VANish (2015) Poster


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A low-budget movie. Schizofrenic and downright bloody.
peterp-450-29871612 March 2015
"Max, hide the beers. I mean, who gives a sh*t, man. The whole van smells like pot and alcohol."

Seeing the title of this movie, it inevitably made me think of the legendary polish product, used to remove stains. I must admit that as the film progresses, and especially during the rough and gore climax in the end, they sure could use a load of this product to remove the resulting stains (blood stains that is). Eventually, the initial meaning of the movie title will be a reference to the fact that the entire film almost solely takes place in a van. "VANish" surely can be considered as a low-budget film that was made in an unreal short period. In 13 days they've made the whole thing and in a way you'll notice that.

Despite the low budget, the film still looks surprisingly fresh and professional. In terms of images anyway. The sultry and hot desert environment where everything happens, shimmers of the screen. Everything is soaked in warm colors. And although it's a simple story that was filmed in a driven way, there are some shortcomings in it. I'm a fan of low-budget movies. And after watching all these million dollar blockbusters, it's sometimes a relief to see a minimalist creation. It's the purity of such movies that intrigue me and not the dizzying special effects or the exuberant paid movie stars who appear in it. That this film won't be nominated for an Oscar is obvious of course, but usually there is still a revelation to discover in such a creative product. In "VANish" this is without a doubt the actress Maiara Walsh who plays brilliantly the part of Emma: a brave young lady who, even though she finds herself in a dire situation, continues to provoke and belittle the three kidnappers. A funny rendition that guarantees hilarious conversations now and then.

Another highlight is the brief appearance of Tony Todd, who I'll always remember as the imposing and frightening "Candyman" from the eponymous movie. A central interlude so absurd that it made me think of "Pulp Fiction" and the character of Todd as intimidating as ludicrous. I'm sure Tarantino could appreciate this fragment. Besides that, I think you can compare "VANish" with "From Dusk Till Dawn" (except that the latter with regard to the finishing touch and elaboration surely is from a different level). At first glance you might think that this is yet another Danny Trejo one-man-show. Are you a hardcore Trejo fan, then you'll be deeply disappointed, because he appears only for a few minutes (which I didn't regret). He might be a crucial part of Jack's (Austin Abke) established plan, but the final emphasis is on the interaction between the four protagonists and the hidden agenda of Jack.

The biggest disappointment was the denouement. In line with the slasher films of the 90s, this film ends in a huge bloodbath and the shown violence reaches excessive proportions. But ultimately, these violent scenes aren't really innovative and they look just as old as those of the good old days. Nevertheless you would expect them to be more realistic and credible with today's technology. It seemed as if the staff used buckets of fake blood on the set. Also, the three kidnappers Jack, Max and Shane were at one time really irritating. Admittedly, Shane (Adam Guthrie) and Max (Bryan Bock Brader, Director) weren't really sane (drugs, alcohol and PTSD are most likely the cause of this), but gradually they became more and more schizophrenic and hallucinatory insane. In contrast, Jack is an example of self-control. That's why a visit to his angry girlfriend, who broke up with him for unknown reasons, during the abduction is plain normal (for me this was a bit exaggerated).

Perhaps the biggest plus of this film is the simplicity of the story: two perfectly normal looking weirdos (a kind of "Dumb and Dumber"-types) abduct the daughter of a drug baron for ransom, the trip to the meeting is fairly chaotic, one of the kidnappers seems to have a different motivation, the denouement turns out to be quite bloody. And that's perhaps the downside of the film. A too simplistic story. Perhaps they should have extended that period of 13 days a little, to embellish the story a bit and improve the gore, bloody scenes. The movie isn't that bad, but maybe they rushed it a bit as if all hell would fall on them.

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Poor indie flick
85122228 March 2015
Greetings from Lithuania.

"VANish" (2015) is sometimes laughably bad, sometimes laughably gory, sometimes laughably stupid but most important, never good. The plot is very simple, and not really engaging. To be honest, i somehow managed to watch it till the end, till the very bad end. There was a shoot out scene at the end that has to be one of the worst shoot out scenes in the movie history - seriously, watch it closely and you will spot some very serious errors in continuity, terrible editing and even worst directing. What was the point of this whole movie?

Overall, to think that someone managed to spend a lot of money for creating this stuff and hoping to get it back kinda makes me want shake my head in disbelieve. The only think that was kinda nice in this movie actually was Bryan Bockbrader's acting. That i think was not bad performance at all, and you clearly see that this guy has some natural talent, although the material is wrong to make any real judgments. Overall, you can safely skip this flick and save some 1 h and 17 min.
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Upper hand
kosmasp17 July 2015
An independent/low budget movie that does deliver mostly. The story is nicely told and the action is nicely shot as well (there will be blood at times, so you can't be too squeamish about it). Don't expect to see too much of Danny Trejo though. I think he's doing a lot of movies, where he just has a small role (like in this one).

But the movie works well, especially the twists and turns along the way (no pun intended). There are a couple of different endings to this which normally isn't the best sign, but I think the ending that made it into the movie is the best one. It almost couldn't have ended any other way (even if it did and you can watch those scenes on your disk)
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A bunch of fake reviews for this movie it seems
Seth_Rogue_One18 July 2015
No one can honestly accuse this of being a good movie, let alone a 10 star worthy movie which some people have reviewed and rated it on here

Fair enough people's tastes vary, and I enjoy a lot of movies that aren't liked by the masses but seriously

This is a poorly constructed movie with Danny Trejo's face all over the poster and with top-billing, for what? 2 scenes which he could have done in his sleep, and I wouldn't be surprised if he was indeed asleep when filming this movie and was merely sleep-acting

And technically it wasn't 2 scenes, 1 of the scenes he was speaking on the phone and you only heard his voice, so it's really just one scene, I guess it was meant as a surprise cameo or something but the filmmakers were desperate to get people to see the movie so they put him on the poster regardless

Tony Todd has got 1 scene as well, even shorter but at least he's not on the poster

A first time director and it shows, most of the budget went to get Danny Trejo and Tony Todd in it I'm sure

I don't have much more to say about it because I don't really remember it much, it's a highly forgettable movie best left on the shelves
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Plenty of violence and fun
jtindahouse26 February 2015
After a month and bit of watching purely Oscar nominated films it always takes a bit of getting used to, and is somewhat of a relief, delving back into standard action-thrillers. 'VANish' is obviously a long way from being Oscar material but it's still pretty good. The dialogue actually holds together really well for the most part and the story moves at a good pace. In fact the pace really does move along at supersonic speed. The film doesn't even reach 80 minutes but they could easily have panned it out to 90 if they'd wanted to with needless extra scenes and irrelevant dialogue (or heaven forbid an opening title sequence). Bravo to them for being happy with the runtime and not insulting the viewer.

"Girl Power" seems to be a large part of what director Bryan Bockbrader has gone for here and it works. Almost every male in the movie is a complete moron and the one and only female is a calm and competent woman who rules over them all (even when her hands are tied behind her back). That's not to say there's nothing for men to enjoy - there's more blood, guts and gore than your average thriller, that's for sure. Maiara Walsh did a very good job in the lead role and her acting seems to have taken a step in the right direction since I last saw her in 'Desperate Housewives'. All in all a nice surprise.
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Didn't like this movie that much i wish it could did better
nikola1726 September 2015
well i am fan of Danny Trejo Machete, From Dusk Till Dawn, Dead in Tombstone, a lot more i love with his movies. reason i watched this movie i love R Rated bloody, shooting, chopping, lots of swearing, Mexican style cartels witch i really like my type of movies there was not much to say and watch again for second time because the movie didn't do much i love gore but trouble is i know Danny trejo is not main character for movie i like him as villain but i just didn't like characters and camera what they filmed looked terrible the way it's shot plot is easy made like director is out of ideas what's to write quick story OK i like quick story i have no problem with it but this movie has noting to do with Taken or Gunman films.

story follows is that girl named Emma (Maiara Walsh)was girl got kidnapped and forced to go at a road trip similar story like from dusk till dawn when George Conney taken family as hostage to go to Mexico but in this film you have 3 guys jack (Austin Abke), Max (Bryan Bockbrader), Shane (Adam Guthrie)were driving to met Carlos (Danny Trejo) was cartel was her father. in very half way of movie it's all about 3 guys and 1 girl in van driving like million miles these 3 characters were just idiots specially 3rd guy Shane when he had plan to escape Emma to find shotgun, then Max find out later about plan Shane kills him and leaves him the scene was very graphic scene i have ever saw very well made for low budget with blood with good work on it. thing is Shane turned against Emma because Shane has a blackout there was scene when Emma blows Shane head with double barrel shotgun to his head witch had very great action it and dialog when Shane said i got Axe Emma I GOT SHOTGUN BANG ! ending shooting scene was noting to it i thought another characters were boring specially jack was just jerk first of all he turned into bad guy to good guy ? come on i wish that was Danny trejo no problem with him as villain but him as good would not be that bad just way it ended like noting 4.10 noting special good gore bloody weren't that much CGI it is very low budget movie. there is Alternate Ending of movie i am not sure of on blu ray

there was a lot of gore high impact violence i love it that way it had less impact violence the movie didn't had much of action it had more of crime, thriller type of thing when you don't have much Action in movie. Danny trejo doesn't show up like almost to end of movie just shots sub machine gun at end movie went for 98 minutes long that's it i expect more then that for main role for trejo apart using him as villain i thought main actress Maiara Walsh wasn't too bad but i expect someone else Mexican actress i had no problem with actress and Danny trejo doesn't appear from ending of movie witch is just poor made for him to be in mostly for 1 hour of movie it's 3 idiots and Emma is hostage OK but eh this movie is noting special 4.10
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Surprisingly Good Thriller With Some Unexpected Dark Humour!!!
omendata29 September 2019
It takes a lot to make a movie set in one confined environment and this writer director has come up trumps with this.

I did not expect to enjoy this as much as i did as some of the acting is not that great, the gore scenes are actually quite funny and not well done but I am not sure whether it was meant to be black humour but it has accomplished it by accident and quite well I must say.

Ignoring all the deficiencies it was well photographed , directed and the female lead was good in the role so against all odds this film actually comes out quite a way on top of what I otherwise would have expected it to be. I would like to see the alternate endings which all sounded as good as each other so all in all this was a well above average nights viewing and I am giving it a very respectable 7/10.
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Inane, violent, and insipid
professorjeffreypbrown27 March 2020
If you're an adolescent, dumb, or just like action trash films, this is for you. It kills me how some filmmakers think that authentic means turning up the foul language to 11. It just shows a lack of imagination and an insipid approach to filmmaking. Leave this one for the jr high boys on their weekend out. Total waste of time
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Wasn't expecting much, but was pleasantly surprised
akayshafrost14 January 2022
I had fun with this movie. It wasn't high art but I really enjoyed the characters and their interplay. That was the best part really, I just liked listening to them talk to each other, but it was enough to keep me watching through the first half, and then I was just curious enough to finish it. The challenge they set themselves of only filming in and from the van was interesting. And the lead actress was very charismatic and beautiful, reminds me a tiny bit of Kate Siegel. Also always grateful to get to spend any time with Tony Todd or Danny Trejo.

It's definitely worth a watch.
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Poorly written and directed
AMZCali22 April 2018
Don't waste your time. Terrible cinematography in this clearly low-budget trash. The use of the n-word while talking about someone, was where I turned it off. The hostage throwing up oatmeal earlier is where I should have truned it off. Just wasted 20min of my life.
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A Very Well Done Thriller
jackbradwilson24 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
(Not sure if there is actually any spoilers in my review but I always tick the box just in case I write something that someone thinks is a spoiler; so they can't report me)

This movie is what I would expect from Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez if they were to ever co-direct and co-write a movie. It has a simalair feel to some of their movies and also it has the kind of ultra violence that you'd find in Tarantino's movies (the kind that some people feel is out of place and unnecessary; but it's never bothered me and I kinda enjoy it in a weird way). Additionally, the screenplay is very tarantinoesque and is written in a smart way and has a simalair style to Reservoir Dogs. I'm not gonna go into the plot cause you can read that on the IMDb page anyway, but the actors who play the captors and the actress who plays the captive, are the people whom we spend most of the movie with. They are all unknown as far as I know but they all deliver solid performances and bring their characters to life in a really good way; thanks to the good writing the actors do have something to work with and the characters do have more dimensions than one e.g. one of the captors always seems nervous about everything and has a drug problem and is haunted by memories from his past when he was in the army. You may have noticed the names Tony Todd and Danny Trejo on the poster who both have top billing but are both only in the movie for just under five minutes. However, both actors are on top form and make their scenes memorable; Tony Todd plays a cop who pulls the captors over halfway through the movie and Danny Trejo arrives in the last five minutes of the movie and plays the leader of a Mexican drug cartel who is also the father of the woman being held captive in the van. A hell of a lot happens throughout the movie and there is so much more to the plot than is suggested by the IMDb plot synopsis but to give loads of details would be to spoil the story. The thing that amazed me the most about this movie was that 95% of it takes place in side the captors van and yet the director still manage to maintain a good atmosphere and the movie can be very tense in places. The only real complaint I have is that the practical effects are a but iffy e.g. someone's head gets blown off and someone else's fingers get chopped off and both times the effects look cheap, although I am glad they avoided using CGI because on the film's small budget it would have looked even worse, however ultimately this doesn't matter too much and doesn't make the movie worse.

On a final note I would definitely recommend this to fans of Tarantino and Rodriguez and also to those who enjoy a good thriller. Also ignore the fact that this has been put into the 'horror' genre on IMDb, it has no horror elements and doesn't resemble a horror movie in anyway (believe me, horror is my favourite genre).
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Not a horror movie - but certainly some violence
starman-wa17 November 2015
OK so the first half hour of this movie was tough to get through because the acting was very poor - or so I thought...

After watching the whole movie I rate the acting quite good, especially from Maiara Walsh, who was brilliant. Initially the two guys in the van appeared to be complete half wits and I thought it was the acting but thinking about it, some of it was the characters they were playing - who were morons...

Considering the very limited sets and budget, this movie delivers an enjoyable ride. Some of the violence effects are second rate and some acting is below par but generally good - and as I have mentioned - Maiara played a good part - and is drop dead gorgeous to boot :) 6 stars - OK this should really have got a 5 stars but gave it an extra one because of Maiara Walsh :)
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amazon-842166 March 2015
This movie was pathetic. The acting (or over-acting) was almost laughable, it was so poor. Virtually the entire movie takes place in a van (which quickly gets boring). The character interactions (such as they are) are almost parodies unto themselves. The story is non- existent. Nothing is accomplished, other than serving as a platform for an hour and a half of gory bloodshed and mangled bodies. Playing up Danny Trejo as a "plus" for the movie is a joke, as his part is less than 5 minutes (and done just as poorly as the others).

If this were intended to be a farce, it was highly successful. Unfortunately, from what I can tell, it is supposed to be a serious movie. The language is extremely raw. As to "special effects", I have seen better "bloodshed" in high school drama class. The make-up was overdone. And the basic premise was so unbelievable that I almost turned it off several times -- only watching to the end so that I could make sure I could review the entire movie.

Stay away from this piece of junk. It is truly horrible.
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Not worth your time.
OmairCh24 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
OK first lets get one thing out of the way. Tony Todd (Candy Man fame) has like 4 mins of screen time and Danny Trejo has like 5 mins out of the total 1 hour 13 mins of runtime. the rest of the cast is somewhat unknown or sidekicks from other movies.

Girl is kidnapped by three morons and from there on forward nothing makes sense. The way they kidnap her, the reason they kidnap her and the whole VAN trip is without any substance. Some blood is there but no impact like which you find in Quentin Tarantino movies.

The end fight is like it was choreographed for a school project. If you are looking for a movie like this which is actually good then please watch "The Baytown Outlaws" as i can recommended that any day.

Seriously just avoid this and find something else to watch cause in the end you will definitely feel like you have just wasted your money and a significant amount of time.
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The name of the movie tells you what to do when you are ready to watch it
adi_200214 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
A young woman is kidnapped by three guys who demand money to her dad in order to free her.

The movie is bad but at the same time entertains and it's fun to watch if you don't take it serious and enjoy the ride. The situations, dialogs, the plot all are ridiculous. There are some graphic kills in it, but in rest is kinda humorous even the battle between Shane and Emma will keep you smile for the whole time. Still there is not much to say about this, is short only 75 minutes, almost the entire movie takes place in a van, what can I say, it could be the perfect movie for gore fans. Yes, and the ending was kinda dry, I actually liked the songs in the credits more then the film.
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Foutainoflife2 February 2019
This is a kidnapping for ransom with a twist film. While a ransom demand was made there is more going on than simply wanting cash.

This is a low budget film but I didn't find it to bad as bad as some of these horror snobs have made out. I thought the plot was decent, the acting wasn't awful but it wasn't great and the camera work was passible.

I liked that it was bloody and for the most part, it had a steady pace. It isn't great but it isn't an unbearable movie either. You'll just have to check it out and see how you like it.
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Hopelessly flawed, but somehow interesting
lemon_magic9 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
It was kind of cheesy of the promoters to put Danny Trejo's face so prominently on the poster for this movie when he was barely in it, but I understand the reasoning - without his name value, no one would have paid any attention to "VANish", thinking it to be just one more in an endless sausage chain of low budget mean-and-gritty thrillers. And the movie uses his limited appearance effectively - "VANish" is a better movie with him than it would have been without him.

There is enough talent and craftsmanship involved here to make "VANish" intermittently interesting; it's even chewy and funny at some points, and there are a couple of genuine shocks. But the four young actors who carry the movie don't quite have the "larger than life" quality to pull off some of the outrageous lines and actions that are the movie's reason for existing. And they don't seem "hard" enough. I didn't believe for a second that the kidnappers were capable of accomplishing their stated objectives (Give them a few years to mature, and they might - all of them have obvious talent.). And the screen play doesn't quite manage to successfully pull of the shifts in tone and emotion it tries for. There's a whole lot of "whoa, where did THAT come from???" moments here that aren't really justified by anything that came before.

But it's interesting that 90 - 95% of the movie takes place inside and around the confines of a van, and yet the director makes that limitation work for him. I was never bored with the setting and appreciated the way the setting managed to focus and intensify the near Pinter-esque interactions between the characters while also adding the subtext and fascination of a road trip from Hell.

Props to Terry Todd for a fine reading of a very quirky character whose appearance and fate in the middle act of the screen play definitely pumped things up. Again, the movie used him well (as much as they could afford of him), and "VANish" was a better movie with him than it would have been otherwise.

If you like the kind of thing that Tarantino and Rodiguez specialize in, "VANish" might have enough of it to repay your interest.
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If only it would completely vanish.
garcinder20 September 2019
I never rate anything this low. Unfortunately '0' stars was not an option. Can't believe Danny and Tony were that hard up for $$$. I hope they did it out of friendship. Production values are very lacking. Guy gets brutally, massively stabbed to death with a machete. Blood everywhere, right!? Then when the killer throws the machete on the back floor, it's bright and shiny, not a drop of blood on it anywhere! So many other oversights, but this one really stands out. Just stupid overall, don't waste your time on this one.
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Not bad thriller in a camper van
Leofwine_draca15 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
VANish is one of those micro budgeted thrillers set entirely inside a single location; this time it's a camper van. The story is one of kidnap and violence, as a group of criminals take a young woman hostage and proceed to go on a road journey from hell. It's not as good as Bava's RABID DOGS or even the French remake of that film, but it's better than I expected and it does feel like a proper movie. The film features a couple of crazy cameos from genre favourites Tony Todd and Danny Trejo and some exceptionally violent interludes that make good use of the effects at hand.
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Crazy, awesome, messed up, wild ride of a film. Totally worth seeing.
Huntergun2 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
When I first heard the concept of Vanish, (being shot entirely from inside a van) I thought the idea was interesting and ambitious, but I didn't really think the concept could hold up for a full feature length film. At least not for sustaining audience entertainment value. Wow, was I wrong. The entire film is shot from inside a van, but don't let that fool you. Vanish is a fast paced thriller with surprisingly kick ass action sequences and unpredictable twists and turns throughout the film. Scene after kick ass scene, I was pleasantly surprised, impressed, and entertained all the way to the end. To pull off something this ambitious, (and claustrophobic) you have to bring together a ridiculously talented cast. To the casting director's credit, Vanish's ensemble cast was incredible. There were exceptional performances by the entire cast, especially by Maiara Walsh and Bryan Bockbrader, which is doubly impressive considering Bockbrader also directed the film. Seeing film legends Tony Todd and Danny Trejo act in a low budget indie film was also cool, and to see them actually go for it instead of just cashing in their performances (which they could've easily done) was especially refreshing. The uber suspenseful Tony Todd scene is one of my favorite moments in the entire film and I'm sure I'm not alone there. (Spoiler Alert) I won't mention anything too specific, but I will say that the twist/turn that occurs in the third act was both completely unexpected and extremely well executed. This is probably why I enjoyed the reveal so much in all it's bloody glory. Newcomer Adam Guthrie deserves special kudos for pulling off this absolutely insane sequence. (Double props to the F/X guy) As a self-proclaimed film buff, and a working filmmaker myself, at the end of the day I judge a movie by three basic qualities. Was I engaged through the entire film, did I enjoy watching it, and did I think about the film the next day. Vanish passes all three tests for me, which is why I would recommend it to anyone who likes this genre of cinema. Just don't watch Vanish alone with your grandma...unless she's into the whole ultra violence thing.
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This film takes pathetic to a deeper level
cmovies-9967411 August 2017
PROS: If this movie was a dark comedy, it didn't do half bad... But it wasn't a dark comedy so it was pretty awful.

CONS: To start us off, the plot??? Not only is it so poorly constructed, but it makes absolutely no sense either. With most movies you can pull out plot holes, but in VANISH there was no plot to be had! Another issue was the genre selected in this film. You could obviously tell that the director wanted a horror but failed at the script, so instead he filled the movie with worthless gore and blood. And to add to the monstrosity of gore fest the acting was crap. After a mans face is cut into with a saw he laughs (it was a terrible, unthinkable, and unrealistic laugh) and lives to fight back! Like C'mon, who do they think I am. Yet another trouble with VANISH was the ending. Trust me when I tell you, the ending is a plot twist that shouldn't even have been considered. Just because you put in a plot twist doesn't make it a good ending, it makes it a sad excuse for a horror film. Last but not least, CATCHPHRASES! From classics like, "You're roadkill," and, " This is your dead end," and last but not least," You took a wrong turn."
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37 minutes in
jmharvick-755-93828118 August 2019
37 minutes in and I had to turn this movie off. The acting is absolutely horrible, predictable. The guy that plays the friend of the main character is a horrible actor. He plays a military veteran who is nothing but a whiny little turd. I've never know a veteran to be like that.
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Silly, Gorey
bemyfriend-4018420 December 2021
Silly. Gorey. Attempts humor; but doesn't quite achieve it. Not believable. I almost watched the whole film. Seen on Tubi, the free streaming site, which has many indie films, foreigns, older major studio, and now, live TV.
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Four wheel thrill ride
kayla-mcarthur5 March 2015
I was immediately gripped withing seconds of watching 'VANish'. When meeting Max and Jack, you can't help but become attached to the characters, even though you speculate that maybe, they aren't the most wholesome of characters. It becomes evident upon kidnapping Emma, that they have very little experience in the matter, especially when they add the undoubtedly awkward Shane into the mix. They all travel towards their destination with what seems to be separate motives and as it all begins to unravel, you're sitting on the edge of your seat, captivated by action and delightfully demoniac violence as the plot twists further.

It's visually stunning and brought me to that same blissful state of entertainment that I would normally get from a Tarantino or Rodriguez film. It's like nothing I've seen before, the fact that it takes part almost wholly in the van adds to the thrill factor, as if you were yourself, along for the ride. It is a masterful feat that Bryan Bockbrader, wrote, directed, produced and starred in the film and that kind of dedication is few and far between. The appearances by seasoned pro's Tony Todd and Danny Trejo adds to the frenzy of excitement. The cast has wonderful chemistry and the writing is extremely intelligent and engrossing. All and all, a gripping outside of the box (while inside a van)tale unlike any kidnapping thriller you'll ever watch. It's available on DVD, Blue Ray, Video on demand and iTunes and I highly recommend checking it out.
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An indie film that delivers!
candymancarson25 February 2015
What hooked me in was that they had Danny Trejo's mug on the poster (which by the way I think is one of the better indie posters I've seen in a long time). Now, I always come in with very low expectations when it comes to a Danny Trejo film as he's in every single film you can imagine so his quality control is scant. Having said that, I thoroughly enjoyed this film. It surprised me on how entertaining it was having only been shot entirely in a van! The director Bryan Bockbrader highlights this very well, using the tight space and passenger POV to claustrophobic effect. His performance as the sadistic half-brother to the film's protagonist played by Austin Abke is equally effective in its own right. Performances were solid overall with what may possibly be a career-turning role for Maiara Walsh as the acerbic and witty abductee of the brother's scheme to rip off her formidable, drug lord father: the one, the only, Danny Trejo. Tony Todd's brief but memorable cameo was especially exciting to see as well as new comer Adam Guthrie as the junk fiend, ex-military buddy along for the ride. Though maybe not an awards contender, VANish is a fun, fast-paced thrill ride that is sure to entertain even Trejo skeptics like me.
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