The Titan (2018) Poster


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Honestly? It's like two different movies.
The_Devin_G7 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I dont know how to describe this movie. The beginning is interesting, the scenes are well shot, visuals are interesting. All of this applies to this movie. Until about halfway. Then things start getting really stupid.

At the halfway point the director seems to suddenly hit every cliche that has been established. Stupid scenes of people dying? Got it. Stupid scenes of an "evolved species"? Got it. Stupid rebellion and escape scene? Got it. Stupid scene where main characters trick the "bad guy"? Got it. Extremely ridiculous ending? Got it. By the way, lets throw in a random "super power" that we got people to somehow gain by evolving right at the ending. Yup, got that too.

Honestly, it's like two different people wrote the script, and neither of them talked to each other. One thought the movie was going to build up to something meaningful, so he wrote the first half. The other guy thought he was remaking Predator/Rambo/Superman, and he wrote the second half.
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Started off so well, then I don't know what happened.
Sleepin_Dragon2 December 2018
I was so intrigued to watch this movie, the trailer I saw made the film look awesome. The first twenty minutes or so I really enjoyed. I got into it immediately, the acting was really rather good, the story very interesting, but something seems to change, it's almost as if they switched directors or writers, as the film just turns into a real mess, it was hard to follow, almost every character was hard to like, and you find yourself asking 'what's the point.'

I'll applaud the acting, and special effects, the latter in particular were great, but overall there was just something about it that I didn't like, if I'm honest I was bored.

What was he going to do on his own on that planet?

Mehhh. 4/10
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Great acting, special effects are cool, horrible script
not-my-real-name7 September 2018
Just watched Titan and wow, it made me angry. I rarely write movie reviews, but this one moved me to action. Since Netflix no longer allows reviews on its site, here's my first IMDB review.

This crappy script is a waste of excellent acting talent and awesome special effects.

Kudos to the actors who did the best they could with an uneven script, faux-science, WTF scenes and progressively more stilted dialogue.

The movie isn't bad for the first 45 minutes. I had figured out it wasn't going to have a satisfying ending by that point, but I wanted to see how they'd spin it, so I kept going. The faux-science was fun to eye-roll over.

But then our hero soldiers finally go through the full metamorphosis (after a "what? why did they need surgery?" scene) and are unable to talk, change facial expressions, write, or in any other way communicate except by "sonar and touch".

And from that point, the script went completely into a FTW-WERE-YOU-THINKING tailspin. So many stupid actions in such a short time can make a movie-watcher dizzy.

The coup-de-grace was the final 18 minutes. It's like the producers said, "Let's just do a few disassociated scenes. No one is watching anymore, anyway." I lost track of how many times I said, "Wait, what?" So many times.

Netflix, fess up. Is this steaming pile of a movie, and your other original programming, the reason you no longer allow reviews? If you can't handle poor reviews, improve your quality management. Now you've forced people to find other public forums to air their opinions. That probably means fewer positive reviews (because why go to the effort when we liked the movie?), more negative reviews (because we want to warn people away from bad ones) and lower ratings (because we're mad about having to click to another site to leave the review).
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Here's how it ends- all 5 times.
blahsblahjunk3 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILER: I'm going to start off by saying that I typically love bad horror movies. I can suspend disbelief like a champion. But this goes beyond hand-waving and into the realm of lunacy.

The first 3/4 of the movie were exactly like you'd expect. Set up the experiment, establish the characters, ignore the harbinger, and get down to business. Things look promising and then, of course, things start to go terribly wrong.

Unlike most horror movies, though, the characters don't get killed off one at a time. The vast majority of them go down in one fell swoop. And then... then things start getting weird. Our hero seems to be the only Titan that *doesn't* die or go mad, and instead does... nothing. He loses the ability to speak and apparently also, the ability to mouth words, gesticulate, write, or do anything except stare meaningfully at his wife. His house is attacked by soldiers who rival Stormtroopers for mass ineptitude, and he just... runs away. ENDING ONE His wife finds him, and they stare into each other's eyes and kiss. A military helicopter flies toward them, fade to white. ENDING TWO The wife wakes up in a hospital bed back on the base. She has lacerations on her face. The head scientist apologizes that she was "roughed up" and explains that she needs to convince her husband to go to Titan. He brings her to where the titan is locked in a glass box. The head scientist tells her that the titan is refusing to leave because he has too many attachments to earth. He tells her that she needs to give him an injection, which she protests as being a "lobotomy." He will forget everything. The chemical lobotomy is in a special glass vial nestled in a special foam box right next to an identical glass vial labeled SALINE. Obviously, she switches the vials. There are an additional ten minutes of unbroken eye contact, and then the wife rushes to leave. Inexplicably, she takes the head doctor with her. The doctor who is the one who did all these experiments and also *lied to her face* about what was happening- now in this very moment becomes one of the good guys. Just for good measure, the doctor realizes what happened and shouts "you switched the vials!" clarifying the transparent ruse for audience members who may have dozed off during the scene. Behind them, the Titan pauses for dramatic effect and then attacks at the last moment. ENDING THREE The wife and the head doctor pick up the son (played by a mannequin for the rest of the movie) and run full tilt for the exit. They're met there by the injured titan who has escaped and gotten in front of them despite being pursued by about fifty soldiers. The head scientist shows up with more soldiers and orders them to shoot our four fleeing heroes. They refuse, and instead turn their guns on the head scientist. Grateful, the wife runs back to the titan and they hug some more.

There is no resolution to this scene. Not kidding. There is none. No explanation for why the head scientist suddenly decided he needed to kill the one successful participant in his experiment. No resolution for the head doctor. No explanation of this base's command structure or what consequences there were for the soldiers who refused to follow orders- if any. Nobody explains what they planned to do with a lobotomized titan in space. No follow up on anything whatsoever.


Opens on an airplane. The titan is in an iron lung and the head doctor is there. Some guy I don't recognize tells the wife that her family is a miracle and that the titan changes everything and 'gives us hope.' Why? No idea. It fades out over a nightime cityscape.


The wife is in some kind of lab, analyzing soil samples. She goes outside and looks up into the nighttime sky. The camera zooms in on the sky and then pans to the side a little bit to reveal a huge yellow orb. It's rocky, so... probably not Saturn? It cuts back and forth between the wife staring into the night sky and the now-junkless titan standing on what is, presumably, Titan the moon. Also he has wing membranes now so there's that.

The music would indicate that this is a dramatic and happy ending. I am... completely baffled. I'm not sure where she was standing, if it was supposed to be out in space somewhere, or if it was back on Earth. I have no idea what he is eating all alone on this moon of his. As far as I can tell, the human race is still more or less doomed.

I have no many questions.
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Good acting... bad story
cjnicolas-974383 April 2018
Training people to live on an uninhabitable planet because the earth is becoming... UNINHABITABLE. Say that again slowly. Why does he have to go to Titan? Why can't they just train his body to survive the new harsh weather on earth? I don't have a problem with the acting and special effects, I just feel like the story was not well thought out.
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The worst kind of bad movie
BibChr11 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
What makes The Titan so bad is that it had an engaging premise, a promising first act, and decent actors. That lures you in enough to make you want to see where it goes.

Well, I'll tell you where it goes. Right into the toilet.

It plays out very much as if they only had budget for actors, scenery, some effects, and a decent screenwriter for the first act. Sadly, the budget must have failed then, and the janitors finished the script. (I shouldn't impugn decent, hardworking janitors that way; they probably would have done a better job.)

It just completely stops making ANY sense, AND forgets the first act. Wife keeps being shocked that the husband who signed up to be transformed is being transformed. Keeps telling the doctor who warned of a bumpy and risky transformation that he'd lied to her...because the transformation is (A) happening, and being (B) bumpy and (C) risky.

And it just keeps getting stupider from there on, all the way to the stupid, stupid end sequences.

You're left with nothing but unanswerable questions.


* What did the wife THINK was going to happen? * Why did Worthington's character suddenly totally change, bodily, after a single surgery? * What does sitting under water holding your breath have to do with breathing nitrogen? * How can he go back and forth from breathing nitrogen to breathing air -- shouldn't his breath have poisoned his wife and son? * What was the brilliant wife's long-term game-plan in giving him saline? * Why did she take along the main doctor's assistant? * Why did the woman candidate kill her husband? * Why is it OK that Worthington's character murdered innocent soldiers doing their job? * What is achieved by sending a single mutated human to Titan? * Wouldn't it have been simpler to mutate humans to be able to remain on Earth? * What animal's genes made tentacles shoot out their hands?

...and so on and so forth.

Just don't be left with this question: "Why did I watch this after so many warnings?"
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Poor , poor blue man
westelius26 April 2022
What is he going to do all by himself on a remote planet ? He can't even reproduce because there is no Female ? And what will he eat ??? I am worried about him/ it.

It started off very well, but the end......nooooo.
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I guess humanity is doomed? Why all the poor choices in the 3rd act?
carlos-a-hiciano6 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I actually enjoyed watching the movie up until the third act. The set up was intriguing. It was engaging and interesting up until the near end. The third act is when I lost my suspense of disbelief.

There's a moment at the end of the second act where Rick Janssen, The protagonist and successful experiment has a major medical emergency. He goes into surgery. We also see all of the other subjects including Tally Rutherford, go into surgery as well. It seems without this surgery, they would all die.

During this surgery montage we see that the majority of the participants have died except our protagonist Rick and Tally. Rick's wife, Abi now gets to see her husband. We can now see Rick and Tally completely altered humans. They have evolved past their human state.

This is a really interesting moment...then....for whatever reason...the lead scientist, Martin says "They can go home..."

What?....Your experiment is successful and you don't want to monitor or study your experiment anymore? know that beings with this DNA can be violent and yet you want to release it back to the public? You're not worried that your subjects could be harmed or potentially die in an unsupervised environment?

This is a stupid, stupid decision by the head scientist of this experiment.

This movie upsets me because it had SO much potential to be great. This movie started out with the premise of the survival of the human species. It seemed as if Professor Martin's goal was for human kind to survive outside of earth. He's the good guy...but the third act suddenly made Martin the antagonist...this was completely unwarranted.

The third act became less about humanity as a whole and focused on the individual experiences of what Rick and his wife Abi wanted.

It's turning point of "They can go home.." that really bothers me. Mainly because if this hadn't had happened, they probably wouldn't have been violent and killed people.

The Titans should have been quarantined and supervised until both Titan Rick and Titan Tally could be shipped off to Saturn's moon.

Sending Titan Rick and Titan Tally home just caused unneeded action scenes....If the producers really wanted an action scene, they could have had it while the titans were supervised at the base.

I was under the impression that Rick and Tally would be shipped off to Titan to further the species of human kind. It would have been best if it went that direction. This would create turmoil for Titan Rick to leave earth and leave his wife for the sake of all man kind. That would have made a better story in my opinion.

The second thing that made me throw my hands up in frustration was the part in the third act when the lead scientist asked Abi to give Rick this serum that would erase his memories... Why would they ask Abi to do this ? Rick is already quarantined in a cage..can't your army guys use a tranquilizer gun? Or can't you restrained Rick even more so he doesn't attack? I don't understand why this high end top secret experimental facility would rely on the subjects wife to give him a solution. I think these people have the resources to make that happen without his wife...

She then switches the drug and runs away. There's a chase scene and now the lead scientist and army have cornered Rick, Abi, their kid and for some reason Martin's partner Dr. Freya.

Martin then orders his lackeys to shoot them and they decide against it? Why? Because they don't want to kill a women and child. That's fair. But at the same time, Isn't all of humanity at stake here? Abi is now selfishly "saving" her husband for what? I thought Abi knew that Rick would evolve and be shipped off to titan. Why is there resistance from her?

We're told that in 10 years or so most of humanity will starve and most of earth will be uninhabitable...this would make it seem that this is their only shot to save their species. It would seem that Prof. Martin is then making a huge sacrifice for all of humanity...why make him the antagonist in the end here?

This story went off the rails in the third act. I could have instead liked to have seen a story about the individual sacrifice for humanity instead. Tally Shouldn't have died.

What should have happened after the surgery scene was Rick resisting because he's told he has to repopulate titan with tally. Rick being angry about this decision made on his behalf. Rick resisting and becoming violent (this way the producers can have their action scene). Scientists and soldiers sedate him and force him and Tally to go off to titan. Abi's turmoil and emotional sacrifice to let this happen. Then finally, you can have both happy endings where we see Rick and Tally on Titan adjusting to the environment, and also scientist back on earth implementing the titan projects to civilians etc.

I don't write these movies so they don't come out how I'd wish they would...

All in all, the ending just seems horrible. We see Dr. Abi ambiguously working on something. We're led to believe it's a continuation of the Titan project.... Then...we see Rick...alone on Titan....I guess he needs to be there to survive...but what is he going to do there all alone?

Anyway, I don't usually write reviews, but this third act messed with my suspense of disbelief so much that I had to write it out. I don't think I'd recommend this movie.

and for the filmmakers, If you can't do the 3rd act right, don't do any of it at all.
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Not as bad as some are saying...
smartypantsz3 April 2018
Not sure why this is getting a '1' from some reviewers... It can't be as god-awful as some films that truly deserve a very poor rating. Sure, it's no Godfather, but it has some merit. I'm thinking the worst '1' reviews may be from 15 year-olds expecting perhaps a lot of action (which this does not), or a lot of Sci-Fi CGI effects (some, but not a lot..).

At best, it's a reasonably entertaining view on what it would be like if we had to make plans to eventually leave the planet. There's some nice, slick futuristic settings as well. At worst, there's little 'action' or 'space action' and the like, as it all takes place on earth (mostly). This is high praise from me, as I love a good 'space' & 'space travel' Sci-Fi flick!

It definitely doesn't deserve a '1' (or a '3' or '4' for that matter) in my opinion. They make a decent effort at plot - though to be sure, there are a few spots where you have to suspend disbelief... The sets look authentic and look realistic & have a great look & good production value.

It's no 'Gataca' or 'Blade Runner' by any stretch, but it was reasonably entertaining & held my interest enough to watch it through.
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On my deathbed I'll look back at my life and would regret spending 1 hour and thirty minutes of my healthy youth days on this piece of junk.
ahmad_hgh31 March 2018
I was quite excited to watch this. Sci-Fi fantasy is my favorite genre. But this was absolutely horrible! Events happened for no reason; characters got happy or angry without explanation! A complete logical disaster. I have watched some movies form the bottom 100 list of IMDB and I really think they were better. If you have no value for your own life and happiness then watch this .. that's all I have to say.
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Fantastic allegorical story
Dragonsouls31 March 2018
Not sure why it is getting bad reviews but I thought this film was fantastic. The year is 2048. NASA finally figures out a way to prepare humans for space exploration so that they could survive on the Moon Titan, the place where humans will colonize in order to solve Earth's starvation and overpopulation crisis. Titan was chosen because of its nitrogen rich river valleys, because nitrogen can be converted into breathable oxygen.

I think the reason why the movie is considered boring is because there's a lot of sci-fi technobabble in it about genes and enzymes and lab experiments, with little plot. The writers focused on the sci-fi in place of drama but I found it interesting because beneath the surface this is a film about transhumanism and the attempt to guide the evolution of mankind so that humans may be able to walk on Titan, as in consciousness/intelligence expansion. The name Titan is another word for Gods and it was the only thing that gives mankind "HOPE," to overcome the turmoil on Earth and survive as a species and that is to evolve mankind into the stars.
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Was good. Could've been better
battleshipcreeper3 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I clicked on this movie not expecting a lot because it was a Netflix original. Not hating on netflix. They do a very good job. But it wasn't a theater movie. That's all I mean by that.

They could've explained things a lot better. Like the serum they gave them. They didn't explain that very well. Only that it would make them "super humans"

They could've made the movie a lot longer. 1. By explaining things better and 2. By having more action. The trailer made it seem like rick is this super human which he is. But that he was hunting the workers. Or atleast it gave me that feeling. Like I thought him hunting them and then hunting him would be a bigger role. They never explained why them changing would make them angrier and easily set off. And when that all happened with the one guys wife. When he killed her. They never tried to counter act the rage part. They didn't do anything about that and then when everyone was in surgery or whatever. All the sudden everyone died except two. They didn't say why that happened and I understand that all of this was uncharted waters for them. But they still never explained what happen. Especially with the girl in the shower. How she died

But I do have to add that the story that they were going for. I enjoyed a lot. Could've used a little more work and effort. But I do like the movie
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riksaint24 August 2018
Mankind is doomed. Too many people, too many wars, Earth resources depleted. What now? Well, why not move forward by investing 300 million modifying the DNA to adapt humans to a completely different environment, a treatment with 5% chance of survival that turns people into something unknown, and send the survivors to another planet, a moon to be precise, even worse than Earth?

Maybe not the smartest plot ever, but it could make "The Titan" an entertaining movie. It didn't. It's a waste of time. Unoriginal storytelling, hollow characters, pathetic ending. If you decide to ignore most of the comments here and watch it, be sure to faint before the last 15 minutes or so.
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Pointless and terrible
SeriousMayhem12 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Humanity is doomed, with half of its population apparently going to die within the next 15 years because of food shortage and war. So what's the solution? Turn everyone into fishpeople so they can swim in the methane oceans of Titan.

But how? Well, we have a crazy scientist alter our test subject's DNA basically overnight!

But that doesn't go as planned, right? No, of course not! Because only one test subject manages to survive and what's left of him can't be called human anymore by any reasonable standard; he is fishman!

But doesn't that defeat the entire purpose of saving humanity and our society? Of course it does!

And then the movie ends, with fishman as the lone inhabitant of Titan, looking over its surface. He made it, yay! And his wife back on Earth still loves him. Now what is he going to do? I don't know, swim? I hope there's food for him over there!

Haha, just wow. This movie is so preposterous on so many levels, I don't even know where to start or end. I could write a long list of other terrible things about this movie, but considering the fact that it already wasted 90 minutes of my time, I'll just stop here.

It's bad, it's really bad. It's not even so bad it's good. Just, no. I hardly ever give a movie a 1/10, but here you go, you deserve it.
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90 minutes of descending torture
ciromaccord31 March 2018
Yes, my reaction to this movie was so extreme that I had to sign up on IMDB to express my distaste. I haven't seen a bad sci-fi movie like that in ages, and as an enthusiast of the genre I cannot find the words to describe the feeling of waste of time and money, the feeling of an insult The Titan made me feel. The premise - a dystopian future reality flirting with human DNA manipulation to push us to the stars - seems interesting, although a little cliché, and at the beginning I had faith it was going to develop and become an interesting experience. My mistake! The plot is absolutely outrageous, predictable, full of gaps, a real offense to any intelligent brain, without a single plausible reasoning or argument to sustain it. The most cliché structures were there: the fearless ultra-viril hero that had everything to be super violent but sticks to the most sterile and flat concept of love, the conformed and abdicating wife that moves mountains to serve as her husband doormat, the kid that serves only to convince the walls that "if somebody is a parent, then that somebody is a good person", the CGI/aesthetics trying desperately to fill the eyes with the content that was not provided to the mind or the emotions, and so on. The psychologic dimension of the characters made me cry - of boredom, disappointment or angry! I still cannot understand how a movie that deals with the concept of deep transformation can end up at an incredible shallow and miserable perspective of a tremendous human change - it's literally all about the skin. I felt zero empathy for the dramatic arc (if we can call it "arc" or "dramatic" at all). At the last three quarters I was praying for the movie to end as soon as possible. Don't waste your time, simples as that.
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yoyoXcamy30 March 2018
SPOILER: 90% preparation 10% action Still can't understand what a single "Titan" could do alone on the planet. Hope there is no sequel to see more going trough the process. As long as everyone gets different results, how could this plan be a viable salvation option...
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Better than some of the reviewers say
stephend-8321131 March 2018
I have to say, I am a movie junkie and this is better than what most of the reviews indictate. Yes it could have been better, but it's certainly not a waste of 90 minutes. I enjoyed its thought provoking content and subject. Another 30 minutes and it could have filled all the gaps.

If you are looking for a sci-fi space opera like ime star wars, this is not it; nor is it a space triller/horror like the alien series. It a good drama with some science fiction attributes.
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I wanted to dig my eyes out with a rusty fork
zshrj0231 March 2018
These are 97 minutes I'll never get back. Movie is pointless, badly mis-paced, and leads nowhere. It feels so slow and off-pace that I had an impression director realized he's 20 minutes short so he extended every scene by a painfully long time, just to spend some minutes and reach the planned run time. Characters are under developed and then discarded liked old shoes. In the end, no points were made of messages delivered. I just as well could have been sitting in a pitch black soundproof room for 97 minutes and would have walked out with just as much fun had (possibly more). What a pitiful waste of time and money!
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Interesting topic, nice score, great setting, worth watching
archangelr3 April 2018
Reading all the bad reviews before watching a movie has always the same effect on me. As they obviously lower the expectations, I find myself often astonished and taken away by the things I see, compared to what I have read.

It is not the perfect movie but what is? One can always argue about the profoundness of characters and the performances of the cast.

For me, the introduction to the topic is interesting, the location is the Canary Island of Gran Canaria is the perfect setting, and the cast makes the best out of a good idea, which is not told as it should have been. The story is not new but the angle of the topic is somewhat mysterious and gave me 90 min of satisfaction. Worth watching.
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From hero to zero.
MrMelcusake30 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is how I would describe this total nonsense.

At the beginning the movie starts with an interesting idea, about the possibility of mutating human DNA with the help of science to assimilate the atmospheric conditions found on Titan to accommodate human beings on another world, but as the plot develops it becomes obvious that this movie it's going to end in a free fall.

After seeing half of the movie you start to wonder when is it actually starting, but then you will be surprised by a generous mix of animal superpowers that are injected into our main character, which is having an internal struggle of leaving his family on Earth.

Then, the chosen ones start to drop like flies, one after the other, each suffering from various mutations that are affecting the body, the latter having troubles of assimilating the vaccines.

The leading program scientist has a hidden agenda, without telling the subjects that they were injected with some enzymes that is awakening something inside them, but that hidden agenda is discovered by the detective wife (which is conveniently a super doctor that can see what is going on with her husband). Then humans transform to Titan creatures, some of them killing their loved ones (even though they were fully conscious about their surroundings).

Wife saves the day, having a firing platoon that is disobeying the program director direct orders and she somehow manages to keep the main character alive.

The hole scenarios goes up in the air, when the dolphin like character develops wings at the ending scene (when he finally reaches Titan) and ends the scene with a Superman like flight over the dark scenery of Titan.

This movie felt like eating a sandwich with peanut butter and jelly, beans, cabbage and bonbons, with a dash of sower cream and salad, topped up with olives and onion.

Spare yourself a precious hour and a half, and watch anything else.
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This is the real Sci-Fi, grab a book
bachi_28058 April 2018
Not Star Wars. Not Star Trek. That is, not a western disguised as a Sci-Fi film.

If you've ever read any Isaac Asimov or Ray Bradbury or Philip K. Dick then you know that Sci-Fi is more philosophically oriented than westerns. If you only enjoy westerns, then only go watch westerns. This is a Sci-Fi movie.

Acting was great. Special Effects were great too.

I have nothing against westerns (I actually enjoy them), but this is just not it.
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aimeevdheijde3 April 2018
Do not expert an action movie, but maybe a little bit of a psych triller. All the reviews here are horrible, but the movie isn't! Its a nice movie to watch in between movies, this not scary but is also not plane boring like stupied romcoms. Nice movies just for fun.
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Good start, goes downhill from there...
obeycrossliving30 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Can you say plot holes.... This movie started out good, but went downhill real quick. The main actor gives a good performance, but in the last act they basically cut him out and left all the weaker cast members to fill in the void.

Not to mention, the science in this movie is complete BS. I feel like the writers doesn't understand how evolution works. Weekly injections doesn't somehow turn you into a mix of every animal imaginable. Plus, if technology has come so far, to the point where you can manipulate human DNA and genetically engineer a new species, sustainability problem would be the least of your worries.

And the concepts and reasoning behind the plot makes even less sense. Of all the planets and moons, why choose Titan? It's further away then any other planet and the conditions and atmosphere there is no better then any other. The reasoning behind everything feels very weak, which make this suppose society seem very unrealistic.
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SnoopyStyle15 July 2018
In the near future, the world is overcrowded and its resources are dwindling. A project headed by Professor Martin Collingwood (Tom Wilkinson) proposes to populate the Saturn moon Titan with genetically altered humans. Lieutenant Rick Janssen (Sam Worthington) has brought his wife Abigail (Taylor Schilling) and son Lucas. As the volunteers get altered, some are dying while others are showing volatile signs.

Nothing happens for too long in this movie. Nothing ever happens behind Worthington's dead eyes. This could be a body horror but it does not do that. It really doesn't do much. I'm not a Worthington fan but I thought maybe Manhunt: Unabomber had given him new acting life. Sadly, this movie asks nothing of him and he gives them nothing. After his transformation, his alien face turns blank which is just as well. The emotional climax has no emotional content for him. This is a blank.
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Makes absolutely no sense
perp-268298 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Should have stopped watching when some of the first scenes shows VIP's driving Land Rover Discovery 4 - - - in 2048!

Then, trying to force evolve a human that can live on Titan, because the Earth, which by the way looks absolutely fantastic in the movie, is dying.

Why not adapt to earth?

OK; I watched until the end, since I'm the curious person - BUT the stupid characters called the DNA manipulated person the future of mankind at the end.

The creature didn't look like a human, and standing ALONE on Titan, how could that be the future of mankind??

Oh, and BTW then it flew with small wings under the arms in the end scene.!! LOL

But I really liked the end, you know the end - when it stopped.
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