly weather event which threatens a new ice age in Europe. What it all boils down to is a bunch of stock disaster scenarios, some truly horrible CGI effects, and more overacting from the cast than you can shake a stick at.

Still, it's far from the worst you'll see (try AGE OF ICE for that). Fahey works hard in his man-on-a-mission role, and underwear model Sara Malakul Lane runs around in a skimpy t-shirt despite the freezing temperatures, allowing the cameraman to ogle her at every opportunity. John Rhys-Davies pops up as a gruff military type, although he has a heart in this one at least.

100 DEGREES BELOW ZERO is perfect for fans of bad-but-funny movies and it's one of those ones that demands being watched with a glass of alcohol in hand. My favourite scene is when the kids in Paris hook up with their pop on the phone and tell him "there's nothing left" after an earthquake. This is accompanied with their faces screwed up into expressions of unbelievable horror. And yet, in the background, all the buildings are intact and you can see pedestrians and traffic going by normally. A great goof in a film full of them.
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mzefabulous20 June 2020
This was the worse scifi movie I have ever seen. The two young people need to take acting classes. They fell so many times for no reasons at all. It should be called, How many Times Will They Fall? The temperature was suppose to be 100° below 0, but the ladies wore no sleeve clothing running around as if it wasn't cold at all. Not even believable. Even the earthquakes, ice and snow couldn't save the show.
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nogodnomasters8 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is a must for Asylum fans. All others avoid this film. I couldn't stop laughing.

The film follows a typical Asylum formula for disaster films. While the world is coming to an end, parents try to reunite with their children. On your Asylum column marked "Disasters" please check the following: volcano, ice age, hail, earthquake, sun blockage, ice cyclone (hand write "ice" in front of cyclone, then check).

The German scientist (Iván Kamarás) speaks with an accent. The word "model" he pronounces "moe-doe" until 12 minutes into the film when he begins to pronounce it correctly. Like many films, it has subscripts showing the location which are typed in with accompanying typing noise in the background. In the first few instances the typing noise needlessly continues after the letters appears.

Dad must travel from England to France. He manages to get a car with the steering wheel on the left side and finds roads where he can drive on the right side. Who would notice a guy driving in England on the wrong side of the road with a car with the steering wheel on the wrong side?

This film also boasts one of the worse uses of a defibrillator. The operator used it over the clothes, no lubricant. Ryan (Marc McKevitt Ewins) is immediately revived after that.

The film makes for a great drinking game too. Everyone needs to do a shot every time Ryan is knocked to the ground. SPOILER: After doing a half dozen or so shots, you will need to do three quick ones at the end.

The acting and dialogue are typical Asylum grade. It promises to be hopelessly bad.

No f-bombs, sex, or nudity. 10 Asylum stars for lovers of bad films (1 star for everyone else) This was a stinker.
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O_o this isn't all that bad
zanty26 May 2013
If you are like me and have the attention span of a doughnut, then this should suit you well.. Also, If you like see busty cleavage-ridden babes, acting in a disaster movie, then.. this should suit you well :) It has a cast of well known names, yes hammy acting at times, but it's a good one to stick on in the background. Oh, and, did I mention the women :O Jeff Fahey, is yet again, some kind of ex special forces 'copter pilot, and, that is the funniest thing here. He doesn't seem to be tough enough for it, and, only knows how to twiddle the 'gearstick' on his 'copter', which is why, i'm assuming, he has a beautiful woman in tow! A nice movie to while the time ago, but definitely NOT the worst movie. There are far badder movies out there, this one, at least deserves a 5 or 6 for trying.
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Will leave you cold
russjones-8088712 May 2020
Following a series of volcanic eruptions, ash clouds block out the sun. An American couple rush to Paris before it freezes over to try to rescue their children.

Difficult to find the words to describe how bad this film is. The script is poor, the acting even worse. Everything is amateur. Except that would be unfair to amateurs. Do not waste your time.
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Not the best...
shojill1917 May 2020
Oh dear! This was pretty awful. Over acted, terrible dialogue - "We're Americans! We need help!" just one example. Special effects not very special, not seamless. I found myself chuckling at several places, where it was supposed to be serious! Passed the time, but I cannot wholeheartedly recommend this movie!
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Awful ... WHO makes such cr*p !!
adabsiz24 November 2020
Why was this tripe filmed in Hungary with American trucks, ambulances, cars, hospitals etc ? In mid-storm the daughter is wearing trainers and tight jeans like she was on a picnic !! There were no less than 7 producers for this artistic (and I use this word loosely) tragedy of a movie, including one called Codey Peck who was " behind the scenes producer " ... I hope they got some of their investment back !
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