Mythica: A Quest for Heroes (2014) Poster

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Entertaining, and a decent effort
Cornelius_Sneed13 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
All in all I enjoyed this movie. Yes, it has its problems, but for me at least, the positives outweighed the negatives enough that I was entertained.

Costuming is good, if somewhat stereotypical, the sets look real enough, and the acting is appropriate for this sort of film. The characters are well written, engaging, and likable. The script is good enough to not be a distraction. It isn't high theater, but it isn't supposed to be, nor does it try to be. The score is quite grand, which leads me to some of the negatives.


The score is a bit too grand, at times. In several scenes we are treated to a triumphant theme that sounds more like it is intended for when our heroes finally prevail, rather than what we're actually shown, which is the group plodding across an ordinary field. This may be the way the film makers chose to edit rather than what the composer intended; there are a couple of places where poor editing regarding the soundtrack is apparent, the most blatant being in a scene where the music abruptly stops, apparently caused by someone pressing the mute buttons for those tracks instead of fading them.

The CGI creatures are actually quite good, at least when seen alone. It is when they have to interact with the human characters that we see some problems. For example, one of the CGI creatures we see quite a lot of is a gigantic ogre. Whenever one of the human actors attacks it, we see them facing the camera, and swinging or stabbing with their weapon. Then there is a jump-cut, and we see the ogre reacting to the attack. Rarely do we see the actors and the ogre in the same shot when they are close enough to interact. Similarly, we see many shots of the ogre batting at someone, then a jump-cut, and the person falls down. I think this is probably due to budgetary constraints, however, rather than inept animation.

The movie is a bit too "Girl-Power" for me, but not quite annoyingly so. For example, in one battle scene we see several full-grown, armed and armored orcs killed by a very small girl armed only with a knife. This is apparently accomplished by pluckiness, determination, and girl-power, as the character seems to have no prior fighting experience. I must say if the orcs were really this easily dispatched, they would probably have stayed home rather than going out marauding; I have to think any species that was bad enough at fighting that, armed with sword and shield, they could still be easily killed by a slight young girl with a paring knife would probably realize this and find something less dangerous to do with their time. However, I think I am probably not in the target audience for this. Teenage girls who are into sword and sorcery will probably absolutely love it.

Worth a watch if you can overlook the negatives. I liked it enough that I will watch the sequels
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Imagine, if you will, an enchanted land full of magic, adventure, and super shallow writing
ericjcant-11 February 2018
Take every standard fantasy cliche from popular fiction, role playing game conventions, fantasy cosplay etc and behold you get Mythica! A series of predictable adventures at the fan fiction level of writing, acting and effects. There is a good chance that as you watch this you will find yourself thinking, "this is just like..." or, "this reminds me of..." Ut's not exactly bad though, it's just that there is absolutely zero originality. The creatures, the characters, the quest(s) lack any sense of genuine depth, and are entirely derivative. With that said, I didn't dislike it. I just wish it was more genuinely creative and compelling.
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The story of Mary Sue begins Warning: Spoilers
OK, so our main character is the definition of Mary Sue knowing a lot of complex things she could not have learned as a slave. You may think "Hercules" taught her but it seems he only taught her some basic magic. Another interesting part are the mythical creatures or rather lack of. The CGI is extremely poorly made , so bad that I know movies from the 70-80's that have more realistic monsters than this one (Sinbad's journeys for instance). The only thing that was interesting was the redhead who was hot as fire and the only character that was not paper thin was the half elf. Most of the dialogue sounds like written by a kindergartner and he story is pretty much non-existent. Also what happened to all that trapped people? weren't they supposed to save them? That being said I cannot say I did not enjoy the movie as the redhead is hot.
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Much, much better than expected
mfcoder-imdb15 August 2015
You watch a movie on the SyFy channel, entitled "Mythica: A Quest for Heroes" and your expectations aren't set high. Released this year, and you think "uh-huh". However, Mythica, is a surprising treat.

The opening, pre-credit scene, with clunky cgi leads you to lump what's to come in with the majority of SyFy's home-grown output, but pretty soon you release this is much better.

The plot is decent enough, the script is good, and the actors give a good show, especially the female lead, in a strong, interesting role.

We're in low-budget territory, but the "flash-back/forward" scenes are nicely done, and it's only the larger 'monsters' that suffer from the lack of budget. Fight scenes are so-so, but there's a decent depth to the characters, and the story. It's pleasant, and up-lifting ... just because it's low-budget, they haven't scrimped on the script, and it's nice to see a fantasy tale handled seriously by all concerned.

The first part in three films, it stands fine by itself, whilst leading into the larger story. Some characters are a little thin, but this is 'D&D' territory, so there's a typical collection of characters to expect.

This isn't a Hollywood blockbuster, but for what it is, it does very well. I'd rather watch a movie trying to be something, than one which just pads time, without any originality. Mythica is a good, entertaining watch. Let's hope the sequels live up to this good opening.

Well done to all involved.
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A somewhat mediocre quest
TheLittleSongbird27 August 2015
Was expecting more from this movie, as it did look interesting and with the right execution it could have been a fun film. In the end it wasn't bad but also not good, rather a mediocre movie with some things to make it watchable.

Melanie Stone does give a great performance as the most interesting and well-rounded character of the movie., though most of the characters while stereotypical were likable and engaging. The special effects are above average, looking rightly proportioned , don't look too cartoony and actually looking complete, the ogre is pretty intimidating. The music score is very grand and rousingly and nicely orchestrated, fitting nicely within the movie, the theme song is pretty catchy. The costumes are very nicely done and give a real sense of fantasy adventure.

For all those good things though, there were a lot of ways in which Mythica: A Quest for Heroes was lacking. The scenery can be drab, and photography is unfocused with erratic shots and fuzzy picture quality. The sound sounds very dull, and tends to favour the music, making its grandeur occasionally rather too grand, drowning out the dialogue. Not that the dialogue was anything to write about, it does sound rather trite and stilted with some awkward humour. The story does lack excitement, suspense and fun, it's all a bit predictable and bland, while the action is undermined by unexciting and too safe choreography, confused and sloppy editing and a lack of interaction between the human characters and the creatures.

The direction does show occasional inspiration but is mostly flat and the acting is at times stiff, especially from Nicola Posener. Kevin Sorbo's screen time is very limited (only five minutes) and he has next to nothing to do in this time, he can be entertaining but he goes through the motions here. Overall, not bad, not good; a mediocre quest with its moments. 5/10 Bethany Cox
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An AD&D module come to life...
sfinancing22 February 2018 a good way. Not even sure that's a thing anymore, but those of you of an age, and geekish as myself, will know what I'm talking about.

The story moves along well and is surprisingly well written. Acting is well done by the relatively unknown cast. If you are a fan of Sorbo, besides being in the promo photos, his role is minimal(as in maybe 3 min screen time). Plot, well I'm not giving anything away telling you this is a fantasy quest movie, heck its in the title.

Direction is well done.

CGI is...ah...well...there is some CGI. Considering the extremely low crowd-funded budget it wasn't terrible. Costumes and creatures weren't bad.

Overall, not a bad way to spend a couple hours and worth a binge watch of the whole series if you have Amazon Prime.
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Lacks character development
slowj-915138 March 2018
Would be so much better if they focused on character development and less on scenes of them walking around. Overall, it's ok, but could be much better.
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A surprisingly good indie fantasy movie!
paikia24 April 2015
I wasn't sure about this movie when I was considering whether or not to back it on Kickstarter, but I went for it anyway. Even after the Kickstarter campaign succeeded and I got the movie, it took me a while to actually watch it, not being sure what to expect from it, while having so many other promising movies and TV shows to watch.

But when I eventually did bother to insert the DVD into my PC's drive and start watching, I was pleasantly surprised, and by the time I got to the second half, I was beating myself up for not watching it earlier! Sure, the first half of the movie is a bit slow and the entire movie is far from being a masterpiece. There were long minutes I felt like this movie might end up being a disappointment after-all. But that feeling faded away very quickly, as I kept watching, and by the end of the movie, I was sure I was going to back the second movie on Kickstarter as well. At the time of typing these words (April 24th, 2015), the campaign is coming up on its final week, so if you're reading this in time, please consider giving your support. :)
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An OK movie..
DBLurker25 May 2016
It isn't awful. If you are pining for more LOTR/Hobbit but know it'll be a long time before someone creates expensive movies like Jackson did, you can settle for Mythica.

Mythica is trying to channel Middle Earth franchise in every possible scene, from Ork's to shots of the party running through open fields. It's all OK, doesn't look bad and mimics LOTR movies just fine. Even the acting is fine, not amazing, but good enough to not make you laugh at people trying to act.

The problem comes with the plot and the action.

The plot is just a cliché-fest of epic proportions. Nothing you haven't seen or heard before in video games (and movies). So good luck getting invested in anything the heroes are doing. That said, the plot gives a good enough excuse to send our heroes on an adventure and that's what will keep you entertained. Until of course, the action shows up..

Why do small Indie movies insist on adding CGI that they KNOW will look bad thanks to the low budget? The Ogre is terribly done, even some houses are CGI in shots and look fake thanks to no shadows or just terrible post processing done to them. The only scene that looks good with CGI is the one where a creature chases them in the forest. That creature blends well with the environment and looks good enough (acceptable). Rest of the "action scenes" with Ogre involve our heroes acting dumb while air (CGI Ogre) hits them and they fall down while a small crippled chick beats the Ogre (cause, she's the hero.. totally believable guyz). Like Gandalf, she refuses to use her powers when they could actually use them.

In the end, movie isn't bad. It just could've been way better without spending more money at CGI (try hiring people who know how to do action scenes).
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Wow, I was expecting bad, and found a gem
the_doofy14 May 2015
This is one of the better D&D style movies i've watched, and I watch them all.

The special effect are sub par, so a lot of youngish viewers are going to crucify this gem. Acting B, costume B+, Plot B, Storyline B+, special effects C (good stuff on the mage/witch though), dialogue C +, direction A-, music B+, sword fight scenes D, homegrown magic scenes B+.

After watching this I had my wife watch it, and she liked it quite a bit, and thats no mean feat for a fantasy.

I was particularly impressed with how the character development was done with out viewer knowledge. Since I am now middle age, I've had a bellyful of special effects and movie glitter, I look for overall quality, I don't need state of the art effects if the rest is good, i actually kind of enjoy it.

Since I am familiar with the whole D&D thing, although I don't role play anymore since a stint in high school, I was impressed on how the movie adhered to that universe, pretty impressive feat overall.

I suppose the fight scenes could use more realistic choreograph in terms of sword stuff, but the gritty down to earth magic stuff compensated for it

The costumes and magic are more real then I am used to seeing in these style movies. Clothing was kind of disheveled and soily, magic was earthy, desperate and hurried--

overall this movie was a real treat
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Nice Indie Fantasy and two more parts to come.
sven-49-69477623 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
With Mythica 1-3 Arrowstorm is going for adventures in a complete new world. Of course this is still a low-budget independent movie but the quality is increasing constantly. This is also possible since more and more money is collected from Kickstarter. Therefore the costumes and settings are already quite good, and I like the landscape. The effects are "ok" but could be better: Some spiders and the snake e.g. look really cheap, and the ogre has some good and some bad scenes. And by the way: The wolf was borrowed from Survivor to save some money ... but why not. The story is not new but not that bad. I like the idea of having the young disabled magician Marek running the gang, while she is exploring her dark side and her necromancy. Melanie Stone does a great job and dominates most of the movie. Marek is cute, but Nicola Posener with red hair as Teela looks gorgeous. Independent fantasy and those ladies are worth 7/10.
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Light hearted fun
dancingdebra22 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
If you are into fantasy genre or medieval backdropped goodies and baddies type films, this is quite a pleasant way to while away just under 2 hours. But otherwise, it is what it is, a lower budget film that cannot compete with Lord of the Rings, Game or Thrones or even the Narnia films. I imagine what has been achieved effect-wise is probably very well done considering whatever the budget was. But when there's such competition out there, I can't help feeling less CGI and more human characters could have been used more effectively. And the film just does not stand up well to scrutiny if you think about it too much as there are a few bits that just plainly make no sense. Spoilers below.


Believable acting (considering the lines!)

Absolutely beautiful backdrops and locations

Good costumes

Collection of like-able characters that comfortably cover different personalities with a few clichés thrown in; 1. cheeky thief, love rat chappy, 2. brave and determined female lead, 3. strong and thick set man and 4. beautiful supporting female who cannot fall in love with anyone as she belongs to a religious order clearing the path for our lead to have romantic entanglements

Intriguing supporting characters


Story just not told very well, e.g. the lead is being attacked by an ogre so scoops up spider venom on an arrow. I think we can all guess what she plans to do but there's a shot of the arrow dripping in venom just to ram it home. And yet another section where our plucky lead inexplicably looks at one character as her eyes turn black, his go the same way, magic solves their problem, everyone coughs a bit and then moves on to the next stage of escape with no explanation about what she could suddenly achieve through magic she has never been taught and failed dismally at about a day before. I'm all for intrigue but it just feels they hadn't decided what the reason is behind her powers and couldn't tell us rather than it being by design.

Script weak and made me cringe a couple of times when someone said something cliché. A lot is said that doesn't need saying and then at other times, things aren't explained very well and would have come across better if there was better quality dialogue.

The lead's magic talents seem to include a bizarre range of skills that only work sometimes and are deployed suddenly without her knowing she could ever do them before.

The characters feel shallow and not well thought out. Maybe its because this genre usually springs from novels where characters have back stories. I might be wrong but I believe this is written as a film, not an adaptation. There are long montages of the characters walking across beautiful landscape and yet no overnight camps around the fire when their conversations could have told us so much about their characters and developed their relationships a bit more or small obstacles to their quest which would have drawn them closer together.

There are lots of small bits which make no sense, e.g. a character who was kidnapped then rescued, opts to continue her journey alone. I assume saving her again may be the premise of the second film? A opportunistic character who leaves everyone and runs away leaving our heroine under a bush while there are baddies about, then suddenly decides he loves her later on and therefore he will risk his life for the other people he pretty much hated when he last saw them?

Odd slow motion effect for some of the fights or running away sequences. I remember this effect being used when we are meant to be looking through the eyes of something un-human but it just kicked into this film and then stopped again. I found it a bit strange rather than having a positive impact.
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"The desolation of..."
shinsrevenge25 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
...Smaug? No, there's only desolation here. Mithica is like a Tolkien movie, watered down a few times. Terrible makeup and bad special-effects. It starts like this: A wizard walks through a desert version of Stonehenge, sees an open portal between the stones but keeps walking fast around them until he decides to go through. Only to find a dragon-cave with a cgi failure of a dragon behind it. So what to do? Get out a stone, shout at the dragon and wait to get eaten. Makes sense...

After that we see a woman grieving over a dead woman. Then countless short scenes showing different things that make no sense. Then back to the woman. Another short scene in a dive with drunken people. Then a woman walks in the dark.

If I'd have to take a wild guess, I'd say that some of them are supposed to be memories. But you can't really tell, because the scenes aren't well placed. They are just thrown into the movie. It's as if someone took the script (which must have existed at some point), put it into the shredder and then started making this junk, which barely counts as a story.

It pretty much goes on like that. Good, you get to see Kevin Sorbo. But that's about all the movie has to offer and it's a total waste of time. I don't know if it was a low budged production, but it sure is a low quality one.
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I want more
andyt-465-97197828 March 2015
I agree that the movie was better than expected. It is patient where it needs to establish mood, the characters are well established and the world feels like an actual world.

There are a few scenes that stick out because of their poor quality. For me those exceptional moments only show that the movie is on a pretty okay level, otherwise ... as long as you do not compare it to big budget Hollywood movies, that is.

The stakes are fine for a first movie of a series, but the storytelling does suffer a little because the focus is mostly on the character interactions. I have hopes for part two and will be one of the people who pledge in the upcoming campaign on Kickstarter for Mythica 2: The Darkspore.
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'Independent' garbage remains garbage none the less...
Gyogurt28 March 2015
I don't mind how much indie or low budget this trash really is, that should not be an excuse for its horrible standards.


The actors almost all seem to be forced to do it, zero immersion from the acting.

CGI are horrendous, no matter how low budget u call it. Smoke coming out of chimneys looks so bad u wanna laugh, not to mention CGI snow and other effects. I did not make it to the spiders that others have declared 'cheap' so I don't have to do the effort of forgetting them either. I had to stop watching after about 45mns and decided to write this review as an attempt to spare others the same ordeal.
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Melanie Stone does a great job
dougwelkch29 December 2015
This is a good movie with a lot of positive messages in there for young women.

It's pretty ambitious and in my opinion they pulled it off. As a point of reference, the Hobbit, An Unexpected Journey cost an obscene $180 Million to make.

To me, it's important to support Independent Film and it's fantastic what they did on their limited budget with this film.

Moreover, I really appreciated Melanie Stone's performance. The optimism she portrayed in her character's thirst for adventure and for doing the right thing was 100% believable and infectious. All the cast did well, but Melanie's performance seemed especially authentic and made me want to stick around to see what happened.

I will be watching the rest of this trilogy.
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First in an indie fantasy series
Leofwine_draca4 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
MYTHICA: A QUEST FOR HEROES is the first in a series of low budget independent fantasy movies shot in Utah. These feature Kevin Sorbo in support, still trading on his glory days back in HERCULES: THE LEGENDARY JOURNEYS. The plot is nothing special, and given that this is the introductory film, way too much time is spent on introducing the various characters and setting them up in their story lines. Expect dialogue to outweigh action, and then some. The LORD OF THE RINGS influence is undoubtedly obvious, with one supporting character made up to look EXACTLY like Gimli in that film trilogy, but otherwise the costumes are decent and some of the visuals are very nice, particularly the snowbound vistas.
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Low-budget fantasy, tolerable but derivative
neil-4766 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
We are in mediaeval sword-and-sorcery territory. Crippled slave girl-cum-trainee magician joins young priestess in search of her kidnapped sister, in the company of disgraced but honorable muscleman palace guard, and womanising rogue and petty thief.

This low budget fantasy fim, crowdfunded, features a lot of nobodies and a cameo from Kevin Sorbo. The thing is, it's not bad. The nobodies perform well without overacting. The story is adequate. The script does well without shining. And visually?

Well, the CGI always looks like CGI, but the designs and animation are fine, they're just not integrated into backgrounds that well. But costumes, sets, locations and production design generally are all very good, and far better than you would expect from low-budget.

Having said that, you will see a lot of visuals which will be very familiar from the Lord Of The Rings movies.

This was £7 for a series of 5 DVD films and, on the basis of this first one, good value.
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Not awful
ijameson1 September 2019
The cast did as well as they could with what they had.

Some character development would have been nice. Perhaps the sequels will provide that.

Watch it on a rainy lazy afternoon.
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Just the beginning...
MattsChristina29 June 2018
I watched the first one (The Quest for Heroes) because it was on Amazon Prime and looked interesting. It was okay. I went a few weeks and then decided to watch the next movie, then the next day I watched the 3rd. By this time I'm used to the characters and want to find out what happened next. I watched number 4 and 5 the following day. Each one seemed to get better. Understand this, these movies are not incredibly well made. It looks like it was made for TV and not theater quality, which didn't bother me. Acting was good, filming locations where beautiful but the CGI was low budget. It really seemed like I was watching a TV series with really long episodes. Especially since this is one story broken up into 5 movies. I liked it and really wanted to watch it to the end. If you like the medieval, wizardry, love story, underdog type story...this is for you.
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Pleasant Surprise!
CoalFyre3 May 2015
It's rare that I score a movie above 5/10, it's rarer still that I'd take the time to review such a movie, but this one deserves it.

I found the script fascinating, the dialogue and character progression was exceedingly fluid. In an age where CGI defines ratings it's refreshing to find a fantasy genre done with a focus on role-play and make-up/props.

In a way it reminded me of the storytelling found in titles like "The Princess Bride" or "Labyrinth", but softened by the Indie budget.

Without a doubt this movie would appeal to fantasy fans of the 80's & 90's, but as entertainment I'd recommend it to everyone.
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Low budget, yet entertaining.
paulclaassen10 June 2018
They did not have the same budget for this Lord of the Rings-ish film, but they certainly made the most of it and I can admire that. The film has a really awesome score, though, and great costumes and great locations. Some scenes are absolute fantastic with great photography, others not so great, but certainly not bad! Ultimately, I thoroughly enjoyed this fantasy action adventure with very likable characters. There are wizards and magic throughout the film and towards the end ogres, orcs, and giant spiders - this was really entertaining! Loved it.
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Beginning of a quest ... for heroes I reckon
kosmasp19 May 2021
Ok so this began everything. Timeline wise it would have made sense to watch this before I watched the direct sequel ... I don't think I would have the sequel any better to be honest though. This slightly tops that, having fine enough visual effects - for the budget the movie has to work with that is! Do not expect anything that will make your jaw drop.

Having said that, if you are into fantasy (maybe even LARP) this will float your boat alright ... a nice group of people who seem to have fun. Hopefully same can apply to you ... which might be, if you suspend your disbelief and lower your expectations! A lot - this is not Lord of the Rings or anything close to it ...
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Seen Better, Seen Worse
daralynn-303398 July 2018
I really wanted this to be a GOOD movie. It was written and directed by a woman and stars a woman questing for adventure. What I got was MEH. I was disappointed that it didn't live up to my expectations for overall enjoyment. The thief, Dagen, tries too hard to be a Casanova, Teela, the priestess, is a bit too rote in spouting off rhetoric about her goddess, Thane, the muscle in this band of misfits, just wants to get the girl (Teela) and settle down; while Marek, the mage/conjurer, has good intentions, her results can sometimes leave a lot to be desired. She does manage to come through in a pinch, though.

One obvious, to me anyway, distraction was the nose prosthetic on the dwarf behind the bar. I supposed I've watched too much Face Off because I could see the glue along the edges - on the left side when he's facing camera - and it's also lifted along curve of his nostril. Other things that got in the way were the lack of drama and suspense in the fight scenes. I never felt like any of them were in real danger of dying, no sense of urgency, all very one note. Marek is the most likable fo the bunch but seems a tad bit too excited - naive maybe - about going on dangerous adventures. I wanted to be drawn into the story and really care about the characters but it never happened. I wanted to believe that what they were doing was important and I needed to feel the urgency of it all but I didn't. It fell flat for me because they didn't really make me believe any of it. E for effort but they definitely fell short on the excellence part.
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Why did I bother
misti-4587729 March 2018
In the pantheon of poor movies, this one rates as a complete donkey. Not only a donkey, but one with half its teeth missing and a wooden leg. Annoying really - I had such high hopes. *Sighs*
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