Heavens to Betsy (2017) Poster

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She wants it all and she wants it now
bkoganbing29 September 2018
This Christian movie has leading lady Karen Lesiewicz as an aspiring children's book author who has been disappointed in life. She's prayed for a lot in life and the Deity has not answered her prayers.

Well one fine day she wakes up in strange surroundings and finds that all those things she took in prayer to the Lord have come true. She's a success as a children's book author, she's rich, she married the boy she was crushing out on in middle school. What more could a girl want?

There's more than a theological reason for the old adage of be careful what you wish for, you might get it. There's an all seeing and all knowing Deity who knows what's best for us in his divine scheme of things. That would be the Christian interpretation of what we see.

One wish that comes true is that a sister who died young is now living. That's more than Lesniewicz could possibly hope for. But Ariana Lexus as her sister Sally is not all she seems either. And Brian Walsh as her school girl crush and now husband is not all that great a catch.

I don't want to get all metaphysical, but this film while sincere provides easy answers that just aren't that easy.
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fantastic newcomer lead actress
vonna-0562431 December 2017
I was pleasantly surprised by the lead's performance. She was really fantastic, and I hope that she will continue to appear in faith based films. The story had a very cute and poignant ending, but overall, it was slow and at times, it was hard for this viewer to stay focused. I watched this on pureflix so I did not see the alternative endings.
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Not your typical Christian movie
ftgplus417 August 2023
Let me start out by saying I'm not a big fan of Christian movies -- not because I have anything against their usual messages, but I usually find them to be rather simplistic with limited filmmaking quality. But then, I'm not a big fan of movies in general these days anyway.

"Heavens to Betsy" isn't great cinema, but it does have a rather quirky sense of humor that's atypical of "Christian movies." Plot-wise it's sort of a cross between alternate-reality stories like "It's a Wonderful Life" (i.e., what if things had gone *this* way instead?) and "Bruce Almighty" (i.e., God wouldn't really do this to someone, but you might not blame him if he did).

This has a plot that keeps you watching to see what happens next, as twists are revealed to both the viewer and the main character. As Betsy reacts to her "alternate reality," though, one might wonder why it never occurs to the other characters to suspect she has amnesia, and never occurs to her to fall back on this as her own explanation.

My only other comment is that I ended up wishing the ending hadn't been as rushed as it is. (This is not the alternate ending, which I haven't seen.) I was left wanting to see, and not just hear about, how things were resolved.
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What's not to like?????
chi-guy885917 February 2019
You may notice a couple negative reviews on this site. Notice the jargon and technical viewpoints they use. These are not your typical audience/reviewers. I would suufice it to say that they are... A. Would be talent/directors who can't actually produce anything on their own and thus derive thrills and satisfaction from (poorly) ATTEMPTING to tear rain on others parades. I pray for you frustrated no-talents. :) B. Chances are these negative reviewers were people who were rejected at the films auditions. So because they couldn't cut the mustard 'professionally' they have decided to act-out like their temper tantrums in a 'UN-professional' manner...which i suspect is why they didn't get the gig to begin with, unprofessional brats! Peace <><
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Very weak effort
yhdloohd4 March 2018
I sat down hoping to enjoy this film, and I simply did not. I always hope to see indie films that rise above the rest, and this one didn't. The story is basically a mix stolen from several other films. It seems to take the most from Bruce Almighty, a Jim Carey vehicle from the early 2000's.

The acting is pretty subpar from most of the cast, there are a few good moments here and there. The writing is really very bad. It's not funny, it stalls out and dies on delivery. I think a lot of the problems with this film fall onto the director, there was a lot that could have been done to make this work, and it just felt lazily shoved together.

I was able to see the film on pureflix, and they usually have some pretty good stuff, but this one I don't think the runners of pureflix even saw before they put it online. My kids grew bored with this after just the first few minutes, they ran off to play, and I stayed thinking it would pick up, it didn't.

I don't want to be mean, because I could see that some of the cast/crew was really trying, but it was also bad. Seeing the other reviews on here, they must know the director or producer, because they aren't being truthful.
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All the tripfalls of bad Indie
jimhollsa6 March 2018
Made with what looked like 40 dollars, this film comes lurching onto your screen with the ambition of a film that doesn't even try to justify any of what's happening within the film. This is why it's bad that filmmaking has become so accessible, you end of with terrible films that take money and effort away from films that are actually trying to do something and not just feeding someones ego. Looks like it was shot on a cell phone, exposure was off, either overlit, or flatly lit, or everyones skin tones were yellow, gross. Acting is way over the top, comical in how bad some of it was, cartoonish. Not something I would tell anyone to watch, total waste of time, I turned it off because it way overstayed it's welcome.
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An entertaining look at the nature of prayer
ronsmith-628-82333417 November 2017
Let's address the 800-pound gorilla in the room: "Heavens To Betsy"-- written, directed and produced by Robert Alaniz-- is a faith-based film. That term scares off a lot of would-be viewers. They're afraid that such a movie will be a badly written set of platitudes with poor acting and less-than-professional cinematography. It's the same "bad rap" that Contemporary Christian music gets. Of course, anyone who takes the time to listen to that genre of music or watch Christian films knows nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, it should be argued that some of film's greatest triumphs— movies like "Here Comes Mr. Jordan" (and its re-make, "Heaven Can Wait"), "It's A Wonderful Life," "Oh God" and "The Bishop's Wife"— were faith-based films.

"Heavens To Betsy" is Alaniz's eighth full-length feature. Six would not be considered faith-based. He has created science fiction, fantasy, mystery and coming-of-age movies. All have given a glimpse into the human condition with a strong sense of morality. So it's not surprising that he would, in his latest film, address the nature of prayer.

Christians were told by Jesus Himself how to pray in what we call "The Lord's Prayer". Praise God, forgive and even pray for your fallen brothers and sisters and ask for what you need— not want— both physically and spiritually. What is often overlooked in prayer is "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven." Every prayer, even for the lives and well-being of others, should end with "if it be Your will." Obviously, God knows more than we do and has a plan for us all. Nevertheless, "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much," as St. James told us.

Betsy Simon is a righteous man. Well, woman. She lives a Godly life, regularly worships and prays not just for herself, but for others. She has never complained when she hasn't received the desired answer, whether it be a bicycle she wanted at age six or the life of her dying sister as an adult.

But something snaps inside this righteous woman when her lifelong ambition— to be a children's book author— is denied her despite all her prayers. She feels betrayed by God, becomes bitter and lashes out at Him for never answering one of her prayers. So our loving God gives her a glimpse of what her life, and she herself, would be like if He had given her everything she prayed for. Yes, everything— including a successful career, that bicycle she wanted as a child, a loveless marriage to a boy she had a crush on in Junior High and even the life of her sister.

The film is a comedy so there are some very funny scenes surrounding her adjustment to a life she knows nothing about filled with furs, mansions and a personal assistant. But she finds that this Betsy has become vain and turned her back on her lifelong values. She forgets that (again from St. James), "Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above." This Betsy believes she is the sole architect of her success and her arrogance has corrupted not only herself but her relationship with almost everyone she should hold dear.

Newcomer Karen Lesiewicz is outstanding as Betsy. An accomplished comedienne, she shines even more in her prayers to God, be they whimsical, angry or finally an impassioned cry to be forgiven for treating her Lord and Savior as if he were a spiritual vending machine. As with all of us, God has heard and answered her prayers but often, like the loving Father He is, the answer was "no". Yet He answers her prayer one more time and allows her to set her life right.

Steve Parks, a veteran of Alaniz's films, hits just the right notes as Betsy's personal assistant in her new life. He alone seems unaffected by her successful persona, supports her and subtly steers her towards her redemption.

Of course that redemption could not be possible without Betsy's confidant Pastor John (played wonderfully by Jim O'Heir of TV's "Parks And Recreation"), who comes to believe her story despite much evidence to the contrary and counsels her to accept this rare opportunity to actualize her relationship with the Almighty.

The cast is all top notch but shining lights include Arianna Lexus as Betsy's sister, who is not as Betsy remembers her, MJ Starshak as Betsy's advance woman in a frightening venture and Ruth Kaufman as the book agent who may or may not have deceived her.

The DVD has two endings—one from the theatrical release and one shown on the PureFlix streaming channel. While somewhat different, they both tread the same satisfying moral ground. And one leaves open the possibility of a (to be hoped for) sequel.

Yes, "Heavens To Betsy" is a good faith-based film. But, more important, it's a good film on its own merits, entertaining yet enlightening us to what is most important in our lives, both here and beyond
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Pro-God, far fetched... Waste of time.
socialmrh3 June 2019
This movie would be fine for those of you who live in a fairy tale World.

But I found it to be biased. Very Pro God, and just too far-fetched for me. But alas, I'm a realist.

I wanted to tune out, but I kept thinking it was going to get better, so I stayed with it. I just wasted a few hours of my life!

And the restaurant scene where she was trying to talk to her sister? Ridiculously LOUD background noise - repeated soundtrack of silverware and plate clacking & clinking noises. Any director in their right mind knows that should fade out for the conversations unless it is part of the subject of the conversation. But even though it was irrelevant it downed on through the whole damn scene! I know that's kind of a silly thing to focus on, but I really did bother me.
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A learning experience about what you pray about
cajq2 September 2018
This movie shows what happens when we put our own desires first without understanding God has a good plan for us. I went away from watching it rehearsing in my mind and heart the last scene where Betsy is praying to God. She is using words in this scene that are quite thought provoking and life changing. I loved the message it taught. Many funny moments too.
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NotForMyGlory11 March 2018
Heavens to Betsy hands down stands out as a faith-based film. Not only is it a refreshingly funny film that confronts the challenges faced by Christians, but it also realistically deals with the unfortunate hardships that can come with life, even to believers, all while being set in a fun & intriguing fantasy scenario. As the leading lady, Karen Lesiewicz shines with outstanding comedic timing, and catches the essence of her character arc with perfect precision. Don't miss Heavens to Betsy! You will laugh, and be transported to a magical world that touches the heart, and has elements that almost anyone can deeply relate to. Can't wait for Heavens to Betsy 2!
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A pleasant surprise indeed.
epicauction24 April 2020
In our nightly game of "Amazon Prime Movie roulette" we landed on "Heavens to Betsy". Really loved the main character. She was interesting, corky and was very comfortable in the roll. The story revolves around the choices a Christian makes in their life and what we pray for. You've heard the expression, "be careful what you wish for". Would it be good for every one of our prayers to be answered how we want them to be? There is a sequel as well that is slow to start as it gets newcomers up to speed, but takes off in its own right and ticks all the boxes the first movie did. The lower budget sometimes shows through, but all in all a very heartwarming movie that doesn't skirt around real life questions.
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Feel Good Movie
lauraannejurkovic4 March 2018
This is the perfect Feel Good Movie for a weekend afternoon. The acting was great, Betsy's character had thoughts and situations that we're relatable, and everyone knows a Veronica (good for a much needed laugh). This movie is perfect for modern day. It's hard to remember to be a good Christian or that you are a Christian at all when the world around you has completely changed and goodness and religion is gone. So the movie made you think, and gave you some nice laughs too!
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Heavens to Betsy was angel sent
jcguida-0096117 October 2019
Briefly, this movie was engaging, humorous, sensitive, and motivational. As a Christian who has used spiritual principles to guide my life the movie was a great reminder to me to stay in practice and I was moved to tears by the storyline. Well worth watching this movie!
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I'm glad that I stayed until the end
rosalindteam20 April 2023
This movie started off pretty slow. And some of the acting appears more amateur than professional. And some parts are so cheesy that the writer should have been fired. I was seriously thinking of giving up on it - but I'm really glad that I didn't.

It got better, little by little. Until eventually by the end it was a pretty decent movie. (Hence my 8 out of 10 rating.) The acting improved sufficiently as the movie progressed. But most pleasing of all was the storyline. It started off disjointed but the ending was really good in bringing everything together.

This movie won't win an Oscar but it's worth watching, in my opinion.
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Great help on prayer
drake-mariani6 January 2020
Humorous, touching. Will keep you interested. Main character realistic.
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Charming and Enriching
Sara_Kelly21 October 2019
I have seen the Faith-Based Heavens to Betsy movies on Purflix, it is a charming, modern, tale that enriched the spirit and entertain the mind!
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Amazing film
Dodibird24 May 2022
I happened across this film looking for something to watch and have now just finished both Heavens to Betsy 1 and 2. A movie that touched on every emotion and in the end encouraged me with Hope. I really loved the first film and was surprised and excited to find there was a second. I really enjoyed watching this.
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