The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar (TV Movie 2015) Poster

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The Positive: My 4 year-old likes it. The Negative: Everything else.
bensonmum230 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar tells the story of Kion, Simba's son. Simba commissions Kion to put together a new Lion Guard to protect the Pride Lands and preserve the Circle of Life. However, Kion's idea of a Lion Guard (consisting of a cheetah, bird, hippo, and honey badger) isn't quite what Simba had in mind.

Oh my, how can you take something like The Lion King and come up with this mess? I was going to go through a long list of negatives, including: the lame hyenas and their treatment by the superior lions; the ridiculous fur patches (I agree with the other reviewer - it's like something out of The Power Rangers); kids able to take on tasks they couldn't realistically handle; Rob Lowe's voice work; the complete change in Simba's character; farts as weapons; and on and on. But, ultimately, why bother? I'm not in the target audience for this Disney offering. The key thing here is that as much as I may dislike The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar, my 4 year- old likes it and won't stop talking about it. I think he's watched it at least a dozen times since it originally aired. And he's constantly singing one of the songs from the show - Zuka Zama. So, I may think it's a mess with a twisted message, but it brings him so much joy that I have to rate it at least a 6/10 for doing what it was intended to do - entertain kids.
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Pretty weak and forced.
Shopaholic3524 February 2016
I am a massive Disney fan and can be pretty forgiving towards everything they do. For the most part Disney makes some of the best movies I have ever seen but unfortunately this is not one of them. It has all the same characters from the original movie and a few new ones but everything seems a little forced. For example "Stop trying to make Zuka Zama happen! It's not going to happen!" The Lion King was an organic process that just happened to work and The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar does not come close to it's potential.

It feels overall pretty childish and slightly lame. I'm sure kids will love it but everyone else will miss that special charismatic charm. So while I don't hate the movie if you're not a big Disney fan then you probably won't enjoy it. I will still stay tuned for the new series but I'm not hugely optimistic just yet.
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Trying a bit too hard to be The Lion King
phoenix-hourglass22 November 2015
This is less a sequel to The Lion King and more a rehashing. While the plot itself is unique enough and the Lion Guard doesn't feel out of place in the setting- even if it wasn't in any way hinted at before this, nearly everything else feels copied directly from the original. They even directly reference Hakunah Matata before the song it inspired. Kion's friend Bunga is not only a blatant Timon and Pumba analogue, he's their nephew (despite being a honey badger, which is questioned but not explained). Homaging a beloved precursor doesn't have to be bad- it's one of my favorite parts of Jurassic World- but this feels completely paint-by-numbers. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that they had a literal checklist of Lion King elements they had to hit while writing. The one thing it should have taken from the movie but didn't was the emotional depth. Kion is around the same age Simba was at the beginning of the movie, and this only covers one day instead of a lifetime, so they don't have time for the same sort of resonance, but some of the elements presented- original or otherwise- should have had some sort of impact on the characters. That's what separates a kids movie from a family movie, and Lion Guard doesn't have much to offer adults. That said, this is the pilot for a Lion Guard series, and it does what a pilot should do. It sets up the premise and the characters, while coming across as more than exposition.
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Nostalgia and fun, but at what cost?
grigoraaakis-889-29591825 November 2023
Well, lets see. The music is really on point, the songs could have been better. They really tried to stay on track with the original animated movie. I'm so glad they went for hand-drawn animation and not that ridiculous 3D computer animation. The plot is really my weak spot. They try to pay homage to the original movie, and they rely heavily on nostalgia. They actually have made a plot for a new following of course, and that's why the plot is messing with the timeline of the original movie and its sequel. It just awoke such nostalgia in me and so many fond memories of the "Lion King" that I really can't hate it for that although it drives me crazy at times. Still a really fun watch. I'll definitely try and watch some of the episodes of the TV series.
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So disappointing
rokkstarr829 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This movie has taken The Lion King that we all know and love and carried the story to an unbelievably horrible place.

I know the following is a pretty powerful statement but unfortunately it's true.

First of all, Simba is now a Lions version of a racist bigot. Basically, if you're not a lion, you're not "good enough" for the pride lands.

Remember the most impactful characters in Simba's life other than his father? Timone & Pumbaa! Yeah, it's like that relationship never existed and Simba is too good for the friends that quite literally saved him as a cub.

Now that Simba's son is building friendships and a team with other animals (honey badger, hippo, cheetah, bird) it's unacceptable and not good enough for the King.

Annoyingly, this is a huge problem but not the only one.

The movie gives an almost makeshift 'Power Ranger' like feel, with each member of the Lion Guard getting mystical powers and symbols embedded in their fur, simply appearing out of thin air.

There's many more issues, from Rob Lowe being a terrible choice to voice Simba, to the fact that the hyenas aren't fierce like they used to be, just a nuisance that are easily handled and chased by baby animals.

I know this is a kids movie, but to look at the beauty of the Lion King and then this bastardized version of a continuation is just plain disappointing.

Sad to say. 2/10
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The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar
studioAT19 March 2022
Like a lot of people I was sceptical about this show when it was announced as it stunk of Disney milking a franchise dry.

It turned out to be not too bad, judging only at this point on this Pilot episode.

Yes, it's aimed at younger audiences, so there's annoying comic support characters, and fart jokes galore, but it does seem to have been made with love, and within the original 'Lion King' time line.

Some nice original voices return, plus some good sound-a-like's, and I enjoyed this more than I thought I would.
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Definitely a kids movie (fierce Lion King fans be warned, disappointment may await)
o-0033823 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This cannot be considered as an actual sequel for The Lion King (1 or 2) but more as a promotional film for the upcoming series for Disney junior. This movie does not contain any of the emotional or character depth that the other films provided. First of all the movie is only 44 minutes long, considering the previous ones that is not enough time to properly create characters. The design of the characters (again comparing it to the other films) is horrific, Disney appears to have put almost no effort into designing them and it shows in the final result. The songs were good, catchy if you will however none of them were very emotional or as big as any of the songs from the previous films. I could go on for a long time but story shortened this film is good for promoting The Lion Guard series, but absolutely SUCKS as a Lion King film for many reasons. It's extremely hard to write constructively over something so disappointing as a long term Lion King fan. The only real character worth mentioning is fuli as she shows a nice hint of sass when running away from the baboons.
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I Love This!
blytheandferb11 December 2015
The Lion King is one of the best Disney films ever, and the sequels aren't that bad. I was excited when I heard about this movie and the upcoming TV show coming out on January 15, 2016, and I really loved it. While it contradicts some stuff, I can look past it since it still stands on it pretty well. The movie follows Kion, the son of Simba and Nala and the younger daughter of Kiara, as he assembles the Lion Guard to protect the Pridelands. The stuff that's contradicted is fairly minor, and the film is otherwise faithful to the source material. I really like Kion in that he's slightly mischievous, but still well meaning. We also some spotlight for the other characters. I really like the themes presented on being a leader and being a good person, and it's tied together with Disney charm. I highly recommend this one.
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New friends and old acquaintances
Horst_In_Translation6 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
"The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar" is a 44-minute animated short film from last year that was well-received enough, so it got turned into a new series actually. Good job for the makers I guess. Still, my reception is only slightly positive. I think it is accurate to call this a poor man's version of "The Lion King". This does not mean it's bad though. It just means the original Oscar-winning film was great and this one here is pretty mediocre for the most part with a couple good scenes. The most interesting aspect about it is probably the inclusion of the old characters. Sure, Simba, Nala, Mufasa, Rafiki, Timon and Pumbaa do not get a lot of screen-time, but it was certainly intended to get older audiences to give this one a chance. However, 80% of it is really exclusively about the adventures of the next generation. A negative deal-breaker for me was that I am not particularly interested in Kion, Simba's son and the male protagonist. I found the little skunk Bunga much more entertaining, even if he is mostly included for comic relief. The story was so-so. Could have been better, could have been worse, but certainly takes itself too seriously for the most part. After watching these 44 minutes here, I cannot say it got me interested in checking out the series anytime soon. Still, it wasn't a boring or cringeworthy watch by any means. Just not good enough. I guess the topic "Lion King" is through pretty much and we got all the good we could hope for in the film and a handful forgettable sequels. Like this one here that includes a couple semi-famous television actors such as Sarah Hyland. Still a cautiously positive thumbs up from me overall for this newest addition to the franchise (unless you count the series).
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Insulting (Minor Spoilers!!)
thepinkpanther-7659130 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
To put it briefly, Ford Riley is not a producer let alone a writer. He creates brain junkfood for two year old s. So why would Disney put HIM in charge of making a sequel? Why so bad? First, Plot holes galore. Taking place during the lion king 2 only makes the lion guard make zero sense. Kion was never apart of the previously established lore so why would they shoehorn him into the "canon"? second, the writing is awful. the dialouge is more cheesy than a can of cheese whiz, the characters are either as one dimesnional as a sheet of paper or are more annoying than jar jar binks, the whole supernatural roar thing is stupid. and thats pretty much it. Its apparent Disney didn't care much for making a proper sequel
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Laughed my head off at the "Can You Feel the Love Tonight?" joke
SaxAndViolins22 November 2015
As a big fan of the original movies, this is something I've been looking forward to for a long time. This is actually the pilot movie to the upcoming TV series to air sometime in 2016. Both were developed by Ford Riley (Special Agent Oso, The Land Before Time) who actually wrote on the original Timon & Pumbaa show back in the 90s. The animation was really good, though you could tell at places that it was computer generated (like when Simba is walking down Pride Rock to go to the underground cave)

Glad to see they got some of the original voice actors back, even if it was only Ernie Sabella and Kevin Schon (Schon voiced Timon on-and-off when Nathan Lane was busy) and James Earl Jones, who I'm betting got paid more than the entire cast just for the handful of lines he had. Max Charles does a great job as Kion and so do the other children. Rob Lowe is okay as Simba, but I'm surprised they didn't go with his usual voice actor Cam Clarke.

For some reason I wasn't thinking this would have songs in it. However it does and they are really good, especially "Zuka Zuma" and "Tonight We Strike". Nothing compared to the Elton John classics of course. Also I'm liking the extra Swahili words the characters say.

My biggest complaint is with that honey-badger, who is extremely annoying. He really seemed out of place with everyone else acting calm. I know he's a kid and this made for kids, but he was just too hyperactive in my opinion.

Also I'm disappointed the show rewrote the canon of the first and second movies ("Simba's Pride" takes place after this show but Kion isn't present), especially on some silly plot device that wasn't even necessary. I would hope the "Guard" won't be fighting hyenas every episode. I'd much rather have a regular TV series that just focused on the Pride Lands and their everyday adventures without having a forced "good vs evil" story line.

In conclusion, I give it a 7.5/10. Can't wait for the series but I have a hard time imagining what other story-lines the show could come up with. I'm really hoping that one of those is a flashback episode with Simba and Nala as cubs. And maybe we finally see those "plenty of good lions" that were talked about but never shown...
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Not anything I can class as good, but I will say the target audience will probably rate it - which is the intention
r96sk20 June 2020
Obviously not as good as the other two sequels, and even further adrift of 'The Lion King' itself. However, 'The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar' isn't terrible which is a pleasant surprise.

Look, I'll very likely never set eyes on this film again but that doesn't mean it's bad - it just isn't for me. I'm positive the younger audience will thoroughly enjoy this and the subsequent television series.

The animation is definitely a step downward, but Disney have arguably produced inferior across some other animated sequels. The voice cast are meh, while the premise - though fairly creative - isn't anything riveting. It's cool to see James Earl Jones reprise his role of Mufasa, albeit for only a matter of seconds.

Not anything I can class as good, but I will say the target audience will probably rate it - which is the intention, of course.
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One Disappointed Lion King Fan
meshjoy5 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I'm reviewing this film as someone who grew up watching The Lion King.. I truly appreciate the film for its beautiful animation, powerful story, well written script, likable characters, and catchy music. TLK is simply one of the best animated films to ever be made.

And The Lion Guard tainted all that it stood for.

I understand this is meant to be a kids' film, but as I said, I'm reviewing this based upon how well it continues the story of TLK.

The story TLG tries to tell doesn't continue the movie series well. Firstly, most of the characters are not who they once were. Nala is severely downplayed, and is only there to be a caring, advice giving mate/mother. She barely does anything. Kiara brags about becoming queen when in TLK2, she didn't even want to be queen! She hated the thought of it! She didn't take her position seriously until growing into an adult! Simba has become overprotective, and kinda racist. Rafiki is only around to shout, "It is time!" Timon and Pumbaa are treated as if they're only side characters. If it weren't for them, Simba wouldn't even be alive. They played a BIG role in the first film, but there's no appreciation for them in TLG.

As for the new characters, they add NOTHING to the story. Kion is a ripoff of Simba. He looks EXACTLY like him, and even has his personality. His "powers" are just unrealistic, and are an obvious excuse to give him a big role in the show. He's an unnecessary character, and I refuse to accept him as Simba and Nala's cub. God. He is the most annoying little twerp. He takes up WAY too much screen time. I can't stand him, yet they're making it seem as if he were the main character. The other 3 characters mostly just comment on what's happening. They're not very useful. Zuri is a whiny little snot, and Tifu, while much better than Zuri, barely does anything. She does fetch Simba for Kiara, but that was it. The Hyenas are pathetic villains, and got annoying pretty quick. They also try to make the same mistake that was made in the first film. If they knew of Scar, then they knew that he was why the Pridelands fell apart, since his hyenas hunted down nearly every animal. They should know that they would be screwing themselves over.

The whole Lion Guard thing is utterly ridiculous. You don't need just 5 lions to protect the Pridelands. You need a whole freaking pride! The other lions, including the king and queen, are pretty much useless according to this Lion Guard legend. The story behind Scar as the Lion Guard was pointless, so I won't get into that.

A couple other things that bothered me were the constant African phrases popping up, the "magic", and the...farts. I feel like other random African phrases were thrown in so the show could come up with possible phrases that would become as popular as Hakuna Matata. It seems like they're trying too hard to establish that the show takes place in Africa. I understand if they're maybe trying to teach kids different phrases, but it becomes cringe-worthy when the same phrases pop up every 5 minutes. As for the "magic", why? Why is there even magic? Why/How did the paintings on the cave wall magically move? Why/How did a tattoo appear on Kion and his friends? People may say that there's magic because Mufasa is a magic lion in the sky. He's meant to be a spiritual presence, not a magic freaking genie! The Lion King is not meant to have magic. It's one of Disney's more realistic films. There's no Bibbidi- Bobbidi-Boo. The only reason why Mufasa was able to appear to Simba was because he was meant to be a spiritual guide to his son. There's a huge difference between that and just throwing in magical elements. As for the....farts......why do shows feel that they need fart jokes these days? They're not funny. They're crude. The only thing fart jokes do for a show is show that the writers are not that good at what they do. When Bunga saved Kiara with a FART, I flipped out. I understand that kids may find this stuff funny, but it does nothing for them. It just encourages them to act disgusting, and may possibly dumb them down. Fart jokes, especially in a show based on one of the most critically acclaimed animated movies of all time, should NOT be relied on to bring humor.

The acting was decent. James Earl Jones and Ernie Sabella did well with their original roles. I believed that it was really Mufasa and Pumbaa in their scenes. Rob Lowe did a decent job as Simba. He's a great actor, but his voice was an odd mix between being low and growly, and soothing. It didn't sound at all like Simba. The others I can say, well, for the original characters, were decent as well.

I am very disappointed with The Lion Guard. True, I shouldn't have expected much from it, but I still did regardless because of my love for TLK. Instead of watching a nice continuation of the franchise, I instead witnessed a poorly written, cheaply animated show that barely understands its source material and brings nothing good with its new material. I may watch an episode or two of the new show just to see if maybe they fix their mistakes. But, I will make sure that I won't expect much out of it like I did with this film. If you're a die-hard Lion King fan like me, I suggest you stay away from this. It doesn't do the franchise any justice, and it just messes up the story line laid out for TLK.
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The worst thing ever
Makazi4227 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Allow me to preface this review by saying that I'm a huge fan of Lion King. It's the first film I ever saw, and I've clung to it fervently ever since. That said, I hate to write this review, but it must be done.

So we start the film with Kion, a shoddily-written O.C. that seems like he could be straight out of a low-quality fan fiction. Then we're introduced to his friend Bunga, who teaches kids (multiple times) that you can leap off of cliffs and suffer no repercussions. I'll touch on him later.

Soon enough, they stumble into the Outlands and we're shown that the hyenas are the "irredeemable bad guys" and then Kion does a dragon shout? He then learns that he's the new leader of the Lion Guard, an old group of lions that was designated to protect the Pride Lands. The idea is that Scar was their leader, but his power went to his head and that's the whole reason he wanted to be king. There's bread-crumbs left throughout the first film that hint towards the actual reason (sibling rivalry), which is further bolstered by the various books. Lion Guard unfortunately takes all that canon and ruins it.

As far as pros go, the art-style is nice and some of the songs are catchy, but that's about it.

As I've already said we've got Bunga, a honey badger who's supposed to be "brave" but comes across as more of a reckless, suicidal maniac that's taking the whole "no worries" a little too far. He is probably the single most annoying character ever, but here's a conspectus: A character that's energetic, does pretty much whatever he wants even if it's potentially fatal to him, is constantly saying his catchphrase "Zuka Zumaaaa!", and is so grating that he even inserts his own name into words. ("UnBungalievable!")

So Kion goes around pulling characters out of thin air to join the Lion Guard and they all get their cutie marks.

I have always assumed that the reason the hyenas have behaved the way they do is because of the conditions they're constantly subjected to, and while they are a danger to the Pride Lands in large numbers (any predator would be), they don't seem to be allowed there under any circumstances even though every other predator clearly is. The film depicts them as incapable of moderation, but considering the indigent circumstances they have to deal with, it isn't a surprise they would go overboard when presented with an all- you-can-eat buffet. However, despite all this the hyenas of TLK still manage to be lovable in their own way, and they even somewhat redeem themselves at the end by killing Scar. Lion Guard backhand slaps everything and basically makes it "good vs. evil".

So the hyenas are in the Pridelands to kill tons of prey, because according to TLG they're "evil". But if you want to think about this realistically, the only reason they're doing this is because the Lion Guard is about to be up in business again. While they had a difficult time getting food before, they know they're going to have a terrible time of it after the Guard is in place. A character even states, quite shockingly, that they could resort to "eating each- other" if it comes down to it; that's how bad it's gotten for the hyenas (not that the lions really care). Kion (I think) makes some statement about "They have more than enough to feed themselves, but they're still killing.", and it's insinuated multiple times through the film that the hyenas are filthy, psychopathic killing machines that live simply to murder everything in sight. Okay, Kion; why do you think they're still killing despite taking enough? Because even if they took just enough, you'd still march down their and kick their tails. Hyenas in this universe are treated horribly. Any time one rears its head in your beloved Pridelands, some lion has to come along and stop it. While the ones we've seen so far have proved to be threatening in large numbers, we can't assume every single hyena is like this--but you'd better believe the film does. It all culminates in Kion prancing up and doing his "fus ro dah!", and then he says, "You and your kind are not welcome here, EVER.". So not only does this show that lions are choosing to suppress and ignore the problem, but also that they're so intolerant towards hyenas that it practically borders on racism.

So they scare off the hyenas, and then they find Kiara is trapped behind a rock while the herd of gazelle is stampeding, so the Lion Guard go to save her. Bunga lands on the rock where she's trapped, and he aims his rear end at the oncoming stampede and lets off a fart so loud and humongous that it creates a noxious gas cloud that parts the herd like Moses parting the Red Sea. Really, Disney? Is this what it's come to? I know there was fart humor in the original film, but this is crossing the line. In fact, with the way that the fart instantly resolves the problem of the stampede, you could say that it's not a Deus Ex Machina, but a /Deus Ex Fart/. Let that sink in for a while.

There you go! that's my review of the Lion Guard. Overall I give this film absolutely nothing out of ten (in fact, let's say it's negative infinity), but on IMDb one is as low as I can go so that's what I have to do. If you've read this and you're an avid fan of the original film like I am, consider yourself sufficiently warned. Disney is dead to me, and the only way I'd ever re-watch this is if someone strapped me to a chair and kept my eyes pried open.

TL;DR It's horrible.
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Just don't.
afoxcalledcallie12 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is definitely aimed towards a younger audience – I suppose the Disney Junior should have been a big hint but I was still hopeful. Many things are different and inaccurate compared to the first 2 films and the characters are irritating and flat.

First off, the movie is incredible short. Which is probably a good thing because it was incredibly bad but maybe a longer film could have given it some redeeming qualities.

By far my biggest issue is with how they presented Kiara. Maybe I watched a completely different Lion King 2 but she was always striving to be more than just a princess and discover who she was. I always saw her as the opposite of younger Simba – who just couldn't wait to be king – where she wanted to be everything but a princess and be more than just a princess. Within the first minute she's smug about training to be queen where before I feel like she would have been more whiny and sulky about it. At some point in the middle Simba states "Kion you need to take your responsibilities seriously as Kiara takes hers" and I'm just no. Kiara doesn't want to be a freakin' princess. I related to her character a lot when the movie just came out and Lion King 2 will always hold a special place in my heart and I hate that they messed with her character so much.

Another big thing for me was Mufasa popping out of the clouds for a little chit chat. I always took his appearances after his death to be more metaphorical and the characters remembering what was said to them previously. But maybe I'm wrong and maybe Cloud Mufasa is lonely and just wants to chat with his grandson.

Next up: messing with Scar's story. I thought him being such a prick was just usual sibling rivalry (plus maybe some mental health issues SINCE HIS PARENTS NAMED HIM SCAR) and jealousy over his brother getting to rule the pride lands. I'm sure there could be much more to this back story and maybe it's covered in countless books already. I've read a few reviews where people have said Scar would be banished from the Pride Lands entirely for the act he did when he was leader of the Lion Guard but since he lost his power for using it for evil I feel like Mufasa would have been smug and confident enough to see that Scar was no longer a threat and probably even rub it in from time to time and just let him stay.

While we are talking about Scar let's talk about the hyenas. They have been recreated somewhat into looking more cutesy I feel – rounder, funnier looking. They are dumber than anything and not as conniving as their predecessors. Scar's hyenas were at least a little bit intimidating and scary at times but these guys were just lame. I have some thoughts about them still being banned from the pride lands and that they're starving and such but we don't really need to go into Lion King Politics.

There's a new Hakuna Matata – Zuka Zuuma or something like that. I believe it translates to "YOLO" as the irritating honey badger shouts it every time he does something that may get him killed. He is by far the most irritating character but he is designed for small children and I guess acts like one to. Kiara had a really snooty friend who flipped over breaking a claw and I'm glad she was only around for one scene.

The songs are kind of cute but that's about it.

Just don't watch this. I regret buying it and I should have just assumed it would be as bad as Lion King 1 ½. This movie is so problematic with everything set up in the first two films it's just not worth it (plus Rob Lowe as Simba was a terrible choice oh my god why).
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Almost a Nice Start
kervindonngo15 December 2022
After the three movies that the animated movie The Lion King has. It's time to check the fourth movie of The Lion King that was intended for preschoolers to watch rather than young teens or adults. The Lion Guard: Return Of The Roar.

Unlike the other three movies. The Lion King, The Lion King II, and The Lion King 1/2. This is the movie that has a length that lasts forty-four minutes meaning it is more of a short film for television rather than a movie that lasts one hour and thirty minutes more or less.

Honestly, The Lion King is one of my first Disney as a baby and I never really understood much back then. But after watching all three movies again surely and properly I absolutely get to understand this movie again.

It's good to explore more of Lion King lore featuring the new protagonists Kion The Fiercest and Bunga The Bravest alongside non-Lion members of Pridelands who are Fuli The Fastest, Bheste The Strongest, and Ono The Keenest of Sight.

The colors and the detail are really good though all because the movie is made for TV only. I am not sure it's just the weather that I may or may not realize. The voices there are almost that I just remembered and brought more of the old characters. And the soundtrack here is actually very good

To be honest for me the movie gave me so many questions that I do not even understand one example is about male lions.

And why is Shenzi not here? Not to sound sexist but an animal fact that I searched is that females are the actual leader of a Hyena pack.

This is not a really perfect movie but please. If you really love The Lion King Franchise. Please give this movie and the cartoon series a chance to enjoy.
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No. Just, no.
Avwillfan892 February 2016
As a huge fan of the Lion King, having grown up with it as a kid, this was an extreme disappointment to me.

To see the characters of Simba and Kiara being reduced to these uptight royal semi- antagonists is painful to say the least. Kiara, from the sequel "Simba's Pride" was adventurous and headstrong, like her father was when he was young. And now she's this obedient, tattletale daddy's girl who is also reduced to the stereotypical damsel in distress.

All to make new male protagonist look good. Kion, Simba's son (who strangely didn't appear in Simba's Pride) wants to be part of the Lion's Guard, (Kingsguard) but not the king, as the throne will go to Kiara. So he assembles a diverse group of animals as his "soldiers". This is where the producers thought "The Lion King meets The Avengers" comes in. It doesn't. It really doesn't.

I can't even begin to tell you how stupid, predictable and lazy the dialogue and story was. Why do they have make every single scene so utterly childish? When I was child, the Disney films I watched weren't dumbed down or censored to appeal to a younger audience! They were intelligent, meaningful and heartfelt films. People are too scared now to take risks with animation. It's all about the money and never about the art. Very sad.

2 out of 10
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My kids love it, yet I am left disappointed and confused
cuddlesshui10 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I am still going to rate this t.v series a 10 because it is on Disney Junior and is geared towards younger viewers which it has done. My 3 and 2 year old ask me all day long to watch "Lion Guard". However I feel they are to young to understand anything really going on.

On the other hand I myself was not to happy watching the movie. Kiara seems to be spoiled or snobby. This is not how she was in the second movie. She was sweet, caring and understanding. Simba also seemed a little snobby and not as protective of his cubs. Don't you remember in the second movie Kiara was like fully grown and finally going on her first hunt that was the first time Simba let her out of his sight? Then why did she have to wait for Simba to come? Not to mention in the second movie when Kiara was a cub the outlands where filled with lions that still believed in Scar and that where angry with Simba and they stated that the hyenas all left. I keep asking what is that roar supposed to really do? I don't like the fact they made it like a magical gift, wish they kept it like natural like the original movies. I really do want a Lion King 4 but I would like to see what happens to Kovu and Kiara where the 2nd movie left off at. Really the only thing that I was really happy with was the fact that the original voice of Mufasa was in the movie. I also like Kion's song, and zukka zamma, but I don't really like Bunga.

Again this cartoon is geared towards young children and I still give it a 10/10 because my kids love this show.
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They should have never done this
bigblack20095 April 2016
This series is an absolute abomination. Disney totally ruined their best movie/franchise by making this awful series with cheap animation, horrible voice acting, no-sense my-little-pony-themes and plots and more discontinuities with the main movie than the X-Men movies. The Lion King is by far my favorite movie and Simba is my favorite Disney character. They have both been disrespected and ruined by this no-sense cartoon. This is not The Lion King. The characters from previous movies are completely OOC or disrespected or doing pretty much nothing for all the episodes, the new characters are stereotypathed annoying children- cliché, there is not even half of the epicness from the original movie. Disney forgot that what made The Lion King so successful and beloved is the epic tone of the story and the characters. This is cheap-animation, not worthy anyone's time.
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Absolute Garbage
McCarter_IMDB4 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
There is no real plot here. It is basically about lions protecting their territory and conserving their food (gazelles).

The "guard" consists of animals that would have no real interest in helping-out lions anyway. The guard is formed by Samba's son Kion (spelling?) from a group of his friends that all have particular strengths.

Essentially the Disney channel is trying so hard to market this thing and make it popular. Whoever is charge of this project needs to be fired. This is so poorly written it's as if I created it.

Just don't watch it.
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Not as Expected
alysharenee4 September 2016
As a fan of Lion King, I am very disappointed. First off this movie is only 44 minutes. A movie is normally an hour. The new voices for the characters are horrible. Rob Lowe for Simba was a horrible choice. This film looks somewhat low budget. They could have at least kept the same voice actors and actresses from the previous movies. I think there should have been a different plot instead making it seem like Simba is against a different animal crew. The hyenas even look different. They don't look normal at all. What I don't understand is how and when did lion came about Because lion king 2 Kiara was a cub and grew up to be an adult and where was Kion? He was not in the second one. So for him to become a leader in the lion guard shouldn't he be an older adult lion? The plot is most definitely weird and you can not pinpoint where the time line is being held. This is not a movie I will recommend for anyone to see. I could not enjoyed it as much as I did with the first two Lion Kings. I'm pretty sure children will enjoy it especially if they are not familiar with the originals.
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It is horrible
gabriellewh15 November 2016
you guys should have based the lion guard after Kiara and Kovu's kids not Simba's because the lion king 2 was already made i wish the people that made this would have sat down first and watched the movies before make this TV series . so next to time you people want to ruin the classics. don't do it and watch your movies before the wrong mix up happens anymore. so please i beg you stop and think before you guys make a TV series to mess up our minds. Please don't do it anymore. please make me proud to let my daughter watch a TV show that's got the right info in it. so please good shows like you did from the beginning i will be really happy if you take everybody's opinion to heart from now on.
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The Grudge of the Lion King
jchir-9211013 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
In constructive criticism, it is recommended that one starts with good feedback about a show, followed by negative feedback. With a show like The Lion Guard, I'm afraid that good list is minimal to say the least.

The animation style is colourful with vast different landscapes and characters given decent characteristic details keeping the world of the original Pride Lands. The soundtrack is alright, especially with the use of Swahili language, keeping The Lion King's ethnic strength that made the film a unique success.

That's about it, really.

What's sad about this show is aired on Disney Junior, unbeknownst to the fact that it encourages barriers between different "races" of animals. The reptiles are villains unless you pose no a threat like a turtle or a gecko. The hyenas are given bad credit despite being starved to death thanks to the lions without resolving their characters' dilemmas. Whoever is writing the scripts for this show gives poor credit to the original screenplay written by Linda Woolverton, Irene Mecchi and Jonathan Roberts. Familiar characters such as Simba and Chiara are underdeveloped; they've lost their charm and character development that they possessed in their original movies. I was appalled to read the production team's intentions when creating this show on Wikipedia who stated that they wanted to "hold the essence of The Lion King". Whilst the essence is visually there, the plot and originality isn't. Kion is a spoilt child who sets up a biased crew based on the production crew's "choices of what strength is". Contrarily, realisation of weakness is what builds into strength. The honey badger, Bunga, is an annoying creature that is loud, empty and big-headed and his catchphrases are unnerving. Cheesy jokes with farts and silly catchphrases is understandable for bringing a child to chuckle. However, I'm sure that serious adults (and parents) watching this series won't help but wonder: how much of this is entertaining?

***SPOILER ALERT*** The return of Scar, for instance, is well animated and brings back the ominous look of the character. Yet, the script and tone of his words are a letdown to his villainous prowess Lion King fans are familiar with.

I only hope that young children are wise enough to ask their parents to watch the original Lion King or get the opportunity to watch the musical to truly learn something of value. The Lion Guard may succeed in being pretty, but it fails to deliver the essence of storytelling and the lack of emotional characters leaves little to taste one's empathy for the cast.
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What did we do to deserve this, Disney? Warning: Spoilers
As a pilot to The Lion Guard, Return of The Roar has been highly unsuccessful in convincing me to watch the series out of anything but curiosity. Let's begin with the animation, which is a Flash type identical to the one used in Jake and The Never Land Pirates. It looks passable for a TV episode (especially one catered to under 7-year-olds), but as a film medium, it was drawn in much too choppy a manner. Parodies on Newgrounds and YouTube look more polished than this does! The characters are overall terrible at engaging, and they overuse Swahili terms throughout (including Kion's "Hevi kabisa", Totally intense, and most notably, Bunga's "Zuka zama", Pop up, dive in). Of course, the jokes are more catered to children, but do we really need wind jokes in a toddler's 'toon? The story, I have to give some kudos for not feeling entirely like some well- developed fanfic and trying out some new idea, if inconsistent with our developed timeline. In execution, though, it fell flat on its face like the hyenas that Beshte knocked into the air. Disney has officially done a disservice to its classics fanbase for the 3RD year in a row (previously, the Planes movies), and show them you don't want that by boycotting this movie any time it airs on TV or you see it at a video store. This is for young children exclusively; you're better off going to a different TV if you have one and watching something else.
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Not the best choice for kids & NOT for the most passionate fans...
wolfcub716 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This show is nothing like the Lion King movies and it suffers even as a kids' show because of that. "The Lion King" really wasn't made to be a base for a whimsical little kids' show which is why this TV show does not represent the movies, and because it unsuccessfully tries to connect to the movies' canon it doesn't really work as well in what it wants to give to kids as it could if it was an original creation. I feel that every episode has a valuable life lesson but because it desperately tries to be a part of something much bigger and deeper than itself, with that very limited episode run-time and juvenile execution it fails to have proper substance and therefore the memorability of the lessons diminish. Because of that and because this is harmless, I don't recommend showing this to your kids unless they really really want to see this. They'll get the same thrills and lessons from any other, better made, kids' TV show.

There are some adult Lion King fans who love this series but if you fell deeply in love with the more emotional and deep/mature aspects of the first two movies and of the first movie especially...Be warned. This TV show was made for little kids aged 2-7 and it totally shows no matter how much Disney tries to push it on to Disney Channel instead of just its original home at Disney Junior, and it's NOTHING like the original film even though it's supposed to celebrate its 20th anniversary.

This pilot episode and its following episodes don't do a very good job with fitting into the movies' universe yet it's obviously trying to be an extension to those movies. This show introduces a full-blown magical roar ability that has been passed down for generations and that makes the Earth shake and characters fly miles away and so on. Linked to a magical "tattoo" type of symbol on the fur coat. While that has its base in the same spirits-in-the-stars and summoning aspect of the Lion King universe, it has a juvenile superpower feel and execution instead of feeling like the mystical part-of-nature magic from the first two movies, the kind that could not be harnessed whenever convenient.

In this show Mufasa can just pop up in the sky any time he wants to give advice - which is the utter opposite of the first film's intent and important story detail and is only one of the many things that disrespectfully contradict the movies. Some characters have been totally butchered, such as Simba - and in a later episode also Zira. Simba is not protective over his children unlike he was in "The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride", which painfully shows in the final scene of this pilot movie/episode.

In the final scene of this pilot episode, the climax is that Kiara gets trapped in a stampede of antelopes stirred by hyenas. An obvious call-back to cub Simba's experience with the wildebeest in the first movie. How does Kiara get out of that? Does her father, Simba, attempt to rescue her like his father did before him? NO. Simba just stands there. The child honey-badger friend of Kion's makes his way next to Kiara - with a jovial and whimsical cheering attitude might I add - and...he lets out a massive fart which makes the antelope scatter away from Kiara. Simba left his daughter's life in the hands of other children, did absolutely nothing himself to save her at any point, and afterwards doesn't really check on if Kiara is okay but only focuses on giving his blessing for Kion's choice of the Lion Guard members.

That is this show's call-back to a scene in the first movie that portrays a father unhesitatingly risking his life and limb to save his child's life, the brother of that father maliciously murdering him, and the little boy witnessing his father falling to an ugly, slow and painful death. (Assuming Mufasa didn't die from the fall. Anyway, his body would have been mangled in real life but it is a G rated film, so...) And in the aftermath shows this little boy in vain trying to wake up his father, panicking all alone in a vast canyon, calling out for help from anyone at all until breaking down to cry and crawling to lie in the arms of his dead father. Not only does the scene in the original film include all that but it was immensely powerfully executed, bringing the viewer up close with all of the characters and the action and showing the death-fall and the body on screen.

"The Lion King" was created to reflect human suffering, responsibility, family love/bond, and bravery. "The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar" craps on those values with its call-back scene.

This pilot and its following episodes were made for toddlers in attempts to give them laughs and some life lessons through unrealistic premise execution and whimsical little adventures that other original shows are already doing better - so I don't see the point in this show's existence. Some say that they also meant this to "introduce The Lion King to a new generation" - but if you think of it; how exactly does this do that? It's NOTHING like the original films, it literally farts on the first film's arguably most meaningful scene, and over-all doesn't hold a candle to the movies' power and feel.

I watched "The Lion King" in the mid-90s with my then-3-year old cousin and he was just fine and wanted to see it every single time he came over, which was often. No, he was not traumatised by Mufasa's death scene. Do your kids a favour; show them the "The Lion King" and "The Lion King II: Simba's Pride" instead. I daresay they'll get more out of them in a long run than they would out of this show.
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