After We Leave (2019) Poster

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If this movie wasn't bad enough, the ending makes it worse.
Top_Dawg_Critic26 February 2020
I'm not one to slam new filmmakers, but newb writer, director and producer Aleem Hossain should've had a seasoned screenwriter go over his script.

The premise of the story was decent, but there was too much filler and very little substance. The ridiculously long and unnecessary near-still camera shots got annoying very fast. The plot and technical issues were very evident. Not even taking the slow pacing into account, the lack of substance made this 82 min run-time feel like almost 3 hours. This film needed to be a short, or a 1 hour TV length. What's worse, was Hossain's attempt for a plot twist at the end that was a huge fail, and gave this film that generic dumb ending you see in many cheap b-grade films.

Aside from the long dragged out scenes, Hossain's directing and camera work was ok for a newb, although the few action scenes had terrible choreography and poor camera angles. The cinematography and color choice needed to be much better. Even for a low budget indie film, the sci-fi should've been more apparent than a few CGI moments. Without those, you'd think the timeline was the 1980's. Although the score was quite fitting and impressive for a b-grade film, sadly, the sound was terrible especially during the action sequences e.g. gun fire. The acting was the main highlight of this film.

This film is not anything close to a 10, but certainly undeserving of any 1 and 2's. Cutting some slack for new filmmakers, I'm giving this film a generous 5/10.
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Nothing sci-fi and a bad script.
deloudelouvain30 July 2020
I have to admit I was kinda looking forward to watching this movie, a sci-fi with an appealing poster, and a story that looked interesting but the reality turned out to be completely different. Instead I got to watch a boring slow movie with decent actors but with a badly written script and a below average production. The script is full of unexplained parts that keep you guessing, and on top of that a quite dumb ending that doesn't bring any satisfaction. After We Leave isn't even sci-fi unless you count the fact that there is another planet to live on apparently, but other than that nothing happens slightly remotely interesting. It's basically a waste of time watching this movie, unless you're not easily bored and don't mind bad scripts.
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Mostly Bad
discofreestyle25 February 2020
Not a bad premise, but very badly executed. Acting was actually OK so the cast should be happy with their contribution, but the script is all over the place. Some parts simply make no sense (the biggest being the incredibly stupid and frustrating ending) whilst other parts are so ridiculously slow I needed to fast forward to remain even remotely interested.

It's just a bad movie. Not terrible, just bad. Give it a watch if you have nothing else to do, otherwise don't bother.

3/10 for the actor's efforts.
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Intelligent and quiet scifi drama
I watched this film at the Berlin SciFi film festival and enjoyed it pretty much! It's a slow paced drama, so don't watch it if your brain can't handle something more complicated than "Sharknado". I wish there were more scifi movies like this. Movies that make you think instead of giving you a headache. If something likes this bores you, then maybe you shouldn't watch dramas. Go watch your "Transformers" and "Avengers" crap. I can't believe, people are giving this film 1-star-reviews. No wonder we are getting punished with bull**it like "Rise of Skywalker" or "Star Trek Beyond".
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Pretty terrible
rmmil26 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This review is full of spoilers, as I need to include them to describe just how poor this film is to warn others about it to save their money.

Shame on me, because I knew going into this that low budget+direct to video+lack of reviews or information usually screams "bad movie!", but I rented it nonetheless, I'm a sucker for dystopian films, even kind of bad ones. This film isn't kind of bad. It's really bad.

I'll say that I can love low budget movies, I can love ones with no name actors. But poorly written, with changing character motivations at random, and plot holes galore? That I don't love.

The film opens in an obviously dystopian future where people are basically waiting around to escape a dying Earth to off-planet colonies. There's no tv, no internet anymore for some reason not explained, and a whole lot of doing nothing by basically everyone.

As in most dystopian future films, the reasons for the sad state of the world aren't clearly explained, nor why many things are the way they are, so I don't fault the film for that per se. Usually in such films, the lack of world building is due to lack of time to explain the backstory, but this film had plenty of time to do that, which brings me to my biggest gripe with this movie: Nothing much happens, at all, ever.

People sit around and talk a lot, people walk outside in straight lines, people sit and stare at each other. I'm guessing the screenplay was about 3 pages long, and the actors had to fill in the lack of dialogue with many awkward stares (with this film having plenty of those!), and silent walking. Honestly, in the time spent with nothing happening in this film they could have easily filled in the entire history of the future.

I'm guessing the lack of activity was due to a lack of budget. Serious corners were cut in the production, some done ingeniously such as an entirely off-screen dialogue between the lead character and a hotel employee where you never see the employee (so they didn't have to create a set for it), and some that definitely impacted the story line.

I don't mind low budget if a story can still be told, but things were done in this film that makes me wonder if it wasn't originally supposed to have a much higher budget that was cut early in production.

For example, the protagonist gets hired "for a job" that people say "is dangerous", but after the job starts, cut to the end, the lead and another dude are dragging a heavy bag with something (?) in it, that is never explained. The job isn't explained, what they did isn't explained, how they get out isn't explained, something just happened. "Deal with it, we don't have the cash to show you what that was", the producer yells at the audience (all 10 of us who rented this).

Another issue with the film is that the protagonist and basically everyone in it are pretty lousy people, there's really no one to root for. You root for the lead because you've seen him the most, I guess? But the way people treat him you can assume he's an awful person too. Without any emotional attachment to anyone or anyone to root for the driving motivation for the film, the lead finding his estranged wife, becomes meaningless.

The film also contains glaring plot holes, as mentioned, including the lead miraculously escaping certain death multiple times, because these people who all seem to want him so dead never bother to actually getting around to killing him, and after 2 of his captors die in an amazing escape...rather than take any of their weapons or their vehicles or anything, the lead runs to fight his main enemy with his bare hands, minus his friend who came to rescue him in the first place. Okay?

If all this wasn't bad enough, the film ends with the lead completely betraying the entire reason for the entire film's purpose. "You can't go back again, was the message!" The director yells from his director chair, which must be in hell somewhere. Yeah, I get it.

Too bad the film's "message" is lost in a film that ends up being completely pointless by the end of it.

Skip this until you can see it for free, you've been warned.
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Some People Are Never Satisfied
bemyfriend-4018427 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Or when they finally get what they thought they wanted, they don't want it anymore. I can tell why everyone hates Jack. He only shows up and messes up everything, and everyone; even himself. Averagely entertaining flick. Lots of implied backstory which you, as the viewer, must fill in. A good deal of messaging about climate change and the overpopulation and stuff. Otherwise, it's a gritty believable dystopian, about a dude who truly is as worthless as everyone thinks he is.
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Waste of time
Natasha26626 February 2020
When you reach halfway point of this movie, you will realise that nothing has really happened in the story. He is still looking for his wife because only couples can leave. I have never been so bored. Please don't waste your precious life watchig this drivel. Go build a solar array or a rain-water collector for your hydroponic farm.
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Biggest time waster of wasting time...
sameenarian27 February 2020
Well, not much to say other than it was horribly long and tedious, it felt like half of the movie was focused on the cast's faces and their frozen faces. Also if your trying to do try not to fall asleep or die of boredom challenge then go ahead and watch it... it's great fun,

(We had to play the movie on 2x speed just to make it quicker, that's how bad it was)

Congrats Aleem Hussain for your first movie directing, hope you learn from your mistakes, good luck!

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joeg997126 February 2020
I must agree with Natasha266 - I don't want to sound negative to something like this, but unfortunately - this title really didn't hold any entertainment value at all.. sorry! However this movie may appeal to others who like to watch something to pass the time.
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Don't believe the negative reviews
russelkhan-9623024 March 2020
These 1- and 2-star reviews are just ridiculous. People really have been dumbed down by Hollywood. If you like your movies glossy, formulaic, and with neat little endings that tie up all the loose ends, then this is not for you. But if you like movies with originality, that make you think, then give this a go. It's not fantastic, and it can be a little slow, but it's definitely worth watching. I'm glad I did.
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Never gets off the ground
sdagwagner17 March 2020
The ending to this film was just bad. A twist that failed to contort into anything of worth.

It had an ok premise and lofty aspirations as an Indy film, but It just couldn't hit any of the marks. The storyline was predictable for all the bad reasons. The script lacked any punch. Visual effects were nonexistent and the acting was wooden at best.

Hossain is not a good director. He fails to bring the viewer into a future in any meaningful way. As has been noted elsewhere, the film looks set in the late 20th century. Nothing hints at when this takes place where space colonization would be commonplace.

Action scenes in this were just...lacking with subpar choreography and bad framing. So much more could have been done. The only positive is the soundtrack but even that gets bludgeoned with careless audio editing and low levels.

Watching this was a mistake. I should have read a book!
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Artful Sci-Fi
mischievousnrd25 March 2020
I was very taken by this subversive, slow-burn sci-fi about immigration and the Haves and Have-Nots. It has a well-executed, almost noir aesthetic (shot by Destroyer's Julie Kirkwood), solid acting, strong editing, and an excellent, brooding score. As a first feature filmmaker, Aleem Hossain has shown amazing potential with what he can do on a tiny budget. And seeing how many awards the film picked up at sci-fi festivals, it's clear the tastemakers agree this film is a noteworthy addition to the genre. Its ponderous tone may not be for the action-loving crowd - it's more Kelly Reichardt than James Cameron - but if you like thoughtful SF, definitely check it out.
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Most promising movie to date (2020)
refordgarry26 February 2020
This is one for movie-buffs and also for those with a few extra brain cells that have not been desensitized by dumb Hollywood. Although the basic premise is a simple one - futuristic dystopian Earth, run both by big business and small-town mafia, the story actually transcends a Sci-Fi to become more of a human drama and a tough-guy personal story of self-revealing. Though slow-paced there is a sort of genius in the way the screenplay slowly reveals personalities and their histories, like one of the slit-lanterns gradually uncovering the light and truth, with plenty of imagination and nuance, not only towards the audience but also to "solitary John", the central, hard-man character. There were so many opportunities to let violence rip and become cliché - but even this is disciplined and controlled, with some fulfillment in the dramatic conclusion. I'm sure that Aleem Hossain will make it big in future endeavors, provided he sticks to his principles.
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Another Gravitas Ventures waste of my time.
stevojaxon1 March 2020
There should be a 0/10 option for movies like this. I lasted 30 minutes before I killed it off. 15 of those minutes I fell asleep. Maybe this a camouflaged insomnia cure?
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Avoid like the coronavirus
macca19329 February 2020
A really poor film, no back story. No, money spent. A lot of lingering and time wasting on pointless things like eating with no dialogue. The ending is a mess, trying to be clever and fails miserably. I've given it 2 out of 10 only because I've seen worse films (beyond the black rainbow).
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Messy Melancholic Drama that was meant to be a Short indie film
a-kastenas28 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie starts OK, the whole not so far into the future idea and setting is overused in many cases anyway. This film aspires to be sentimental and melodramatic however the writers left many plot holes, inconsistencies and the acting of minor characters is beyond poor.

What surprised me the most is the inclusion of the unnecessary flashbacks and slow scenes during the dialogues which were inconsistent.

The whole movie feels like a a sentimental melodic dream about a guy who lost his wife and eventually failed to get her back in hopes of a better tommorow.

The only good things about the movie are the beginning and the very end. It is beyond my comprehension why they made it into a full feature film because it feels like an overstretched short movie. Delete 90% percent which is the core and you might get a decent indie short Sci fi.

You cannot just put and ok premise and ending, add some filler scenes and bake a movie. I would like to complement the acting of a main character in some cases however even these few realistic moments cannot save the movie.

It's another movie that was supposed to be a short film in the first place. I am happy that I had an opportunity to fast forward some of these extremely boring and unnecessary parts of the movie.
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Absolute Trash
saberq-264941 March 2020
Please avoid at all costs. No story. No acting. No nothing. Absolutely dull. There no point of this movie. Utter garbage. Please avoid if your time matters!
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Like Watching Someone Take Your Favorite Food, Drop In The Dirt, and Step On it. Twice.
craigbenting29 June 2020
The subject of this review says it all.

Being a sci-fi fan and watching this movie is like watching somebody take your favorite food, bring it to you, then while you watch, they drop it in the dirt and proceed to step on it. Then they look at your incredulous face and step on it again.

The premise of the movie is a great one, and it opened my eyes to the idea that maybe, just maybe, becoming a multi-planet species when we so desperately need to might be really bad for a lot of people. Wow, I never looked at that perspective.

Then that great revelation is followed, drawn out, slowly, maybe a bit more slowly than it could have been, but that's OK. I can follow long stories.

But, the last half of the movie is crapping on that premise, that idea, over and over again. Then it looks like somehow it won't end so badly -- wait, did I miss something?

No, that's the part where the movie-maker is looking at the hope in your eyes before they step on your food a second time while it's lying in the dirt. And you're left wondering, "why was that even necessary???"

The movie-maker skillfully takes you right up to the end thinking he's crafted something that was worth 85 minutes (no, really 79 minutes, because the end credits run a solid 6 minutes) of your time before showing you he never gave a crap in the first place.

All I can say is, WOW, well played, sir! You got exactly $0 of my money and a guarantee that I will commit your name to memory for the rest of my life so I can make sure I never pay for anything you make.

Absolutely brilliant career move, the making of this movie...
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tiggiedapuss29 August 2020
A couple of things (1) why (2) thank god it's the final one (3) just awful , and it's number 5 on Netflix are they being forced to watch it , I cannot believe I waited to watch it , i bc can't think if anything else to say apart from it was awful
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Interesting sci-fi premise grounded in human drama
nicole_M_Beaudoin1 July 2020
After We Leave is a solid and impressive debut feature by Aleem Hossain. The main character has a clear mission to find his estranged wife before the launch date of their shuttle, giving him (and them) a chance at a second life together. A beautiful score harnesses the emotion of the characters and drives home the drama. The visual effects were subtle and effective. With a clear understanding of story and characters, I look forward to seeing what Aleem Hossain does next.
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Why pay writers?
aturtle-9313019 September 2020
I can't believe this screenplay covered more than three sides of paper.
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Excellent and deep without any spoon-feeding
bidgebats2 April 2020
This movie is tough and emotional and real. It takes a very lo-fi approach to sci-fi, using small and textured graphics, and effects to get across the feeling of a lived in (overly lived in) world. This director understands what is necessary and what is unneeded in a human and humane story that talks about what we as a world and country are dealing with today--runaway consumerism, steep economic inequality, and rampant environmental degradation. Wisely, these issues are backgrounded to allow a simple story of a guy who screwed everyone in his life over years ago, coming back home to find his wife--the person he hurt most. His journey through a squalid Los Angeles, that, like Alphaville, uses real locations mostly unadorned by effects, is a classic noir-like journey that doesn't have an ounce of fat on it. If you dig classic indie movies, art film, and crime stories that don't talk down to the viewer, then this is the movie for you.
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Great acting and story
karimnn25 August 2021
I really liked this movie, the acting was very good, directing, and camera are really good. I think the editing needed some work as some of the scenes were not necessary and only serves to distract the viewer. The story is great, and did I say the directing was really good?
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The ending was just too much
donaldtreat7 March 2020
I liked some of the techniques used to overcome a low budget. I don't mind when the director doesn't explain everything, and I thought it was unusual and bold when the "dangerous job" wasn't shown at all.

Films, however, are stories about people. The ending makes absolutely no sense. No real person would ever act that way, and I realized I had wasted 85 minutes.
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Nothing there
greggman16 May 2020
Sci-fi != rockets. Sci-Fi = new situations. If you can take the same story and put it in another setting and nothing really changes then it's not Sci-Fi, it's just a drama. That it happens to take place with some futuristic elements is not enough to call it Sci-Fi

All we really get from this is a drama about a guy looking for his wife with a hard deadline to find her. The setting is mostly superfluous. I bring that up because putting it in a Sci-Fi dressing sets some expectations that there will be something new added to the world. What if robots became sentient. What if an AI declared war on the world. What if everyone had 24/7 video cameras in their eyes. What if AR was so real it caused PTSD, What if time travel was actually possible, etc...

This movie doesn't really add a strong enough "what if" to be sci-fi so when all is said and done it's a mostly mediocre drama about a guy that for some reason left his wife but now wants to find her and the only person that knows where she is is someone he screwed over previously and mostly wants to see him suffer/die.

The only things we get from the "what if" are a dead line and a reason to need his wife even if he doesn't care about her. He may or may not care about her but he needs her regardless. Those situations already exist in the real world. For example visas expire. I know several friends that had to move back to their home country even though they didn't want to leave, because their visa expired. They desperately tried to find a new job (job = visa sponsor) before their deadline, failed and had to leave. Needing a spouse for a visa is also a real world issue.

Basically this is not a Sci-Fi movie but because it's dressed as one it only disappoints those mis-lead by the setting. Remove the setting and not much changes.

I think the ending is not such a bad idea though I can see how in the end it's unstatifying and that the build up to get there doesn't make it worth while.
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